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NixOS Installation Steps

  1. Set a Password for the NixOS User

    To enable scp and other remote utilities, set a password for the NixOS user:

  2. Identify Disk Name and Update Configuration

    Use lsblk to identify your disk's name:


    Example output:

    nvme0n1     259:0    0   1,8T  0 disk

    Note your disk name at /dev/<NAME>.

  3. Copy the Disko Configuration File

    Transfer the Disko configuration file to the target NixOS machine using scp:

    scp disko-config.nix nixos@nixos:/tmp/disko-config.nix
  4. Run Disko to Create the Partition Table

    Use Disko to set up the partitions as specified in disko-config.nix:

    sudo nix --experimental-features "nix-command flakes" run github:nix-community/disko -- --mode disko /tmp/disko-config.nix
  5. Generate NixOS Configuration Without Filesystems

    Create a base NixOS configuration without filesystem definitions:

    sudo nixos-generate-config --no-filesystems --root /mnt
  6. Move Configuration Files to the Target Directory

    Transfer system and Disko configuration files to the appropriate directory:

    sudo mv /tmp/disk-config.nix /mnt/etc/nixos
  7. Copy base configuration file

    Transfer the base configuration file to the target NixOS machine using scp:

    The config just imports the generated hardware-configuration and disko.

    _: {
      imports = [
        # Include the results of the hardware scan.
        "${builtins.fetchTarball ""}/module.nix"
      boot.loader.systemdboot.enable = true;
      boot.loader.efi.canTouchEfiVariables = true;
    scp hosts/linux/base-configuration.nix nixos@nixos:/tmp/configuration.nix
    sudo mv /tmp/configuration.nix /mnt/etc/nixos/configuration.nix
  8. Install NixOS and Reboot

    Proceed with the NixOS installation and reboot:

    sudo nixos-install


You will be asked to set a password for the root user. Make sure to remember it, as you will need it later.

Using This Flake for Configuration

  1. Login after Boot

    After rebooting, log in with the following credentials:

    • Username: root
    • Password: <flokkq-is-cool>
  2. Install Git

    Temporarily install Git through Nix:

    nix-shell -p git
  3. Clone the Configuration Repository

    Clone the configuration repository to your home directory:

    cd /etc/nixos && git clone

    Generate yourself a nice Username

    chmod +x && ./

    Make sure to move hardware-configuration.nix and disko-config.nix to hosts/linux/<your_username>

  4. Add an Entry to the Hosts Array in flake.nix

    Open flake.nix and add a new entry to the hosts array using the existing template as a guide:

    hosts = [
        name = "template";
        monitors = [
             name = "eDP-1";
             dimensions = "1920x1080";
             position = "auto";
             scale = 1;
             framerate = 74.97;
             transform = 0;
             primary = true; # must be set for onne external monitor
             internal = false; # iff it is a laptop display
        system = "linux";

    Leave monitors empty initially. Define values for name, system (choose "darwin" or "linux")

  5. Rebuild the System

    Rebuild the system with the following command (this may take some time):

    sudo NIXPKGS_ALLOW_UNFREE=1 nixos-rebuild switch --impure --flake /etc/nixos/#<hostname>

    Replace <hostname> with the name specified in flake.nix.

  6. Configure Monitors

    After rebuilding, configure monitor settings:

    • Use hyprctl monitors all to view connected monitors and their details.
    • Update the monitors array in flake.nix with the correct configuration, setting primary and internal to true for your main display.
  7. Rebuild NixOS Configuration for Updated Monitor Settings

    Run the rebuild command to apply monitor configurations:


Darwin Installation Steps:

For Darwin (macOS), the installation process is simpler and handled through nix-darwin. Detailed steps can be found in the official nix-darwin documentation.

After following these steps make sure to add your machine to the configuration.

Open flake.nix and add a new entry to the hosts array using the existing template as a guide:

   hosts = [
       name = "template";
       monitors = [];
       system = "linux";

Leave monitors empty. Define values for name, system (choose "darwin" or "linux")