- #45 Add jupytab.version and jupytab_server.version to diagnose version easily + display at start
- #44 Remove tests packages from released artifact
- #43 Fix TabPy protocol that changes with version 2020.1+ of Tableau
- #18 Use pagination to transfer data, in order to allow huge dataframe (>10M rows)
- #41 Tableau stuck on Creating Extract (Loading data...) for slow retrieved tables
- Internal version for conda packaging (no code change)
- #38 Rework version integration for packaging purpose
- #14 TabPy / External Service compatibility to add on the fly computation
- #24 Quick-fix for SSL support
- #24 Add support for SSL
- Fix incorrect release on pypi following jupytab split
- #19 Create a tool library for jupytab, allowing separated download for jupytab util
- #7 Jupytab must be install in kernel as no-deps
- #16 notebook.js use parent path instead of same level path
- #3 Multiindex column dataframe fails in Tableau
- #8 Jupytab not working on windows
- #10 Improve Table column name management
- #11 Add option to export also index from dataframe
- Jupytab public release