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File metadata and controls

74 lines (61 loc) · 5.41 KB


Automated end-to-end test framework for the Atlas search algorithm - see the main GitHub repository for more information.


  • The target Atlas instance under test must be at least version 2.1.0, as this is the first version to support the debug endpoints referenced in Atlas.Debug.Client.
  • The test haplotype frequency set, autotest-HF-set.json, must be loaded into the target Atlas instance prior to running search or repeat search tests.
    • For successful upload (and later, use during match prediction), the Atlas HLA metadata dictionary must hold the nomenclature version of the HF set.
    • See Atlas documentation for more information.


Running Tests

  • Default settings within appsettings.json can be overridden using .NET CLI User Secrets.
    • Either navigate to the root of the Atlas.Auto.Tests project and run the following command via the terminal:
      dotnet user-secrets set "NameOfSecret" "ValueOfSecret"
    • Or, in the Visual Studio IDE, right-click the project name, and select the context menu option: "Manage User Secrets".
    • All settings that must be overridden have the placeholder value of "override-this".
  • Tests can be run in parallel to reduce overall execution time.

Local Development

  • Set the Atlas artifacts feed.
  • In Visual Studio 2022, this can be done via Tools > NuGet Package Manager > Package Sources.


  • test-pipeline.yml is a template file for tests to be run in Azure DevOps.
  • A new pipeline should be created for each instance of the Atlas API under test, e.g., Dev, UAT, PR, etc.
  • The template file does not have any triggers or schedules: this should be set as needed for each copy of the pipeline.
  • Make sure to extend the list of testCategoryJobs whenever a new Category of tests is added.

Pipeline Variables

  • Each pipeline instance must have pipeline variables that match those within appsettings.json.
    • Use . for nested settings, e.g., var name DonorImport.ApiKey would be used for setting:
      	"DonorImport": { 
      		"ApiKey": "value" 
  • The name/id of the Atlas artifacts feed must be set using the variable, ATLAS_AZURE_ARTIFACTS_FEED_NAME_OR_ID.
    • String should be format of either projectName/feedName e.g., Atlas/atlas-packages or just feedName, as appropriate.

Versioning & Dependencies

The E2E test project does not have its own version at present. However, it does depend on the Atlas.Debug.Client and Atlas.Debug.Client.Models packages, which are versioned in line with the Atlas API (see Atlas README). The E2E tests should be updated to use the latest version of these packages whenever a new Atlas version is released.

This should be done by:

  1. First reading both the Atlas and Debug client changelogs to check for both API-level and/or functional breaking changes.
  2. Creating a new branch of the E2E tests repo named after the version of Atlas being tested, i.e., atlas/x.y.z, where "x.y.z" is the Atlas version number under test.
  3. Updating the package references in the Atlas.Auto.Tests.csproj file to version x.y.z (stable, not pre-release).
  4. Running the health check tests locally as a build check.
  5. Push the new branch to the remote repository.
  6. On DevOps, run the atlas/x.y.z version of the tests pipeline against the Atlas instance of the same version - most likely, this will be Atlas UAT.
  7. If all tests are green, git tag the branch with the version number, i.e., atlas/x.y.z, then push the tag to the remote repository.
  8. Merge the branch into main, and finally, delete the branch.


Please refer to the contribution guidelines on the main Atlas repository.

Writing Tests


  • Tests should be written in a way that they can be run in parallel without interference.
  • Add the [Parallelizable] attribute to new test classes/ methods to allow tests to run in parallel locally.
  • Each test Category is executed parallel on the DevOps build pipeline, however the tests within a category are run sequentially.
    • Long running tests (over 20 mins each) should therefore be placed in their own [Category] to prevent timeouts. See RepeatSearch_HappyPathTests for an example.

Search-related Tests

  • To simplify the process of building and initiating searches, test search requests have been saved as json files to Atlas.Auto.Tests\TestHelpers\SourceData\.
  • Snapshot testing, via the Verify.NUnit package, is used to assert that the expected search or repeat search result has been returned.
    • Approval files have been saved under Atlas.Auto.Tests\TestHelpers\Assertions\Approvals\ and should be updated when the expected result changes.
    • Properties that are expected to differ between requests, such as search request ID and matching donor ID, are purposefully excluded from the snapshot comparison.