Anyone interested in contributing may contact Gwendolyne at SHS!
- Remove all DEBUGGING CONTROL LOG messages
- Arrays: fill all unknown mods creatures references
- Checked WRITE_LONG 0x28 ID values
- Modders content: Checked Ulb's sound files encoding (2021.02.27: converted to wavc)
- Fixed Ellesime White-Haired\3aag2.bam red hair color (2021.04.24 : thanks Sam!)
- Check ABISHAI_BLACK bam files (classic and EE games versions seem to be different).
- 0x2000 SIRINE, 0x2200 OGRE_MAGE, 0x7000 HALF_OGRE, 0x7001 OGRILLON and 0x7f3d MELISSAN : Added missing localized sound clips (2021.03.25)
- 0x2300 DEATH_KNIGHT, 0x7f11 UMBER_HULK and 0xe0d0 UMBER_HULK_ELDER : Added missing localized sound clips (2021.03.26)
- Resolved the f.....g mess with black dragon sound clips and ini files, different and buggy in EE games (2021.03.27)
- 0x6405 DOOM_GUARD and 0x6406 DOOM_GUARD_LARGER: populate ini files with IA t-dug[n] sound clips?
- IWD:EE: harmonize 1201.ini and 1203.ini (DRAGON_BLACK and DRAGON_GREEN) sound clips (replace black0[1-5] with black0[1-5]a)?
- Dynamically build exclusion arrays specific to the player's modded game: t-exc-cre (difficult to build because components specific, but why not?), t-exc-scim (scimitars exclusion: easy), t-exc-shld (shields exclusion: easy) and wings exclusion (easy).
- Check new patches: maybe they added missing animations? (WIP)
- Note for modders: add a section explaining ini files keywords meanings. (2021.05.18 : thanks Argent77 for proofreading and providing missing definitions!)
- All components: list all EE games specific creatures that need to be patched.
- Distinctive Fiends component: Is it very useful to add creatures sound clips for EE games?
- IA Reference Picker documentation: update animation types description.
- Main component: force iwd_lizard_man animation files installation? (pure cosmetics: remove useless mirrored direction in files. 😉)
- Male Sailors get the sailor_man animation: add new options with new IA_EE content (colored sailors)?
- Male human Shadow Thieves get the shadow_thief animation: add arnfgt04, flyfgt02, flyfgt03 and repthf12?
- Djinnis: ddguard2 and ddguard3 class is GENIE_EFREETI. Should they be reverted into the efreeti array?
- ee_tob content: why not use the EE EFREETI_NOBLE animation for some Efreetis?
- Erinyes get wings and elf animations: write a better 1pp compatibility code?
- Which demons might get the EE FIEND_RED animation (new ee_tob content)?
- Erinyes bug causing crash: could not reproduce it...
- gw_ia_cambions_arrays.tph: Should we removed from this array a few creatures designed to be Lesser demons and not cambions? [demlord and uddemon (BG2), kz#dmlrd (Kiara-Zaiya), tg#did1 (Refinements)]
- Remove IA Base Animations content requirement as it is automatically installed by main component as of this version?
- Ghoul Queens get the ghoul_queen animation: replace
condition with Fiends_Genies content requirement check?
- gw_ia_seers_arrays.tph: Why not merging all arrays into one single and use t-seer variable to patch only beggars, slaves, or both?
- Remove IA Base Animations content requirement as it is automatically installed by main component as of this version?
- Animated Plates: choose between original IWD animations or IA ones (smaller, by default) might be a good option to add...
- Resolve duplicate entries that cause conflicts between BG and BG2 creatures (mtown5, shop04 and shop07).
- Fix paperdolls x and y offsets to display equipment overlays properly: MOINESSE_THIEF_FEMALE.
- Resolve illasera duplicate entries in GW_moinesse_mage_female_human and GW_moinesse_fighter_female_human arrays.
- Fix paperdolls x and y offsets to display properly equipment overlays.
- Why not dynamically build an array of NPCs to be patched?
- What about halforc animations?
- Write a more inclusive 1PP compatibility (maybe include some 1pp BG1 avatars and animations content)?
- Why not dynamically build an array of areas to be patched, or even patch all areas?
- t-arecre.log: it might be less confusing to remove New Animation reference (mostly character animation replacing removed _LOW animation) and only display the new creature animation (in many cases, IA modifies twice a creature animation: first, the main component replaces _LOW animation, then another component replaces it with a specific distinctive animation - PsT, BG1...)?
- Why asking for each saved game?
- Externalize t-bg1gam macro?
- The following bug has never been reported, but should be fixed: it crashes the game if BG1 Animations for NPCs and Exported PCs components are not installed.
- Change its requirements?
- Force its installation if either one of the above components is installed?
- Why asking for each saved game?