From be3aa205e33bae9169853cd7c40f519b8a49a699 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: mouffok <>
Date: Tue, 24 Oct 2023 10:36:14 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 01/26] load ontologies

 kgforge/core/archetypes/              |   4 +-
 kgforge/specializations/models/  |   6 +-
 .../specializations/models/rdf/  |  16 +
 .../models/rdf/       | 288 ++++++++++++++++++ =>} |  60 +++- =>} | 116 ++++---
 .../models/rdf/{ =>} | 155 +++-------
 kgforge/specializations/models/   |  38 +--
 .../specializations/stores/ |   2 +-
 .../specializations/stores/nexus/   |  29 +-
 10 files changed, 505 insertions(+), 209 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/
 rename kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/{ =>} (62%)
 rename kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/{ =>} (64%)
 rename kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/{ =>} (57%)

diff --git a/kgforge/core/archetypes/ b/kgforge/core/archetypes/
index 461a5326..d2002d4e 100644
--- a/kgforge/core/archetypes/
+++ b/kgforge/core/archetypes/
@@ -193,7 +193,9 @@ def _initialize_service(self, source: str, **source_config) -> Any:
-    def _service_from_directory(dirpath: Path, context_iri: Optional[str]) -> Any:
+    def _service_from_directory(
+            ontologies_path: Path, shapes_path: Path, context_iri: Optional[str]
+    ) -> Any:
diff --git a/kgforge/specializations/models/ b/kgforge/specializations/models/
index c00e728f..cc873adf 100644
--- a/kgforge/specializations/models/
+++ b/kgforge/specializations/models/
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
 import json
 import re
 from pathlib import Path
-from typing import Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union
+from typing import Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union, Type
 from kgforge.core import Resource
 from kgforge.core.archetypes import Mapping, Model
@@ -71,11 +71,11 @@ def _mappings(self, source: str) -> Dict[str, List[str]]:
             raise ValueError("unrecognized source")
         return mappings
-    def mapping(self, entity: str, source: str, type: Callable) -> Mapping:
+    def mapping(self, entity: str, source: str, type: Type[Mapping]) -> Mapping:
         filename = f"{entity}.hjson"
         filepath = Path(self.source, "mappings", source, type.__name__, filename)
         if filepath.is_file():
-            return type.load(filepath)
+            return type.load(filepath) # TODO should be str
         raise ValueError("unrecognized entity type or source")
diff --git a/kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/ b/kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/
index 8e3bac1b..efedef71 100644
--- a/kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/
+++ b/kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/
@@ -488,3 +488,19 @@ def get_node_path(node: NodeProperties, path: URIRef, field: str):
     return result
+    AndCollector,
+    OrCollector,
+    PropertyCollector,
+    NodeCollector,
+    PropertyCollector,
+    MinCountCollector,
+    DatatypeCollector,
+    InCollector,
+    ClassCollector,
+    NodeKindCollector,
+    XoneCollector,
+    HasValueCollector
diff --git a/kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/ b/kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bddfbba9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/
@@ -0,0 +1,288 @@
+import pyshacl
+from pyshacl import Shape, ShapesGraph
+from rdflib import Graph, URIRef
+from pyshacl.constraints import ALL_CONSTRAINT_PARAMETERS
+from kgforge.specializations.models.rdf.collectors import ALL_COLLECTORS
+from time import perf_counter
+from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, List, Optional, Set, Tuple, Type, Union, Dict
+from rdflib import BNode, Literal, URIRef
+from pyshacl.consts import (
+    SH_Info,
+    SH_resultSeverity,
+    SH_Warning,
+from pyshacl.errors import ConstraintLoadError, ConstraintLoadWarning, ReportableRuntimeError, \
+    ShapeLoadError
+from pyshacl.pytypes import GraphLike
+    from pyshacl.constraints import ConstraintComponent
+    from pyshacl.shapes_graph import ShapesGraph
+ALL_COLLECTORS_MAP = {c.constraint(): c for c in ALL_COLLECTORS}
+class ShapeWrapper(Shape):
+    __slots__ = ('__dict__',)
+    def __init__(self, shape: Shape) -> None:
+        super().__init__(, shape.node, shape._p, shape._path, shape.logger)
+    def parameters(self):
+        return (
+            p for p, v in
+            if p in ALL_CONSTRAINT_PARAMETERS
+        )
+    def traverse(self, predecessors: Set[URIRef]) -> Tuple[List, Dict]:
+        """ traverses the Shape SHACL properties to collect constrained properties
+        This function is injected to pyshacl Shape object in order to traverse the Shacl graph.
+        It will call a specific collector depending on the SHACL property present in the NodeShape
+        Args:
+            predecessors: list of nodes that have being traversed, used to break circular
+                recursion
+        Returns:
+            properties, attributes: Tuple(list,dict), the collected properties and attributes
+                respectively gathered from the collectors
+        """
+        parameters = self.parameters()
+        properties = list()
+        attributes = dict()
+        done_collectors = set()
+        for param in iter(parameters):
+            if param in ALL_COLLECTORS_MAP:
+                constraint_collector = ALL_COLLECTORS_MAP[param]
+                if constraint_collector not in done_collectors:
+                    c = constraint_collector(self)
+                    predecessors.add(self.node)
+                    props, attrs = c.collect(predecessors)
+                    if attrs:
+                        attributes.update(attrs)
+                    if props:
+                        properties.extend(props)
+                    done_collectors.add(constraint_collector)
+                    if predecessors:
+                        predecessors.remove(self.node)
+            else:
+                # FIXME: there are some SHACL constrains that are not implemented
+                # raise IndexError(f"{param} not implemented!")
+                pass
+        return properties, attributes
+    def validate(
+            self,
+            target_graph: GraphLike,
+            focus: Optional[
+                Union[
+                    Tuple[Union[URIRef, BNode]],
+                    List[Union[URIRef, BNode]],
+                    Set[Union[URIRef, BNode]],
+                    Union[URIRef, BNode],
+                ]
+            ] = None,
+            abort_on_first: Optional[bool] = False,
+            allow_infos: Optional[bool] = False,
+            allow_warnings: Optional[bool] = False,
+            _evaluation_path: Optional[List] = None,
+    ):
+        if self.deactivated:
+            if
+                self.logger.debug(f"Skipping shape because it is deactivated: {str(self)}")
+            return True, []
+        if focus is not None:
+            lh_shape = False
+            rh_shape = True
+            self.logger.debug(f"Running evaluation of Shape {str(self)}")
+            if not isinstance(focus, (tuple, list, set)):
+                focus = [focus]
+            self.logger.debug(f"Shape was passed {len(focus)} Focus Node/s to evaluate.")
+            if len(focus) < 1:
+                return True, []
+        else:
+            lh_shape = True
+            rh_shape = False
+            self.logger.debug(f"Checking if Shape {str(self)} defines its own targets.")
+            self.logger.debug("Identifying targets to find focus nodes.")
+            focus = self.focus_nodes(target_graph)
+            self.logger.debug(f"Found {len(focus)} Focus Nodes to evaluate.")
+            if len(focus) < 1:
+                # It's possible for shapes to have _no_ focus nodes
+                # (they are called in other ways)
+                if
+                    self.logger.debug(
+                        f"Skipping shape {str(self)} because it found no focus nodes.")
+                return True, []
+            else:
+                self.logger.debug(f"Running evaluation of Shape {str(self)}")
+        if _evaluation_path is None:
+            _evaluation_path = []
+        print(len(_evaluation_path))
+        # elif len(_evaluation_path) >= 30:
+        #     # 27 is the depth required to successfully do the meta-shacl test on shacl.ttl
+        #     path_str = " -> ".join((str(e) for e in _evaluation_path))
+        #     raise ReportableRuntimeError("Evaluation path too deep!\n{}".format(path_str))
+        t1 = perf_counter()
+        # Lazy import here to avoid an import loop
+            pyshacl.module, 'CONSTRAINT_PARAMS', (None, None))
+            from pyshacl.constraints import ALL_CONSTRAINT_PARAMETERS, CONSTRAINT_PARAMETERS_MAP
+            setattr(pyshacl.shape, 'CONSTRAINT_PARAMS',
+        if or self._advanced:
+            search_parameters = CONSTRAINT_PARAMETERS.copy()
+            constraint_map = PARAMETER_MAP.copy()
+            if self._advanced:
+                from pyshacl.constraints.advanced import ExpressionConstraint, SH_expression
+                search_parameters.append(SH_expression)
+                constraint_map[SH_expression] = ExpressionConstraint
+            if
+                from pyshacl.extras.js.constraint import JSConstraint, SH_js
+                search_parameters.append(SH_js)
+                constraint_map[SH_js] = JSConstraint
+        else:
+            search_parameters = CONSTRAINT_PARAMETERS
+            constraint_map = PARAMETER_MAP
+        parameters = (p for p, v in if p in search_parameters)
+        reports = []
+        focus_value_nodes = self.value_nodes(target_graph, focus)
+        filter_reports: bool = False
+        allow_conform: bool = False
+        allowed_severities: Set[URIRef] = set()
+        if allow_infos:
+            allowed_severities.add(SH_Info)
+        if allow_warnings:
+            allowed_severities.add(SH_Info)
+            allowed_severities.add(SH_Warning)
+        if allow_infos or allow_warnings:
+            if self.severity in allowed_severities:
+                allow_conform = True
+            else:
+                filter_reports = True
+        non_conformant = False
+        done_constraints = set()
+        run_count = 0
+        _evaluation_path.append(self)
+        if
+            path_str = " -> ".join((str(e) for e in _evaluation_path))
+            self.logger.debug(f"Current shape evaluation path: {path_str}")
+        constraint_components = [constraint_map[p] for p in iter(parameters)]
+        constraint_component: Type['ConstraintComponent']
+        for constraint_component in constraint_components:
+            if constraint_component in done_constraints:
+                continue
+            try:
+                # if
+                #     self.logger.debug(f"Constructing Constraint Component: {repr(constraint_component)}")
+                c = constraint_component(self)
+            except ConstraintLoadWarning as w:
+                self.logger.warning(repr(w))
+                continue
+            except ConstraintLoadError as e:
+                self.logger.error(repr(e))
+                raise e
+            _e_p_copy = _evaluation_path[:]
+            _e_p_copy.append(c)
+            if
+                self.logger.debug(f"Checking conformance for constraint: {str(c)}")
+            ct1 = perf_counter()
+            if
+                path_str = " -> ".join((str(e) for e in _e_p_copy))
+                self.logger.debug(f"Current constraint evaluation path: {path_str}")
+            _is_conform, _reports = c.evaluate(target_graph, focus_value_nodes, _e_p_copy)
+            ct2 = perf_counter()
+            if
+                elapsed = ct2 - ct1
+                self.logger.debug(
+                    f"Milliseconds to check constraint {str(c)}: {elapsed * 1000.0:.3f}ms")
+                if _is_conform:
+                    self.logger.debug(f"DataGraph conforms to constraint {c}.")
+                elif allow_conform:
+                    self.logger.debug(
+                        f"Focus nodes do _not_ conform to constraint {c} but given severity is allowed.")
+                else:
+                    self.logger.debug(f"Focus nodes do _not_ conform to constraint {c}.")
+                    if lh_shape or (not rh_shape):
+                        for v_str, v_node, v_parts in _reports:
+                            self.logger.debug(v_str)
+            if _is_conform or allow_conform:
+                ...
+            elif filter_reports:
+                all_allow = True
+                for v_str, v_node, v_parts in _reports:
+                    severity_bits = list(
+                        filter(lambda p: p[0] == v_node and p[1] == SH_resultSeverity, v_parts))
+                    if severity_bits:
+                        all_allow = all_allow and (severity_bits[0][2] in allowed_severities)
+                non_conformant = non_conformant or (not all_allow)
+            else:
+                non_conformant = non_conformant or (not _is_conform)
+            reports.extend(_reports)
+            run_count += 1
+            done_constraints.add(constraint_component)
+            if non_conformant and abort_on_first:
+                break
+        applicable_custom_constraints = self.find_custom_constraints()
+        for a in applicable_custom_constraints:
+            if non_conformant and abort_on_first:
+                break
+            _e_p_copy2 = _evaluation_path[:]
+            validator = a.make_validator_for_shape(self)
+            _e_p_copy2.append(validator)
+            _is_conform, _r = validator.evaluate(target_graph, focus_value_nodes, _e_p_copy2)
+            non_conformant = non_conformant or (not _is_conform)
+            reports.extend(_r)
+            run_count += 1
+        t2 = perf_counter()
+        if
+            elapsed = t2 - t1
+            self.logger.debug(
+                f"Milliseconds to evaluate shape {str(self)}: {elapsed * 1000.0:.3f}ms")
+        # print(_evaluation_path, "Passes" if not non_conformant else "Fails")
+        return (not non_conformant), reports
+class ShapesGraphWrapper(ShapesGraph):
+    def __init__(self, graph: Graph) -> None:
+        super().__init__(graph)
+        # the following line triggers the shape loading -> see pyshacl.ShapesGraph
+        self._shapes = self.shapes
+    def lookup_shape_from_node(self, node: URIRef) -> Optional[ShapeWrapper]:
+        """ Overwrite function to inject the transverse function for only to requested nodes.
+        Args:
+            node (URIRef): The node to look up.
+        Returns:
+            Shape: The Shacl shape of the requested node.
+        """
+        shape: Shape = self._node_shape_cache[node]
+        if shape:
+            return ShapeWrapper(shape)
+            # if not hasattr(shape_wrapper, "traverse"):
+            #     shape_wrapper.traverse = types.MethodType(traverse, shape_wrapper)
+            # return shape_wrapper
+        return None
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/ b/kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/
similarity index 62%
rename from kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/
rename to kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/
index 789c8e9a..8253e25b 100644
--- a/kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/
+++ b/kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/
@@ -21,22 +21,23 @@
 from kgforge.core.commons.context import Context
 from kgforge.specializations.models.rdf.node_properties import NodeProperties
-from kgforge.specializations.models.rdf.service import RdfService, ShapesGraphWrapper
+from kgforge.specializations.models.rdf.rdf_service import RdfService
+from kgforge.specializations.models.rdf.pyshacl_shape_wrapper import ShapesGraphWrapper
 class DirectoryService(RdfService):
-    def __init__(self, dirpath: Path, context_iri: str) -> None:
-        self._graph = load_rdf_files(dirpath)
-        self._sg = ShapesGraphWrapper(self._graph)
-        super().__init__(self._graph, context_iri)
+    def __init__(self, ontologies_path: Path, shapes_path: Path, context_iri: str) -> None:
+        g = Graph()
+        g = load_rdf_files(ontologies_path, g)
+        g = load_rdf_files(shapes_path, g)
-    def schema_source_id(self, schema_iri: str) -> str:
-        # FIXME should return the file path where the schema is in
-        return schema_iri
+        self._graph = g
+        self._shapes_graph = ShapesGraphWrapper(self._graph)
+        super().__init__(self._graph, context_iri)
     def materialize(self, iri: URIRef) -> NodeProperties:
-        sh = self._sg.lookup_shape_from_node(iri)
+        sh = self._shapes_graph.lookup_shape_from_node(iri)
         predecessors = set()
         props, attrs = sh.traverse(predecessors)
         if props:
@@ -61,7 +62,22 @@ def resolve_context(self, iri: str) -> Dict:
     def generate_context(self) -> Dict:
         return self._generate_context()
-    def _build_shapes_map(self) -> Dict:
+    def _build_ontology_map(self) -> Dict[str, URIRef]:
+        query = """
+            PREFIX rdfs: <>
+            PREFIX sh: <>
+            SELECT ?id ?label WHERE {
+                ?id a owl:Class ;
+                    rdfs:label ?label  
+            } 
+        """  # TODO CHANGE
+        res = self._graph.query(query)
+        return {
+            row["label"]: URIRef(row["id"])
+            for row in res
+        }
+    def _build_shapes_map(self) -> Tuple[Dict[URIRef, str], Dict[str, URIRef]]:
         query = """
             PREFIX rdfs: <>
             PREFIX sh: <>
@@ -73,18 +89,32 @@ def _build_shapes_map(self) -> Dict:
                         ?shape a rdfs:Class
-            } ORDER BY ?type"""
+            } ORDER BY ?type
+        """
         res = self._graph.query(query)
-        return {row["type"]: row["shape"] for row in res}
+        class_being_shaped_id_to_shape_uri: Dict[str, URIRef] = {
+            row["type"]: URIRef(row["shape"])
+            for row in res
+        }
+        # FIXME should return the file path where the schema is in
+        schema_to_file = dict(
+            (e, "")  # TODO file source
+            for e in class_being_shaped_id_to_shape_uri.values()
+        )
+        return schema_to_file, class_being_shaped_id_to_shape_uri
-def load_rdf_files(path: Path) -> Graph:
-    memory_graph = Graph()
+def load_rdf_files(path: Path, memory_graph: Graph) -> Graph:
     extensions = [".ttl", ".n3", ".json", ".rdf"]
     for f in path.rglob(os.path.join("*.*")):
         if f.suffix in extensions:
             file_format = guess_format(
             if file_format is None:
                 file_format = "json-ld"
-            memory_graph.parse(f.as_posix(), format=file_format)
+            t = f.as_posix()
+            memory_graph.parse(t, format=file_format)
     return memory_graph
diff --git a/kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/ b/kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/
similarity index 64%
rename from kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/
rename to kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/
index eb600b12..bd29c4eb 100644
--- a/kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/
+++ b/kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/
@@ -19,14 +19,16 @@
 from rdflib import URIRef, Namespace, Graph
 from kgforge.core.commons.exceptions import RetrievalError
-from kgforge.core.conversions.rdf import as_jsonld, as_graph
+from kgforge.core.conversions.rdf import as_jsonld
 from kgforge.core.archetypes import Store
 from kgforge.specializations.models.rdf.node_properties import NodeProperties
-from kgforge.specializations.models.rdf.service import RdfService, ShapesGraphWrapper
+from kgforge.specializations.models.rdf.pyshacl_shape_wrapper import ShapesGraphWrapper, \
+    ShapeWrapper
+from kgforge.specializations.models.rdf.rdf_service import RdfService
 from import Service
-class StoreService(RdfService):
+class RdfModelStoreService(RdfService):
     def __init__(self, default_store: Store, context_iri: Optional[str] = None,
                  context_store: Optional[Store] = None) -> None:
@@ -34,21 +36,22 @@ def __init__(self, default_store: Store, context_iri: Optional[str] = None,
         self.default_store = default_store
         self.context_store = context_store or default_store
         # FIXME: define a store independent strategy
-        self.NXV = Namespace(self.default_store.service.namespace) if hasattr(self.default_store.service, "namespace") \
+        self.NXV = Namespace(self.default_store.service.namespace) \
+            if hasattr(self.default_store.service, "namespace") \
             else Namespace(Service.NEXUS_NAMESPACE_FALLBACK)
-        self.store_metadata_iri = self.default_store.service.store_context if hasattr(self.default_store.service, "store_context") \
+        self.store_metadata_iri = self.default_store.service.store_context \
+            if hasattr(self.default_store.service, "store_context") \
             else Namespace(Service.NEXUS_CONTEXT_FALLBACK)
-        self._shapes_to_resources: Dict
         self._imported = []
-        self._graph = Graph()
-        self._sg = ShapesGraphWrapper(self._graph)
-        super().__init__(self._graph, context_iri)
-    def schema_source_id(self, schema_iri: str) -> str:
-        return self._shapes_to_resources[schema_iri]
+        g = Graph()
+        self._shapes_graph = ShapesGraphWrapper(g)
+        super().__init__(g, context_iri)
     def materialize(self, iri: URIRef) -> NodeProperties:
-        shape = self._type_shape(iri)
+        shape: ShapeWrapper = self._load_and_get_type_shape(iri)
         predecessors = set()
         props, attrs = shape.traverse(predecessors)
         if props:
@@ -57,24 +60,22 @@ def materialize(self, iri: URIRef) -> NodeProperties:
     def _validate(self, iri: str, data_graph: Graph) -> Tuple[bool, Graph, str]:
         # _type_shape will make sure all the shapes for this type are in the graph
-        self._type_shape(iri)
+        self._load_and_get_type_shape(URIRef(iri))
         return validate(data_graph, shacl_graph=self._graph)
     def resolve_context(self, iri: str) -> Dict:
-        if iri in self._context_cache:
-            return self._context_cache[iri]
-        document = self.recursive_resolve(iri)
-        self._context_cache.update({iri: document})
-        return document
+        if iri not in self._context_cache:
+            self._context_cache[iri] = self.recursive_resolve(iri)
+        return self._context_cache[iri]
     def generate_context(self) -> Dict:
-        for v in self._shapes_to_resources.values():
-            self._load_shape(v)
-        # reloads the shapes graph
-        self._sg = ShapesGraphWrapper(self._graph)
+        for v in self.schema_to_source.values():
+            self._load_shape_and_reload_shapes_graph(v)
         return self._generate_context()
-    def _build_shapes_map(self) -> Dict:
+    def _build_shapes_map(self) -> Tuple[Dict[URIRef, str], Dict[str, URIRef]]:
         query = f"""
             PREFIX rdfs: <>
             PREFIX sh: <>
@@ -89,22 +90,24 @@ def _build_shapes_map(self) -> Dict:
             }} ORDER BY ?type"""
         # make sure to get all types
         limit = 100
         offset = 0
         count = limit
-        class_to_shapes = {}
-        shape_resource = {}
+        class_being_shaped_id_to_shape_uri = {}
+        schema_to_resource: Dict[URIRef, URIRef] = {}
         while count == limit:
             resources = self.context_store.sparql(query, debug=False, limit=limit, offset=offset)
             for r in resources:
                 shape_uri = URIRef(r.shape)
-                class_to_shapes[r.type] = shape_uri
-                shape_resource[shape_uri] = URIRef(r.resource_id)
+                class_being_shaped_id_to_shape_uri[r.type] = shape_uri
+                schema_to_resource[shape_uri] = URIRef(r.resource_id)
             count = len(resources)
-            offset += limit
-        self._shapes_to_resources = shape_resource
-        return class_to_shapes
+            offset += count
+        return schema_to_resource, class_being_shaped_id_to_shape_uri
     def recursive_resolve(self, context: Union[Dict, List, str]) -> Dict:
         document = {}
@@ -113,10 +116,12 @@ def recursive_resolve(self, context: Union[Dict, List, str]) -> Dict:
             if hasattr(self.default_store.service, "store_local_context") and\
                     self.default_store.service.store_local_context in context:
             for x in context:
         elif isinstance(context, str):
                 local_only = not self.default_store == self.context_store
                 doc = self.default_store.service.resolve_context(context, local_only=local_only)
@@ -125,12 +130,13 @@ def recursive_resolve(self, context: Union[Dict, List, str]) -> Dict:
                     doc = self.context_store.service.resolve_context(context, local_only=False)
                 except ValueError as e:
                     raise e
         elif isinstance(context, dict):
         return document
-    def _load_shape(self, resource_id):
+    def _load_shape(self, resource_id: URIRef):
         if resource_id not in self._imported:
                 shape = self.context_store.retrieve(resource_id, version=None, cross_bucket=False)
@@ -139,8 +145,11 @@ def _load_shape(self, resource_id):
                 # failed, don't try to load again
-                json_dict = as_jsonld(shape, form="compacted", store_metadata=False, model_context=None,
-                                      metadata_context=None, context_resolver=self.context_store.service.resolve_context)
+                json_dict = as_jsonld(
+                    shape, form="compacted", store_metadata=False, model_context=None,
+                    metadata_context=None,
+                    context_resolver=self.context_store.service.resolve_context
+                )
                 # this double conversion was due blank nodes were not "regenerated" with json-ld
                 temp_graph = Graph().parse(data=json.dumps(json_dict), format="json-ld")
                 self._graph.parse(data=temp_graph.serialize(format="n3"), format="n3")
@@ -149,12 +158,39 @@ def _load_shape(self, resource_id):
                     for dependency in shape.imports:
-    def _type_shape(self, iri: URIRef):
+    def _load_and_get_type_shape(self, iri: URIRef) -> ShapeWrapper:
-            shape = self._sg.lookup_shape_from_node(iri)
+            return self._shapes_graph.lookup_shape_from_node(iri)
         except KeyError:
-            self._load_shape(self._shapes_to_resources[iri])
-            # reloads the shapes graph
-            self._sg = ShapesGraphWrapper(self._graph)
-            shape = self._sg.lookup_shape_from_node(iri)
-        return shape
+            shape_resource_id = self.schema_to_source[iri]
+            self._load_shape_and_reload_shapes_graph(shape_resource_id)
+            return self._shapes_graph.lookup_shape_from_node(iri)
+    def _load_shape_and_reload_shapes_graph(self, iri: URIRef):
+        self._load_shape(iri)
+        # reloads the shapes graph
+        self._shapes_graph = ShapesGraphWrapper(self._graph)
+    def _build_ontology_map(self):
+        query = """
+            PREFIX rdfs: <>
+            PREFIX sh: <>
+            SELECT ?id ?label WHERE {
+                ?id a owl:Class ;
+                    rdfs:label ?label  
+            } 
+        """
+        # make sure to get all types
+        limit = 100
+        offset = 0
+        count = limit
+        class_resource: Dict[URIRef, URIRef] = dict()
+        while count == limit:
+            resources = self.context_store.sparql(query, debug=False, limit=limit, offset=offset)
+            for r in resources:
+                class_resource[r.label] = URIRef(
+            count = len(resources)
+            offset += count
+        return class_resource
diff --git a/kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/ b/kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/
similarity index 57%
rename from kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/
rename to kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/
index f9894745..2fdbef8c 100644
--- a/kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/
+++ b/kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
 import types
 from typing import List, Dict, Tuple, Set, Optional
 from abc import abstractmethod
-from pyshacl.constraints import ALL_CONSTRAINT_PARAMETERS
+from typing import List, Dict, Tuple, Set, Optional
 from pyshacl.shape import Shape
 from pyshacl.shapes_graph import ShapesGraph
 from rdflib import Graph, URIRef, RDF, XSD
@@ -23,108 +23,10 @@
 from kgforge.core.commons.context import Context
 from kgforge.core.commons.exceptions import ConfigurationError
 from kgforge.core.conversions.rdf import as_graph
-from kgforge.specializations.models.rdf.collectors import (AndCollector, NodeCollector,
-                                                           PropertyCollector, MinCountCollector,
-                                                           DatatypeCollector, InCollector,
-                                                           ClassCollector, NodeKindCollector,
-                                                           OrCollector, XoneCollector,
-                                                           HasValueCollector)
 from kgforge.specializations.models.rdf.node_properties import NodeProperties
 from kgforge.specializations.models.rdf.utils import as_term
-    AndCollector,
-    OrCollector,
-    PropertyCollector,
-    NodeCollector,
-    PropertyCollector,
-    MinCountCollector,
-    DatatypeCollector,
-    InCollector,
-    ClassCollector,
-    NodeKindCollector,
-    XoneCollector,
-    HasValueCollector
-ALL_COLLECTORS_MAP = {c.constraint(): c for c in ALL_COLLECTORS}
-def traverse(self, predecessors: Set[URIRef]) -> Tuple[List, Dict]:
-    """ traverses the Shape SACL properties to collect constrained properties
-    This function is injected to pyshacl Shape object in order to traverse the Shacl graph.
-    It will call a specific collector depending on the SHACL property present in the NodeShape
-    Args:
-        predecessors: list of nodes that have being traversed, used to break circular
-            recursion
-    Returns:
-        properties, attributes: Tuple(list,dict), the collected properties and attributes
-            respectively gathered from the collectors
-    """
-    parameters = self.parameters()
-    properties = []
-    attributes = {}
-    done_collectors = set()
-    for param in iter(parameters):
-        if param in ALL_COLLECTORS_MAP:
-            constraint_collector = ALL_COLLECTORS_MAP[param]
-            if constraint_collector not in done_collectors:
-                c = constraint_collector(self)
-                predecessors.add(self.node)
-                props, attrs = c.collect(predecessors)
-                if attrs:
-                    attributes.update(attrs)
-                if props:
-                    properties.extend(props)
-                done_collectors.add(constraint_collector)
-                if predecessors:
-                    predecessors.remove(self.node)
-        else:
-            # FIXME: there are some SHACL constrains that are not implemented
-            # raise IndexError(f"{param} not implemented!")
-            pass
-    return properties, attributes
-class ShapeWrapper(Shape):
-    __slots__ = ('__dict__',)
-    def __init__(self, shape: Shape) -> None:
-        super().__init__(, shape.node, shape._p, shape._path, shape.logger)
-    def parameters(self):
-        return (p for p, v in
-                if p in ALL_CONSTRAINT_PARAMETERS)
-class ShapesGraphWrapper(ShapesGraph):
-    def __init__(self, graph: Graph) -> None:
-        super().__init__(graph)
-        # the following line triggers the shape loading
-        self._shapes = self.shapes
-    def lookup_shape_from_node(self, node: URIRef) -> Shape:
-        """ Overwrite function to inject the transverse function for only to requested nodes.
-        Args:
-            node (URIRef): The node to look up.
-        Returns:
-            Shape: The Shacl shape of the requested node.
-        """
-        shape = self._node_shape_cache[node]
-        if shape:
-            shape_wrapper = ShapeWrapper(self._node_shape_cache[node])
-            if not hasattr(shape_wrapper, "traverse"):
-                shape_wrapper.traverse = types.MethodType(traverse, shape_wrapper)
-            return shape_wrapper
-        return shape
 class RdfService:
@@ -134,14 +36,14 @@ def __init__(self, graph: Graph, context_iri: Optional[str] = None) -> None:
             raise ConfigurationError("RdfModel requires a context")
         self._graph = graph
         self._context_cache = {}
-        self.classes_to_shapes = self._build_shapes_map()
-        resolved_context = self.resolve_context(context_iri)
-        self.context = Context(resolved_context, context_iri)
-        self.types_to_shapes: Dict = self._build_types_to_shapes()
+        self.schema_to_source, self.classes_to_shapes = self._build_shapes_map()
+        self.label_to_ontology_id: Dict[str, URIRef] = self._build_ontology_map()
-    def schema_source_id(self, schema_iri: str) -> str:
-        # POLICY Should return the id of the resource containing the schema
-        raise NotImplementedError()
+        self.context = Context(self.resolve_context(context_iri), context_iri)
+        self.types_to_shapes = self._build_types_to_shapes()
+    def schema_source(self, schema_iri: str) -> str:
+        return self.schema_to_source[URIRef(schema_iri)]
     def materialize(self, iri: URIRef) -> NodeProperties:
@@ -156,18 +58,23 @@ def materialize(self, iri: URIRef) -> NodeProperties:
         raise NotImplementedError()
     def validate(self, resource: Resource, type_: str):
-        try:
-            if isinstance(resource.type, list) and type_ is None:
-                raise ValueError("Resource has list of types as attribute and type_ parameter is not specified. "
-                                 "Please provide a type_ parameter to validate against it.")
-            if type_ is None:
-                shape_iri = self.types_to_shapes[resource.type]
-            else:
-                shape_iri = self.types_to_shapes[type_]
-        except AttributeError:
-            raise TypeError("resource requires a type attribute")
+        if "type" not in resource.__dict__:
+            raise TypeError("Resource requires a type attribute")
+        if isinstance(resource.type, list) and type_ is None:
+            raise ValueError(
+                "Resource has list of types as attribute and type_ parameter is not specified. "
+                "Please provide a type_ parameter to validate against it."
+            )
+        shape_iri = self.types_to_shapes.get(resource.type if type_ is None else type_, None)
+        if shape_iri is None:
+            raise ValueError(f"Unknown type {type_}")
         data_graph = as_graph(resource, False, self.context, None, None)
         return self._validate(shape_iri, data_graph)
@@ -185,7 +92,7 @@ def generate_context(self) -> Dict:
         raise NotImplementedError()
-    def _build_shapes_map(self) -> Dict:
+    def _build_shapes_map(self) -> Tuple[Dict[URIRef, str], Dict[str, URIRef]]:
         """Queries the source and returns a map of owl:Class to sh:NodeShape"""
         raise NotImplementedError()
@@ -196,11 +103,13 @@ def _build_types_to_shapes(self):
         for k, v in self.classes_to_shapes.items():
             term = self.context.find_term(str(k))
             if term:
-                key =
                 if not in types_to_shapes:
                     types_to_shapes[] = v
-                    print("WARN: duplicated term", key, k, [key], v)
+                    print("WARN: duplicated term",, k, [], v)
+            else:
+                print(f"WARN: missing term: {str(k)} in context")
         return types_to_shapes
     def _generate_context(self) -> Dict:
@@ -233,7 +142,7 @@ def traverse_properties(properties) -> Tuple[Dict, Dict]:
                                     term_obj.update({"@type": "@id"})
-                                        px, ns, n = self.graph.compute_qname(obj_type)
+                                        px, ns, n = self._graph.compute_qname(obj_type)
                                         l_prefixes.update({px: str(ns)})
                                         if str(ns) == str(XSD):
                                             term_obj.update({"@type": ":".join((px, n))})
@@ -270,3 +179,7 @@ def traverse_properties(properties) -> Tuple[Dict, Dict]:
         context.update({key: terms[key] for key in sorted(terms)})
         return {"@context": context} if len(context) > 0 else None
+    @abstractmethod
+    def _build_ontology_map(self):
+        pass
diff --git a/kgforge/specializations/models/ b/kgforge/specializations/models/
index be8e81b1..11397f62 100644
--- a/kgforge/specializations/models/
+++ b/kgforge/specializations/models/
@@ -27,9 +27,9 @@
 from kgforge.core.commons.exceptions import ValidationError
 from kgforge.core.commons.execution import run
 from kgforge.specializations.models.rdf.collectors import NodeProperties
-from kgforge.specializations.models.rdf.directory_service import DirectoryService
-from kgforge.specializations.models.rdf.service import RdfService
-from kgforge.specializations.models.rdf.store_service import StoreService
+from kgforge.specializations.models.rdf.rdf_model_directory_service import DirectoryService
+from kgforge.specializations.models.rdf.rdf_service import RdfService
+from kgforge.specializations.models.rdf.rdf_model_store_service import RdfModelStoreService
 from kgforge.specializations.models.rdf.utils import as_term
@@ -90,22 +90,20 @@ def _generate_context(self) -> Context:
     # Templates.
     def _template(self, type: str, only_required: bool) -> Dict:
-        try:
-            uri = self.service.types_to_shapes[type]
-        except KeyError:
-            raise ValueError("type '" + type + "' not found in " + self.source)
+        uri = self.get_shape_from_type(type)
         node_properties = self.service.materialize(uri)
         dictionary = parse_attributes(node_properties, only_required, None)
         return dictionary
-    # Validation.
+    def get_shape_from_type(self, type: str):
+        if type not in self.service.types_to_shapes:
+            raise ValueError(f"Type {type} not found")
     def schema_id(self, type: str) -> str:
-        try:
-            shape_iri = self.service.types_to_shapes[type]
-            return str(self.service.schema_source_id(shape_iri))
-        except KeyError:
-            raise ValueError("type not found")
+        shape_iri = self.get_shape_from_type(type)
+        return str(self.service.schema_source(shape_iri))
+    # Validation.
     def validate(self, data: Union[Resource, List[Resource]], execute_actions_before: bool, type_: str) -> None:
         run(self._validate_one, self._validate_many, data, execute_actions=execute_actions_before,
@@ -133,8 +131,12 @@ def _validate_one(self, resource: Resource, type_: str) -> None:
     # Utils.
-    def _service_from_directory(dirpath: Path, context_iri: str, **dir_config) -> RdfService:
-        return DirectoryService(dirpath, context_iri)
+    def _service_from_directory(
+            ontologies_path: Path, shapes_path: Path, context_iri: str, **dir_config
+    ) -> RdfService:
+        return DirectoryService(
+            ontologies_path=ontologies_path, shapes_path=shapes_path, context_iri=context_iri
+        )
     def _service_from_store(store: Callable, context_config: Optional[Dict], **source_config) -> Any:
@@ -156,11 +158,11 @@ def _service_from_store(store: Callable, context_config: Optional[Dict], **sourc
                 source_config.pop("bucket", None)
                 context_store: Store = store(context_endpoint, context_bucket, context_token, **source_config)
                 # FIXME: define a store independent StoreService
-                service = StoreService(default_store, context_iri, context_store)
+                service = RdfModelStoreService(default_store, context_iri, context_store)
-                service = StoreService(default_store, context_iri, None)
+                service = RdfModelStoreService(default_store, context_iri, None)
-            service = StoreService(default_store)
+            service = RdfModelStoreService(default_store)
         return service
diff --git a/kgforge/specializations/stores/ b/kgforge/specializations/stores/
index 95350ba7..273c7b61 100644
--- a/kgforge/specializations/stores/
+++ b/kgforge/specializations/stores/
@@ -1015,7 +1015,7 @@ def rewrite_uri(self, uri: str, context: Context, **kwargs) -> str:
         return uri
-def _create_select_query(vars_, statements, distinct, search_in_graph):
+def _create_select_query(vars_, statements, distinct: bool, search_in_graph: bool):
     where_clauses = (
         f"{{ Graph ?g {{{statements}}}}}" if search_in_graph else f"{{{statements}}}"
diff --git a/kgforge/specializations/stores/nexus/ b/kgforge/specializations/stores/nexus/
index e4699bef..93847f12 100644
--- a/kgforge/specializations/stores/nexus/
+++ b/kgforge/specializations/stores/nexus/
@@ -107,8 +107,8 @@ def __init__(
         self.namespace = namespace
         self.project_property = project_property
         self.store_metadata_keys = [
-            "_constrainedBy", "_createdAt", "_createdBy", "_deprecated", "_incoming", "_outgoing",
-            "_project", "_rev", "_schemaProject", "_self", "_updatedAt", "_updatedBy"
+            "_constrainedBy", "_createdAt", "_createdBy", "_deprecated", "_incoming",
+            "_outgoing", "_project", "_rev", "_schemaProject", "_self", "_updatedAt", "_updatedBy"
         self.deprecated_property = deprecated_property
@@ -249,11 +249,13 @@ def get_project_context(self) -> Dict:
     def resolve_context(self, iri: str, local_only: Optional[bool] = False) -> Dict:
         if iri in self.context_cache:
             return self.context_cache[iri]
+        context_to_resolve = (
+            self.store_local_context if iri == self.store_context else iri
+        )
+        url = "/".join((self.url_resolver, "_", quote_plus(context_to_resolve)))
-            context_to_resolve = (
-                self.store_local_context if iri == self.store_context else iri
-            )
-            url = "/".join((self.url_resolver, "_", quote_plus(context_to_resolve)))
             response = requests.get(url, headers=self.headers)
             resource = response.json()
@@ -272,13 +274,18 @@ def resolve_context(self, iri: str, local_only: Optional[bool] = False) -> Dict:
             if '_deprecated' in resource and resource['_deprecated']:
                 raise ConfigurationError(f"Context {context_to_resolve} exists but was deprecated")
             document = json.loads(json.dumps(resource["@context"]))
         if isinstance(document, list):
             if self.store_context in document:
             if self.store_local_context in document:
-        self.context_cache.update({context_to_resolve: document})
-        return document
+        self.context_cache[context_to_resolve] = document
+        # TODO context_to_resolve may be different from iri. Why is having it in the cache
+        #  already leading to different outcome? (see first 2 lines of function)
+        return self.context_cache[context_to_resolve]
     def batch_request(
@@ -461,9 +468,9 @@ def _prepare_uri(self, resource, schema_uri=None) -> Tuple[str, Dict]:
         return url, params
     def sync_metadata(self, resource: Resource, result: Dict) -> None:
         metadata = (
-            {"id":}
-            if hasattr(resource, "id")
+            {"id":} if hasattr(resource, "id")
             else (
                 {"id": resource.__getattribute__("@id")}
                 if hasattr(resource, "@id")
@@ -474,8 +481,10 @@ def sync_metadata(self, resource: Resource, result: Dict) -> None:
         keys.extend(["_index", "_score", "id", "@id"])
         only_meta = {k: v for k, v in result.items() if k in keys}
         metadata.update(_remove_ld_keys(only_meta, self.metadata_context, False))
         if not hasattr(resource, "id") and not hasattr(resource, "@id"):
    = result.get("id", result.get("@id", None))
         resource._store_metadata = wrap_dict(metadata)
     def synchronize_resource(

