All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog.
- Renamed L-BTC to LBTC
- Improved notifications translations
- Persist wallet list across app reinstallation
- Language preference in App Settings
- Update translations
- Bug fixing
- Update GDK to 0.74.3
- Improve support report
- Bug fixing
- Liquid network: enabled discount fees
- Create support requests from the app
- Update GDK to 0.74.2
- Update Jade imagery
- Buy btc: UI improvement
- Update gdk to 0.74.0
- Added support for multilayout and video promos
- Update breez to 0.6.6
- Buy btc through
- Update gdk to 0.73.4
- Update breez to 0.6.3-rc2
- Countly promo data
- Improve promo banners
- Jade upsells
- Update gdk to 0.73.3
- QR code scan: improve visual feedback
- Various bug fixes
- Allow redeposit of expired utxos in liquid multisig accounts
- QR mode for singlesig watch-only
- Recovery phrase: improve QR view
- Minor bug fixes
- Update to breez 0.6.2 and enable trampoline payments by default
- Update gdk to 0.73.2
- HW Address verification on expired 2FA ractivation
- Add OTA support for Jade v2
- Improve QR code scanner
- 2fa dialog: improved usability with native keyboard
- Receive screen UI updates
- Update gdk to 0.73.0
- Improve LNURL auth and withdraw
- Update breez to 0.5.2
- Update gdk to 0.72.2
- Rescan lightning swaps
- Set electrum TLS for custom electrum server
- Updates in wallet preferences dialog
- Update breez to 0.5.1-rc6
- Improve lightning account deletion
- Allow redeposit of expired utxos in bitcoin multisig accounts
- Improvements to liquid assets caching
- Update breez to 0.4.2-rc1
- Improved send UI
- Update gdk to 0.71.3
- Improvements in transaction details
- Support push notification to receive lightning payments
- Empty lightning account
- Export lightning logs
- Update breez to 0.4.0-rc5
- Update gdk to 0.71.0
- Refactor transaction details screen
- Update translations
- Show fee calculation in send
- Update breez to 0.3.6
- Import and export of liquid accounts with ct-descriptors
- Allow changing btc unit in watch-only wallets
- Fix About and Close Channel buttons
- 2FA reset flow: UI improvement
- UI improvement in onboarding
- HW: moved remember device from onboarding to settings
- Make Lightning Shortcut opt-out
- Improve UI on Jade exporting liquid master blinding key
- Update gdk to 0.70.3
- Support new Jade authentication protocol
- Improve account and asset selector
- Improve lightning sweep and refund
- Adjust 2FA SMS activation
- Update Breez SDK to 0.2.15
- Disable 2FA limits in fiat
- Update GDK to 0.70.0
- Send screen: improved address typing and send all UX
- Watch-only wallets: fix denomination warn
- Improve QRCode density area
- Minor bugs fixes in lightning
- Navigation of all external web urls in app web view
- Update Breez SDK to 0.2.10
- Improve Bluetooth scanner
- Show derived lightning mnemonic from Jade
- Subaccount discovery on logged wallet
- Improve tor connectivity
- Improve reconnection from background state
- Improve QR code scanner on triple camera iPhone
- Enable 2FA call method as an SMS backup
- Remove lightning account with shortcut
- Scan BCUR animated qr code
- Add watch-only import from Jade
- Add delegated Lightning account for Jade (bip85)
- Update Breez SDK to 0.2.7
- Update GDK to 0.69.0
- Lightning support LNURL withdraw
- Lightning Shortcuts
- Update GDK to release 0.68.4
- Improve QR Scanner
- Improve Tor and auto-logout after timeout time in background
- Fix racy crash when using camera
- Improve parsing of LNURL
- Fix connection to custom electrum server through Tor
- Improve error messages
- Bump BreezSdk to 0.2.5
- Update GDK to Release 0.68.1
- Improving ble pairing and failure messages
- Bump BreezSdk to 0.2.3
- Enable signing address with HW
- URI schema and deep link support
- Update gdk to 0.67.1
- UI improvements on amount selection
- Warning for non-default PIN server
- Increase QRCode scanner area
- Improve support for host unblinding on Jade
- Improve contact support
- Update gdk to 0.0.65
- Improve signing on Ledger
- Improve bluetooth scanning
- Address authentication for singlesig software wallets
- UI improvements to lightning accounts
- Improve QR code readability
- Update performance metrics
- Update greenlight library
- New unified dialog to change denomination and exchange
- Improve Lightning send
- Fix for un-initialized Jade wallets
- Bug fixes
- Bug fixes
- Lightning support
- Update gdk to 0.0.63
- UI improvements for lightning account
- Improves performance on login
- UI improvements on content loading
- Update gdk to 0.0.62
- Add import of watch-only wallets through xpubs and descriptors from QR codes or files
- Allow import of Coldcard watch-only in generic json and electrum format
- UI improvements for smaller screens
- Setup Pgp on multiple multisig networks
- Fix sweep transaction in Watch-Only mode
- Fix send button UI in watch-only mode
- Enable emergency restore on invalid pin wallet
- Bug fixes
- Use swift package dependecies instead cocoapods
- Split workspace in multiple subprojects
- Update to gdk 0.0.61
- Bug fixes
- UI improvements
- Bug fixes
- Add animations and improve user interface
- Bug fixes
- Bug fixes
- Update to gdk 0.0.58 post2
- Bug fixes
- New hardware wallet experience with Jade and Ledger
- Bug fixes
- Update translations
- Network Unification
- Update GDK to 0.0.58
- Update translations
- Change data directory for app data storage
- Customer satisfaction survey
- Emergency recovery phrase restore
- Update GDK to 0.0.57
- New "About" section
- Give us your feedback utility
- Announcements and alerts, improved navigation
- Improved performance of asset registry usage
- Updates GDK to version 0.0.56
- Improve testing with debug & adhoc release
- Improve tor bootstrapping support
- Fix Watch-only connection and login
- Fix reloading transactions and subaccounts
- Fix transaction blockheight
- Enable OTP feature on Jade starting from version 0.1.37
- Enable Emergency Restore on Jade
- Prompt users for app review
- Improved BIP39 wallets support
- Updated accounts naming
- Improved transactions reloading
- Improved error messages for watch-only setup
- Fixes for reconnection
- Display firmware hash during Jade firmware update
- Login with BIP39 Passphrase
- Display the receive address in transaction details
- Display the net amount without fees in transaction details
- Handle connection failure during wallet discovery
- Support for login with multiple hardware wallets concurrently
- Support to set up watch-only credentials on Liquid multisig shield wallets
- Watch-only wallets: support to delete credentials
- Improved transaction review dialog for hardware wallets
- Faster Jade firmware upgrades
- Improved login performance with hardware wallets
- Update GDK to 0.0.55
- Onboarding: automatic wallet naming
- Create 2of3 subaccount with Ledger
- Hardware wallets logout view hierarchy
- Improved error messages
- Add Support ID on settings About for multisig wallet
- Drop addresses in transaction list
- Update GDK to 0.0.54.post1
- Update translations
- Help Green improve! If you agree, Green will collect limited usage data to optimize your experience
- SPV for multisig shield wallets
- Uses a global Tor sessions
- Updates optional fields for Blockstream Jade over the signing process
- Minor bug fixes
- Singlesig Bitcoin wallets support for Ledger Nano X hardware devices
- Ad-hoc app distribution for internal testing
- Improved CI for internal testing
- Improved receive screen layout
- Updated GDK to version 0.0.54
- Updated logic for liquid assets icons and metadata
- Removed tor unavailability warning
- Added watch-only setting for multisig shield wallets used with hardware devices
- Archive accounts you no longer use
- Improve CI process for testing release
- Updates GDK to version 0.0.52
- Improves performance of navigation between accounts
- Fixes autologout for watch-only wallets
- Fixes bug when pasting 2FA codes while sending
- Singlesig wallet support for Blockstream Jade hardware devices
- Tor connection support also for singlesig wallets
- 2of3 account creation on bitcoin multisig shield wallets
