This contains intermediate-level documentation. If you're just starting out, try the Getting Started document.
Documentation last updated for Spine-Unity for Spine 3.6.x If this documentation contains mistakes or doesn't cover some questions, please feel free to open an issue or post in the official Spine-Unity forums.
Spine has a Skins feature, which allows you to create image variations of a certain skeleton or character. For example, Spine comes with an example skeleton with two skins. It allows you to use it as a female goblin or a male goblin.
However, sometimes, you need to customize the skeleton part by part, rather than the whole thing at once. This is what you would need for an equip system, or a character customization system.
While Skins in the editor don't allow you to preview this yet (Spine 3.6), this is doable with Skins in Spine-Unity.
The things you put in slots, such as images and meshes, are called Attachments.
A Skin is just a container for Attachments; and you can retrieve specific attachments by name & slot index (string
and int
For example, this is a representation of a "Red character" skin.
Skin name: Red character
4 | "left hand" | red left glove |
12 | "right hand" | red right glove |
11 | "mouth" | mouth with fangs mesh |
1 | "cape" | red cape mesh |
... | ... | ... |
... | ... | ... |
At runtime and during animations, Spine.Skeleton uses the active and base skins as the source for what Attachments to use.
The values in the skin are used whenever an animation has attachment keys, or when you call Skeleton.SetToSetupPose()
, Slot.SetToSetupPose()
or Skeleton.GetAttachment(...)
Normally, in Spine, you can define Skins as a fixed set of attachments to be used at runtime. In Spine, you create a skin, add skin placeholders in slots, and then add attachments to skin placeholders. This Skin can then be used at runtime, is part of SkeletonData, and is shared across all instances of skeletons using that SkeletonData.
Skin name: goblin
21 | "left shoulder" | goblin/left-shoulder |
20 | "left arm" | goblin/left-arm |
19 | "left hand" | goblin/left-hand |
... | ... | ... |
... | ... | ... |
above: Data at runtime |
Skins normally work as mentioned above, but skins can also be created and manipulated at runtime. We can call these "runtime skins". By creating skins at runtime, you can set what attachments are in its collection programmatically.
void UseRuntimeSkin () {
Skin newSkin = new Skin("my new skin");
newSkin.AddAttachment("armor", goldArmorAttachment); // Gold Armor
newSkin.AddAttachment("hair", diamond hair); // Diamond Hair
Skeleton skeleton = GetComponent<SkeletonAnimation>().Skeleton;
With the above example, as long as you have "armor" and "hair" active, your skeleton will start using the Gold Armor and the Diamond Hair.
But where do you get Attachments to add to your custom skin?
That's up to you, and depending on what works best for your game's setup.
Runtime skins work best when your skeleton is animated with a template/dummy skin in Spine. This helps avoid problems with "empty" slots and sharing skins between different skeletons. In Spine, make a Skin called "template" and create Skin Placeholders for all the attachments that you want to be able to customize. Use those Skin Placeholders whenever you animate attachments and attachment swaps.
See the sample project named "MixAndMatch-ESS-Prepacked.spine". You can download the zip here.
You'll notice that the slots with customizable attachments have the customization/attachment options added to the slot too.
These attachments will be stored with the Skeleton and the images will be packed with the atlas.
Adding variations in Spine and having the variations live inside the atlas is best for when you have a limited number of customizations. It will save you the potential repacking step or issues with using multiple texture atlases.
You can put source attachments plainly in slots. This can be handy if you have a very limited number of customizations, and don't want the hassle of managing Skins and Skin Placeholders in Spine.
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using Spine;
using Spine.Unity;
using Spine.Unity.Modules.AttachmentTools; // A set of helpful extension methods for mix and match
public class MixAndMatchExample : MonoBehaviour {
[SpineSlot] public string mouthSlotName = "mouth";
[SpineAttachment(slotField:"mouthSlotName")] public string chosenMouthName = "lipstick mouth";
[SpineSlot] public string gunSlotName = "gun";
[SpineAttachment(slotField:"gunSlotName")] public string chosenGunName = "laser pistol";
void Combine () {
SkeletonAnimation skeletonAnimation = GetComponent<SkeletonAnimation>();
Skeleton skeleton = skeletonAnimation.skeleton;
int mouthSlot = skeleton.FindSlotIndex(mouthSlotName);
int gunSlot = skeleton.FindSlotIndex(gunSlotName);
// Get the original attachments
var chosenMouth = skeleton.GetAttachment(mouthSlot, chosenMouthName);
var chosenGun = skeleton.GetAttachment(gunSlot, chosenGunName);
// Create a new skin, and add those attachments to it.
Skin newSkin = new Skin("my new skin");
newSkin.AddAttachment(mouthSlot, "mouth", chosenMouth);
newSkin.AddAttachment(gunSlot, "gun", chosenGun);
// Set and apply the Skin to the skeleton.
You can put them in Skins and Skin Placeholders. This can be helpful if you have a finite number of equips, and want to combine attachments in reasonable sets.
For example, you want to create skins for the boots: "leather boots", "iron boots", "power boots" so they can store both the left and right boots together.
If you group your equips or customization items into skins, you can create new skins by combining existing ones.
