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Commit c10e788

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Sync with Noah-MP GitHub to include bug fix for FVEG scaling of canopy heat storage (wrf-model#1883)
TYPE: bug fix KEYWORDS: Noah-MP, canopy heat storage, FVEG scaling SOURCE: Cenlin He (NCAR), Mike Barlage (NOAA/EMC) DESCRIPTION OF CHANGES: Problem: In the canopy temperature and energy balance calculations (VEGE_FLUX subroutine), the canopy heat storage change term is not scaled by FVEG (vegetation fraction) while all the other energy flux terms have been scaled by FVEG. This issue was raised by Mike Barlage (NOAA/EMC) at: NCAR/noahmp#86 Solution: add a FVEG multiplier to scale the canopy heat storage change term in VEGE_FLUX subroutine. This bug has been fixed in the community Noah-MP GitHub version. Here this PR is to sync with the updated Noah-MP code through WRF submodule. LIST OF MODIFIED FILES: M phys/noahmp TESTS CONDUCTED: Regression tests have passed. The code update fixes the problem RELEASE NOTE: Bug fix for FVEG scaling of canopy heat storage in Noah-MP canopy energy balance calculations.
1 parent 3d2c5c9 commit c10e788

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