This model is based on A Macroeconomic Model with a Financial Sector by Markus K. Brunnermeier and Yuliy Sannikov.
The main program is solve_equilibrium: to compute equilibrium, type solve_equilibrium.m in the command window and press enter. The file will then produce two figures:
Figure 1 shows important equilibrium quantities such as q, psi, drift and volatility of eta.
Figure 2 shows expert and household utility within the model.
To compute the equilibrium under a different set of parameters, change line 14 of solve_equilibrium.m, in which parameter values are assigned. Investment adjustment cost parameter can be modified directly in the function investment.m.
fnct.m is a key function that programs the set of equations to compute the derivatives of and using the equations from Proposition 2 of the paper.
solve_equilibrium.m operates by searching for initial conditions near eta = 0
evntfcn.m is used to determine when integration of the differential equations should be terminated for a given set of initial conditions, and how the initial conditions should be modified on the next iteration.