- Integration packages - Newtonsoft, FsharpData
Making Requests
- Sending
- Transforming
- Configuration
- System.Text.JSON
- ? Operator: Working with Json
- FsHttp.FSharpData package
- % Operator
Async.await / Async.map
File Upload
- Referenzen zu Tests in jeder Datei, wo es sich anbietet
(** An alternative way: Verb-first functions *) get "https://mysite" { AcceptLanguage "en-US" } |> Request.sendAsync
Working in F# Interactive or notebooks, a short form for sending requests can be used: The %
Note: Since the
operator send a synchronous request (blocking the caller thread), it is only recommended for using in an interactive environment. *) open FsHttp.Operators
% http { GET "https://mysite" AcceptLanguage "en-US" }
expect / assert
Async: diff betweet send and to task "...TAsync functions" pipeline style (await / map) und CE-style
(** Process response content as JSON:
- HOT: 'sendAsync' sends the request immediately.
- COLD: 'toAsync' builds an async request that needs to be started.
let asyncResponse = // Assume this returns: { "name": "Paul"; "age": 54 } http { GET "https://mysite" AcceptLanguage "en-US" } |> Request.sendAsync |> Async.await Response.toJsonAsync |> Async.map (fun json -> json?name.GetString(), json?age.GetInt32())
DSL Syntax (Pipeline / mixing this)
- Per-defining buidlers
// A configuration per request http { config_timeoutInSeconds 10.0 }