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--- a/Dockerfile
+++ b/Dockerfile
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-FROM python:3.9.15-slim
-ADD src /src
-ADD test /test
-ADD rest /rest
-ADD ephemerality.py /
-ADD requirements.txt /
-ADD _version.py /
-ADD setup.py /
-RUN pip install --no-cache-dir --upgrade -r requirements.txt
-CMD ["uvicorn", "rest.api:app", "--host", "", "--port", "8080"]
+FROM python:3.10-slim
+ADD dist/ephemerality-2.0.0-py3-none-any.whl /dist/
+RUN pip install --no-cache-dir /dist/ephemerality-2.0.0-py3-none-any.whl
+WORKDIR /usr/local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/ephemerality
+ENTRYPOINT ["uvicorn", "rest.runner:app", "--host", "", "--port", "8080"]
diff --git a/LICENSE b/LICENSE
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2e80ea4
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+MIT License
+Copyright (c) 2023 Barcelona Supercomputing Center - Centro Nacional de Supercomputación (BSC-CNS)
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
+copies or substantial portions of the Software.
\ No newline at end of file
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index e7ad269..a039031 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,165 +1,309 @@
-# Ephemerality metric
-In [[1]](#1) we formalized the ephemerality metrics used to estimate the healthiness of online discussions. It shows how
-'ephemeral' topics are, that is whether the discussions are more or less uniformly active or only revolve around one or
-several peaks of activity.
-We defined 3 versions of ephemerality: original, filtered, and sorted. Let us suppose we have a discussion that we can divide in $N$ bins of equal time length and for each bin we can calculate activity in that time period (e.g. number of tweets, watches, visits etc.). Let $t$ denote a normalized vector of frequency corresponding to this discussion, $t_i$ corresponds to normalized activity in during time bin $i$. Let $\alpha\in\left[0, 1\right)$ denote a parameter showing which portion of activity we consider to be the "core" activity. Then we can define ephemerality as a normalized portion of $t$ that contains the remaining $1-\alpha$ activity. We can interpret this defenition in three slightly different ways depending on what we consider to be the core activity:
-1. **Original ephemerality**. We calculate core activity as the minimal portion of $t$ starting from the beginning of the vector that contains at least $\alpha$ of the total activity (which is 1 in case of normalized $t$). Then the ephemerality formula can be computed as follows:
-\varepsilon_{orig}\left(t_i\right) = 1 - \frac1\alpha \frac{\arg\min_{m\in [1,N]}: \left( \sum_{i=1\dots m} t_i \right) \ge \alpha}{N}
-2. **Filtered ephemerality**. We calculate core activity the minimal *central* portion of $t$ that contains at least $\alpha$ of the total activity. For that we exclude portions of $t$ from the beginning and the end of $t$, so that the sum of each of these portions is as close to $\frac{1-\alpha}{2}$ as possible without reaching it:
-\varepsilon_{filt}\left(t_i\right) = 1 - \frac1\alpha \frac{\arg\min_{m\in [1,N]}: \left( \sum_{i=1\dots m} t_i - \max_{p\in [1,N]}: \left( \sum_{j=1\dots p} t_j \right) < \frac{1-\alpha}{2} \right) \ge \alpha}{N}
-3. **Sorted ephemerality**. Finally, we can define the core activity as the minimal number of time bins that cover $\alpha$ portion of the activity. For that we sort $t$ components in descending order (denoted as $\widehat{t}$) and then apply the formula of original ephemerality:
-\varepsilon_{sort}\left(t_i\right) = 1 - \frac1\alpha \frac{\arg\min_{m\in [1,N]}: \left( \sum_{i=1\dots m} \widehat{t}_i \right) \ge \alpha}{N}
-## Requirements
-The code was tested to work with Python 3.8.6 and Numpy 1.21.5, but is expected to also run on their older versions.
-## How to run the experiments
-The code can be run directly via the calculate_ephemerality.py script or via a Docker container built with the provided
-### Input
-The script/container expect the following input arguments:
-* **Frequency vector file**. `[-i PATH, --input PATH]` _Optional_. Path to a file containing one or several arrays of
-numbers in csv format (one array per line), representing temporal frequency vectors. They do not need to be normalized:
-if they are not --- they will be normalized automatically.
-* **Frequency vector**. _Optional_. If input file is not provided, a frequency vector is expected as a positional
-argument (either comma- or space-separated).
-* **Output file**. `[-o PATH, --output PATH]` _Optional_. If it is provided, the results will be written into this file
-in JSON format.
-* **Threshold**. `[-t FLOAT, -threshold FLOAT]` _Optional_. Threshold value for ephemerality computations. Defaults
-to 0.8.
-* **Print**. `[-p, --print]`. _Optional_. If output file is provided, forces the results to still be printed to stdout.
-### Output
-If no output file specified or `-p` option is used, results are printed to STDOUT in [
-$\varepsilon_{orig}$ ␣
-span( $\varepsilon_{orig}$ ) ␣
-$\varepsilon_{filt}$ ␣
-span( $\varepsilon_{filt}$ ) ␣
-$\varepsilon_{sort}$ ␣
-span( $\varepsilon_{sort}$ )
-] format, one line per each line of input file (or a single line for command line input).
-If the output file was specified among the input arguments, the results will be written into that file in JSON format as
-a list of dictionaries, one per input line:
- {
- "ephemerality_original": FLOAT,
- "ephemerality_original_span": INT,
- "ephemerality_filtered": FLOAT,
- "ephemerality_filtered_span": INT,
- "ephemerality_sorted": FLOAT,
- "ephemerality_sorted_span": INT
- },
- ...
-### Example
-Input file `test_input.csv`:
-#### Python execution:
-Input 1:
-python ephemerality.py -i tmp/test_input.csv -t 0.8 --output tmp/test_output.json -P
-Output 1:
-0.1250000000000001 7 0.5 4 0.625 3
-0.2500000000000001 3 0.5 2 0.5 2
-`test_output.json` content:
- {
- "ephemerality_original": 0.1250000000000001,
- "ephemerality_original_span": 7,
- "ephemerality_filtered": 0.5,
- "ephemerality_filtered_span": 4,
- "ephemerality_sorted": 0.625,
- "ephemerality_sorted_span": 3
- },
- {
- "ephemerality_original": 0.2500000000000001,
- "ephemerality_original_span": 3,
- "ephemerality_filtered": 0.5,
- "ephemerality_filtered_span": 2,
- "ephemerality_sorted": 0.5,
- "ephemerality_sorted_span": 2
- }
-Input 2:
-python ephemerality.py 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.55 0.0 0.15 0.1 0.0 0.0 -t 0.5
-Output 2:
-0.0 5 0.8 1 0.8 1
-#### Docker execution
-docker run -a STDOUT -v [PATH_TO_FOLDER]/tmp/:/tmp/ ephemerality:1.0.0 -i /tmp/test_input.csv -o /tmp/test_output.json -t 0.5 -p
-0.0 5 0.8 1 0.8 1
-0.19999999999999996 2 0.6 1 0.6 1
-`test_output.json` content:
- {
- "ephemerality_original": 0.0,
- "ephemerality_original_span": 5,
- "ephemerality_filtered": 0.8,
- "ephemerality_filtered_span": 1,
- "ephemerality_sorted": 0.8,
- "ephemerality_sorted_span": 1
- },
- {
- "ephemerality_original": 0.19999999999999996,
- "ephemerality_original_span": 2,
- "ephemerality_filtered": 0.6,
- "ephemerality_filtered_span": 1,
- "ephemerality_sorted": 0.6,
- "ephemerality_sorted_span": 1
- }
-## References
-Gnatyshak, D., Garcia-Gasulla, D., Alvarez-Napagao, S., Arjona, J., & Venturini, T. (2022). Healthy Twitter discussions? Time will tell. arXiv preprint arXiv:2203.11261
+# Ephemerality metric
+Ephemerality metrics are used to estimate the healthiness of various (online) activities, e.g. online discussions.
+It shows how 'ephemeral' these activities are, that is whether they are more or less uniform
+over the period of interest or are only clustered around one or several short time periods.
+Ephemerality formula is defined as follows:
+\varepsilon_\alpha^{core}=\left(1 - \frac1\alpha \cdot \frac{core\ length}{period\ length}\right)^+
+Essentially, **ephemerality** is a portion of the time period occupied by non‑core activity. The core activity can be
+defined in different ways and is parametrized by $\alpha$ — the minimal percentage of total activity it needs to
+We defined 4 versions of computing these core periods:
+1. **Left $\alpha$-core**. Continuous time span from **the beginning of the period** to the point when $\alpha$% of
+total activity volume is contained within. Measures how fast activity becomes negligible after the start of the period.
+Best suited for the types of activity with well-defined start time, e.g. reactions to posts, videos, news, etc.
+2. **Right $\alpha$-core**. Continuous time span from **the end of the period** to the point when $\alpha$% of total
+activity volume is contained within. Measures how far in the past the meaningful past of activity spans. Best suited for
+when you want to analyze activity within a specific time frame (for instance, up until the current date).
+3. **Middle $\alpha$-core**. Continuous time span from **in the middle of the period** that contains $\alpha$% of total
+activity volume. Computed by cutting out at most (but as close to) $\frac{1-\alpha}2$% of activity volume from the
+beginning and the end of the period. Best suited for activities with no identifiable start and end times within the
+period of interest, e.g. discussions of certain topics onj social media.
+4. **Sorted $\alpha$-core**. **Minimal number of time bins** that together contain $\alpha$% of total activity volume
+(left $\alpha$‑core for activity vectors sorted in descending order). Measures what portion of time is occupied by the
+most prominent activity. Works well in combination with other cores to check whether all of the activity was centered
+around one or more short periods of time.
+## Requirements
+The code was tested to work with Python 3.10, Numpy 1.24.2, and pydantic 2.7.1, but is expected to also run with their
+older versions.
+FastAPI ^0.110.2 and uvicorn ^0.22.0 are also needed to run the ephemerality computation web-service.
+Matplotlib ^3.8.4 is needed for visualization of computed activity cores.
+## How to run
+Ephemerality package can be run as a standalone Python module, or used inside regular Python scripts.
+### Standalone
+The code can be run directly as a module `python3 -m ephemerality [args]`. There are two modes provided: a
+command line-based computation and a RESTful service. In case of the latter, there is an option to use a Docker
+container, either from Docker Hub (`hpaibsc/ephemerality:latest`) or built with the provided Dockerfile.
+To run the computation from the command lineuse `cmd` argument:
+python3 -m ephemerality cmd [activity] [-h] [-i INPUT_FILE] [-r] [-o OUTPUT_FILE.json] [-c CORE_TYPES] [-t THRESHOLD] [--plot]
+In case of activity vector of moderate size, you can enter it either as a sequence of numbers directly, or as a
+comma/space separated string. Alternatively, you can save the activity vector(s) in a *.csv file (a vector per line) or
+*.json file. In case of the latter, please use the following format for each input (you can have a single dictionary or
+a list of ones):
+JSON/Python input body format
+input_sequence : Sequence[str | float | int]
+ Input sequence of either activity over time bins, or timestamps to be aggregated into an activity vector.
+input_type : Literal['activity', 'a', 'timestamps', 't', 'datetime', 'd'], default='a'
+ Format of the input sequence.
+threshold : float, default=.8
+ Ratio of the activity considered core.
+time_format : str, optional, default="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ"
+ If input type is datetime, specifies the datetime format used (refer to `strptime` format guidelines).
+timezone : float, optional, default=0.
+ If input type is datetime, specifies the offset in hours from the UTC time. Should be within [-24, +24] range.
+range : tuple[str | float | int, str | float | int], optional
+ If input type is timestamp or datetime, specifies the time range of the activity vector.
+ Defaults to (min, max) of the input timestamps.
+granularity : Literal['week', 'day', 'hour'] or str, optional, default='day'
+ If input type is timestamp or datetime, specifies the size of time bins when converting to activity vector.
+ Can be specified as \'{}d\' or \'{}h\' (e.g. '2d' or '7.5h') for a custom time bin size in days or hours.
+reference_name : str, optional
+ Will be added to the output for easier matching between inputs and outputs (besides identical sorting).
+The module uses uvicorn package to run a REST service. To start it use `api` argument:
+python3 -m ephemerality api [-h] [--host HOST] [--port PORT] ...
+Any additional arguments will be passed as arguments to the uvicorn call.
+The web-service initialized this way accepts GET requests of the following format:
+* `api_version` is optional and is used for backward compatibility, it defaults to the latest API version.
+* `core_types` is a string specifying the core types for which ephemerality needs to be computed. `l` for the left
+core, `m` for the middle core, `r` for the right core, `s` for the sorted core, or any combination of thereof.
+It defaults to all core types, `lmrs`.
+* `include_input` is a boolean value specifying whether the input should be also included in the output for each
+* `input_data` is a body argument in JSON format. It should contain a list of JSON dictionaries of the input type
+specified above.
+The output is in JSON format. It is a list of dictionaries, with one entry per each input:
+ {
+ "input": ...,
+ "output": {
+ "eph_left_core": 1.0,
+ "eph_middle_core": 1.0,
+ "eph_right_core": 1.0,
+ "eph_sorted_core": 1.0,
+ "len_left_core": 0,
+ "len_middle_core": 0,
+ "len_right_core": 0,
+ "len_sorted_core": 0
+ }
+ },
+ ...
+`input` value depends on the provided input parameters:
+* If `include_input` was set to True, it will be a copy of the corresponding input dictionary.
+* Otherwise it will be a string:
+ - `reference_name` if it was provided;
+ - or a zero-base counter number of the corresponding input.
+#### Docker container
+Finally, you can also use the docker container to run the aforementioned REST service. You can either get the image
+from Docker Hub:
+docker pull hpaibsc/ephemerality:latest
+Or build it from the source using the provided Dockerfile.
+The web-service will be available at `` inside of the container.
+### Python
+Finally, it is possible to just import the ephemerality computation function from the module:
+from ephemerality import compute_ephemerality
+activity = [0., 0., 0., .2, .55, 0., .15, .1, 0., 0.]
+threshold = 0.8
+compute_ephemerality(activity, threshold)
+ eph_left_core=0.1250000000000001,
+ eph_middle_core=0.5,
+ eph_right_core=0.2500000000000001,
+ eph_sorted_core=0.625,
+ len_left_core=7,
+ len_middle_core=4,
+ len_right_core=6,
+ len_sorted_core=3)
+`compute_ephemerality` function has the following signature:
+Compute ephemerality values for given activity vector.
+This function computes ephemerality for a numeric vector using all current definitions of actiovity cores.
+Alpha (desired non-ephemeral core length) can be specified with ``threshold parameter. In case not all cores are
+needed, the required types can be specified in ``types``.
+activity_vector : Sequence[float | int]
+ A sequence of activity values. Time bins corresponding to each value is assumed to be of equal length. Does not
+ need to be normalised.
+threshold : float, default=0.8
+ Desired non-ephemeral core length as fraction. Ephemerality is equal to 1.0 if the core length is at least ``threshold`` of
+ the ``activity_vector`` length.
+types : str, default='lmrs'
+ Activity cores to be computed. A sequence of characters corresponding to core types.
+ 'l' for left core, 'm' for middle core, 'r' for right core, 's' for sorted core. Multiples of the same character
+ will be ignored.
+plot : bool, default=False
+ Set to True to display the activity over time plot with core periods highlighted.
+ Container for the computed core lengths and ephemerality values
+EphemeralitySet is a simple container of the following format:
+Container for ephemerality and core size values.
+This class is a simple pydantic BaseModel used to store computed core lengths and corresponding ephemerality values
+by core type. Values that were not computed default to None.
+len_left_core : int, optional
+ Length of the left core in time bins
+len_middle_core : int, optional
+ Length of the middle core in time bins
+len_right_core : int, optional
+ Length of the right core in time bins
+len_sorted_core : int, optional
+ Length of the sorted core in time bins
+eph_left_core: float, optional
+ Ephemerality value for the left core
+eph_middle_core: float, optional
+ Ephemerality value for the middle core
+eph_right_core: float, optional
+ Ephemerality value for the right core
+eph_sorted_core: float, optional
+ Ephemerality value for the sorted core
+## Examples
+Below are several examples of activity vectors and corresponding ephemerality computation results, demonstrating
+how this module can be used. All input activity vectors represent one year of activity with one day granularity.