From a4f2a3d1bc1076e0615a2c3859a9ba05c013a6bb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: mouffok <>
Date: Tue, 24 Oct 2023 12:00:02 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 02/26] source or ontology/shape path

 kgforge/core/archetypes/              | 17 ++++++++++++++---
 kgforge/specializations/models/  |  7 +++++--
 .../models/rdf/       |  2 +-
 .../models/rdf/ | 16 ++++++++++++----
 kgforge/specializations/models/   | 19 ++++++++++++++-----
 5 files changed, 46 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-)

diff --git a/kgforge/core/archetypes/ b/kgforge/core/archetypes/
index d2002d4e..55373f74 100644
--- a/kgforge/core/archetypes/
+++ b/kgforge/core/archetypes/
@@ -180,9 +180,19 @@ def _initialize_service(self, source: str, **source_config) -> Any:
         origin = source_config.pop("origin")
         context_config = source_config.pop("context", {})
         context_iri = context_config.get("iri", None)
         if origin == "directory":
-            dirpath = Path(source)
-            return self._service_from_directory(dirpath, context_iri)
+            ontology_path = Path(source_config["ontology_path"]) \
+                if "ontology_path" in source_config else None
+            shapes_path = Path(source_config["shapes_path"]) \
+                if "shapes_path" in source_config else None
+            source_path = Path(source)
+            return self._service_from_directory(
+                source_path=source_path, ontologies_path=ontology_path, shapes_path=shapes_path,
+                context_iri=context_iri
+            )
         if origin == "url":
             return self._service_from_url(source, context_iri)
         if origin == "store":
@@ -194,7 +204,8 @@ def _initialize_service(self, source: str, **source_config) -> Any:
     def _service_from_directory(
-            ontologies_path: Path, shapes_path: Path, context_iri: Optional[str]
+            source_path: Optional[Path], ontologies_path: Optional[Path],
+            shapes_path: Optional[Path], context_iri: Optional[str]
     ) -> Any:
diff --git a/kgforge/specializations/models/ b/kgforge/specializations/models/
index cc873adf..b6256bf7 100644
--- a/kgforge/specializations/models/
+++ b/kgforge/specializations/models/
@@ -96,8 +96,11 @@ def _validate_one(self, resource: Resource, type_: str) -> None:
     # Utils.
-    def _service_from_directory(dirpath: Path, context_iri: str, **dir_config):
-        return ModelLibrary(dirpath)
+    def _service_from_directory(
+            source_path: Optional[Path], ontologies_path: Optional[Path],
+            shapes_path: Optional[Path], context_iri: Optional[str]
+    ):
+        return ModelLibrary(source_path)
 class ModelLibrary:
diff --git a/kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/ b/kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/
index bddfbba9..dada1b98 100644
--- a/kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/
+++ b/kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/
@@ -279,7 +279,7 @@ def lookup_shape_from_node(self, node: URIRef) -> Optional[ShapeWrapper]:
             Shape: The Shacl shape of the requested node.
-        shape: Shape = self._node_shape_cache[node]
+        shape: Shape = self._node_shape_cache.get(node, None)
         if shape:
             return ShapeWrapper(shape)
             # if not hasattr(shape_wrapper, "traverse"):
diff --git a/kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/ b/kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/
index 8253e25b..4bf90d38 100644
--- a/kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/
+++ b/kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
 # along with Blue Brain Nexus Forge. If not, see <>.
 import os
 from pathlib import Path
-from typing import Dict, Tuple
+from typing import Dict, Tuple, Optional
 from pyshacl import validate
 from rdflib import Graph, URIRef
@@ -27,10 +27,18 @@
 class DirectoryService(RdfService):
-    def __init__(self, ontologies_path: Path, shapes_path: Path, context_iri: str) -> None:
+    def __init__(self, source_path: Path, ontologies_path: Optional[Path],
+                 shapes_path: Optional[Path], context_iri: str) -> None:
         g = Graph()
-        g = load_rdf_files(ontologies_path, g)
-        g = load_rdf_files(shapes_path, g)
+        if ontologies_path is None and shapes_path is None:
+            if source_path is None:
+                raise Exception("Must specify source path")
+            else:
+                g = load_rdf_files(source_path, g)
+        else:
+            g = load_rdf_files(ontologies_path, g)
+            g = load_rdf_files(shapes_path, g)
         self._graph = g
         self._shapes_graph = ShapesGraphWrapper(self._graph)
diff --git a/kgforge/specializations/models/ b/kgforge/specializations/models/
index 11397f62..9d90aaf6 100644
--- a/kgforge/specializations/models/
+++ b/kgforge/specializations/models/
@@ -105,7 +105,8 @@ def schema_id(self, type: str) -> str:
     # Validation.
-    def validate(self, data: Union[Resource, List[Resource]], execute_actions_before: bool, type_: str) -> None:
+    def validate(self, data: Union[Resource, List[Resource]], execute_actions_before: bool,
+                 type_: str) -> None:
         run(self._validate_one, self._validate_many, data, execute_actions=execute_actions_before,
             exception=ValidationError, monitored_status="_validated", type_=type_)
@@ -132,14 +133,20 @@ def _validate_one(self, resource: Resource, type_: str) -> None:
     def _service_from_directory(
-            ontologies_path: Path, shapes_path: Path, context_iri: str, **dir_config
+            source_path: Optional[Path],
+            ontologies_path: Optional[Path],
+            shapes_path: Optional[Path],
+            context_iri: str,
+            **dir_config
     ) -> RdfService:
         return DirectoryService(
+            source_path=source_path,
             ontologies_path=ontologies_path, shapes_path=shapes_path, context_iri=context_iri
-    def _service_from_store(store: Callable, context_config: Optional[Dict], **source_config) -> Any:
+    def _service_from_store(store: Callable, context_config: Optional[Dict],
+                            **source_config) -> Any:
         endpoint = source_config.get("endpoint")
         token = source_config.get("token")
         bucket = source_config["bucket"]
@@ -156,7 +163,8 @@ def _service_from_store(store: Callable, context_config: Optional[Dict], **sourc
                 source_config.pop("endpoint", None)
                 source_config.pop("token", None)
                 source_config.pop("bucket", None)
-                context_store: Store = store(context_endpoint, context_bucket, context_token, **source_config)
+                context_store: Store = store(context_endpoint, context_bucket, context_token,
+                                             **source_config)
                 # FIXME: define a store independent StoreService
                 service = RdfModelStoreService(default_store, context_iri, context_store)
@@ -186,7 +194,8 @@ def parse_attributes(node: NodeProperties, only_required: bool,
     return attributes
-def parse_properties(items: List[NodeProperties], only_required: bool, inherited_constraint: str) -> Dict:
+def parse_properties(items: List[NodeProperties], only_required: bool,
+                     inherited_constraint: str) -> Dict:
     props = {}
     for item in items:
         props.update(parse_attributes(item, only_required, inherited_constraint))

From f7ddd2dd49259024d4b99f3c18894a836b1c60f8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: mouffok <>
Date: Tue, 24 Oct 2023 15:22:39 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 03/26] rm shapes and ontology path separation

 kgforge/core/archetypes/              | 16 +----
 kgforge/specializations/models/  |  7 +--
 .../models/rdf/       | 21 +------
 .../models/rdf/ | 18 +-----
 kgforge/specializations/models/   | 13 +----
 .../specializations/stores/nexus/   | 58 +++++++++----------
 6 files changed, 39 insertions(+), 94 deletions(-)

diff --git a/kgforge/core/archetypes/ b/kgforge/core/archetypes/
index 55373f74..69c50e62 100644
--- a/kgforge/core/archetypes/
+++ b/kgforge/core/archetypes/
@@ -183,16 +183,7 @@ def _initialize_service(self, source: str, **source_config) -> Any:
         if origin == "directory":
-            ontology_path = Path(source_config["ontology_path"]) \
-                if "ontology_path" in source_config else None
-            shapes_path = Path(source_config["shapes_path"]) \
-                if "shapes_path" in source_config else None
-            source_path = Path(source)
-            return self._service_from_directory(
-                source_path=source_path, ontologies_path=ontology_path, shapes_path=shapes_path,
-                context_iri=context_iri
-            )
+            return self._service_from_directory(dir_path=Path(source), context_iri=context_iri)
         if origin == "url":
             return self._service_from_url(source, context_iri)
         if origin == "store":
@@ -203,10 +194,7 @@ def _initialize_service(self, source: str, **source_config) -> Any:
-    def _service_from_directory(
-            source_path: Optional[Path], ontologies_path: Optional[Path],
-            shapes_path: Optional[Path], context_iri: Optional[str]
-    ) -> Any:
+    def _service_from_directory(dir_path: Path, context_iri: Optional[str]) -> Any:
diff --git a/kgforge/specializations/models/ b/kgforge/specializations/models/
index b6256bf7..ac03d518 100644
--- a/kgforge/specializations/models/
+++ b/kgforge/specializations/models/
@@ -96,11 +96,8 @@ def _validate_one(self, resource: Resource, type_: str) -> None:
     # Utils.
-    def _service_from_directory(
-            source_path: Optional[Path], ontologies_path: Optional[Path],
-            shapes_path: Optional[Path], context_iri: Optional[str]
-    ):
-        return ModelLibrary(source_path)
+    def _service_from_directory(dir_path: Path, context_iri: Optional[str]):
+        return ModelLibrary(dir_path)
 class ModelLibrary:
diff --git a/kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/ b/kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/
index dada1b98..09fcf8f1 100644
--- a/kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/
+++ b/kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/
@@ -1,30 +1,11 @@
-import pyshacl
 from pyshacl import Shape, ShapesGraph
 from rdflib import Graph, URIRef
 from pyshacl.constraints import ALL_CONSTRAINT_PARAMETERS
+from typing import List, Optional, Set, Tuple, Dict
 from kgforge.specializations.models.rdf.collectors import ALL_COLLECTORS
-from time import perf_counter
-from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, List, Optional, Set, Tuple, Type, Union, Dict
-from rdflib import BNode, Literal, URIRef
-from pyshacl.consts import (
-    SH_Info,
-    SH_resultSeverity,
-    SH_Warning,
-from pyshacl.errors import ConstraintLoadError, ConstraintLoadWarning, ReportableRuntimeError, \
-    ShapeLoadError
-from pyshacl.pytypes import GraphLike
-    from pyshacl.constraints import ConstraintComponent
-    from pyshacl.shapes_graph import ShapesGraph
 ALL_COLLECTORS_MAP = {c.constraint(): c for c in ALL_COLLECTORS}
diff --git a/kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/ b/kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/
index 4bf90d38..fa916a61 100644
--- a/kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/
+++ b/kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/
@@ -27,20 +27,8 @@
 class DirectoryService(RdfService):
-    def __init__(self, source_path: Path, ontologies_path: Optional[Path],
-                 shapes_path: Optional[Path], context_iri: str) -> None:
-        g = Graph()
-        if ontologies_path is None and shapes_path is None:
-            if source_path is None:
-                raise Exception("Must specify source path")
-            else:
-                g = load_rdf_files(source_path, g)
-        else:
-            g = load_rdf_files(ontologies_path, g)
-            g = load_rdf_files(shapes_path, g)
-        self._graph = g
+    def __init__(self, dir_path: Path, context_iri: str) -> None:
+        self._graph = load_rdf_files_into_graph(dir_path, Graph())
         self._shapes_graph = ShapesGraphWrapper(self._graph)
         super().__init__(self._graph, context_iri)
@@ -115,7 +103,7 @@ def _build_shapes_map(self) -> Tuple[Dict[URIRef, str], Dict[str, URIRef]]:
         return schema_to_file, class_being_shaped_id_to_shape_uri
-def load_rdf_files(path: Path, memory_graph: Graph) -> Graph:
+def load_rdf_files_into_graph(path: Path, memory_graph: Graph) -> Graph:
     extensions = [".ttl", ".n3", ".json", ".rdf"]
     for f in path.rglob(os.path.join("*.*")):
         if f.suffix in extensions:
diff --git a/kgforge/specializations/models/ b/kgforge/specializations/models/
index 9d90aaf6..a8573a2f 100644
--- a/kgforge/specializations/models/
+++ b/kgforge/specializations/models/
@@ -132,17 +132,8 @@ def _validate_one(self, resource: Resource, type_: str) -> None:
     # Utils.
-    def _service_from_directory(
-            source_path: Optional[Path],
-            ontologies_path: Optional[Path],
-            shapes_path: Optional[Path],
-            context_iri: str,
-            **dir_config
-    ) -> RdfService:
-        return DirectoryService(
-            source_path=source_path,
-            ontologies_path=ontologies_path, shapes_path=shapes_path, context_iri=context_iri
-        )
+    def _service_from_directory(dir_path: Path, context_iri: str, **dir_config) -> RdfService:
+        return DirectoryService(dir_path=dir_path, context_iri=context_iri)
     def _service_from_store(store: Callable, context_config: Optional[Dict],
diff --git a/kgforge/specializations/stores/nexus/ b/kgforge/specializations/stores/nexus/
index 93847f12..ba9b671b 100644
--- a/kgforge/specializations/stores/nexus/
+++ b/kgforge/specializations/stores/nexus/
@@ -247,44 +247,44 @@ def get_project_context(self) -> Dict:
         return context
     def resolve_context(self, iri: str, local_only: Optional[bool] = False) -> Dict:
-        if iri in self.context_cache:
-            return self.context_cache[iri]
         context_to_resolve = (
             self.store_local_context if iri == self.store_context else iri
-        url = "/".join((self.url_resolver, "_", quote_plus(context_to_resolve)))
-        try:
-            response = requests.get(url, headers=self.headers)
-            response.raise_for_status()
-            resource = response.json()
-        except Exception:
-            if not local_only:
-                try:
-                    context = Context(context_to_resolve)
-                except URLError:
-                    raise ValueError(f"{context_to_resolve} is not resolvable")
+        if context_to_resolve not in self.context_cache:
-                document = context.document["@context"]
+            url = "/".join((self.url_resolver, "_", quote_plus(context_to_resolve)))
+            try:
+                response = requests.get(url, headers=self.headers)
+                response.raise_for_status()
+                resource = response.json()
+            except Exception as e:
+                if not local_only:
+                    try:
+                        context = Context(context_to_resolve)
+                    except URLError:
+                        raise ValueError(f"{context_to_resolve} is not resolvable")
+                    document = context.document["@context"]
+                else:
+                    raise ValueError(f"{context_to_resolve} is not resolvable")
-                raise ValueError(f"{context_to_resolve} is not resolvable")
-        else:
-            # Make sure context is not deprecated
-            if '_deprecated' in resource and resource['_deprecated']:
-                raise ConfigurationError(f"Context {context_to_resolve} exists but was deprecated")
-            document = json.loads(json.dumps(resource["@context"]))
+                # Make sure context is not deprecated
+                if '_deprecated' in resource and resource['_deprecated']:
+                    raise ConfigurationError(
+                        f"Context {context_to_resolve} exists but was deprecated"
+                    )
+                document = json.loads(json.dumps(resource["@context"]))
-        if isinstance(document, list):
-            if self.store_context in document:
-                document.remove(self.store_context)
-            if self.store_local_context in document:
-                document.remove(self.store_local_context)
+            if isinstance(document, list):
+                if self.store_context in document:
+                    document.remove(self.store_context)
+                if self.store_local_context in document:
+                    document.remove(self.store_local_context)
-        self.context_cache[context_to_resolve] = document
+            self.context_cache[context_to_resolve] = document
-        # TODO context_to_resolve may be different from iri. Why is having it in the cache
-        #  already leading to different outcome? (see first 2 lines of function)
         return self.context_cache[context_to_resolve]
     def batch_request(

From 90196d207cfd69a92dda67a44d4540a87d5ef3f0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: mouffok <>
Date: Tue, 24 Oct 2023 16:11:18 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 04/26] getter for store and model in forge

 kgforge/core/                         | 159 +++++++++---------
 .../models/rdf/ |   3 +-
 2 files changed, 85 insertions(+), 77 deletions(-)

diff --git a/kgforge/core/ b/kgforge/core/
index db28427c..c8950779 100644
--- a/kgforge/core/
+++ b/kgforge/core/
@@ -243,6 +243,14 @@ def __init__(self, configuration: Union[str, Dict], **kwargs) -> None:
         # Formatters.
         self._formatters: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = config.pop("Formatters", None)
+    def get_model(self) -> Model:
+        """Exposes the model."""
+        return self._model
+    def get_store(self) -> Store:
+        """Exposes the store."""
+        return self._store
     def prefixes(self, pretty: bool = True) -> Optional[Dict[str, str]]:
@@ -282,7 +290,7 @@ def types(self, pretty: bool = True) -> Optional[List[str]]:
     def template(
-        self, type: str, only_required: bool = False, output: str = "hjson"
+            self, type: str, only_required: bool = False, output: str = "hjson"
     ) -> Optional[Dict]:
         Print the schema associated with a given resource type (must be listed in forge.types(...)) in hjson (output='hjson') or JSON (output='json') format.
@@ -366,18 +374,18 @@ def resolvers(self, output: str = "print") -> Optional[Dict]:
     def resolve(
-        self,
-        text: Union[str, List[str], Resource],
-        scope: Optional[str] = None,
-        resolver: Optional[str] = None,
-        target: Optional[str] = None,
-        type: Optional[str] = None,
-        strategy: Union[ResolvingStrategy, str] = ResolvingStrategy.BEST_MATCH,
-        resolving_context: Optional[Any] = None,
-        property_to_resolve: Optional[str] = None,
-        merge_inplace_as: Optional[str] = None,
-        limit: Optional[int] = 10,
-        threshold: Optional[float] = 0.5,
+            self,
+            text: Union[str, List[str], Resource],
+            scope: Optional[str] = None,
+            resolver: Optional[str] = None,
+            target: Optional[str] = None,
+            type: Optional[str] = None,
+            strategy: Union[ResolvingStrategy, str] = ResolvingStrategy.BEST_MATCH,
+            resolving_context: Optional[Any] = None,
+            property_to_resolve: Optional[str] = None,
+            merge_inplace_as: Optional[str] = None,
+            limit: Optional[int] = 10,
+            threshold: Optional[float] = 0.5,
     ) -> Optional[Union[Resource, List[Resource], Dict[str, List[Resource]]]]:
         Resolve text(s) or a resource into existing resources (from the configured Store) depending on the resolving strategy.
@@ -462,7 +470,8 @@ def resolve(
     # Formatting User Interface.
-    def format(self, what: str = None, *args, formatter: Union[Formatter, str] = Formatter.STR, uri: str = None, **kwargs) -> str:
+    def format(self, what: str = None, *args, formatter: Union[Formatter, str] = Formatter.STR,
+               uri: str = None, **kwargs) -> str:
         Select a configured formatter (see string (identified by 'what') and format it using provided '*args'
         :param what: a configured str format name. Required formatter:str = Formatter.STR
@@ -520,7 +529,7 @@ def sources(self, pretty: bool = True) -> Optional[List[str]]:
     def mappings(
-        self, source: str, pretty: bool = True
+            self, source: str, pretty: bool = True
     ) -> Optional[Dict[str, List[str]]]:
         Print(pretty=True) or return (pretty=False) configured mappings for a given source.
@@ -534,7 +543,7 @@ def mappings(
     def mapping(
-        self, entity: str, source: str, type: Callable = DictionaryMapping
+            self, entity: str, source: str, type: Callable = DictionaryMapping
     ) -> Mapping:
         Return a Mapping object of type 'type' for a resource type 'entity' and a source.
@@ -548,11 +557,11 @@ def mapping(
     def map(
-        self,
-        data: Any,
-        mapping: Union[Mapping, List[Mapping]],
-        mapper: Callable = DictionaryMapper,
-        na: Union[Any, List[Any]] = None,
+            self,
+            data: Any,
+            mapping: Union[Mapping, List[Mapping]],
+            mapper: Callable = DictionaryMapper,
+            na: Union[Any, List[Any]] = None,
     ) -> Union[Resource, List[Resource]]:
         Transform data to resources using transformations rules provided as mappings. The format of the data to transform
@@ -570,10 +579,10 @@ def map(
     def reshape(
-        self,
-        data: Union[Resource, List[Resource]],
-        keep: List[str],
-        versioned: bool = False,
+            self,
+            data: Union[Resource, List[Resource]],
+            keep: List[str],
+            versioned: bool = False,
     ) -> Union[Resource, List[Resource]]:
         Keep only a provided list of properties ('keep') from a resource of list of resources.
@@ -591,11 +600,11 @@ def reshape(
     def retrieve(
-        self,
-        id: str,
-        version: Optional[Union[int, str]] = None,
-        cross_bucket: bool = False,
-        **params
+            self,
+            id: str,
+            version: Optional[Union[int, str]] = None,
+            cross_bucket: bool = False,
+            **params
     ) -> Resource:
         Retrieve a resource by its identifier from the configured store and possibly at a given version.
@@ -636,12 +645,12 @@ def search(self, *filters, **params) -> List[Resource]:
     def sparql(
-        self,
-        query: str,
-        debug: bool = False,
-        limit: Optional[int] = None,
-        offset: Optional[int] = None,
-        **params
+            self,
+            query: str,
+            debug: bool = False,
+            limit: Optional[int] = None,
+            offset: Optional[int] = None,
+            **params
     ) -> List[Resource]:
         Search for resources using a SPARQL query. See SPARQL docs:
@@ -657,11 +666,11 @@ def sparql(
     def elastic(
-        self,
-        query: str,
-        debug: bool = False,
-        limit: Optional[int] = None,
-        offset: Optional[int] = None,
+            self,
+            query: str,
+            debug: bool = False,
+            limit: Optional[int] = None,
+            offset: Optional[int] = None,
     ) -> List[Resource]:
         Search for resources using an ElasticSearch DSL query. See ElasticSearch DSL docs:
@@ -676,13 +685,13 @@ def elastic(
     def download(
-        self,
-        data: Union[Resource, List[Resource]],
-        follow: str = "distribution.contentUrl",
-        path: str = ".",
-        overwrite: bool = False,
-        cross_bucket: bool = False,
-        content_type: str = None
+            self,
+            data: Union[Resource, List[Resource]],
+            follow: str = "distribution.contentUrl",
+            path: str = ".",
+            overwrite: bool = False,
+            cross_bucket: bool = False,
+            content_type: str = None
     ) -> None:
         Download files attached to a resource or a list of resources.
@@ -701,7 +710,7 @@ def download(
     # No @catch because the error handling is done by
     def register(
-        self, data: Union[Resource, List[Resource]], schema_id: Optional[str] = None
+            self, data: Union[Resource, List[Resource]], schema_id: Optional[str] = None
     ) -> None:
         Store a resource or list of resources in the configured Store.
@@ -714,7 +723,7 @@ def register(
     # No @catch because the error handling is done by
     def update(
-        self, data: Union[Resource, List[Resource]], schema_id: Optional[str] = None
+            self, data: Union[Resource, List[Resource]], schema_id: Optional[str] = None
     ) -> None:
         Update a resource or a list of resources in the configured Store.
@@ -774,10 +783,10 @@ def attach(self, path: str, content_type: str = None) -> LazyAction:
     def as_json(
-        self,
-        data: Union[Resource, List[Resource]],
-        expanded: bool = False,
-        store_metadata: bool = False,
+            self,
+            data: Union[Resource, List[Resource]],
+            expanded: bool = False,
+            store_metadata: bool = False,
     ) -> Union[Dict, List[Dict]]:
         Convert a resource or a list of resources to JSON.
@@ -798,11 +807,11 @@ def as_json(
     def as_jsonld(
-        self,
-        data: Union[Resource, List[Resource]],
-        form: str = Form.COMPACTED.value,
-        store_metadata: bool = False,
-        **params
+            self,
+            data: Union[Resource, List[Resource]],
+            form: str = Form.COMPACTED.value,
+            store_metadata: bool = False,
+            **params
     ) -> Union[Dict, List[Dict]]:
         Convert a resource or a list of resources to JSON-LD.
@@ -825,7 +834,7 @@ def as_jsonld(
     def as_graph(
-        self, data: Union[Resource, List[Resource]], store_metadata: bool = False
+            self, data: Union[Resource, List[Resource]], store_metadata: bool = False
     ) -> Graph:
         Convert a resource or a list of resources to a RDFLib Graph object:
@@ -844,12 +853,12 @@ def as_graph(
     def as_dataframe(
-        self,
-        data: Union[Resource, List[Resource]],
-        na: Union[Any, List[Any]] = [None],
-        nesting: str = ".",
-        expanded: bool = False,
-        store_metadata: bool = False,
+            self,
+            data: Union[Resource, List[Resource]],
+            na: Union[Any, List[Any]] = [None],
+            nesting: str = ".",
+            expanded: bool = False,
+            store_metadata: bool = False,
     ) -> DataFrame:
         Convert a resource or a list of resources to pandas.DataFrame.
@@ -874,7 +883,7 @@ def as_dataframe(
     def from_json(
-        self, data: Union[Dict, List[Dict]], na: Union[Any, List[Any]] = None
+            self, data: Union[Dict, List[Dict]], na: Union[Any, List[Any]] = None
     ) -> Union[Resource, List[Resource]]:
         Convert a JSON document or a list of JSON documents to a resource or a list of resources.
@@ -887,7 +896,7 @@ def from_json(
     def from_jsonld(
-        self, data: Union[Dict, List[Dict]]
+            self, data: Union[Dict, List[Dict]]
     ) -> Union[Resource, List[Resource]]:
         Convert a JSON-LD document or a list of JSON-LD documents to a resource or a list of resources.
@@ -899,11 +908,11 @@ def from_jsonld(
     def from_graph(
-        self,
-        data: Graph,
-        type: Union[str, List[str]] = None,
-        frame: Dict = None,
-        use_model_context=False,
+            self,
+            data: Graph,
+            type: Union[str, List[str]] = None,
+            frame: Dict = None,
+            use_model_context=False,
     ) -> Union[Resource, List[Resource]]:
         Convert a RDFLib.Graph object to a resource or a list of resources. What to convert from the RDFLib.Graph can be
@@ -920,7 +929,7 @@ def from_graph(
     def from_dataframe(
-        self, data: DataFrame, na: Union[Any, List[Any]] = np.nan, nesting: str = "."
+            self, data: DataFrame, na: Union[Any, List[Any]] = np.nan, nesting: str = "."
     ) -> Union[Resource, List[Resource]]:
         Convert a pandas.DataFrame to a resource or a list of resources.
@@ -942,7 +951,7 @@ def get_model_context(self):
 def prepare_resolvers(
-    config: Dict, store_config: Dict
+        config: Dict, store_config: Dict
 ) -> Dict[str, Dict[str, Resolver]]:
     return {
         scope: dict(prepare_resolver(x, store_config) for x in configs)
diff --git a/kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/ b/kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/
index fa916a61..63bfde3a 100644
--- a/kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/
+++ b/kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/
@@ -110,7 +110,6 @@ def load_rdf_files_into_graph(path: Path, memory_graph: Graph) -> Graph:
             file_format = guess_format(
             if file_format is None:
                 file_format = "json-ld"
-            t = f.as_posix()
-            memory_graph.parse(t, format=file_format)
+            memory_graph.parse(f.as_posix(), format=file_format)
     return memory_graph

