Using Forge-1.12.2- | Mod Updates
Bug fixes
- Found a way to duplicate the crystal cell from ember #722
- Twilight Forest Upgrade Results in Tick Damage / Fire / Slowness #717
Using Forge-1.12.2- | Mod Updates
Remember to use the command /bq_admin default load
after updating
- Disabled NuclearCraft Radition Shielding recipes for Armor
- Server: The ServerStart files have been updated to reflect Forge's change in jar name.
Bug fixes
- ancient warfare burning at the stake crashing server #661
- Ancient Warfare tree farm crashes game when using Forestry saplings #659
- Changing volume while inventory is opened moves the hotbar. #703
- Cheat mode on by default in JEI at the start of a new game #709
- Crafting Recipe for Iron Dust from Iron Grains dissapeared #630
- Cursed earth mob farm not chunkloading correctly #645
- Embers Rekindled Stamper #672
- EnderIO armor upgrades dupe while trying to enchant #662
- FarSeek 2.4 causes incompatibility with SpongeForge #693
- Fix extra bees metallic grain crafting recipes (Credit JVital2013)
- Fix Extra Bees Nutdew producing too little seed oil in the squeezer (Credit JVital2013)
- Forestry squeezer outputs fruit juice instead of grape juice in 1.8.0 #657
- Free 'ghost' Item #637
- IC2 Coal Coke in Macerator #632
- Incorrect Energy Transfer amount stated in Quantum Entangloporter quest #640
- Integrated Dynamics quests show completion popups, but quests do not appear in book #664
- Issues on T6 Void Miner and Laser Drill ore list #676
- JAOPCA and PlusTiC Astral Star Metal Conflict #682
- Laser Drill not getting ardite and cobalt in all nether biomes #677
- Metal duplication involving Tinkers' Smeltery and Advanced Rocketry rods #673
- Mystical world mod 2 issues #711
- Quest - Band Of Mana no detections #629
- Removed the mod Aurora #643
- Water in the Nether and the End #712
Mod Removals
- Fullscreen Windowed (Borderless)
- JEI Block Drops (Not great for load times)
Remember to use the command /bq_admin default load
after updating
- Exchanged Super Sound Muffler with Super Sound Muffler: Revived
- Removed all Planks from the mod Unlimited Chisel Works. This is a side-effect of fixing Bug #604
- Removed the IC2 Thermal Centrifuge recipe Slag -> Pulverized Coal, as it could be used for duping
- Buffed the RFTools Powercell! (Credit Discomanco)
Fixed bugs
- Client disconnect when shift-clicking in recipes with planks Bug #604
- AE2 quests - Dense Cables & Portable Cell bugged #624 [Quest]
- Hard Carbon Weapons/Tools from Tinker's Won't Repair #623 [Config]
- Some Quark Mobs Cannot Despawn (Changed their spawns, made their spawn eggs available through the Market) #620 [Config]
- Slag violates laws of thermodynamics #618 [Config]
- Binnie's Mods - Binnie's Extra Trees give unlimited berries on right click. #612
- Fixed JER showing incorrect dimension info (Thanks TheBoo & Discomanco for helping out!) #611
- Decreased JEI Block Drops precision, to speed up loading times a bit. Maybe. Hopefully.
- OpenComputers' blocks can no longer be carried with CarryOn.
- NuclearCraft Electromagnets can now share power with adjacent Electromagnets #601 [Config]
Fixed bugs
- Many different wood planks make the Oak Trapdoor #609
- Multiplayer quests broken #606
- Putting Steam to Use Quest #605 [Quest]
- Better questing: Can't accept party invite #596
Fixed bugs
- Ore dusts from vanilla ores not being smeltable.
Fixed bugs
- Woops, forgot a semicolon. Fixes scripts not loading
- Re-enabled SmallPropertyStorage in FoamFix, potentially reducing RAM usage by 300-500MB #1451 [Config] [Type: Enhancement]
- Removed the mod Exchanger, as Building Gadgets can do the same and more.
- Removed the Mystical World book from the starting inventory.
