copyright | lastupdated | ||
2017-05-10 |
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#Troubleshooting and useful links {: #troubleshooting}
If you have a question about {{}}, have a look at the
dedicated Stack Overflow channel {: new_window} to see if it's already been answered.
If not, post your question and it'll be answered either by a
member of the {{}} development team or the wider
{: #troubleshooting_links notoc}
- {{}} free trial
{: new_window}
- {{}} Java Kafka sample
{: new_window}
- Creating web applications with {{}} {{}} and deploying your
app with Cloud Foundry
{: new_window}
- Apache Kafka documentation
{: new_window}
- Apache Kafka client
{: new_window}
- A Comprehensive, Open Source REST Proxy for Kafka.
{: new_window} This blog provides a good introduction to the strengths and weaknesses of the Kafka REST API.
- {{}} pricing sheet
{: new_window}
- {{}} prerequisites
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