Objects and methods to load data or files with specific intervals.
The loading will take place at "rounded" times.
Eq. interval = 10 minutes => Read af HH:00, HH:10, HH20, HH30,..., HH50
Interval > one hour will make make the interval "N*Hour plus rest"
Eq. interval = 70 => Once every hour at HH:10
Eq. interval = 140 => Once every second hour at HH:20 starting "now"
bower install https://github.com/FCOO/intervals.git --save
var myIntervals = new Intervals( options );
default options = {
format: "JSON", //Default file-format Possible "XML", "TEXT" or "JSON"
durationUnit: 'minutes',
promiseOptions: {
noCache: true
options: {duration, fileNameOrData/fileNa<me/data, resolve, resolveArguments, reject, context, wait, format, promiseOptions}
Add a reload of fileNameOrData with resolve-function
Will reload every rounded duration. Eq duration = 10 ("10 minutes") => called HH:00, HH:10, HH:20,...
If wait == false => also call the resolve on creation
resolve = function(data, interval:INTERVAL)
resolve = function(data, arg0, arg1,...argN) if options.resolveArguments = [arg0, arg1,..., argN] is given
reject = function(error, interval:INTERVAL)
INTERVAL represent one file or data being reloaded
.setDuration(duration, wait) //Change the duration for the INTERVAL
.paus(period, wait) //Set the INTERVAL on hold for period minutes
This plugin is licensed under the MIT license.
Copyright (c) 2020 FCOO
Niels Holt [email protected]