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bdacbc2 · Mar 4, 2025


116 lines (116 loc) · 31.8 KB


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116 lines (116 loc) · 31.8 KB
Package TitleVersionAuthorsDescriptionDeclared LicenseDiscovered License(s)Package ManagerPackage HomepageDependency Path(s)Issue Resolution Notes
animated_bottom_navigation_bar1.3.3Animated Bottom Navigation Bar Widget implementation inspired by
animated_notch_bottom_bar1.0.3This package helps you to achieve animated notch bottom navigation bar with any widget as children.MITPub
auto_size_text3.0.0Flutter widget that automatically resizes text to fit perfectly within its bounds.MITPub
change_app_package_name1.3.0Change App Package Name with single command. Update AndroidManifest, build.gradle, MainActivity files & move MainActivity file to new directory structure automatically.MITPub
connectivity_plus5.0.2Flutter plugin for discovering the state of the network (WiFi & mobile/cellular) connectivity on Android and iOS.BSD-3-ClausePub
cupertino_icons1.0.8Default icons asset for Cupertino widgets based on Apple styled iconsMITBSD-3-ClausePub
Flutter1.0.0flutter-dev@googlegroups.comFlutter is Google's UI toolkit for building beautiful, fast apps for mobile, web, desktop, and embedded devices from a single codebase. This pod vends the iOS Release mode Flutter engine framework. It is compatible with application frameworks created with this version of the engine and tools.BSD-2-ClauseBSD-3-ClauseCocoaPodshttps://flutter.devtflite_flutter_helper_plus > Flutter,tflite_flutter > Flutter,path_provider_foundation > Flutter,package_info_plus > Flutter,mobile_scanner > Flutter,image_picker_ios > Flutter,fluttertoast > Flutter,connectivity_plus > Flutter,camera_avfoundation > Flutter,Flutter
flutter_lints3.0.2Recommended lints for Flutter apps, packages, and plugins to encourage good coding practices.BSD-3-ClausePub
flutter_speed_dial7.0.0Flutter plugin to implement a beautiful and dynamic Material Design Speed Dial with labels, animated icons, multi-directional children and much more.MITPub
flutter_svg2.0.10+1An SVG rendering and widget library for Flutter, which allows painting and displaying Scalable Vector Graphics 1.1 files.MITPub
fluttertoast8.2.8Toast Library for Flutter, Easily create toast messages in single line of codeMITPub
get4.6.6Open screens/snackbars/dialogs without context, manage states and inject dependencies easily with GetX.MITBSD-3-ClausePub
get_storage2.1.1A fast, extra light and synchronous key-value storage written entirely in DartMITBSD-3-ClausePub
google_fonts6.2.1A Flutter package to use fonts from Supports HTTP fetching, caching, and asset bundling.Apache-2.0BSD-3-ClausePub
google_generative_ai0.4.6The Google AI Dart SDK enables developers to use Google's state-of-the-art generative AI models (like Gemini).Apache-2.0Pub
hive2.2.3Lightweight and blazing fast key-value database written in pure Dart. Strongly encrypted using AES-256.Apache-2.0Pub
hive_flutter1.1.0Extension for Hive. Makes it easier to use Hive in Flutter apps.Apache-2.0Pub
http1.2.2A composable, multi-platform, Future-based API for HTTP requests.BSD-3-ClausePub
iconsax0.0.8Iconsax for flutter (1000+ icons 6 diferent styles, total 6000+ icons).GPL-3.0-onlyPub
image_picker1.1.2Flutter plugin for selecting images from the Android and iOS image library, and taking new pictures with the camera.Apache-2.0BSD-3-ClausePub
intl0.18.1Contains code to deal with internationalized/localized messages, date and number formatting and parsing, bi-directional text, and other internationalization issues.BSD-3-ClausePub
like_button2.0.5Like Button is a flutter library that allows you to create a button with animation effects similar to Twitter's heart when you like something.MITPub
