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FlowFuse Docker Compose migration guide

This guide will help you migrate your existing FlowFuse platform, created using version prior to 2.10.0, to the new Docker Compose approach available since 2.11.0.


Version 2.10.0 introduced a new way to handle FlowFuse platform configurations. The new approach uses Compose configs to manage the configuration files and volumes to manage data persistence. Additionaly, configuration can be adjusted using environmental variables with .env file. This allows for easier management of the platform and better separation of concerns.


  • access to existing installation files (run docker compose ls to list project and path to it's configuration files)
  • access to configuration files:
  • ./etc/flowforge.yml - FlowFuse configuration file
  • ./db - directory with database files
  • ./etc/flowforge-storage.yml - storage configuration file
  • ./certs - directory with custom certificates

Migration steps

  1. Backup existing configuration files

    Before starting the migration process, make sure to backup the existing configuration files. This will allow you to revert to the previous state in case of any issues.

    cp ./etc/flowforge.yml ./etc/flowforge.yml.bak
    cp ./etc/flowforge-storage.yml ./etc/flowforge-storage.yml.bak
    cp -r ./db ./db.bak
  2. Download new files

    Download the new Docker Compose file and .env file from the FlowFuse repository.

    curl -o docker-compose-new.yml
    curl -o .env
  3. Move configurations to the new approach

  • Copy content of ./etc/flowforge.yml file to docker-compose-new.yml file, to configs.flowfuse.content section. Remove all commented lines. Maintain indentation.

    • Make sure, that broker.url is seto fo mqtt://broker:1883. Update if needed.
  • Copy content of ./etc/flowforge-storage.yml file to docker-compose-new.yml file, to configs.flowfuse_storage.content section. Remove all commented lines. Maintain indentation.

  • Set the DOMAIN variable in the .env file to the domain used by your instance of FlowFuse platform.

  • If FlowFuse application is running outside of the DOMAIN scope, set it as a value of APPLICATION_DOMAIN variable in the .env file.

  • If application should be accessible via seured connection (HTTPS), set TLS_ENABLED variable to true in .env file.

  • If custom certificates are used, copy their content to .env file, to TLS_CERTIFICATE and TLS_KEY variables. They should look like this:

    -----END CERTIFICATE-----
    -----END CERTIFICATE-----
    -----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----
    -----END PRIVATE KEY-----
  • If custom certificates are used and FlowFuse application is running on a different domain than other stack components (defined in APPLICATION_DOMAIN variable), use APP_TLS_CERTIFICATE and APP_TLS_KEY variabls to provide certificate and it's key. They should look like this:

 -----END PRIVATE KEY-----
  1. Migrate database files

    Move the database files from host to the new volume. This will allow you to keep the existing data.

    • Create volume for database files:
    docker volume create flowfuse_db
    • Find currently running FlowFuse project and stop it:
    docker compose ls 
    docker compose -p $project down
    • Copy the database files to the new volume:
    docker run --rm -v flowfuse_db:/data -v $(pwd)/db:/backup alpine sh -c "cp -a /backup/. /data/"
  2. Rename files

    In order to maintain the same file structurem, rename the compose files.

    mv docker-compose.yml docker-compose-old.yml
    mv docker-compose-new.yml docker-compose.yml
  3. Start FlowFuse

    Start the new FlowFuse platform using the new Docker Compose file.

    • With automatic TLS certificate generation:
    docker compose -f docker-compose.yml --profile autotls -p flowfuse up -d
    • In all other cases
    docker compose -p flowfuse up -d
  4. Verify the migration

    Verify that the new FlowFuse platform is working correctly and it is accessible using the domain set in the .env file. Login credentials should remain the same as before the migration, as well as platform configuration. Restart the Node-RED instances if they appear in Starting state.

8 Cleanup

After verifying that the new FlowFuse platform is working correctly, you can remove the old configuration files.

rm ./etc/flowforge.yml ./etc/flowforge.yml.bak
rm ./etc/flowforge-storage.yml.bak ./etc/flowforge-storage.yml
rm -rf ./db ./db.bak
rm -f ./docker-compose-old.yml