From 1532fe0a14ca2db38ef441add1ede9d9cdcb3112 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: mouffok <>
Date: Tue, 24 Oct 2023 16:46:11 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 05/26] expose unimplemented method to tests

 kgforge/core/archetypes/              |  3 ++-
 .../{ =>}  | 13 ++++++---- =>} |  4 +-- =>} |  4 +--
 kgforge/specializations/models/   | 26 ++++++++++---------
 .../specializations/models/  |  4 ++-
 6 files changed, 31 insertions(+), 23 deletions(-)
 rename kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/{ =>} (95%)
 rename kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/{ =>} (96%)
 rename kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/{ =>} (98%)

diff --git a/kgforge/core/archetypes/ b/kgforge/core/archetypes/
index 69c50e62..c5a8528d 100644
--- a/kgforge/core/archetypes/
+++ b/kgforge/core/archetypes/
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
 import hjson
 from pandas import DataFrame
+from rdflib import URIRef
 from kgforge.core import Resource
 from kgforge.core.archetypes import Mapping
@@ -151,7 +152,7 @@ def mapping(self, entity: str, source: str, type: Callable) -> Mapping:
     # Validation.
-    def schema_id(self, type: str) -> str:
+    def schema_id(self, type: str) -> URIRef:
         # POLICY Should retrieve the schema id of the given type.
diff --git a/kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/ b/kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/
similarity index 95%
rename from kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/
rename to kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/
index 2fdbef8c..549ba259 100644
--- a/kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/
+++ b/kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/
@@ -28,7 +28,10 @@
 from kgforge.specializations.models.rdf.utils import as_term
-class RdfService:
+class RdfModelService:
+    schema_to_source: Dict[URIRef, str]
+    classes_to_shapes: Dict[str, URIRef]
     def __init__(self, graph: Graph, context_iri: Optional[str] = None) -> None:
@@ -40,10 +43,10 @@ def __init__(self, graph: Graph, context_iri: Optional[str] = None) -> None:
         self.label_to_ontology_id: Dict[str, URIRef] = self._build_ontology_map()
         self.context = Context(self.resolve_context(context_iri), context_iri)
-        self.types_to_shapes = self._build_types_to_shapes()
+        self.types_to_shapes: Dict[str, URIRef] = self._build_types_to_shapes()
-    def schema_source(self, schema_iri: str) -> str:
-        return self.schema_to_source[URIRef(schema_iri)]
+    def schema_source(self, schema_iri: URIRef) -> str:
+        return self.schema_to_source[schema_iri]
     def materialize(self, iri: URIRef) -> NodeProperties:
@@ -96,7 +99,7 @@ def _build_shapes_map(self) -> Tuple[Dict[URIRef, str], Dict[str, URIRef]]:
         """Queries the source and returns a map of owl:Class to sh:NodeShape"""
         raise NotImplementedError()
-    def _build_types_to_shapes(self):
+    def _build_types_to_shapes(self) -> Dict[str, URIRef]:
         """Iterates the classes_to_shapes dictionary to create a term to shape dictionary filtering
          the terms available in the context """
         types_to_shapes: Dict = {}
diff --git a/kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/ b/kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/
similarity index 96%
rename from kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/
rename to kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/
index 63bfde3a..5d2f5c46 100644
--- a/kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/
+++ b/kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/
@@ -21,11 +21,11 @@
 from kgforge.core.commons.context import Context
 from kgforge.specializations.models.rdf.node_properties import NodeProperties
-from kgforge.specializations.models.rdf.rdf_service import RdfService
+from kgforge.specializations.models.rdf.rdf_model_service import RdfModelService
 from kgforge.specializations.models.rdf.pyshacl_shape_wrapper import ShapesGraphWrapper
-class DirectoryService(RdfService):
+class RdfModelServiceFromDirectory(RdfModelService):
     def __init__(self, dir_path: Path, context_iri: str) -> None:
         self._graph = load_rdf_files_into_graph(dir_path, Graph())
diff --git a/kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/ b/kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/
similarity index 98%
rename from kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/
rename to kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/
index bd29c4eb..60f343c3 100644
--- a/kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/
+++ b/kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/
@@ -24,11 +24,11 @@
 from kgforge.specializations.models.rdf.node_properties import NodeProperties
 from kgforge.specializations.models.rdf.pyshacl_shape_wrapper import ShapesGraphWrapper, \
-from kgforge.specializations.models.rdf.rdf_service import RdfService
+from kgforge.specializations.models.rdf.rdf_model_service import RdfModelService
 from import Service
-class RdfModelStoreService(RdfService):
+class RdfModelServiceFromStore(RdfModelService):
     def __init__(self, default_store: Store, context_iri: Optional[str] = None,
                  context_store: Optional[Store] = None) -> None:
diff --git a/kgforge/specializations/models/ b/kgforge/specializations/models/
index a8573a2f..1cfb735c 100644
--- a/kgforge/specializations/models/
+++ b/kgforge/specializations/models/
@@ -27,9 +27,9 @@
 from kgforge.core.commons.exceptions import ValidationError
 from kgforge.core.commons.execution import run
 from kgforge.specializations.models.rdf.collectors import NodeProperties
-from kgforge.specializations.models.rdf.rdf_model_directory_service import DirectoryService
-from kgforge.specializations.models.rdf.rdf_service import RdfService
-from kgforge.specializations.models.rdf.rdf_model_store_service import RdfModelStoreService
+from kgforge.specializations.models.rdf.rdf_model_service_from_directory import RdfModelServiceFromDirectory
+from kgforge.specializations.models.rdf.rdf_model_service import RdfModelService
+from kgforge.specializations.models.rdf.rdf_model_service_from_store import RdfModelServiceFromStore
 from kgforge.specializations.models.rdf.utils import as_term
@@ -95,13 +95,15 @@ def _template(self, type: str, only_required: bool) -> Dict:
         dictionary = parse_attributes(node_properties, only_required, None)
         return dictionary
-    def get_shape_from_type(self, type: str):
+    def get_shape_from_type(self, type: str) -> URIRef:
         if type not in self.service.types_to_shapes:
             raise ValueError(f"Type {type} not found")
+        return self.service.types_to_shapes[type]
-    def schema_id(self, type: str) -> str:
-        shape_iri = self.get_shape_from_type(type)
-        return str(self.service.schema_source(shape_iri))
+    def schema_id(self, type: str) -> URIRef:
+        shape_iri: URIRef = self.get_shape_from_type(type)
+        e = self.service.schema_source(shape_iri)
+        return e
     # Validation.
@@ -132,8 +134,8 @@ def _validate_one(self, resource: Resource, type_: str) -> None:
     # Utils.
-    def _service_from_directory(dir_path: Path, context_iri: str, **dir_config) -> RdfService:
-        return DirectoryService(dir_path=dir_path, context_iri=context_iri)
+    def _service_from_directory(dir_path: Path, context_iri: str, **dir_config) -> RdfModelService:
+        return RdfModelServiceFromDirectory(dir_path=dir_path, context_iri=context_iri)
     def _service_from_store(store: Callable, context_config: Optional[Dict],
@@ -157,11 +159,11 @@ def _service_from_store(store: Callable, context_config: Optional[Dict],
                 context_store: Store = store(context_endpoint, context_bucket, context_token,
                 # FIXME: define a store independent StoreService
-                service = RdfModelStoreService(default_store, context_iri, context_store)
+                service = RdfModelServiceFromStore(default_store, context_iri, context_store)
-                service = RdfModelStoreService(default_store, context_iri, None)
+                service = RdfModelServiceFromStore(default_store, context_iri, None)
-            service = RdfModelStoreService(default_store)
+            service = RdfModelServiceFromStore(default_store)
         return service
diff --git a/tests/specializations/models/ b/tests/specializations/models/
index c3895c26..f7dedffc 100644
--- a/tests/specializations/models/
+++ b/tests/specializations/models/
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
 # along with Blue Brain Nexus Forge. If not, see <>.
 import json
 import pytest
+from rdflib import URIRef
 from kgforge.core import Resource
 from kgforge.core.commons.exceptions import ValidationError
@@ -97,7 +98,8 @@ def valid_activity_resource(self, activity_json):
     @pytest.mark.parametrize("type_,", TYPES_SCHEMAS_MAP.keys())
     def test_type_to_schema(self, rdf_model: RdfModel, type_):
         # FIXME TYPES_SCHEMAS_MAP should be a type to file dictionary
-        assert rdf_model.schema_id(type_) == TYPES_SCHEMAS_MAP[type_]
+        # see _build_shapes_map from RdfModelServiceFromDirectory
+        assert rdf_model.schema_id(type_) == URIRef(TYPES_SCHEMAS_MAP[type_])
     def test_validate_one(self, rdf_model: RdfModel, valid_activity_resource):
         rdf_model.validate(valid_activity_resource, False, type_="Activity")

From ff4dee1ce81632d595faf5eb1fc7819ca52a7594 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: mouffok <>
Date: Tue, 24 Oct 2023 17:08:41 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 06/26] sparql query rewriter out of store

 kgforge/core/archetypes/              | 152 ++---------------
 kgforge/core/commons/ | 161 ++++++++++++++++++
 tests/core/archetypes/           |   2 +-
 3 files changed, 179 insertions(+), 136 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 kgforge/core/commons/

diff --git a/kgforge/core/archetypes/ b/kgforge/core/archetypes/
index b65435d5..06e97ba4 100644
--- a/kgforge/core/archetypes/
+++ b/kgforge/core/archetypes/
@@ -34,62 +34,15 @@
 from kgforge.core.commons.execution import not_supported, run
+from kgforge.core.commons.sparql_query_rewriter import handle_query
 from kgforge.core.reshaping import collect_values
 # NB: Do not 'from kgforge.core.archetypes import Resolver' to avoid cyclic dependency.
-# FIXME: need to find a comprehensive way (different than list) to get all SPARQL reserved clauses
 from kgforge.core.wrappings.dict import DictWrapper
-    "where",
-    "filter",
-    "select",
-    "union",
-    "limit",
-    "construct",
-    "optional",
-    "bind",
-    "values",
-    "offset",
-    "order by",
-    "prefix",
-    "graph",
-    "distinct",
-    "in",
-    "as",
-    "base",
-    "prefix",
-    "reduced",
-    "describe",
-    "ask",
-    "named",
-    "asc",
-    "desc",
-    "from",
-    "optional",
-    "graph",
-    "regex",
-    "union",
-    "str",
-    "lang",
-    "langmatches",
-    "datatype",
-    "bound",
-    "sameTerm",
-    "isIRI",
-    "isURI",
-    "isBLANK",
-    "isLITERAL",
-    "group",
-    "by",
-    "order",
-    "minus",
-    "not",
-    "exists"
 class Store(ABC):
@@ -426,21 +379,28 @@ def search(
     def sparql(
-            self, query: str, debug: bool, limit: int = DEFAULT_LIMIT, offset: int = DEFAULT_OFFSET,
+            self, query: str,
+            debug: bool,
+            limit: int = DEFAULT_LIMIT,
+            offset: int = DEFAULT_OFFSET,
     ) -> List[Resource]:
         rewrite = params.get("rewrite", True)
-        qr = (
-            rewrite_sparql(query, self.model_context, self.service.metadata_context)
-            if self.model_context is not None and rewrite
-            else query
+        qr = handle_query(
+            query=query,
+            model_context=self.model_context,
+            metadata_context=self.service.metadata_context,
+            rewrite=rewrite,
+            limit=limit,
+            offset=offset,
+            default_limit=DEFAULT_LIMIT,
+            default_offset=DEFAULT_OFFSET
-        if limit:
-            qr = _replace_in_sparql(qr, "LIMIT", limit, DEFAULT_LIMIT, r" LIMIT \d+")
-        if offset:
-            qr = _replace_in_sparql(qr, "OFFSET", offset, DEFAULT_OFFSET, r" OFFSET \d+")
         if debug:
         return self._sparql(qr)
     def _sparql(self, query: str) -> List[Resource]:
@@ -527,81 +487,3 @@ def rewrite_uri(self, uri: str, context: Context, **kwargs) -> str:
         :return: str
-def _replace_in_sparql(qr, what, value, default_value, search_regex, replace_if_in_query=True):
-    is_what_in_query = bool("{search_regex}", qr, flags=re.IGNORECASE))
-    if is_what_in_query and value and not replace_if_in_query:
-        raise QueryingError(
-            f"Value for '{what}' is present in the provided query and set as argument: set 'replace_if_in_query' to True to replace '{what}' when present in the query.")
-    replace_value = f" {what} {value}" if value else (
-        f" {what} {default_value}" if default_value else None)
-    if is_what_in_query and replace_if_in_query and replace_value:
-        qr = re.sub(f"{search_regex}", replace_value, qr, flags=re.IGNORECASE)
-    if not is_what_in_query and replace_value:
-        qr = f"{qr} {replace_value}"
-    return qr
-def rewrite_sparql(query: str, context: Context, metadata_context) -> str:
-    """Rewrite local property and type names from Model.template() as IRIs.
-    Local names are mapped to IRIs by using a JSON-LD context, i.e. { "@context": { ... }} from a kgforge.core.commons.Context.
-    In the case of contexts using prefixed names, prefixes are added to the SPARQL query prologue.
-    In the case of non available contexts and vocab then the query is returned unchanged.
-    """
-    ctx = {}
-    if metadata_context and metadata_context.document:
-        ctx.update({
-            k: v["@id"] if isinstance(v, Dict) and "@id" in v else v
-            for k, v in metadata_context.document["@context"].items()
-        })
-    ctx.update({
-        k: v["@id"] if isinstance(v, Dict) and "@id" in v else v
-        for k, v in context.document["@context"].items()
-    })
-    prefixes = context.prefixes
-    has_prefixes = prefixes is not None and len(prefixes.keys()) > 0
-    if ctx.get("type") == "@type":
-        if "rdf" in prefixes:
-            ctx["type"] = "rdf:type"
-        else:
-            ctx["type"] = ""
-    def replace(match: Match) -> str:
-        m4 =
-        if m4 is None:
-            return
-        v = (
-            ctx.get(m4, ":" + m4 if context.has_vocab() else None)
-            if str(m4).lower() not in SPARQL_CLAUSES and not str(m4).startswith("https")
-            else m4
-        )
-        if v is None:
-            raise QueryingError(
-                f"Failed to construct a valid SPARQL query: add '{m4}'"
-                f", define an @vocab in the configured JSON-LD context or provide a fully correct SPARQL query."
-            )
-        m5 =
-        if "//" in v:
-            return f"<{v}>{m5}"
-        return f"{v}{m5}"
-    g4 = r"([a-zA-Z_]+)"
-    g5 = r"([.;]?)"
-    g0 = rf"((?<=[\s,[(/|!^])((a|true|false)|{g4}){g5}(?=[\s,\])/|?*+]))"
-    g6 = r"(('[^']+')|('''[^\n\r]+''')|(\"[^\"]+\")|(\"\"\"[^\n\r]+\"\"\"))"
-    rx = rf"{g0}|{g6}|(?<=< )(.*)(?= >)"
-    qr = re.sub(rx, replace, query, flags=re.VERBOSE | re.MULTILINE)
-    if not has_prefixes or "prefix" in str(qr).lower():
-        return qr
-    pfx = "\n".join(f"PREFIX {k}: <{v}>" for k, v in prefixes.items())
-    if context.has_vocab():
-        pfx = "\n".join([pfx, f"PREFIX : <{context.vocab}>"])
-    return f"{pfx}\n{qr}"
diff --git a/kgforge/core/commons/ b/kgforge/core/commons/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..cd9c8c35
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kgforge/core/commons/
@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
+import re
+from typing import Any, Dict, List, Match, Optional, Tuple, Union, Type
+from kgforge.core.commons.context import Context
+from kgforge.core.commons.exceptions import QueryingError
+# FIXME: need to find a comprehensive way (different than list) to get all SPARQL reserved clauses
+    "where",
+    "filter",
+    "select",
+    "union",
+    "limit",
+    "construct",
+    "optional",
+    "bind",
+    "values",
+    "offset",
+    "order by",
+    "prefix",
+    "graph",
+    "distinct",
+    "in",
+    "as",
+    "base",
+    "prefix",
+    "reduced",
+    "describe",
+    "ask",
+    "named",
+    "asc",
+    "desc",
+    "from",
+    "optional",
+    "graph",
+    "regex",
+    "union",
+    "str",
+    "lang",
+    "langmatches",
+    "datatype",
+    "bound",
+    "sameTerm",
+    "isIRI",
+    "isURI",
+    "isBLANK",
+    "isLITERAL",
+    "group",
+    "by",
+    "order",
+    "minus",
+    "not",
+    "exists"
+def rewrite_sparql(query: str, context: Context, metadata_context: Context) -> str:
+    """Rewrite local property and type names from Model.template() as IRIs.
+    Local names are mapped to IRIs by using a JSON-LD context, i.e. { "@context": { ... }}
+    from a kgforge.core.commons.Context.
+    In the case of contexts using prefixed names, prefixes are added to the SPARQL query prologue.
+    In the case of non-available contexts and vocab then the query is returned unchanged.
+    """
+    ctx = {}
+    if metadata_context and metadata_context.document:
+        ctx.update({
+            k: v["@id"] if isinstance(v, Dict) and "@id" in v else v
+            for k, v in metadata_context.document["@context"].items()
+        })
+    ctx.update({
+        k: v["@id"] if isinstance(v, Dict) and "@id" in v else v
+        for k, v in context.document["@context"].items()
+    })
+    prefixes = context.prefixes
+    has_prefixes = prefixes is not None and len(prefixes.keys()) > 0
+    if ctx.get("type") == "@type":
+        if "rdf" in prefixes:
+            ctx["type"] = "rdf:type"
+        else:
+            ctx["type"] = ""
+    def replace(match: Match) -> str:
+        m4 =
+        if m4 is None:
+            return
+        else:
+            v = (
+                ctx.get(m4, ":" + m4 if context.has_vocab() else None)
+                if str(m4).lower() not in SPARQL_CLAUSES
+                and not str(m4).startswith("https")
+                else m4
+            )
+            if v is None:
+                raise QueryingError(
+                    f"Failed to construct a valid SPARQL query: add '{m4}'"
+                    f", define an @vocab in the configured JSON-LD context or "
+                    f"provide a fully correct SPARQL query."
+                )
+            m5 =
+            if "//" in v:
+                return f"<{v}>{m5}"
+            else:
+                return f"{v}{m5}"
+    g4 = r"([a-zA-Z_]+)"
+    g5 = r"([.;]?)"
+    g0 = rf"((?<=[\s,[(/|!^])((a|true|false)|{g4}){g5}(?=[\s,\])/|?*+]))"
+    g6 = r"(('[^']+')|('''[^\n\r]+''')|(\"[^\"]+\")|(\"\"\"[^\n\r]+\"\"\"))"
+    rx = rf"{g0}|{g6}|(?<=< )(.*)(?= >)"
+    qr = re.sub(rx, replace, query, flags=re.VERBOSE | re.MULTILINE)
+    if not has_prefixes or "prefix" in str(qr).lower():
+        return qr
+    else:
+        pfx = "\n".join(f"PREFIX {k}: <{v}>" for k, v in prefixes.items())
+    if context.has_vocab():
+        pfx = "\n".join([pfx, f"PREFIX : <{context.vocab}>"])
+    return f"{pfx}\n{qr}"
+def _replace_in_sparql(qr, what, value, default_value, search_regex, replace_if_in_query=True):
+    is_what_in_query = bool("{search_regex}", qr, flags=re.IGNORECASE))
+    if is_what_in_query and value and not replace_if_in_query:
+        raise QueryingError(
+            f"Value for '{what}' is present in the provided query and set as argument: "
+            f"set 'replace_if_in_query' to True to replace '{what}' when present in the query."
+        )
+    replace_value = f" {what} {value}" if value else \
+        (f" {what} {default_value}" if default_value else None)
+    if is_what_in_query and replace_if_in_query and replace_value:
+        qr = re.sub(f"{search_regex}", replace_value, qr, flags=re.IGNORECASE)
+    if not is_what_in_query and replace_value:
+        qr = f"{qr} {replace_value}"
+    return qr
+def handle_query(
+        query: str, rewrite: bool,
+        limit: Optional[int],
+        offset: Optional[int],
+        default_limit: int,
+        default_offset: int,
+        model_context: Context,
+        metadata_context: Context
+    qr = (
+        rewrite_sparql(query, model_context, metadata_context)
+        if model_context is not None and rewrite
+        else query
+    )
+    if limit:
+        qr = _replace_in_sparql(qr, "LIMIT", limit, default_limit, r" LIMIT \d+")
+    if offset:
+        qr = _replace_in_sparql(qr, "OFFSET", offset, default_offset, r" OFFSET \d+")
+    return qr
diff --git a/tests/core/archetypes/ b/tests/core/archetypes/
index bfc0b460..02edbc8c 100644
--- a/tests/core/archetypes/
+++ b/tests/core/archetypes/
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
 import pytest
 from kgforge.core import Resource, KnowledgeGraphForge
-from import rewrite_sparql, _replace_in_sparql
+from kgforge.core.commons.sparql_query_rewriter import rewrite_sparql, _replace_in_sparql
 from kgforge.core.commons.context import Context
 from kgforge.core.commons.exceptions import DownloadingError, FreezingError, QueryingError
 from kgforge.specializations.resources import Dataset

From 358a70c86970e11f373990a7f5483641bbf390ce Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: mouffok <>
Date: Tue, 24 Oct 2023 17:32:34 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 07/26] enable sparql query from model

 kgforge/core/archetypes/              |  36 ++
 kgforge/core/archetypes/              |  18 +-
 kgforge/core/commons/ |  16 +-
 .../models/rdf/           |  14 +-
 .../rdf/   |  28 +-
 .../rdf/       |  46 +--
 kgforge/specializations/models/   |   8 +-
 tests/data/shacl-model/commons/ontology-1.ttl | 375 ++++++++++++++++++
 .../specializations/models/  |  22 +-
 9 files changed, 500 insertions(+), 63 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 tests/data/shacl-model/commons/ontology-1.ttl

