There are several file upload gems out there. We use Shrine because of its flexibility and easy-to-extend nature.
Table of contents:
Shrine is a general-purpose file uploader gem. As it has no direct dependency, it can be used in both Rails and non-Rails projects. Shrine features a rich plugin system which makes it incredibly easy to change its behavior to suit your needs. All this power is packaged in an easy-to-use form factor.
It is the youngest of all popular file uploaders, but it maintains an issue count of 0 and has fixed all the issues that other gems have.
If you wish to read more about Shrine's design, you can do so here.
There is also a demo application. It's not recommended to reference it as it's fairly simplistic and hides many configuration options.
To use Shrine in a Rails project, you need to do the following:
- Add it to your
together with its image processing and cloud storage libraries
gem 'shrine'
# Only add this gem if you are going to use Amazon S3 as storage
gem 'aws-sdk', '~> 2.1'
# Only add these gems if you are going to handle image uploads
gem 'mini_magick'
gem 'image_processing'
gem 'fastimage'
- Run
bundle install
- Create a
file in yourconfig/initializers
folder to configure Shrine
# config/initializers/shrine.rb
require 'shrine'
require 'shrine/storage/s3'
require 'shrine/storage/file_system'
# Load application secrets
secrets = Rails.application.secrets
# The following code expects a secrets structure similar to the following
# and uses some Ruby 2.3 features
# development:
# aws:
# s3:
# access_key_id: 'ashkjdsahjas...'
# secret_access_key: 'ashkjdsahjas...'
# region: 'ashkjdsahjas...'
# bucket: 'ashkjdsahjas...'
# Load S3 credentials from secrets
s3_options = {
access_key_id: secrets.dig(:aws, 's3', 'access_key_id'),
secret_access_key: secrets.dig(:aws, 's3', 'secret_access_key'),
region: secrets.dig(:aws, 's3', 'region'),
bucket: secrets.dig(:aws, 's3', 'bucket')
# Load storage options
storages = {
cache: nil,
store: nil
# Set storage options to S3 if S3 credentials have been provided, else use the
# filesystem
storages.keys.each do |store|
storages[store] = if secrets.dig(:aws, :s3) store, **s3_options)
prefix: "uploads/#{store}"
# Assign storage options
Shrine.storages = storages
# Load ORM integration
Shrine.plugin :activerecord
# Shrine.plugin :sequel # if you are using Sequel
- Require image processing libraries in your
file by prepending the following line
require 'image_processing/mini_magick'
- Create an uploader in your
# app/uploaders/avatar_uploader.rb
class AvatarUploader < Shrine
- Mount the uploader in your model
Shrine's uploaders are mounted on a model using the include
You can use the square brackets method on the uploader class to specify the attribute the uploader will be mounted to.
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
# The following line will mount an instance of AvatarUploader to the user's
# avatar attribute
include AvatarUploader[:avatar]
- Create the appropriate column in your model's table.
Shrine assumes that it should use a column bearing the name of the attribute it
was mounted on suffixed with _data
. For example, if you mount an uploader on the
attribute of the User
model, Shrine will store information about the
uploaded file in the avatar_data
column of the users
table. The column's
type should be text
, json
, or jsonb
rails g migration add_avatar_data_to_users avatar_data:jsonb
- Create a file field in your view
= simple_form_for @user do |f|
= f.input :avatar, as: :hidden, input_html: { value: @user.avatar_data }
= f.input :avatar, as: :file
If you use simple_form, add the following file to your app/inputs
# app/inputs/shrine_file_input.rb
class ShrineFileInput < SimpleForm::Inputs::Base
def input(wrapper_options)
merged_input_options = merge_wrapper_options(
input_html_options, wrapper_options
def raw_input_html(options)
def data_attribute
def hidden_field
value: object.send(data_attribute).to_json
def file_field
Then you can use it in your views as follows:
= simple_form_for @user do |f|
= f.input :avatar, as: :shrine_file
Shrine features quite a few useful out-of-the-box plugins.
- Versions
The Versions plugin allows you to create different versions of an uploaded image, for example, a small, medium, and large version. Read more about it here.
Here is an example of how to use it:
class ImageUploader < Shrine
include ImageProcessing::MiniMagick
plugin :versions, names: [:original, :large, :medium, :small]
def process(io, context)
return super(io, context) if context[:phase] != :store
original =
size_1200 = resize_to_limit(original, 1200, 1200)
size_600 = resize_to_limit(size_1200, 600, 600)
size_300 = resize_to_limit(size_600, 300, 300)
{ original: original, large: size_1200, medium: size_600, small: size_300 }
- Validations
This plugin allows you to check the dimensions and file type of uploaded images. Check it out here.
- Metadata
The Metadata plugin is used to store information on uploaded images. You can read more about it here.
- Background jobs
Shrine supports background image processing and deletion. You can read how to set it up here.
Here are two articles that explain how to migrate to Shrine from other uploaders: