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1 | Package Title | Version | Authors | Description | Declared License | Discovered License(s) | Package Manager | Package Homepage | Dependency Path(s) | Issue Resolution Notes |
2 | animated_bottom_navigation_bar | 1.3.3 | Animated Bottom Navigation Bar Widget implementation inspired by https://dribbble.com/shots/7134849-Simple-Tab-Bar-Animation | BSD-2-Clause | BSD-3-Clause | Pub | https://github.com/LanarsInc/animated-bottom-navigation-bar-flutter | animated_bottom_navigation_bar | ||
3 | animated_notch_bottom_bar | 1.0.3 | This package helps you to achieve animated notch bottom navigation bar with any widget as children. | MIT | Pub | https://pub.dartlang.org/packages/animated_notch_bottom_bar | animated_notch_bottom_bar | |||
4 | auto_size_text | 3.0.0 | Flutter widget that automatically resizes text to fit perfectly within its bounds. | MIT | Pub | https://github.com/leisim/auto_size_text | auto_size_text | |||
5 | change_app_package_name | 1.3.0 | Change App Package Name with single command. Update AndroidManifest, build.gradle, MainActivity files & move MainActivity file to new directory structure automatically. | MIT | Pub | https://github.com/atiqsamtia/change_app_package_name | change_app_package_name | |||
6 | connectivity_plus | 5.0.2 | Flutter plugin for discovering the state of the network (WiFi & mobile/cellular) connectivity on Android and iOS. | BSD-3-Clause | Pub | https://github.com/fluttercommunity/plus_plugins | connectivity_plus | |||
7 | cupertino_icons | 1.0.8 | Default icons asset for Cupertino widgets based on Apple styled icons | MIT | BSD-3-Clause | Pub | https://pub.dartlang.org/packages/cupertino_icons | cupertino_icons | ||
8 | Flutter | 1.0.0 | flutter-dev@googlegroups.com | Flutter is Google's UI toolkit for building beautiful, fast apps for mobile, web, desktop, and embedded devices from a single codebase. This pod vends the iOS Release mode Flutter engine framework. It is compatible with application frameworks created with this version of the engine and tools. | BSD-2-Clause | BSD-3-Clause | CocoaPods | https://flutter.dev | tflite_flutter_helper_plus > Flutter,tflite_flutter > Flutter,path_provider_foundation > Flutter,package_info_plus > Flutter,mobile_scanner > Flutter,image_picker_ios > Flutter,fluttertoast > Flutter,connectivity_plus > Flutter,camera_avfoundation > Flutter,Flutter | |
9 | flutter_lints | 3.0.2 | Recommended lints for Flutter apps, packages, and plugins to encourage good coding practices. | BSD-3-Clause | Pub | https://pub.dartlang.org/packages/flutter_lints | flutter_lints | |||
10 | flutter_speed_dial | 7.0.0 | Flutter plugin to implement a beautiful and dynamic Material Design Speed Dial with labels, animated icons, multi-directional children and much more. | MIT | Pub | https://github.com/darioielardi/flutter_speed_dial/ | flutter_speed_dial | |||
11 | flutter_svg | 2.0.10+1 | An SVG rendering and widget library for Flutter, which allows painting and displaying Scalable Vector Graphics 1.1 files. | MIT | Pub | https://pub.dartlang.org/packages/flutter_svg | flutter_svg | |||
12 | fluttertoast | 8.2.8 | Toast Library for Flutter, Easily create toast messages in single line of code | MIT | Pub | https://github.com/PonnamKarthik/FlutterToast | fluttertoast | |||
13 | get | 4.6.6 | Open screens/snackbars/dialogs without context, manage states and inject dependencies easily with GetX. | MIT | BSD-3-Clause | Pub | https://github.com/jonataslaw/getx | get | ||
14 | get_storage | 2.1.1 | A fast, extra light and synchronous key-value storage written entirely in Dart | MIT | BSD-3-Clause | Pub | https://github.com/jonataslaw/get_storage | get_storage | ||
15 | google_fonts | 6.2.1 | A Flutter package to use fonts from fonts.google.com. Supports HTTP fetching, caching, and asset bundling. | Apache-2.0 | BSD-3-Clause | Pub | https://pub.dartlang.org/packages/google_fonts | google_fonts | ||
16 | google_generative_ai | 0.4.6 | The Google AI Dart SDK enables developers to use Google's state-of-the-art generative AI models (like Gemini). | Apache-2.0 | Pub | https://pub.dartlang.org/packages/google_generative_ai | google_generative_ai | |||
17 | hive | 2.2.3 | Lightweight and blazing fast key-value database written in pure Dart. Strongly encrypted using AES-256. | Apache-2.0 | Pub | https://github.com/hivedb/hive/tree/master/hive | hive | |||
18 | hive_flutter | 1.1.0 | Extension for Hive. Makes it easier to use Hive in Flutter apps. | Apache-2.0 | Pub | https://github.com/hivedb/hive/tree/master/hive_flutter | hive_flutter | |||
19 | http | 1.2.2 | A composable, multi-platform, Future-based API for HTTP requests. | BSD-3-Clause | Pub | https://pub.dartlang.org/packages/http | http | |||
20 | iconsax | 0.0.8 | Iconsax for flutter (1000+ icons 6 diferent styles, total 6000+ icons). | GPL-3.0-only | Pub | https://iconsax.io/ | iconsax | |||
21 | image_picker | 1.1.2 | Flutter plugin for selecting images from the Android and iOS image library, and taking new pictures with the camera. | Apache-2.0 | BSD-3-Clause | Pub | https://pub.dartlang.org/packages/image_picker | image_picker | ||
22 | intl | 0.18.1 | Contains code to deal with internationalized/localized messages, date and number formatting and parsing, bi-directional text, and other internationalization issues. | BSD-3-Clause | Pub | https://pub.dartlang.org/packages/intl | intl | |||
23 | like_button | 2.0.5 | Like Button is a flutter library that allows you to create a button with animation effects similar to Twitter's heart when you like something. | MIT | Pub | https://github.com/fluttercandies/like_button | like_button | |||
24 | mobile_scanner | 4.0.1 | A universal barcode and QR code scanner for Flutter based on MLKit. Uses CameraX on Android, AVFoundation on iOS and Apple Vision & AVFoundation on macOS. | BSD-3-Clause | Pub | https://pub.dartlang.org/packages/mobile_scanner | mobile_scanner | |||
25 | package_info_plus | 8.0.2 | Flutter plugin for querying information about the application package, such as CFBundleVersion on iOS or versionCode on Android. | BSD-3-Clause | Pub | https://github.com/fluttercommunity/plus_plugins | package_info_plus | |||
26 | pin_code_fields | 8.0.1 | A flutter package which will help you to generate pin code fields. Can be useful for OTP for example. | MIT | Pub | https://github.com/adar2378 | pin_code_fields | |||
27 | qr.flutter | d5e7206396105d643113618290bbcc755d05f492 | freeman.luke@gmail.com, lukef@users.noreply.github.com, charles@cretezy.com, romko.ua@gmail.com, tadej@ncode.si, pedromassango.developer@gmail.com, kelegorm@users.noreply.github.com, ankur.jain@nsitonline.in, nils@sharezone.net, lukepighetti@gmail.com, jonas.zebari@kumanu.com, alexanderkind1996@gmail.com, ivan@semkin.ru, 67633406+alexanderkind@users.noreply.github.com, mtemnohud@gmail.com, me@lukef.me | BSD-3-Clause | Git | https://github.com/theyakka/qr.flutter | https://github.com/theyakka/qr.flutter.git | |||
28 | rename | 3.0.2 | Helps you to change or rename your flutter project BundleId and AppName for Ios, Android, MacOS and Linux platforms | MIT | Pub | https://github.com/onatcipli/rename.git | rename | |||
29 | simple_chips_input | 1.2.0 | Flutter package containing 2 libraries for creating chips (as in Gmail app) and selecting chips. | MIT | Pub | https://simplechipsinput.vercel.app | simple_chips_input | |||
30 | string_similarity | 2.1.1 | Finds degree of similarity between two strings, based on Dice's Coefficient, which is mostly better than Levenshtein distance. | MIT | Pub | https://github.com/jeremylandon/string-similarity | string_similarity | |||
31 | textfield_tags | 3.0.1 | A text field that allows an input of tags inside the textfield | MIT | Pub | https://github.com/eyoeldefare/textfield_tags | textfield_tags | |||
32 | tflite_flutter | 0.10.4 | TensorFlow Lite Flutter plugin provides an easy, flexible, and fast Dart API to integrate TFLite models in flutter apps across mobile and desktop platforms. | Apache-2.0 | BSD-3-Clause | Pub | https://github.com/tensorflow/flutter-tflite | tflite_flutter | ||
33 | tflite_flutter_helper_plus | 0.0.2 | Easy, fast processing and manipulation input and output of TensorFlow Lite Models. | Apache-2.0 | Pub | https://www.github.com/am15h/tflite_flutter_helper | tflite_flutter_helper_plus | |||
34 | url_launcher | 6.3.0 | Flutter plugin for launching a URL. Supports web, phone, SMS, and email schemes. | BSD-3-Clause | Pub | https://pub.dartlang.org/packages/url_launcher | url_launcher | |||
35 | FlutterMacOS | 3.16.0 | flutter-dev@googlegroups.com | Flutter is Google's UI toolkit for building beautiful, fast apps for mobile, web, desktop, and embedded devices from a single codebase. This pod vends the macOS release mode Flutter engine framework. It is compatible with application frameworks created with this version of the engine and tools. | BSD-3-Clause | CocoaPods | https://flutter.dev/ | path_provider_foundation > FlutterMacOS | ||
36 | GoogleDataTransport | 9.4.1 | Shared library for iOS SDK data transport needs. | Apache-2.0 | CocoaPods | https://developers.google.com/ | mobile_scanner > GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning > MLKitBarcodeScanning > MLKitVision > MLKitCommon > GoogleDataTransport,mobile_scanner > GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning > MLKitBarcodeScanning > MLKitCommon > GoogleDataTransport,mobile_scanner > GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning > GoogleMLKit/MLKitCore > MLKitCommon > GoogleDataTransport | |||
37 | GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning | 4.0.0 | On-device machine learning APIs. | CocoaPods | https://developers.google.com/ml-kit/guides | mobile_scanner > GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning | ||||
38 | GoogleMLKit/MLKitCore | 4.0.0 | On-device machine learning APIs. | Apache-2.0; BSD-1-Clause; BSD-2-Clause; bsd-2-clause-views; BSD-3-Clause; bsd-3-clause-open-mpi; BSD-4-Clause-UC; BSL-1.0; bzip2-1.0.6; CC-BY-2.5; CPOL-1.02; GPL-2.0-only; HPND; HPND-sell-variant; ICU; IJG; ISC; Libpng; libtiff; MIT; mit-veillard-variant; MPL-2.0; naist-2003; NCSA; open-group; OpenSSL; openssl-ssleay; proprietary-license; Protobuf; public-domain; Spencer-94; Unicode-DFS-2015; Unicode-DFS-2016; X11; x11-opengroup; xfree86-1.0; Zlib | CocoaPods | https://developers.google.com/ml-kit/guides | mobile_scanner > GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning > GoogleMLKit/MLKitCore | |||
39 | GoogleToolboxForMac/DebugUtils | 2.3.2 | A collection of source from different Google projects that may be of use to developers working on iOS or OS X projects. | Apache-2.0 | CocoaPods | https://github.com/google/google-toolbox-for-mac | mobile_scanner > GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning > MLKitBarcodeScanning > MLKitVision > MLKitCommon > GoogleToolboxForMac/NSDictionary+URLArguments > GoogleToolboxForMac/DebugUtils,mobile_scanner > GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning > MLKitBarcodeScanning > MLKitCommon > GoogleToolboxForMac/NSDictionary+URLArguments > GoogleToolboxForMac/DebugUtils,mobile_scanner > GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning > GoogleMLKit/MLKitCore > MLKitCommon > GoogleToolboxForMac/NSDictionary+URLArguments > GoogleToolboxForMac/DebugUtils | |||
40 | GoogleToolboxForMac/Defines | 2.3.2 | A collection of source from different Google projects that may be of use to developers working on iOS or OS X projects. | Apache-2.0 | CocoaPods | https://github.com/google/google-toolbox-for-mac | mobile_scanner > GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning > MLKitBarcodeScanning > MLKitVision > MLKitCommon > GoogleToolboxForMac/NSDictionary+URLArguments > GoogleToolboxForMac/Defines,mobile_scanner > GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning > MLKitBarcodeScanning > MLKitCommon > GoogleToolboxForMac/NSDictionary+URLArguments > GoogleToolboxForMac/Defines,mobile_scanner > GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning > GoogleMLKit/MLKitCore > MLKitCommon > GoogleToolboxForMac/NSDictionary+URLArguments > GoogleToolboxForMac/Defines,mobile_scanner > GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning > MLKitBarcodeScanning > MLKitVision > GoogleToolboxForMac/NSData+zlib > GoogleToolboxForMac/Defines,mobile_scanner > GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning > MLKitBarcodeScanning > MLKitVision > MLKitCommon > GoogleToolboxForMac/NSData+zlib > GoogleToolboxForMac/Defines,mobile_scanner > GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning > MLKitBarcodeScanning > MLKitCommon > GoogleToolboxForMac/NSData+zlib > GoogleToolboxForMac/Defines,mobile_scanner > GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning > GoogleMLKit/MLKitCore > MLKitCommon > GoogleToolboxForMac/NSData+zlib > GoogleToolboxForMac/Defines,mobile_scanner > GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning > MLKitBarcodeScanning > MLKitVision > GoogleToolboxForMac/Logger > GoogleToolboxForMac/Defines,mobile_scanner > GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning > GoogleMLKit/MLKitCore > MLKitCommon > GoogleToolboxForMac/Logger > GoogleToolboxForMac/Defines,mobile_scanner > GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning > GoogleMLKit/MLKitCore > MLKitCommon > GoogleToolboxForMac/NSDictionary+URLArguments > GoogleToolboxForMac/DebugUtils > GoogleToolboxForMac/Defines | |||
41 | GoogleToolboxForMac/Logger | 2.3.2 | A collection of source from different Google projects that may be of use to developers working on iOS or OS X projects. | Apache-2.0 | CocoaPods | https://github.com/google/google-toolbox-for-mac | mobile_scanner > GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning > MLKitBarcodeScanning > MLKitVision > GoogleToolboxForMac/Logger,mobile_scanner > GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning > MLKitBarcodeScanning > MLKitVision > MLKitCommon > GoogleToolboxForMac/Logger,mobile_scanner > GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning > MLKitBarcodeScanning > MLKitCommon > GoogleToolboxForMac/Logger,mobile_scanner > GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning > GoogleMLKit/MLKitCore > MLKitCommon > GoogleToolboxForMac/Logger | |||
42 | GoogleToolboxForMac/NSData+zlib | 2.3.2 | A collection of source from different Google projects that may be of use to developers working on iOS or OS X projects. | Apache-2.0 | CocoaPods | https://github.com/google/google-toolbox-for-mac | mobile_scanner > GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning > MLKitBarcodeScanning > MLKitVision > GoogleToolboxForMac/NSData+zlib,mobile_scanner > GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning > MLKitBarcodeScanning > MLKitVision > MLKitCommon > GoogleToolboxForMac/NSData+zlib,mobile_scanner > GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning > MLKitBarcodeScanning > MLKitCommon > GoogleToolboxForMac/NSData+zlib,mobile_scanner > GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning > GoogleMLKit/MLKitCore > MLKitCommon > GoogleToolboxForMac/NSData+zlib | |||
43 | GoogleToolboxForMac/NSDictionary+URLArguments | 2.3.2 | A collection of source from different Google projects that may be of use to developers working on iOS or OS X projects. | Apache-2.0 | CocoaPods | https://github.com/google/google-toolbox-for-mac | mobile_scanner > GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning > MLKitBarcodeScanning > MLKitVision > MLKitCommon > GoogleToolboxForMac/NSDictionary+URLArguments,mobile_scanner > GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning > MLKitBarcodeScanning > MLKitCommon > GoogleToolboxForMac/NSDictionary+URLArguments,mobile_scanner > GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning > GoogleMLKit/MLKitCore > MLKitCommon > GoogleToolboxForMac/NSDictionary+URLArguments | |||
44 | GoogleToolboxForMac/NSString+URLArguments | 2.3.2 | A collection of source from different Google projects that may be of use to developers working on iOS or OS X projects. | Apache-2.0 | CocoaPods | https://github.com/google/google-toolbox-for-mac | mobile_scanner > GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning > MLKitBarcodeScanning > MLKitVision > MLKitCommon > GoogleToolboxForMac/NSDictionary+URLArguments > GoogleToolboxForMac/NSString+URLArguments,mobile_scanner > GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning > MLKitBarcodeScanning > MLKitCommon > GoogleToolboxForMac/NSDictionary+URLArguments > GoogleToolboxForMac/NSString+URLArguments,mobile_scanner > GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning > GoogleMLKit/MLKitCore > MLKitCommon > GoogleToolboxForMac/NSDictionary+URLArguments > GoogleToolboxForMac/NSString+URLArguments | |||
45 | GoogleUtilitiesComponents | 1.1.0 | An internal Google utility that is a dependency injection system for libraries to depend on other libraries in a type safe and potentially weak manner. Not intended for direct public usage. | Apache-2.0 | CocoaPods | https://developers.google.com/ | mobile_scanner > GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning > MLKitBarcodeScanning > MLKitVision > MLKitCommon > GoogleUtilitiesComponents,mobile_scanner > GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning > MLKitBarcodeScanning > MLKitCommon > GoogleUtilitiesComponents,mobile_scanner > GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning > GoogleMLKit/MLKitCore > MLKitCommon > GoogleUtilitiesComponents | |||
46 | GoogleUtilities/Environment | 7.13.3 | Internal Google Utilities including Network, Reachability Environment, Logger and Swizzling for other Google CocoaPods. They're not intended for direct public usage. | Apache-2.0; MIT | CocoaPods | https://github.com/google/GoogleUtilities | GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning > MLKitBarcodeScanning > MLKitVision > MLKitCommon > GoogleUtilitiesComponents > GoogleUtilities/Logger > GoogleUtilities/Environment,mobile_scanner > GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning > MLKitBarcodeScanning > MLKitCommon > GoogleUtilitiesComponents > GoogleUtilities/Logger > GoogleUtilities/Environment,mobile_scanner > GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning > GoogleMLKit/MLKitCore > MLKitCommon > GoogleUtilitiesComponents > GoogleUtilities/Logger > GoogleUtilities/Environment,GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning > MLKitBarcodeScanning > MLKitVision > MLKitCommon > GoogleUtilities/UserDefaults > GoogleUtilities/Logger > GoogleUtilities/Environment,mobile_scanner > GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning > MLKitBarcodeScanning > MLKitCommon > GoogleUtilities/UserDefaults > GoogleUtilities/Logger > GoogleUtilities/Environment,mobile_scanner > GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning > GoogleMLKit/MLKitCore > MLKitCommon > GoogleUtilities/UserDefaults > GoogleUtilities/Logger > GoogleUtilities/Environment,mobile_scanner > GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning > MLKitBarcodeScanning > MLKitVision > MLKitCommon > GoogleDataTransport > GoogleUtilities/Environment,mobile_scanner > GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning > MLKitBarcodeScanning > MLKitCommon > GoogleDataTransport > GoogleUtilities/Environment,mobile_scanner > GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning > GoogleMLKit/MLKitCore > MLKitCommon > GoogleDataTransport > GoogleUtilities/Environment | |||
47 | GoogleUtilities/Logger | 7.13.3 | Internal Google Utilities including Network, Reachability Environment, Logger and Swizzling for other Google CocoaPods. They're not intended for direct public usage. | Apache-2.0; MIT | CocoaPods | https://github.com/google/GoogleUtilities | mobile_scanner > GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning > MLKitBarcodeScanning > MLKitVision > MLKitCommon > GoogleUtilitiesComponents > GoogleUtilities/Logger,mobile_scanner > GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning > MLKitBarcodeScanning > MLKitCommon > GoogleUtilitiesComponents > GoogleUtilities/Logger,mobile_scanner > GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning > GoogleMLKit/MLKitCore > MLKitCommon > GoogleUtilitiesComponents > GoogleUtilities/Logger,mobile_scanner > GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning > MLKitBarcodeScanning > MLKitVision > MLKitCommon > GoogleUtilities/UserDefaults > GoogleUtilities/Logger,mobile_scanner > GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning > MLKitBarcodeScanning > MLKitCommon > GoogleUtilities/UserDefaults > GoogleUtilities/Logger,mobile_scanner > GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning > GoogleMLKit/MLKitCore > MLKitCommon > GoogleUtilities/UserDefaults > GoogleUtilities/Logger | |||
48 | GoogleUtilities/Privacy | 7.13.3 | Internal Google Utilities including Network, Reachability Environment, Logger and Swizzling for other Google CocoaPods. They're not intended for direct public usage. | Apache-2.0; MIT | CocoaPods | https://github.com/google/GoogleUtilities | mobile_scanner > GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning > MLKitBarcodeScanning > MLKitVision > MLKitCommon > GoogleUtilities/UserDefaults > GoogleUtilities/Privacy,mobile_scanner > GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning > MLKitBarcodeScanning > MLKitCommon > GoogleUtilities/UserDefaults > GoogleUtilities/Privacy,mobile_scanner > GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning > GoogleMLKit/MLKitCore > MLKitCommon > GoogleUtilities/UserDefaults > GoogleUtilities/Privacy,GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning > MLKitBarcodeScanning > MLKitVision > MLKitCommon > GoogleUtilitiesComponents > GoogleUtilities/Logger > GoogleUtilities/Privacy,mobile_scanner > GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning > MLKitBarcodeScanning > MLKitCommon > GoogleUtilitiesComponents > GoogleUtilities/Logger > GoogleUtilities/Privacy,mobile_scanner > GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning > GoogleMLKit/MLKitCore > MLKitCommon > GoogleUtilitiesComponents > GoogleUtilities/Logger > GoogleUtilities/Privacy,GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning > MLKitBarcodeScanning > MLKitVision > MLKitCommon > GoogleUtilities/UserDefaults > GoogleUtilities/Logger > GoogleUtilities/Privacy,mobile_scanner > GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning > MLKitBarcodeScanning > MLKitCommon > GoogleUtilities/UserDefaults > GoogleUtilities/Logger > GoogleUtilities/Privacy,mobile_scanner > GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning > GoogleMLKit/MLKitCore > MLKitCommon > GoogleUtilities/UserDefaults > GoogleUtilities/Logger > GoogleUtilities/Privacy,mobile_scanner > GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning > GoogleMLKit/MLKitCore > MLKitCommon > GoogleDataTransport > GoogleUtilities/Environment > GoogleUtilities/Privacy | |||