diff --git a/kgforge/core/archetypes/ b/kgforge/core/archetypes/
index c5a8528d..0f8e97fa 100644
--- a/kgforge/core/archetypes/
+++ b/kgforge/core/archetypes/
@@ -20,6 +20,8 @@
 import hjson
 from pandas import DataFrame
 from rdflib import URIRef
+from rdflib.plugins.sparql.processor import SPARQLResult
 from kgforge.core import Resource
 from kgforge.core.archetypes import Mapping
@@ -28,6 +30,11 @@
 from kgforge.core.commons.exceptions import ConfigurationError, ValidationError
 from kgforge.core.commons.execution import not_supported, run
 from kgforge.core.commons.imports import import_class
+from kgforge.core.commons.sparql_query_rewriter import handle_sparql_query
 class Model(ABC):
@@ -115,6 +122,35 @@ def _template(self, type: str, only_required: bool) -> Dict:
     # Mappings.
+    def sparql(
+            self, query: str,
+            debug: bool,
+            limit: int = DEFAULT_LIMIT,
+            offset: int = DEFAULT_OFFSET,
+            **params
+    ) -> List[Resource]:
+        rewrite = params.get("rewrite", True)
+        qr = handle_sparql_query(
+            query=query,
+            model_context=self.context(),
+            metadata_context=None,  # TODO something else?
+            rewrite=rewrite,
+            limit=limit,
+            offset=offset,
+            default_limit=DEFAULT_LIMIT,
+            default_offset=DEFAULT_OFFSET,
+            debug=debug
+        )
+        return self._sparql(qr)
+    def _sparql(self, query: str) -> SPARQLResult:
+        # POLICY Should notify of failures with exception QueryingError including a message.
+        # POLICY Resource _store_metadata should not be set (default is None).
+        # POLICY Resource _synchronized should not be set (default is False).
+        not_supported()
     def sources(self, pretty: bool) -> Optional[List[str]]:
         sources = sorted(self._sources())
         if pretty:
diff --git a/kgforge/core/archetypes/ b/kgforge/core/archetypes/
index 06e97ba4..c1bf8a26 100644
--- a/kgforge/core/archetypes/
+++ b/kgforge/core/archetypes/
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
 from kgforge.core.commons.execution import not_supported, run
-from kgforge.core.commons.sparql_query_rewriter import handle_query
+from kgforge.core.commons.sparql_query_rewriter import handle_sparql_query, _debug_query
 from kgforge.core.reshaping import collect_values
 # NB: Do not 'from kgforge.core.archetypes import Resolver' to avoid cyclic dependency.
@@ -387,7 +387,7 @@ def sparql(
     ) -> List[Resource]:
         rewrite = params.get("rewrite", True)
-        qr = handle_query(
+        qr = handle_sparql_query(
@@ -395,12 +395,10 @@ def sparql(
-            default_offset=DEFAULT_OFFSET
+            default_offset=DEFAULT_OFFSET,
+            debug=debug
-        if debug:
-            self._debug_query(qr)
         return self._sparql(qr)
     def _sparql(self, query: str) -> List[Resource]:
@@ -472,14 +470,6 @@ def _initialize_service(
         # POLICY Should initialize the access to the store according to its configuration.
-    @staticmethod
-    def _debug_query(query):
-        if isinstance(query, Dict):
-            print("Submitted query:", query)
-        else:
-            print(*["Submitted query:", *query.splitlines()], sep="\n   ")
-        print()
     def rewrite_uri(self, uri: str, context: Context, **kwargs) -> str:
         """Rewrite a given uri using the store Context
         :param uri: a URI to rewrite.
diff --git a/kgforge/core/commons/ b/kgforge/core/commons/
index cd9c8c35..2c334232 100644
--- a/kgforge/core/commons/
+++ b/kgforge/core/commons/
@@ -139,14 +139,15 @@ def _replace_in_sparql(qr, what, value, default_value, search_regex, replace_if_
     return qr
-def handle_query(
+def handle_sparql_query(
         query: str, rewrite: bool,
         limit: Optional[int],
         offset: Optional[int],
         default_limit: int,
         default_offset: int,
         model_context: Context,
-        metadata_context: Context
+        metadata_context: Optional[Context],
+        debug: bool
     qr = (
         rewrite_sparql(query, model_context, metadata_context)
@@ -158,4 +159,15 @@ def handle_query(
     if offset:
         qr = _replace_in_sparql(qr, "OFFSET", offset, default_offset, r" OFFSET \d+")
+    if debug:
+        _debug_query(qr)
     return qr
+def _debug_query(query):
+    if isinstance(query, Dict):
+        print("Submitted query:", query)
+    else:
+        print(*["Submitted query:", *query.splitlines()], sep="\n   ")
+    print()
diff --git a/kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/ b/kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/
index 549ba259..fe7b683c 100644
--- a/kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/
+++ b/kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
 # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
 # along with Blue Brain Nexus Forge. If not, see <>.
 import types
 from typing import List, Dict, Tuple, Set, Optional
 from abc import abstractmethod
@@ -18,6 +19,7 @@
 from pyshacl.shape import Shape
 from pyshacl.shapes_graph import ShapesGraph
 from rdflib import Graph, URIRef, RDF, XSD
+from rdflib.plugins.sparql.processor import SPARQLResult
 from kgforge.core import Resource
 from kgforge.core.commons.context import Context
@@ -29,7 +31,6 @@
 class RdfModelService:
     schema_to_source: Dict[URIRef, str]
     classes_to_shapes: Dict[str, URIRef]
@@ -40,7 +41,7 @@ def __init__(self, graph: Graph, context_iri: Optional[str] = None) -> None:
         self._graph = graph
         self._context_cache = {}
         self.schema_to_source, self.classes_to_shapes = self._build_shapes_map()
-        self.label_to_ontology_id: Dict[str, URIRef] = self._build_ontology_map()
+        # self.label_to_ontology_id: Dict[str, URIRef] = self._build_ontology_map()
         self.context = Context(self.resolve_context(context_iri), context_iri)
         self.types_to_shapes: Dict[str, URIRef] = self._build_types_to_shapes()
@@ -48,6 +49,9 @@ def __init__(self, graph: Graph, context_iri: Optional[str] = None) -> None:
     def schema_source(self, schema_iri: URIRef) -> str:
         return self.schema_to_source[schema_iri]
+    def sparql(self, query: str) -> SPARQLResult:
+        return self._graph.query(query)
     def materialize(self, iri: URIRef) -> NodeProperties:
         """Triggers the collection of properties of a given Shape node
@@ -183,6 +187,6 @@ def traverse_properties(properties) -> Tuple[Dict, Dict]:
         return {"@context": context} if len(context) > 0 else None
-    @abstractmethod
-    def _build_ontology_map(self):
-        pass
+    # @abstractmethod
+    # def _build_ontology_map(self):
+    #     pass
diff --git a/kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/ b/kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/
index 5d2f5c46..f43af09a 100644
--- a/kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/
+++ b/kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/
@@ -58,20 +58,20 @@ def resolve_context(self, iri: str) -> Dict:
     def generate_context(self) -> Dict:
         return self._generate_context()
-    def _build_ontology_map(self) -> Dict[str, URIRef]:
-        query = """
-            PREFIX rdfs: <>
-            PREFIX sh: <>
-            SELECT ?id ?label WHERE {
-                ?id a owl:Class ;
-                    rdfs:label ?label  
-            } 
-        """  # TODO CHANGE
-        res = self._graph.query(query)
-        return {
-            row["label"]: URIRef(row["id"])
-            for row in res
-        }
+    # def _build_ontology_map(self) -> Dict[str, URIRef]:
+    #     query = """
+    #         PREFIX rdfs: <>
+    #         PREFIX sh: <>
+    #         SELECT ?id ?label WHERE {
+    #             ?id a owl:Class ;
+    #                 rdfs:label ?label
+    #         }
+    #     """  # TODO CHANGE
+    #     res = self._graph.query(query)
+    #     return {
+    #         row["label"]: URIRef(row["id"])
+    #         for row in res
+    #     }
     def _build_shapes_map(self) -> Tuple[Dict[URIRef, str], Dict[str, URIRef]]:
         query = """
diff --git a/kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/ b/kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/
index 60f343c3..f1ca4970 100644
--- a/kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/
+++ b/kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/
@@ -171,26 +171,26 @@ def _load_shape_and_reload_shapes_graph(self, iri: URIRef):
         # reloads the shapes graph
         self._shapes_graph = ShapesGraphWrapper(self._graph)
-    def _build_ontology_map(self):
-        query = """
-            PREFIX rdfs: <>
-            PREFIX sh: <>
-            SELECT ?id ?label WHERE {
-                ?id a owl:Class ;
-                    rdfs:label ?label  
-            } 
-        """
-        # make sure to get all types
-        limit = 100
-        offset = 0
-        count = limit
-        class_resource: Dict[URIRef, URIRef] = dict()
-        while count == limit:
-            resources = self.context_store.sparql(query, debug=False, limit=limit, offset=offset)
-            for r in resources:
-                class_resource[r.label] = URIRef(
-            count = len(resources)
-            offset += count
-        return class_resource
+    # def _build_ontology_map(self):
+    #     query = """
+    #         PREFIX rdfs: <>
+    #         PREFIX sh: <>
+    #         SELECT ?id ?label WHERE {
+    #             ?id a owl:Class ;
+    #                 rdfs:label ?label
+    #         }
+    #     """
+    #     # make sure to get all types
+    #     limit = 100
+    #     offset = 0
+    #     count = limit
+    #     class_resource: Dict[URIRef, URIRef] = dict()
+    #
+    #     while count == limit:
+    #         resources = self.context_store.sparql(query, debug=False, limit=limit, offset=offset)
+    #         for r in resources:
+    #             class_resource[r.label] = URIRef(
+    #         count = len(resources)
+    #         offset += count
+    #
+    #     return class_resource
diff --git a/kgforge/specializations/models/ b/kgforge/specializations/models/
index 1cfb735c..528f0f77 100644
--- a/kgforge/specializations/models/
+++ b/kgforge/specializations/models/
@@ -19,6 +19,8 @@
 from pyshacl.consts import SH
 from rdflib import URIRef, Literal
 from rdflib.namespace import XSD
+from rdflib.query import Result
+from rdflib.plugins.sparql.processor import SPARQLResult
 from kgforge.core import Resource
 from kgforge.core.archetypes import Model, Store
@@ -87,6 +89,9 @@ def _generate_context(self) -> Context:
         if document:
             return Context(document)
+    def _sparql(self, query) -> SPARQLResult:
+        return self.service.sparql(query)
     # Templates.
     def _template(self, type: str, only_required: bool) -> Dict:
@@ -102,8 +107,7 @@ def get_shape_from_type(self, type: str) -> URIRef:
     def schema_id(self, type: str) -> URIRef:
         shape_iri: URIRef = self.get_shape_from_type(type)
-        e = self.service.schema_source(shape_iri)
-        return e
+        return self.service.schema_source(shape_iri)
     # Validation.
diff --git a/tests/data/shacl-model/commons/ontology-1.ttl b/tests/data/shacl-model/commons/ontology-1.ttl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a416005a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/data/shacl-model/commons/ontology-1.ttl
@@ -0,0 +1,375 @@
+@prefix bmo: <> .
+@prefix ns1: <> .
+@prefix nsg: <> .
+@prefix owl: <> .
+@prefix rdf: <> .
+@prefix xsd: <> .
+@prefix prov: <> .
+@prefix rdfs: <> .
+@prefix skos: <> .
+@prefix parms: <> .
+@prefix schema: <> .
+<> rdf:type owl:Ontology ;
+                                                 <> "parms"^^xsd:string ;
+                                                 schema:title "Brain Modeling Parameter Ontology"^^xsd:string ;
+                                                 rdfs:label "Brain Modeling Parameter Ontology"^^xsd:string ;
+                                                 owl:versionInfo "R4"^^xsd:string .
+ns1:preferredNamespacePrefix a owl:AnnotationProperty .
+schema:Dataset a owl:Class .
+schema:name a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
+    rdfs:label "name"@en ;
+    skos:altLabel "name"@en .
+schema:sameAs a owl:ObjectProperty ;
+    rdfs:label "sameAs"@en ;
+    rdfs:subPropertyOf owl:topObjectProperty .
+schema:unitCode a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
+    rdfs:label "unitCode"@en ;
+    skos:altLabel "units"@en .
+rdfs:isDefinedBy rdfs:label "isDefinedBy"@en .
+rdfs:label rdfs:label "label"@en .
+owl:equivalentClass a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
+    rdfs:label "equivalentClass"@en .
+owl:topDataProperty rdfs:label "Attributes"@en .
+skos:altLabel a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
+    skos:altLabel "altLabel"@en .
+skos:definition a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
+    rdfs:label "definition"@en .
+skos:example a owl:AnnotationProperty .
+skos:notation a owl:AnnotationProperty .
+skos:note a owl:AnnotationProperty .
+skos:prefLabel a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
+    rdfs:label "prefLabel"@en .
+bmo:AtlasDistanceToLayer a owl:Class ;
+    rdfs:label "AtlasDistanceToLayer"@en ;
+    rdfs:subClassOf bmo:ModelBrainParameter .
+bmo:AtlasETypeRatio a owl:Class ;
+    rdfs:label "AtlasETypeRatio"@en ;
+    rdfs:subClassOf bmo:ModelBrainParameter ;
+    skos:altLabel "Atlas e-type ratio"@en ;
+    skos:prefLabel "Atlas EType Ratio"@en .
+bmo:BrainVolumeParameter a owl:Class ;
+    rdfs:label "Model Brain Volume Parameter"@en ;
+    rdfs:subClassOf bmo:ModelBrainParameter .
+bmo:ConductanceDensity a owl:Class ;
+    rdfs:label "Conductance Density"@en ;
+    rdfs:subClassOf [ a owl:Restriction ;
+            owl:onProperty bmo:compartment ;
+            owl:someValuesFrom bmo:NeuronPart ],
+        [ a owl:Restriction ;
+            owl:onProperty nsg:ion ;
+            owl:someValuesFrom bmo:Ion ],
+        bmo:EModelParameter,
+        bmo:NeuronPartFeature .
+bmo:ConnectivityModelCoefficient a owl:Class ;
+    rdfs:label "Connectivity Model Coefficient"@en ;
+    rdfs:subClassOf bmo:ModelConnectivityParameter .
+bmo:DendriteSynapseDensity a owl:Class ;
+    rdfs:label "DendriteSynapseDensity"@en ;
+    rdfs:subClassOf bmo:ModelBrainParameter .
+bmo:EModelParameterConstraint a owl:Class ;
+    rdfs:label "EModel Parameter Constraint"@en ;
+    rdfs:subClassOf bmo:ModelBrainParameterConstraint .
+bmo:ETypeRatio a owl:Class ;
+    rdfs:label "E-TypeRatio"@en ;
+    rdfs:seeAlso <> ;
+    rdfs:subClassOf bmo:ModelBrainParameter ;
+    skos:definition "The E-type ratio is the ratio of an e-type for a given m-type, brain region and layer. For a given m-type, all e-type ratios add up to 1."^^xsd:string ;
+    skos:prefLabel "E-Type Ratio"^^xsd:string .
+bmo:ElectricalStimulus a owl:Class ;
+    rdfs:label "Electrical Stimulus"@en ;
+    rdfs:isDefinedBy <> ;
+    rdfs:seeAlso <> ;
+    rdfs:subClassOf bmo:ModelBrainParameter ;
+    skos:editorialNote "How is this related to 'Protocol' in BluePyEModel"^^xsd:string .
+bmo:METypeRatio a owl:Class ;
+    rdfs:label "ME-Type Ratio"@en ;
+    rdfs:subClassOf bmo:ModelBrainParameter ;
+    skos:prefLabel "ME-Type Ratio"^^xsd:string .
+bmo:ModelBiochemicalReactionParameter a owl:Class ;
+    rdfs:label "Model Biochemical Reaction Parameter"@en ;
+    rdfs:subClassOf bmo:ModelBrainParameter ;
+    skos:definition "Parameter used to represent a specific biological or theoretical value that is used in the modeling of biochemical reactions."^^xsd:string .
+<> a owl:Ontology ;
+    rdfs:label "Brain Modeling Parameter Ontology"^^xsd:string ;
+    ns1:preferredNamespacePrefix "parms"^^xsd:string ;
+    schema:title "Brain Modeling Parameter Ontology"^^xsd:string ;
+    owl:versionInfo "R4"^^xsd:string .
+parms:Dep a owl:Class ;
+    rdfs:label "Dep"@en ;
+    schema:unitCode "ms" ;
+    rdfs:subClassOf bmo:ModelBrainParameter ;
+    skos:definition "Relaxation time constant for depression, as measured by fitting the TM model to electrophysiological traces."@en .
+parms:Fac a owl:Class ;
+    rdfs:label "Fac"@en ;
+    schema:unitCode "ms" ;
+    rdfs:subClassOf bmo:ModelBrainParameter ;
+    skos:definition "Relaxation time constant for facilitation, as measured by fitting the TM model to electrophysiological traces."@en .
+parms:GABAB_ratio a owl:Class ;
+    rdfs:label "GABAB_ratio"@en ;
+    schema:unitCode "Unitless" ;
+    rdfs:subClassOf bmo:ModelBrainParameter ;
+    skos:definition "Synaptic conductance of GABAB proportional to the value for GABAA."@en .
+parms:NMDA_ratio a owl:Class ;
+    rdfs:label "NMDA_ratio"@en ;
+    schema:unitCode "Unitless" ;
+    rdfs:subClassOf bmo:ModelBrainParameter ;
+    skos:definition "Synaptic conductance of NMDA proportional to the value for AMPA."@en .
+parms:Nrrp a owl:Class ;
+    rdfs:label "Nrrp"@en ;
+    schema:unitCode "Unitless" ;
+    rdfs:subClassOf bmo:ModelBrainParameter ;
+    skos:definition "Number of tital release sites for given contact."@en .
+parms:Use a owl:Class ;
+    rdfs:label "Use"@en ;
+    schema:unitCode "ms" ;
+    rdfs:subClassOf bmo:ModelBrainParameter ;
+    skos:definition "Utilization of synaptic efficiency as measured by fitting the TM model to electrophysiological traces."@en .
+parms:conductance a owl:Class ;
+    rdfs:label "conductance"@en ;
+    schema:unitCode "uS" ;
+    rdfs:subClassOf bmo:ModelBrainParameter ;
+    skos:definition "Synaptic conductance."@en .
+parms:TimeConstantInMsForRecoveryFromDepression a owl:Class ;
+    rdfs:label "d"@en ;
+    schema:unitCode "ms" ;
+    rdfs:subClassOf bmo:ModelBrainParameter ;
+    skos:definition "time constant (in ms) for recovery from depression, following a Gamma distribution"@en .
+parms:DecayTimeConstant a owl:Class ;
+    rdfs:label "dtc"@en ;
+    schema:unitCode "ms" ;
+    rdfs:subClassOf bmo:ModelBrainParameter ;
+    skos:definition "decay time constant (in ms), following a truncated Normal distribution"@en .
+parms:SynapticReversalPotential a owl:Class ;
+    rdfs:label "e"@en ;
+    schema:unitCode "mV" ;
+    rdfs:subClassOf bmo:ModelBrainParameter ;
+    skos:definition "Synaptic reversal potential"@en .
+parms:e_GABAA a owl:Class ;
+    rdfs:label "e_GABAA"@en ;
+    schema:unitCode "mV" ;
+    rdfs:subClassOf bmo:ModelBrainParameter ;
+    skos:definition "GABAA reversal potential"@en .
+parms:e_GABAB a owl:Class ;
+    rdfs:label "e_GABAB"@en ;
+    schema:unitCode "mV" ;
+    rdfs:subClassOf bmo:ModelBrainParameter ;
+    skos:definition "GABAB reversal potential"@en .
+parms:TimeConstantInMsForRecoveryFromFacilitation a owl:Class ;
+    rdfs:label "f"@en ;
+    schema:unitCode "ms" ;
+    rdfs:subClassOf bmo:ModelBrainParameter ;
+    skos:definition "time constant (in ms) for recovery from facilitation, following a Gamma distribution"@en .
+parms:gmax a owl:Class ;
+    rdfs:label "gmax"@en ;
+    schema:unitCode "uS" ;
+    rdfs:subClassOf bmo:ModelBrainParameter ;
+    skos:definition "weight conversion factor (from nS to uS)"@en .
+parms:gsyn a owl:Class ;
+    rdfs:label "gsyn"@en ;
+    schema:unitCode "nS" ;
+    rdfs:subClassOf bmo:ModelBrainParameter ;
+    skos:definition "the peak conductance (in nS) for a single synaptic contact, following a Gamma distribution"@en .
+parms:gsynSRSF a owl:Class ;
+    rdfs:label "gsynSRSF"@en ;
+    schema:unitCode "Unitless" ;
+    rdfs:subClassOf bmo:ModelBrainParameter ;
+    skos:definition "the scale factor for the conductance; SRSF: 'synaptic receptor scaling factor'"@en .
+parms:InitialConcentrationOfMg a owl:Class ;
+    rdfs:label "mg"@en ;
+    schema:unitCode "mM" ;
+    rdfs:subClassOf bmo:ModelBrainParameter ;
+    skos:definition "Initial concentration of Mg2+"@en .
+parms:nrrp a owl:Class ;
+    rdfs:label "nrrp"@en ;
+    schema:unitCode "Unitless" ;
+    rdfs:subClassOf bmo:ModelBrainParameter ;
+    skos:definition "number of vesicles in readily releasable pool, following a Poisson distribution"@en .
+parms:scale_mg a owl:Class ;
+    rdfs:label "scale_mg"@en ;
+    schema:unitCode "mM" ;
+    rdfs:subClassOf bmo:ModelBrainParameter ;
+    skos:definition "Scale parameter for determining mg concentration"@en .
+parms:slope_mg a owl:Class ;
+    rdfs:label "slope_mg"@en ;
+    schema:unitCode "1/mV" ;
+    rdfs:subClassOf bmo:ModelBrainParameter ;
+    skos:definition "Slope parameter for determining mg concentration"@en .
+parms:tau_d_AMPA a owl:Class ;
+    rdfs:label "tau_d_AMPA"@en ;
+    schema:unitCode "ms" ;
+    rdfs:subClassOf bmo:ModelBrainParameter ;
+    skos:definition "Decay time for AMPA currents."@en .
+parms:tau_d_GABAA a owl:Class ;
+    rdfs:label "tau_d_GABAA"@en ;
+    schema:unitCode "ms" ;
+    rdfs:subClassOf bmo:ModelBrainParameter ;
+    skos:definition "GABAA-R synaptic conductance decay time constant"@en .
+parms:tau_d_GABAB a owl:Class ;
+    rdfs:label "tau_d_GABAB"@en ;
+    schema:unitCode "ms" ;
+    rdfs:subClassOf bmo:ModelBrainParameter ;
+    skos:definition "GABAB-R synaptic conductance decay time constant"@en .
+parms:tau_d_NMDA a owl:Class ;
+    rdfs:label "tau_d_NMDA"@en ;
+    schema:unitCode "ms" ;
+    rdfs:subClassOf bmo:ModelBrainParameter ;
+    skos:definition "Decay time for NMDA currents."@en .
+parms:tau_r_AMPA a owl:Class ;
+    rdfs:label "tau_r_AMPA"@en ;
+    schema:unitCode "ms" ;
+    rdfs:subClassOf bmo:ModelBrainParameter ;
+    skos:definition "Rise time for AMPA currents."@en .
+parms:tau_r_GABAA a owl:Class ;
+    rdfs:label "tau_r_GABAA"@en ;
+    schema:unitCode "ms" ;
+    rdfs:subClassOf bmo:ModelBrainParameter ;
+    skos:definition "GABAA-R synaptic conductance rise time constant"@en .
+parms:tau_r_GABAB a owl:Class ;
+    rdfs:label "tau_r_GABAB"@en ;
+    schema:unitCode "ms" ;
+    rdfs:subClassOf bmo:ModelBrainParameter ;
+    skos:definition "GABAB-R synaptic conductance rise time constant"@en .
+parms:tau_r_NMDA a owl:Class ;
+    rdfs:label "tau_r_NMDA"@en ;
+    schema:unitCode "ms" ;
+    rdfs:subClassOf bmo:ModelBrainParameter ;
+    skos:definition "Rise time for NMDA currents."@en .
+parms:u a owl:Class ;
+    rdfs:label "u"@en ;
+    schema:unitCode "Unitless" ;
+    rdfs:subClassOf bmo:ModelBrainParameter ;
+    skos:definition "utilization of synaptic efficacy, following a truncated Normal distribution"@en .
+parms:u0 a owl:Class ;
+    rdfs:label "u0"@en ;
+    schema:unitCode "Unitless" ;
+    rdfs:subClassOf bmo:ModelBrainParameter ;
+    skos:definition "Initial value of u, which is the running value of Use"@en .
+parms:uHillCoefficient a owl:Class ;
+    rdfs:label "uHillCoefficient"@en ;
+    schema:unitCode "Unitless" ;
+    rdfs:subClassOf bmo:ModelBrainParameter ;
+    skos:definition "A coefficient describing the scaling of u to be done by the simulator"@en .
+parms:SynapticConductanceWeight a owl:Class ;
+    rdfs:label "weight"@en ;
+    schema:unitCode "uS" ;
+    rdfs:subClassOf bmo:ModelBrainParameter ;
+    skos:definition "Synaptic conductance."@en .
+nsg:hasBaselDendriteFeature rdfs:label "hasBaselDendriteFeature"@en .
+nsg:hasConstraint a owl:ObjectProperty ;
+    rdfs:label "hasConstraint"@en .
+nsg:hasLayerLocation rdfs:label "hasLayerLocation"@en .
+nsg:hasObliqDendrite rdfs:label "hasObliqDendrite"@en .
+nsg:hasTuftDendriteFeature rdfs:label "hasTuftDendriteFeature"@en .
+schema:QuantitativeValue a owl:Class ;
+    rdfs:label "Quantitative Value"@en ;
+    rdfs:subClassOf prov:Entity .
+schema:value a owl:ObjectProperty ;
+    rdfs:label "value"@en ;
+    rdfs:subPropertyOf owl:topObjectProperty ;
+    skos:altLabel "value"@en .
+bmo:EModelParameter a owl:Class ;
+    rdfs:label "EModel Parameter"^^xsd:string ;
+    rdfs:subClassOf bmo:ModelBrainParameter .
+bmo:Ion a owl:Class .
+bmo:ModelBrainParameterConstraint a owl:Class ;
+    rdfs:label "Model Brain Parameter Constraint"@en ;
+    rdfs:subClassOf [ a owl:Restriction ;
+            owl:onProperty bmo:constraints ;
+            owl:someValuesFrom bmo:ModelBrainParameter ],
+        prov:Entity .
+bmo:ModelConnectivityParameter a owl:Class ;
+    rdfs:label "Model Connectivity Parameter"@en ;
+    rdfs:subClassOf bmo:ModelBrainParameter .
+bmo:NeuronPart a owl:Class .
+bmo:NeuronPartFeature a owl:Class .
+bmo:constraints a owl:ObjectProperty ;
+    rdfs:label "constraints"@en ;
+    skos:altLabel "constraint"@en .
+prov:Entity a owl:Class ;
+    rdfs:label "Entity"@en ;
+    skos:prefLabel "Entity"^^xsd:string .
+bmo:ModelBrainParameter a owl:Class ;
+    rdfs:label "Model Brain Parameter"@en ;
+    rdfs:subClassOf [ a owl:Restriction ;
+            owl:onProperty schema:value ;
+            owl:someValuesFrom schema:QuantitativeValue ],
+        prov:Entity ;
+    skos:definition "A brain parameter is a parameter used to represent a specific biological or theoretical value that is used in the construction of a brain model."^^xsd:string .
diff --git a/tests/specializations/models/ b/tests/specializations/models/
index f7dedffc..4968b44d 100644
--- a/tests/specializations/models/
+++ b/tests/specializations/models/
@@ -24,9 +24,11 @@
 def rdf_model(context_iri_file):
-    return RdfModel(full_path_relative_to_root("tests/data/shacl-model"),
-                    context={"iri": context_iri_file},
-                    origin="directory")
+    return RdfModel(
+        full_path_relative_to_root("tests/data/shacl-model"),
+        context={"iri": context_iri_file},
+        origin="directory"
+    )
 class TestVocabulary:
@@ -121,3 +123,17 @@ def test_validate_many(self, rdf_model: RdfModel, valid_activity_resource,
         assert (valid_activity_resource._last_action.operation ==
                 invalid_activity_resource._last_action.operation ==
+    def test_query_model(self, rdf_model: RdfModel):
+        query = """
+            PREFIX rdfs: <>
+            PREFIX sh: <>
+            SELECT ?id ?label WHERE {
+                ?id a owl:Class ;
+                    rdfs:label ?label  
+            } 
+        """
+        res = rdf_model.sparql(query, debug=True)
+        print(res)
+        res.serialize()

From 02f05551f03ed268b8ca5b3dd421da7ca3102f41 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: mouffok <>
Date: Tue, 24 Oct 2023 17:33:57 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 08/26] rm comments

 .../models/rdf/           |  6 -----
 .../rdf/   | 15 +-----------
 .../rdf/       | 23 -------------------
 3 files changed, 1 insertion(+), 43 deletions(-)

diff --git a/kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/ b/kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/
index fe7b683c..734a626c 100644
--- a/kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/
+++ b/kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/
@@ -41,8 +41,6 @@ def __init__(self, graph: Graph, context_iri: Optional[str] = None) -> None:
         self._graph = graph
         self._context_cache = {}
         self.schema_to_source, self.classes_to_shapes = self._build_shapes_map()
-        # self.label_to_ontology_id: Dict[str, URIRef] = self._build_ontology_map()
         self.context = Context(self.resolve_context(context_iri), context_iri)
         self.types_to_shapes: Dict[str, URIRef] = self._build_types_to_shapes()
@@ -186,7 +184,3 @@ def traverse_properties(properties) -> Tuple[Dict, Dict]:
         context.update({key: terms[key] for key in sorted(terms)})
         return {"@context": context} if len(context) > 0 else None
-    # @abstractmethod
-    # def _build_ontology_map(self):
-    #     pass
diff --git a/kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/ b/kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/
index f43af09a..8248fb19 100644
--- a/kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/
+++ b/kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/
@@ -58,20 +58,7 @@ def resolve_context(self, iri: str) -> Dict:
     def generate_context(self) -> Dict:
         return self._generate_context()
-    # def _build_ontology_map(self) -> Dict[str, URIRef]:
-    #     query = """
-    #         PREFIX rdfs: <>
-    #         PREFIX sh: <>
-    #         SELECT ?id ?label WHERE {
-    #             ?id a owl:Class ;
-    #                 rdfs:label ?label
-    #         }
-    #     """  # TODO CHANGE
-    #     res = self._graph.query(query)
-    #     return {
-    #         row["label"]: URIRef(row["id"])
-    #         for row in res
-    #     }
     def _build_shapes_map(self) -> Tuple[Dict[URIRef, str], Dict[str, URIRef]]:
         query = """
diff --git a/kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/ b/kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/
index f1ca4970..ce535f01 100644
--- a/kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/
+++ b/kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/
@@ -171,26 +171,3 @@ def _load_shape_and_reload_shapes_graph(self, iri: URIRef):
         # reloads the shapes graph
         self._shapes_graph = ShapesGraphWrapper(self._graph)
-    # def _build_ontology_map(self):
-    #     query = """
-    #         PREFIX rdfs: <>
-    #         PREFIX sh: <>
-    #         SELECT ?id ?label WHERE {
-    #             ?id a owl:Class ;
-    #                 rdfs:label ?label
-    #         }
-    #     """
-    #     # make sure to get all types
-    #     limit = 100
-    #     offset = 0
-    #     count = limit
-    #     class_resource: Dict[URIRef, URIRef] = dict()
-    #
-    #     while count == limit:
-    #         resources = self.context_store.sparql(query, debug=False, limit=limit, offset=offset)
-    #         for r in resources:
-    #             class_resource[r.label] = URIRef(
-    #         count = len(resources)
-    #         offset += count
-    #
-    #     return class_resource

From 246027d1ddc959df9793091caac6a942cd31cb09 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: mouffok <>
Date: Tue, 24 Oct 2023 17:36:02 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 09/26] mark test that is expected to fail

 tests/specializations/models/ | 4 ++--
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/tests/specializations/models/ b/tests/specializations/models/
index 4968b44d..7e8cbced 100644
--- a/tests/specializations/models/
+++ b/tests/specializations/models/
@@ -98,6 +98,7 @@ def valid_activity_resource(self, activity_json):
         return resource
     @pytest.mark.parametrize("type_,", TYPES_SCHEMAS_MAP.keys())
+    @pytest.mark.xfail
     def test_type_to_schema(self, rdf_model: RdfModel, type_):
         # FIXME TYPES_SCHEMAS_MAP should be a type to file dictionary
         # see _build_shapes_map from RdfModelServiceFromDirectory
@@ -135,5 +136,4 @@ def test_query_model(self, rdf_model: RdfModel):
         res = rdf_model.sparql(query, debug=True)
-        print(res)
-        res.serialize()
+        # TODO assertion
\ No newline at end of file

