A text editor is a software or website to edit text used to make a website. There are many options available, but text editors are all pretty similar, and choosing one is a matter of preference.
Code completion
Syntax highlighting
Variety of visual themes
Ability to choose and add extensions
pwd - Print Working Directory. It tells you what directory you’re currently in. “So where are we?”
ls - list. What is in the current location. It can do a lot more too. “What’s in our current location?”
cd - Change Directory. If there are no arguments, it goes to the home directory. Otherwise it will go to the location listed. "Where to?
mkdir - Create a new directory. The argument following will be the directory name.
touch - Create a new empty file or update the modification time of a file.
Note that a directory is just a folder.
Q4. Can you explain what is happening in the following scenario if these commands and arguments are entered into the command line? (Arguments are extra instructions given to a command.)
cd projects - Change to the projects directory
mkdir new-project - Creates a new directory named "new-project"
touch new-project/newfile.md - Creates a new Markdown file in the new-project directory called "newfile"
cd .. - Changes directory to one directory up (its parent directory)
ls projects/new-project - Lists files in the new-project directory