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-How to run the project

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./Converter type [asynchronous|synchronous] repair[e|i|g|combinations] examples/Model.net [examples/Obs1.obs examples/Obsn.obs] -This will generate the repair models in the examples folder.

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-Arguments of the program

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If the model is asynchronous or synchronous. For steady state, please consider the synchronous where the time-series have only two columns with the same values.

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-Available repair operations:

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  • Repair e - removes regulator
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  • Repair i - negates a regulator
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  • Repair g - changes AND function to OR function -Note: All the combinations of repairs are allowed, and they need to be written in alphabetical order.
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The model has to be encoded in Boolsim (format).

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-Experimental values

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The program can deal with 0 or more observations. The observations correspond to a time-series and the time-series is organized in a matrix. As this argument is optional when not present the program will infer the data to minimize the number of repair operations needed.

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An ASP solver (contained in the source folder) and available at:

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Uses the Quince McCluskey algorithm available at:

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Quine-McCluskey (to compile requires the Boost C++ Libraries) boost.org

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-Data Sets

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-Steady State

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In the folder examples/steady two data sets originally obtained from are available. -As the model did not have functions associated with them, all nodes are explained by the same function, where a biological component is present if it has at least one activator and has no inhibitors.

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The data sets in the folder examples/time were randomly generated using the program available on the folder scripts. The model was generated using the script available at BoolNetR2GINsim.

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Alexandre Lemos, Pedro T. Monteiro and Inês Lynce.

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If you have any comments or questions, please contact us.

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-Previous Work

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Repairing Steady State Boolean Regulatory Network

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