+Threshold of $\alpha=0.8$ was used for all of the examples.
+### Example 1
+![Activity vector 1](images/example_1.png)
+This vector represents a typical reaction activity to a post of any kind (e.g. text post, video, etc.). Most of the
+activity is concentrated at the beginning of the observation period and quickly goes down noise afterwards. Assuming
+we picked the start of the vector well (i.e. the time of posting), we will obtain the following ephemerality
+computation results:
+![Results 1](images/results_1.png)
+Here you can see that for the selected period ephemerality values for all cores except for the right core are high.
+Essentially, ephemerality value of 0.75 in this case signifies that about a quarter of the period corresponded to
+non-core activity.
+The exception of the right core (which is computed from the right end of the activity vector) makes sense, as to
+accumulate the 80% of activity we need to go to almost the beginning of the vector. This can be interpreted as the
+fact, that looking into the past from the last (e.g. current) data this activity goes essentially full period deep.
+That is, this activity existed for quite a while in the past, and did not appear recently.
+### Example 2
+![Activity vector 2](images/example_2.png)
+This activity vector has a few smaller but more gradual active periods and a big peak by its end. This produces the
+following results:
+![Results 2](images/results_2.png)
+Left and middle core ephemeralities in this case are pretty low, as it takes almost all the period to accumulate the
+80% of activity. The final peak was not enough to offset the previous, more gradual, activity.
+In case of the right core, the last two peaks did contain the required amount of activity, so the ephemerality value
+is significant.
+Finally, as the majority of the activity is concentrated in the three peaks, the sorted ephemerality value is rather
+high (albeit not close to 1, thanks to the widths of the first two peaks).
+### Example 3
+![Activity vector 3](images/example_3.png)
+In this example the vector contains 4 intense and abrupt peaks of activity among the general noise, a clear indicator
+of the forced activity injections. However, these peaks are spread throughout the observation period, with one being
+close to the beginning of the vector, and another one to its end.
+![Results 3](images/results_3.png)
+Non-sorted cores in this case do cover most of the observation period due to the spread of the peaks. However, the
+sorted ephemerality value is very high, signifying that most of this activity were contained within a small number of
+actual days.
+Here we should note that it is important to look at ephemerality for all the core types. From the current results we
+know that there are several well-spread short peaks of activity. If the middle core ephemerality was also high, that
+would have signified that there is only one peak or a close cluster of peaks in the middle of the period. If either
+the left or right core ephemerality were also high, that would have meant that this peak is closer to the left or the
+right end of the vector respectively.
+### Example 4
+![Activity vector 4](images/example_4.png)
+In the final example, the activity is locally chaotic but more or less uniform over the whole period. There is a small
+evolution of the trend here, but nothing unexpected.
+![Results 4](images/results_4.png)
+And this uniformity is confirmed by the resulting ephemerality values which are close to 0 (it would have been 0 in
+case of the same amount of activity each day). Here the slightly higher value of the sorted core ephemerality
+corresponds to the general variance of the activity: the lower the local fluctuations are, the closer to 0 it will be.
diff --git a/_version.py b/_version.py
deleted file mode 100644
index d538f87..0000000
--- a/_version.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-__version__ = "1.0.0"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/dist/ephemerality-2.0.0-py3-none-any.whl b/dist/ephemerality-2.0.0-py3-none-any.whl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fd4fbfe
Binary files /dev/null and b/dist/ephemerality-2.0.0-py3-none-any.whl differ
diff --git a/dist/ephemerality-2.0.0.tar.gz b/dist/ephemerality-2.0.0.tar.gz
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c30b371
Binary files /dev/null and b/dist/ephemerality-2.0.0.tar.gz differ
diff --git a/ephemerality.py b/ephemerality.py
deleted file mode 100644
index a1d050a..0000000
--- a/ephemerality.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
-from _version import __version__
-import sys
-import json
-import argparse
-import numpy as np
-from src import compute_ephemerality
-def init_argparse() -> argparse.ArgumentParser:
- parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
- usage="%(prog)s [FREQUENCY_VECTOR] [-h] [-v] [-i INPUT_FILE] [-o OUTPUT_FILE.json] [-t THRESHOLD]...",
- description="Calculate ephemerality for a given vector of frequencies."
- )
- parser.add_argument(
- "-v", "--version", action="version",
- version=f"{parser.prog} version {__version__}"
- )
- parser.add_argument(
- "-p", "--print", action="store_true",
- help="If output file is provided, forces the results to still be printed to stdout."
- )
- parser.add_argument(
- "-i", "--input", action="store",
- help="Path to the input csv file. If not specified, will use the command line arguments "
- "(delimited either by commas or spaces)."
- )
- parser.add_argument(
- "-o", "--output", action="store",
- help="Path to the output json file. If not specified, will output ephemerality values to stdout in the"
- " following format separated by a space: \"EPH_ORIG EPH_ORIG_SPAN EPH_FILT EPH_FILT_SPAN EPH_SORT "
- )
- parser.add_argument(
- "-t", "--threshold", action="store", default=0.8,
- help="Threshold value for ephemerality computations. Defaults to 0.8."
- )
- parser.add_argument(
- 'frequencies',
- help='frequency vector (if the input file is not specified)',
- nargs='*'
- )
- return parser
-def print_ephemeralities(ephemerality_list: list[dict]):
- for ephemeralities in ephemerality_list:
- print(f"{ephemeralities['ephemerality_original']} {ephemeralities['ephemerality_original_span']} "
- f"{ephemeralities['ephemerality_filtered']} {ephemeralities['ephemerality_filtered_span']} "
- f"{ephemeralities['ephemerality_sorted']} {ephemeralities['ephemerality_sorted_span']}")
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- parser = init_argparse()
- args = parser.parse_args()
- frequency_vectors = list()
- if args.input:
- with open(args.input, 'r') as f:
- for line in f.readlines():
- if line.strip():
- frequency_vectors.append(np.array(line.split(','), dtype=float))
- else:
- if len(args.frequencies) > 1:
- frequency_vectors.append(np.array(args.frequencies, dtype=float))
- elif len(args.frequencies) == 1:
- if ' ' in args.frequencies[0]:
- frequency_vectors.append(np.array(args.frequencies[0].split(' '), dtype=float))
- else:
- frequency_vectors.append(np.array(args.frequencies[0].split(','), dtype=float))
- else:
- sys.exit('No input provided!')
- threshold = float(args.threshold)
- ephemerality_list = list()
- for frequency_vector in frequency_vectors:
- ephemerality_list.append(compute_ephemerality(frequency_vector=frequency_vector, threshold=threshold).dict())
- if args.output:
- with open(args.output, 'w+') as f:
- json.dump(ephemerality_list, f, indent=2)
- if args.print:
- print_ephemeralities(ephemerality_list)
- else:
- print_ephemeralities(ephemerality_list)
diff --git a/ephemerality/__init__.py b/ephemerality/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d682f98
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ephemerality/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+from .src import EphemeralitySet, InputData
+from .src import compute_ephemerality
+__all__ = ['compute_ephemerality', 'InputData', 'EphemeralitySet']
diff --git a/ephemerality/__main__.py b/ephemerality/__main__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a2da2c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ephemerality/__main__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+from argparse import ArgumentParser
+import importlib.metadata
+from ephemerality.scripts import init_cmd_parser, init_api_argparse
+PROG = "python3 -m ephemerality"
+def init_parser() -> ArgumentParser:
+ parser = ArgumentParser(
+ prog=PROG,
+ usage="%(prog)s [-h] [-v] {cmd,api} ...",
+ description="Runs ephemerality computation module in one of the available mode."
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "--version", action="version",
+ version=f'ephemerality {importlib.metadata.version("ephemerality")}'
+ )
+ subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(
+ prog=PROG,
+ help="Use \"cmd\" to run the module once from a command line.\n"
+ "Use \"api\" to start a REST web service offering ephemerality computation on request."
+ )
+ cmd_parser = subparsers.add_parser("cmd")
+ api_parser = subparsers.add_parser("api")
+ init_cmd_parser(cmd_parser)
+ init_api_argparse(api_parser)
+ return parser
+parser = init_parser()
+args = parser.parse_args()
diff --git a/ephemerality/rest/__init__.py b/ephemerality/rest/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eeb424f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ephemerality/rest/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+import ephemerality.rest.api_versions as api_versions
+from ephemerality.rest.api_versions import AbstractRestApi
+from ephemerality.rest.api import router
+from ephemerality.src import InputData
+__all__ = [
+ 'InputData',
+ 'router',
+ 'AbstractRestApi'
+API_VERSION_DICT: dict[str, AbstractRestApi] = {api.version(): api for api in api_versions.__all__ if api.version()}
diff --git a/ephemerality/rest/api.py b/ephemerality/rest/api.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..820efbb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ephemerality/rest/api.py
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+from typing import Annotated, Any, Union
+import ephemerality.rest as rest
+from ephemerality.src import InputData, process_input
+from fastapi import APIRouter, status, Query, Response
+from fastapi.responses import JSONResponse
+router = APIRouter()
+def run_computations(
+ input_data: list[InputData],
+ core_types: str,
+ api: rest.AbstractRestApi,
+ include_input: bool = False) -> Union[list[dict[str, Any] | dict[str, dict[str, Any]]], None]:
+ output = []
+ noname_counter = 0
+ for test_case in input_data:
+ case_input = process_input(input_remote_data=test_case)[0]
+ case_output = api.get_ephemerality(
+ input_vector=case_input.activity,
+ threshold=case_input.threshold,
+ types=core_types
+ ).dict(exclude_none=True)
+ if include_input:
+ output.append({
+ "input": test_case.dict(),
+ "output": case_output
+ })
+ else:
+ if test_case.reference_name:
+ input_name = test_case.reference_name
+ else:
+ input_name = str(noname_counter)
+ noname_counter += 1
+ output.append({
+ "input": input_name,
+ "output": case_output
+ })
+ return output
+def process_request(
+ input_data: list[InputData],
+ api_version: str,
+ core_types: str,
+ include_input: bool
+) -> Response:
+ if api_version not in rest.API_VERSION_DICT:
+ raise ValueError(f'Unrecognized API version: {api_version}!')
+ else:
+ api = rest.API_VERSION_DICT[api_version]
+ output = run_computations(input_data=input_data, core_types=core_types, api=api, include_input=include_input)
+ return JSONResponse(content=output)
+@router.get("/ephemerality/all", status_code=status.HTTP_200_OK)
+async def compute_all_ephemeralities_default_version(
+ input_data: list[InputData],
+ core_types: Annotated[
+ str, Query(min_length=1, max_length=4, regex="^[lmrs]+$")
+ ] = "lmrs",
+ include_input: bool = False
+) -> Response:
+ default_version = rest.DEFAULT_API.version()
+ return process_request(
+ input_data=input_data,
+ core_types=core_types,
+ api_version=default_version,
+ include_input=include_input
+ )
+@router.get("/ephemerality/{api_version}/all", status_code=status.HTTP_200_OK)
+async def compute_all_ephemeralities(
+ input_data: list[InputData],
+ api_version: str,
+ core_types: Annotated[
+ str, Query(min_length=1, max_length=4, regex="^[lmrs]+$")
+ ] = "lmrs",
+ include_input: bool = False
+) -> Response:
+ return process_request(
+ input_data=input_data,
+ core_types=core_types,
+ api_version=api_version,
+ include_input=include_input,
+ )
diff --git a/ephemerality/rest/api_versions/__init__.py b/ephemerality/rest/api_versions/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b886d2d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ephemerality/rest/api_versions/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+from ephemerality.rest.api_versions.api_template import AbstractRestApi
+from ephemerality.rest.api_versions.api11 import RestAPI11
+__all__ = [
+ AbstractRestApi,
+ RestAPI11
diff --git a/ephemerality/rest/api_versions/api11.py b/ephemerality/rest/api_versions/api11.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f7785d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ephemerality/rest/api_versions/api11.py
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+from typing import Sequence, Annotated
+from fastapi import Query
+from ephemerality.rest.api_versions.api_template import AbstractRestApi
+from ephemerality.src import compute_ephemerality, EphemeralitySet
+class RestAPI11(AbstractRestApi):
+ @staticmethod
+ def version() -> str:
+ return "1.1"
+ @staticmethod
+ def get_ephemerality(
+ input_vector: Sequence[float],
+ threshold: Annotated[float, Query(gt=0., le=1.)],
+ types: Annotated[str, Query(Query(min_length=1, max_length=4, regex="^[lmrs]+$"))]
+ ) -> EphemeralitySet:
+ return compute_ephemerality(activity_vector=input_vector, threshold=threshold, types=types)
diff --git a/ephemerality/rest/api_versions/api_template.py b/ephemerality/rest/api_versions/api_template.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8c95d06
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ephemerality/rest/api_versions/api_template.py
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
+from typing import Annotated, Sequence
+from fastapi import Query
+from ephemerality.src import EphemeralitySet
+class AbstractRestApi(ABC):
+ @staticmethod
+ @abstractmethod
+ def version() -> str | None:
+ return None
+ @staticmethod
+ @abstractmethod
+ def get_ephemerality(input_vector: Sequence[float],
+ threshold: Annotated[float, Query(gt=0., le=1.)],
+ types: Annotated[str, Query(Query(min_length=1, max_length=4, regex="^[lmrs]+$"))]
+ ) -> EphemeralitySet:
+ raise NotImplementedError
diff --git a/ephemerality/rest/runner.py b/ephemerality/rest/runner.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5076734
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ephemerality/rest/runner.py
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+from fastapi import FastAPI
+from ephemerality.rest import router
+app = FastAPI()
diff --git a/ephemerality/scripts/__init__.py b/ephemerality/scripts/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..03c7596
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ephemerality/scripts/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+from ephemerality.scripts.ephemerality_api import init_api_argparse
+from ephemerality.scripts.ephemerality_cmd import init_cmd_parser
+__all__ = ['init_cmd_parser', 'init_api_argparse']
diff --git a/ephemerality/scripts/ephemerality_api.py b/ephemerality/scripts/ephemerality_api.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5821cc2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ephemerality/scripts/ephemerality_api.py
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+import argparse
+from argparse import ArgumentParser, Namespace
+from subprocess import call
+def init_api_argparse(parser: ArgumentParser) -> ArgumentParser:
+ parser.usage = "%(prog)s [-h] [--host HOST] [--port PORT] ..."
+ parser.description = ("Start a REST web service to compute ephemerality computations on requests. Any additional "
+ "arguments will be passed to the uvicorn service initialisation call.")
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "--host", action="store", default="",
+ help="Bind socket to this host. Defaults to \"\"."
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "--port", action="store", type=int, default=8080,
+ help="Bind to a socket with this port. Defaults to 8080."
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "uvicorn_args", nargs=argparse.REMAINDER,
+ help="Arguments to be passed to uvicorn."
+ )
+ parser.set_defaults(
+ func=exec_start_service_call
+ )
+ return parser
+def start_service(host: str = "", port: int = 8080, uvicorn_args: list | None = None) -> None:
+ call_cmd = ['uvicorn', 'ephemerality.rest.runner:app', '--host', host, '--port', str(port)]
+ if uvicorn_args:
+ call_cmd.extend(uvicorn_args)
+ call(call_cmd)
+def exec_start_service_call(input_args: Namespace) -> None:
+ start_service(host=input_args.host, port=input_args.port, uvicorn_args=input_args.uvicorn_args)
diff --git a/ephemerality/scripts/ephemerality_cmd.py b/ephemerality/scripts/ephemerality_cmd.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9fde6bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ephemerality/scripts/ephemerality_cmd.py
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+import json
+import sys
+from argparse import ArgumentParser, Namespace
+from pathlib import Path
+import numpy as np
+from ephemerality.src import compute_ephemerality, process_input, ProcessedData
+def init_cmd_parser(parser: ArgumentParser) -> ArgumentParser:
+ parser.usage = "%(prog)s [activity] [-h] [-i INPUT_FILE] [-r] [-o OUTPUT_FILE.json] [-c CORE_TYPES] [-t THRESHOLD] [--plot]..."
+ parser.description = "Calculate ephemerality for a given activity vector or a set of timestamps."
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "-p", "--print", action="store_true",
+ help="If an output file is specified, forces the results to still be printed to stdout."