- Select mnemonic length while restoring wallet
- Recovery phrase in settings can also be shown as QR code, for fast import on other devices
- Access app settings screen from hardware wallet connection screen
- Slide to send a transaction
- Update GDK to version 0.51
- Improved asset details screen
- Session autologout on background after timeout
- Streamlined wallet navigation: switch between your wallets without needing to log out every time
- Romanian localization
- Improved swifter Send flow, easier to use, easier to read
- Enabled Liquid testnet for Jade when in test mode
- Restoring an already available wallet is detected, preventing duplicates
- Update GDK to version 0.0.49
- Improve automatic wallet restore
- Automatic wallet restore, Green will find any wallet associated with your recovery phrase
- Balances on account cards when switching between accounts
- Support for wallet creation with both 12 or 24 words recovery phrases
- Support for Ledger Nano X firmware 2.0.0
- Improved transaction details layout
- Updated GDK to 0.0.48
- Assist Jade users with Bluetooth re-pairing after firmware 0.1.31+ upgrade
- Support for send to bech32m P2TR address types, available 144 blocks after Taproot activation
- Support to connect to your personal electrum server, available in app settings for singlesig wallets
- Support to validate transaction inclusion in a block (SPV), available in app settings for singlesig wallets
- Revamps receive view with new UI and button to verify addresses on hardware wallets
- Supports GDK 0.0.47
- Loading of trasactions in the home view
- URL with unblinding data for Liquid transactions
- Improves BLE scanning and error messages
- Supports creating and restoring Singlesig wallets on Liquid
- Reset two factor authentication
- SPV header validation for transactions validation
- Improves wallet restore flow
- Testnet networks must be enabled from App Settings to appear as create/restore options
- Testnet UI clarifies that funds have no value on these wallets
- Prompts to perform Jade OTA firmware upgrades via USB cable
- Shows a warning when operating on a testnet network
- Updates GDK to 0.0.46.post1
- Uses default minimum fees when estimates are not available
- UI on restore for iOS15
- Updates fastlane flags on debug mode
- Updates GDK to 0.0.45.post1
- Explicitly ignore expired certificate in Jade pinserver request
- Support host unblinding for Blockstream Jade version 0.1.27 and higher
- New wallet view with revamped UI
- Improves network reconnection behavior
- Updates and supports GDK version 0.0.45
- Updates translations
- Validation of addresses for 2of3 accounts using Blockstream Jade
- Disconnection at auto-logout timeout
- Amounts displayed when sweeping paper wallets
- Support for creating and restoring Singlesig wallets on Bitcoin
- Support for Fastlane to streamline future beta releases
- Improves hardware wallet integration
- Updates localizations
- Updates GDK to version 0.0.44
- Fixes UI settings for smaller screens
- Anti-exfil signing protocol support for Blockstream Jade
- Automated tests for onboarding and transactions
- Improves Wallet Settings UI
- Preloads icons of Liquid assets
- Improves support for Blockstream Jade hardware
- Title trimming on low resolution devices
- Generates 12 words recovery phrases by default
- Support for creating and restoring Singlesig wallets on Bitcoin Testnet
- Adds account type label in Account Card
- Enhanced support for Blockstream Jade
- Removes limit in maximum number of AMP accounts that can be added
- Updates GDK to 0.0.43
- Crash on iOS 12
- Checkbox for system message approval
- Bug showing hardware wallets alert when using a software wallet
- Improved UI for 2FA reset using new alert cards
- Users can now undo a 2FA dispute
- Improved Blockstream Jade onboarding
- Improved Liquid asset registry loading, supporting refresh in case of failures
- Auto-advance after typing last digit of 2FA codes
- UI improvements for smaller screens
- Updated GDK
- URLs to view transactions on the explorer