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Invoke HPOVVcmMigration

Chris Lynch edited this page Dec 10, 2020 · 44 revisions

HPE OneView 4.10 Library


Migrate Virtual Connect Manager to HPE OneView.


Invoke-HPOVVcmMigration [-OAIPAddress] <String> [-LicensingIntent] <String>[ [-OAUserName] <String>][ [-OAPassword] <String>][ [-OACredential] <PSCredential>][ [-VCMUserName] <String>][ [-VCMPassword] <String>][ [-VCMCredential] <PSCredential>] [-EnclosureGroup] <Object> [-LogicalInterconnectGroup] <Object>[ [-Async] <SwitchParameter>] [-ApplianceConnection] <Object> [-WhatIf] <> [-Confirm] <> [<CommonParameters>]
Invoke-HPOVVcmMigration [-OAIPAddress] <String> [-LicensingIntent] <String> [-VCEMCMS] <String>[ [-OAUserName] <String>][ [-OAPassword] <String>][ [-OACredential] <PSCredential>][ [-VCMUserName] <String>][ [-VCMPassword] <String>][ [-VCMCredential] <PSCredential>] [-EnclosureGroup] <Object> [-LogicalInterconnectGroup] <Object>[ [-VCEMUser] <String>][ [-VCEMPassword] <String>][ [-VCEMCredential] <PSCredential>] [-ApplianceConnection] <Object> [-WhatIf] <> [-Confirm] <> [<CommonParameters>]
Invoke-HPOVVcmMigration [-OAIPAddress] <String> [-LicensingIntent] <String>[ [-Report] <SwitchParameter>][ [-OAUserName] <String>][ [-OAPassword] <String>][ [-OACredential] <PSCredential>][ [-VCMUserName] <String>][ [-VCMPassword] <String>][ [-VCMCredential] <PSCredential>] [-EnclosureGroup] <Object> [-LogicalInterconnectGroup] <Object>[ [-Path] <String>] [-ApplianceConnection] <Object> [-WhatIf] <> [-Confirm] <> [<CommonParameters>]

Detailed Description

This function is used to migrate an existing Virtual Connect Manager configuration to HPE OneView. If an enclosure was added to an HPE OneView appliance as Monitor-Only, then you must first remove the enclosure from the appliance, and then use this cmdlet to migrate the enclosure.

Using the -VCEMCMS, -VCEMUser and -VCEMPassword parameters, the targeted Virtual Connect Domain can be removed from a Virual Connect Enterprise Manager Domain Group first before initiating the VC Migration tool within the HPE OneView appliance.

The required VCEM 7.3/7.4 Patch is available here:

VCEM 7.4.1 or greater users do not require the patch to be installed, as the API is built into 7.4.1 or greater.

It is important to also have a Virtual Connect Domain Backup prior to migration. You may also want to gather the output from the "show config -includepoolinfo" VCM CLI command to review or verify resources were migrated successfully.

Please read "Chapter 9 Planning for enclosure migration from VCM into HPE OneView" in the HPE OneView 1.20 User Guide for more information about migration and other planning resources.


-ApplianceConnection <Object>

Aliases [-Appliance]

Specify one HPOneView.Appliance.Connection object or Name property value. If Resource object is provided via Pipeline, the ApplianceConnection property of the object will be used.

Default Value: ${Global:ConnectedSessions} | ? Default

Aliases Appliance
Required? true
Position? named
Default value (${Global:ConnectedSessions} | ? Default)
Accept pipeline input? true (ByPropertyName)
Accept wildcard characters?    False

-Async <SwitchParameter>

Use this parameter to immediately return the async task. By default, the Cmdlet will wait for the task to complete.

Aliases NoWait
Required? false
Position? named
Default value False
Accept pipeline input? false
Accept wildcard characters?    False

-Confirm <>

Aliases cf
Position? named
Default value
Accept pipeline input? false
Accept wildcard characters?    False

-EnclosureGroup <Object>

Aliases [-eg] OPTIONAL. The Name, URI or Object of an existing Enclosure Group. If the Enclosure Group Name does not exist, a new resource with the String value provided will be created. If omitted, a new Enclosure Group will be created based on the Serial Number of the Enclosure (Example: "EG_USE1234567A").