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "-i", "--input", action="store",
+ help="Path to either a JSON or CSV file with input data, or to the folder with files. If not specified, "
+ "will read the activity vector from the command line (as numbers delimited by either commas or spaces)."
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "-r", "--recursive", action="store_true",
+ help="Used with a folder-type input to specify to also process files in the full subfolder tree. "
+ "Defaults to False."
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "-o", "--output", action="store",
+ help="Path to an output JSON file. If not specified, will output ephemerality values to stdout in JSON format."
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "--output_indent", action="store", type=int, default=-1,
+ help="Sets the indentation level of the output (either a JSON file or STDOUT) in terms of number of spaces per "
+ "level. If negative, will output results as a single line. Defaults to -1."
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "-c", "--core_types", action="store", type=str, default="lmrs",
+ help="Specify core types to be computed. \"l\" for left core, \"m\" for middle core, \"r\" for right core, "
+ "\"s\" for sorted core, or any combination of thereof. Default to \"lmrs\" for all 4 core types. "
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "-t", "--threshold", action="store", type=float, default=0.8,
+ help="Threshold value for ephemerality computations in case of CSV input. Defaults to 0.8."
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "--plot", action="store_true",
+ help="Visualize requested core types on the activity vector plot."
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ 'activity',
+ help='Activity vector (if the input file is not specified)',
+ nargs='*'
+ )
+ parser.set_defaults(
+ func=exec_cmd_compute_call
+ )
+ return parser
+def exec_cmd_compute_call(input_args: Namespace) -> None:
+ if input_args.input:
+ path = Path(input_args.input)
+ if path.is_dir():
+ input_cases = process_input(input_folder=input_args.input, recursive=input_args.recursive)
+ elif path.is_file():
+ input_cases = process_input(input_file=input_args.input, threshold=float(input_args.threshold))
+ else:
+ raise ValueError("Unknown input file format!")
+ else:
+ input_cases: list[ProcessedData] = []
+ if len(input_args.activity) > 1:
+ input_cases.append(
+ ProcessedData(
+ name="cmd-input",
+ activity=np.array(input_args.activity, dtype=float),
+ threshold=float(input_args.threshold)))
+ elif len(input_args.activity) == 1:
+ if ' ' in input_args.activity[0]:
+ input_cases.append(
+ ProcessedData(
+ name="cmd-input",
+ activity=np.array(input_args.activity[0].split(' '), dtype=float),
+ threshold=float(input_args.threshold)))
+ elif ',' in input_args.activity[0]:
+ input_cases.append(
+ ProcessedData(
+ name="cmd-input",
+ activity=np.array(input_args.activity[0].split(','), dtype=float),
+ threshold=float(input_args.threshold)))
+ else:
+ input_cases.append(
+ ProcessedData(
+ name="cmd-input",
+ activity=np.array([input_args.activity[0]], dtype=float),
+ threshold=float(input_args.threshold)))
+ else:
+ sys.exit('No input provided!')
+ results = {}
+ for input_case in input_cases:
+ results[input_case.name] = compute_ephemerality(activity_vector=input_case.activity,
+ threshold=input_case.threshold,
+ types=input_args.core_types,
+ plot=input_args.plot).dict()
+ if len(results) == 1:
+ results = results.popitem()[1]
+ output_indent = input_args.output_indent if input_args.output_indent >= 0 else None
+ if input_args.output:
+ with open(input_args.output, 'w') as f:
+ json.dump(results, f, indent=output_indent, sort_keys=True)
+ if input_args.print:
+ print(json.dumps(results, indent=output_indent, sort_keys=True))
+ else:
+ return None
+ else:
+ print(json.dumps(results, indent=output_indent, sort_keys=True))
diff --git a/ephemerality/src/__init__.py b/ephemerality/src/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..04e58b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ephemerality/src/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+from .data_processing import process_input, InputData, ProcessedData
+from .ephemerality_computation import compute_ephemerality
+from .utils import EphemeralitySet
+__all__ = ['compute_ephemerality', 'EphemeralitySet', 'process_input', 'InputData', 'ProcessedData']
diff --git a/ephemerality/src/data_processing.py b/ephemerality/src/data_processing.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c87bf13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ephemerality/src/data_processing.py
@@ -0,0 +1,220 @@
+import json
+import warnings
+from dataclasses import dataclass
+from datetime import datetime, timezone, timedelta
+from pathlib import Path
+from typing import Sequence, Literal
+import numpy as np
+from numpy.typing import NDArray
+from pydantic import BaseModel
+SECONDS_WEEK = 604800.
+SECONDS_DAY = 86400.
+class InputData(BaseModel):
+ """
+ GET request body format
+ Attributes
+ ----------
+ input_sequence : Sequence[str | float | int]
+ Input sequence of either activity over time bins, or timestamps to be aggregated into an activity vector.
+ input_type : Literal['activity', 'a', 'timestamps', 't', 'datetime', 'd'], default='a'
+ Format of the input sequence.
+ threshold : float, default=.8
+ Ratio of the activity considered core.
+ time_format : str, optional, default="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ"
+ If input type is datetime, specifies the datetime format used (refer to `strptime` format guidelines).
+ timezone : float, optional, default=0.
+ If input type is datetime, specifies the offset in hours from the UTC time. Should be within [-24, +24] range.
+ range : tuple[str | float | int, str | float | int], optional
+ If input type is timestamp or datetime, specifies the time range of the activity vector.
+ Defaults to (min, max) of the input timestamps.
+ granularity : Literal['week', 'day', 'hour'] or str, optional, default='day'
+ If input type is timestamp or datetime, specifies the size of time bins when converting to activity vector.
+ Can be specified as \'{}d\' or \'{}h\' (e.g. '2d' or '7.5h') for a custom time bin size in days or hours.
+ reference_name : str, optional
+ Will be added to the output for easier matching between inputs and outputs (besides identical sorting).
+ """
+ input_sequence: Sequence[str | float | int]
+ input_type: Literal['activity', 'a', 'timestamps', 't', 'datetime', 'd'] = 'a'
+ threshold: float = .8
+ time_format: str = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ"
+ timezone: float = 0.
+ range: None | tuple[str | float | int, str | float | int] = None
+ granularity: Literal['week', 'day', 'hour'] | str = 'day'
+ reference_name: str = ""
+ def __init__(self, **kwargs):
+ kwargs['input_sequence'] = [str(item) for item in kwargs['input_sequence']]
+ if 'range' in kwargs and kwargs['range'] is not None:
+ kwargs['range'] = (str(kwargs['range'][0]), str(kwargs['range'][1]))
+ super().__init__(**kwargs)
+class ProcessedData:
+ name: str
+ activity: NDArray[float]
+ threshold: float = 0.8
+def process_input(
+ input_folder: str | Path | None = None,
+ recursive: bool = True,
+ input_file: str | Path | None = None,
+ input_remote_data: InputData | None = None,
+ input_dict: dict | None = None,
+ input_seq: Sequence[float | int | str] | None = None,
+ threshold: float = 0.8) -> list[ProcessedData]:
+ output = []
+ if input_folder:
+ output.extend(process_folder(path=Path(input_folder), recursive=recursive, threshold=threshold))
+ if input_file:
+ output.extend(process_file(path=Path(input_file), threshold=threshold))
+ if input_remote_data:
+ output.append(process_formatted_data(input_remote_data))
+ if input_dict:
+ output.append(process_formatted_data(InputData(**input_dict)))
+ if input_seq:
+ if threshold is None:
+ raise ValueError('Threshold value is not defined!')
+ output.append(ProcessedData(name="sequence", activity=np.ndarray(input_seq, dtype=float), threshold=threshold))
+ return output
+def process_folder(path: Path, recursive: bool = True, threshold: float | None = None) -> list[ProcessedData]:
+ output = []
+ for file in path.iterdir():
+ if file.is_file():
+ output.extend(process_file(path=file, threshold=threshold))
+ elif file.is_dir() and recursive:
+ output.extend(process_folder(path=file, recursive=recursive, threshold=threshold))
+ return output
+def process_file(path: Path, threshold: float | None = None) -> list[ProcessedData]:
+ if path.suffix == '.json':
+ return process_json(path)
+ elif path.suffix == '.csv':
+ return [ProcessedData(name=f"{str(path.resolve())}[{i}]", activity=sequence, threshold=threshold)
+ for i, sequence in enumerate(process_csv(path))]
+ else:
+ return []
+def process_json(path: Path) -> list[ProcessedData]:
+ with open(path, 'r') as f:
+ input_object = json.load(f)
+ if isinstance(input_object, dict):
+ input_object = [input_object]
+ output = []
+ for i, input_case in enumerate(input_object):
+ input_case = InputData(**input_case)
+ try:
+ case_output = process_formatted_data(input_case)
+ if not case_output.name:
+ case_output.name = f"{str(path.resolve())}[{i}]"
+ output.append(case_output)
+ except ValueError:
+ warnings.warn(
+ f'\"input_type\" is not one of [\"activity\", \"a\", \"timestamps\", \"t\", \"datetime\", \"d\"]!'
+ f' Ignoring file \"{str(path.resolve())}\"!')
+ return output
+def process_formatted_data(input_data: InputData) -> ProcessedData:
+ if input_data.input_type == 'activity' or input_data.input_type == 'a':
+ return ProcessedData(
+ name=input_data.reference_name,
+ activity=np.array(input_data.input_sequence, dtype=float),
+ threshold=input_data.threshold
+ )
+ elif input_data.input_type == 'timestamps' or input_data.input_type == 't':
+ return ProcessedData(
+ name=input_data.reference_name,
+ activity=timestamps_to_activity(np.array(input_data.input_sequence, dtype=float),
+ input_data.range,
+ input_data.granularity),
+ threshold=input_data.threshold
+ )
+ elif input_data.input_type == 'datetime' or input_data.input_type == 'd':
+ timestamps = [datetime.strptime(time_point, input_data.time_format).replace(
+ tzinfo=timezone(timedelta(hours=input_data.timezone))).timestamp()
+ for time_point in input_data.input_sequence]
+ if input_data.range is not None:
+ ts_range = (
+ datetime.strptime(input_data.range[0], input_data.time_format).replace(
+ tzinfo=timezone(timedelta(hours=input_data.timezone))).timestamp(),
+ datetime.strptime(input_data.range[1], input_data.time_format).replace(
+ tzinfo=timezone(timedelta(hours=input_data.timezone))).timestamp()
+ )
+ else:
+ ts_range = None
+ return ProcessedData(
+ name=input_data.reference_name,
+ activity=timestamps_to_activity(np.array(timestamps, dtype=float), ts_range, input_data.granularity),
+ threshold=input_data.threshold
+ )
+ else:
+ raise ValueError("Wrong \"input_type\" value!")
+def process_csv(path: Path) -> list[NDArray[float]]:
+ output = []
+ with open(path, 'r') as f:
+ for line in f:
+ if line:
+ output.append(np.fromstring(line.strip(), dtype=float, sep=','))
+ return output
+def timestamps_to_activity(timestamps: Sequence[float | int | str],
+ ts_range: None | tuple[float | int | str, float | int | str] = None,
+ granularity: str = 'day') -> NDArray[float]:
+ if not isinstance(timestamps, np.ndarray) or timestamps.dtype != float:
+ timestamps = np.array(timestamps, dtype=float)
+ if ts_range is None:
+ ts_range = (np.min(timestamps), np.max(timestamps))
+ if granularity == 'week':
+ bin_width = SECONDS_WEEK
+ elif granularity == 'day':
+ bin_width = SECONDS_DAY
+ elif granularity == 'hour':
+ bin_width = SECONDS_HOUR
+ elif granularity[-1] == 'd' and _is_float(granularity[:-1]):
+ bin_width = float(granularity[:-1]) * SECONDS_DAY
+ elif granularity[-1] == 'h' and _is_float(granularity[:-1]):
+ bin_width = float(granularity[:-1]) * SECONDS_HOUR
+ else:
+ raise ValueError(f"Invalid granularity value: {granularity}!")
+ # print(f"\n\nDEBUG: ts_range[0]: {ts_range[0]}, ts_range[1]: {ts_range[1]}, bin_width: {bin_width}\n\n")
+ bins = np.arange(ts_range[0], ts_range[1], bin_width)
+ if not np.isclose(bins[-1], ts_range[1]):
+ bins = np.append(bins, ts_range[1])
+ activity, _ = np.histogram(np.array(timestamps, dtype=float), bins=bins)
+ activity.dtype = float
+ return activity
+def _is_float(num: str) -> bool:
+ try:
+ float(num)
+ except ValueError:
+ return False
+ return True
diff --git a/ephemerality/src/ephemerality_computation.py b/ephemerality/src/ephemerality_computation.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f8bbb09
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ephemerality/src/ephemerality_computation.py
@@ -0,0 +1,352 @@
+from typing import Sequence
+import numpy as np
+from numpy.typing import NDArray
+from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
+from matplotlib.axes import Axes
+from matplotlib.figure import Figure
+from .utils import EphemeralitySet
+def _check_threshold(threshold: float) -> bool:
+ if threshold <= 0.:
+ raise ValueError('Threshold value must be greater than 0!')
+ if threshold > 1.:
+ raise ValueError('Threshold value must be less or equal to 1!')
+ return True
+def _ephemerality_raise_error(threshold: float) -> None:
+ if _check_threshold(threshold):
+ raise ValueError('Input activity vector has not been internally normalized (problematic data format?)!')
+def _normalize_activity_vector(activity_vector: Sequence[float]) -> NDArray:
+ activity_vector = np.array(activity_vector, dtype=np.float64)
+ if sum(activity_vector) != 1.:
+ activity_vector /= np.sum(activity_vector)
+ return activity_vector
+def _str_to_core_types(type_str: str) -> tuple[set[str], int]:
+ types = set()
+ for c in type_str.lower():
+ match c:
+ case 'l':
+ types.add('l')
+ case 'm':
+ types.add('m')
+ case 'r':
+ types.add('r')
+ case 's':
+ types.add('s')
+ case _:
+ raise ValueError(f'Unrecognized core type: {c}')
+ n_types = len(types)
+ return types, n_types
+def _init_fig(core_types: set[str]) -> tuple[Figure, list[Axes]]:
+ fig = plt.figure()
+ n_cores = len(core_types)
+ axes = list()
+ match n_cores:
+ case 1:
+ gs = fig.add_gridspec(nrows=1, ncols=1)
+ grid = [gs[0, 0]]
+ case 2:
+ gs = fig.add_gridspec(nrows=1, ncols=2)
+ grid = [gs[0, 0], gs[0, 1]]
+ case 3:
+ gs = fig.add_gridspec(nrows=2, ncols=1)
+ gs_0 = gs[0].subgridspec(nrows=1, ncols=2)
+ gs_1 = gs[1].subgridspec(nrows=1, ncols=3, width_ratios=[1, 2, 1])
+ grid = [gs_0[0, 0], gs_0[0, 1], gs_1[0, 1]]
+ case 4:
+ gs = fig.add_gridspec(nrows=2, ncols=2)
+ grid = [gs[0, 0], gs[0, 1], gs[1, 0], gs[1, 1]]
+ for i in range(n_cores):
+ axes.append(fig.add_subplot(grid[i]))
+ return fig, axes
+def _annotate_ax(ax: Axes, x_len: int, core_type: str, core_length: int, ephemerality: float, threshold: float) -> Axes:
+ ax.set_xlim((0, x_len))
+ ax.set_xlabel('Time')
+ ax.set_ylabel('Normalized activity')
+ ax.set_title(rf'{core_type} core (length {core_length}), $\varepsilon_{{{threshold}}}^{core_type[0].lower()}={np.round(ephemerality, 3)}$')
+ return ax
+def compute_left_core_length(activity_vector: NDArray, threshold: float, axes: Axes | None = None) -> int:
+ """
+ Compute the length of the left core of the activity vector.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ activity_vector : numpy.typing.NDArray
+ A normalized sequence of activity values. Time bins corresponding to each value is assumed to be of equal
+ length.
+ threshold : float
+ Ratio of activity that is considered to comprise its core part.
+ axes : Optional[Axes]
+ If provided, will plot the histogram of the activity vector and color its core part on it.
+ Returns
+ -------
+ int
+ The length of the left core period of the activity vector.