mobile_scanner4.0.1A universal barcode and QR code scanner for Flutter based on MLKit. Uses CameraX on Android, AVFoundation on iOS and Apple Vision & AVFoundation on macOS.BSD-3-ClausePub
package_info_plus8.0.2Flutter plugin for querying information about the application package, such as CFBundleVersion on iOS or versionCode on Android.BSD-3-ClausePub
pin_code_fields8.0.1A flutter package which will help you to generate pin code fields. Can be useful for OTP for example.MITPub
27,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, me@lukef.meBSD-3-ClauseGit
rename3.0.2Helps you to change or rename your flutter project BundleId and AppName for Ios, Android, MacOS and Linux platformsMITPub
simple_chips_input1.2.0Flutter package containing 2 libraries for creating chips (as in Gmail app) and selecting chips.MITPubhttps://simplechipsinput.vercel.appsimple_chips_input
string_similarity2.1.1Finds degree of similarity between two strings, based on Dice's Coefficient, which is mostly better than Levenshtein distance.MITPub
textfield_tags3.0.1A text field that allows an input of tags inside the textfieldMITPub
tflite_flutter0.10.4TensorFlow Lite Flutter plugin provides an easy, flexible, and fast Dart API to integrate TFLite models in flutter apps across mobile and desktop platforms.Apache-2.0BSD-3-ClausePub
tflite_flutter_helper_plus0.0.2Easy, fast processing and manipulation input and output of TensorFlow Lite Models.Apache-2.0Pub
url_launcher6.3.0Flutter plugin for launching a URL. Supports web, phone, SMS, and email schemes.BSD-3-ClausePub
FlutterMacOS3.16.0flutter-dev@googlegroups.comFlutter is Google's UI toolkit for building beautiful, fast apps for mobile, web, desktop, and embedded devices from a single codebase. This pod vends the macOS release mode Flutter engine framework. It is compatible with application frameworks created with this version of the engine and tools.BSD-3-ClauseCocoaPods > FlutterMacOS
GoogleDataTransport9.4.1Shared library for iOS SDK data transport needs.Apache-2.0CocoaPods > GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning > MLKitBarcodeScanning > MLKitVision > MLKitCommon > GoogleDataTransport,mobile_scanner > GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning > MLKitBarcodeScanning > MLKitCommon > GoogleDataTransport,mobile_scanner > GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning > GoogleMLKit/MLKitCore > MLKitCommon > GoogleDataTransport
GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning4.0.0On-device machine learning APIs.CocoaPods > GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning
GoogleMLKit/MLKitCore4.0.0On-device machine learning APIs.Apache-2.0; BSD-1-Clause; BSD-2-Clause; bsd-2-clause-views; BSD-3-Clause; bsd-3-clause-open-mpi; BSD-4-Clause-UC; BSL-1.0; bzip2-1.0.6; CC-BY-2.5; CPOL-1.02; GPL-2.0-only; HPND; HPND-sell-variant; ICU; IJG; ISC; Libpng; libtiff; MIT; mit-veillard-variant; MPL-2.0; naist-2003; NCSA; open-group; OpenSSL; openssl-ssleay; proprietary-license; Protobuf; public-domain; Spencer-94; Unicode-DFS-2015; Unicode-DFS-2016; X11; x11-opengroup; xfree86-1.0; ZlibCocoaPods > GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning > GoogleMLKit/MLKitCore
GoogleToolboxForMac/DebugUtils2.3.2A collection of source from different Google projects that may be of use to developers working on iOS or OS X projects.Apache-2.0CocoaPods > GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning > MLKitBarcodeScanning > MLKitVision > MLKitCommon > GoogleToolboxForMac/NSDictionary+URLArguments > GoogleToolboxForMac/DebugUtils,mobile_scanner > GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning > MLKitBarcodeScanning > MLKitCommon > GoogleToolboxForMac/NSDictionary+URLArguments > GoogleToolboxForMac/DebugUtils,mobile_scanner > GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning > GoogleMLKit/MLKitCore > MLKitCommon > GoogleToolboxForMac/NSDictionary+URLArguments > GoogleToolboxForMac/DebugUtils
GoogleToolboxForMac/Defines2.3.2A collection of source from different Google projects that may be of use to developers working on iOS or OS X projects.Apache-2.0CocoaPods > GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning > MLKitBarcodeScanning > MLKitVision > MLKitCommon > GoogleToolboxForMac/NSDictionary+URLArguments > GoogleToolboxForMac/Defines,mobile_scanner > GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning > MLKitBarcodeScanning > MLKitCommon > GoogleToolboxForMac/NSDictionary+URLArguments > GoogleToolboxForMac/Defines,mobile_scanner > GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning > GoogleMLKit/MLKitCore > MLKitCommon > GoogleToolboxForMac/NSDictionary+URLArguments > GoogleToolboxForMac/Defines,mobile_scanner > GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning > MLKitBarcodeScanning > MLKitVision > GoogleToolboxForMac/NSData+zlib > GoogleToolboxForMac/Defines,mobile_scanner > GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning > MLKitBarcodeScanning > MLKitVision > MLKitCommon > GoogleToolboxForMac/NSData+zlib > GoogleToolboxForMac/Defines,mobile_scanner > GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning > MLKitBarcodeScanning > MLKitCommon > GoogleToolboxForMac/NSData+zlib > GoogleToolboxForMac/Defines,mobile_scanner > GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning > GoogleMLKit/MLKitCore > MLKitCommon > GoogleToolboxForMac/NSData+zlib > GoogleToolboxForMac/Defines,mobile_scanner > GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning > MLKitBarcodeScanning > MLKitVision > GoogleToolboxForMac/Logger > GoogleToolboxForMac/Defines,mobile_scanner > GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning > GoogleMLKit/MLKitCore > MLKitCommon > GoogleToolboxForMac/Logger > GoogleToolboxForMac/Defines,mobile_scanner > GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning > GoogleMLKit/MLKitCore > MLKitCommon > GoogleToolboxForMac/NSDictionary+URLArguments > GoogleToolboxForMac/DebugUtils > GoogleToolboxForMac/Defines
GoogleToolboxForMac/Logger2.3.2A collection of source from different Google projects that may be of use to developers working on iOS or OS X projects.Apache-2.0CocoaPods > GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning > MLKitBarcodeScanning > MLKitVision > GoogleToolboxForMac/Logger,mobile_scanner > GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning > MLKitBarcodeScanning > MLKitVision > MLKitCommon > GoogleToolboxForMac/Logger,mobile_scanner > GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning > MLKitBarcodeScanning > MLKitCommon > GoogleToolboxForMac/Logger,mobile_scanner > GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning > GoogleMLKit/MLKitCore > MLKitCommon > GoogleToolboxForMac/Logger
GoogleToolboxForMac/NSData+zlib2.3.2A collection of source from different Google projects that may be of use to developers working on iOS or OS X projects.Apache-2.0CocoaPods > GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning > MLKitBarcodeScanning > MLKitVision > GoogleToolboxForMac/NSData+zlib,mobile_scanner > GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning > MLKitBarcodeScanning > MLKitVision > MLKitCommon > GoogleToolboxForMac/NSData+zlib,mobile_scanner > GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning > MLKitBarcodeScanning > MLKitCommon > GoogleToolboxForMac/NSData+zlib,mobile_scanner > GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning > GoogleMLKit/MLKitCore > MLKitCommon > GoogleToolboxForMac/NSData+zlib