Aliases eg
Required? true
Position? named
Default value
Accept pipeline input? true (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters?    False

-LicensingIntent <String>

Aliases [-license, -l] REQUIRED. Specifies whether the intent is to apply either OneView or OneView w/o iLO licenses to the servers in the enclosure being imported.

Accepted values are

* OneView
* OneViewNoiLO
Aliases license, l
Required? true
Position? named
Default value
Accept pipeline input? false
Accept wildcard characters?    False

-LogicalInterconnectGroup <Object>

Aliases [-lig] OPTIONAL. The Name, URI or Object of an existing Logical Interconnect Group. If the Logical Interconnect Group Name does not exist, a new resource with the String value provided will be created. If omitted, a new Logical Interconnect Group will be created based on the Serial Number of the Enclosure (Example: "LIG_USE1234567A").

Aliases lig
Required? true
Position? named
Default value
Accept pipeline input? false
Accept wildcard characters?    False

-OACredential <PSCredential>

PSCredential object containing the username and password details for the c-Class Onboard Administrator.

Aliases None
Required? false
Position? named
Default value
Accept pipeline input? false
Accept wildcard characters?    False

-OAIPAddress <String>

Aliases [-oaip] REQUIRED. IP address or FQDN of the Primary Onboard Administrator in the target enclosure.

Aliases oip
Required? true
Position? named
Default value
Accept pipeline input? false
Accept wildcard characters?    False

-OAPassword <String>

Aliases [-op] Parameter is being deprecated. Please transition to using -OACredential. Password for the Administrator account of the target OA.

Aliases op
Required? false
Position? named
Default value
Accept pipeline input? false
Accept wildcard characters?    False

-OAUserName <String>

Aliases [-ou] Parameter is being deprecated. Please transition to using -OACredential. Administrator account of the target OA.

Aliases ou
Required? false
Position? named
Default value
Accept pipeline input? false
Accept wildcard characters?    False

-Path <String>

The directory path in which to save the report output to a file.

* Filename will be created in the format: [path]\{enclsoureName}_{date}.report
Aliases Export
Required? false
Position? named
Default value
Accept pipeline input? false
Accept wildcard characters?    False

-Report <SwitchParameter>

OPTIONAL. Execute the migration report only. Do not execute the migration process.

Aliases None
Required? false
Position? named
Default value False
Accept pipeline input? false
Accept wildcard characters?    False

-VCEMCMS <String>

The IP Address or FQDN of the VCEM host.

Aliases None
Required? true
Position? named
Default value
Accept pipeline input? false
Accept wildcard characters?    False

-VCEMCredential <PSCredential>

PSCredential object containing the username and password details for the Virtual Connect Enterprise Manager associated with the Virtual Connect Manager Domain.

Aliases None
Required? false
Position? named
Default value
Accept pipeline input? false
Accept wildcard characters?    False

-VCEMPassword <String>

Parameter is being deprecated. Please transition to using -VCEMCredential

Administrator level account password on the VCEM host.

Aliases None
Required? false
Position? named
Default value
Accept pipeline input? false
Accept wildcard characters?    False

-VCEMUser <String>

Parameter is being deprecated. Please transition to using -VCEMCredential

Administrator level account name available on the VCEM host.

Aliases None
Required? false
Position? named
Default value
Accept pipeline input? false
Accept wildcard characters?    False

-VCMCredential <PSCredential>

PSCredential object containing the username and password details for the c-Class Virtual Connect Manager.

Aliases None
Required? false
Position? named
Default value
Accept pipeline input? false
Accept wildcard characters?    False

-VCMPassword <String>

Aliases [-vp] Parameter is being deprecated. Please transition to using -VCMCredential. Password for the Administrator account of Virtual Connect Manager.

Aliases vp
Required? false
Position? named
Default value
Accept pipeline input? false
Accept wildcard characters?    False

-VCMUserName <String>

Aliases [-vu] Parameter is being deprecated. Please transition to using -VCMCredential. Username for the administrator account for Virtual Connect Manager.

Aliases vu
Required? false
Position? named
Default value
Accept pipeline input? false
Accept wildcard characters?    False

-WhatIf <>

Aliases wi
Position? named
Default value
Accept pipeline input? false
Accept wildcard characters?    False


This cmdlet supports the common parameters: Verbose, Debug, ErrorAction, ErrorVariable, WarningAction, WarningVariable, OutBuffer, PipelineVariable, and OutVariable. For more information, see about_CommonParameters (

Input Types


Valid Enclosure Group resource the appliance will migrate the source enclosure into

Return Values

HPOneView.Appliance.TaskResource [System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject]

Async task Resource object for monitoring the enclosure import process


 -------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------

$OACreds = Get-Credential -Username Administrator -Message "Password" $VCMCreds = Get-Credential -Username Administrator -Message "Password" Invoke-HPOVVcmMigration -OAIPAddress -OACredential $OACreds -VCMCredential $VCMCreds -LicensingIntent OneView -Report

Generate Virtual Connect Manager configuration migration report for the specified enclosure.

 -------------------------- EXAMPLE 2 --------------------------

$OACreds = Get-Credential -Username Administrator -Message "Password" $VCMCreds = Get-Credential -Username Administrator -Message "Password" Invoke-HPOVVcmMigration -OAIPAddress -OACredential $OACreds -VCMCredential $VCMCreds -LicensingIntent OneView

Migration will occur and create a new Enclosure Group and new Logical Interconnect Group based on the enclosure serial number.

 -------------------------- EXAMPLE 3 --------------------------

$OACreds = Get-Credential -Username Administrator -Message "Password" $VCMCreds = Get-Credential -Username Administrator -Message "Password" $EnclosureGroup = Get-HPOVEnclosureGroup -Name EnclosureGroup1 -ErrorAction Stop Invoke-HPOVVcmMigration -OAIPAddress -OACredential $OACreds -VCMCredential $VCMCreds -LicensingIntent OneView -EnclosureGroup $EnclosureGroup

Migration will occur and import the target enclosure into an existing Enclosure Group named "EnclosureGroup1".

 -------------------------- EXAMPLE 4 --------------------------

Invoke-HPOVVcmMigration -OAIPAddress -OAUserName Administrator -OAPassword hpinvent -VCMUserName Administrator -VCMPassword hpinvent -licensingIntent OneView -Report -Path "c:\VCM-MigrationReports" ".

Migration will not be attempted. The migration report will be executed and the result saved to the file "c:\VCM-MigrationReports{enclosureName}_{date}.report".

 -------------------------- EXAMPLE 5 --------------------------

$OACreds = Get-Credential -Username Administrator -Message "Password" $VCMCreds = Get-Credential -Username Administrator -Message "Password" $VCEMCreds = Get-Credential -Username Domain\Adminisrator -Message "Password" $EnclosureGroup = Get-HPOVEnclosureGroup -Name EnclosureGroup1 -ErrorAction Stop Invoke-HPOVVcmMigration -OAIPAddress -OACredential $OACreds -VCMCredential $VCMCreds -VCEMCMS -VCEMCredential $VCEMCreds -LicensingIntent OneView

Perform a migration of a VCEM managed enclosure to HPE OneView.

Related Links

HPE OneView 4.00 Library


Migrate Virtual Connect Manager to HP OneView.


Invoke-HPOVVcmMigration [-OAIPAddress] <String> [-OAUserName] <String> [-OAPassword] <String> [-VCMUserName] <String> [-VCMPassword] <String> [-LicensingIntent] <String> [-EnclosureGroup] <Object> [-LogicalInterconnectGroup] <Object>[ [-Async] <SwitchParameter>] [-ApplianceConnection] <Object>[ [-WhatIf] <SwitchParameter>][ [-Confirm] <SwitchParameter>] [<CommonParameters>]
Invoke-HPOVVcmMigration [-OAIPAddress] <String> [-OAUserName] <String> [-OAPassword] <String> [-VCMUserName] <String> [-VCMPassword] <String> [-LicensingIntent] <String> [-VCEMCMS] <String> [-VCEMUser] <String> [-VCEMPassword] <String> [-EnclosureGroup] <Object> [-LogicalInterconnectGroup] <Object> [-ApplianceConnection] <Object>[ [-WhatIf] <SwitchParameter>][ [-Confirm] <SwitchParameter>] [<CommonParameters>]
Invoke-HPOVVcmMigration [-OAIPAddress] <String> [-OAUserName] <String> [-OAPassword] <String> [-VCMUserName] <String> [-VCMPassword] <String> [-LicensingIntent] <String>[ [-Report] <SwitchParameter>] [-EnclosureGroup] <Object> [-LogicalInterconnectGroup] <Object> [-Export] <String> [-ApplianceConnection] <Object>[ [-WhatIf] <SwitchParameter>][ [-Confirm] <SwitchParameter>] [<CommonParameters>]

Detailed Description

This function is used to migrate an existing Virtual Connect Manager configuration to HP OneView. If an enclosure was added to an HP OneView appliance as Monitor-Only, then you must first remove the enclosure from the appliance, and then use this cmdlet to migrate the enclosure.

Using the -VCEMCMS, -VCEMUser and -VCEMPassword parameters, the targeted Virtual Connect Domain can be removed from a Virual Connect Enterprise Manager Domain Group first before initiating the VC Migration tool within the HP OneView appliance.

The required VCEM 7.3/7.4 Patch is available here:

VCEM 7.4.1 or greater users do not require the patch to be installed, as the API is built into 7.4.1 or greater.

It is important to also have a Virtual Connect Domain Backup prior to migration. You may also want to gather the output from the 'show config -includepoolinfo' VCM CLI command to review or verify resources were migrated successfully.

Please read 'Chapter 9 Planning for enclosure migration from VCM into HP OneView' in the HP OneView 1.20 User Guide for more information about migration and other planning resources.


-ApplianceConnection <Object>

Aliases [-Appliance]

Specify one HPOneView.Appliance.Connection object or Name property value. If Resource object is provided via Pipeline, the ApplianceConnection property of the object will be used.

Default Value: ${Global:ConnectedSessions} | ? Default

Aliases Appliance
Required? true
Position? named
Default value (${Global:ConnectedSessions} | ? Default)
Accept pipeline input? true (ByPropertyName)
Accept wildcard characters?    False

-Async <SwitchParameter>

Use this parameter to immediately return the async task. By default, the Cmdlet will wait for the task to complete.

Aliases NoWait
Required? false
Position? named
Default value False
Accept pipeline input? false
Accept wildcard characters?    False

-Confirm <SwitchParameter>

Aliases cf
Required? false
Position? named
Default value
Accept pipeline input? false
Accept wildcard characters?    False

-EnclosureGroup <Object>

Aliases [-eg] OPTIONAL. The Name, URI or Object of an existing Enclosure Group. If the Enclosure Group Name does not exist, a new resource with the String value provided will be created. If omitted, a new Enclosure Group will be created based on the Serial Number of the Enclosure (Example: 'EG_USE1234567A').

Aliases eg
Required? true
Position? named
Default value
Accept pipeline input? true (ByValue, ByPropertyName)
Accept wildcard characters?    False

-Export <String>

REQUIRED if the -report switch is provided. The directory path in which to save the report output to a file.

* Filename will be created in the format: [path]\{enclsoureName}_{date}.report
Aliases None
Required? true
Position? named
Default value
Accept pipeline input? false
Accept wildcard characters?    False

-LicensingIntent <String>

Aliases [-license, -l] REQUIRED. Specifies whether the intent is to apply either OneView or OneView w/o iLO licenses to the servers in the enclosure being imported.

Accepted values are

* OneView
* OneViewNoiLO
Aliases license, l
Required? true
Position? named
Default value
Accept pipeline input? false
Accept wildcard characters?    False

-LogicalInterconnectGroup <Object>

Aliases [-lig] OPTIONAL. The Name, URI or Object of an existing Logical Interconnect Group. If the Logical Interconnect Group Name does not exist, a new resource with the String value provided will be created. If omitted, a new Logical Interconnect Group will be created based on the Serial Number of the Enclosure (Example: 'LIG_USE1234567A').

Aliases lig
Required? true
Position? named
Default value
Accept pipeline input? true (ByValue, ByPropertyName)
Accept wildcard characters?    False

-OAIPAddress <String>

Aliases [-oaip] REQUIRED. IP address or FQDN of the Primary Onboard Administrator in the target enclosure.

Aliases oip
Required? true
Position? named
Default value
Accept pipeline input? false
Accept wildcard characters?    False

-OAPassword <String>

Aliases [-op] REQUIRED. Password for the Administrator account of the target OA.

Aliases op
Required? true
Position? named
Default value
Accept pipeline input? false
Accept wildcard characters?    False

-OAUserName <String>

Aliases [-ou] REQUIRED. Administrator account of the target OA.

Aliases ou
Required? true
Position? named
Default value
Accept pipeline input? false
Accept wildcard characters?    False

-Report <SwitchParameter>

OPTIONAL. Execute the migration report only. Do not execute the migration process.

Aliases None
Required? false
Position? named
Default value False
Accept pipeline input? false
Accept wildcard characters?    False

-VCEMCMS <String>

The IP Address or FQDN of the VCEM host.

Aliases None
Required? true
Position? named
Default value
Accept pipeline input? false
Accept wildcard characters?    False

-VCEMPassword <String>

Administrator level account password on the VCEM host.

Aliases None
Required? true
Position? named
Default value
Accept pipeline input? false
Accept wildcard characters?    False

-VCEMUser <String>

Administrator level account name available on the VCEM host.

Aliases None
Required? true
Position? named
Default value
Accept pipeline input? false
Accept wildcard characters?    False

-VCMPassword <String>

Aliases [-vp] REQUIRED. Password for the Administrator account of Virtual Connect Manager.

Aliases vp
Required? true
Position? named
Default value
Accept pipeline input? false
Accept wildcard characters?    False

-VCMUserName <String>

Aliases [-vu]

Aliases vu
Required? true
Position? named
Default value
Accept pipeline input? false
Accept wildcard characters?    False

-WhatIf <SwitchParameter>

Aliases wi
Required? false
Position? named
Default value
Accept pipeline input? false
Accept wildcard characters?    False


This cmdlet supports the common parameters: Verbose, Debug, ErrorAction, ErrorVariable, WarningAction, WarningVariable, OutBuffer, PipelineVariable, and OutVariable. For more information, see about_CommonParameters (

Input Types


Valid Enclosure Group resource the appliance will migrate the source enclosure into

Return Values

HPOneView.Appliance.TaskResource [System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject]

Async task Resource object for monitoring the enclosure import process


 -------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------

$task = Remove-HPOVServerProfile -profile "Profile6" Wait-HPOVTaskComplete $task.uri

Remove the profile specifed by name. Wait for remove to complete.

 -------------------------- EXAMPLE 2 --------------------------

$profile = Get-HPOVServerProfile -name "Profile2" Remove-HPOVServerProfile $profile -confirm:$false

Remove the profile specifed by $profile. Disable confirmation prompt.

 -------------------------- EXAMPLE 3 --------------------------

Get-HPOVServerProfile | Remove-HPOVServerProfile Search for all profiles and remove them from appliance.Invoke-HPOVVcmMigration -OAIPAddress -OAUserName Administrator -OAPassword hpinvent -VCMUserName Administrator -VCMPassword hpinvent -licensingIntent OneView

Migration will occur and create a new Enclosure Group and new Logical Interconnect Group based on the enclosure serial number.

 -------------------------- EXAMPLE 4 --------------------------

Invoke-HPOVVcmMigration -OAIPAddress -OAUserName Administrator -OAPassword hpinvent -VCMUserName Administrator -VCMPassword hpinvent -eg "EnclosureGroup1" -licensingIntent OneView

Migration will occur and import the target enclosure into an existing Enclosure Group named "EnclosureGroup1"

 -------------------------- EXAMPLE 5 --------------------------

Invoke-HPOVVcmMigration -OAIPAddress -OAUserName Administrator -OAPassword hpinvent -VCMUserName Administrator -VCMPassword hpinvent -licensingIntent OneView -report -export "c:\VCM-MigrationReports" The migration report will be executed and the result saved to the file "c:\VCM-MigrationReports\{enclosureName}_{date}.report".

Migration will not be attempted.

 -------------------------- EXAMPLE 6 --------------------------

Invoke-HPOVVcmMigration -OAIPAddress -OAUserName Administrator -OAPassword hpinvent -VCMUserName Administrator -VCMPassword hpinvent -licensingIntent OneView -VCEMCMS -VCEMUser Domain\Adminisrator -VCEMPassword MyPassword

Perform a migration of a VCEM managed enclosure to HP OneView.

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