+ """
+ current_sum = 0
+ for i, freq in enumerate(activity_vector):
+ current_sum = current_sum + freq
+ if np.isclose(current_sum, threshold) or current_sum > threshold:
+ if axes is not None:
+ axes.stairs(activity_vector[:(i + 1)], np.arange(i + 2), fill=True, color='C1')
+ axes.stairs(activity_vector, np.arange(len(activity_vector) + 1), fill=False, color='C0')
+ return i + 1
+ _ephemerality_raise_error(threshold)
+def compute_right_core_length(activity_vector: NDArray, threshold: float, axes: Axes | None = None) -> int:
+ """
+ Compute the length of the right core of the activity vector.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ activity_vector : numpy.typing.NDArray
+ A normalized sequence of activity values. Time bins corresponding to each value is assumed to be of equal
+ length.
+ threshold : float
+ Ratio of activity that is considered to comprise its core part.
+ axes : Optional[Axes]
+ If provided, will plot the histogram of the activity vector and color its core part on it.
+ Returns
+ -------
+ int
+ The length of the right core period of the activity vector.
+ """
+ current_sum = 0
+ for i, freq in enumerate(activity_vector[::-1]):
+ current_sum = current_sum + freq
+ if np.isclose(current_sum, threshold) or current_sum > threshold:
+ if axes is not None:
+ bound = len(activity_vector) - (i + 1)
+ axes.stairs(activity_vector[bound:], np.arange(bound, len(activity_vector) + 1), fill=True, color='C1')
+ axes.stairs(activity_vector, np.arange(len(activity_vector) + 1), fill=False, color='C0')
+ return i + 1
+ _ephemerality_raise_error(threshold)
+def compute_middle_core_length(activity_vector: NDArray, threshold: float, axes: Axes | None = None) -> int:
+ """
+ Compute the length of the middle core of the activity vector.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ activity_vector : numpy.typing.NDArray
+ A normalized sequence of activity values. Time bins corresponding to each value is assumed to be of equal
+ length.
+ threshold : float
+ Ratio of activity that is considered to comprise its core part.
+ axes : Optional[Axes]
+ If provided, will plot the histogram of the activity vector and color its core part on it.
+ Returns
+ -------
+ int
+ The length of the middle core period of the activity vector.
+ """
+ lower_threshold = (1. - threshold) / 2
+ current_left_sum = 0
+ start_index = -1
+ for i, freq in enumerate(activity_vector):
+ current_left_sum += freq
+ if current_left_sum > lower_threshold and not np.isclose(current_left_sum, lower_threshold):
+ start_index = i
+ break
+ current_sum = 0
+ for j, freq in enumerate(activity_vector[start_index:]):
+ current_sum += freq
+ if np.isclose(current_sum, threshold) or current_sum > threshold:
+ if axes is not None:
+ axes.stairs(activity_vector[start_index:(start_index + j + 1)], np.arange(start_index, start_index + j + 2), fill=True, color='C1')
+ axes.stairs(activity_vector, np.arange(len(activity_vector) + 1), fill=False, color='C0')
+ return j + 1
+ _ephemerality_raise_error(threshold)
+def compute_sorted_core_length(activity_vector: np.array, threshold: float, axes: Axes | None = None) -> int:
+ """
+ Compute the length of the sorted core of the activity vector.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ activity_vector : numpy.typing.NDArray
+ A normalized sequence of activity values. Time bins corresponding to each value is assumed to be of equal
+ length.
+ threshold : float
+ Ratio of activity that is considered to comprise its core part.
+ axes : Optional[Axes]
+ If provided, will plot the histogram of the activity vector and color its core part on it.
+ Returns
+ -------
+ int
+ The length of the sorted core period of the activity vector.
+ """
+ indices = np.argsort(activity_vector)[::-1]
+ freq_descending_order = activity_vector[indices]
+ current_sum = 0
+ for i, freq in enumerate(freq_descending_order):
+ current_sum += freq
+ if np.isclose(current_sum, threshold) or current_sum > threshold:
+ if axes is not None:
+ core = np.zeros((len(activity_vector),))
+ core[indices[:(i + 1)]] = activity_vector[indices[:(i + 1)]]
+ axes.stairs(core, np.arange(len(activity_vector) + 1), fill=True, color='C1')
+ axes.stairs(activity_vector, np.arange(len(activity_vector) + 1), fill=False, color='C0')
+ return i + 1
+ _ephemerality_raise_error(threshold)
+def _compute_ephemerality_from_core(core_length: int, range_length: int, threshold: float) -> float:
+ return max(0., 1 - (core_length / range_length) / threshold)
+def _plot(axes: list[Axes]) -> None:
+ fig = plt.figure()
+ n_cores = len(axes)
+def compute_ephemerality(
+ activity_vector: Sequence[float | int],
+ threshold: float = 0.8,
+ types: str = 'lmrs',
+ plot: bool = False) -> EphemeralitySet:
+ """Compute ephemerality values for given activity vector.
+ This function computes ephemerality for a numeric vector using all current definitions of actiovity cores.
+ Alpha (desired non-ephemeral core length) can be specified with ``threshold parameter. In case not all cores are
+ needed, the required types can be specified in ``types``.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ activity_vector : Sequence[float | int]
+ A sequence of activity values. Time bins corresponding to each value is assumed to be of equal length. Does not
+ need to be normalised.
+ threshold : float, default=0.8
+ Desired non-ephemeral core length as fraction. Ephemerality is equal to 1.0 if the core length is at least ``threshold`` of
+ the ``activity_vector`` length.
+ types : str, default='lmrs'
+ Activity cores to be computed. A sequence of characters corresponding to core types.
+ 'l' for left core, 'm' for middle core, 'r' for right core, 's' for sorted core. Multiples of the same character
+ will be ignored.
+ plot : bool, default=False
+ Set to True to display the activity over time plot with core periods highlighted.
+ Returns
+ -------
+ EphemeralitySet
+ Container for the computed core lengths and ephemerality values
+ """
+ _check_threshold(threshold)
+ if np.sum(activity_vector) == 0.:
+ raise ZeroDivisionError("Activity vector's sum is 0!")
+ types, n_cores = _str_to_core_types(types)
+ activity_vector = _normalize_activity_vector(activity_vector)
+ len_range = len(activity_vector)
+ if plot:
+ fig, axes = _init_fig(types)
+ else:
+ axes = None
+ subplot_types = list()
+ core_ind = 0
+ if 'l' in types:
+ ax = axes[core_ind] if plot else None
+ subplot_types.append('l')
+ length_left_core = compute_left_core_length(activity_vector, threshold, axes=ax)
+ ephemerality_left_core = _compute_ephemerality_from_core(length_left_core, len_range, threshold)
+ core_ind += 1
+ else:
+ length_left_core = None
+ ephemerality_left_core = None
+ if 'm' in types:
+ ax = axes[core_ind] if plot else None
+ subplot_types.append('m')
+ length_middle_core = compute_middle_core_length(activity_vector, threshold, axes=ax)
+ ephemerality_middle_core = _compute_ephemerality_from_core(length_middle_core, len_range, threshold)
+ core_ind += 1
+ else:
+ length_middle_core = None
+ ephemerality_middle_core = None
+ if 'r' in types:
+ ax = axes[core_ind] if plot else None
+ subplot_types.append('r')
+ length_right_core = compute_right_core_length(activity_vector, threshold, axes=ax)
+ ephemerality_right_core = _compute_ephemerality_from_core(length_right_core, len_range, threshold)
+ core_ind += 1
+ else:
+ length_right_core = None
+ ephemerality_right_core = None
+ if 's' in types:
+ ax = axes[core_ind] if plot else None
+ subplot_types.append('s')
+ length_sorted_core = compute_sorted_core_length(activity_vector, threshold, axes=ax)
+ ephemerality_sorted_core = _compute_ephemerality_from_core(length_sorted_core, len_range, threshold)
+ core_ind += 1
+ else:
+ length_sorted_core = None
+ ephemerality_sorted_core = None
+ if n_cores == 0:
+ raise ValueError('No valid ephemerality cores requested!')
+ ephemeralities = EphemeralitySet(
+ len_left_core=length_left_core,
+ len_middle_core=length_middle_core,
+ len_right_core=length_right_core,
+ len_sorted_core=length_sorted_core,
+ eph_left_core=ephemerality_left_core,
+ eph_middle_core=ephemerality_middle_core,
+ eph_right_core=ephemerality_right_core,
+ eph_sorted_core=ephemerality_sorted_core
+ )
+ if plot:
+ for i, subplot_type in enumerate(subplot_types):
+ match subplot_type:
+ case 'l':
+ _annotate_ax(axes[i], len_range, 'Left', ephemeralities.len_left_core, ephemeralities.eph_left_core, threshold)
+ case 'm':
+ _annotate_ax(axes[i], len_range, 'Middle', ephemeralities.len_middle_core, ephemeralities.eph_middle_core, threshold)
+ case 'r':
+ _annotate_ax(axes[i], len_range, 'Right', ephemeralities.len_right_core, ephemeralities.eph_right_core, threshold)
+ case 's':
+ _annotate_ax(axes[i], len_range, 'Sorted', ephemeralities.len_sorted_core, ephemeralities.eph_sorted_core, threshold)
+ fig.tight_layout()
+ fig.show()
+ return ephemeralities
diff --git a/ephemerality/src/utils.py b/ephemerality/src/utils.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5063891
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ephemerality/src/utils.py
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+import numpy as np
+from pydantic import BaseModel
+class EphemeralitySet(BaseModel):
+ """
+ Container for ephemerality and core size values.
+ This class is a simple pydantic BaseModel used to store computed core lengths and corresponding ephemerality values
+ by core type. Values that were not computed default to None.
+ Attributes
+ ----------
+ len_left_core : int, optional
+ Length of the left core in time bins
+ len_middle_core : int, optional
+ Length of the middle core in time bins
+ len_right_core : int, optional
+ Length of the right core in time bins
+ len_sorted_core : int, optional
+ Length of the sorted core in time bins
+ eph_left_core: float, optional
+ Ephemerality value for the left core
+ eph_middle_core: float, optional
+ Ephemerality value for the middle core
+ eph_right_core: float, optional
+ Ephemerality value for the right core
+ eph_sorted_core: float, optional
+ Ephemerality value for the sorted core
+ """
+ len_left_core: int | None = None
+ len_middle_core: int | None = None
+ len_right_core: int | None = None
+ len_sorted_core: int | None = None
+ eph_left_core: float | None = None
+ eph_middle_core: float | None = None
+ eph_right_core: float | None = None
+ eph_sorted_core: float | None = None
+ def __eq__(self, other) -> bool:
+ if isinstance(other, EphemeralitySet):
+ if \
+ self.len_left_core != other.len_left_core or \
+ self.len_middle_core != other.len_middle_core or \
+ self.len_right_core != other.len_right_core or \
+ self.len_sorted_core != other.len_sorted_core or \
+ not self._cmp_float_none(self.eph_left_core, other.eph_left_core) or \
+ not self._cmp_float_none(self.eph_middle_core, other.eph_middle_core) or \
+ not self._cmp_float_none(self.eph_right_core, other.eph_right_core) or \
+ not self._cmp_float_none(self.eph_sorted_core, other.eph_sorted_core):
+ return False
+ else:
+ return True
+ else:
+ return False
+ @staticmethod
+ def _cmp_float_none(value1: float | None, value2: float | None) -> bool:
+ if value1 is None and value2 is None:
+ return True
+ elif value1 is None or value2 is None:
+ return False
+ else:
+ return np.isclose(value1, value2)
+ def __str__(self) -> str:
+ values = ', '.join([f'{pair[0]}={pair[1]}' for pair in sorted(list(self.dict(exclude_none=True).items()), key=lambda x: x[0])])
+ return f'{self.__class__.__name__}({values})'
+ def __repr__(self) -> str:
+ return str(self)
diff --git a/images/example_1.png b/images/example_1.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..53d5596
Binary files /dev/null and b/images/example_1.png differ
diff --git a/images/example_2.png b/images/example_2.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..369081a
Binary files /dev/null and b/images/example_2.png differ
diff --git a/images/example_3.png b/images/example_3.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0aef215
Binary files /dev/null and b/images/example_3.png differ
diff --git a/images/example_4.png b/images/example_4.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..84149f7
Binary files /dev/null and b/images/example_4.png differ
diff --git a/images/results_1.png b/images/results_1.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1afbb7a
Binary files /dev/null and b/images/results_1.png differ
diff --git a/images/results_2.png b/images/results_2.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d07fef7
Binary files /dev/null and b/images/results_2.png differ
diff --git a/images/results_3.png b/images/results_3.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8db530c
Binary files /dev/null and b/images/results_3.png differ
diff --git a/images/results_4.png b/images/results_4.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c8e4238
Binary files /dev/null and b/images/results_4.png differ
diff --git a/poetry.lock b/poetry.lock
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d0a8124
--- /dev/null
+++ b/poetry.lock
@@ -0,0 +1,771 @@
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+typing-extensions = ">=4.6.0,<4.7.0 || >4.7.0"
+name = "pyparsing"
+version = "3.1.2"
+description = "pyparsing module - Classes and methods to define and execute parsing grammars"
+optional = false
+python-versions = ">=3.6.8"
+files = [
+ {file = "pyparsing-3.1.2-py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:f9db75911801ed778fe61bb643079ff86601aca99fcae6345aa67292038fb742"},
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+diagrams = ["jinja2", "railroad-diagrams"]
+name = "python-dateutil"
+version = "2.9.0.post0"
+description = "Extensions to the standard Python datetime module"
+optional = false
+python-versions = "!=3.0.*,!=3.1.*,!=3.2.*,>=2.7"
+files = [
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+ {file = "python_dateutil-2.9.0.post0-py2.py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:a8b2bc7bffae282281c8140a97d3aa9c14da0b136dfe83f850eea9a5f7470427"},
+six = ">=1.5"
+name = "six"
+version = "1.16.0"
+description = "Python 2 and 3 compatibility utilities"
+optional = false
+python-versions = ">=2.7, !=3.0.*, !=3.1.*, !=3.2.*"
+files = [
+ {file = "six-1.16.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:8abb2f1d86890a2dfb989f9a77cfcfd3e47c2a354b01111771326f8aa26e0254"},
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+name = "sniffio"
+version = "1.3.1"
+description = "Sniff out which async library your code is running under"
+optional = false
+python-versions = ">=3.7"
+files = [
+ {file = "sniffio-1.3.1-py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:2f6da418d1f1e0fddd844478f41680e794e6051915791a034ff65e5f100525a2"},
+ {file = "sniffio-1.3.1.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:f4324edc670a0f49750a81b895f35c3adb843cca46f0530f79fc1babb23789dc"},
+name = "starlette"
+version = "0.37.2"
+description = "The little ASGI library that shines."
+optional = false
+python-versions = ">=3.8"
+files = [
+ {file = "starlette-0.37.2-py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:6fe59f29268538e5d0d182f2791a479a0c64638e6935d1c6989e63fb2699c6ee"},
+ {file = "starlette-0.37.2.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:9af890290133b79fc3db55474ade20f6220a364a0402e0b556e7cd5e1e093823"},
+anyio = ">=3.4.0,<5"
+full = ["httpx (>=0.22.0)", "itsdangerous", "jinja2", "python-multipart (>=0.0.7)", "pyyaml"]
+name = "typing-extensions"
+version = "4.11.0"
+description = "Backported and Experimental Type Hints for Python 3.8+"
+optional = false
+python-versions = ">=3.8"
+files = [
+ {file = "typing_extensions-4.11.0-py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:c1f94d72897edaf4ce775bb7558d5b79d8126906a14ea5ed1635921406c0387a"},
+ {file = "typing_extensions-4.11.0.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:83f085bd5ca59c80295fc2a82ab5dac679cbe02b9f33f7d83af68e241bea51b0"},
+name = "uvicorn"
+version = "0.22.0"
+description = "The lightning-fast ASGI server."
+optional = false
+python-versions = ">=3.7"
+files = [
+ {file = "uvicorn-0.22.0-py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:e9434d3bbf05f310e762147f769c9f21235ee118ba2d2bf1155a7196448bd996"},
+ {file = "uvicorn-0.22.0.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:79277ae03db57ce7d9aa0567830bbb51d7a612f54d6e1e3e92da3ef24c2c8ed8"},
+click = ">=7.0"
+h11 = ">=0.8"
+standard = ["colorama (>=0.4)", "httptools (>=0.5.0)", "python-dotenv (>=0.13)", "pyyaml (>=5.1)", "uvloop (>=0.14.0,!=0.15.0,!=0.15.1)", "watchfiles (>=0.13)", "websockets (>=10.4)"]
+lock-version = "2.0"
+python-versions = "^3.10"
+content-hash = "c67ad07886d909cfac5f81e7822fd7ddae85b5f1b268b604aa531e24c752baeb"
diff --git a/pyproject.toml b/pyproject.toml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2b9fa9e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pyproject.toml
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+name = "ephemerality"
+version = "2.0.0"
+description = "Module for computing ephemerality metrics for temporal activity vectors."
+authors = ["Dmitry Gnatyshak "]
+readme = "README.md"
+python = "^3.10"
+numpy = "^1.24.2"
+pydantic = "^2.7.1"
+matplotlib = "^3.8.4"
+fastapi = "^0.110.2"
+uvicorn = "^0.22.0"
+requires = ["poetry-core"]
+build-backend = "poetry.core.masonry.api"
diff --git a/requirements.txt b/requirements.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 8cef061..0000000
--- a/requirements.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/rest/__init__.py b/rest/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
diff --git a/rest/api.py b/rest/api.py
deleted file mode 100644
index d537a85..0000000
--- a/rest/api.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-from fastapi import FastAPI, status
-from pydantic import BaseModel
-import rest.api11 as api11
-from src import EphemeralitySet
-app = FastAPI()
-class InputData(BaseModel):
- input_vector: list[float]
- threshold: float
-@app.post("/ephemerality/{api_version}/all", status_code=status.HTTP_200_OK)
-async def get_all_ephemeralities(api_version: str, input_data: InputData) -> EphemeralitySet:
- if api_version == '1.1':
- return api11.get_all_ephemeralities(input_vector=input_data.input_vector, threshold=input_data.threshold)
- else:
- raise ValueError(f'Unrecognized API version: {api_version}!')
-@app.post("/ephemerality/{api_version}/left", status_code=status.HTTP_200_OK)
-async def get_left_core_ephemeralities(api_version: str, input_data: InputData) -> EphemeralitySet:
- if api_version == '1.1':
- return api11.get_left_core_ephemerality(input_vector=input_data['input_vector'], threshold=input_data['threshold'])
- else:
- raise ValueError(f'Unrecognized API version: {api_version}!')
-@app.post("/ephemerality/{api_version}/middle", status_code=status.HTTP_200_OK)
-async def get_middle_core_ephemeralities(api_version: str, input_data: InputData) -> EphemeralitySet:
- if api_version == '1.1':
- return api11.get_middle_core_ephemerality(input_vector=input_data['input_vector'], threshold=input_data['threshold'])
- else:
- raise ValueError(f'Unrecognized API version: {api_version}!')
-@app.post("/ephemerality/{api_version}/right", status_code=status.HTTP_200_OK)
-async def get_right_core_ephemeralities(api_version: str, input_data: InputData) -> EphemeralitySet:
- if api_version == '1.1':
- return api11.get_right_core_ephemerality(input_vector=input_data['input_vector'], threshold=input_data['threshold'])
- else:
- raise ValueError(f'Unrecognized API version: {api_version}!')
-@app.post("/ephemerality/{api_version}/sorted", status_code=status.HTTP_200_OK)
-async def get_sorted_core_ephemeralities(api_version: str, input_data: InputData) -> EphemeralitySet:
- if api_version == '1.1':
- return api11.get_sorted_core_ephemerality(input_vector=input_data['input_vector'], threshold=input_data['threshold'])
- else:
- raise ValueError(f'Unrecognized API version: {api_version}!')
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/rest/api11.py b/rest/api11.py
deleted file mode 100644
index b386156..0000000
--- a/rest/api11.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-from typing import Sequence
-from src import compute_ephemerality, EphemeralitySet
-def get_all_ephemeralities(input_vector: Sequence[float], threshold: float) -> EphemeralitySet:
- return compute_ephemerality(frequency_vector=input_vector, threshold=threshold, types='all')
-def get_left_core_ephemerality(input_vector: Sequence[float], threshold: float) -> EphemeralitySet:
- return compute_ephemerality(frequency_vector=input_vector, threshold=threshold, types='left')
-def get_middle_core_ephemerality(input_vector: Sequence[float], threshold: float) -> EphemeralitySet:
- return compute_ephemerality(frequency_vector=input_vector, threshold=threshold, types='middle')
-def get_right_core_ephemerality(input_vector: Sequence[float], threshold: float) -> EphemeralitySet:
- return compute_ephemerality(frequency_vector=input_vector, threshold=threshold, types='right')
-def get_sorted_core_ephemerality(input_vector: Sequence[float], threshold: float) -> EphemeralitySet:
- return compute_ephemerality(frequency_vector=input_vector, threshold=threshold, types='sorted')
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/setup.py b/setup.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 7a31bb1..0000000
--- a/setup.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-import os
-from setuptools import setup
-import re
-VERSION_FILE = "_version.py"
-VERSION_REGEX = r"^__version__ = ['\"]([^'\"]*)['\"]"
-def read(file_name):
- return open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), file_name)).read()
-version_lines = open(VERSION_FILE, 'r').read()
-match = re.search(VERSION_REGEX, version_lines, re.M)
-if match:
- version = match.group(1)
- raise RuntimeError("Unable to find version string in %s." % (VERSION_FILE,))
- name='ephemerality',
- version=version,
- packages=['src', 'test'],
- url='https://github.com/HPAI-BSC/ephemerality',
- license='MIT',
- author='HPAI BSC',
- author_email='dmitry.gnatyshak@bsc.es',
- description='Module for computing ephemerality metrics of temporal arrays.',
- long_description=read('README.md')
diff --git a/src/__init__.py b/src/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 5fae7b4..0000000
--- a/src/__init__.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-from src.ephemerality_computation import compute_ephemerality, EphemeralitySet
-__all__ = ['compute_ephemerality', 'EphemeralitySet']
diff --git a/src/ephemerality_computation.py b/src/ephemerality_computation.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 2486067..0000000
--- a/src/ephemerality_computation.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,174 +0,0 @@
-import numpy as np
-from typing import Sequence
-from pydantic import BaseModel
-import warnings
-class EphemeralitySet(BaseModel):
- """Class to contain ephemerality values by subtypes"""
- left_core: float = None
- middle_core: float = None
- right_core: float = None
- sorted_core: float = None
-def _normalize_frequency_vector(frequency_vector: Sequence[float]) -> np.array:
- frequency_vector = np.array(frequency_vector)
- if sum(frequency_vector) != 1.:
- frequency_vector /= np.sum(frequency_vector)
- return frequency_vector
-def _ephemerality_raise_error(threshold: float):
- if 0. < threshold <= 1:
- raise ValueError('Input frequency vector has not been internally normalized!')
- else:
- raise ValueError('Threshold value is not within (0, 1] range!')
-def compute_left_core_length(frequency_vector: np.array, threshold: float) -> int:
- current_sum = 0
- for i, freq in enumerate(frequency_vector):
- current_sum = current_sum + freq
- if np.isclose(current_sum, threshold) or current_sum > threshold:
- return i + 1
- _ephemerality_raise_error(threshold)
-def compute_right_core_length(frequency_vector: np.array, threshold: float) -> int:
- current_sum = 0
- for i, freq in enumerate(frequency_vector[::-1]):
- current_sum = current_sum + freq
- if np.isclose(current_sum, threshold) or current_sum > threshold:
- return i + 1
- _ephemerality_raise_error(threshold)
-def compute_middle_core_length(frequency_vector: np.array, threshold: float) -> int:
- lower_threshold = (1. - threshold) / 2
- current_presum = 0
- start_index = -1
- for i, freq in enumerate(frequency_vector):
- current_presum += freq
- if current_presum > lower_threshold and not np.isclose(current_presum, lower_threshold):
- start_index = i
- break
- current_sum = 0
- for j, freq in enumerate(frequency_vector[start_index:]):
- current_sum += freq
- if np.isclose(current_sum, threshold) or current_sum > threshold:
- return j + 1
- _ephemerality_raise_error(threshold)
-def compute_sorted_core_length(frequency_vector: np.array, threshold: float) -> int:
- freq_descending_order = np.sort(frequency_vector)[::-1]
- current_sum = 0
- for i, freq in enumerate(freq_descending_order):
- current_sum += freq
- if np.isclose(current_sum, threshold) or current_sum > threshold:
- return i + 1
- _ephemerality_raise_error(threshold)
-def _compute_ephemerality_from_core(core_length: int, range_length: int, threshold: float):
- return 1 - (core_length / range_length) / threshold
-def _check_threshold(threshold: float):
- if threshold <= 0.:
- raise ValueError('Threshold value must be greater than 0!')
- if threshold > 1.:
- raise ValueError('Threshold value must be less or equal to 1!')
-def compute_ephemerality(
- frequency_vector: Sequence[float],
- threshold: float = 0.8,
- types: str = 'all') -> EphemeralitySet:
- _check_threshold(threshold)
- if np.isclose(np.sum(frequency_vector), 0.):
- return EphemeralitySet(
- left_core=1.,
- middle_core=1.,
- right_core=1.,
- sorted_core=1.
- )
- frequency_vector = _normalize_frequency_vector(frequency_vector)
- range_length = len(frequency_vector)
- if types == 'all' or types == 'left':
- left_core_length = compute_left_core_length(frequency_vector, threshold)
- ephemerality_left_core = _compute_ephemerality_from_core(left_core_length, range_length, threshold)
- if ephemerality_left_core < 0. and not np.isclose(ephemerality_left_core, 0.):
- warnings.warn(f'Original ephemerality value is less than 0 ({ephemerality_left_core}) and is going to be rounded up! '
- f'This is indicative of the edge case in which ephemerality span is greater than '
- f'[threshold * input_vector_length], i.e. most of the frequency mass lies in a few vector '
- f'elements at the end of the frequency vector. Original ephemerality in this case should be '
- f'considered to be equal to 0. However, please double check the input vector!',
- RuntimeWarning)
- ephemerality_left_core = 0.
- else:
- ephemerality_left_core = None
- if types == 'all' or types == 'middle':
- middle_core_length = compute_middle_core_length(frequency_vector, threshold)
- ephemerality_middle_core = _compute_ephemerality_from_core(middle_core_length, range_length, threshold)
- if ephemerality_middle_core < 0. and not np.isclose(ephemerality_middle_core, 0.):
- warnings.warn(f'Filtered ephemerality value is less than 0 ({ephemerality_middle_core}) and is going to be rounded up! '
- f'This is indicative of the edge case in which ephemerality span is greater than '
- f'[threshold * input_vector_length], i.e. most of the frequency mass lies in a few elements '
- f'at the beginning and the end of the frequency vector. Filtered ephemerality in this case should '
- f'be considered to be equal to 0. However, please double check the input vector!',
- RuntimeWarning)
- ephemerality_middle_core = 0.
- else:
- ephemerality_middle_core = None
- if types == 'all' or types == 'right':
- right_core_length = compute_right_core_length(frequency_vector, threshold)
- ephemerality_right_core = _compute_ephemerality_from_core(right_core_length, range_length, threshold)
- if ephemerality_right_core < 0. and not np.isclose(ephemerality_right_core, 0.):
- warnings.warn(f'Original ephemerality value is less than 0 ({ephemerality_right_core}) and is going to be rounded up! '
- f'This is indicative of the edge case in which ephemerality span is greater than '
- f'[threshold * input_vector_length], i.e. most of the frequency mass lies in a few vector '
- f'elements at the end of the frequency vector. Original ephemerality in this case should be '
- f'considered to be equal to 0. However, please double check the input vector!',
- RuntimeWarning)
- ephemerality_right_core = 0.
- else:
- ephemerality_right_core = None
- if types == 'all' or types == 'sorted':
- sorted_core_length = compute_sorted_core_length(frequency_vector, threshold)
- ephemerality_sorted_core = _compute_ephemerality_from_core(sorted_core_length, range_length, threshold)
- if ephemerality_sorted_core < 0. and not np.isclose(ephemerality_sorted_core, 0.):
- warnings.warn(f'Sorted ephemerality value is less than 0 ({ephemerality_sorted_core}) and is going to be rounded up! '
- f'This is indicative of the rare edge case of very short and mostly uniform frequency vector (so '
- f'that ephemerality span is greater than [threshold * input_vector_length]). '
- f'Sorted ephemerality in this case should be considered to be equal to 0. '
- f'However, please double check the input vector!',
- RuntimeWarning)
- ephemerality_sorted_core = 0.
- else:
- ephemerality_sorted_core = None
- ephemeralities = EphemeralitySet(left_core=ephemerality_left_core,
- middle_core=ephemerality_middle_core,
- right_core=ephemerality_right_core,
- sorted_core=ephemerality_sorted_core)
- return ephemeralities
diff --git a/test/__init__.py b/test/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
diff --git a/test/ephemerality_test.py b/test/ephemerality_test.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 9bfd3b8..0000000
--- a/test/ephemerality_test.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,510 +0,0 @@
-import warnings
-from unittest import TestCase
-from typing import Sequence
-import numpy as np
-from dataclasses import dataclass
-import re
-from src import compute_ephemerality
-class EphemeralityTestCase:
- input_vector: Sequence[float]
- threshold: float
- expected_output: dict
- warnings: tuple[bool, bool, bool]
-class TestComputeEphemerality(TestCase):
- _warning_messages = [
- re.compile(
- r'Original ephemerality value is less than 0 [(]-[0-9]*[.][0-9]*[)] and is going to be rounded up! '
- r'This is indicative of the edge case in which ephemerality span is greater than '
- r'\[threshold [*] input_vector_length], i[.]e[.] most of the frequency mass lies in a few vector '
- r'elements at the end of the frequency vector[.] Original ephemerality in this case should be '
- r'considered to be equal to 0[.] However, please double check the input vector!'
- ),
- re.compile(
- r'Filtered ephemerality value is less than 0 [(]-[0-9]*[.][0-9]*[)] and is going to be rounded up! '
- r'This is indicative of the edge case in which ephemerality span is greater than '
- r'\[threshold [*] input_vector_length], i[.]e[.] most of the frequency mass lies in a few elements '
- r'at the beginning and the end of the frequency vector[.] Filtered ephemerality in this case should '
- r'be considered to be equal to 0[.] However, please double check the input vector!'
- ),
- re.compile(
- r'Sorted ephemerality value is less than 0 [(]-[0-9]*[.][0-9]*[)] and is going to be rounded up! '
- r'This is indicative of the rare edge case of very short and mostly uniform frequency vector [(]so '
- r'that ephemerality span is greater than \[threshold [*] input_vector_length][)][.] '
- r'Sorted ephemerality in this case should be considered to be equal to 0[.] '
- r'However, please double check the input vector!'
- )
- ]
- _test_cases = [
- EphemeralityTestCase(
- input_vector=[1.],
- threshold=0.8,
- expected_output={
- 'ephemerality_original': 0., 'ephemerality_original_span': 1,
- 'ephemerality_filtered': 0., 'ephemerality_filtered_span': 1,
- 'ephemerality_sorted': 0., 'ephemerality_sorted_span': 1
- },
- warnings=(True, True, True)
- ),
- EphemeralityTestCase(
- input_vector=[1.],
- threshold=0.3,
- expected_output={
- 'ephemerality_original': 0., 'ephemerality_original_span': 1,
- 'ephemerality_filtered': 0., 'ephemerality_filtered_span': 1,
- 'ephemerality_sorted': 0., 'ephemerality_sorted_span': 1
- },
- warnings=(True, True, True)
- ),
- EphemeralityTestCase(
- input_vector=[1., 0.],
- threshold=0.8,
- expected_output={
- 'ephemerality_original': 0.375, 'ephemerality_original_span': 1,
- 'ephemerality_filtered': 0.375, 'ephemerality_filtered_span': 1,
- 'ephemerality_sorted': 0.375, 'ephemerality_sorted_span': 1
- },
- warnings=(False, False, False)
- ),
- EphemeralityTestCase(
- input_vector=[1., 0.],
- threshold=0.3,
- expected_output={
- 'ephemerality_original': 0., 'ephemerality_original_span': 1,
- 'ephemerality_filtered': 0., 'ephemerality_filtered_span': 1,
- 'ephemerality_sorted': 0., 'ephemerality_sorted_span': 1
- },
- warnings=(True, True, True)
- ),
- EphemeralityTestCase(
- input_vector=[0., 1.],
- threshold=0.8,
- expected_output={
- 'ephemerality_original': 0., 'ephemerality_original_span': 2,
- 'ephemerality_filtered': 0.375, 'ephemerality_filtered_span': 1,
- 'ephemerality_sorted': 0.375, 'ephemerality_sorted_span': 1
- },
- warnings=(True, False, False)
- ),
- EphemeralityTestCase(
- input_vector=[0., 1.],
- threshold=0.3,
- expected_output={
- 'ephemerality_original': 0., 'ephemerality_original_span': 2,
- 'ephemerality_filtered': 0., 'ephemerality_filtered_span': 1,
- 'ephemerality_sorted': 0., 'ephemerality_sorted_span': 1
- },
- warnings=(True, True, True)
- ),
- EphemeralityTestCase(
- input_vector=[.5, .5],
- threshold=0.8,
- expected_output={
- 'ephemerality_original': 0., 'ephemerality_original_span': 2,
- 'ephemerality_filtered': 0., 'ephemerality_filtered_span': 2,
- 'ephemerality_sorted': 0., 'ephemerality_sorted_span': 2
- },
- warnings=(True, True, True)
- ),
- EphemeralityTestCase(
- input_vector=[.5, .5],
- threshold=0.3,
- expected_output={
- 'ephemerality_original': 0., 'ephemerality_original_span': 1,
- 'ephemerality_filtered': 0., 'ephemerality_filtered_span': 1,
- 'ephemerality_sorted': 0., 'ephemerality_sorted_span': 1
- },
- warnings=(True, True, True)
- ),
- EphemeralityTestCase(
- input_vector=[0.7, .3],
- threshold=0.8,
- expected_output={
- 'ephemerality_original': 0., 'ephemerality_original_span': 2,
- 'ephemerality_filtered': 0., 'ephemerality_filtered_span': 2,
- 'ephemerality_sorted': 0., 'ephemerality_sorted_span': 2
- },
- warnings=(True, True, True)
- ),
- EphemeralityTestCase(
- input_vector=[0.7, .3],
- threshold=0.3,
- expected_output={
- 'ephemerality_original': 0., 'ephemerality_original_span': 1,
- 'ephemerality_filtered': 0., 'ephemerality_filtered_span': 1,
- 'ephemerality_sorted': 0., 'ephemerality_sorted_span': 1
- },
- warnings=(True, True, True)
- ),
- EphemeralityTestCase(
- input_vector=[1., 0., 0., 0.],
- threshold=0.8,
- expected_output={
- 'ephemerality_original': 0.6875, 'ephemerality_original_span': 1,
- 'ephemerality_filtered': 0.6875, 'ephemerality_filtered_span': 1,
- 'ephemerality_sorted': 0.6875, 'ephemerality_sorted_span': 1
- },
- warnings=(False, False, False)
- ),
- EphemeralityTestCase(
- input_vector=[1., 0., 0., 0.],
- threshold=0.3,
- expected_output={
- 'ephemerality_original': 1 / 6, 'ephemerality_original_span': 1,
- 'ephemerality_filtered': 1 / 6, 'ephemerality_filtered_span': 1,
- 'ephemerality_sorted': 1 / 6, 'ephemerality_sorted_span': 1
- },
- warnings=(False, False, False)
- ),
- EphemeralityTestCase(
- input_vector=[0., 0., 0., 1.],
- threshold=0.8,
- expected_output={
- 'ephemerality_original': 0., 'ephemerality_original_span': 4,
- 'ephemerality_filtered': 0.6875, 'ephemerality_filtered_span': 1,
- 'ephemerality_sorted': 0.6875, 'ephemerality_sorted_span': 1
- },
- warnings=(True, False, False)
- ),
- EphemeralityTestCase(
- input_vector=[0., 0., 0., 1.],
- threshold=0.3,
- expected_output={
- 'ephemerality_original': 0., 'ephemerality_original_span': 4,
- 'ephemerality_filtered': 1 / 6, 'ephemerality_filtered_span': 1,
- 'ephemerality_sorted': 1 / 6, 'ephemerality_sorted_span': 1
- },
- warnings=(True, False, False)
- ),
- EphemeralityTestCase(
- input_vector=[0., 1., 0., 1.],
- threshold=0.8,
- expected_output={
- 'ephemerality_original': 0., 'ephemerality_original_span': 4,
- 'ephemerality_filtered': 0.0625, 'ephemerality_filtered_span': 3,
- 'ephemerality_sorted': 0.375, 'ephemerality_sorted_span': 2
- },
- warnings=(True, False, False)
- ),
- EphemeralityTestCase(
- input_vector=[0., 1., 0., 1.],
- threshold=0.3,
- expected_output={
- 'ephemerality_original': 0., 'ephemerality_original_span': 2,
- 'ephemerality_filtered': 1 / 6, 'ephemerality_filtered_span': 1,
- 'ephemerality_sorted': 1 / 6, 'ephemerality_sorted_span': 1
- },
- warnings=(True, False, False)
- ),
- EphemeralityTestCase(
- input_vector=[1., 1., 1., 1.],
- threshold=0.8,
- expected_output={
- 'ephemerality_original': 0., 'ephemerality_original_span': 4,
- 'ephemerality_filtered': 0., 'ephemerality_filtered_span': 4,
- 'ephemerality_sorted': 0., 'ephemerality_sorted_span': 4
- },
- warnings=(True, True, True)
- ),
- EphemeralityTestCase(
- input_vector=[1., 1., 1., 1.],
- threshold=0.3,
- expected_output={
- 'ephemerality_original': 0., 'ephemerality_original_span': 2,
- 'ephemerality_filtered': 0., 'ephemerality_filtered_span': 2,
- 'ephemerality_sorted': 0., 'ephemerality_sorted_span': 2
- },
- warnings=(True, True, True)
- ),
- EphemeralityTestCase(
- input_vector=[1., 1., 0., 0.],
- threshold=0.8,
- expected_output={
- 'ephemerality_original': 0.375, 'ephemerality_original_span': 2,
- 'ephemerality_filtered': 0.375, 'ephemerality_filtered_span': 2,
- 'ephemerality_sorted': 0.375, 'ephemerality_sorted_span': 2
- },
- warnings=(False, False, False)
- ),
- EphemeralityTestCase(
- input_vector=[1., 1., 0., 0.],
- threshold=0.3,
- expected_output={
- 'ephemerality_original': 1 / 6, 'ephemerality_original_span': 1,
- 'ephemerality_filtered': 1 / 6, 'ephemerality_filtered_span': 1,
- 'ephemerality_sorted': 1 / 6, 'ephemerality_sorted_span': 1
- },
- warnings=(False, False, False)
- ),
- EphemeralityTestCase(
- input_vector=[1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.],
- threshold=0.8,
- expected_output={
- 'ephemerality_original': 0.875, 'ephemerality_original_span': 1,
- 'ephemerality_filtered': 0.875, 'ephemerality_filtered_span': 1,
- 'ephemerality_sorted': 0.875, 'ephemerality_sorted_span': 1
- },
- warnings=(False, False, False)
- ),
- EphemeralityTestCase(
- input_vector=[1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.],
- threshold=0.3,
- expected_output={
- 'ephemerality_original': 2 / 3, 'ephemerality_original_span': 1,
- 'ephemerality_filtered': 2 / 3, 'ephemerality_filtered_span': 1,
- 'ephemerality_sorted': 2 / 3, 'ephemerality_sorted_span': 1
- },
- warnings=(False, False, False)
- ),
- EphemeralityTestCase(
- input_vector=[0., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.],
- threshold=0.8,
- expected_output={
- 'ephemerality_original': 0.375, 'ephemerality_original_span': 5,
- 'ephemerality_filtered': 0.875, 'ephemerality_filtered_span': 1,
- 'ephemerality_sorted': 0.875, 'ephemerality_sorted_span': 1
- },
- warnings=(False, False, False)
- ),
- EphemeralityTestCase(
- input_vector=[0., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.],
- threshold=0.3,
- expected_output={
- 'ephemerality_original': 0., 'ephemerality_original_span': 5,
- 'ephemerality_filtered': 2 / 3, 'ephemerality_filtered_span': 1,
- 'ephemerality_sorted': 2 / 3, 'ephemerality_sorted_span': 1
- },
- warnings=(True, False, False)
- ),
- EphemeralityTestCase(
- input_vector=[0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.],
- threshold=0.8,
- expected_output={
- 'ephemerality_original': 0.625, 'ephemerality_original_span': 3,
- 'ephemerality_filtered': 0.875, 'ephemerality_filtered_span': 1,
- 'ephemerality_sorted': 0.875, 'ephemerality_sorted_span': 1
- },
- warnings=(False, False, False)
- ),
- EphemeralityTestCase(
- input_vector=[0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.],
- threshold=0.3,
- expected_output={
- 'ephemerality_original': 0., 'ephemerality_original_span': 3,
- 'ephemerality_filtered': 2 / 3, 'ephemerality_filtered_span': 1,
- 'ephemerality_sorted': 2 / 3, 'ephemerality_sorted_span': 1
- },
- warnings=(False, False, False)
- ),
- EphemeralityTestCase(
- input_vector=[0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.],
- threshold=0.8,
- expected_output={
- 'ephemerality_original': 0.5, 'ephemerality_original_span': 4,
- 'ephemerality_filtered': 0.875, 'ephemerality_filtered_span': 1,
- 'ephemerality_sorted': 0.875, 'ephemerality_sorted_span': 1
- },
- warnings=(False, False, False)
- ),
- EphemeralityTestCase(
- input_vector=[0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.],
- threshold=0.3,
- expected_output={
- 'ephemerality_original': 0., 'ephemerality_original_span': 4,
- 'ephemerality_filtered': 2 / 3, 'ephemerality_filtered_span': 1,
- 'ephemerality_sorted': 2 / 3, 'ephemerality_sorted_span': 1
- },
- warnings=(True, False, False)
- ),
- EphemeralityTestCase(
- input_vector=[0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0.],
- threshold=0.8,
- expected_output={
- 'ephemerality_original': 0., 'ephemerality_original_span': 8,
- 'ephemerality_filtered': 0.875, 'ephemerality_filtered_span': 1,
- 'ephemerality_sorted': 0.875, 'ephemerality_sorted_span': 1
- },
- warnings=(False, False, False)
- ),
- EphemeralityTestCase(
- input_vector=[0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0.],
- threshold=0.3,
- expected_output={
- 'ephemerality_original': 0., 'ephemerality_original_span': 8,
- 'ephemerality_filtered': 2 / 3, 'ephemerality_filtered_span': 1,
- 'ephemerality_sorted': 2 / 3, 'ephemerality_sorted_span': 1
- },
- warnings=(True, False, False)
- ),
- EphemeralityTestCase(
- input_vector=[0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0.],
- threshold=0.8,
- expected_output={
- 'ephemerality_original': 0., 'ephemerality_original_span': 9,
- 'ephemerality_filtered': 0.875, 'ephemerality_filtered_span': 1,
- 'ephemerality_sorted': 0.875, 'ephemerality_sorted_span': 1
- },
- warnings=(True, False, False)
- ),
- EphemeralityTestCase(
- input_vector=[0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0.],
- threshold=0.3,
- expected_output={
- 'ephemerality_original': 0., 'ephemerality_original_span': 9,
- 'ephemerality_filtered': 2 / 3, 'ephemerality_filtered_span': 1,
- 'ephemerality_sorted': 2 / 3, 'ephemerality_sorted_span': 1
- },
- warnings=(True, False, False)
- ),
- EphemeralityTestCase(
- input_vector=[0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1.],
- threshold=0.8,
- expected_output={
- 'ephemerality_original': 0., 'ephemerality_original_span': 10,
- 'ephemerality_filtered': 0.875, 'ephemerality_filtered_span': 1,
- 'ephemerality_sorted': 0.875, 'ephemerality_sorted_span': 1
- },
- warnings=(True, False, False)
- ),
- EphemeralityTestCase(
- input_vector=[0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1.],
- threshold=0.3,
- expected_output={
- 'ephemerality_original': 0., 'ephemerality_original_span': 10,
- 'ephemerality_filtered': 2 / 3, 'ephemerality_filtered_span': 1,
- 'ephemerality_sorted': 2 / 3, 'ephemerality_sorted_span': 1
- },
- warnings=(True, False, False)
- ),
- EphemeralityTestCase(
- input_vector=[.1, .1, .1, .1, .1, .1, .1, .1, .1, .1],
- threshold=0.8,
- expected_output={
- 'ephemerality_original': 0., 'ephemerality_original_span': 8,
- 'ephemerality_filtered': 0., 'ephemerality_filtered_span': 8,
- 'ephemerality_sorted': 0., 'ephemerality_sorted_span': 8
- },
- warnings=(False, False, False)
- ),
- EphemeralityTestCase(
- input_vector=[.1, .1, .1, .1, .1, .1, .1, .1, .1, .1],
- threshold=0.3,
- expected_output={
- 'ephemerality_original': 0., 'ephemerality_original_span': 3,
- 'ephemerality_filtered': 0., 'ephemerality_filtered_span': 3,
- 'ephemerality_sorted': 0., 'ephemerality_sorted_span': 3
- },
- warnings=(False, False, False)
- ),
- EphemeralityTestCase(
- input_vector=[0., 0., 0., .2, .55, 0., .15, .1, 0., 0.],
- threshold=0.8,
- expected_output={
- 'ephemerality_original': 0.125, 'ephemerality_original_span': 7,
- 'ephemerality_filtered': 0.5, 'ephemerality_filtered_span': 4,
- 'ephemerality_sorted': 0.625, 'ephemerality_sorted_span': 3
- },
- warnings=(False, False, False)
- ),
- EphemeralityTestCase(
- input_vector=[0., 0., 0., .2, .55, 0., .15, .1, 0., 0.],
- threshold=0.3,
- expected_output={
- 'ephemerality_original': 0., 'ephemerality_original_span': 5,
- 'ephemerality_filtered': 2 / 3, 'ephemerality_filtered_span': 1,
- 'ephemerality_sorted': 2 / 3, 'ephemerality_sorted_span': 1
- },
- warnings=(True, False, False)
- ),
- EphemeralityTestCase(
- input_vector=np.eye(1, 10000, k=5000).flatten(),
- threshold=0.8,
- expected_output={
- 'ephemerality_original': 0.375, 'ephemerality_original_span': 5000,
- 'ephemerality_filtered': 0.999875, 'ephemerality_filtered_span': 1,
- 'ephemerality_sorted': 0.999875, 'ephemerality_sorted_span': 1
- },
- warnings=(False, False, False)
- ),
- EphemeralityTestCase(
- input_vector=np.eye(1, 10000, k=5000).flatten(),
- threshold=0.3,
- expected_output={
- 'ephemerality_original': 0., 'ephemerality_original_span': 5000,
- 'ephemerality_filtered': 2999 / 3000, 'ephemerality_filtered_span': 1,
- 'ephemerality_sorted': 2999 / 3000, 'ephemerality_sorted_span': 1
- },
- warnings=(True, False, False)
- ),
- EphemeralityTestCase(
- input_vector=np.ones((10000,)),
- threshold=0.8,
- expected_output={
- 'ephemerality_original': 0., 'ephemerality_original_span': 8000,
- 'ephemerality_filtered': 0., 'ephemerality_filtered_span': 8000,
- 'ephemerality_sorted': 0., 'ephemerality_sorted_span': 8000
- },
- warnings=(False, False, False)
- ),
- EphemeralityTestCase(
- input_vector=np.ones((10000,)),
- threshold=0.3,
- expected_output={
- 'ephemerality_original': 0., 'ephemerality_original_span': 3000,
- 'ephemerality_filtered': 0., 'ephemerality_filtered_span': 3000,
- 'ephemerality_sorted': 0., 'ephemerality_sorted_span': 3000
- },
- warnings=(False, False, False)
- )
- ]
- def add_test_case(self,
- input_vector: Sequence[float],
- threshold: float,
- expected_output: dict,
- warnings: tuple[bool, bool, bool]):
- self._test_cases.append(EphemeralityTestCase(
- input_vector=input_vector,
- threshold=threshold,
- expected_output=expected_output,
- warnings=warnings
- ))
- def clear(self):
- self._test_cases = list()
- @staticmethod
- def round_ephemeralities(ephemeralities: dict, precision: int=8):
- np.round_(ephemeralities['ephemerality_original'], precision)
- np.round_(ephemeralities['ephemerality_filtered'], precision)
- np.round_(ephemeralities['ephemerality_sorted'], precision)
- def test_compute_ephemeralities(self):
- for i, test_case in enumerate(self._test_cases):
- print(f'\nRunning test case {i}: {test_case.input_vector}, threshold {test_case.threshold}...')