GoogleToolboxForMac/NSDictionary+URLArguments2.3.2A collection of source from different Google projects that may be of use to developers working on iOS or OS X projects.Apache-2.0CocoaPods > GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning > MLKitBarcodeScanning > MLKitVision > MLKitCommon > GoogleToolboxForMac/NSDictionary+URLArguments,mobile_scanner > GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning > MLKitBarcodeScanning > MLKitCommon > GoogleToolboxForMac/NSDictionary+URLArguments,mobile_scanner > GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning > GoogleMLKit/MLKitCore > MLKitCommon > GoogleToolboxForMac/NSDictionary+URLArguments
GoogleToolboxForMac/NSString+URLArguments2.3.2A collection of source from different Google projects that may be of use to developers working on iOS or OS X projects.Apache-2.0CocoaPods > GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning > MLKitBarcodeScanning > MLKitVision > MLKitCommon > GoogleToolboxForMac/NSDictionary+URLArguments > GoogleToolboxForMac/NSString+URLArguments,mobile_scanner > GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning > MLKitBarcodeScanning > MLKitCommon > GoogleToolboxForMac/NSDictionary+URLArguments > GoogleToolboxForMac/NSString+URLArguments,mobile_scanner > GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning > GoogleMLKit/MLKitCore > MLKitCommon > GoogleToolboxForMac/NSDictionary+URLArguments > GoogleToolboxForMac/NSString+URLArguments
GoogleUtilitiesComponents1.1.0An internal Google utility that is a dependency injection system for libraries to depend on other libraries in a type safe and potentially weak manner. Not intended for direct public usage.Apache-2.0CocoaPods > GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning > MLKitBarcodeScanning > MLKitVision > MLKitCommon > GoogleUtilitiesComponents,mobile_scanner > GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning > MLKitBarcodeScanning > MLKitCommon > GoogleUtilitiesComponents,mobile_scanner > GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning > GoogleMLKit/MLKitCore > MLKitCommon > GoogleUtilitiesComponents
GoogleUtilities/Environment7.13.3Internal Google Utilities including Network, Reachability Environment, Logger and Swizzling for other Google CocoaPods. They're not intended for direct public usage.Apache-2.0; MITCocoaPods > MLKitBarcodeScanning > MLKitVision > MLKitCommon > GoogleUtilitiesComponents > GoogleUtilities/Logger > GoogleUtilities/Environment,mobile_scanner > GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning > MLKitBarcodeScanning > MLKitCommon > GoogleUtilitiesComponents > GoogleUtilities/Logger > GoogleUtilities/Environment,mobile_scanner > GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning > GoogleMLKit/MLKitCore > MLKitCommon > GoogleUtilitiesComponents > GoogleUtilities/Logger > GoogleUtilities/Environment,GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning > MLKitBarcodeScanning > MLKitVision > MLKitCommon > GoogleUtilities/UserDefaults > GoogleUtilities/Logger > GoogleUtilities/Environment,mobile_scanner > GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning > MLKitBarcodeScanning > MLKitCommon > GoogleUtilities/UserDefaults > GoogleUtilities/Logger > GoogleUtilities/Environment,mobile_scanner > GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning > GoogleMLKit/MLKitCore > MLKitCommon > GoogleUtilities/UserDefaults > GoogleUtilities/Logger > GoogleUtilities/Environment,mobile_scanner > GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning > MLKitBarcodeScanning > MLKitVision > MLKitCommon > GoogleDataTransport > GoogleUtilities/Environment,mobile_scanner > GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning > MLKitBarcodeScanning > MLKitCommon > GoogleDataTransport > GoogleUtilities/Environment,mobile_scanner > GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning > GoogleMLKit/MLKitCore > MLKitCommon > GoogleDataTransport > GoogleUtilities/Environment
GoogleUtilities/Logger7.13.3Internal Google Utilities including Network, Reachability Environment, Logger and Swizzling for other Google CocoaPods. They're not intended for direct public usage.Apache-2.0; MITCocoaPods > GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning > MLKitBarcodeScanning > MLKitVision > MLKitCommon > GoogleUtilitiesComponents > GoogleUtilities/Logger,mobile_scanner > GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning > MLKitBarcodeScanning > MLKitCommon > GoogleUtilitiesComponents > GoogleUtilities/Logger,mobile_scanner > GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning > GoogleMLKit/MLKitCore > MLKitCommon > GoogleUtilitiesComponents > GoogleUtilities/Logger,mobile_scanner > GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning > MLKitBarcodeScanning > MLKitVision > MLKitCommon > GoogleUtilities/UserDefaults > GoogleUtilities/Logger,mobile_scanner > GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning > MLKitBarcodeScanning > MLKitCommon > GoogleUtilities/UserDefaults > GoogleUtilities/Logger,mobile_scanner > GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning > GoogleMLKit/MLKitCore > MLKitCommon > GoogleUtilities/UserDefaults > GoogleUtilities/Logger
GoogleUtilities/Privacy7.13.3Internal Google Utilities including Network, Reachability Environment, Logger and Swizzling for other Google CocoaPods. They're not intended for direct public usage.Apache-2.0; MITCocoaPods > GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning > MLKitBarcodeScanning > MLKitVision > MLKitCommon > GoogleUtilities/UserDefaults > GoogleUtilities/Privacy,mobile_scanner > GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning > MLKitBarcodeScanning > MLKitCommon > GoogleUtilities/UserDefaults > GoogleUtilities/Privacy,mobile_scanner > GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning > GoogleMLKit/MLKitCore > MLKitCommon > GoogleUtilities/UserDefaults > GoogleUtilities/Privacy,GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning > MLKitBarcodeScanning > MLKitVision > MLKitCommon > GoogleUtilitiesComponents > GoogleUtilities/Logger > GoogleUtilities/Privacy,mobile_scanner > GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning > MLKitBarcodeScanning > MLKitCommon > GoogleUtilitiesComponents > GoogleUtilities/Logger > GoogleUtilities/Privacy,mobile_scanner > GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning > GoogleMLKit/MLKitCore > MLKitCommon > GoogleUtilitiesComponents > GoogleUtilities/Logger > GoogleUtilities/Privacy,GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning > MLKitBarcodeScanning > MLKitVision > MLKitCommon > GoogleUtilities/UserDefaults > GoogleUtilities/Logger > GoogleUtilities/Privacy,mobile_scanner > GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning > MLKitBarcodeScanning > MLKitCommon > GoogleUtilities/UserDefaults > GoogleUtilities/Logger > GoogleUtilities/Privacy,mobile_scanner > GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning > GoogleMLKit/MLKitCore > MLKitCommon > GoogleUtilities/UserDefaults > GoogleUtilities/Logger > GoogleUtilities/Privacy,mobile_scanner > GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning > GoogleMLKit/MLKitCore > MLKitCommon > GoogleDataTransport > GoogleUtilities/Environment > GoogleUtilities/Privacy
GoogleUtilities/UserDefaults7.13.3Internal Google Utilities including Network, Reachability Environment, Logger and Swizzling for other Google CocoaPods. They're not intended for direct public usage.Apache-2.0; MITCocoaPods > GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning > MLKitBarcodeScanning > MLKitVision > MLKitCommon > GoogleUtilities/UserDefaults,mobile_scanner > GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning > MLKitBarcodeScanning > MLKitCommon > GoogleUtilities/UserDefaults,mobile_scanner > GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning > GoogleMLKit/MLKitCore > MLKitCommon > GoogleUtilities/UserDefaults
