I am Hao Xu, a research fellow at the Department of Medicine at Harvard Medical School & Brigham and Women's Hospital.
- 🔭 I’m currently working on AI4Science projects, such as generative models for drug discovery.
- 🌱 I’m also learning multiple instance learning on whole slide images for cancer diagnosis.
- 📫 Feel free to contact me for research collaborations: email at [email protected] or WeChat: gaingod66.
- Postdoctoral Associate in Machine Learning at the Department of Computer Science at Brandeis University from 04/2023 to 05/2024.
- Ph.D. degree in Computational and Organic Chemistry from Boston College in 12/2022.
- M.S. degree in Computer Science from Georgia Tech in 08/2022.
- M.S. degree in Computational Chemistry from Southern Methodist University in 05/2017.
- B.S. degree in Chemistry and B.E. degree in Finance from China Agricultural University in 07/2015.