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- Clone (or download) from our GitHub repository.
mvn install
If you use an IDE other than NetBeans, and if setting up Maven/unit tests is not trivial, please document here how you configure your IDE.
When you use NetBeans, install its Maven plugin (in Tools > Plugins). NetBeans (8.0.1) doesn't let you configure Maven much. However, edit your ~/.m2/settings.xml
. Maven embedded in NetBeans honours it.
Menu Run > Test Project.
Edit pom.xml
. Run tests. Then run:
cd target/test-classes
# You must have test files two or three folders below. Otherwise add a variation of the following command.
for f in testdata/*/*/expected.html; do cp "$f" "../../src/test/resources/$f"; done
for f in testdata/*/*/*/expected.html; do cp "$f" "../../src/test/resources/$f"; done