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Value ownership design for Mojo

Written: Jan 2, 2023

Status: Implemented but the design has been refined, kept for historical interest.

This document explores a design for ownership support in Mojo. This learns from other contemporary languages including C++, Rust, Swift and Val, providing a novel blend that should integrate well with our base Python syntax, and be powerful enough to express a wide range of kernel and systems programming applications.

Rust is the language that most people will naturally think of in this space, and when compared to it, I expect that we will provide support for a wider range of types than Rust, yet provide a more familiar programming model and friendly API than it. While I assume that we will extend this to support lifetime types for better generality and safety with reference semantic types, that design is not included in this proposal.

Motivation and Background

Modern systems languages aspire to provide memory safety, good low-level performance, and allow advanced library developers to build expressive high-level APIs that are easy to use by less experienced API users.

In the case of Mojo, we have two specific “now” problems to solve:

  1. We need to provide a way to allocate memory for a Tensor-like type, and given our existing support for raising exceptions, we need for them to be cleaned up. Thus we need destructors. We also need to disable copying of this sort of type.
  2. We also need to implement transparent interop with CPython with an “object” struct. This requires us to have copy constructors and destructors so we can maintain the CPython reference count with an ergonomic Python-like model.

Over time, we want Mojo to be a full replacement for the C/C++ system programming use cases in Python, unifying the “two world problem” that Python has with C. This is important because we want to have a unifying technology, and because CPUs will always be an important accelerator (and are fully general), and because our bet is that accelerators will get more and more programmable over time.

Related Work

I am not going to summarize the related work fully here, but I recommend folks interested in this topic to read up on relevant work in the industry, including:

  1. C++’11 r-value references, move semantics, and its general modern programming model. It is yucky and has lots of problems, but is table-stakes knowledge and powers a tremendous amount of the industry.
  2. Have a programmer-level understanding of Rust’s Memory Ownership model, and read the Rustonomicon end-to-end for bonus points.
  3. Swift has a quite different approach which made some mistakes (Swift suffers from pervasive implicit copying) but has nice things in its initialization design, ARC design, exclusivity enforcement [more details], etc.
  4. The Val programming language is an early phase research system that is learning from Swift and trying to provide a much simpler programming model than Rust does with other advantages. It isn’t at all clear if it will be expressive enough to be useful at this point though.

C++ and Rust are the most widely known in this space and they make different tradeoffs in defaults and what it means for a type author (ignoring lifetimes, which C++ lacks and is therefore generally unsafe). A few random observations that are related to the commentary below:

  • Rust in particular defaults to move’ing values but allows types to opt out of that by implementing the Copy trait.
  • Rust’s type system doesn’t appear to support values like std::atomic which require a pinned address in memory (Rust assumes it can transport things around at will), nor does it support things like llvm::SmallVector which is movable, but has an interior pointer so needs custom move constructors.
  • Because Rust defaults to moving everything around, it puts a huge amount of pressure on memcpy and LLVM memcpy optimization (e.g. see Patrick Walton’s recent work to improve this). In my opinion, this is a self imposed mistake that we can correct structurally.
  • Rust could support C++-like moves from values that leave them inert-and-to-be-destroyed, but does not do that. For lack of this, there is a lot of complexity and unsafe APIs required (e.g. Drain and other things) when you want to construct an array progressively or take elements out of an array.

Relevant Existing Mojo Type System Features

The Mojo design currently has a few basic features that are precursors to proper ownership. The design below makes significant extensions and some changes to it.

L-Values and R-Values

Lvalues and Rvalues follow a conventional design found in many programming languages: an Rvalue is an immutable value that can be passed around by copying its bits by-value in an SSA register. An Lvalue is mutable, represented by its address, and can be promoted to an Rvalue with a “load”.