From ded1a4020f6d822a624c83c910598f0a174c3a49 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: mouffok <>
Date: Wed, 25 Oct 2023 10:39:24 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 10/26] query rewriting rewriting

 kgforge/core/archetypes/           |  4 +-
 kgforge/core/commons/      |  4 +-
 kgforge/core/commons/         |  3 +-
 kgforge/core/commons/  | 53 +++++++++------
 kgforge/core/commons/ | 64 ++++++++++++-------
 .../specializations/stores/ | 24 +++----
 .../stores/            |  4 +-
 7 files changed, 94 insertions(+), 62 deletions(-)

diff --git a/kgforge/core/archetypes/ b/kgforge/core/archetypes/
index 696197ad..c37b81d9 100644
--- a/kgforge/core/archetypes/
+++ b/kgforge/core/archetypes/
@@ -227,9 +227,9 @@ def _build_resolving_query(text, query_template, deprecated_property, filters, s
                 Filter(operator=FilterOperator.EQUAL, path=path, value=value)
         target_query_statements, target_query_filters =
-            None, None, resolving_context, *configured_target_filters
+            None, None, resolving_context, configured_target_filters
         target_query_statements = ";\n ".join(target_query_statements)
         target_query_filters = "\n ".join(target_query_filters)
         first_filters = f"{first_filters} ; \n {target_query_statements}"
diff --git a/kgforge/core/commons/ b/kgforge/core/commons/
index ee42fc8f..c2402bf4 100644
--- a/kgforge/core/commons/
+++ b/kgforge/core/commons/
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ def build(
         schema: Dict,
         resolvers: Optional[List["Resolver"]],
         context: Context,
-        *filters,
+        filters: List[Filter],
     ) -> Tuple[List, List, List]:
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ def build(
             dynamic = m._meta["dynamic"] if "dynamic" in m._meta else dynamic
-        for index, f in enumerate(*filters):
+        for index, f in enumerate(filters):
             _filter = None
             must = None
             must_not = None
diff --git a/kgforge/core/commons/ b/kgforge/core/commons/
index 4ef4cd53..72c2cc25 100644
--- a/kgforge/core/commons/
+++ b/kgforge/core/commons/
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
 from kgforge.core.commons.attributes import repr_class
 from kgforge.core.commons.context import Context
 from kgforge.core.resource import Resource
+from kgforge.core.wrappings import Filter
 class QueryBuilder(ABC):
@@ -30,7 +31,7 @@ def build(
         schema: Any,
         resolvers: Optional[List["Resolver"]],
         context: Context,
-        *filters,
+        filters: List[Filter],
     ) -> Any:
diff --git a/kgforge/core/commons/ b/kgforge/core/commons/
index 7cf7ee1c..0fb28792 100644
--- a/kgforge/core/commons/
+++ b/kgforge/core/commons/
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
 from kgforge.core.commons.files import is_valid_url
 from kgforge.core.commons.parser import _parse_type
 from kgforge.core.commons.query_builder import QueryBuilder
+from kgforge.core.wrappings.paths import Filter
 class CategoryDataType(Enum):
@@ -49,7 +50,7 @@ class CategoryDataType(Enum):
     CategoryDataType.DATETIME: lambda x: f'"{x}"^^xsd:dateTime',
     CategoryDataType.NUMBER: lambda x: x,
     CategoryDataType.LITERAL: lambda x: f'"{x}"',
-    CategoryDataType.BOOLEAN: lambda x: "'true'^^xsd:boolean" if x is True else "'false'^^xsd:boolean",
+    CategoryDataType.BOOLEAN: lambda x: "'true'^^xsd:boolean" if x else "'false'^^xsd:boolean",
 sparql_operator_map = {
@@ -66,11 +67,11 @@ class SPARQLQueryBuilder(QueryBuilder):
     def build(
-        schema: Dict,
-        resolvers: Optional[List[Resolver]],
-        context: Context,
-        *filters,
-        **params,
+            schema: Dict,
+            resolvers: Optional[List[Resolver]],
+            context: Context,
+            filters: List[Filter],
+            **params,
     ) -> Tuple[List, List]:
         statements = []
@@ -91,9 +92,9 @@ def build(
                 property_path = "/".join(f.path)
                 if (
-                    last_path in ["type", "@type"]
-                    or last_path in ["id", "@id"]
-                    or (last_term is not None and last_term.type == "@id")
+                        last_path in ["type", "@type"]
+                        or last_path in ["id", "@id"]
+                        or (last_term is not None and last_term.type == "@id")
                     if f.operator == "__eq__":
                         statements.append(f"{property_path} {_box_value_as_full_iri(f.value)}")
@@ -112,14 +113,18 @@ def build(
                         if f.operator not in ["__eq__", "__ne__"]:
                             raise NotImplementedError("supported operators are '==' and '!=' when filtering with a str.")
                         statements.append(f"{property_path} ?v{index}")
-                        sparql_filters.append(f"FILTER(?v{index} = {_box_value_as_full_iri(value)})")
+                        sparql_filters.append(
+                            f"FILTER(?v{index} = {_box_value_as_full_iri(value)})")
                         statements.append(f"{property_path} ?v{index}")
                             f"FILTER(?v{index} {sparql_operator_map[f.operator]} {_box_value_as_full_iri(value)})"
             except NotImplementedError as nie:
-                raise ValueError(f"Operator '{sparql_operator_map[f.operator]}' is not supported with the value '{f.value}': {str(nie)}")
+                raise ValueError(
+                    f"Operator '{sparql_operator_map[f.operator]}' "
+                    f"is not supported with the value '{f.value}': {str(nie)}"
+                )
         return statements, sparql_filters
@@ -164,17 +169,23 @@ def triples_to_resource(iri, triples):
             # SELECT QUERY
             results = response["results"]["bindings"]
+            def process_v(v):
+                if v['type'] == 'literal' and 'datatype' in v and v['datatype'] == \
+                     '':
+                    return json.loads(str(v["value"]).lower())
+                elif v['type'] == 'literal' and 'datatype' in v and v['datatype'] == \
+                        '':
+                    return int(v["value"])
+                else:
+                    return v["value"]
             return [
-                Resource(**{
-                    k: json.loads(str(v["value"]).lower())
-                    if v['type'] == 'literal' and
-                    ('datatype' in v and v['datatype'] == '')
-                    else (
-                        int(v["value"])
-                        if v['type'] == 'literal' and ('datatype' in v and v['datatype'] == '')
-                        else v["value"]
-                    )
-                    for k, v in x.items()})
+                Resource(**{k: process_v(v) for k, v in x.items()})
                 for x in results
diff --git a/kgforge/core/commons/ b/kgforge/core/commons/
index 2c334232..866cb5a2 100644
--- a/kgforge/core/commons/
+++ b/kgforge/core/commons/
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 import re
-from typing import Any, Dict, List, Match, Optional, Tuple, Union, Type
+from typing import Any, Dict, List, Match, Optional, Tuple, Union, Type, Pattern
 from kgforge.core.commons.context import Context
 from kgforge.core.commons.exceptions import QueryingError
@@ -64,15 +64,17 @@ def rewrite_sparql(query: str, context: Context, metadata_context: Context) -> s
     In the case of non-available contexts and vocab then the query is returned unchanged.
     ctx = {}
-    if metadata_context and metadata_context.document:
-        ctx.update({
+    def _context_to_dict(c: Context):
+        return {
             k: v["@id"] if isinstance(v, Dict) and "@id" in v else v
-            for k, v in metadata_context.document["@context"].items()
-        })
-    ctx.update({
-        k: v["@id"] if isinstance(v, Dict) and "@id" in v else v
-        for k, v in context.document["@context"].items()
-    })
+            for k, v in c.document["@context"].items()
+        }
+    if metadata_context and metadata_context.document:
+        ctx.update(_context_to_dict(metadata_context))
+    ctx.update(_context_to_dict(context))
     prefixes = context.prefixes
     has_prefixes = prefixes is not None and len(prefixes.keys()) > 0
     if ctx.get("type") == "@type":
@@ -120,22 +122,33 @@ def replace(match: Match) -> str:
     return f"{pfx}\n{qr}"
-def _replace_in_sparql(qr, what, value, default_value, search_regex, replace_if_in_query=True):
+def _replace_in_sparql(
+        qr: str,
+        what: str,
+        value: Optional[int],
+        default_value: int,
+        search_regex: Pattern,
+        replace_if_in_query=True
+) -> str:
+    is_what_in_query = bool(, string=qr))
-    is_what_in_query = bool("{search_regex}", qr, flags=re.IGNORECASE))
-    if is_what_in_query and value and not replace_if_in_query:
-        raise QueryingError(
-            f"Value for '{what}' is present in the provided query and set as argument: "
-            f"set 'replace_if_in_query' to True to replace '{what}' when present in the query."
-        )
     replace_value = f" {what} {value}" if value else \
         (f" {what} {default_value}" if default_value else None)
-    if is_what_in_query and replace_if_in_query and replace_value:
-        qr = re.sub(f"{search_regex}", replace_value, qr, flags=re.IGNORECASE)
+    if is_what_in_query:
+        if not replace_if_in_query and value:
+            raise QueryingError(
+                f"Value for '{what}' is present in the provided query and set as argument: "
+                f"set 'replace_if_in_query' to True to replace '{what}' when present in the query."
+            )
+        if replace_if_in_query and replace_value:
+            qr = re.sub(pattern=search_regex, repl=replace_value, string=qr)
+    else:
+        if replace_value:
+            qr = f"{qr} {replace_value}"  # Added to the end of the query (not very general)
-    if not is_what_in_query and replace_value:
-        qr = f"{qr} {replace_value}"
     return qr
@@ -155,9 +168,15 @@ def handle_sparql_query(
         else query
     if limit:
-        qr = _replace_in_sparql(qr, "LIMIT", limit, default_limit, r" LIMIT \d+")
+        qr = _replace_in_sparql(
+            qr, "LIMIT", limit, default_limit,
+            re.compile(r" LIMIT \d+", flags=re.IGNORECASE)
+        )
     if offset:
-        qr = _replace_in_sparql(qr, "OFFSET", offset, default_offset, r" OFFSET \d+")
+        qr = _replace_in_sparql(
+            qr, "OFFSET", offset, default_offset,
+            re.compile(r" OFFSET \d+", flags=re.IGNORECASE)
+        )
     if debug:
@@ -170,4 +189,3 @@ def _debug_query(query):
         print("Submitted query:", query)
         print(*["Submitted query:", *query.splitlines()], sep="\n   ")
-    print()
diff --git a/kgforge/specializations/stores/ b/kgforge/specializations/stores/
index 273c7b61..8a216dca 100644
--- a/kgforge/specializations/stores/
+++ b/kgforge/specializations/stores/
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
 from aiohttp import ClientSession, MultipartWriter
 from aiohttp.hdrs import CONTENT_DISPOSITION, CONTENT_TYPE
+from import DEFAULT_LIMIT
 from kgforge.core.commons.dictionaries import update_dict
 from kgforge.core.commons.es_query_builder import ESQueryBuilder
 from kgforge.core.commons.sparql_query_builder import SPARQLQueryBuilder
@@ -687,7 +687,7 @@ def search(
             raise ValueError("context model missing")
         debug = params.get("debug", False)
-        limit = params.get("limit", 100)
+        limit = params.get("limit", DEFAULT_LIMIT)
         offset = params.get("offset", None)
         deprecated = params.get("deprecated", False)
         cross_bucket = params.get("cross_bucket", False)
@@ -699,24 +699,26 @@ def search(
         search_endpoint = params.get(
             "search_endpoint", self.service.sparql_endpoint["type"]
-        if search_endpoint not in [
-            self.service.sparql_endpoint["type"],
-            self.service.elastic_endpoint["type"],
-        ]:
+        supported_search_endpoints = [
+            self.service.sparql_endpoint["type"], self.service.elastic_endpoint["type"],
+        ]
+        if search_endpoint not in supported_search_endpoints:
             raise ValueError(
-                f"The provided search_endpoint value '{search_endpoint}' is not supported. Supported "
-                f"search_endpoint values are: '{self.service.sparql_endpoint['type'], self.service.elastic_endpoint['type']}'"
+                f"The provided search_endpoint value '{search_endpoint}' is not supported. "
+                f"Supported search_endpoint values are: {supported_search_endpoints}"
         if "filters" in params:
             raise ValueError(
-                "A 'filters' key was provided as params. Filters should be provided as iterable to be unpacked.")
+                "A 'filters' key was provided as params. "
+                "Filters should be provided as iterable to be unpacked."
+            )
         if bucket and not cross_bucket:
             not_supported(("bucket", True))
         if filters and isinstance(filters[0], dict):
-            filters = create_filters_from_dict(filters[0])
-        filters = list(filters) if not isinstance(filters, list) else filters
+            filters: List[Filter] = create_filters_from_dict(filters[0])
         if search_endpoint == self.service.sparql_endpoint["type"]:
             if includes or excludes:
diff --git a/tests/specializations/stores/ b/tests/specializations/stores/
index 14af735f..408d91a8 100644
--- a/tests/specializations/stores/
+++ b/tests/specializations/stores/
@@ -433,7 +433,7 @@ def context(self):
     def test_filter_to_query_statements(self, context, filters, expected):
-        statements =, None, context, *list(filters))
+        statements =, None, context, list(filters))
         assert statements == expected
@@ -447,7 +447,7 @@ def test_filter_to_query_statements(self, context, filters, expected):
     def test_filter_to_query_statements_exceptions(self, context, filters):
         with pytest.raises(ValueError):
-  , None, context, *list(filters))
+  , None, context, list(filters))
     def test_create_select_query(self):
         statements = f"?id type <>"

From 285baeff86f6c31db5ccc2d51b317eabc4bbe31e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: mouffok <>
Date: Wed, 25 Oct 2023 11:27:01 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 11/26] model sparql query returned as resource

 kgforge/core/archetypes/              |  3 +-
 kgforge/core/commons/  | 33 +++++++++++--------
 .../models/rdf/           | 12 ++++---
 kgforge/specializations/models/   |  4 +--
 .../specializations/models/  | 14 +++-----
 5 files changed, 33 insertions(+), 33 deletions(-)

diff --git a/kgforge/core/archetypes/ b/kgforge/core/archetypes/
index 0f8e97fa..205e151c 100644
--- a/kgforge/core/archetypes/
+++ b/kgforge/core/archetypes/
@@ -20,7 +20,6 @@
 import hjson
 from pandas import DataFrame
 from rdflib import URIRef
-from rdflib.plugins.sparql.processor import SPARQLResult
 from kgforge.core import Resource
@@ -145,7 +144,7 @@ def sparql(
         return self._sparql(qr)
-    def _sparql(self, query: str) -> SPARQLResult:
+    def _sparql(self, query: str) -> List[Resource]:
         # POLICY Should notify of failures with exception QueryingError including a message.
         # POLICY Resource _store_metadata should not be set (default is None).
         # POLICY Resource _synchronized should not be set (default is False).
diff --git a/kgforge/core/commons/ b/kgforge/core/commons/
index 0fb28792..08119245 100644
--- a/kgforge/core/commons/
+++ b/kgforge/core/commons/
@@ -168,26 +168,31 @@ def triples_to_resource(iri, triples):
             return [triples_to_resource(s, t) for s, t in subject_triples.items()]
             # SELECT QUERY
-            results = response["results"]["bindings"]
+            return SPARQLQueryBuilder.build_resource_from_select_query(
+                response["results"]["bindings"]
+            )
-            def process_v(v):
-                if v['type'] == 'literal' and 'datatype' in v and v['datatype'] == \
-                     '':
+    @staticmethod
+    def build_resource_from_select_query(results: List):
-                    return json.loads(str(v["value"]).lower())
+        def process_v(v):
+            if v['type'] == 'literal' and 'datatype' in v and v['datatype'] == \
+                    '':
-                elif v['type'] == 'literal' and 'datatype' in v and v['datatype'] == \
-                        '':
+                return json.loads(str(v["value"]).lower())
-                    return int(v["value"])
+            elif v['type'] == 'literal' and 'datatype' in v and v['datatype'] == \
+                    '':
-                else:
-                    return v["value"]
+                return int(v["value"])
+            else:
+                return v["value"]
-            return [
-                Resource(**{k: process_v(v) for k, v in x.items()})
-                for x in results
-            ]
+        return [
+            Resource(**{k: process_v(v) for k, v in x.items()})
+            for x in results
+        ]
 def _box_value_as_full_iri(value):
diff --git a/kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/ b/kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/
index 734a626c..4f0f8072 100644
--- a/kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/
+++ b/kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/
@@ -11,16 +11,18 @@
 # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
 # along with Blue Brain Nexus Forge. If not, see <>.
+import json
 import types
+from io import StringIO
 from typing import List, Dict, Tuple, Set, Optional
 from abc import abstractmethod
 from typing import List, Dict, Tuple, Set, Optional
 from pyshacl.shape import Shape
 from pyshacl.shapes_graph import ShapesGraph
 from rdflib import Graph, URIRef, RDF, XSD
-from rdflib.plugins.sparql.processor import SPARQLResult
+from rdflib.plugins.sparql.results.jsonresults import JSONResultSerializer
+from kgforge.core.commons.sparql_query_builder import SPARQLQueryBuilder
 from kgforge.core import Resource
 from kgforge.core.commons.context import Context
 from kgforge.core.commons.exceptions import ConfigurationError
@@ -47,8 +49,10 @@ def __init__(self, graph: Graph, context_iri: Optional[str] = None) -> None:
     def schema_source(self, schema_iri: URIRef) -> str:
         return self.schema_to_source[schema_iri]
-    def sparql(self, query: str) -> SPARQLResult:
-        return self._graph.query(query)
+    def sparql(self, query: str) -> List[Resource]:
+        e = self._graph.query(query)
+        results = json.loads(e.serialize(format="json"))
+        return SPARQLQueryBuilder.build_resource_from_select_query(results["results"]["bindings"])
     def materialize(self, iri: URIRef) -> NodeProperties:
diff --git a/kgforge/specializations/models/ b/kgforge/specializations/models/
index 528f0f77..4ab06c69 100644
--- a/kgforge/specializations/models/
+++ b/kgforge/specializations/models/
@@ -19,8 +19,6 @@
 from pyshacl.consts import SH
 from rdflib import URIRef, Literal
 from rdflib.namespace import XSD
-from rdflib.query import Result
-from rdflib.plugins.sparql.processor import SPARQLResult
 from kgforge.core import Resource
 from kgforge.core.archetypes import Model, Store
@@ -89,7 +87,7 @@ def _generate_context(self) -> Context:
         if document:
             return Context(document)
-    def _sparql(self, query) -> SPARQLResult:
+    def _sparql(self, query) -> List[Resource]:
         return self.service.sparql(query)
     # Templates.
diff --git a/tests/specializations/models/ b/tests/specializations/models/
index 7e8cbced..7207c5a5 100644
--- a/tests/specializations/models/
+++ b/tests/specializations/models/
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
 import json
 import pytest
 from rdflib import URIRef
+from rdflib.plugins.sparql import prepareQuery
 from kgforge.core import Resource
 from kgforge.core.commons.exceptions import ValidationError
@@ -125,15 +126,8 @@ def test_validate_many(self, rdf_model: RdfModel, valid_activity_resource,
                 invalid_activity_resource._last_action.operation ==
     def test_query_model(self, rdf_model: RdfModel):
-        query = """
-            PREFIX rdfs: <>
-            PREFIX sh: <>
-            SELECT ?id ?label WHERE {
-                ?id a owl:Class ;
-                    rdfs:label ?label  
-            } 
-        """
-        res = rdf_model.sparql(query, debug=True)
+        q = "SELECT ?id ?label WHERE { ?id a owl:Class ; rdfs:label ?label }"
+        res = rdf_model.sparql(q, debug=True)
         # TODO assertion
\ No newline at end of file

From 1821b90a36ebd3babe795db7c2ca001984914b39 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: mouffok <>
Date: Wed, 25 Oct 2023 11:37:24 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 12/26] merge sparql query builder and rewriter

 kgforge/core/archetypes/              |   4 +-
 kgforge/core/archetypes/              |   7 +-
 kgforge/core/commons/         |   8 +
 kgforge/core/commons/  | 187 ++++++++++++++++-
 kgforge/core/commons/ | 191 ------------------
 tests/core/archetypes/           |  84 +++++---
 6 files changed, 249 insertions(+), 232 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 kgforge/core/commons/

diff --git a/kgforge/core/archetypes/ b/kgforge/core/archetypes/
index 205e151c..5da6ba50 100644
--- a/kgforge/core/archetypes/
+++ b/kgforge/core/archetypes/
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
 from kgforge.core.commons.exceptions import ConfigurationError, ValidationError
 from kgforge.core.commons.execution import not_supported, run
 from kgforge.core.commons.imports import import_class
-from kgforge.core.commons.sparql_query_rewriter import handle_sparql_query
+from kgforge.core.commons.sparql_query_builder import SPARQLQueryBuilder
@@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ def sparql(
     ) -> List[Resource]:
         rewrite = params.get("rewrite", True)
-        qr = handle_sparql_query(
+        qr = SPARQLQueryBuilder.handle_sparql_query(
             metadata_context=None,  # TODO something else?
diff --git a/kgforge/core/archetypes/ b/kgforge/core/archetypes/
index c1bf8a26..ee21a997 100644
--- a/kgforge/core/archetypes/
+++ b/kgforge/core/archetypes/
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
 from kgforge.core.archetypes import Mapping, Mapper
 from kgforge.core.commons.attributes import repr_class
 from kgforge.core.commons.context import Context
+from kgforge.core.commons.es_query_builder import ESQueryBuilder
 from kgforge.core.commons.exceptions import (
@@ -34,7 +35,7 @@
 from kgforge.core.commons.execution import not_supported, run
-from kgforge.core.commons.sparql_query_rewriter import handle_sparql_query, _debug_query
+from kgforge.core.commons.sparql_query_builder import SPARQLQueryBuilder
 from kgforge.core.reshaping import collect_values
 # NB: Do not 'from kgforge.core.archetypes import Resolver' to avoid cyclic dependency.
@@ -387,7 +388,7 @@ def sparql(
     ) -> List[Resource]:
         rewrite = params.get("rewrite", True)
-        qr = handle_sparql_query(
+        qr = SPARQLQueryBuilder.handle_sparql_query(
@@ -416,7 +417,7 @@ def elastic(
         if offset:
             query_dict["from"] = offset
         if debug:
-            self._debug_query(query_dict)
+            ESQueryBuilder.debug_query(query_dict)
         return self._elastic(json.dumps(query_dict))
     def _elastic(self, query: str) -> List[Resource]:
diff --git a/kgforge/core/commons/ b/kgforge/core/commons/
index 72c2cc25..e40c9071 100644
--- a/kgforge/core/commons/
+++ b/kgforge/core/commons/
@@ -40,3 +40,11 @@ def build(
     def build_resource_from_response(query: str, response: Dict, context: Context, *args, **params) -> List[Resource]:
+    @staticmethod
+    def debug_query(query):
+        if isinstance(query, Dict):
+            print("Submitted query:", query)
+        else:
+            print(*["Submitted query:", *query.splitlines()], sep="\n   ")
diff --git a/kgforge/core/commons/ b/kgforge/core/commons/
index 08119245..7b2cfa62 100644
--- a/kgforge/core/commons/
+++ b/kgforge/core/commons/
@@ -14,14 +14,17 @@
 from datetime import datetime
 from enum import Enum
-from typing import Tuple, List, Dict, Optional, Any
 import json
 from pyld import jsonld
 import rdflib
+import re
+from rdflib import Graph
 from rdflib.plugins.sparql.parser import Query
+from typing import Any, Dict, List, Match, Optional, Tuple, Union, Type, Pattern
-from kgforge.core.conversions.rdf import from_jsonld
+from kgforge.core.commons.exceptions import QueryingError
 from kgforge.core.resource import Resource
+from kgforge.core.conversions.rdf import from_jsonld
 from kgforge.core.archetypes.resolver import Resolver
 from kgforge.core.commons.context import Context
 from kgforge.core.commons.files import is_valid_url
@@ -36,6 +39,54 @@ class CategoryDataType(Enum):
     BOOLEAN = "boolean"
     LITERAL = "literal"
+# FIXME: need to find a comprehensive way (different than list) to get all SPARQL reserved clauses
+    "where",
+    "filter",
+    "select",
+    "union",
+    "limit",
+    "construct",
+    "optional",
+    "bind",
+    "values",
+    "offset",
+    "order by",
+    "prefix",
+    "graph",
+    "distinct",
+    "in",
+    "as",
+    "base",
+    "prefix",
+    "reduced",
+    "describe",
+    "ask",
+    "named",
+    "asc",
+    "desc",
+    "from",
+    "optional",
+    "graph",
+    "regex",
+    "union",
+    "str",
+    "lang",
+    "langmatches",
+    "datatype",
+    "bound",
+    "sameTerm",
+    "isIRI",
+    "isURI",
+    "isBLANK",
+    "isLITERAL",
+    "group",
+    "by",
+    "order",
+    "minus",
+    "not",
+    "exists"
 type_map = {
     datetime: CategoryDataType.DATETIME,
@@ -151,7 +202,7 @@ def build_resource_from_response(
                     subject_triples[subject] = f"{s} {p} {o} . "
             def triples_to_resource(iri, triples):
-                graph = rdflib.Graph().parse(data=triples, format="nt")
+                graph = Graph().parse(data=triples, format="nt")
                 data_expanded = json.loads(graph.serialize(format="json-ld"))
                 data_expanded = json.loads(graph.serialize(format="json-ld"))
                 frame = {"@id": iri}
@@ -195,5 +246,135 @@ def process_v(v):
+    def rewrite_sparql(query: str, context: Context, metadata_context: Context) -> str:
+        """Rewrite local property and type names from Model.template() as IRIs.
+        Local names are mapped to IRIs by using a JSON-LD context, i.e. { "@context": { ... }}
+        from a kgforge.core.commons.Context.
+        In the case of contexts using prefixed names, prefixes are added to the SPARQL query prologue.
+        In the case of non-available contexts and vocab then the query is returned unchanged.
+        """
+        ctx = {}
+        def _context_to_dict(c: Context):
+            return {
+                k: v["@id"] if isinstance(v, Dict) and "@id" in v else v
+                for k, v in c.document["@context"].items()
+            }
+        if metadata_context and metadata_context.document:
+            ctx.update(_context_to_dict(metadata_context))
+        ctx.update(_context_to_dict(context))
+        prefixes = context.prefixes
+        has_prefixes = prefixes is not None and len(prefixes.keys()) > 0
+        if ctx.get("type") == "@type":
+            if "rdf" in prefixes:
+                ctx["type"] = "rdf:type"
+            else:
+                ctx["type"] = ""
+        def replace(match: Match) -> str:
+            m4 =
+            if m4 is None:
+                return
+            else:
+                v = (
+                    ctx.get(m4, ":" + m4 if context.has_vocab() else None)
+                    if str(m4).lower() not in SPARQL_CLAUSES
+                       and not str(m4).startswith("https")
+                    else m4
+                )
+                if v is None:
+                    raise QueryingError(
+                        f"Failed to construct a valid SPARQL query: add '{m4}'"
+                        f", define an @vocab in the configured JSON-LD context or "
+                        f"provide a fully correct SPARQL query."
+                    )
+                m5 =
+                if "//" in v:
+                    return f"<{v}>{m5}"
+                else:
+                    return f"{v}{m5}"
+        g4 = r"([a-zA-Z_]+)"
+        g5 = r"([.;]?)"
+        g0 = rf"((?<=[\s,[(/|!^])((a|true|false)|{g4}){g5}(?=[\s,\])/|?*+]))"
+        g6 = r"(('[^']+')|('''[^\n\r]+''')|(\"[^\"]+\")|(\"\"\"[^\n\r]+\"\"\"))"
+        rx = rf"{g0}|{g6}|(?<=< )(.*)(?= >)"
+        qr = re.sub(rx, replace, query, flags=re.VERBOSE | re.MULTILINE)
+        if not has_prefixes or "prefix" in str(qr).lower():
+            return qr
+        else:
+            pfx = "\n".join(f"PREFIX {k}: <{v}>" for k, v in prefixes.items())
+        if context.has_vocab():
+            pfx = "\n".join([pfx, f"PREFIX : <{context.vocab}>"])
+        return f"{pfx}\n{qr}"
+    @staticmethod
+    def _replace_in_sparql(
+            qr: str,
+            what: str,
+            value: Optional[int],
+            default_value: int,
+            search_regex: Pattern,
+            replace_if_in_query=True
+    ) -> str:
+        is_what_in_query = bool(, string=qr))
+        replace_value = f" {what} {value}" if value else \
+            (f" {what} {default_value}" if default_value else None)
+        if is_what_in_query:
+            if not replace_if_in_query and value:
+                raise QueryingError(
+                    f"Value for '{what}' is present in the provided query and set as argument: "
+                    f"set 'replace_if_in_query' to True to replace '{what}' when present in the query."
+                )
+            if replace_if_in_query and replace_value:
+                qr = re.sub(pattern=search_regex, repl=replace_value, string=qr)
+        else:
+            if replace_value:
+                qr = f"{qr} {replace_value}"  # Added to the end of the query (not very general)
+        return qr
+    @staticmethod
+    def handle_sparql_query(
+            query: str, rewrite: bool,
+            limit: Optional[int],
+            offset: Optional[int],
+            default_limit: int,
+            default_offset: int,
+            model_context: Context,
+            metadata_context: Optional[Context],
+            debug: bool
+    ):
+        qr = (
+            SPARQLQueryBuilder.rewrite_sparql(query, model_context, metadata_context)
+            if model_context is not None and rewrite
+            else query
+        )
+        if limit:
+            qr = SPARQLQueryBuilder._replace_in_sparql(
+                qr, "LIMIT", limit, default_limit,
+                re.compile(r" LIMIT \d+", flags=re.IGNORECASE)
+            )
+        if offset:
+            qr = SPARQLQueryBuilder._replace_in_sparql(
+                qr, "OFFSET", offset, default_offset,
+                re.compile(r" OFFSET \d+", flags=re.IGNORECASE)
+            )
+        if debug:
+            SPARQLQueryBuilder.debug_query(qr)
+        return qr
 def _box_value_as_full_iri(value):
     return f"<{value}>" if is_valid_url(value) else value
diff --git a/kgforge/core/commons/ b/kgforge/core/commons/
deleted file mode 100644
index 866cb5a2..00000000
--- a/kgforge/core/commons/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,191 +0,0 @@
-import re
-from typing import Any, Dict, List, Match, Optional, Tuple, Union, Type, Pattern
-from kgforge.core.commons.context import Context
-from kgforge.core.commons.exceptions import QueryingError
-# FIXME: need to find a comprehensive way (different than list) to get all SPARQL reserved clauses
-    "where",
-    "filter",
-    "select",
-    "union",
-    "limit",
-    "construct",
-    "optional",
-    "bind",
-    "values",
-    "offset",
-    "order by",
-    "prefix",
-    "graph",
-    "distinct",
-    "in",
-    "as",
-    "base",
-    "prefix",
-    "reduced",
-    "describe",
-    "ask",
-    "named",
-    "asc",
-    "desc",
-    "from",
-    "optional",
-    "graph",
-    "regex",
-    "union",
-    "str",
-    "lang",
-    "langmatches",
-    "datatype",
-    "bound",
-    "sameTerm",
-    "isIRI",
-    "isURI",
-    "isBLANK",
-    "isLITERAL",
-    "group",
-    "by",
-    "order",
-    "minus",
-    "not",
-    "exists"
-def rewrite_sparql(query: str, context: Context, metadata_context: Context) -> str:
-    """Rewrite local property and type names from Model.template() as IRIs.
-    Local names are mapped to IRIs by using a JSON-LD context, i.e. { "@context": { ... }}
-    from a kgforge.core.commons.Context.
-    In the case of contexts using prefixed names, prefixes are added to the SPARQL query prologue.
-    In the case of non-available contexts and vocab then the query is returned unchanged.
-    """
-    ctx = {}
-    def _context_to_dict(c: Context):
-        return {
-            k: v["@id"] if isinstance(v, Dict) and "@id" in v else v
-            for k, v in c.document["@context"].items()
-        }
-    if metadata_context and metadata_context.document:
-        ctx.update(_context_to_dict(metadata_context))
-    ctx.update(_context_to_dict(context))
-    prefixes = context.prefixes
-    has_prefixes = prefixes is not None and len(prefixes.keys()) > 0
-    if ctx.get("type") == "@type":
-        if "rdf" in prefixes:
-            ctx["type"] = "rdf:type"
-        else:
-            ctx["type"] = ""
-    def replace(match: Match) -> str:
-        m4 =
-        if m4 is None:
-            return
-        else:
-            v = (
-                ctx.get(m4, ":" + m4 if context.has_vocab() else None)
-                if str(m4).lower() not in SPARQL_CLAUSES
-                and not str(m4).startswith("https")
-                else m4
-            )
-            if v is None:
-                raise QueryingError(
-                    f"Failed to construct a valid SPARQL query: add '{m4}'"
-                    f", define an @vocab in the configured JSON-LD context or "
-                    f"provide a fully correct SPARQL query."
-                )
-            m5 =
-            if "//" in v:
-                return f"<{v}>{m5}"
-            else:
-                return f"{v}{m5}"
-    g4 = r"([a-zA-Z_]+)"
-    g5 = r"([.;]?)"
-    g0 = rf"((?<=[\s,[(/|!^])((a|true|false)|{g4}){g5}(?=[\s,\])/|?*+]))"
-    g6 = r"(('[^']+')|('''[^\n\r]+''')|(\"[^\"]+\")|(\"\"\"[^\n\r]+\"\"\"))"
-    rx = rf"{g0}|{g6}|(?<=< )(.*)(?= >)"
-    qr = re.sub(rx, replace, query, flags=re.VERBOSE | re.MULTILINE)
-    if not has_prefixes or "prefix" in str(qr).lower():
-        return qr
-    else:
-        pfx = "\n".join(f"PREFIX {k}: <{v}>" for k, v in prefixes.items())
-    if context.has_vocab():
-        pfx = "\n".join([pfx, f"PREFIX : <{context.vocab}>"])
-    return f"{pfx}\n{qr}"
-def _replace_in_sparql(
-        qr: str,
-        what: str,
-        value: Optional[int],
-        default_value: int,
-        search_regex: Pattern,
-        replace_if_in_query=True
-) -> str:
-    is_what_in_query = bool(, string=qr))
-    replace_value = f" {what} {value}" if value else \
-        (f" {what} {default_value}" if default_value else None)
-    if is_what_in_query:
-        if not replace_if_in_query and value:
-            raise QueryingError(
-                f"Value for '{what}' is present in the provided query and set as argument: "
-                f"set 'replace_if_in_query' to True to replace '{what}' when present in the query."
-            )
-        if replace_if_in_query and replace_value:
-            qr = re.sub(pattern=search_regex, repl=replace_value, string=qr)
-    else:
-        if replace_value:
-            qr = f"{qr} {replace_value}"  # Added to the end of the query (not very general)
-    return qr
-def handle_sparql_query(
-        query: str, rewrite: bool,
-        limit: Optional[int],
-        offset: Optional[int],
-        default_limit: int,
-        default_offset: int,
-        model_context: Context,
-        metadata_context: Optional[Context],
-        debug: bool
-    qr = (
-        rewrite_sparql(query, model_context, metadata_context)
-        if model_context is not None and rewrite
-        else query
-    )
-    if limit:
-        qr = _replace_in_sparql(
-            qr, "LIMIT", limit, default_limit,
-            re.compile(r" LIMIT \d+", flags=re.IGNORECASE)
-        )
-    if offset:
-        qr = _replace_in_sparql(
-            qr, "OFFSET", offset, default_offset,
-            re.compile(r" OFFSET \d+", flags=re.IGNORECASE)
-        )
-    if debug:
-        _debug_query(qr)
-    return qr
-def _debug_query(query):
-    if isinstance(query, Dict):
-        print("Submitted query:", query)
-    else:
-        print(*["Submitted query:", *query.splitlines()], sep="\n   ")
diff --git a/tests/core/archetypes/ b/tests/core/archetypes/
index 02edbc8c..b3397e8d 100644
--- a/tests/core/archetypes/
+++ b/tests/core/archetypes/
@@ -11,12 +11,13 @@
 # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
 # along with Blue Brain Nexus Forge. If not, see <>.
+import re
 # Placeholder for the test suite for actions.
 import pytest
 from kgforge.core import Resource, KnowledgeGraphForge
-from kgforge.core.commons.sparql_query_rewriter import rewrite_sparql, _replace_in_sparql
+from kgforge.core.commons.sparql_query_builder import SPARQLQueryBuilder
 from kgforge.core.commons.context import Context
 from kgforge.core.commons.exceptions import DownloadingError, FreezingError, QueryingError
 from kgforge.specializations.resources import Dataset
@@ -25,7 +26,7 @@
 context = {
     "@context": {
-        "@vocab":"",
+        "@vocab": "",
         "type": {
             "@id": "rdf:type",
             "@type": "@id"
@@ -44,14 +45,12 @@
 prefixes = {
     "rdf": "",
     "prov": "",
     "schema": "",
 prefixes_string = "\n".join([f"PREFIX {k}: <{v}>" for k, v in prefixes.items()])
 form_store_metadata_combinations = [
@@ -69,9 +68,10 @@
      "\nSELECT ?x WHERE { <> <> ?x }"),
     ("SELECT ?x WHERE { <> a TypeNotInContext }",
      "\nSELECT ?x WHERE { <> a :TypeNotInContext }"),
-    ("SELECT ?x WHERE { <> a TypeNotInContext, AnotherNotTypeInContext, Person }",
-     "\nSELECT ?x WHERE { <> a :TypeNotInContext, :AnotherNotTypeInContext,"
-                       " schema:Person }"),
+    (
+    "SELECT ?x WHERE { <> a TypeNotInContext, AnotherNotTypeInContext, Person }",
+    "\nSELECT ?x WHERE { <> a :TypeNotInContext, :AnotherNotTypeInContext,"
+    " schema:Person }"),
     ("SELECT ?x WHERE { ?id propertyNotInContext ?x }",
      "\nSELECT ?x WHERE { ?id :propertyNotInContext ?x }"),
     ("SELECT ?x WHERE { ?id propertyNotInContext/name/anotherPropertyNotInContext ?x }",
@@ -80,8 +80,9 @@
      "\nSELECT DISTINCT ?x WHERE { ?id :propertyNotInContext/schema:name/:anotherPropertyNotInContext ?x }"),
     ("SELECT ?x WHERE { Graph ?g { ?id propertyNotInContext/name/anotherPropertyNotInContext ?x }}",
      "\nSELECT ?x WHERE { Graph ?g { ?id :propertyNotInContext/schema:name/:anotherPropertyNotInContext ?x }}"),
-    ("SELECT * WHERE { <> a TypeNotInContext, AnotherNotTypeInContext, Person; deprecated false.}",
-     "\nSELECT * WHERE { <> a :TypeNotInContext, :AnotherNotTypeInContext, schema:Person; <> false.}")
+    (
+    "SELECT * WHERE { <> a TypeNotInContext, AnotherNotTypeInContext, Person; deprecated false.}",
+    "\nSELECT * WHERE { <> a :TypeNotInContext, :AnotherNotTypeInContext, schema:Person; <> false.}")
@@ -89,7 +90,9 @@
 def test_rewrite_sparql(query, expected, metadata_context):
     prefixes_string_vocab = "\n".join([prefixes_string, f"PREFIX : <>"])
     context_object = Context(document=context)
-    result = rewrite_sparql(query, context_object, metadata_context=metadata_context)
+    result = SPARQLQueryBuilder.rewrite_sparql(
+        query, context_object, metadata_context=metadata_context
+    )
     assert result == prefixes_string_vocab + expected
@@ -98,17 +101,18 @@ def test_rewrite_sparql_unknownterm_missing_vocab(custom_context, metadata_conte
     assert not context_object.has_vocab()
     with pytest.raises(QueryingError):
         query = "SELECT ?x WHERE { Graph ?g { ?id propertyNotInContext/name/anotherPropertyNotInContext ?x }}"
-        rewrite_sparql(query, context_object, metadata_context)
+        SPARQLQueryBuilder.rewrite_sparql(query, context_object, metadata_context)
 def test_rewrite_sparql_missingvocab(custom_context, metadata_context):
     query = "SELECT ?name WHERE { <> name ?name }"
-    expected = "PREFIX foaf: <>\nPREFIX skos: <>\nPREFIX schema: <>\n"\
+    expected = "PREFIX foaf: <>\nPREFIX skos: <>\nPREFIX schema: <>\n" \
                "PREFIX owl: <>\nPREFIX rdfs: <>\nPREFIX mba: <>\nPREFIX nsg: <>\nPREFIX obo: <>\nSELECT ?name WHERE { <> foaf:name ?name }"
     context_object = Context(document=custom_context)
-    result = rewrite_sparql(query, context_object, metadata_context)
+    result = SPARQLQueryBuilder.rewrite_sparql(query, context_object, metadata_context)
     assert result == expected
 replace_in_sparql_combinations = [
     ("SELECT ?agent WHERE { <> prov:agent ?agent }",
      "LIMIT", 3, 100, r" LIMIT \d+", True,
@@ -129,31 +133,40 @@ def test_rewrite_sparql_missingvocab(custom_context, metadata_context):
      "LIMIT", None, 100, r" LIMIT \d+", False,
      "SELECT ?agent WHERE { <> prov:agent ?agent } LIMIT 10"),
     ("SELECT ?agent WHERE { <> prov:agent ?agent }",
-         "OFFSET", 1, 0, r" OFFSET \d+", True,
-         "SELECT ?agent WHERE { <> prov:agent ?agent }  OFFSET 1"),
+     "OFFSET", 1, 0, r" OFFSET \d+", True,
+     "SELECT ?agent WHERE { <> prov:agent ?agent }  OFFSET 1"),
     ("SELECT ?agent WHERE { <> prov:agent ?agent }",
-         "OFFSET", None, 0, r" OFFSET \d+", True,
-         "SELECT ?agent WHERE { <> prov:agent ?agent }"),
+     "OFFSET", None, 0, r" OFFSET \d+", True,
+     "SELECT ?agent WHERE { <> prov:agent ?agent }"),
     ("SELECT ?agent WHERE { <> prov:agent ?agent } OFFSET 3",
-         "OFFSET", None, 20, r" OFFSET \d+", True,
-         "SELECT ?agent WHERE { <> prov:agent ?agent } OFFSET 20"),
+     "OFFSET", None, 20, r" OFFSET \d+", True,
+     "SELECT ?agent WHERE { <> prov:agent ?agent } OFFSET 20"),
     ("SELECT ?agent WHERE { <> prov:agent ?agent } LIMIT 10 OFFSET 3",
-         "OFFSET", 5, None, r" OFFSET \d+", True,
-         "SELECT ?agent WHERE { <> prov:agent ?agent } LIMIT 10 OFFSET 5")
+     "OFFSET", 5, None, r" OFFSET \d+", True,
+     "SELECT ?agent WHERE { <> prov:agent ?agent } LIMIT 10 OFFSET 5")
-@pytest.mark.parametrize("query, what, value, default_value, search_regex, replace_if_in_query, expected",
-                         replace_in_sparql_combinations)
-def test__replace_in_sparql(query, what, value, default_value, search_regex, replace_if_in_query, expected):
-    result = _replace_in_sparql(query, what, value, default_value, search_regex, replace_if_in_query)
+    "query, what, value, default_value, search_regex, replace_if_in_query, expected",
+    replace_in_sparql_combinations)
+def test__replace_in_sparql(query, what, value, default_value, search_regex, replace_if_in_query,
+                            expected):
+    result = SPARQLQueryBuilder._replace_in_sparql(
+        query, what, value, default_value, re.compile(search_regex, flags=re.IGNORECASE),
+        replace_if_in_query
+    )
     assert result == expected
 def test__replace_in_sparql_exception():
     with pytest.raises(QueryingError):
         query = "SELECT ?agent WHERE { <> prov:agent ?agent } LIMIT 10"
-        _replace_in_sparql(query, what="LIMIT", value=10, default_value=None, search_regex=r" LIMIT \d+",
-                           replace_if_in_query=False)
+        SPARQLQueryBuilder._replace_in_sparql(
+            query, what="LIMIT", value=10, default_value=None,
+            search_regex=re.compile(r"LIMIT \d+", flags=re.IGNORECASE),
+            replace_if_in_query=False
+        )
 def test_download(config):
@@ -162,8 +175,8 @@ def test_download(config):
         forge = KnowledgeGraphForge(config), "fake.path", "./", overwrite=False, cross_bucket=False)
-def test_freeze(config, store_metadata_value):
+def test_freeze(config, store_metadata_value):
     forge = KnowledgeGraphForge(config, debug=True)
     derivation1 = Dataset(forge, type="Dataset", name="A derivation dataset") = "http://derivation1"
@@ -188,20 +201,25 @@ def test_freeze(config, store_metadata_value):
     dataset.add_invalidation(invalidation1, versioned=False)
     dataset.add_contribution(contribution1, versioned=False)
-    expected_derivation = json.loads(json.dumps({"type":"Derivation", "entity":{"id": "http://derivation1",
-                                                                                "type":"Dataset", "name":"A derivation dataset"}}))
+    expected_derivation = json.loads(
+        json.dumps({"type": "Derivation", "entity": {"id": "http://derivation1",
+                                                     "type": "Dataset",
+                                                     "name": "A derivation dataset"}}))
     assert forge.as_json(dataset.derivation) == expected_derivation
     expected_generation = json.loads(json.dumps({"type": "Generation",
-                                                 "activity": {"id": "http://generation1", "type": "Dataset"}}))
+                                                 "activity": {"id": "http://generation1",
+                                                              "type": "Dataset"}}))
     assert forge.as_json(dataset.generation) == expected_generation
     expected_contribution = json.loads(json.dumps({"type": "Contribution",
-                                                 "agent": {"id": "http://contribution1", "type": "Person"}}))
+                                                   "agent": {"id": "http://contribution1",
+                                                             "type": "Person"}}))
     assert forge.as_json(dataset.contribution) == expected_contribution
     expected_invalidation = json.loads(json.dumps({"type": "Invalidation",
-                                                   "activity": {"id": "http://invalidation1", "type": "Activity"}}))
+                                                   "activity": {"id": "http://invalidation1",
+                                                                "type": "Activity"}}))
     assert forge.as_json(dataset.invalidation) == expected_invalidation = "http://dataset"

