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197 lines (178 loc) · 12 KB


Scan 0.8.1 - Update requirements and python version compatability

  • Python 3.12 is now supported

Scan 0.8.0 - Implemented smooth function to data_processing

  • The smooth-function, in its current state, evaluates iteratively the mean of the neighborhood within a certain range for each value and it has a specially handling of the boundaries. It can therefore be used to reduce noise.

Scan 0.7.0 - Removed disc_steps parameter everywhere

  • Removed disc_steps paramter from train_and_predict function in ESNWrapper class and in utilities.train_and_predict_input_setup.

Scan 0.6.2 - Added simple Lyapunov exponent calculation function

  • Added a simple measure function to calculate the largest Lyapunov exponent of a dynamical system: scan.measures.largest_lyapunov_exponent
  • The positional arguments are:
    • iterator_func: A function to iterate the system from one to the next time-step: x(i+1) = F(x(i))
    • starting_point: The starting point for iterating the system.

Outline of Algorithm:

  • The algorithm simulates two trajectories (the base and the perturbed trajectory) for some initially very close points, for some time steps (given by part_time_steps).
  • The largest lyapunov exponent corresponding to this particular trajectory divergence is extracted and saved.
  • The last point of the perturbed trajectory is "pulled" to the last point of the base trajectory by keeping the direction between both points constant, but renormalizing the distance to a small value (given by deviation_scale). This new perturbed point serves as the initial point for the next trajectory simulation as explained in the first bulletpoint.
  • Thus, one repeats this scheme for steps renormalization steps and calculates the largest lyapunov exponent as the average of all renormalization steps.

See: Sprott, Julien Clinton, and Julien C. Sprott. Chaos and time-series analysis. Vol. 69. Oxford: Oxford university press, 2003. for an explanation of the algorithm.

Scan 0.6.1 - Simulating dynamical systems: Enhancements, bugfix and new system

  • Fixed bug in scan.simulations.LinearSystem where every non-default matrix A would give an error.
  • Changed how the simulation classes are build up:
    • Every simulation class is a subclass of the abstract base class SimBase.
    • SimBase takes care of the basic structure of a simulation class:
      • Every system must implement the iterate method, since iterate is now an @abstractmethod in SimBase.
      • SimBase defines the simulate function, which can be used in all child classes.
      • SimBase assumes that every child simulation class defines a default_starting_pointand the sys_dim (system dimension) of the system.
    • If the system is simulated with RungeKutta, it is based on the subclass SimBaseRungeKutta, which is already a subclass of SimBase.
      • Every subclass of SimBaseRungeKutta is required to have the flow method (using @abstractmethod).
      • The iterate method is defined in SimBaseRungeKutta by applying runge kutta on the flow.
    • Every simulation class now has the default parameters saved in self.default_parameters.
    • Every simulation class now has the default starting point saved in self.default_starting_point.
      • Note: In KuramotoSivashinsky, KuramotoSivashinskyCustom, Lorenz96 and LinearSystem the default starting point is dependent on the parameters, since the dimension of the system is also a parameter. Thus, one can only access the default_starting_point after initializing the class-instance. E.g. KuramotoSivashinsky.default_starting_point does not exist, but KuramotoSivashinsky().default_starting_point does
    • Examples:
      • Lorenz63().default_parameters gives: {"sigma": 10.0, "rho": 28.0, "beta": 8 / 3, "dt": 0.05}
      • Lorenz63().default_starting_point gives: np.array([0.0, -0.01, 9.0])
  • Added new 2-dimensional autonomous flow LotkaVolterra system.
  • Added sys_dim parameter to Lorenz96 (instead of indireclty specifying the dimension in simulate)

Scan 0.6.0 - Simulating dynamical systems: Refactoring and new systems

  • Removed the function scan.simulations.simulate_trajectory.
  • Instead of using simulate_trajectory, there is now a class for every dynamical system implemented.
    • The dynamical-system classes have a common structure:
      • The system parameters (including time step dt, if the system is a flow) are specified in the class constructor (i.e. when calling __init__).
      • Every class has the method simulate which can be used to simulate the whole trajectory. It takes the positional argument time_steps and the keyword argument starting_point.
      • If you simulate for n time_steps, the returned trajectory has exactly n elements, where the first element is the starting point. So actually one only simulates n-1 new time steps.
      • All system classes have a method iterate, that iterates the system to the next time step. Some systems also have the method flow, which calculates the time derivative at a given point.
    • Example to simulate a trajectory of the Lorenz63 system with 1000 time steps:
      • trajectory = Lorenz63(sigma=10, rho=28, beta=8/3, dt=0.05).simulate(1000, starting_point=np.array([0, 1, 2])) or just Lorenz63().simulate(1000) with default parameters and default starting_point.
  • Added more dynamical Systems, with default parameters and starting_points from Sprott, Julien Clinton, and Julien C. Sprott. Chaos and time-series analysis. Vol. 69. Oxford: Oxford university press, 2003.
  • List of supported dynamical systems:
    • Lorenz63
    • Roessler
    • ComplexButterfly (see Sprott)
    • Chen
    • ChuaCircuit
    • Thomas
    • WindmiAttractor (see Sprott)
    • Rucklidge
    • SimplestQuadraticChaotic (see Sprott)
    • SimplestCubicChaotic (see Sprott)
    • SimplestPiecewiseLinearChaotic (see Sprott)
    • DoubleScroll
    • Henon
    • Logistic
    • SimplestDrivenChaotic (see Sprott)
    • UedaOscillator
    • KuramotoSivashinsky
    • KuramotoSivashinskyCustom
    • Lorenz96
    • LinearSystem (A general n_dimensional linear system: x_t = A*x with matrix A)