Argument Conventions

Functions can be declared to take any of their arguments by-reference, with an & sigil in the function definition:

    fn globalFn(a: Int, b&: Int):
      b = a  # ok
      a = 4  # error

    struct Vec:
     fn push_back(self&, item: Int): ...  # mutable self
     fn size(self): ...                   # immutable self

    fn workWithVecs(a: Vec, b&: Vec):
     use(a.size()) # ok
     use(b.size()) # ok

     a.push_back(4) # Error, a isn't mutable
     b.push_back(4) # ok

As shown, by-ref arguments are Lvalues and thus may be mutated, otherwise arguments are passed by-value as immutable Rvalues. There is another similar-but-different thing going on with “def” functions. By-value arguments are passed by copy but are allowed to be mutable for better compatibility with Python semantics:

    def exampleDef(a: Int, b&: Int):
      b = 4 # mutable as before.

      # passed by value into mutable copy.
      # This change isn't visible in the caller.
      a = 4

The ‘def’ semantics are implemented by taking a value in by copy and introducing a local ‘var’ that shadows the argument. It is therefore a purely local transformation that we’ll ignore in the rest of this document.

Type initializers

Mojo supports Python type initializers and currently allows them to participate in implicit conversions:

    struct Int:
      var value : __mlir_type.index

    fn __init__(value: __mlir_type.index) -> Int:
      return Int { value: value }

Proposed Mojo Additions / Changes

This proposal introduces a number of new concepts to cover the space of value ownership and parameter passing conventions that Rust, Swift and C++ provide, but in a different way. We layer on the features in individual groups. Let’s explore them one piece at a time.

Extended parameter conventions

We should extend the existing type system to support owning (aka moving, aka consuming) parameter convention, immutable borrow semantics (“&T" in Rust, “const T&" in C++) and mutable borrow semantics (“&mut T” in Rust, and “T&” in C++).

Change & to mean mutable borrow or “inout”

Right now, & is a C++-like reference semantic sigil, we should keep it, but change it to mean a “mutable borrow” in Rust terminology or “inout” using Swift terminology. This won’t require Mojo source changes, but will be a terminology change inside of the compiler. The definitive initialization pass (below) will need to enforce its correct semantics.

Tangential to this proposal, we could require the use of & on the caller side of arguments passing a mutable borrow to make it more clear in the caller code. If we do this, I propose that it be a postfix operator, and use it for methods for consistency:

  swap(x.first&, y.first&)      # Obvious what is being mutated
  b&.push_back(42)              # Obvious that b is mutated.

This proposal will not use this syntax below, and this is probably way too onerous for methods, this is probably a bad idea.

Introduce “owned” argument conventions

We need a way to specify that ownership of a value is being passed into the function:

  # This takes ownership of a unique vector, including its resources.
  fn someFunction(owned v: Vec):
      v.push_back(42)  # Ok: v is mutable because we own it

In the code above, we show “owned v” takes and owns a value from the caller. Just like normal arguments, we would need a copy to get them as mutable:

  fn anotherFunction(a: Int, owned v: Vec):
      a += 1           # Error: a is immutable
      var a2 = a       # Copy the argument to make it mutable
      a2 += 1          # Ok, a2 is mutable.

      v.push_back(a)   # Ok, owned values are mutable
      var v2 = v^      # Transfer v argument into a new var binding.
      v2.push_back(a)  # Also ok

This should be an owned reference and thus lower to LLVM pointers, just like a mutable reference does, unless the value is @register_passable (see below). Not doing this would significantly impact our ability to model things like std::atomic and SmallVector whose address is significant. See the “extensions” at the bottom for why this will be efficient for trivial types like integers.

Introduce “borrowed” argument conventions and change default

Similarly we need the ability to specify that we are passing and returning an immutable borrow, which is like a 'const &’ in C++. The spelling of this isn’t particularly important because it will frequently be defaulted, but we need something concrete to explain the examples.

  # This takes a borrow and return it.
  # Returned references need lifetimes for safety of course.
  fn printSizeAndReturn(borrowed v: Vec) -> borrowed Vec
      return v

At the LLVM level, immutable references are passed by pointer, just like mutable references.

Note that C++ and Rust entered into a strange battle with programmers about how to pass values by default. Templates generally use “const&” to avoid copies, but this is an inefficient way to pass trivial types like “int”. We propose a type level annotation to directly address, which allows us to use borrow far more pervasively for arguments in the language. See the ‘extensions’ section below.

Change the default argument and result conventions

Now we have the ability to express ownership clearly, but we don’t want all code everywhere to have words like borrowed on it: we want more progressive disclosure of complexity and better defaults.

The first piece of this is the default return value convention. The right default convention for return values is to be owned:

    # Result defaults to being an owned reference.
    fn getVec() -> Vec:   # Equivalent to "...) -> Vec^"

because we otherwise have no way to return newly created values. Code can override the return convention by using another sigil, e.g. inout Vec if a mutable reference is required.

We also need to decide what to do with arguments. We don’t want to copy arguments by default (a mistake Swift made), because this requires types to be copyable, and depends on unpredictable copy elision that makes performance and COW optimization sad. I don’t think we want to depend on pass-by-move like Rust did because Rust forces tons of things to be marked “&” pervasively, this introduces a ton of memcpy operations, and Python programmers won’t think that passing a value to a function makes it unavailable for use by other things by default.

In my opinion, the C++ got this almost right: const& is the right default argument convention (and is optimized to register value passing in an opt-in way, described below). This is good for both self and value arguments and is what Swift semantically did with its +0 ownership convention in a bunch of places. Consider this example:

    struct Dictionary:
      fn size(self) -> Int: ...

You don’t want to copy the dictionary, when calling size! This worked for Swift because of ARC optimizations and that its Dictionary type was a small thing implemented with COW optimizations, but this is very unpredictable.

Passing arguments-by-borrow by default is also great because it eliminates the pervasive need to do a load operation when converting Lvalues to Rvalues. This is a huge improvement in the model, because “loading” a value is extremely expensive when the value is large or cannot be loaded (e.g. variable sized types, e.g. some languages representation for existential types and Rust’s DSTs, which we may or may not want to support anyway).

It also means that we can support types like std::atomic which need a guaranteed ‘self’ address - natively and with no trouble - since we’re never trying to implicitly load the value as a whole.

Adding support for value destruction

Now that we have a notion of ownership, we can complete it by destroying values when their lifetime has ended. This requires introducing the ability to declare a destructor, and the machinery to determine when to invoke the destructor.

User defined destructors

We should embrace the existing Python convention of implementing the __del__ method on a type. This takes ownership of the self value, so it should be defined as taking owned self. Here’s a reasonable implementation of Vec’s ctors and dtor, but without the push_back and associated methods (which are obvious):

    struct Vec:
      var data: Pointer<Int>   # I just made this type up.
      var capacity: Int
      var size: Int
      fn __init__(inout self, capacity: Int): = Pointer<Int>.malloc(capacity)
         self.capacity = capacity
         self.size = 0

      # default args will be nice some day
      fn __new__(inout self): return Vec(1)
      fn __del__(owned self):  # owning reference to self.
        # Any int values don't need to be destroyed.

There is some nuance here and a special case that we need to handle in the __del__ method. Ideally, we should track the field sensitive liveness of the ‘self’ member that comes into del. This will allow us to handle sub-elements that are individually consumed, safely handle exceptions that early-exit from the destructor etc. This is something that Swift gets right that Rust apparently doesn’t.

With respect to the simple definition of Vec above, it is enough to define a safe vector of integers which is creatable, destroyable, can be passed by borrowed and mutable reference, but isn’t enough to support movability or copyability. We’ll add those later.

When do we invoke destructors for value bindings?

Now that we have a way to define a destructor for a value, we need to invoke it automatically. Where do we invoke the destructor for a local value binding? Two major choices exist:

  1. End of scope, ala C++ (and I think Rust).
  2. After last use, ala Swift and Val (but Val has a better model).

The difference can be seen in cases like this:

  fn bindingLifetimeExample():
      var vec = Vec()
      # Val/Swift destroys 'vec' here.
      # C++/Rust destroy vec here.

I would advocate for following the Swift model. It reduces memory use, and I haven’t seen it cause problems in practice - it seems like the right default. Furthermore, this dovetails well with ownership, because you want (e.g.) immutable borrows to die early so you can form mutable borrows in other statements. It also makes the “form references within a statement” special case in C++ go away.

The tradeoff on this is that this could be surprising to C++ programmers, something that Swift faced as well. The balance to that is that GC languages with finalizers are not used for RAII patterns, and Python has first-class language support for RAII things (the with statement).

There are specific cases like RAII that want predictable end-of-scope destruction, so you end up needing a @preciseLifetime decorator on the struct or use closures - both work fine.

NOTE: This was pushed forward during implementation to the "ASAP" model that Mojo uses.

Taking a value from a binding

The other thing you may want to do is to intentionally end a binding early, transferring ownership of the bound value out as an owned rvalue. Swift and Rust both support mutable value lifetimes with holes in them, and ending immutable bindings early (Rust with the drop(x) operator or by moving out of the binding, Swift with the recently proposed consume/take/move operation).

I propose supporting this with the ^ postfix operator, e.g.:

    fn takeVec(owned v: Vec): ...

    fn showEarlyBindingEnd():
      var vec = Vec()
      takeVec(vec^)   # Ownership of vec is transferred to takeVec.

      var vec2 = Vec()
      _ = vec2^ # force drop vec2.

This is postfix so it composes better in expressions, e.g. “someValue^.someConsumingMethod()”.

Supporting “taking” a value, with a convention (+ eventually a Trait)

I believe it is important for common types to support a “destructive take” to support use-cases where you want to std::move an element out of the middle of a std::vector. C++ has std::move and move constructors for this, and Rust has a ton of complexity to work around the lack of this. Swift doesn’t appear to have a story for this yet. I think we just use a method convention (eventually formalized as a trait) where types who want it define a take() method:

  struct Vec:
      fn __moveinit__(inout self, inout existing):
          # Steal the contents of 'existing'
          self.capacity = existing.capacity
          self.size = existing.size

          # Make sure 'existing's dtor doesn't do bad things.
 = None
          existing.size = 0
          existing.capacity = 0

This is analogous to defining a move constructor in C++. Note that you only need to define this if you want to support this operation, and we eventually should be able to synthesize this as a default implementation of the “Takable” trait when we build out traits and metaprogramming features.

Value Lifetime Enforcement

Now that we have all the mechanics in place, we actually have to check and enforce lifetime in the compiler. This entails a few bits and pieces.

Implement a “Definitive Initialization” Like Pass: CheckLifetimes

The first thing we need is a dataflow pass that tracks the initialization status of local bindings. The basic mechanics needed here are implemented in the Swift Definitive Initialization pass, and a lot of the mechanics are well described in the Drop Flags section of the Rustonomicon and slide 135+ in this talk. This is a combination of static analysis and dynamically generated booleans.

When building this, we have the choice to implement this in a field sensitive way. I believe that this is a good thing to do in the medium term, because that will allow making __new__ and __del__ methods much easier to work with in common cases, and will compose better when we get to classes. That said, we should start with simple non-field-sensitive cases and extend it over time. This is what we did when bringing up Swift and it worked fine.

Implement support for variable exclusivity checking

While it isn’t a high priority in the immediate future, we should also add support for variable exclusivity checking to detect dynamic situations where aliases are formed. See the Swift proposal for details on the issues involved here. Mojo will be working primarily with local variables in the immediate future, so we can get by with something very simple for the immediate future.

Synthesize destructors for structs

The other thing necessary in the basic model is for the destructors of field members to be run as part of __del__ methods on structs. We don’t want people to have to write this manually, we should synthesize a __del__ when needed. For example in:

    struct X:
        var a: T1
        var b: T2

        fn __del__(owned self):  # This should be synthesized.
            _ = self.a^
            _ = self.b^

Extensions to make the programming model nicer

With the above support, we should have a system that is workable to cover the C++/Rust use-cases (incl std::atomic and SmallVector), handle the motivating Tensor type and Python interop, as well as provide a safe programming model (modulo dangling reference types which need lifetimes to support). That said, we still won’t have a super nice programming model, this includes some “table stakes” things we should include even though they are not strictly necessary.

In particular, the support above completely eliminated the need to copy and move values, which is super pure, but it would be impractically painful to work with simple types that have trivial copy constructors. For example:

  fn useIntegers(a: Int):
      var b = a+4        # ok, b gets owned value returned by plus operator.
      let c = b          # error, cannot take ownership from an lvalue.
      let c2 = b.copy()  # Ok, but laughable for Int.

It is worth saying that the “c = b” case is something that we explicitly want to prohibit for non-trivial types like vectors and dictionaries: Swift implicitly copies the values and relies on COW optimization and compiler heroics (which are not amazingly great in practice) to make it “work”. Rust handles it by moving the value away, which breaks value semantics and a programmer model that people expect from Python.

It is better for vectors and Dictionary’s (IMO) to make this a compile time error, and say “this non-copyable type cannot be copied”. We can then standardize a b.copy() method to make the expense explicit in source code.

Copy constructors for implicitly copyable types

The solution to both of these problems is to allow types to opt-in to copyability (as in the Rust Copy trait). The obvious signature for this in Mojo seems to be a __copyinit__ implementation (eventually formalized as a trait):

    struct Int:
      var value: __mlir_type.index
      fn __copyinit__(inout self, borrowed existing: Int):
        self.value = existing.value

Given this new initializer, a type that implements this is opt-ing into being implicitly copied by the compiler. This (re)enables lvalue-to-rvalue conversion with a “load” operation, but makes it explicit in user source code. It allows integers to work like trivial values, and allows the library designer to take control of what types support implicit copies like this. This is also required for the Python interop “object” type, since we obviously want x = y to work for Python objects!

One nice-to-have thing that we should get to eventually (as we build out support for traits and metaprogramming) is Copyable trait with a default implementation. This would allow us to manually provide a copy constructor if we want above, or get a default synthesized one just by saying that our struct is Copyable. See the appendix at the end of the document for more explanation of how this composes together.

All together, I believe this will provide a simple and clean programming model that is much more predictable than the C++ style, and is more powerful than the Swift or Rust designs, which don’t allow custom logic.

Opting into pass-by-register parameter convention

The final problem we face is the inefficiency of passing small values by-reference everywhere. This is a problem that is internalized by C++ programmers through common wisdom (“pass complex values like std::vector as const& or rvalue-ref but trivial values like int by value!”), but ends up being a problem for some generic templated code - e.g. std::vector needs to declare many things as being passed by const& or rvalue reference, which becomes inefficient when instantiated for trivial types. There are ways to deal with this in C++, but it causes tons of boilerplate and complexity.

The key insight I see here is that the decision is specific to an individual type, and should therefore be the decision of the type author. I think the simple way to handle this is to add a struct decorator that opts the struct into being passed by owning copy, equivalent to the Rust Copy convention:

    struct Int:

This decorator would require that the type have a copy constructor declared, and it uses that copy constructor in the callee side of an API to pass arguments by-register and return by-register. This would lead to an efficient ABIs for small values.

This decorator should only be used on small values that makes sense to pass in registers or on the stack (e.g. 1-3 machine registers), and cannot be used on types like llvm::SmallVector that have interior pointers (such a type doesn’t make sense to pass by-register anyway!).


This proposal attempts to synthesize ideas from a number of well known systems into something that will fit well with Mojo, be easy to use, and easy to teach - building on the Python ideology of “reducing magic”. It provides equivalent expressive power to C++, while being a building block to provide the full power for Rust-style lifetimes.

Parameter Conventions Summary

This is the TL;DR: summary of what I think we end up with:

    fn borrow_it(a: X)           # takes X as borrow (sugar).
    fn borrow_it(borrowed a: X)  # takes X as borrow.
    fn take_it(owned a: X)            # takes owned X
    fn ref_it(inout a: X)             # takes mutable reference to X
    fn register_it(a: Int)       # by copy when Int is register-passable.

    fn ret_owned(self) -> X:           # Return an owned X (sugar).
    fn ret_owned(self) -> owned X:     # Return an owned X.
    fn ret_borrow(self) -> borrowed X: # Return an X as a borrow
    fn ret_ref(self) -> inout X:       # Return an X as a mutable ref
    fn ret_register(self) -> Int:      # Return by copy when Int is register-passable

Extension for Lifetime types

Lifetimes are necessary to support memory safety with non-trivial correlated lifetimes, and have been pretty well proven in the Rust world. They will require their own significant design process (particularly to get the defaulting rules) and will benefit from getting all of the above implemented.

That said, when we get to them, I believe they will fit naturally into the Mojo and MLIR design. For example, you could imagine things like this:

    # Take a non-copyable SomeTy as a borrow and return owned copy
    fn life_ex1['a: lifetime](value: 'a SomeTy) -> SomeTy:
      return value.copy()

    # Take a non-copyable SomeTy and return the reference
    fn life_ex2['a: lifetime](value: 'a SomeTy) -> borrowed 'a SomeTy:
      return value

This is not a concrete syntax proposal, just a sketch. A full design is outside the scope of this proposal though, it should be a subsequent one.

Appendix: Decorators and Type Traits

Above we talk loosely about decorators and type traits. A decorator in Python is a modifier for a type or function definition. A Trait in Rust (aka protocol in Swift, aka typeclass in Haskell) is a set of common behavior that unifies types - sort of like an extended Java interface.

Let’s see how these two concepts can come together in the future assuming we get Swift/Rust-style traits and extend Python’s decorator concept with metaprogramming features enabled by Mojo.

Traits include “requirements”: signatures that conforming types are required to have, and may also include default implementations for those. The type can implement it manually if they want, but can also just inherit the default implementation if not. Let’s consider copy-ability. This isn’t a standard library proposal, but we could implement some copy traits like this:

  trait Copyable:
      # Just a signature, no body.
      fn copy(self) -> Self: ...

  trait ImplicitlyCopyable(Copyable):     # Could use a better name :)
      # A __copyinit__ is required, and this is the default implementation.
      fn __copyinit__(inout self, borrowed existing: Self):
          self = existing.copy()

Type may conform to the Copyable trait, which allows generic algorithms to know it has a copy() method. Similarly, they may conform to ImplicitlyCopyable to know it is implicitly copable (supports “let a = b”). ImplicitlyCopyable requires the type to have a copy() method (because ImplicitlyCopyable refines Copyable) and a __copyinit__ method with the specified signatures, and also provides a default implementation of the __copyinit__ method.

This allows types to use it like this:

    struct Int(ImplicitlyCopyable):
        var value: __mlir_type.index
        fn copy(self: Self) -> Self:
            return Int{value: self.value}

      # Don't have to write this, we get a default impl from ImplicitlyCopyable
      # fn __copyinit__(inout self, borrowed existing: Self):
      #     self = existing.copy()

This allows clients to implement a simple copy() method, but get the internal machinery for free.

The decorator is a different thing that layers on top of it. Decorators in Python are functions that use metaprogramming to change the declaration they are attached to. Python does this with dynamic metaprogramming, but we’ll use the interpreter + built-ins operations to also enable static metaprogramming in Mojo.

I'm imagining that this will allow someone to write just:

    struct Int:
      var value : __mlir_type.index

And the implicitlyCopyable function (which implements the decorator) would be implemented to do two things:

  1. When it understands all the stored properties of a copy, because they are built-in MLIR types like index, or because they themselves conform to at least Copyable, it synthesizes an implementation of a copy() method that builds a new instance of the type by invoking the copy() member for each element.
  2. It adds conformance to the ImplicitlyCopyable trait, which provides the __copyinit__ method above.

This is all precedented in languages like Swift and Rust, but they both lack the metaprogramming support to make the decorator synthesis logic implementable in the standard library. Swift does this for things like the Hashable and Equatable protocols. I believe that Mojo will be able to support much nicer and more extensible designs.

NOTE: The @value decorator provides some of this now.