Name: CodeX
Number of braincells left: 1
Certifications: OSWP, eJPT
Currently taking: OSCP
Likes: Shells, red teaming, boxes
Hates: AV, bugs (both code and IRL), leaving the house
Hi, i'm CodeX, just a kid who has too much time on his hands. I like to make offensive stuff e.g. droppers, keyloggers, C2 infra etc. Or do boxes when i'm bored. I also play CTFs with friends (surprised I have any). I made this git pages site just to put CTF solutions etc (sometimes bonus points are given for doing it) and occasionally some other stuff my remaining braincell finds interesting. I would post HTB box solutions but I cant be bothered to remove active boxes from the site, so i'll stick to VulnHub boxes for now. Feel free to look around my box!
~ CodeX
Check out my friends' stuff:
X3ron: Medium Github
Jonathan: Medium Github
Also these big brain people over at Infosec Prep