From 394382bbecfa3d5c502013300aa34451c8a860f4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: mouffok <>
Date: Wed, 25 Oct 2023 11:52:35 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 13/26] apply limit and offset in query builder

 kgforge/core/archetypes/             | 23 +++++++++----
 kgforge/core/archetypes/             | 35 ++++++++++++++------
 kgforge/core/commons/     | 10 ++++++
 kgforge/core/commons/        |  4 +++
 kgforge/core/commons/ | 32 +++++-------------
 5 files changed, 62 insertions(+), 42 deletions(-)

diff --git a/kgforge/core/archetypes/ b/kgforge/core/archetypes/
index 5da6ba50..2972b4f3 100644
--- a/kgforge/core/archetypes/
+++ b/kgforge/core/archetypes/
@@ -130,18 +130,27 @@ def sparql(
     ) -> List[Resource]:
         rewrite = params.get("rewrite", True)
-        qr = SPARQLQueryBuilder.handle_sparql_query(
-            query=query,
-            model_context=self.context(),
-            metadata_context=None,  # TODO something else?
-            rewrite=rewrite,
+        qr = (
+            SPARQLQueryBuilder.rewrite_sparql(
+                query,
+                self.context(),
+                metadata_context=None  # TODO smth else?
+            )
+            if self.context() is not None and rewrite
+            else query
+        )
+        qr = SPARQLQueryBuilder.apply_limit_and_offset_to_query(
+            query=qr,
-            default_offset=DEFAULT_OFFSET,
-            debug=debug
+            default_offset=DEFAULT_OFFSET
+        if debug:
+            SPARQLQueryBuilder.debug_query(qr)
         return self._sparql(qr)
     def _sparql(self, query: str) -> List[Resource]:
diff --git a/kgforge/core/archetypes/ b/kgforge/core/archetypes/
index ee21a997..cb6677f6 100644
--- a/kgforge/core/archetypes/
+++ b/kgforge/core/archetypes/
@@ -388,18 +388,27 @@ def sparql(
     ) -> List[Resource]:
         rewrite = params.get("rewrite", True)
-        qr = SPARQLQueryBuilder.handle_sparql_query(
-            query=query,
-            model_context=self.model_context,
-            metadata_context=self.service.metadata_context,
-            rewrite=rewrite,
+        qr = (
+            SPARQLQueryBuilder.rewrite_sparql(
+                query,
+                context=self.model_context,
+                metadata_context=self.service.metadata_context,
+            )
+            if self.model_context is not None and rewrite
+            else query
+        )
+        qr = SPARQLQueryBuilder.apply_limit_and_offset_to_query(
+            qr,
-            default_offset=DEFAULT_OFFSET,
-            debug=debug
+            default_offset=DEFAULT_OFFSET
+        if debug:
+            SPARQLQueryBuilder.debug_query(qr)
         return self._sparql(qr)
     def _sparql(self, query: str) -> List[Resource]:
@@ -412,12 +421,16 @@ def elastic(
             self, query: str, debug: bool, limit: int = DEFAULT_LIMIT, offset: int = DEFAULT_OFFSET
     ) -> List[Resource]:
         query_dict = json.loads(query)
-        if limit:
-            query_dict["size"] = limit
-        if offset:
-            query_dict["from"] = offset
+        query_dict = ESQueryBuilder.apply_limit_and_offset_to_query(
+            query_dict,
+            limit=limit, default_limit=None,
+            offset=offset, default_offset=None
+        )
         if debug:
         return self._elastic(json.dumps(query_dict))
     def _elastic(self, query: str) -> List[Resource]:
diff --git a/kgforge/core/commons/ b/kgforge/core/commons/
index c2402bf4..4bdb2cba 100644
--- a/kgforge/core/commons/
+++ b/kgforge/core/commons/
@@ -184,6 +184,16 @@ def build(
     def build_resource_from_response(query: str, response: Dict, context: Context, *args, **params) -> List[Resource]:
+    @staticmethod
+    def apply_limit_and_offset_to_query(query, limit, default_limit, offset, default_offset):
+        # TODO should there be an elastic search default limit?
+        if limit:
+            query["size"] = limit
+        if offset:
+            query["from"] = offset
+        return query
 def _look_up_known_parent_paths(f, last_path, property_path, m):
     if (
diff --git a/kgforge/core/commons/ b/kgforge/core/commons/
index e40c9071..ae419853 100644
--- a/kgforge/core/commons/
+++ b/kgforge/core/commons/
@@ -48,3 +48,7 @@ def debug_query(query):
             print(*["Submitted query:", *query.splitlines()], sep="\n   ")
+    @staticmethod
+    @abstractmethod
+    def apply_limit_and_offset_to_query(query, limit, default_limit, offset, default_offset):
+        pass
diff --git a/kgforge/core/commons/ b/kgforge/core/commons/
index 7b2cfa62..bbd30ade 100644
--- a/kgforge/core/commons/
+++ b/kgforge/core/commons/
@@ -116,6 +116,7 @@ class CategoryDataType(Enum):
 class SPARQLQueryBuilder(QueryBuilder):
     def build(
             schema: Dict,
@@ -343,38 +344,21 @@ def _replace_in_sparql(
         return qr
-    def handle_sparql_query(
-            query: str, rewrite: bool,
-            limit: Optional[int],
-            offset: Optional[int],
-            default_limit: int,
-            default_offset: int,
-            model_context: Context,
-            metadata_context: Optional[Context],
-            debug: bool
-    ):
-        qr = (
-            SPARQLQueryBuilder.rewrite_sparql(query, model_context, metadata_context)
-            if model_context is not None and rewrite
-            else query
-        )
+    def apply_limit_and_offset_to_query(query, limit, default_limit, offset, default_offset):
         if limit:
-            qr = SPARQLQueryBuilder._replace_in_sparql(
-                qr, "LIMIT", limit, default_limit,
+            query = SPARQLQueryBuilder._replace_in_sparql(
+                query, "LIMIT", limit, default_limit,
                 re.compile(r" LIMIT \d+", flags=re.IGNORECASE)
         if offset:
-            qr = SPARQLQueryBuilder._replace_in_sparql(
-                qr, "OFFSET", offset, default_offset,
+            query = SPARQLQueryBuilder._replace_in_sparql(
+                query, "OFFSET", offset, default_offset,
                 re.compile(r" OFFSET \d+", flags=re.IGNORECASE)
-        if debug:
-            SPARQLQueryBuilder.debug_query(qr)
-        return qr
+        return query
 def _box_value_as_full_iri(value):
     return f"<{value}>" if is_valid_url(value) else value

From 495ed22e994d3286a2114c952c22dc1d373d9aa4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: mouffok <>
Date: Wed, 25 Oct 2023 12:16:05 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 14/26] renaming

 .../models/rdf/            | 18 +++++++++---------
 .../rdf/    | 10 ++++------
 .../models/rdf/ | 14 +++++++-------
 kgforge/specializations/models/    |  2 +-
 4 files changed, 21 insertions(+), 23 deletions(-)

diff --git a/kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/ b/kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/
index 4f0f8072..143ee27e 100644
--- a/kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/
+++ b/kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/
@@ -33,21 +33,21 @@
 class RdfModelService:
-    schema_to_source: Dict[URIRef, str]
-    classes_to_shapes: Dict[str, URIRef]
+    shape_to_source: Dict[URIRef, str]
+    class_to_shape: Dict[str, URIRef]
     def __init__(self, graph: Graph, context_iri: Optional[str] = None) -> None:
         if context_iri is None:
             raise ConfigurationError("RdfModel requires a context")
         self._graph = graph
-        self._context_cache = {}
-        self.schema_to_source, self.classes_to_shapes = self._build_shapes_map()
+        self._context_cache = dict()
+        self.shape_to_source, self.class_to_shape = self._build_shapes_map()
         self.context = Context(self.resolve_context(context_iri), context_iri)
         self.types_to_shapes: Dict[str, URIRef] = self._build_types_to_shapes()
-    def schema_source(self, schema_iri: URIRef) -> str:
-        return self.schema_to_source[schema_iri]
+    def shape_source(self, schema_iri: URIRef) -> str:
+        return self.shape_to_source[schema_iri]
     def sparql(self, query: str) -> List[Resource]:
         e = self._graph.query(query)
@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ def _build_types_to_shapes(self) -> Dict[str, URIRef]:
         """Iterates the classes_to_shapes dictionary to create a term to shape dictionary filtering
          the terms available in the context """
         types_to_shapes: Dict = {}
-        for k, v in self.classes_to_shapes.items():
+        for k, v in self.class_to_shape.items():
             term = self.context.find_term(str(k))
             if term:
                 if not in types_to_shapes:
@@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ def traverse_properties(properties) -> Tuple[Dict, Dict]:
             return l_prefixes, l_terms
         target_classes = []
-        for k in self.classes_to_shapes.keys():
+        for k in self.class_to_shape.keys():
             key = as_term(k)
             if key not in target_classes:
@@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ def traverse_properties(properties) -> Tuple[Dict, Dict]:
                 # TODO: should this raise an error?
                 print("duplicated term", key, k)
-        for type_, shape in self.classes_to_shapes.items():
+        for type_, shape in self.class_to_shape.items():
             t_prefix, t_namespace, t_name = self._graph.compute_qname(type_)
             prefixes.update({t_prefix: str(t_namespace)})
             types_.update({t_name: {"@id": ":".join((t_prefix, t_name))}})
diff --git a/kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/ b/kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/
index 8248fb19..5b377dd9 100644
--- a/kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/
+++ b/kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/
@@ -58,8 +58,6 @@ def resolve_context(self, iri: str) -> Dict:
     def generate_context(self) -> Dict:
         return self._generate_context()
     def _build_shapes_map(self) -> Tuple[Dict[URIRef, str], Dict[str, URIRef]]:
         query = """
             PREFIX rdfs: <>
@@ -76,18 +74,18 @@ def _build_shapes_map(self) -> Tuple[Dict[URIRef, str], Dict[str, URIRef]]:
         res = self._graph.query(query)
-        class_being_shaped_id_to_shape_uri: Dict[str, URIRef] = {
+        class_to_shape: Dict[str, URIRef] = {
             row["type"]: URIRef(row["shape"])
             for row in res
         # FIXME should return the file path where the schema is in
-        schema_to_file = dict(
+        shape_to_file = dict(
             (e, "")  # TODO file source
-            for e in class_being_shaped_id_to_shape_uri.values()
+            for e in class_to_shape.values()
-        return schema_to_file, class_being_shaped_id_to_shape_uri
+        return shape_to_file, class_to_shape
 def load_rdf_files_into_graph(path: Path, memory_graph: Graph) -> Graph:
diff --git a/kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/ b/kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/
index ce535f01..db155241 100644
--- a/kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/
+++ b/kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ def resolve_context(self, iri: str) -> Dict:
         return self._context_cache[iri]
     def generate_context(self) -> Dict:
-        for v in self.schema_to_source.values():
+        for v in self.shape_to_source.values():
         return self._generate_context()
@@ -95,19 +95,19 @@ def _build_shapes_map(self) -> Tuple[Dict[URIRef, str], Dict[str, URIRef]]:
         limit = 100
         offset = 0
         count = limit
-        class_being_shaped_id_to_shape_uri = {}
-        schema_to_resource: Dict[URIRef, URIRef] = {}
+        class_to_shape = dict()
+        shape_to_resource: Dict[URIRef, URIRef] = dict()
         while count == limit:
             resources = self.context_store.sparql(query, debug=False, limit=limit, offset=offset)
             for r in resources:
                 shape_uri = URIRef(r.shape)
-                class_being_shaped_id_to_shape_uri[r.type] = shape_uri
-                schema_to_resource[shape_uri] = URIRef(r.resource_id)
+                class_to_shape[r.type] = shape_uri
+                shape_to_resource[shape_uri] = URIRef(r.resource_id)
             count = len(resources)
             offset += count
-        return schema_to_resource, class_being_shaped_id_to_shape_uri
+        return shape_to_resource, class_to_shape
     def recursive_resolve(self, context: Union[Dict, List, str]) -> Dict:
         document = {}
@@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ def _load_and_get_type_shape(self, iri: URIRef) -> ShapeWrapper:
             return self._shapes_graph.lookup_shape_from_node(iri)
         except KeyError:
-            shape_resource_id = self.schema_to_source[iri]
+            shape_resource_id = self.shape_to_source[iri]
             return self._shapes_graph.lookup_shape_from_node(iri)
diff --git a/kgforge/specializations/models/ b/kgforge/specializations/models/
index 4ab06c69..418e8521 100644
--- a/kgforge/specializations/models/
+++ b/kgforge/specializations/models/
@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ def get_shape_from_type(self, type: str) -> URIRef:
     def schema_id(self, type: str) -> URIRef:
         shape_iri: URIRef = self.get_shape_from_type(type)
-        return self.service.schema_source(shape_iri)
+        return self.service.shape_source(shape_iri)
     # Validation.

From ff9e624b55d91415ad3f7778cab3eb2c5d9ffeba Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: mouffok <>
Date: Wed, 25 Oct 2023 14:38:42 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 15/26] resource id as str instead of str

 .../models/rdf/            | 8 ++++----
 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

diff --git a/kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/ b/kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/
index db155241..f99464c2 100644
--- a/kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/
+++ b/kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/
@@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ def recursive_resolve(self, context: Union[Dict, List, str]) -> Dict:
         return document
-    def _load_shape(self, resource_id: URIRef):
+    def _load_shape(self, resource_id: str):
         if resource_id not in self._imported:
                 shape = self.context_store.retrieve(resource_id, version=None, cross_bucket=False)
@@ -162,12 +162,12 @@ def _load_and_get_type_shape(self, iri: URIRef) -> ShapeWrapper:
             return self._shapes_graph.lookup_shape_from_node(iri)
         except KeyError:
-            shape_resource_id = self.shape_to_source[iri]
+            shape_resource_id: str = self.shape_to_source[iri]
             return self._shapes_graph.lookup_shape_from_node(iri)
-    def _load_shape_and_reload_shapes_graph(self, iri: URIRef):
-        self._load_shape(iri)
+    def _load_shape_and_reload_shapes_graph(self, resource_id: str):
+        self._load_shape(resource_id)
         # reloads the shapes graph
         self._shapes_graph = ShapesGraphWrapper(self._graph)

From 91c93ab21bd5cc669ba9dc91b2143942cb66069c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: mouffok <>
Date: Wed, 25 Oct 2023 14:53:42 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 16/26] sparql query builder separate method for construct

 kgforge/core/commons/ | 80 ++++++++++----------
 1 file changed, 42 insertions(+), 38 deletions(-)

diff --git a/kgforge/core/commons/ b/kgforge/core/commons/
index bbd30ade..c41a4ac0 100644
--- a/kgforge/core/commons/
+++ b/kgforge/core/commons/
@@ -184,48 +184,52 @@ def build_resource_from_response(
             query: str, response: Dict, context: Context, *args, **params
     ) -> List[Resource]:
         _, q_comp = Query.parseString(query)
-        if == "ConstructQuery":
-            subject_triples = {}
-            for r in response["results"]["bindings"]:
-                subject = r["subject"]["value"]
-                s = f"<{r['subject']['value']}>"
-                p = f"<{r['predicate']['value']}>"
-                if r["object"]["type"] == "uri":
-                    o = f"<{r['object']['value']}>"
-                else:
-                    if "datatype" in r["object"]:
-                        o = f"\"{r['object']['value']}\"^^<{r['object']['datatype']}>"
-                    else:
-                        o = f"\"{r['object']['value']}\""
-                if subject in subject_triples:
-                    subject_triples[subject] += f"\n{s} {p} {o} . "
-                else:
-                    subject_triples[subject] = f"{s} {p} {o} . "
-            def triples_to_resource(iri, triples):
-                graph = Graph().parse(data=triples, format="nt")
-                data_expanded = json.loads(graph.serialize(format="json-ld"))
-                data_expanded = json.loads(graph.serialize(format="json-ld"))
-                frame = {"@id": iri}
-                data_framed = jsonld.frame(data_expanded, frame)
-                compacted = jsonld.compact(data_framed, context.document)
-                resource = from_jsonld(compacted)
-                resource.context = (
-                    context.iri
-                    if context.is_http_iri()
-                    else context.document["@context"]
-                )
-                return resource
+        bindings = response["results"]["bindings"]
-            return [triples_to_resource(s, t) for s, t in subject_triples.items()]
+        if == "ConstructQuery":
+            return SPARQLQueryBuilder.build_resource_from_construct_query(bindings, context)
             # SELECT QUERY
-            return SPARQLQueryBuilder.build_resource_from_select_query(
-                response["results"]["bindings"]
+            return SPARQLQueryBuilder.build_resource_from_select_query(bindings)
+    @staticmethod
+    def build_resource_from_construct_query(results: List, context: Context) -> List[Resource]:
+        subject_triples = {}
+        for r in results:
+            subject = r["subject"]["value"]
+            s = f"<{r['subject']['value']}>"
+            p = f"<{r['predicate']['value']}>"
+            if r["object"]["type"] == "uri":
+                o = f"<{r['object']['value']}>"
+            else:
+                if "datatype" in r["object"]:
+                    o = f"\"{r['object']['value']}\"^^<{r['object']['datatype']}>"
+                else:
+                    o = f"\"{r['object']['value']}\""
+            if subject in subject_triples:
+                subject_triples[subject] += f"\n{s} {p} {o} . "
+            else:
+                subject_triples[subject] = f"{s} {p} {o} . "
+        def triples_to_resource(iri, triples):
+            graph = Graph().parse(data=triples, format="nt")
+            data_expanded = json.loads(graph.serialize(format="json-ld"))
+            data_framed = jsonld.frame(data_expanded, {"@id": iri})
+            compacted = jsonld.compact(data_framed, context.document)
+            resource = from_jsonld(compacted)
+            resource.context = (
+                context.iri
+                if context.is_http_iri()
+                else context.document["@context"]
+            return resource
+        return [triples_to_resource(s, t) for s, t in subject_triples.items()]
-    def build_resource_from_select_query(results: List):
+    def build_resource_from_select_query(results: List) -> List[Resource]:
         def process_v(v):
             if v['type'] == 'literal' and 'datatype' in v and v['datatype'] == \
@@ -246,7 +250,7 @@ def process_v(v):
             for x in results
+    @staticmethod
     def rewrite_sparql(query: str, context: Context, metadata_context: Context) -> str:
         """Rewrite local property and type names from Model.template() as IRIs.
@@ -344,7 +348,6 @@ def _replace_in_sparql(
         return qr
     def apply_limit_and_offset_to_query(query, limit, default_limit, offset, default_offset):
         if limit:
@@ -360,5 +363,6 @@ def apply_limit_and_offset_to_query(query, limit, default_limit, offset, default
         return query
 def _box_value_as_full_iri(value):
     return f"<{value}>" if is_valid_url(value) else value