- with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as warns:
- warnings.simplefilter('always', category=RuntimeWarning)
- actual_output = compute_ephemerality(frequency_vector=test_case.input_vector,
- threshold=test_case.threshold)
- self.assertEqual(self.round_ephemeralities(test_case.expected_output),
- self.round_ephemeralities(actual_output))
- warn_messages = ""
- for warn in warns:
- warn_messages += str(warn.message)
- actual_warnings = tuple((TestComputeEphemerality._warning_messages[i].search(warn_messages) is not None
- for i in range(3)))
- self.assertEqual(test_case.warnings, actual_warnings)
diff --git a/testing/__init__.py b/testing/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2afb534
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testing/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+from testing.src import generate_data, generate_test_case, clear_data
+__all__ = ['generate_data', 'generate_test_case', 'clear_data']
diff --git a/testing/run_data_generator.py b/testing/run_data_generator.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bae22fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testing/run_data_generator.py
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+from argparse import ArgumentParser
+import sys
+from pathlib import Path
+from testing.src import generate_data
+def init_parser() -> ArgumentParser:
+ parser = ArgumentParser(
+ usage=f"{Path(sys.executable).stem} %(prog)s [-o OUTPUT_FOLDER][-g] [-d DATA_TYPE] [--data_range START END] "
+ "[-n MAX_TEST_SIZE] [-m CASES_PER_BATCH] [-s SEED] ...",
+ description="Generate data for tests."
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "-o", "--output_folder", action="store", default="./test_data/",
+ help="Path to the folder to store generated test cases. Defaults to \"./test_data/\"."
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "-d", "--data_type", action="store", choices=["activity", "a", "timestamps", "t", "datetime", "d"], default="a",
+ help="Type of the generated data. Defaults to \"a\"."
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "--data_range", action="store", type=float, nargs=2, default=None,
+ help="Value range for timestamps or datetime data types in UNIX timestamp in seconds. "
+ "Passed as 2 integer numbers. Defaults to (0, 31536000)."
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "-n", "--max_size", action="store", type=int, default=6,
+ help="Maximal size (in power 10) of test size batches. Defaults to 6."
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "-m", "--cases_per_batch", action="store", type=int, default=20,
+ help="Number of test cases in each size batch. Defaults to 20."
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "-s", "--seed", action="store", type=int, default=2023,
+ help="Value of the seed to be used for test case generation. Defaults to 2023."
+ )
+ return parser
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ parser = init_parser()
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ if args.data_range is None:
+ args.data_range = (0, 31536000)
+ if args.max_size <= 0:
+ raise ValueError("\"max_size\" value should be positive!")
+ if args.cases_per_batch <= 0:
+ raise ValueError("\"cases_per_batch\" value should be positive!")
+ generate_data(
+ max_size=args.max_size,
+ inputs_per_n=args.cases_per_batch,
+ data_type=args.data_type,
+ data_range=args.data_range,
+ seed=args.seed,
+ save_dir=args.output_folder)
diff --git a/testing/run_unit_tests.py b/testing/run_unit_tests.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c5856ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testing/run_unit_tests.py
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+from testing.src import test_ephemerality
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ test_ephemerality()
diff --git a/testing/src/__init__.py b/testing/src/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f5367ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testing/src/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+from testing.src.data_generator import generate_test_case, generate_data, clear_data
+from testing.src.test_ephemerality import test_ephemerality
+__all__ = ['generate_test_case', 'generate_data', 'clear_data', 'test_ephemerality']
diff --git a/testing/src/data_generator.py b/testing/src/data_generator.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..85ab98e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testing/src/data_generator.py
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+import json
+import numpy as np
+from pathlib import Path
+import shutil
+from datetime import datetime
+def generate_test_case(
+ size: int,
+ data_type: str,
+ data_range: tuple[float, float] | None = None,
+ seed: None | int = None,
+ activity_length: None | int = None
+) -> tuple[float, list[float | str]]:
+ if activity_length is None:
+ activity_length = size
+ activity = np.zeros((activity_length,))
+ rng = np.random.default_rng(seed)
+ threshold = float(rng.uniform(low=0.1, high=0.9, size=None))
+ activity[0] = rng.normal(scale=10)
+ for i in range(1, activity_length):
+ activity[i] = activity[i - 1] + rng.normal()
+ activity -= np.mean(activity)
+ activity = activity.clip(min=0)
+ if data_type == "activity" or data_type == "a":
+ activity /= np.sum(activity)
+ return threshold, list(activity)
+ activity_granule_length = int(np.ceil((data_range[1] - data_range[0]) / activity_length))
+ activity = activity.repeat(activity_granule_length)[:(data_range[1] - data_range[0])]
+ activity /= np.sum(activity)
+ timestamps = rng.choice(
+ a=np.arange(data_range[0], data_range[1]).astype(int),
+ size=size,
+ p=activity
+ )
+ timestamps.sort()
+ if data_type == "timestamps" or data_type == "t":
+ return threshold, list(timestamps.astype(str))
+ return threshold, [datetime.fromtimestamp(ts).strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ").replace("000000Z", "000Z")
+ for ts in timestamps]
+def generate_data(
+ max_size: int = 10,
+ inputs_per_n: int = 100,
+ data_type: str = "a",
+ data_range: tuple[float, float] | None = None,
+ seed: int = 2023,
+ save_dir: str = "./test_data/"
+) -> None:
+ if save_dir and save_dir[-1] != '/':
+ save_dir += '/'
+ for n in range(1, max_size + 1):
+ dir_n = Path(f"{save_dir}{n}")
+ dir_n.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
+ for i in range(inputs_per_n):
+ size = 10 ** n
+ test_case = generate_test_case(
+ size=size,
+ data_type=data_type,
+ data_range=data_range,
+ seed=seed + i,
+ activity_length=None if data_type == "activity" or data_type == "a" else int((data_range[1] - data_range[0]) / 1000)
+ )
+ test_data = [{
+ "threshold": test_case[0],
+ "input_sequence": test_case[1],
+ "input_type": data_type,
+ "range": [str(data_range[0]), str(data_range[1])],
+ "reference_name": f"{data_type}_{size}_{i}"
+ }]
+ with open(f"{dir_n}/{i}.json", "w") as f:
+ json.dump(test_data, f)
+def clear_data(folder: str) -> None:
+ for file in Path(folder).iterdir():
+ try:
+ if file.is_file() or file.is_symlink():
+ file.unlink()
+ elif file.is_dir():
+ shutil.rmtree(file)
+ except Exception as ex:
+ print(f'Failed to delete {file.resolve()}. Reason: {ex}')
diff --git a/testing/src/test_ephemerality.py b/testing/src/test_ephemerality.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cca1727
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testing/src/test_ephemerality.py
@@ -0,0 +1,768 @@
+import json
+import time
+from unittest import TestCase, TextTestRunner
+import numpy as np
+from typing import Sequence, Iterable, Literal
+from typing_extensions import Self
+from itertools import chain, combinations
+import subprocess
+import sys
+import requests
+from testing.src.test_utils import EphemeralityTestCase
+from ephemerality import compute_ephemerality, EphemeralitySet, InputData
+ EphemeralityTestCase(
+ input_sequence=[1.],
+ threshold=0.8,
+ expected_output=EphemeralitySet(
+ len_left_core=1,
+ len_middle_core=1,
+ len_right_core=1,
+ len_sorted_core=1,
+ eph_left_core=0.,
+ eph_middle_core=0.,
+ eph_right_core=0.,
+ eph_sorted_core=0.
+ )
+ ),
+ EphemeralityTestCase(
+ input_sequence=[1.],
+ threshold=0.3,
+ expected_output=EphemeralitySet(
+ len_left_core=1,
+ len_middle_core=1,
+ len_right_core=1,
+ len_sorted_core=1,
+ eph_left_core=0.,
+ eph_middle_core=0.,
+ eph_right_core=0.,
+ eph_sorted_core=0.
+ )
+ ),
+ EphemeralityTestCase(
+ input_sequence=[1., 0.],
+ threshold=0.8,
+ expected_output=EphemeralitySet(
+ len_left_core=1,
+ len_middle_core=1,
+ len_right_core=2,
+ len_sorted_core=1,
+ eph_left_core=0.375,
+ eph_middle_core=0.375,
+ eph_right_core=0.,
+ eph_sorted_core=0.375
+ )
+ ),
+ EphemeralityTestCase(
+ input_sequence=[1., 0.],
+ threshold=0.3,
+ expected_output=EphemeralitySet(
+ len_left_core=1,
+ len_middle_core=1,
+ len_right_core=2,
+ len_sorted_core=1,
+ eph_left_core=0.,
+ eph_middle_core=0.,
+ eph_right_core=0.,
+ eph_sorted_core=0.
+ )
+ ),
+ EphemeralityTestCase(
+ input_sequence=[0., 1.],
+ threshold=0.8,
+ expected_output=EphemeralitySet(
+ len_left_core=2,
+ len_middle_core=1,
+ len_right_core=1,
+ len_sorted_core=1,
+ eph_left_core=0.,
+ eph_middle_core=0.375,
+ eph_right_core=0.375,
+ eph_sorted_core=0.375
+ )
+ ),
+ EphemeralityTestCase(
+ input_sequence=[0., 1.],
+ threshold=0.3,
+ expected_output=EphemeralitySet(
+ len_left_core=2,
+ len_middle_core=1,
+ len_right_core=1,
+ len_sorted_core=1,
+ eph_left_core=0.,
+ eph_middle_core=0.,
+ eph_right_core=0.,
+ eph_sorted_core=0.
+ )
+ ),
+ EphemeralityTestCase(
+ input_sequence=[.5, .5],
+ threshold=0.8,
+ expected_output=EphemeralitySet(
+ len_left_core=2,
+ len_middle_core=2,
+ len_right_core=2,
+ len_sorted_core=2,
+ eph_left_core=0.,
+ eph_middle_core=0.,
+ eph_right_core=0.,
+ eph_sorted_core=0.
+ )
+ ),
+ EphemeralityTestCase(
+ input_sequence=[.5, .5],
+ threshold=0.3,
+ expected_output=EphemeralitySet(
+ len_left_core=1,
+ len_middle_core=1,
+ len_right_core=1,
+ len_sorted_core=1,
+ eph_left_core=0.,
+ eph_middle_core=0.,
+ eph_right_core=0.,
+ eph_sorted_core=0.
+ )
+ ),
+ EphemeralityTestCase(
+ input_sequence=[0.7, .3],
+ threshold=0.8,
+ expected_output=EphemeralitySet(
+ len_left_core=2,
+ len_middle_core=2,
+ len_right_core=2,
+ len_sorted_core=2,
+ eph_left_core=0.,
+ eph_middle_core=0.,
+ eph_right_core=0.,
+ eph_sorted_core=0.
+ )
+ ),
+ EphemeralityTestCase(
+ input_sequence=[0.7, .3],
+ threshold=0.3,
+ expected_output=EphemeralitySet(
+ len_left_core=1,
+ len_middle_core=1,
+ len_right_core=1,
+ len_sorted_core=1,
+ eph_left_core=0.,
+ eph_middle_core=0.,
+ eph_right_core=0.,
+ eph_sorted_core=0.
+ )
+ ),
+ EphemeralityTestCase(
+ input_sequence=[1., 0., 0., 0.],
+ threshold=0.8,
+ expected_output=EphemeralitySet(
+ len_left_core=1,
+ len_middle_core=1,
+ len_right_core=4,
+ len_sorted_core=1,
+ eph_left_core=0.6875,
+ eph_middle_core=0.6875,
+ eph_right_core=0.,
+ eph_sorted_core=0.6875
+ )
+ ),
+ EphemeralityTestCase(
+ input_sequence=[1., 0., 0., 0.],
+ threshold=0.3,
+ expected_output=EphemeralitySet(
+ len_left_core=1,
+ len_middle_core=1,
+ len_right_core=4,
+ len_sorted_core=1,
+ eph_left_core=1 / 6,
+ eph_middle_core=1 / 6,
+ eph_right_core=0.,
+ eph_sorted_core=1 / 6
+ )
+ ),
+ EphemeralityTestCase(
+ input_sequence=[0., 0., 0., 1.],
+ threshold=0.8,
+ expected_output=EphemeralitySet(
+ len_left_core=4,
+ len_middle_core=1,
+ len_right_core=1,
+ len_sorted_core=1,
+ eph_left_core=0.,
+ eph_middle_core=0.6875,
+ eph_right_core=0.6875,
+ eph_sorted_core=0.6875
+ )
+ ),
+ EphemeralityTestCase(
+ input_sequence=[0., 0., 0., 1.],
+ threshold=0.3,
+ expected_output=EphemeralitySet(
+ len_left_core=4,
+ len_middle_core=1,
+ len_right_core=1,
+ len_sorted_core=1,
+ eph_left_core=0.,
+ eph_middle_core=1 / 6,
+ eph_right_core=1 / 6,
+ eph_sorted_core=1 / 6
+ )
+ ),
+ EphemeralityTestCase(
+ input_sequence=[0., 1., 0., 1.],
+ threshold=0.8,
+ expected_output=EphemeralitySet(
+ len_left_core=4,
+ len_middle_core=3,
+ len_right_core=3,
+ len_sorted_core=2,
+ eph_left_core=0.,
+ eph_middle_core=0.0625,
+ eph_right_core=0.0625,
+ eph_sorted_core=0.375
+ )
+ ),
+ EphemeralityTestCase(
+ input_sequence=[0., 1., 0., 1.],
+ threshold=0.3,
+ expected_output=EphemeralitySet(
+ len_left_core=2,
+ len_middle_core=1,
+ len_right_core=1,
+ len_sorted_core=1,
+ eph_left_core=0.,
+ eph_middle_core=1 / 6,
+ eph_right_core=1 / 6,
+ eph_sorted_core=1 / 6
+ )
+ ),
+ EphemeralityTestCase(
+ input_sequence=[1., 1., 1., 1.],
+ threshold=0.8,
+ expected_output=EphemeralitySet(
+ len_left_core=4,
+ len_middle_core=4,
+ len_right_core=4,
+ len_sorted_core=4,
+ eph_left_core=0.,
+ eph_middle_core=0.,
+ eph_right_core=0.,
+ eph_sorted_core=0.
+ )
+ ),
+ EphemeralityTestCase(
+ input_sequence=[1., 1., 1., 1.],
+ threshold=0.3,
+ expected_output=EphemeralitySet(
+ len_left_core=2,
+ len_middle_core=2,
+ len_right_core=2,
+ len_sorted_core=2,
+ eph_left_core=0.,
+ eph_middle_core=0.,
+ eph_right_core=0.,
+ eph_sorted_core=0.