GTMSessionFetcher/Core2.3.0GTMSessionFetcher makes it easy for Cocoa applications to perform http operations. The fetcher is implemented as a wrapper on NSURLSession, so its behavior is asynchronous and uses operating-system settings.Apache-2.0CocoaPods > GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning > MLKitBarcodeScanning > MLKitVision > GTMSessionFetcher/Core,mobile_scanner > GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning > MLKitBarcodeScanning > MLKitVision > MLKitCommon > GTMSessionFetcher/Core,mobile_scanner > GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning > MLKitBarcodeScanning > MLKitCommon > GTMSessionFetcher/Core,mobile_scanner > GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning > GoogleMLKit/MLKitCore > MLKitCommon > GTMSessionFetcher/Core
MLImage1.0.0-beta4This is a cocoapod containing MLImage, a lightweight iOS image library for various on-device machine learning frameworks.Apache-2.0CocoaPods > GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning > MLKitBarcodeScanning > MLKitVision > MLImage
MLKitBarcodeScanning3.0.0This is the barcode scanning feature on iOS. ML Kit is a mobile SDK that brings Google's machine learning expertise to mobile devices in a powerful yet easy-to-use package.Apache-2.0; BSD-1-Clause; BSD-2-Clause; bsd-2-clause-views; BSD-3-Clause; bsd-3-clause-open-mpi; BSD-4-Clause-UC; BSL-1.0; bzip2-1.0.6; CC-BY-2.5; CPOL-1.02; GPL-2.0-only; HPND; HPND-sell-variant; ICU; IJG; ISC; Libpng; libtiff; MIT; mit-veillard-variant; MPL-2.0; naist-2003; NCSA; open-group; OpenSSL; openssl-ssleay; proprietary-license; Protobuf; public-domain; Spencer-94; Unicode-DFS-2015; Unicode-DFS-2016; X11; x11-opengroup; xfree86-1.0; ZlibCocoaPods > GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning > MLKitBarcodeScanning
MLKitCommon9.0.0This is a top level pod containing common elements for all the ML Kit pods, including APIs for managing models.Apache-2.0; BSD-1-Clause; BSD-2-Clause; bsd-2-clause-views; BSD-3-Clause; bsd-3-clause-open-mpi; BSD-4-Clause-UC; BSL-1.0; bzip2-1.0.6; CC-BY-2.5; CPOL-1.02; GPL-2.0-only; HPND; HPND-sell-variant; ICU; IJG; ISC; Libpng; libtiff; MIT; mit-veillard-variant; MPL-2.0; naist-2003; NCSA; open-group; OpenSSL; openssl-ssleay; proprietary-license; Protobuf; public-domain; Spencer-94; Unicode-DFS-2015; Unicode-DFS-2016; X11; x11-opengroup; xfree86-1.0; ZlibCocoaPods > GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning > MLKitBarcodeScanning > MLKitVision > MLKitCommon,mobile_scanner > GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning > MLKitBarcodeScanning > MLKitCommon,mobile_scanner > GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning > GoogleMLKit/MLKitCore > MLKitCommon
MLKitVision5.0.0This is the top level pod for ML Kit for vision based features on iOS. ML Kit is a mobile SDK that brings Google's machine learning expertise to mobile devices in a powerful yet easy-to-use package.Apache-2.0; BSD-1-Clause; BSD-2-Clause; bsd-2-clause-views; BSD-3-Clause; bsd-3-clause-open-mpi; BSD-4-Clause-UC; BSL-1.0; bzip2-1.0.6; CC-BY-2.5; CPOL-1.02; GPL-2.0-only; HPND; HPND-sell-variant; ICU; IJG; ISC; Libpng; libtiff; MIT; mit-veillard-variant; MPL-2.0; naist-2003; NCSA; open-group; OpenSSL; openssl-ssleay; proprietary-license; Protobuf; public-domain; Spencer-94; Unicode-DFS-2015; Unicode-DFS-2016; X11; x11-opengroup; xfree86-1.0; ZlibCocoaPods > GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning > MLKitBarcodeScanning > MLKitVision