- Disable Actually Additions Easter Egg #587 [Config] (ThatGamerBlue)
Fixed bugs
- Server crash with Nature's Compass
- Apatite Duplication Exploit #1398
- Dark Armor Upgrades Duplication Bug #584
- Water noises cause massive lag/crashing #578
- Industrial foregoing auto brewer world crash #574
- Game Crashing periodically and always at when save and exit #557
- Infinite energy with Advanced Generators and Mekanism Ethylene #555
- Quest: Mekanism - Part 1 > "Becoming Better" #544 [Quest]
- Using Exchanger on Mycelial Netherrack gives you Spectral Moss (Remove Exchangers) #539
- Game Freezes when closing a world #497
- Game crashed in midgame, can't log back on server. #444
- Crashed when i placed a Ender Fluid Pipe next to a Resonant tank that had UU-Matter #442
- Game freezes and crashes upon exiting world and then entering any world #434
- Mekanism Obsidian TNT Infinite Chain explosion (Base Block not despawning if triggered by explosion) #386
- Disappearing crafting items? #545
- Skin becomes blurry when you open JourneyMap #524
- Bad "Help" info in Mekanism Fusion quest #490
- Tile Entities behave wrong under water #439
- Un-hide different salt types in JEI #236 [Config]
- Crash when trying to pick up EnderIO Machines with any Wrench #589
- Mystical World Duplicate/Redundant Ores #586 [Config]
- Cyclic's Empty Heart Container - can't regain lost life #535 [Script]
- No experience gained when smelting vanilla ores #485 [Script]
Fixed bugs
- FoamFix Startup Crash #577 [Status: Completed] [Type: Mod Issue]
- Dank/Null Client Crash #585 [Status: Completed] [Type: Mod Issue]
- Cannot craft slimey generator #582 [Type: Mod Issue]
Fixed bugs
- Fix slimey generator recipe #583 [Type: Mod Issue] (ThatGamerBlue)
- Request Dank Null Addition #556 [Status: Completed] [Type: Suggestion]
Fixed bugs
- FoamFix Startup Crash #577 [Status: Completed] [Type: Mod Issue]
Fixed bugs
- Tinker's Construct Brown Magic teleport tool abilities partially bug client #505 [Status: Completed] [Type: Bug]
Fixed bugs
- Airtight Seal is uncraftable #564 [Status: Completed] [Type: Bug]
- Quest Sharing #563 [Status: Completed] [Type: Mod Issue]
- Quest - Got Grout ? - Require Air #520 [Quest] [Status: Completed] [Type: Bug]
Fixed bugs
- Iron Shulker Box causes crash #533 [Config] [Status: Completed] [Type: Mod Issue]
- Backslashes in path names in server zip #529 [Status: In Progress] [Type: Bug]
- Better Questing: Unable to invite others to party #522 [Type: Mod Issue]
- Cannot craft MalisisDoors’ vanilla wood trapdoors #412 [Script] [Type: Bug]
- Placing ArchitectureCraft blocks inside on a /dank/null causes client crash #286 [Type: Mod Issue]
- Ignore NBT data for Turbine Valve #553 [Type: Bug] (mpavkovic)
- Ignore NBT data for Rotary Condensentrator #542 [Status: Completed] [Type: Bug] (mpavkovic)
- Fixed Trapdoors Conflict #541 [Type: Bug] (SWATr)
Merged pull requests:
- Quest Book Update #558 (Discomanco)
- Fix duplication bug with Black Quartz block to item conversion #543 (mpavkovic)
- Allow players to buy Natura nether saplings #538 (mpavkovic)
Fixed bugs
- Loot Chest - Disappear when being used #521 [Type: Mod Issue]
Fixed bugs
- Mapping #514 [Status: Completed] [Type: Mod Issue]
- Mattock no crafting #511 [Status: Completed] [Type: Bug]
- Animania and Extra Utilities 2. Modded Chickens Wing Ring #496 [Script] [Type: Suggestion]
Fixed bugs
- Roots Quest Log #519 [Quest] [Status: Completed] [Type: Bug]
- Duplicated Ores #517 [Config] [Status: Completed] [Type: Bug]
- ID Conflict between Advanced Rocketry Proxima B Dim and Lost Cities Dim #516 [Config] [Type: Bug]
- Mekanism - Part 1 "But can jet fuel melt it?" misinformation #477 [Quest] [Type: Bug]
- Conflicting Steel Smeltery Alloying Recipes #476 [Script] [Status: Completed] [Type: Bug]
- Unable to Complete Quest: Mekanism - Part 1, *buurp* #471 [Quest] [Type: Bug]
- Unable to Complete Quest: Mekanism - Part 1, Power Stalk #469 [Quest] [Priority: Medium] [Type: Bug]
- Mekanism ore quadrupling setup won't process starmetal ore #462 [Script] [Status: Completed] [Type: Bug]
- Mekanism Part 1 - Moving Time #77 Quest #460 [Quest] [Type: Bug]