49 | GoogleUtilities/UserDefaults | 7.13.3 | Internal Google Utilities including Network, Reachability Environment, Logger and Swizzling for other Google CocoaPods. They're not intended for direct public usage. | Apache-2.0; MIT | CocoaPods | https://github.com/google/GoogleUtilities | mobile_scanner > GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning > MLKitBarcodeScanning > MLKitVision > MLKitCommon > GoogleUtilities/UserDefaults,mobile_scanner > GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning > MLKitBarcodeScanning > MLKitCommon > GoogleUtilities/UserDefaults,mobile_scanner > GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning > GoogleMLKit/MLKitCore > MLKitCommon > GoogleUtilities/UserDefaults | |||
50 | GTMSessionFetcher/Core | 2.3.0 | GTMSessionFetcher makes it easy for Cocoa applications to perform http operations. The fetcher is implemented as a wrapper on NSURLSession, so its behavior is asynchronous and uses operating-system settings. | Apache-2.0 | CocoaPods | https://github.com/google/gtm-session-fetcher | mobile_scanner > GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning > MLKitBarcodeScanning > MLKitVision > GTMSessionFetcher/Core,mobile_scanner > GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning > MLKitBarcodeScanning > MLKitVision > MLKitCommon > GTMSessionFetcher/Core,mobile_scanner > GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning > MLKitBarcodeScanning > MLKitCommon > GTMSessionFetcher/Core,mobile_scanner > GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning > GoogleMLKit/MLKitCore > MLKitCommon > GTMSessionFetcher/Core | |||
51 | MLImage | 1.0.0-beta4 | This is a cocoapod containing MLImage, a lightweight iOS image library for various on-device machine learning frameworks. | Apache-2.0 | CocoaPods | https://developers.google.com/ml-kit/guides | mobile_scanner > GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning > MLKitBarcodeScanning > MLKitVision > MLImage | |||
52 | MLKitBarcodeScanning | 3.0.0 | This is the barcode scanning feature on iOS. ML Kit is a mobile SDK that brings Google's machine learning expertise to mobile devices in a powerful yet easy-to-use package. | Apache-2.0; BSD-1-Clause; BSD-2-Clause; bsd-2-clause-views; BSD-3-Clause; bsd-3-clause-open-mpi; BSD-4-Clause-UC; BSL-1.0; bzip2-1.0.6; CC-BY-2.5; CPOL-1.02; GPL-2.0-only; HPND; HPND-sell-variant; ICU; IJG; ISC; Libpng; libtiff; MIT; mit-veillard-variant; MPL-2.0; naist-2003; NCSA; open-group; OpenSSL; openssl-ssleay; proprietary-license; Protobuf; public-domain; Spencer-94; Unicode-DFS-2015; Unicode-DFS-2016; X11; x11-opengroup; xfree86-1.0; Zlib | CocoaPods | https://developers.google.com/ml-kit/guides | mobile_scanner > GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning > MLKitBarcodeScanning | |||
53 | MLKitCommon | 9.0.0 | This is a top level pod containing common elements for all the ML Kit pods, including APIs for managing models. | Apache-2.0; BSD-1-Clause; BSD-2-Clause; bsd-2-clause-views; BSD-3-Clause; bsd-3-clause-open-mpi; BSD-4-Clause-UC; BSL-1.0; bzip2-1.0.6; CC-BY-2.5; CPOL-1.02; GPL-2.0-only; HPND; HPND-sell-variant; ICU; IJG; ISC; Libpng; libtiff; MIT; mit-veillard-variant; MPL-2.0; naist-2003; NCSA; open-group; OpenSSL; openssl-ssleay; proprietary-license; Protobuf; public-domain; Spencer-94; Unicode-DFS-2015; Unicode-DFS-2016; X11; x11-opengroup; xfree86-1.0; Zlib | CocoaPods | https://developers.google.com/ml-kit/guides | mobile_scanner > GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning > MLKitBarcodeScanning > MLKitVision > MLKitCommon,mobile_scanner > GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning > MLKitBarcodeScanning > MLKitCommon,mobile_scanner > GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning > GoogleMLKit/MLKitCore > MLKitCommon | |||
54 | MLKitVision | 5.0.0 | This is the top level pod for ML Kit for vision based features on iOS. ML Kit is a mobile SDK that brings Google's machine learning expertise to mobile devices in a powerful yet easy-to-use package. | Apache-2.0; BSD-1-Clause; BSD-2-Clause; bsd-2-clause-views; BSD-3-Clause; bsd-3-clause-open-mpi; BSD-4-Clause-UC; BSL-1.0; bzip2-1.0.6; CC-BY-2.5; CPOL-1.02; GPL-2.0-only; HPND; HPND-sell-variant; ICU; IJG; ISC; Libpng; libtiff; MIT; mit-veillard-variant; MPL-2.0; naist-2003; NCSA; open-group; OpenSSL; openssl-ssleay; proprietary-license; Protobuf; public-domain; Spencer-94; Unicode-DFS-2015; Unicode-DFS-2016; X11; x11-opengroup; xfree86-1.0; Zlib | CocoaPods | https://developers.google.com/ml-kit/guides | mobile_scanner > GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning > MLKitBarcodeScanning > MLKitVision | |||
55 | nanopb | 2.30910.0 | jpa@nanopb.mail.kapsi.fi | Nanopb is a small code-size Protocol Buffers implementation in ansi C. It is especially suitable for use in microcontrollers, but fits any memory restricted system. | Zlib | CocoaPods | https://github.com/nanopb/nanopb | mobile_scanner > GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning > MLKitBarcodeScanning > MLKitVision > MLKitCommon > GoogleDataTransport > nanopb,mobile_scanner > GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning > MLKitBarcodeScanning > MLKitCommon > GoogleDataTransport > nanopb,mobile_scanner > GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning > GoogleMLKit/MLKitCore > MLKitCommon > GoogleDataTransport > nanopb | ||
56 | nanopb/decode | 2.30910.0 | jpa@nanopb.mail.kapsi.fi | Nanopb is a small code-size Protocol Buffers implementation in ansi C. It is especially suitable for use in microcontrollers, but fits any memory restricted system. | Zlib | CocoaPods | https://github.com/nanopb/nanopb | GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning > MLKitBarcodeScanning > MLKitVision > MLKitCommon > GoogleDataTransport > nanopb > nanopb/decode,mobile_scanner > GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning > MLKitBarcodeScanning > MLKitCommon > GoogleDataTransport > nanopb > nanopb/decode,mobile_scanner > GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning > GoogleMLKit/MLKitCore > MLKitCommon > GoogleDataTransport > nanopb > nanopb/decode | ||
57 | nanopb/encode | 2.30910.0 | jpa@nanopb.mail.kapsi.fi | Nanopb is a small code-size Protocol Buffers implementation in ansi C. It is especially suitable for use in microcontrollers, but fits any memory restricted system. | Zlib | CocoaPods | https://github.com/nanopb/nanopb | GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning > MLKitBarcodeScanning > MLKitVision > MLKitCommon > GoogleDataTransport > nanopb > nanopb/encode,mobile_scanner > GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning > MLKitBarcodeScanning > MLKitCommon > GoogleDataTransport > nanopb > nanopb/encode,mobile_scanner > GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning > GoogleMLKit/MLKitCore > MLKitCommon > GoogleDataTransport > nanopb > nanopb/encode | ||
58 | PromisesObjC | 2.4.0 | Promises is a modern framework that provides a synchronization construct for Objective-C to facilitate writing asynchronous code. | Apache-2.0 | CocoaPods | https://github.com/google/promises | MLKitBarcodeScanning > MLKitVision > MLKitCommon > GoogleUtilitiesComponents > GoogleUtilities/Logger > GoogleUtilities/Environment > PromisesObjC,GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning > MLKitBarcodeScanning > MLKitCommon > GoogleUtilitiesComponents > GoogleUtilities/Logger > GoogleUtilities/Environment > PromisesObjC,GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning > GoogleMLKit/MLKitCore > MLKitCommon > GoogleUtilitiesComponents > GoogleUtilities/Logger > GoogleUtilities/Environment > PromisesObjC,MLKitBarcodeScanning > MLKitVision > MLKitCommon > GoogleUtilities/UserDefaults > GoogleUtilities/Logger > GoogleUtilities/Environment > PromisesObjC,GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning > MLKitBarcodeScanning > MLKitCommon > GoogleUtilities/UserDefaults > GoogleUtilities/Logger > GoogleUtilities/Environment > PromisesObjC,GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning > GoogleMLKit/MLKitCore > MLKitCommon > GoogleUtilities/UserDefaults > GoogleUtilities/Logger > GoogleUtilities/Environment > PromisesObjC,GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning > MLKitBarcodeScanning > MLKitVision > MLKitCommon > GoogleDataTransport > GoogleUtilities/Environment > PromisesObjC,mobile_scanner > GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning > MLKitBarcodeScanning > MLKitCommon > GoogleDataTransport > GoogleUtilities/Environment > PromisesObjC,mobile_scanner > GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning > GoogleMLKit/MLKitCore > MLKitCommon > GoogleDataTransport > GoogleUtilities/Environment > PromisesObjC,mobile_scanner > GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning > GoogleMLKit/MLKitCore > MLKitCommon > GoogleDataTransport > PromisesObjC | |||
59 | ReachabilitySwift | 5.2.2 | ashleymills@mac.com | MIT | BSD-2-Clause | CocoaPods | https://github.com/ashleymills/Reachability.swift | connectivity_plus > ReachabilitySwift | ||