nanopb2.30910.0jpa@nanopb.mail.kapsi.fiNanopb is a small code-size Protocol Buffers implementation in ansi C. It is especially suitable for use in microcontrollers, but fits any memory restricted system.ZlibCocoaPods > GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning > MLKitBarcodeScanning > MLKitVision > MLKitCommon > GoogleDataTransport > nanopb,mobile_scanner > GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning > MLKitBarcodeScanning > MLKitCommon > GoogleDataTransport > nanopb,mobile_scanner > GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning > GoogleMLKit/MLKitCore > MLKitCommon > GoogleDataTransport > nanopb
nanopb/decode2.30910.0jpa@nanopb.mail.kapsi.fiNanopb is a small code-size Protocol Buffers implementation in ansi C. It is especially suitable for use in microcontrollers, but fits any memory restricted system.ZlibCocoaPods > MLKitBarcodeScanning > MLKitVision > MLKitCommon > GoogleDataTransport > nanopb > nanopb/decode,mobile_scanner > GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning > MLKitBarcodeScanning > MLKitCommon > GoogleDataTransport > nanopb > nanopb/decode,mobile_scanner > GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning > GoogleMLKit/MLKitCore > MLKitCommon > GoogleDataTransport > nanopb > nanopb/decode
nanopb/encode2.30910.0jpa@nanopb.mail.kapsi.fiNanopb is a small code-size Protocol Buffers implementation in ansi C. It is especially suitable for use in microcontrollers, but fits any memory restricted system.ZlibCocoaPods > MLKitBarcodeScanning > MLKitVision > MLKitCommon > GoogleDataTransport > nanopb > nanopb/encode,mobile_scanner > GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning > MLKitBarcodeScanning > MLKitCommon > GoogleDataTransport > nanopb > nanopb/encode,mobile_scanner > GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning > GoogleMLKit/MLKitCore > MLKitCommon > GoogleDataTransport > nanopb > nanopb/encode
PromisesObjC2.4.0Promises is a modern framework that provides a synchronization construct for Objective-C to facilitate writing asynchronous code.Apache-2.0CocoaPods > MLKitVision > MLKitCommon > GoogleUtilitiesComponents > GoogleUtilities/Logger > GoogleUtilities/Environment > PromisesObjC,GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning > MLKitBarcodeScanning > MLKitCommon > GoogleUtilitiesComponents > GoogleUtilities/Logger > GoogleUtilities/Environment > PromisesObjC,GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning > GoogleMLKit/MLKitCore > MLKitCommon > GoogleUtilitiesComponents > GoogleUtilities/Logger > GoogleUtilities/Environment > PromisesObjC,MLKitBarcodeScanning > MLKitVision > MLKitCommon > GoogleUtilities/UserDefaults > GoogleUtilities/Logger > GoogleUtilities/Environment > PromisesObjC,GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning > MLKitBarcodeScanning > MLKitCommon > GoogleUtilities/UserDefaults > GoogleUtilities/Logger > GoogleUtilities/Environment > PromisesObjC,GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning > GoogleMLKit/MLKitCore > MLKitCommon > GoogleUtilities/UserDefaults > GoogleUtilities/Logger > GoogleUtilities/Environment > PromisesObjC,GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning > MLKitBarcodeScanning > MLKitVision > MLKitCommon > GoogleDataTransport > GoogleUtilities/Environment > PromisesObjC,mobile_scanner > GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning > MLKitBarcodeScanning > MLKitCommon > GoogleDataTransport > GoogleUtilities/Environment > PromisesObjC,mobile_scanner > GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning > GoogleMLKit/MLKitCore > MLKitCommon > GoogleDataTransport > GoogleUtilities/Environment > PromisesObjC,mobile_scanner > GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning > GoogleMLKit/MLKitCore > MLKitCommon > GoogleDataTransport > PromisesObjC