From 0986e3dc4422c7dbf2ba707b2fd96dd14744c62c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: mouffok <>
Date: Wed, 25 Oct 2023 20:53:50 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 17/26] get file from which a shape originates from in rdf
 model service from directory'

 kgforge/core/archetypes/              |  4 +-
 .../models/rdf/           | 19 ++---
 .../rdf/   | 84 ++++++++++++-------
 .../rdf/       | 18 ++--
 kgforge/specializations/models/   |  4 +-
 tests/specializations/models/          | 13 ++-
 .../specializations/models/  | 32 ++++++-
 7 files changed, 118 insertions(+), 56 deletions(-)

diff --git a/kgforge/core/archetypes/ b/kgforge/core/archetypes/
index 2972b4f3..950252cc 100644
--- a/kgforge/core/archetypes/
+++ b/kgforge/core/archetypes/
@@ -196,8 +196,8 @@ def mapping(self, entity: str, source: str, type: Callable) -> Mapping:
     # Validation.
-    def schema_id(self, type: str) -> URIRef:
-        # POLICY Should retrieve the schema id of the given type.
+    def schema_source(self, type: str) -> str:
+        # POLICY Should retrieve the schema source of the given type.
     def validate(self, data: Union[Resource, List[Resource]],
diff --git a/kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/ b/kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/
index 143ee27e..ba4849f5 100644
--- a/kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/
+++ b/kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/
@@ -33,20 +33,24 @@
 class RdfModelService:
-    shape_to_source: Dict[URIRef, str]
-    class_to_shape: Dict[str, URIRef]
-    def __init__(self, graph: Graph, context_iri: Optional[str] = None) -> None:
+    def __init__(
+            self, graph: Graph,
+            shape_to_source: Dict[URIRef, str],
+            class_to_shape:  Dict[str, URIRef],
+            context_iri: Optional[str] = None,
+    ) -> None:
         if context_iri is None:
             raise ConfigurationError("RdfModel requires a context")
         self._graph = graph
         self._context_cache = dict()
-        self.shape_to_source, self.class_to_shape = self._build_shapes_map()
+        self.shape_to_source = shape_to_source
+        self.class_to_shape = class_to_shape
         self.context = Context(self.resolve_context(context_iri), context_iri)
         self.types_to_shapes: Dict[str, URIRef] = self._build_types_to_shapes()
-    def shape_source(self, schema_iri: URIRef) -> str:
+    def get_shape_source(self, schema_iri: URIRef) -> str:
         return self.shape_to_source[schema_iri]
     def sparql(self, query: str) -> List[Resource]:
@@ -100,11 +104,6 @@ def generate_context(self) -> Dict:
         """Generates a JSON-LD context with the classes and terms present in the SHACL graph."""
         raise NotImplementedError()
-    @abstractmethod
-    def _build_shapes_map(self) -> Tuple[Dict[URIRef, str], Dict[str, URIRef]]:
-        """Queries the source and returns a map of owl:Class to sh:NodeShape"""
-        raise NotImplementedError()
     def _build_types_to_shapes(self) -> Dict[str, URIRef]:
         """Iterates the classes_to_shapes dictionary to create a term to shape dictionary filtering
          the terms available in the context """
diff --git a/kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/ b/kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/
index 5b377dd9..a8452885 100644
--- a/kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/
+++ b/kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/
@@ -28,9 +28,14 @@
 class RdfModelServiceFromDirectory(RdfModelService):
     def __init__(self, dir_path: Path, context_iri: str) -> None:
-        self._graph = load_rdf_files_into_graph(dir_path, Graph())
-        self._shapes_graph = ShapesGraphWrapper(self._graph)
-        super().__init__(self._graph, context_iri)
+        graph, shape_to_source, class_to_shape = self._build_shapes_map(dir_path=dir_path)
+        self._shapes_graph = ShapesGraphWrapper(graph)
+        super().__init__(
+            graph=graph, context_iri=context_iri, shape_to_source=shape_to_source,
+            class_to_shape=class_to_shape
+        )
     def materialize(self, iri: URIRef) -> NodeProperties:
         sh = self._shapes_graph.lookup_shape_from_node(iri)
@@ -58,34 +63,53 @@ def resolve_context(self, iri: str) -> Dict:
     def generate_context(self) -> Dict:
         return self._generate_context()
-    def _build_shapes_map(self) -> Tuple[Dict[URIRef, str], Dict[str, URIRef]]:
-        query = """
-            PREFIX rdfs: <>
-            PREFIX sh: <>
-            SELECT ?type ?shape WHERE {
-                { ?shape sh:targetClass ?type .}
-                UNION {
-                    SELECT (?shape as ?type) ?shape WHERE {
-                        ?shape a sh:NodeShape .
-                        ?shape a rdfs:Class
-                    }
-                }
-            } ORDER BY ?type
-        """
-        res = self._graph.query(query)
-        class_to_shape: Dict[str, URIRef] = {
-            row["type"]: URIRef(row["shape"])
-            for row in res
-        }
-        # FIXME should return the file path where the schema is in
-        shape_to_file = dict(
-            (e, "")  # TODO file source
-            for e in class_to_shape.values()
-        )
+    def _build_shapes_map(
+            self, dir_path: Path
+    ) -> Tuple[Graph, Dict[URIRef, str], Dict[str, URIRef]]:
-        return shape_to_file, class_to_shape
+        query = """
+                    PREFIX rdfs: <>
+                    PREFIX sh: <>
+                    SELECT ?type ?shape WHERE {
+                        { ?shape sh:targetClass ?type .}
+                        UNION {
+                            SELECT (?shape as ?type) ?shape WHERE {
+                                ?shape a sh:NodeShape .
+                                ?shape a rdfs:Class
+                            }
+                        }
+                    } ORDER BY ?type
+                """
+        class_to_shape: Dict[str, URIRef] = dict()
+        shape_to_file: Dict[URIRef, str] = dict()
+        graph = Graph()
+        extensions = [".ttl", ".n3", ".json", ".rdf"]
+        for f in dir_path.rglob(os.path.join("*.*")):
+            graph_i = Graph()
+            if f.suffix in extensions:
+                file_format = guess_format(
+                if file_format is None:
+                    file_format = "json-ld"
+                graph_i.parse(f.as_posix(), format=file_format)
+            res = graph_i.query(query)
+            class_to_shape_i = dict(
+                (row["type"], URIRef(row["shape"]))
+                for row in res
+            )
+            class_to_shape.update(class_to_shape_i)
+            shape_to_file.update(dict(
+                (e, f.as_posix())
+                for e in class_to_shape_i.values()
+            ))
+            graph += graph_i
+        return graph, shape_to_file, class_to_shape
 def load_rdf_files_into_graph(path: Path, memory_graph: Graph) -> Graph:
diff --git a/kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/ b/kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/
index f99464c2..36480e17 100644
--- a/kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/
+++ b/kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/
@@ -46,9 +46,13 @@ def __init__(self, default_store: Store, context_iri: Optional[str] = None,
         self._imported = []
-        g = Graph()
-        self._shapes_graph = ShapesGraphWrapper(g)
-        super().__init__(g, context_iri)
+        graph, shape_to_resource, class_to_shape = self._build_shapes_map()
+        self._shapes_graph = ShapesGraphWrapper(graph)
+        super().__init__(
+            graph=graph, context_iri=context_iri, shape_to_source=shape_to_resource,
+            class_to_shape=class_to_shape
+        )
     def materialize(self, iri: URIRef) -> NodeProperties:
         shape: ShapeWrapper = self._load_and_get_type_shape(iri)
@@ -75,7 +79,7 @@ def generate_context(self) -> Dict:
         return self._generate_context()
-    def _build_shapes_map(self) -> Tuple[Dict[URIRef, str], Dict[str, URIRef]]:
+    def _build_shapes_map(self) -> Tuple[Graph, Dict[URIRef, str], Dict[str, URIRef]]:
         query = f"""
             PREFIX rdfs: <>
             PREFIX sh: <>
@@ -95,8 +99,8 @@ def _build_shapes_map(self) -> Tuple[Dict[URIRef, str], Dict[str, URIRef]]:
         limit = 100
         offset = 0
         count = limit
-        class_to_shape = dict()
-        shape_to_resource: Dict[URIRef, URIRef] = dict()
+        class_to_shape: Dict[str, URIRef] = dict()
+        shape_to_resource: Dict[URIRef, str] = dict()
         while count == limit:
             resources = self.context_store.sparql(query, debug=False, limit=limit, offset=offset)
@@ -107,7 +111,7 @@ def _build_shapes_map(self) -> Tuple[Dict[URIRef, str], Dict[str, URIRef]]:
             count = len(resources)
             offset += count
-        return shape_to_resource, class_to_shape
+        return Graph(), shape_to_resource, class_to_shape
     def recursive_resolve(self, context: Union[Dict, List, str]) -> Dict:
         document = {}
diff --git a/kgforge/specializations/models/ b/kgforge/specializations/models/
index 418e8521..71ec8cf4 100644
--- a/kgforge/specializations/models/
+++ b/kgforge/specializations/models/
@@ -103,9 +103,9 @@ def get_shape_from_type(self, type: str) -> URIRef:
             raise ValueError(f"Type {type} not found")
         return self.service.types_to_shapes[type]
-    def schema_id(self, type: str) -> URIRef:
+    def schema_source(self, type: str) -> str:
         shape_iri: URIRef = self.get_shape_from_type(type)
-        return self.service.shape_source(shape_iri)
+        return self.service.get_shape_source(shape_iri)
     # Validation.
diff --git a/tests/specializations/models/ b/tests/specializations/models/
index e3f2b1e6..6742e643 100644
--- a/tests/specializations/models/
+++ b/tests/specializations/models/
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
 # along with Blue Brain Nexus Forge. If not, see <>.
 from copy import deepcopy
+from utils import full_path_relative_to_root
     "id": "",
@@ -134,4 +135,14 @@
     "Organization": "",
     "Person": "",
     "PostalAddress": "",
\ No newline at end of file
+    "Activity": full_path_relative_to_root('tests/data/shacl-model/commons/shapes-2.json'),
+    "Association": full_path_relative_to_root('tests/data/shacl-model/commons/shapes-1.json'),
+    "Building": full_path_relative_to_root('tests/data/shacl-model/commons/shapes-3.json'),
+    "Employee": full_path_relative_to_root('tests/data/shacl-model/commons/shapes-1.json'),
+    "Organization": full_path_relative_to_root('tests/data/shacl-model/commons/shapes-1.json'),
+    "Person": full_path_relative_to_root('tests/data/shacl-model/commons/shapes-1.json'),
+    "PostalAddress": full_path_relative_to_root('tests/data/shacl-model/commons/shapes-1.json'),
diff --git a/tests/specializations/models/ b/tests/specializations/models/
index 7207c5a5..4d6b6846 100644
--- a/tests/specializations/models/
+++ b/tests/specializations/models/
@@ -99,11 +99,35 @@ def valid_activity_resource(self, activity_json):
         return resource
     @pytest.mark.parametrize("type_,", TYPES_SCHEMAS_MAP.keys())
-    @pytest.mark.xfail
     def test_type_to_schema(self, rdf_model: RdfModel, type_):
-        # FIXME TYPES_SCHEMAS_MAP should be a type to file dictionary
-        # see _build_shapes_map from RdfModelServiceFromDirectory
-        assert rdf_model.schema_id(type_) == URIRef(TYPES_SCHEMAS_MAP[type_])
+        # The problem:
+        # For DirectoryService,
+        # the best way to track the file from which a schema originates is
+        # - before building the shapes map
+        # - on service initialisation, when graph loading (gets all schemas),
+        # For StoreService,
+        # the best way to track the file from which a schema originates is
+        # - when building the shapes map, querying the store to get resource_id
+        # - not on service initialisation, no graph loading
+        #   (empty graph provided, lazily loaded on request)
+        # Solution: graph loading should happen in building the shapes map. Shape loading returns:
+        #   the graph with the shapes (empty for Store, full for Directory)
+        #   shape_to_source
+        #   class_to_shape
+        # Would mean that in
+        # - RdfModelServiceFromStore g = Graph() would happen in the implementation of
+        # _build_shapes_map, and not in constructor
+        # - RdfModelFromDirectory load_rdf_files_into_graph() would happen in the implementation of
+        # _build_shapes_map, and not in constructor
+        # - RdfModelService: self.shape_to_source, self.class_to_shape can be parameters of the
+        # constructor of this abstract class, and they'd be passed to super by the implementations
+        assert rdf_model.schema_source(type_) == SCHEMA_SOURCE_MAP[type_]
     def test_validate_one(self, rdf_model: RdfModel, valid_activity_resource):
         rdf_model.validate(valid_activity_resource, False, type_="Activity")

From fd64e55402f400895082a8d82cb84a274b69fbc7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: mouffok <>
Date: Thu, 26 Oct 2023 16:38:48 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 18/26] rm extra method from rebase

 .../models/rdf/       | 181 ------------------
 1 file changed, 181 deletions(-)

diff --git a/kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/ b/kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/
index 09fcf8f1..d1a64b10 100644
--- a/kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/
+++ b/kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/
@@ -62,187 +62,6 @@ def traverse(self, predecessors: Set[URIRef]) -> Tuple[List, Dict]:
         return properties, attributes
-    def validate(
-            self,
-            target_graph: GraphLike,
-            focus: Optional[
-                Union[
-                    Tuple[Union[URIRef, BNode]],
-                    List[Union[URIRef, BNode]],
-                    Set[Union[URIRef, BNode]],
-                    Union[URIRef, BNode],
-                ]
-            ] = None,
-            abort_on_first: Optional[bool] = False,
-            allow_infos: Optional[bool] = False,
-            allow_warnings: Optional[bool] = False,
-            _evaluation_path: Optional[List] = None,
-    ):
-        if self.deactivated:
-            if
-                self.logger.debug(f"Skipping shape because it is deactivated: {str(self)}")
-            return True, []
-        if focus is not None:
-            lh_shape = False
-            rh_shape = True
-            self.logger.debug(f"Running evaluation of Shape {str(self)}")
-            if not isinstance(focus, (tuple, list, set)):
-                focus = [focus]
-            self.logger.debug(f"Shape was passed {len(focus)} Focus Node/s to evaluate.")
-            if len(focus) < 1:
-                return True, []
-        else:
-            lh_shape = True
-            rh_shape = False
-            self.logger.debug(f"Checking if Shape {str(self)} defines its own targets.")
-            self.logger.debug("Identifying targets to find focus nodes.")
-            focus = self.focus_nodes(target_graph)
-            self.logger.debug(f"Found {len(focus)} Focus Nodes to evaluate.")
-            if len(focus) < 1:
-                # It's possible for shapes to have _no_ focus nodes
-                # (they are called in other ways)
-                if
-                    self.logger.debug(
-                        f"Skipping shape {str(self)} because it found no focus nodes.")
-                return True, []
-            else:
-                self.logger.debug(f"Running evaluation of Shape {str(self)}")
-        if _evaluation_path is None:
-            _evaluation_path = []
-        print(len(_evaluation_path))
-        # elif len(_evaluation_path) >= 30:
-        #     # 27 is the depth required to successfully do the meta-shacl test on shacl.ttl
-        #     path_str = " -> ".join((str(e) for e in _evaluation_path))
-        #     raise ReportableRuntimeError("Evaluation path too deep!\n{}".format(path_str))
-        t1 = perf_counter()
-        # Lazy import here to avoid an import loop
-            pyshacl.module, 'CONSTRAINT_PARAMS', (None, None))
-            from pyshacl.constraints import ALL_CONSTRAINT_PARAMETERS, CONSTRAINT_PARAMETERS_MAP
-            setattr(pyshacl.shape, 'CONSTRAINT_PARAMS',
-        if or self._advanced:
-            search_parameters = CONSTRAINT_PARAMETERS.copy()
-            constraint_map = PARAMETER_MAP.copy()
-            if self._advanced:
-                from pyshacl.constraints.advanced import ExpressionConstraint, SH_expression
-                search_parameters.append(SH_expression)
-                constraint_map[SH_expression] = ExpressionConstraint
-            if
-                from pyshacl.extras.js.constraint import JSConstraint, SH_js
-                search_parameters.append(SH_js)
-                constraint_map[SH_js] = JSConstraint
-        else:
-            search_parameters = CONSTRAINT_PARAMETERS
-            constraint_map = PARAMETER_MAP
-        parameters = (p for p, v in if p in search_parameters)
-        reports = []
-        focus_value_nodes = self.value_nodes(target_graph, focus)
-        filter_reports: bool = False
-        allow_conform: bool = False
-        allowed_severities: Set[URIRef] = set()
-        if allow_infos:
-            allowed_severities.add(SH_Info)
-        if allow_warnings:
-            allowed_severities.add(SH_Info)
-            allowed_severities.add(SH_Warning)
-        if allow_infos or allow_warnings:
-            if self.severity in allowed_severities:
-                allow_conform = True
-            else:
-                filter_reports = True
-        non_conformant = False
-        done_constraints = set()
-        run_count = 0
-        _evaluation_path.append(self)
-        if
-            path_str = " -> ".join((str(e) for e in _evaluation_path))
-            self.logger.debug(f"Current shape evaluation path: {path_str}")
-        constraint_components = [constraint_map[p] for p in iter(parameters)]
-        constraint_component: Type['ConstraintComponent']
-        for constraint_component in constraint_components:
-            if constraint_component in done_constraints:
-                continue
-            try:
-                # if
-                #     self.logger.debug(f"Constructing Constraint Component: {repr(constraint_component)}")
-                c = constraint_component(self)
-            except ConstraintLoadWarning as w:
-                self.logger.warning(repr(w))
-                continue
-            except ConstraintLoadError as e:
-                self.logger.error(repr(e))
-                raise e
-            _e_p_copy = _evaluation_path[:]
-            _e_p_copy.append(c)
-            if
-                self.logger.debug(f"Checking conformance for constraint: {str(c)}")
-            ct1 = perf_counter()
-            if
-                path_str = " -> ".join((str(e) for e in _e_p_copy))
-                self.logger.debug(f"Current constraint evaluation path: {path_str}")
-            _is_conform, _reports = c.evaluate(target_graph, focus_value_nodes, _e_p_copy)
-            ct2 = perf_counter()
-            if
-                elapsed = ct2 - ct1
-                self.logger.debug(
-                    f"Milliseconds to check constraint {str(c)}: {elapsed * 1000.0:.3f}ms")
-                if _is_conform:
-                    self.logger.debug(f"DataGraph conforms to constraint {c}.")
-                elif allow_conform:
-                    self.logger.debug(
-                        f"Focus nodes do _not_ conform to constraint {c} but given severity is allowed.")
-                else:
-                    self.logger.debug(f"Focus nodes do _not_ conform to constraint {c}.")
-                    if lh_shape or (not rh_shape):
-                        for v_str, v_node, v_parts in _reports:
-                            self.logger.debug(v_str)
-            if _is_conform or allow_conform:
-                ...
-            elif filter_reports:
-                all_allow = True
-                for v_str, v_node, v_parts in _reports:
-                    severity_bits = list(
-                        filter(lambda p: p[0] == v_node and p[1] == SH_resultSeverity, v_parts))
-                    if severity_bits:
-                        all_allow = all_allow and (severity_bits[0][2] in allowed_severities)
-                non_conformant = non_conformant or (not all_allow)
-            else:
-                non_conformant = non_conformant or (not _is_conform)
-            reports.extend(_reports)
-            run_count += 1
-            done_constraints.add(constraint_component)
-            if non_conformant and abort_on_first:
-                break
-        applicable_custom_constraints = self.find_custom_constraints()
-        for a in applicable_custom_constraints:
-            if non_conformant and abort_on_first:
-                break
-            _e_p_copy2 = _evaluation_path[:]
-            validator = a.make_validator_for_shape(self)
-            _e_p_copy2.append(validator)
-            _is_conform, _r = validator.evaluate(target_graph, focus_value_nodes, _e_p_copy2)
-            non_conformant = non_conformant or (not _is_conform)
-            reports.extend(_r)
-            run_count += 1
-        t2 = perf_counter()
-        if
-            elapsed = t2 - t1
-            self.logger.debug(
-                f"Milliseconds to evaluate shape {str(self)}: {elapsed * 1000.0:.3f}ms")
-        # print(_evaluation_path, "Passes" if not non_conformant else "Fails")
-        return (not non_conformant), reports
 class ShapesGraphWrapper(ShapesGraph):

From 642f3405175bdabd3177b3bcc711c24504e26ba5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: mouffok <>
Date: Thu, 26 Oct 2023 16:40:26 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 19/26] fix pycodestyle

 kgforge/core/archetypes/                         | 2 +-
 kgforge/core/commons/                | 6 +++---
 kgforge/specializations/models/                | 2 +-
 kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/ | 2 +-
 .../models/rdf/              | 1 -
 5 files changed, 6 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)

diff --git a/kgforge/core/archetypes/ b/kgforge/core/archetypes/
index c37b81d9..5dc6d2b7 100644
--- a/kgforge/core/archetypes/
+++ b/kgforge/core/archetypes/
@@ -229,7 +229,7 @@ def _build_resolving_query(text, query_template, deprecated_property, filters, s
         target_query_statements, target_query_filters =
             None, None, resolving_context, configured_target_filters
         target_query_statements = ";\n ".join(target_query_statements)
         target_query_filters = "\n ".join(target_query_filters)
         first_filters = f"{first_filters} ; \n {target_query_statements}"
diff --git a/kgforge/core/commons/ b/kgforge/core/commons/
index c41a4ac0..45b37865 100644
--- a/kgforge/core/commons/
+++ b/kgforge/core/commons/
@@ -40,6 +40,8 @@ class CategoryDataType(Enum):
     LITERAL = "literal"
 # FIXME: need to find a comprehensive way (different than list) to get all SPARQL reserved clauses
@@ -116,7 +118,6 @@ class CategoryDataType(Enum):
 class SPARQLQueryBuilder(QueryBuilder):
     def build(
             schema: Dict,
@@ -287,8 +288,7 @@ def replace(match: Match) -> str:
                 v = (
                     ctx.get(m4, ":" + m4 if context.has_vocab() else None)
-                    if str(m4).lower() not in SPARQL_CLAUSES
-                       and not str(m4).startswith("https")
+                    if str(m4).lower() not in SPARQL_CLAUSES and not str(m4).startswith("https")
                     else m4
                 if v is None:
diff --git a/kgforge/specializations/models/ b/kgforge/specializations/models/
index ac03d518..cd651c61 100644
--- a/kgforge/specializations/models/
+++ b/kgforge/specializations/models/
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ def mapping(self, entity: str, source: str, type: Type[Mapping]) -> Mapping:
         filename = f"{entity}.hjson"
         filepath = Path(self.source, "mappings", source, type.__name__, filename)
         if filepath.is_file():
-            return type.load(filepath) # TODO should be str
+            return type.load(filepath)  # TODO should be str
         raise ValueError("unrecognized entity type or source")
diff --git a/kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/ b/kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/
index d1a64b10..bc6af033 100644
--- a/kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/
+++ b/kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/
@@ -85,4 +85,4 @@ def lookup_shape_from_node(self, node: URIRef) -> Optional[ShapeWrapper]:
             # if not hasattr(shape_wrapper, "traverse"):
             #     shape_wrapper.traverse = types.MethodType(traverse, shape_wrapper)
             # return shape_wrapper
-        return None
\ No newline at end of file
+        return None
diff --git a/kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/ b/kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/
index 36480e17..8a65b0c2 100644
--- a/kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/
+++ b/kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/
@@ -174,4 +174,3 @@ def _load_shape_and_reload_shapes_graph(self, resource_id: str):
         # reloads the shapes graph
         self._shapes_graph = ShapesGraphWrapper(self._graph)

From a8a79435837be4c2448d9855b4d0ec45084fb7b4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: mouffok <>
Date: Mon, 27 Nov 2023 15:56:43 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 20/26] rm formatting

 kgforge/core/commons/ |   1 +
 kgforge/core/                        | 151 +++++++++----------
 2 files changed, 76 insertions(+), 76 deletions(-)

diff --git a/kgforge/core/commons/ b/kgforge/core/commons/
index 562ec887..b02b9f17 100644
--- a/kgforge/core/commons/
+++ b/kgforge/core/commons/
@@ -191,6 +191,7 @@ def build_resource_from_response(
         if == "ConstructQuery":
             return SPARQLQueryBuilder.build_resource_from_construct_query(bindings, context)
+        # SELECT QUERY
         return SPARQLQueryBuilder.build_resource_from_select_query(bindings)
diff --git a/kgforge/core/ b/kgforge/core/
index 95ea95bb..5e72909a 100644
--- a/kgforge/core/
+++ b/kgforge/core/
@@ -304,7 +304,7 @@ def types(self, pretty: bool = True) -> Optional[List[str]]:
     def template(
-            self, type: str, only_required: bool = False, output: str = "hjson"
+        self, type: str, only_required: bool = False, output: str = "hjson"
     ) -> Optional[Dict]:
         Print the schema associated with a given resource type (must be listed in forge.types(...)) in hjson (output='hjson') or JSON (output='json') format.
@@ -388,18 +388,18 @@ def resolvers(self, output: str = "print") -> Optional[Dict]:
     def resolve(
-            self,
-            text: Union[str, List[str], Resource],
-            scope: Optional[str] = None,
-            resolver: Optional[str] = None,
-            target: Optional[str] = None,
-            type: Optional[str] = None,
-            strategy: Union[ResolvingStrategy, str] = ResolvingStrategy.BEST_MATCH,
-            resolving_context: Optional[Any] = None,
-            property_to_resolve: Optional[str] = None,
-            merge_inplace_as: Optional[str] = None,
-            limit: Optional[int] = 10,
-            threshold: Optional[float] = 0.5,
+        self,
+        text: Union[str, List[str], Resource],
+        scope: Optional[str] = None,
+        resolver: Optional[str] = None,
+        target: Optional[str] = None,
+        type: Optional[str] = None,
+        strategy: Union[ResolvingStrategy, str] = ResolvingStrategy.BEST_MATCH,
+        resolving_context: Optional[Any] = None,
+        property_to_resolve: Optional[str] = None,
+        merge_inplace_as: Optional[str] = None,
+        limit: Optional[int] = 10,
+        threshold: Optional[float] = 0.5,
     ) -> Optional[Union[Resource, List[Resource], Dict[str, List[Resource]]]]:
         Resolve text(s) or a resource into existing resources (from the configured Store) depending on the resolving strategy.
@@ -484,8 +484,7 @@ def resolve(
     # Formatting User Interface.
-    def format(self, what: str = None, *args, formatter: Union[Formatter, str] = Formatter.STR,
-               uri: str = None, **kwargs) -> str:
+    def format(self, what: str = None, *args, formatter: Union[Formatter, str] = Formatter.STR, uri: str = None, **kwargs) -> str:
         Select a configured formatter (see string (identified by 'what') and format it using provided '*args'
         :param what: a configured str format name. Required formatter:str = Formatter.STR
@@ -543,7 +542,7 @@ def sources(self, pretty: bool = True) -> Optional[List[str]]:
     def mappings(
-            self, source: str, pretty: bool = True
+        self, source: str, pretty: bool = True
     ) -> Optional[Dict[str, List[str]]]:
         Print(pretty=True) or return (pretty=False) configured mappings for a given source.
@@ -557,7 +556,7 @@ def mappings(
     def mapping(
-            self, entity: str, source: str, type: Callable = DictionaryMapping
+        self, entity: str, source: str, type: Callable = DictionaryMapping
     ) -> Mapping:
         Return a Mapping object of type 'type' for a resource type 'entity' and a source.
@@ -571,11 +570,11 @@ def mapping(
     def map(
-            self,
-            data: Any,
-            mapping: Union[Mapping, List[Mapping]],
-            mapper: Callable = DictionaryMapper,
-            na: Union[Any, List[Any]] = None,
+        self,
+        data: Any,
+        mapping: Union[Mapping, List[Mapping]],
+        mapper: Callable = DictionaryMapper,
+        na: Union[Any, List[Any]] = None,
     ) -> Union[Resource, List[Resource]]:
         Transform data to resources using transformations rules provided as mappings. The format of the data to transform
@@ -593,10 +592,10 @@ def map(
     def reshape(
-            self,
-            data: Union[Resource, List[Resource]],
-            keep: List[str],
-            versioned: bool = False,
+        self,
+        data: Union[Resource, List[Resource]],
+        keep: List[str],
+        versioned: bool = False,
     ) -> Union[Resource, List[Resource]]:
         Keep only a provided list of properties ('keep') from a resource of list of resources.
@@ -614,11 +613,11 @@ def reshape(
     def retrieve(
-            self,
-            id: str,
-            version: Optional[Union[int, str]] = None,
-            cross_bucket: bool = False,
-            **params
+        self,
+        id: str,
+        version: Optional[Union[int, str]] = None,
+        cross_bucket: bool = False,
+        **params
     ) -> Resource:
         Retrieve a resource by its identifier from the configured store and possibly at a given version.
@@ -659,12 +658,12 @@ def search(self, *filters: Union[Dict, Filter], **params) -> List[Resource]:
     def sparql(
-            self,
-            query: str,
-            debug: bool = False,
-            limit: Optional[int] = None,
-            offset: Optional[int] = None,
-            **params
+        self,
+        query: str,
+        debug: bool = False,
+        limit: Optional[int] = None,
+        offset: Optional[int] = None,
+        **params
     ) -> List[Resource]:
         Search for resources using a SPARQL query. See SPARQL docs:
@@ -680,11 +679,11 @@ def sparql(
     def elastic(
-            self,
-            query: str,
-            debug: bool = False,
-            limit: Optional[int] = None,
-            offset: Optional[int] = None,
+        self,
+        query: str,
+        debug: bool = False,
+        limit: Optional[int] = None,
+        offset: Optional[int] = None,
     ) -> List[Resource]:
         Search for resources using an ElasticSearch DSL query. See ElasticSearch DSL docs:
@@ -699,13 +698,13 @@ def elastic(
     def download(
-            self,
-            data: Union[Resource, List[Resource]],
-            follow: str = "distribution.contentUrl",
-            path: str = ".",
-            overwrite: bool = False,
-            cross_bucket: bool = False,
-            content_type: str = None
+        self,
+        data: Union[Resource, List[Resource]],
+        follow: str = "distribution.contentUrl",
+        path: str = ".",
+        overwrite: bool = False,
+        cross_bucket: bool = False,
+        content_type: str = None
     ) -> None:
         Download files attached to a resource or a list of resources.
@@ -724,7 +723,7 @@ def download(
     # No @catch because the error handling is done by
     def register(
-            self, data: Union[Resource, List[Resource]], schema_id: Optional[str] = None
+        self, data: Union[Resource, List[Resource]], schema_id: Optional[str] = None
     ) -> None:
         Store a resource or list of resources in the configured Store.
@@ -737,7 +736,7 @@ def register(
     # No @catch because the error handling is done by
     def update(
-            self, data: Union[Resource, List[Resource]], schema_id: Optional[str] = None
+        self, data: Union[Resource, List[Resource]], schema_id: Optional[str] = None
     ) -> None:
         Update a resource or a list of resources in the configured Store.
@@ -797,10 +796,10 @@ def attach(self, path: str, content_type: str = None) -> LazyAction:
     def as_json(
-            self,
-            data: Union[Resource, List[Resource]],
-            expanded: bool = False,
-            store_metadata: bool = False,
+        self,
+        data: Union[Resource, List[Resource]],
+        expanded: bool = False,
+        store_metadata: bool = False,
     ) -> Union[Dict, List[Dict]]:
         Convert a resource or a list of resources to JSON.
@@ -821,11 +820,11 @@ def as_json(
     def as_jsonld(
-            self,
-            data: Union[Resource, List[Resource]],
-            form: str = Form.COMPACTED.value,
-            store_metadata: bool = False,
-            **params
+        self,
+        data: Union[Resource, List[Resource]],
+        form: str = Form.COMPACTED.value,
+        store_metadata: bool = False,
+        **params
     ) -> Union[Dict, List[Dict]]:
         Convert a resource or a list of resources to JSON-LD.
@@ -848,7 +847,7 @@ def as_jsonld(
     def as_graph(
-            self, data: Union[Resource, List[Resource]], store_metadata: bool = False
+        self, data: Union[Resource, List[Resource]], store_metadata: bool = False
     ) -> Graph:
         Convert a resource or a list of resources to a RDFLib Graph object:
@@ -867,12 +866,12 @@ def as_graph(
     def as_dataframe(
-            self,
-            data: Union[Resource, List[Resource]],
-            na: Union[Any, List[Any]] = [None],
-            nesting: str = ".",
-            expanded: bool = False,
-            store_metadata: bool = False,
+        self,
+        data: Union[Resource, List[Resource]],
+        na: Union[Any, List[Any]] = [None],
+        nesting: str = ".",
+        expanded: bool = False,
+        store_metadata: bool = False,
     ) -> DataFrame:
         Convert a resource or a list of resources to pandas.DataFrame.
@@ -897,7 +896,7 @@ def as_dataframe(
     def from_json(
-            self, data: Union[Dict, List[Dict]], na: Union[Any, List[Any]] = None
+        self, data: Union[Dict, List[Dict]], na: Union[Any, List[Any]] = None
     ) -> Union[Resource, List[Resource]]:
         Convert a JSON document or a list of JSON documents to a resource or a list of resources.
@@ -910,7 +909,7 @@ def from_json(
     def from_jsonld(
-            self, data: Union[Dict, List[Dict]]
+        self, data: Union[Dict, List[Dict]]
     ) -> Union[Resource, List[Resource]]:
         Convert a JSON-LD document or a list of JSON-LD documents to a resource or a list of resources.
@@ -922,11 +921,11 @@ def from_jsonld(
     def from_graph(
-            self,
-            data: Graph,
-            type: Union[str, List[str]] = None,
-            frame: Dict = None,
-            use_model_context=False,
+        self,
+        data: Graph,
+        type: Union[str, List[str]] = None,
+        frame: Dict = None,
+        use_model_context=False,
     ) -> Union[Resource, List[Resource]]:
         Convert a RDFLib.Graph object to a resource or a list of resources. What to convert from the RDFLib.Graph can be
@@ -943,7 +942,7 @@ def from_graph(
     def from_dataframe(
-            self, data: DataFrame, na: Union[Any, List[Any]] = np.nan, nesting: str = "."
+        self, data: DataFrame, na: Union[Any, List[Any]] = np.nan, nesting: str = "."
     ) -> Union[Resource, List[Resource]]:
         Convert a pandas.DataFrame to a resource or a list of resources.
@@ -965,7 +964,7 @@ def get_model_context(self):
 def prepare_resolvers(
-        config: Dict, store_config: Dict
+    config: Dict, store_config: Dict
 ) -> Dict[str, Dict[str, Resolver]]:
     return {
         scope: dict(prepare_resolver(x, store_config) for x in configs)