Scan 0.5.0 - Compared to Rescomp 0.3.2

Non-Breaking Changes

  • Achieved 100% test coverage

    • Pytest as replacement for unittest
    • pytest-cov for coverage reporting
    • pytest-mpi for MPI code testing
    • We can now finally, actually, trust our code!
  • Achieved 100% type hint coverage

    • It's documentation that's also IDE readable, resulting in usage checks and warnings before the code is even run
  • Mypy testing of those type hints and their flow throughout the program

  • Tox testing framework to ensure installation and test verification in a variety of environments

    • In total 24 different environments are tested:
    • Conda and pip installations
    • Python versions 3.8 - 3.10
    • Current, oldest supported, newest supported and cutting edge package versions
  • Adjusted style and formatting to follow the new InRe Style Guide

  • Automated formatting tools black and isort to assist in achieving

  • More expansive module structure

    • Added the modules data_processing, file_handling, logging and mpi with appropriate contents
  • Added "slices" for train and predict input

    • 3d input of shape (t, d, s), instead of only 2d input of shape (t, d), supported to train and/or predict at multiple positions in the time series at once
    • Backwards compatible
  • Significantly reduced peak memory usage for the ESN classes. For larger data and reservoir sizes, where memory constrains matter most, peak memory usage is down by about 50%.

    • Old peak memory usage:
      • "linear_r": (time_steps * slices * n_dim * 2) * 64 bit + 150 MB
      • "linear_and_square_r": (time_steps * slices * n_dim * 4 ) * 64 bit + 150 MB
    • New:
      • "linear_r": (time_steps * slices * n_dim + 2 * n_dim**2) * 64 bit + 150 MB
      • "linear_and_square_r": (time_steps * slices * n_dim * 2 + 2 * (n_dim * 2)**2) * 64 bit + 150 MB
  • Complete independence from the global numpy random seed via two new, also independent, seed parameters: n_seed and w_in_seed

    • This enables full software level reproducibility, even in parallel or not entirely user controlled contexts!
  • The "reset_r" parameter, resetting the reservoir to a known state of all zeros before each slice. This makes training and prediction depend only on the content of the time series, not the slice order

  • Optional MPI implementation. For details see the package

    • Most notably this includes the MPIScheduler()
    • Compatible with simple usage on laptops and cluster scheduling tools like slurm alike
    • Pytest-mpi as testing framework
  • Loguru as replacement for the default logging backend

    • Pickleable
    • (Mpi-)Threadsafe
    • All around just easier to work with as there is "only one single logger"
  • Due to Loguru, all ESN classes are now pickleable

  • SynonymDict initialization via constructor

  • Hash operator for the ESN classes

  • Equality operator for the ESN classes

  • Downsampling function in

  • Embedding function in

  • Removed unused ArpackNoConvergence error handling during network creating

    • Should we, unexpectedly ever need it again, find a suitable example and then add it to a test
  • Various changes to make installation more consistent

    • Check for a supported python version on install
    • Check for the required packages and their supported version on install
    • Started the transition from to pyproject.toml
  • Added support for python 3.10

  • Requirements_dev.txt for easy setup of the development environment

  • Added, describing the naming and other conventions of the package

  • Update docstrings to reflect slightly updated conventions outlined in

Breaking Changes

  • Dropped support for python 3.6 and 3.7. Advantages:
    • Python 3.6 has no good way to type hint custom classes
    • Python 3.6 doesn't support networkx>=2.6 See below
    • Python 3.8 added the f"{some_var=}" feature for f-strings, which is just nice to have
    • Python 3.9 added support for the "type" syntax and added lots of type hint stuff into the main library. All of that is part of __future__.annotations though, so 3.8 effectively supports it too
    • Also update old patterns to conform to the new minimum python version 3.8 via pyupgrade
  • Move to networkx >= 2.6. Networkx < 2.6 and >= 2.6 create the scale free and small world networks from a different seed, i.e. are incompatible
  • Default of the "reset_r" parameter is "True". To get the old behavior, set it to "False"
  • Removed lots of unused ESN and some unused utility and measure functions
    • Either no use case was apparent or the current contributors to the scan package didn't write them originally, hence they couldn't be included for license reasons
  • Removed some unused parameters
    • Most notably, this includes the "save_input" parameter which is unecessary, as the user, by definition, already has the input
  • Changed behavior of the "save_r" parameter to only save the r state itself, not it's generalized r_gen version
    • It's redundant because the r_to_generalized_r method exists and potentially, very memory intensive
  • Removed most of the non-essential simulation functions
    • Either no use case was apparent or the current contributors to the scan package didn't write them originally, hence they couldn't be included for license reasons
  • Refactored all ESN attributes and many methods from protected to public
    • All of them have legitimate use cases in a research context like ours, so making them less accessible doesn't make much sense.
  • Stubed out the ESNGenLoc class and locality_measures methods
    • They still exist, they were just moved to the GLS branch until they comply with the standard of the rest of the package. Mostly it's missing tests and some documentation
  • Fixed lots of small errors for edge case inputs