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File metadata and controls

51 lines (32 loc) · 3.63 KB

Documentation last updated for Spine-Unity for Spine 3.6.x.

If this documentation contains mistakes or doesn't cover some questions, please feel free to open an issue or post in the official Spine-Unity forums.

Recommended Spine Export Settings for Spine-Unity

Export Settings for Spine-Unity

Spine-Unity is capable of loading both Json and Binary files.

  • Json is best during development. While we always recommend freezing your Spine editor version to the specific runtime version your game is using in development, we recommend exporting with json during development as it is more resilient to minor updates in runtime versions.
    Json also makes it easier to debug, test and handle errors.

  • Nonessential data allows you to more fully rehydrate a Spine project from a json export in cases of data loss.

  • Pretty Print adds whitespace (spaces, tabs and line endings) to the json to make the text more humanly readable and cleaner to track by version control (such as git). This makes it easy to debug problems in the export and make manual changes for testing, and keep track of changes.

  • Binary is best for performance and release-testing and when you are closer to release. This is the point in your development where it is usually not a good idea to update any more of its plugins and extensions (such as Spine-Unity). Binary export allows faster loading times on the runtime side, and smaller skeleton data sizes.

Texture Packer Settings for Spine-Unity

Regions If you are using Spine Professional and using meshes, we recommend leaving Strip Whitespace OFF. Whitespace stripping causes problems with mesh UV coordinates.
The best practice is to pre-trim your images before starting to set up your skeleton in Spine.

Pages Power of two and Square used to be requirements when you have PVRTC compressed images and intend to target iOS. It's not clear if this is still the case, but by default, Spine-Unity will set your image settings to uncompressed (this means uncompressed at runtime) on import so it comes out clean.

Output For beginners, and quick testing, leave Premultiply Alpha on. This is compatible with the bundled default Spine/Skeleton shader. This also allows it to be compatible with per-slot additive blending.

If you want to use Sprites/Default or Sprites/Diffuse, leave Premultiply Alpha unchecked and Bleed checked.

If you are using specialized shaders, you should know if it uses Straight alpha or Premultiplied alpha blending and check or uncheck this box accordingly. If you turn Premultiply Alpha off, you probably want to check Bleed.

If you plan to implement custom shaders, using Straight Alpha (Premultiply Alpha off) will likely make them easier to implement.

For more information on export settings and Shader compatibility, see the Shaders documentation.

For more info, check this thread:

Options Unity does not recognize custom file types even if they are plain text, so we recommend setting the extension to .atlas.txt. For the most part, The Spine-Unity importer will detect .atlas files and automatically rename them to .atlas.txt for you. But to save it a step and prevent any mixups when updating assets, set the Atlas extension specifically to .atlas.txt.