60 | TensorFlowLiteC | 2.12.0 | An internal-only pod containing the TensorFlow Lite C library that the public `TensorFlowLiteSwift` and `TensorFlowLiteObjC` pods depend on. This pod is not intended to be used directly. Swift developers should use the `TensorFlowLiteSwift` pod and Objective-C developers should use the `TensorFlowLiteObjC` pod. | Apache-2.0 | CocoaPods | https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow | tflite_flutter > TensorFlowLiteSwift/Metal > TensorFlowLiteSwift/Core > TensorFlowLiteC,tflite_flutter > TensorFlowLiteSwift/CoreML > TensorFlowLiteSwift/Core > TensorFlowLiteC,tflite_flutter > TensorFlowLiteSwift > TensorFlowLiteSwift/Core > TensorFlowLiteC | |||
61 | TensorFlowLiteC/Core | 2.12.0 | An internal-only pod containing the TensorFlow Lite C library that the public `TensorFlowLiteSwift` and `TensorFlowLiteObjC` pods depend on. This pod is not intended to be used directly. Swift developers should use the `TensorFlowLiteSwift` pod and Objective-C developers should use the `TensorFlowLiteObjC` pod. | Apache-2.0 | CocoaPods | https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow | tflite_flutter > TensorFlowLiteSwift/Metal > TensorFlowLiteC/Metal > TensorFlowLiteC/Core,tflite_flutter > TensorFlowLiteSwift/CoreML > TensorFlowLiteC/CoreML > TensorFlowLiteC/Core,tflite_flutter > TensorFlowLiteSwift/Metal > TensorFlowLiteSwift/Core > TensorFlowLiteC > TensorFlowLiteC/Core,tflite_flutter > TensorFlowLiteSwift/CoreML > TensorFlowLiteSwift/Core > TensorFlowLiteC > TensorFlowLiteC/Core,tflite_flutter > TensorFlowLiteSwift > TensorFlowLiteSwift/Core > TensorFlowLiteC > TensorFlowLiteC/Core | |||
62 | TensorFlowLiteC/CoreML | 2.12.0 | An internal-only pod containing the TensorFlow Lite C library that the public `TensorFlowLiteSwift` and `TensorFlowLiteObjC` pods depend on. This pod is not intended to be used directly. Swift developers should use the `TensorFlowLiteSwift` pod and Objective-C developers should use the `TensorFlowLiteObjC` pod. | Apache-2.0 | CocoaPods | https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow | tflite_flutter > TensorFlowLiteSwift/CoreML > TensorFlowLiteC/CoreML | |||
63 | TensorFlowLiteC/Metal | 2.12.0 | An internal-only pod containing the TensorFlow Lite C library that the public `TensorFlowLiteSwift` and `TensorFlowLiteObjC` pods depend on. This pod is not intended to be used directly. Swift developers should use the `TensorFlowLiteSwift` pod and Objective-C developers should use the `TensorFlowLiteObjC` pod. | Apache-2.0 | CocoaPods | https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow | tflite_flutter > TensorFlowLiteSwift/Metal > TensorFlowLiteC/Metal | |||
64 | TensorFlowLiteSwift | 2.12.0 | TensorFlow Lite is TensorFlow's lightweight solution for Swift developers. It enables low-latency inference of on-device machine learning models with a small binary size and fast performance supporting hardware acceleration. | Apache-2.0; BSD-2-Clause | CocoaPods | https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow | tflite_flutter > TensorFlowLiteSwift | |||
65 | TensorFlowLiteSwift/Core | 2.12.0 | TensorFlow Lite is TensorFlow's lightweight solution for Swift developers. It enables low-latency inference of on-device machine learning models with a small binary size and fast performance supporting hardware acceleration. | Apache-2.0; BSD-2-Clause | CocoaPods | https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow | tflite_flutter > TensorFlowLiteSwift/Metal > TensorFlowLiteSwift/Core,tflite_flutter > TensorFlowLiteSwift/CoreML > TensorFlowLiteSwift/Core,tflite_flutter > TensorFlowLiteSwift > TensorFlowLiteSwift/Core | |||
66 | TensorFlowLiteSwift/CoreML | 2.12.0 | TensorFlow Lite is TensorFlow's lightweight solution for Swift developers. It enables low-latency inference of on-device machine learning models with a small binary size and fast performance supporting hardware acceleration. | Apache-2.0; BSD-2-Clause | CocoaPods | https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow | tflite_flutter > TensorFlowLiteSwift/CoreML | |||
67 | TensorFlowLiteSwift/Metal | 2.12.0 | TensorFlow Lite is TensorFlow's lightweight solution for Swift developers. It enables low-latency inference of on-device machine learning models with a small binary size and fast performance supporting hardware acceleration. | Apache-2.0; BSD-2-Clause | CocoaPods | https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow | tflite_flutter > TensorFlowLiteSwift/Metal | |||
68 | Toast | 4.1.1 | scalessec@gmail.com | MIT | CocoaPods | https://github.com/scalessec/Toast | fluttertoast > Toast |