ReachabilitySwift5.2.2ashleymills@mac.comMITBSD-2-ClauseCocoaPods > ReachabilitySwift
TensorFlowLiteC2.12.0An internal-only pod containing the TensorFlow Lite C library that the public `TensorFlowLiteSwift` and `TensorFlowLiteObjC` pods depend on. This pod is not intended to be used directly. Swift developers should use the `TensorFlowLiteSwift` pod and Objective-C developers should use the `TensorFlowLiteObjC` pod.Apache-2.0CocoaPods > TensorFlowLiteSwift/Metal > TensorFlowLiteSwift/Core > TensorFlowLiteC,tflite_flutter > TensorFlowLiteSwift/CoreML > TensorFlowLiteSwift/Core > TensorFlowLiteC,tflite_flutter > TensorFlowLiteSwift > TensorFlowLiteSwift/Core > TensorFlowLiteC
TensorFlowLiteC/Core2.12.0An internal-only pod containing the TensorFlow Lite C library that the public `TensorFlowLiteSwift` and `TensorFlowLiteObjC` pods depend on. This pod is not intended to be used directly. Swift developers should use the `TensorFlowLiteSwift` pod and Objective-C developers should use the `TensorFlowLiteObjC` pod.Apache-2.0CocoaPods > TensorFlowLiteSwift/Metal > TensorFlowLiteC/Metal > TensorFlowLiteC/Core,tflite_flutter > TensorFlowLiteSwift/CoreML > TensorFlowLiteC/CoreML > TensorFlowLiteC/Core,tflite_flutter > TensorFlowLiteSwift/Metal > TensorFlowLiteSwift/Core > TensorFlowLiteC > TensorFlowLiteC/Core,tflite_flutter > TensorFlowLiteSwift/CoreML > TensorFlowLiteSwift/Core > TensorFlowLiteC > TensorFlowLiteC/Core,tflite_flutter > TensorFlowLiteSwift > TensorFlowLiteSwift/Core > TensorFlowLiteC > TensorFlowLiteC/Core
TensorFlowLiteC/CoreML2.12.0An internal-only pod containing the TensorFlow Lite C library that the public `TensorFlowLiteSwift` and `TensorFlowLiteObjC` pods depend on. This pod is not intended to be used directly. Swift developers should use the `TensorFlowLiteSwift` pod and Objective-C developers should use the `TensorFlowLiteObjC` pod.Apache-2.0CocoaPods > TensorFlowLiteSwift/CoreML > TensorFlowLiteC/CoreML
TensorFlowLiteC/Metal2.12.0An internal-only pod containing the TensorFlow Lite C library that the public `TensorFlowLiteSwift` and `TensorFlowLiteObjC` pods depend on. This pod is not intended to be used directly. Swift developers should use the `TensorFlowLiteSwift` pod and Objective-C developers should use the `TensorFlowLiteObjC` pod.Apache-2.0CocoaPods > TensorFlowLiteSwift/Metal > TensorFlowLiteC/Metal
TensorFlowLiteSwift2.12.0TensorFlow Lite is TensorFlow's lightweight solution for Swift developers. It enables low-latency inference of on-device machine learning models with a small binary size and fast performance supporting hardware acceleration.Apache-2.0; BSD-2-ClauseCocoaPods > TensorFlowLiteSwift
TensorFlowLiteSwift/Core2.12.0TensorFlow Lite is TensorFlow's lightweight solution for Swift developers. It enables low-latency inference of on-device machine learning models with a small binary size and fast performance supporting hardware acceleration.Apache-2.0; BSD-2-ClauseCocoaPods > TensorFlowLiteSwift/Metal > TensorFlowLiteSwift/Core,tflite_flutter > TensorFlowLiteSwift/CoreML > TensorFlowLiteSwift/Core,tflite_flutter > TensorFlowLiteSwift > TensorFlowLiteSwift/Core
TensorFlowLiteSwift/CoreML2.12.0TensorFlow Lite is TensorFlow's lightweight solution for Swift developers. It enables low-latency inference of on-device machine learning models with a small binary size and fast performance supporting hardware acceleration.Apache-2.0; BSD-2-ClauseCocoaPods > TensorFlowLiteSwift/CoreML
TensorFlowLiteSwift/Metal2.12.0TensorFlow Lite is TensorFlow's lightweight solution for Swift developers. It enables low-latency inference of on-device machine learning models with a small binary size and fast performance supporting hardware acceleration.Apache-2.0; BSD-2-ClauseCocoaPods > TensorFlowLiteSwift/Metal
Toast4.1.1scalessec@gmail.comMITCocoaPods > Toast