Recently, I was recommended an ebook search website called Liber3 by a friend, which uses ENS domain names. They have created an e-book search website running on ENS and IPFS. Then, I conducted some analysis on their network requests and found that they appear to be using Glitter, a decentralized database service built with Tendermint.
Unfortunately, because Liber3 has not made their source code available, after reviewing Glitter's documentation and open datasets stored on it, I decided to implement an open-source community version myself. This way, everyone can create their own e-book search website.
First, create a new project and install Glitter SDK. This SDK allows you to easily connect to the Glitter network and obtain metadata of e-books.
npm install @glitterprotocol/glitter-sdk
pip install glitter-sdk
Next, generating a client so that the application can interact with Glitter network. We initialize an LCDClient instance through Glitter SDK and configure the relevant parameters
import { LCDClient, MnemonicKey, Coins, Numeric } from '@glitterprotocol/glitter-sdk';
const XIAN_HOST = ""
const CHAIN_ID = "glitter_12000-2"
const mk = new MnemonicKey({
mnemonic: "lesson police usual earth embrace someone opera season urban produce jealous canyon shrug usage subject cigar imitate hollow route inhale vocal special sun fuel"
const client = new LCDClient({
chainID: CHAIN_ID,
gasPrices: Coins.fromString('0.15agli'),
gasAdjustment: Numeric.parse(1.5),
const dbClient = client.db(key);
from glitter_sdk.client.lcd import LCDClient
from glitter_sdk.core import Numeric, Coins
from glitter_sdk.key.mnemonic import MnemonicKey
CHAIN_ID = "glitter_12000-2"
mk = MnemonicKey(
"lesson police usual earth embrace someone opera season urban produce jealous canyon shrug usage subject cigar imitate hollow route inhale vocal special sun fuel"
client = LCDClient(
dbClient = client.db(mk)
The search function is the core of the application. We define a search function that accepts the user's query keywords, constructs a query statement, and sends it to the Glitter network.
import { MatchPhraseQuery, queryStringPrepare, prepareSQL } from '@glitterprotocol/glitter-sdk';
const queries = [];
const query = 'Come Prima'
queries.push(new MatchPhraseQuery('title', `${query}`));
const queryStr = queryStringPrepare(queries);
const sql = `SELECT ipfs_cid, title, author, extension, language, publisher, year, filesize, _score, _id FROM library.ebook WHERE query_string(?) LIMIT 0, 200`;
const newSql = prepareSQL(sql, queryStr);
const sqlData = await dbClient.query(newSql);
from glitter_sdk.util.parse_query_str import *
from glitter_sdk.util.parse_query_str import *
from glitter_sdk.util. parse_sql import *
queries = []
query = "Come Prima"
queries.append(MatchPhraseQuery("title", query))
query_str = query_string_prepare(queries)
sql = "SELECT ipfs_cid, title, author, extension, language, publisher, year, filesize, _score, _id FROM library.ebook WHERE query_string(%s)"
sql = prepare_sql(sql, [query_str])
rst = db.query(sql)
After building search function, we need to display search results on front-end interface. This includes designing a interface to show the basic information of e-books and providing some interactive elements so that users can easily browse and select the books they are interested in.
With these four steps, we can build a e-book search engine, providing users with an efficient and convenient platform for retrieving e-book resources. You could publish a compiled version of this website to IPFS network, then you are having a decentralized ebook search engine hosted on IPFS accessible via any IPFS gateway.
The entire source code is available here in this repo.