+ )
+ ),
+ EphemeralityTestCase(
+ input_sequence=[1., 1., 0., 0.],
+ threshold=0.8,
+ expected_output=EphemeralitySet(
+ len_left_core=2,
+ len_middle_core=2,
+ len_right_core=4,
+ len_sorted_core=2,
+ eph_left_core=0.375,
+ eph_middle_core=0.375,
+ eph_right_core=0.,
+ eph_sorted_core=0.375
+ )
+ ),
+ EphemeralityTestCase(
+ input_sequence=[1., 1., 0., 0.],
+ threshold=0.3,
+ expected_output=EphemeralitySet(
+ len_left_core=1,
+ len_middle_core=1,
+ len_right_core=3,
+ len_sorted_core=1,
+ eph_left_core=1 / 6,
+ eph_middle_core=1 / 6,
+ eph_right_core=0,
+ eph_sorted_core=1 / 6
+ )
+ ),
+ EphemeralityTestCase(
+ input_sequence=[1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.],
+ threshold=0.8,
+ expected_output=EphemeralitySet(
+ len_left_core=1,
+ len_middle_core=1,
+ len_right_core=10,
+ len_sorted_core=1,
+ eph_left_core=0.875,
+ eph_middle_core=0.875,
+ eph_right_core=0.,
+ eph_sorted_core=0.875
+ )
+ ),
+ EphemeralityTestCase(
+ input_sequence=[1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.],
+ threshold=0.3,
+ expected_output=EphemeralitySet(
+ len_left_core=1,
+ len_middle_core=1,
+ len_right_core=10,
+ len_sorted_core=1,
+ eph_left_core=2 / 3,
+ eph_middle_core=2 / 3,
+ eph_right_core=0.,
+ eph_sorted_core=2 / 3
+ )
+ ),
+ EphemeralityTestCase(
+ input_sequence=[0., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.],
+ threshold=0.8,
+ expected_output=EphemeralitySet(
+ len_left_core=5,
+ len_middle_core=1,
+ len_right_core=6,
+ len_sorted_core=1,
+ eph_left_core=0.375,
+ eph_middle_core=0.875,
+ eph_right_core=0.25,
+ eph_sorted_core=0.875
+ )
+ ),
+ EphemeralityTestCase(
+ input_sequence=[0., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.],
+ threshold=0.3,
+ expected_output=EphemeralitySet(
+ len_left_core=5,
+ len_middle_core=1,
+ len_right_core=6,
+ len_sorted_core=1,
+ eph_left_core=0.,
+ eph_middle_core=2 / 3,
+ eph_right_core=0.,
+ eph_sorted_core=2 / 3
+ )
+ ),
+ EphemeralityTestCase(
+ input_sequence=[0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.],
+ threshold=0.8,
+ expected_output=EphemeralitySet(
+ len_left_core=3,
+ len_middle_core=1,
+ len_right_core=8,
+ len_sorted_core=1,
+ eph_left_core=0.625,
+ eph_middle_core=0.875,
+ eph_right_core=0.,
+ eph_sorted_core=0.875
+ )
+ ),
+ EphemeralityTestCase(
+ input_sequence=[0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.],
+ threshold=0.3,
+ expected_output=EphemeralitySet(
+ len_left_core=3,
+ len_middle_core=1,
+ len_right_core=8,
+ len_sorted_core=1,
+ eph_left_core=0.,
+ eph_middle_core=2 / 3,
+ eph_right_core=0.,
+ eph_sorted_core=2 / 3
+ )
+ ),
+ EphemeralityTestCase(
+ input_sequence=[0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.],
+ threshold=0.8,
+ expected_output=EphemeralitySet(
+ len_left_core=4,
+ len_middle_core=1,
+ len_right_core=7,
+ len_sorted_core=1,
+ eph_left_core=0.5,
+ eph_middle_core=0.875,
+ eph_right_core=0.125,
+ eph_sorted_core=0.875
+ )
+ ),
+ EphemeralityTestCase(
+ input_sequence=[0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.],
+ threshold=0.3,
+ expected_output=EphemeralitySet(
+ len_left_core=4,
+ len_middle_core=1,
+ len_right_core=7,
+ len_sorted_core=1,
+ eph_left_core=0.,
+ eph_middle_core=2 / 3,
+ eph_right_core=0.,
+ eph_sorted_core=2 / 3
+ )
+ ),
+ EphemeralityTestCase(
+ input_sequence=[0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0.],
+ threshold=0.8,
+ expected_output=EphemeralitySet(
+ len_left_core=8,
+ len_middle_core=1,
+ len_right_core=3,
+ len_sorted_core=1,
+ eph_left_core=0.,
+ eph_middle_core=0.875,
+ eph_right_core=0.625,
+ eph_sorted_core=0.875
+ )
+ ),
+ EphemeralityTestCase(
+ input_sequence=[0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0.],
+ threshold=0.3,
+ expected_output=EphemeralitySet(
+ len_left_core=8,
+ len_middle_core=1,
+ len_right_core=3,
+ len_sorted_core=1,
+ eph_left_core=0.,
+ eph_middle_core=2 / 3,
+ eph_right_core=0.,
+ eph_sorted_core=2 / 3
+ )
+ ),
+ EphemeralityTestCase(
+ input_sequence=[0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0.],
+ threshold=0.8,
+ expected_output=EphemeralitySet(
+ len_left_core=9,
+ len_middle_core=1,
+ len_right_core=2,
+ len_sorted_core=1,
+ eph_left_core=0.,
+ eph_middle_core=0.875,
+ eph_right_core=0.75,
+ eph_sorted_core=0.875
+ )
+ ),
+ EphemeralityTestCase(
+ input_sequence=[0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0.],
+ threshold=0.3,
+ expected_output=EphemeralitySet(
+ len_left_core=9,
+ len_middle_core=1,
+ len_right_core=2,
+ len_sorted_core=1,
+ eph_left_core=0.,
+ eph_middle_core=2 / 3,
+ eph_right_core=1 / 3,
+ eph_sorted_core=2 / 3
+ )
+ ),
+ EphemeralityTestCase(
+ input_sequence=[0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1.],
+ threshold=0.8,
+ expected_output=EphemeralitySet(
+ len_left_core=10,
+ len_middle_core=1,
+ len_right_core=1,
+ len_sorted_core=1,
+ eph_left_core=0.,
+ eph_middle_core=0.875,
+ eph_right_core=0.875,
+ eph_sorted_core=0.875
+ )
+ ),
+ EphemeralityTestCase(
+ input_sequence=[0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1.],
+ threshold=0.3,
+ expected_output=EphemeralitySet(
+ len_left_core=10,
+ len_middle_core=1,
+ len_right_core=1,
+ len_sorted_core=1,
+ eph_left_core=0.,
+ eph_middle_core=2 / 3,
+ eph_right_core=2 / 3,
+ eph_sorted_core=2 / 3
+ )
+ ),
+ EphemeralityTestCase(
+ input_sequence=[.1, .1, .1, .1, .1, .1, .1, .1, .1, .1],
+ threshold=0.8,
+ expected_output=EphemeralitySet(
+ len_left_core=8,
+ len_middle_core=8,
+ len_right_core=8,
+ len_sorted_core=8,
+ eph_left_core=0.,
+ eph_middle_core=0.,
+ eph_right_core=0.,
+ eph_sorted_core=0.
+ )
+ ),
+ EphemeralityTestCase(
+ input_sequence=[.1, .1, .1, .1, .1, .1, .1, .1, .1, .1],
+ threshold=0.3,
+ expected_output=EphemeralitySet(
+ len_left_core=3,
+ len_middle_core=3,
+ len_right_core=3,
+ len_sorted_core=3,
+ eph_left_core=0.,
+ eph_middle_core=0.,
+ eph_right_core=0.,
+ eph_sorted_core=0.
+ )
+ ),
+ EphemeralityTestCase(
+ input_sequence=[0., 0., 0., .2, .55, 0., .15, .1, 0., 0.],
+ threshold=0.8,
+ expected_output=EphemeralitySet(
+ len_left_core=7,
+ len_middle_core=4,
+ len_right_core=6,
+ len_sorted_core=3,
+ eph_left_core=0.125,
+ eph_middle_core=0.5,
+ eph_right_core=0.25,
+ eph_sorted_core=0.625
+ )
+ ),
+ EphemeralityTestCase(
+ input_sequence=[0., 0., 0., .2, .55, 0., .15, .1, 0., 0.],
+ threshold=0.3,
+ expected_output=EphemeralitySet(
+ len_left_core=5,
+ len_middle_core=1,
+ len_right_core=6,
+ len_sorted_core=1,
+ eph_left_core=0.,
+ eph_middle_core=2 / 3,
+ eph_right_core=0.,
+ eph_sorted_core=2 / 3
+ )
+ ),
+ EphemeralityTestCase(
+ input_sequence=np.eye(1, 10000, k=5000).flatten(),
+ threshold=0.8,
+ expected_output=EphemeralitySet(
+ len_left_core=5001,
+ len_middle_core=1,
+ len_right_core=5000,
+ len_sorted_core=1,
+ eph_left_core=0.374875,
+ eph_middle_core=0.999875,
+ eph_right_core=0.375,
+ eph_sorted_core=0.999875
+ )
+ ),
+ EphemeralityTestCase(
+ input_sequence=np.eye(1, 10000, k=5000).flatten(),
+ threshold=0.3,
+ expected_output=EphemeralitySet(
+ len_left_core=5001,
+ len_middle_core=1,
+ len_right_core=5000,
+ len_sorted_core=1,
+ eph_left_core=0.,
+ eph_middle_core=2999 / 3000,
+ eph_right_core=0.,
+ eph_sorted_core=2999 / 3000
+ )
+ ),
+ EphemeralityTestCase(
+ input_sequence=np.ones((10000,)),
+ threshold=0.8,
+ expected_output=EphemeralitySet(
+ len_left_core=8000,
+ len_middle_core=8000,
+ len_right_core=8000,
+ len_sorted_core=8000,
+ eph_left_core=0.,
+ eph_middle_core=0.,
+ eph_right_core=0.,
+ eph_sorted_core=0.
+ )
+ ),
+ EphemeralityTestCase(
+ input_sequence=np.ones((10000,)),
+ threshold=0.3,
+ expected_output=EphemeralitySet(
+ len_left_core=3000,
+ len_middle_core=3000,
+ len_right_core=3000,
+ len_sorted_core=3000,
+ eph_left_core=0.,
+ eph_middle_core=0.,
+ eph_right_core=0.,
+ eph_sorted_core=0.
+ )
+ ),
+ EphemeralityTestCase(
+ input_sequence=np.pad(np.zeros((9996,)), pad_width=(2, 2), constant_values=(1., 1.)),
+ threshold=0.8,
+ expected_output=EphemeralitySet(
+ len_left_core=10000,
+ len_middle_core=10000,
+ len_right_core=10000,
+ len_sorted_core=4,
+ eph_left_core=0.,
+ eph_middle_core=0.,
+ eph_right_core=0.,
+ eph_sorted_core=0.9995
+ )
+ ),
+ EphemeralityTestCase(
+ input_sequence=np.pad(np.zeros((9996,)), pad_width=(2, 2), constant_values=(1., 1.)),
+ threshold=0.3,
+ expected_output=EphemeralitySet(
+ len_left_core=2,
+ len_middle_core=9998,
+ len_right_core=2,
+ len_sorted_core=2,
+ eph_left_core=1499 / 1500,
+ eph_middle_core=0.,
+ eph_right_core=1499 / 1500,
+ eph_sorted_core=1499 / 1500
+ )
+ ),
+ EphemeralityTestCase(
+ input_sequence=np.pad(np.eye(1, 9999, k=4999).flatten(), pad_width=(1, 1), constant_values=(1., 1.)),
+ threshold=0.8,
+ expected_output=EphemeralitySet(
+ len_left_core=10001,
+ len_middle_core=10001,
+ len_right_core=10001,
+ len_sorted_core=3,
+ eph_left_core=0.,
+ eph_middle_core=0.,
+ eph_right_core=0.,
+ eph_sorted_core=39989 / 40004
+ )
+ ),
+ EphemeralityTestCase(
+ input_sequence=np.pad(np.eye(1, 9999, k=4999).flatten(), pad_width=(1, 1), constant_values=(1., 1.)),
+ threshold=0.3,
+ expected_output=EphemeralitySet(
+ len_left_core=1,
+ len_middle_core=1,
+ len_right_core=1,
+ len_sorted_core=1,
+ eph_left_core=29993 / 30003,
+ eph_middle_core=29993 / 30003,
+ eph_right_core=29993 / 30003,
+ eph_sorted_core=29993 / 30003
+ )
+ )
+class PartialCoresIterator:
+ _core_types = ('l', 'm', 'r', 's')
+ def __init__(self, expected_output_full: EphemeralitySet) -> None:
+ self._expected_output_full = expected_output_full
+ self._chain = None
+ def __iter__(self) -> Self:
+ self._chain = chain.from_iterable(combinations(self._core_types, r) for r in range(1, len(self._core_types) + 1))
+ return self
+ def __next__(self) -> tuple[str, EphemeralitySet]:
+ subset = next(self._chain)
+ return ''.join(subset), self._eph_subset(subset)
+ def _eph_subset(self, types: Iterable[str]) -> EphemeralitySet:
+ eph_set = EphemeralitySet()
+ for core_type in types:
+ match core_type:
+ case 'l':
+ eph_set.len_left_core = self._expected_output_full.len_left_core
+ eph_set.eph_left_core = self._expected_output_full.eph_left_core
+ case 'm':
+ eph_set.len_middle_core = self._expected_output_full.len_middle_core
+ eph_set.eph_middle_core = self._expected_output_full.eph_middle_core
+ case 'r':
+ eph_set.len_right_core = self._expected_output_full.len_right_core
+ eph_set.eph_right_core = self._expected_output_full.eph_right_core
+ case 's':
+ eph_set.len_sorted_core = self._expected_output_full.len_sorted_core
+ eph_set.eph_sorted_core = self._expected_output_full.eph_sorted_core
+ case _:
+ raise ValueError('Invalid core type!')
+ return eph_set
+ def __len__(self):
+ return len(self._chain)
+class TestComputeEphemerality(TestCase):
+ test_cases: Sequence[EphemeralityTestCase] = DEFAULT_TEST_CASES
+ def test_compute_ephemeralities(self):
+ self.run_test('python')
+ def test_cmd(self):
+ print('CMD-BASED TEST')
+ self.run_test('cmd')
+ def test_api(self):
+ print('API-BASED TEST')
+ rest_server = subprocess.Popen(
+ [f'{sys.executable}', '-m', 'ephemerality', 'api'], stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT
+ )
+ time.sleep(5)
+ self.run_test('api')
+ rest_server.terminate()
+ rest_server.wait()
+ def run_test(self, run_type: Literal['python', 'cmd', 'api'] = 'python'):
+ for i, test_case in enumerate(self.test_cases):
+ if run_type == 'cmd' and len(test_case.input_sequence) > 100:
+ continue
+ with self.subTest():
+ print(f'Running test case {i}: {test_case.input_sequence}, threshold {test_case.threshold}...')
+ partial_output_iterator = PartialCoresIterator(test_case.expected_output)
+ for core_types, expected_output in partial_output_iterator:
+ print(f'\tCore subset \"{core_types}\"...')
+ match run_type:
+ case 'cmd':
+ actual_output = subprocess.check_output([
+ f'{sys.executable}', '-m', 'ephemerality', 'cmd', # f'{Path(root_dir) / "ephemerality"}'
+ " ".join([str(freq) for freq in test_case.input_sequence]),
+ '-t', str(test_case.threshold),
+ '-c', core_types
+ ]).decode('utf-8')
+ actual_output = EphemeralitySet(**json.loads(actual_output))
+ case 'python':
+ actual_output = compute_ephemerality(activity_vector=test_case.input_sequence,
+ threshold=test_case.threshold,
+ types=core_types)
+ case 'api':
+ request_data = InputData(input_sequence=test_case.input_sequence, threshold=test_case.threshold)
+ response = requests.get(f'{core_types}', json=[request_data.model_dump()])
+ actual_output = EphemeralitySet(**json.loads(response.content)[0]['output'])
+ try:
+ self.assertEqual(expected_output, actual_output)
+ except AssertionError as ex:
+ print(f"\tAssertion error while processing test case {i}.{core_types}: {test_case.input_sequence}, "
+ f"threshold {test_case.threshold}...")
+ print(f"\t\tExpected output: {test_case.expected_output}\n\t\tActual output: {actual_output}")
+ raise ex
+def test_ephemerality(test_cases: list[EphemeralityTestCase] | None = None) -> None:
+ if test_cases is None:
+ test_cases = DEFAULT_TEST_CASES
+ test = TestComputeEphemerality('test_compute_ephemeralities')
+ test.test_cases = test_cases
+ runner = TextTestRunner()
+ runner.run(test)
diff --git a/testing/src/test_utils.py b/testing/src/test_utils.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4d5b00f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testing/src/test_utils.py
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+from typing import Sequence
+from dataclasses import dataclass
+from ephemerality import EphemeralitySet
+class EphemeralityTestCase:
+ input_sequence: Sequence[float]
+ threshold: float
+ expected_output: EphemeralitySet