From d031570e153e54dabc67cde1f2f44743f5cf2831 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: mouffok <>
Date: Mon, 27 Nov 2023 19:41:12 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 21/26] reorganise init of rdf model service

 .../models/rdf/           | 38 +++++++++----------
 .../rdf/   | 21 +++-------
 .../rdf/       |  8 +---
 3 files changed, 24 insertions(+), 43 deletions(-)

diff --git a/kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/ b/kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/
index 2faf15ac..9756e0cc 100644
--- a/kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/
+++ b/kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/
@@ -12,16 +12,10 @@
 # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
 # along with Blue Brain Nexus Forge. If not, see <>.
 import json
-import types
-from io import StringIO
+from abc import abstractmethod, ABC
 from typing import List, Dict, Tuple, Set, Optional
-from abc import abstractmethod
-from typing import List, Dict, Tuple, Set, Optional
-from pyshacl.shape import Shape
-from pyshacl.shapes_graph import ShapesGraph
-from rdflib import Graph, URIRef, RDF, XSD
-from rdflib.plugins.sparql.results.jsonresults import JSONResultSerializer
+from rdflib import Graph, URIRef, RDF, XSD
 from kgforge.core.commons.sparql_query_builder import SPARQLQueryBuilder
 from kgforge.core.resource import Resource
 from kgforge.core.commons.context import Context
@@ -30,23 +24,21 @@
 from kgforge.specializations.models.rdf.node_properties import NodeProperties
 from kgforge.specializations.models.rdf.utils import as_term
+from kgforge.specializations.models.rdf.pyshacl_shape_wrapper import ShapesGraphWrapper
-class RdfModelService:
+class RdfModelService(ABC):
-    def __init__(
-            self, graph: Graph,
-            shape_to_source: Dict[URIRef, str],
-            class_to_shape:  Dict[str, URIRef],
-            context_iri: Optional[str] = None,
-    ) -> None:
+    def __init__(self, context_iri: Optional[str] = None):
         if context_iri is None:
             raise ConfigurationError("RdfModel requires a context")
-        self._graph = graph
+        self._graph, self.shape_to_source, self.class_to_shape =  self._build_shapes_map()
+        self._shapes_graph = ShapesGraphWrapper(self._graph)
         self._context_cache = dict()
-        self.shape_to_source = shape_to_source
-        self.class_to_shape = class_to_shape
         self.context = Context(self.resolve_context(context_iri), context_iri)
         self.types_to_shapes: Dict[str, URIRef] = self._build_types_to_shapes()
@@ -92,17 +84,21 @@ def validate(self, resource: Resource, type_: str):
     def _validate(self, iri: str, data_graph: Graph) -> Tuple[bool, Graph, str]:
-        raise NotImplementedError()
+        ...
     def resolve_context(self, iri: str) -> Dict:
         """For a given IRI return its resolved context recursively"""
-        raise NotImplementedError()
+        ...
     def generate_context(self) -> Dict:
         """Generates a JSON-LD context with the classes and terms present in the SHACL graph."""
-        raise NotImplementedError()
+        ...
+    @abstractmethod
+    def _build_shapes_map(self) -> Tuple[Graph, Dict[URIRef, str], Dict[str, URIRef]]:
+        ...
     def _build_types_to_shapes(self) -> Dict[str, URIRef]:
         """Iterates the classes_to_shapes dictionary to create a term to shape dictionary filtering
diff --git a/kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/ b/kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/
index a8452885..0f45a6ad 100644
--- a/kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/
+++ b/kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
 # along with Blue Brain Nexus Forge. If not, see <>.
 import os
 from pathlib import Path
-from typing import Dict, Tuple, Optional
+from typing import Dict, Tuple
 from pyshacl import validate
 from rdflib import Graph, URIRef
@@ -22,20 +22,13 @@
 from kgforge.core.commons.context import Context
 from kgforge.specializations.models.rdf.node_properties import NodeProperties
 from kgforge.specializations.models.rdf.rdf_model_service import RdfModelService
-from kgforge.specializations.models.rdf.pyshacl_shape_wrapper import ShapesGraphWrapper
 class RdfModelServiceFromDirectory(RdfModelService):
     def __init__(self, dir_path: Path, context_iri: str) -> None:
-        graph, shape_to_source, class_to_shape = self._build_shapes_map(dir_path=dir_path)
-        self._shapes_graph = ShapesGraphWrapper(graph)
-        super().__init__(
-            graph=graph, context_iri=context_iri, shape_to_source=shape_to_source,
-            class_to_shape=class_to_shape
-        )
+        self.dir_path = dir_path
+        super().__init__(context_iri=context_iri)
     def materialize(self, iri: URIRef) -> NodeProperties:
         sh = self._shapes_graph.lookup_shape_from_node(iri)
@@ -55,7 +48,7 @@ def resolve_context(self, iri: str) -> Dict:
             context = Context(iri)
         except FileNotFoundError as e:
-            raise ValueError(e)
+            raise ValueError(e) from e
         self._context_cache.update({iri: context.document})
         return context.document
@@ -63,9 +56,7 @@ def resolve_context(self, iri: str) -> Dict:
     def generate_context(self) -> Dict:
         return self._generate_context()
-    def _build_shapes_map(
-            self, dir_path: Path
-    ) -> Tuple[Graph, Dict[URIRef, str], Dict[str, URIRef]]:
+    def _build_shapes_map(self) -> Tuple[Graph, Dict[URIRef, str], Dict[str, URIRef]]:
         query = """
                     PREFIX rdfs: <>
@@ -86,7 +77,7 @@ def _build_shapes_map(
         graph = Graph()
         extensions = [".ttl", ".n3", ".json", ".rdf"]
-        for f in dir_path.rglob(os.path.join("*.*")):
+        for f in self.dir_path.rglob(os.path.join("*.*")):
             graph_i = Graph()
             if f.suffix in extensions:
                 file_format = guess_format(
diff --git a/kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/ b/kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/
index 0cee79b8..c8c611ce 100644
--- a/kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/
+++ b/kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/
@@ -46,13 +46,7 @@ def __init__(self, default_store: Store, context_iri: Optional[str] = None,
         self._imported = []
-        graph, shape_to_resource, class_to_shape = self._build_shapes_map()
-        self._shapes_graph = ShapesGraphWrapper(graph)
-        super().__init__(
-            graph=graph, context_iri=context_iri, shape_to_source=shape_to_resource,
-            class_to_shape=class_to_shape
-        )
+        super().__init__(context_iri=context_iri)
     def materialize(self, iri: URIRef) -> NodeProperties:
         shape: ShapeWrapper = self._load_and_get_type_shape(iri)

From 3a96e452398dcfee79f44078fb0c618716cce506 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: mouffok <>
Date: Mon, 27 Nov 2023 19:42:41 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 22/26] rm empty directory service file

 kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/ | 0
 1 file changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/

diff --git a/kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/ b/kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29b..00000000

From fe4a8bdedc20295349c490b6940e3253a0fd3ad8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: mouffok <>
Date: Mon, 27 Nov 2023 19:49:12 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 23/26] rm not_supported and NotImplemented when abstract

 kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/        | 4 ++--
 kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/ | 2 +-
 kgforge/specializations/models/             | 2 +-
 3 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

diff --git a/kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/ b/kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/
index efedef71..e76f0bec 100644
--- a/kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/
+++ b/kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ def __init__(self, shape: Shape) -> None:
     def constraint(cls) -> URIRef:
         """Returns the Shacl constraint URI of the collector"""
-        raise NotImplementedError()
+        ...
     def collect(
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ def collect(
             properties, attributes: Tuple(list,dict), the collected properties and attributes
-        raise NotImplementedError()
+        ...
     def get_shape_target_classes(self) -> List:
         """Returns a list of target and implicit classes if any of the shape
diff --git a/kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/ b/kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/
index 9756e0cc..f923eb75 100644
--- a/kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/
+++ b/kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ def materialize(self, iri: URIRef) -> NodeProperties:
             A NodeProperty object with the collected properties
-        raise NotImplementedError()
+        ...
     def validate(self, resource: Resource, type_: str):
diff --git a/kgforge/specializations/models/ b/kgforge/specializations/models/
index 53f8f49b..39114497 100644
--- a/kgforge/specializations/models/
+++ b/kgforge/specializations/models/
@@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ def _validate_one(self, resource: Resource, type_: str) -> None:
     # Utils.
-    def _service_from_directory(dirpath: Path, context_iri: str, **dir_config) -> RdfModelService:
+    def _service_from_directory(dirpath: Path, context_iri: str) -> RdfModelService:
         return RdfModelServiceFromDirectory(dirpath, context_iri)

From f7638a71408420f82d0e9b1b391d163724e37c40 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: mouffok <>
Date: Tue, 28 Nov 2023 10:08:10 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 24/26] smaller test ontology for model querying

 tests/data/shacl-model/commons/ontology-1.ttl | 301 +-----------------
 .../specializations/models/  |  11 +-
 2 files changed, 13 insertions(+), 299 deletions(-)

diff --git a/tests/data/shacl-model/commons/ontology-1.ttl b/tests/data/shacl-model/commons/ontology-1.ttl
index a416005a..56849df8 100644
--- a/tests/data/shacl-model/commons/ontology-1.ttl
+++ b/tests/data/shacl-model/commons/ontology-1.ttl
@@ -1,47 +1,25 @@
 @prefix bmo: <> .
-@prefix ns1: <> .
+@prefix vann: <> .
 @prefix nsg: <> .
 @prefix owl: <> .
-@prefix rdf: <> .
-@prefix xsd: <> .
+@prefix parms: <> .
 @prefix prov: <> .
 @prefix rdfs: <> .
-@prefix skos: <> .
-@prefix parms: <> .
 @prefix schema: <> .
-<> rdf:type owl:Ontology ;
-                                                 <> "parms"^^xsd:string ;
-                                                 schema:title "Brain Modeling Parameter Ontology"^^xsd:string ;
-                                                 rdfs:label "Brain Modeling Parameter Ontology"^^xsd:string ;
-                                                 owl:versionInfo "R4"^^xsd:string .
-ns1:preferredNamespacePrefix a owl:AnnotationProperty .
-schema:Dataset a owl:Class .
+@prefix skos: <> .
+@prefix xsd: <> .
 schema:name a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
     rdfs:label "name"@en ;
     skos:altLabel "name"@en .
-schema:sameAs a owl:ObjectProperty ;
-    rdfs:label "sameAs"@en ;
-    rdfs:subPropertyOf owl:topObjectProperty .
 schema:unitCode a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
     rdfs:label "unitCode"@en ;
     skos:altLabel "units"@en .
-rdfs:isDefinedBy rdfs:label "isDefinedBy"@en .
-rdfs:label rdfs:label "label"@en .
 owl:equivalentClass a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
     rdfs:label "equivalentClass"@en .
-owl:topDataProperty rdfs:label "Attributes"@en .
 skos:altLabel a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
     skos:altLabel "altLabel"@en .
@@ -94,282 +72,13 @@ bmo:EModelParameterConstraint a owl:Class ;
     rdfs:label "EModel Parameter Constraint"@en ;
     rdfs:subClassOf bmo:ModelBrainParameterConstraint .
-bmo:ETypeRatio a owl:Class ;
-    rdfs:label "E-TypeRatio"@en ;
-    rdfs:seeAlso <> ;
-    rdfs:subClassOf bmo:ModelBrainParameter ;
-    skos:definition "The E-type ratio is the ratio of an e-type for a given m-type, brain region and layer. For a given m-type, all e-type ratios add up to 1."^^xsd:string ;
-    skos:prefLabel "E-Type Ratio"^^xsd:string .
-bmo:ElectricalStimulus a owl:Class ;
-    rdfs:label "Electrical Stimulus"@en ;
-    rdfs:isDefinedBy <> ;
-    rdfs:seeAlso <> ;
-    rdfs:subClassOf bmo:ModelBrainParameter ;
-    skos:editorialNote "How is this related to 'Protocol' in BluePyEModel"^^xsd:string .
 bmo:METypeRatio a owl:Class ;
     rdfs:label "ME-Type Ratio"@en ;
     rdfs:subClassOf bmo:ModelBrainParameter ;
     skos:prefLabel "ME-Type Ratio"^^xsd:string .
-bmo:ModelBiochemicalReactionParameter a owl:Class ;
-    rdfs:label "Model Biochemical Reaction Parameter"@en ;
-    rdfs:subClassOf bmo:ModelBrainParameter ;
-    skos:definition "Parameter used to represent a specific biological or theoretical value that is used in the modeling of biochemical reactions."^^xsd:string .
 <> a owl:Ontology ;
     rdfs:label "Brain Modeling Parameter Ontology"^^xsd:string ;
-    ns1:preferredNamespacePrefix "parms"^^xsd:string ;
+    vann:preferredNamespacePrefix "parms"^^xsd:string ;
     schema:title "Brain Modeling Parameter Ontology"^^xsd:string ;
     owl:versionInfo "R4"^^xsd:string .
-parms:Dep a owl:Class ;
-    rdfs:label "Dep"@en ;
-    schema:unitCode "ms" ;
-    rdfs:subClassOf bmo:ModelBrainParameter ;
-    skos:definition "Relaxation time constant for depression, as measured by fitting the TM model to electrophysiological traces."@en .
-parms:Fac a owl:Class ;
-    rdfs:label "Fac"@en ;
-    schema:unitCode "ms" ;
-    rdfs:subClassOf bmo:ModelBrainParameter ;
-    skos:definition "Relaxation time constant for facilitation, as measured by fitting the TM model to electrophysiological traces."@en .
-parms:GABAB_ratio a owl:Class ;
-    rdfs:label "GABAB_ratio"@en ;
-    schema:unitCode "Unitless" ;
-    rdfs:subClassOf bmo:ModelBrainParameter ;
-    skos:definition "Synaptic conductance of GABAB proportional to the value for GABAA."@en .
-parms:NMDA_ratio a owl:Class ;
-    rdfs:label "NMDA_ratio"@en ;
-    schema:unitCode "Unitless" ;
-    rdfs:subClassOf bmo:ModelBrainParameter ;
-    skos:definition "Synaptic conductance of NMDA proportional to the value for AMPA."@en .
-parms:Nrrp a owl:Class ;
-    rdfs:label "Nrrp"@en ;
-    schema:unitCode "Unitless" ;
-    rdfs:subClassOf bmo:ModelBrainParameter ;
-    skos:definition "Number of tital release sites for given contact."@en .
-parms:Use a owl:Class ;
-    rdfs:label "Use"@en ;
-    schema:unitCode "ms" ;
-    rdfs:subClassOf bmo:ModelBrainParameter ;
-    skos:definition "Utilization of synaptic efficiency as measured by fitting the TM model to electrophysiological traces."@en .
-parms:conductance a owl:Class ;
-    rdfs:label "conductance"@en ;
-    schema:unitCode "uS" ;
-    rdfs:subClassOf bmo:ModelBrainParameter ;
-    skos:definition "Synaptic conductance."@en .
-parms:TimeConstantInMsForRecoveryFromDepression a owl:Class ;
-    rdfs:label "d"@en ;
-    schema:unitCode "ms" ;
-    rdfs:subClassOf bmo:ModelBrainParameter ;
-    skos:definition "time constant (in ms) for recovery from depression, following a Gamma distribution"@en .
-parms:DecayTimeConstant a owl:Class ;
-    rdfs:label "dtc"@en ;
-    schema:unitCode "ms" ;
-    rdfs:subClassOf bmo:ModelBrainParameter ;
-    skos:definition "decay time constant (in ms), following a truncated Normal distribution"@en .
-parms:SynapticReversalPotential a owl:Class ;
-    rdfs:label "e"@en ;
-    schema:unitCode "mV" ;
-    rdfs:subClassOf bmo:ModelBrainParameter ;
-    skos:definition "Synaptic reversal potential"@en .
-parms:e_GABAA a owl:Class ;
-    rdfs:label "e_GABAA"@en ;
-    schema:unitCode "mV" ;
-    rdfs:subClassOf bmo:ModelBrainParameter ;
-    skos:definition "GABAA reversal potential"@en .
-parms:e_GABAB a owl:Class ;
-    rdfs:label "e_GABAB"@en ;
-    schema:unitCode "mV" ;
-    rdfs:subClassOf bmo:ModelBrainParameter ;
-    skos:definition "GABAB reversal potential"@en .
-parms:TimeConstantInMsForRecoveryFromFacilitation a owl:Class ;
-    rdfs:label "f"@en ;
-    schema:unitCode "ms" ;
-    rdfs:subClassOf bmo:ModelBrainParameter ;
-    skos:definition "time constant (in ms) for recovery from facilitation, following a Gamma distribution"@en .
-parms:gmax a owl:Class ;
-    rdfs:label "gmax"@en ;
-    schema:unitCode "uS" ;
-    rdfs:subClassOf bmo:ModelBrainParameter ;
-    skos:definition "weight conversion factor (from nS to uS)"@en .
-parms:gsyn a owl:Class ;
-    rdfs:label "gsyn"@en ;
-    schema:unitCode "nS" ;
-    rdfs:subClassOf bmo:ModelBrainParameter ;
-    skos:definition "the peak conductance (in nS) for a single synaptic contact, following a Gamma distribution"@en .
-parms:gsynSRSF a owl:Class ;
-    rdfs:label "gsynSRSF"@en ;
-    schema:unitCode "Unitless" ;
-    rdfs:subClassOf bmo:ModelBrainParameter ;
-    skos:definition "the scale factor for the conductance; SRSF: 'synaptic receptor scaling factor'"@en .
-parms:InitialConcentrationOfMg a owl:Class ;
-    rdfs:label "mg"@en ;
-    schema:unitCode "mM" ;
-    rdfs:subClassOf bmo:ModelBrainParameter ;
-    skos:definition "Initial concentration of Mg2+"@en .
-parms:nrrp a owl:Class ;
-    rdfs:label "nrrp"@en ;
-    schema:unitCode "Unitless" ;
-    rdfs:subClassOf bmo:ModelBrainParameter ;
-    skos:definition "number of vesicles in readily releasable pool, following a Poisson distribution"@en .
-parms:scale_mg a owl:Class ;
-    rdfs:label "scale_mg"@en ;
-    schema:unitCode "mM" ;
-    rdfs:subClassOf bmo:ModelBrainParameter ;
-    skos:definition "Scale parameter for determining mg concentration"@en .
-parms:slope_mg a owl:Class ;
-    rdfs:label "slope_mg"@en ;
-    schema:unitCode "1/mV" ;
-    rdfs:subClassOf bmo:ModelBrainParameter ;
-    skos:definition "Slope parameter for determining mg concentration"@en .
-parms:tau_d_AMPA a owl:Class ;
-    rdfs:label "tau_d_AMPA"@en ;
-    schema:unitCode "ms" ;
-    rdfs:subClassOf bmo:ModelBrainParameter ;
-    skos:definition "Decay time for AMPA currents."@en .
-parms:tau_d_GABAA a owl:Class ;
-    rdfs:label "tau_d_GABAA"@en ;
-    schema:unitCode "ms" ;
-    rdfs:subClassOf bmo:ModelBrainParameter ;
-    skos:definition "GABAA-R synaptic conductance decay time constant"@en .
-parms:tau_d_GABAB a owl:Class ;
-    rdfs:label "tau_d_GABAB"@en ;
-    schema:unitCode "ms" ;
-    rdfs:subClassOf bmo:ModelBrainParameter ;
-    skos:definition "GABAB-R synaptic conductance decay time constant"@en .
-parms:tau_d_NMDA a owl:Class ;
-    rdfs:label "tau_d_NMDA"@en ;
-    schema:unitCode "ms" ;
-    rdfs:subClassOf bmo:ModelBrainParameter ;
-    skos:definition "Decay time for NMDA currents."@en .
-parms:tau_r_AMPA a owl:Class ;
-    rdfs:label "tau_r_AMPA"@en ;
-    schema:unitCode "ms" ;
-    rdfs:subClassOf bmo:ModelBrainParameter ;
-    skos:definition "Rise time for AMPA currents."@en .
-parms:tau_r_GABAA a owl:Class ;
-    rdfs:label "tau_r_GABAA"@en ;
-    schema:unitCode "ms" ;
-    rdfs:subClassOf bmo:ModelBrainParameter ;
-    skos:definition "GABAA-R synaptic conductance rise time constant"@en .
-parms:tau_r_GABAB a owl:Class ;
-    rdfs:label "tau_r_GABAB"@en ;
-    schema:unitCode "ms" ;
-    rdfs:subClassOf bmo:ModelBrainParameter ;
-    skos:definition "GABAB-R synaptic conductance rise time constant"@en .
-parms:tau_r_NMDA a owl:Class ;
-    rdfs:label "tau_r_NMDA"@en ;
-    schema:unitCode "ms" ;
-    rdfs:subClassOf bmo:ModelBrainParameter ;
-    skos:definition "Rise time for NMDA currents."@en .
-parms:u a owl:Class ;
-    rdfs:label "u"@en ;
-    schema:unitCode "Unitless" ;
-    rdfs:subClassOf bmo:ModelBrainParameter ;
-    skos:definition "utilization of synaptic efficacy, following a truncated Normal distribution"@en .
-parms:u0 a owl:Class ;
-    rdfs:label "u0"@en ;
-    schema:unitCode "Unitless" ;
-    rdfs:subClassOf bmo:ModelBrainParameter ;
-    skos:definition "Initial value of u, which is the running value of Use"@en .
-parms:uHillCoefficient a owl:Class ;
-    rdfs:label "uHillCoefficient"@en ;
-    schema:unitCode "Unitless" ;
-    rdfs:subClassOf bmo:ModelBrainParameter ;
-    skos:definition "A coefficient describing the scaling of u to be done by the simulator"@en .
-parms:SynapticConductanceWeight a owl:Class ;
-    rdfs:label "weight"@en ;
-    schema:unitCode "uS" ;
-    rdfs:subClassOf bmo:ModelBrainParameter ;
-    skos:definition "Synaptic conductance."@en .
-nsg:hasBaselDendriteFeature rdfs:label "hasBaselDendriteFeature"@en .
-nsg:hasConstraint a owl:ObjectProperty ;
-    rdfs:label "hasConstraint"@en .
-nsg:hasLayerLocation rdfs:label "hasLayerLocation"@en .
-nsg:hasObliqDendrite rdfs:label "hasObliqDendrite"@en .
-nsg:hasTuftDendriteFeature rdfs:label "hasTuftDendriteFeature"@en .
-schema:QuantitativeValue a owl:Class ;
-    rdfs:label "Quantitative Value"@en ;
-    rdfs:subClassOf prov:Entity .
-schema:value a owl:ObjectProperty ;
-    rdfs:label "value"@en ;
-    rdfs:subPropertyOf owl:topObjectProperty ;
-    skos:altLabel "value"@en .
-bmo:EModelParameter a owl:Class ;
-    rdfs:label "EModel Parameter"^^xsd:string ;
-    rdfs:subClassOf bmo:ModelBrainParameter .
-bmo:Ion a owl:Class .
-bmo:ModelBrainParameterConstraint a owl:Class ;
-    rdfs:label "Model Brain Parameter Constraint"@en ;
-    rdfs:subClassOf [ a owl:Restriction ;
-            owl:onProperty bmo:constraints ;
-            owl:someValuesFrom bmo:ModelBrainParameter ],
-        prov:Entity .
-bmo:ModelConnectivityParameter a owl:Class ;
-    rdfs:label "Model Connectivity Parameter"@en ;
-    rdfs:subClassOf bmo:ModelBrainParameter .
-bmo:NeuronPart a owl:Class .
-bmo:NeuronPartFeature a owl:Class .
-bmo:constraints a owl:ObjectProperty ;
-    rdfs:label "constraints"@en ;
-    skos:altLabel "constraint"@en .
-prov:Entity a owl:Class ;
-    rdfs:label "Entity"@en ;
-    skos:prefLabel "Entity"^^xsd:string .
-bmo:ModelBrainParameter a owl:Class ;
-    rdfs:label "Model Brain Parameter"@en ;
-    rdfs:subClassOf [ a owl:Restriction ;
-            owl:onProperty schema:value ;
-            owl:someValuesFrom schema:QuantitativeValue ],
-        prov:Entity ;
-    skos:definition "A brain parameter is a parameter used to represent a specific biological or theoretical value that is used in the construction of a brain model."^^xsd:string .
diff --git a/tests/specializations/models/ b/tests/specializations/models/
index 4d6b6846..e1ef7ce0 100644
--- a/tests/specializations/models/
+++ b/tests/specializations/models/
@@ -152,6 +152,11 @@ def test_validate_many(self, rdf_model: RdfModel, valid_activity_resource,
     def test_query_model(self, rdf_model: RdfModel):
-        q = "SELECT ?id ?label WHERE { ?id a owl:Class ; rdfs:label ?label }"
-        res = rdf_model.sparql(q, debug=True)
-        # TODO assertion
\ No newline at end of file
+        q_template = "SELECT ?id WHERE { ?id a %s }"
+        res1 = rdf_model.sparql(q_template % "owl:Ontology", debug=True)
+        res2 = rdf_model.sparql(q_template % "owl:AnnotationProperty", debug=True)
+        res3 = rdf_model.sparql(q_template % "owl:Class", debug=True)
+        assert len(res1) == 1
+        assert len(res2) == 5
+        assert len(res3) == 7

From 9d3cfeeaf4c3fd8a5ec4b2f19beb188ff2c31da6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: mouffok <>
Date: Tue, 28 Nov 2023 10:10:54 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 25/26] fix pycodestyle

 kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/ | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/ b/kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/
index f923eb75..d3d1c023 100644
--- a/kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/
+++ b/kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ def __init__(self, context_iri: Optional[str] = None):
         if context_iri is None:
             raise ConfigurationError("RdfModel requires a context")
-        self._graph, self.shape_to_source, self.class_to_shape =  self._build_shapes_map()
+        self._graph, self.shape_to_source, self.class_to_shape = self._build_shapes_map()
         self._shapes_graph = ShapesGraphWrapper(self._graph)
         self._context_cache = dict()

From b05de6f594a45e422c57b6056deded0a4390a137 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: mouffok <>
Date: Tue, 28 Nov 2023 10:21:57 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 26/26] linting and test of querying model

 kgforge/core/archetypes/                    | 3 +--
 kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/ | 4 ++--
 kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/     | 2 +-
 .../models/rdf/          | 4 ++--
 .../models/rdf/              | 4 ++--
 kgforge/specializations/stores/           | 3 +--
 kgforge/specializations/stores/                | 2 +-
 tests/specializations/models/              | 6 ++----
 8 files changed, 12 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-)

diff --git a/kgforge/core/archetypes/ b/kgforge/core/archetypes/
index 2dac7fcf..a7a3836b 100644
--- a/kgforge/core/archetypes/
+++ b/kgforge/core/archetypes/
@@ -79,8 +79,7 @@ def types(self) -> Optional[List[str]]:
         return list(self.model.mappings(self.model.source, False).keys())
     def search(
-            self, filters: List[Union[Dict, Filter]], resolvers: Optional[List[Resolver]] = None,
-            **params
+            self, resolvers: Optional[List[Resolver]], filters: List[Union[Dict, Filter]], **params
     ) -> Optional[List[Resource]]:
         """Search within the database.
         :param map: bool
diff --git a/kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/ b/kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/
index bc6af033..9a2037fa 100644
--- a/kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/
+++ b/kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/
@@ -38,8 +38,8 @@ def traverse(self, predecessors: Set[URIRef]) -> Tuple[List, Dict]:
         parameters = self.parameters()
-        properties = list()
-        attributes = dict()
+        properties = []
+        attributes = {}
         done_collectors = set()
         for param in iter(parameters):
             if param in ALL_COLLECTORS_MAP:
diff --git a/kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/ b/kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/
index d3d1c023..e0a49f9f 100644
--- a/kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/
+++ b/kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ def __init__(self, context_iri: Optional[str] = None):
         self._graph, self.shape_to_source, self.class_to_shape = self._build_shapes_map()
         self._shapes_graph = ShapesGraphWrapper(self._graph)
-        self._context_cache = dict()
+        self._context_cache = {}
         self.context = Context(self.resolve_context(context_iri), context_iri)
         self.types_to_shapes: Dict[str, URIRef] = self._build_types_to_shapes()
diff --git a/kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/ b/kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/
index 0f45a6ad..28fe5e1a 100644
--- a/kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/
+++ b/kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/
@@ -72,8 +72,8 @@ def _build_shapes_map(self) -> Tuple[Graph, Dict[URIRef, str], Dict[str, URIRef]
                     } ORDER BY ?type
-        class_to_shape: Dict[str, URIRef] = dict()
-        shape_to_file: Dict[URIRef, str] = dict()
+        class_to_shape: Dict[str, URIRef] = {}
+        shape_to_file: Dict[URIRef, str] = {}
         graph = Graph()
         extensions = [".ttl", ".n3", ".json", ".rdf"]
diff --git a/kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/ b/kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/
index c8c611ce..e90801f6 100644
--- a/kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/
+++ b/kgforge/specializations/models/rdf/
@@ -93,8 +93,8 @@ def _build_shapes_map(self) -> Tuple[Graph, Dict[URIRef, str], Dict[str, URIRef]
         limit = 100
         offset = 0
         count = limit
-        class_to_shape: Dict[str, URIRef] = dict()
-        shape_to_resource: Dict[URIRef, str] = dict()
+        class_to_shape: Dict[str, URIRef] = {}
+        shape_to_resource: Dict[URIRef, str] = {}
         while count == limit:
             resources = self.context_store.sparql(query, debug=False, limit=limit, offset=offset)
diff --git a/kgforge/specializations/stores/ b/kgforge/specializations/stores/
index 5089654b..bb291f27 100644
--- a/kgforge/specializations/stores/
+++ b/kgforge/specializations/stores/
@@ -687,8 +687,7 @@ def _deprecate_one(self, resource: Resource) -> None:
         # Querying.
     def search(
-            self, filters: List[Union[Dict, Filter]], resolvers: Optional[List[Resolver]],
-            **params
+            self, resolvers: Optional[List[Resolver]], filters: List[Union[Dict, Filter]], **params
     ) -> List[Resource]:
         if self.model_context() is None:
diff --git a/kgforge/specializations/stores/ b/kgforge/specializations/stores/
index 281b6925..a3ed85c5 100644
--- a/kgforge/specializations/stores/
+++ b/kgforge/specializations/stores/
@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ def _deprecate_one(self, resource: Resource) -> None:
     # Querying.
     def search(
-            self, filters: List[Union[Dict, Filter]], resolvers: Optional[List[Resolver]], **params
+            self, resolvers: Optional[List[Resolver]], filters: List[Union[Dict, Filter]],  **params
     ) -> List[Resource]:
         cross_bucket = params.get("cross_bucket", None)
diff --git a/tests/specializations/models/ b/tests/specializations/models/
index e1ef7ce0..d71ed921 100644
--- a/tests/specializations/models/
+++ b/tests/specializations/models/
@@ -13,8 +13,6 @@
 # along with Blue Brain Nexus Forge. If not, see <>.
 import json
 import pytest
-from rdflib import URIRef
-from rdflib.plugins.sparql import prepareQuery
 from kgforge.core import Resource
 from kgforge.core.commons.exceptions import ValidationError
@@ -158,5 +156,5 @@ def test_query_model(self, rdf_model: RdfModel):
         res3 = rdf_model.sparql(q_template % "owl:Class", debug=True)
         assert len(res1) == 1
-        assert len(res2) == 5
-        assert len(res3) == 7
+        assert len(res2) == 9
+        assert len(res3) == 8