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using Spine;
using Spine.Unity;
using Spine.Unity.Modules.AttachmentTools; // A set of helpful extension methods for mix and match.
public class MixAndMatchExample : MonoBehaviour {
[SpineSkin] public string inspectedArmorName = "gold armor";
[SpineSkin] public string inspectedGlovesName = "red gloves";
void Combine () {
SkeletonAnimation skeletonAnimation = GetComponent<SkeletonAnimation>();
Skeleton skeleton = skeletonAnimation.skeleton;
SkeletonData skeletonData = skeleton.Data;
// Get the source skins.
var goldArmorSkin = skeletonData.FindSkin(inspectedArmorName);
var redGlovesSkin = skeletonData.FindSkin(inspectedGlovesName);
// Create a new skin, and append those skins to it.
Skin myEquipsSkin = new Skin("my new skin");
// Set and apply the Skin to the skeleton.
Option 2: Use template attachments in Spine, and generate Attachments from UnityEngine.Sprites in Unity.
See the sample project named "MixAndMatch-ESS.spine". You can download the zip here. You'll notice that the skeleton only has the template skin. All the customization options will use Sprites in Unity editor, and will need to be based on the attachments in the template skin.
This can be handy if you have an arbitrarily large number of equips and customization, or ones that can come from anywhere- DLC, game updates, etc...
The first step is to create a skeleton in Spine and use a set of images that are supposed to be templates for your eventual equips.
Those template images will need to be the right height and width because they will form the bases of your actual equips.
If they can't all fit into one size, you may want to use more than one template. (eg. instead of just one "sword" template, you can have templates for "short sword", "wide sword", "dagger", "long sword", etc...)
For best results, you should animate with those template images in Spine. Create a skin called "template" and add your template swords and armor and whatever images into Skin Placeholders. (see: Spine User Guide - Skins). -
The next step is to create those actual equip/customization images with the same height and width as your template images.
You will import these individual (unpacked) images into your Unity project as Sprites.
You can pack these Sprites using Unity's packer, but they need to use Full Rect packing mode. If you plan to use these Sprites with Premultiply Alpha (PMA) shaders or with runtime repacking (see the next section), then you will need to use "Read/Write Enabled".
You need to know the type of shader you are using. If you are using a Premultiply Alpha shader, such as the default "Spine/Skeleton", you need to use "PMAClone" methods. More on this later. -
Then you write your C# code that can combine use your template skin. This will vary as your equip or character customization system depends on how your game works.
Sample Code:
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using Spine;
using Spine.Unity;
using Spine.Unity.Modules.AttachmentTools; // A set of helpful extension methods for mix and match.
public class MixAndMatchExample : MonoBehaviour {
[SpineSkin] public string templateSkinName = "template";
public Material sourceMaterial;
public Sprite gunSprite;
[SpineSlot] public string gunSlot;
[SpineAttachment(slotField:"gunSlot", skinField:"templateSkinName")] public string gunKey = "gun";
void Combine () {
SkeletonAnimation skeletonAnimation = GetComponent<SkeletonAnimation>();
Skeleton skeleton = skeletonAnimation.skeleton;
SkeletonData skeletonData = skeleton.Data;
// Get the template skin.
Skin templateSkin = skeletonData.FindSkin(templateSkinName);
// Prepare the custom skin.
Skin currentEquipsSkin = new Skin("my custom skin");
// Get the gun
int gunSlotIndex = skeleton.FindSlotIndex(gunSlot);
Attachment templateGun = templateSkin.GetAttachment(gunSlotIndex, gunKey);
// Clone the template gun Attachment, and map the sprite onto it.
// This sample uses the sprite and material set in the inspector.
Attachment newGun = templateGun.GetRemappedClone(gunSprite, sourceMaterial); // This has some optional parameters. See below.
//Attachment newGun = templateGun.GetRemappedClone(gunSprite, sourceMaterial, premultiplyAlpha: true, cloneMeshAsLinked: true, useOriginalRegionSize: false); // (Full signature.)
// Add the gun to your new custom skin.
if (newGun != null) currentEquipsSkin.SetAttachment(gunSlotIndex, gunKey, newGun);
// Set and apply the Skin to the skeleton.
See the Mix and Match example scene and the MixAndMatch.cs sample script that comes with the Spine-Unity unitypackage for implementation sample.
A Skin is a collection of Attachments, and the slots and names mapped to them. The Repacking utility creates a clone of the skin and all the attachments inside it that map to a new single repacked texture.
A Material is required for the utility method to generate a new Material used to render the new attachments.
The method will also output references to the new material and new texture it generated.
Skin runtimeSkin = new Skin("runtime skin");
// add some attachments to runtime skin here..
Skin repackedSkin = runtimeSkin.GetRepackedSkin("Repacked skin", materialTemplate, out runtimeMaterial, out runtimeAtlas);
Repacking works as follows:
- Collect all of the Attachments in a skin, getting their texture sources and coordinates.
- Use Unity's runtime texture packer to repack those into a new single texture. We can call this the "repacked texture"
- Make clones of all the original attachments and mapping them onto the new texture.
- Return a new Skin populated by those clones that use the repacked texture.
If you plan to use these Sprites with Premultiply Alpha (PMA) shaders or with runtime repacking (see the next section), then you will need to use "Read/Write Enabled".
See the Mix and Match example scene and the MixAndMatch.cs sample script that comes with the Spine-Unity unitypackage for implementation sample.
Caching behavior The repacking process generates intermediary textures that are pulled from original textures, which are cached to prevent runaway texture allocations with multiple subsequent repack operations. At the point in your code's execution when you expect your execution to no longer be followed by multiple repack operations, you can clear the cache by calling AtlasTools.
// multiple repacks.