Follow the instructions for the Senzing ER playground, developed by Michael Dockter:
docker run -it --name senzing-playground -p 8260:8260 -p 8261:8261 --rm senzing/playground
Once this is downloaded and running, then we'll run ER to merge three small datasets together: http://localhost:8260/jupyter/lab/tree/python/senzing_load_truthsets.ipynb
- explore the
datasets - inspect the
"Robert Smith"
entity - note how ER generates graph elements: entities, relations, properties
Next we'll work with open data for tracking sanctioned organizations and ultimate beneficial ownership connections: http://localhost:8260/jupyter/lab/tree/python/senzing_load_user_data.ipynb
- load datasets from
- show the merge of OpenSanctions and Open Ownership
- inspect the
"Abassin Badshah"
entity - compare with the related graph visualization: