pbGraphs.ts is a graph library for TypeScript.
TypeScript 3.4+. The resulting JavaScript 5+ works in browsers, NodeJS and Java's script engine.
There are no dependencies.
It is easy to get started. Simply include the sources in your project. Check out test.ts in the src directory for an example.
pbGraphs-java has been implemented with progsbase, so the library is available for 12 different programming languages.
Try all functions online and see the implementations in different languages.
function DirectedGraphsEqual(a : DirectedGraph, b : DirectedGraph) : boolean
Returns true of the two directed graphs are equal.
function GetGraphComponents(g : DirectedGraph, componentMembership : NumberArrayReference) : boolean
Places the list of strongly connected components in componentMembership. Returns false if graphs does not quality as undirected.
function TopologicalSort(g : DirectedGraph, list : NumberArrayReference) : boolean
Places the topological sort of the graph in list
- Depth-first Search
function DepthFirstSearch(g : DirectedGraph, start : number, list : NumberArrayReference) : void
Places the depth-first sort ordering of the graph in list
- Breadth-first Search
function BreadthFirstSearch(g : DirectedGraph, start : number, list : NumberArrayReference) : void
Places the breadth-first sort ordering of the graph in list
- Dijkstra's Algorithm
function DijkstrasAlgorithm(g : DirectedGraph, src : number, dist : NumberArrayReference, distSet : BooleanArrayReference, prev : NumberArrayReference) : void
Performs Dijkstra's algorithm on the graph g
from src
. Whether nodes are reachable is placed in distSet
, the shortest distances in dist
, and the previous node in the shortest paths in prev
- Bellman-Ford Algorithm
function BellmanFordAlgorithm(g : DirectedGraph, src : number, dist : NumberArrayReference, distSet : BooleanArrayReference, prev : NumberArrayReference) : boolean
Performs the Bellman-Ford algorithm on the graph g
from src
. Whether nodes are reachable is placed in distSet
, the shortest distances in dist
, and the previous node in the shortest paths in prev
- Floyd-Warshall Algorithm
function FloydWarshallAlgorithm(g : DirectedGraph, distances : Distances) : boolean
Performs the Floyd-Warshall algorithm on the graph g
. The shortest distances between each pair of nodes are placed in distances
- Prim's Algorithm
function PrimsAlgorithm(g : DirectedGraph, forest : Forest) : boolean
Performs the Prim's algorithm on the graph g
. All minimum spanning trees of the graph are placed in forest
. Returns false if graphs does not quality as undirected.
- Kruskal's Algorithm
function KruskalsAlgorithm(g : DirectedGraph, forest : Forest) : boolean
Performs the Kruskal's algorithm on the graph g
. All minimum spanning trees of the graph are placed in forest
. Returns false if graphs does not quality as undirected.
- Cycle Detection
function DirectedGraphContainsCycleDFS(g : DirectedGraph) : boolean
Return true if there are cycles in the graph g
- Cycle Counting
function DirectedGraphCountCyclesDFS(g : DirectedGraph) : number
Return the number of cycles in the graph g
- Get All Cyles
function DirectedGraphGetCyclesDFS(g : DirectedGraph) : Cycle []
Returns the list of cycles in the graph g