- Can't complete Thinking With Portals #437 quest because receptacle has NBT on it. #447 [Quest] [Type: Bug]
- Missing Recipe #423 [Status: Confirmation Needed] [Type: Bug]
- Cannot complete AE2 quest [It's Peer, Not Pier] #9 [Quest] [Type: Bug]
- [Suggestion] Overloaded Armor Bar and Armor Toughness Bar #486 [Mod] [Type: Suggestion]
- EnderIO protectAgainstEnergyOverflow Set to Soft #472 [Config] [Type: Enhancement]
- Recipe for Airtight Seal Enchant #463 [Script] [Type: Enhancement]
- [Suggestion] Minor mod suggestions #410 [Priority: Low] [Type: Suggestion]
Fixed bugs
- Crafting Table Duplication Bug #501 [Status: Completed] [Type: Mod Issue]
- Unicorns are not spawning #498 [Status: Completed] [Type: Mod Issue]
- Buggy Version of Mecreeps in 1.67d #487 [Type: Mod Issue]
- Airtight Seal Enchant Fixes #484 [Script] [Type: Bug]
- Chunk Load Thrashing #473 [Status: Completed] [Type: Bug]
- Wyvern armor upgrades not transferring to Draconic armor upgrades #470 [Script] [Type: Bug]
- Quest reward luck is all set up backwards #466 [Quest] [Type: Bug]
- Invalid or corrupt jarfile InstanceSync.jar #465 [Type: Bug]
- Streams Mod Streams Disappear #457 [Status: Completed] [Type: Mod Issue]
- Random Villager sounds in chunks near villages & Quark cave systems #452 [Status: Confirmation Needed] [Type: Mod Issue]
- RFTools’ dimensional shards are craftable even though the option is disabled in the config #441 [Status: Completed] [Type: Bug]
- AE2’s ME formation planes (normal and fluid) don’t work most of the time #426 [Priority: Low] [Status: Available] [Type: Bug]
- Atomic Disassembler(Mekanism) on a Wisdom Wood Log (Wizardry)Tree causes server crash #280 [Type: Mod Issue]
Fixed bugs
- Weird hovering issue after update #454 [Status: Completed] [Type: Bug]
- Subtle Server Advertising #448 [Config] [Priority: High] [Type: Enhancement]
- Akashic Tome Additions #446 [Config] [Priority: Low] [Type: Suggestion]
Fixed bugs
- Client crashing when loading into a server hosting a newly generated world. (1.66) #450 [Priority: Critical] [Status: Completed] [Type: Mod Issue]
- Thaumcraft JEI Integration Issues #445 [Status: Blocked] [Type: Mod Issue]
- Disable Mekanism Machine Lighting #443 [Config] [Type: Enhancement]
- Swap Mekanica with Mekanism #431 [Mod] [Priority: Medium] [Type: Enhancement]
Fixed bugs
- MineColonies NPCs go invisible #437 [Config] [Type: Bug]
- Keybinding For Fullscreen - Disabled Fullscreen Borderless by default, can be changed by the player #435 [Config] [Status: Completed] [Type: Bug]
- Game crash everytime when trying to break enderio alloy smelter #433 [Status: Completed] [Type: Bug]
- 1.63a Mekanica quest All the Alloys! doesn't detect the Metallurgic Infuser #408 [Priority: Medium] [Status: Completed] [Type: Bug]
Merged pull requests:
- Update DefaultQuests.json #438 (Discomanco)
- RFTools spawner not spawning Modded creatures #427 [Config] [Priority: Low] [Status: Completed] [Type: Enhancement]
- Quark Cave Crystal UU-Matter Values #422 [Config] [Priority: Medium] [Status: Available] [Type: Enhancement]
- Fullscreen Windowed (Borderless) for Minecraft #421 [Mod] [Type: Enhancement]
- Phosphor #419 [Mod] [Type: Enhancement]
Fixed bugs
- Quantum Singularities not recognized by AE2 Quest #417 [Quest] [Priority: Low] [Status: Completed] [Type: Bug]
- Applied Energestics 2 cable facades cannot be crafted with certain Chisel factory blocks #416 [Config] [Priority: Low] [Status: Completed] [Type: Bug]
- Incorrect quest reference to crafting creative item #414 [Quest] [Priority: Low] [Status: Completed] [Type: Bug]
- JEI no longer shows ore gen tabs (added by JER) or Thaumcraft recipes (added by Thaumic JEI) #407 [Priority: Medium] [Status: Completed] [Type: Bug]
- Shift clicking the planet id chip into the guidance computer will crash the game #399 [Status: Completed] [Type: Mod Issue]
- Fused Quartz in NC Alloy Furnace #405 [Script] [Status: Completed] [Type: Enhancement]
Fixed bugs
- Beacons Only Work to South East #357 [Status: Completed] [Type: Mod Issue]
* This Change Log was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator