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Tobias edited this page Jun 15, 2015 · 35 revisions

What is JSqlParser?

JSqlParser is a SQL statement parser. It translates SQLs in a traversable hierarchy of Java classes. JSqlParser is not limited to one database but provides support for a lot of specials of Oracle, SqlServer, MySQL, PostgreSQL ... To name some, it has support for Oracles join syntax using (+), PostgreSQLs cast syntax using ::, relational operators like != and so on. Then the result can be accessed in a structured way. The generated Java class hierarchy can be navigated using the Visitor Pattern.


To help JSqlParsers development you are encouraged to provide

  • feedback
  • bugreports
  • pull requests for new features
  • improvement requests

Also I would like to know about needed examples or documentation stuff.


If you want to contribute or help this way, here is the possibility: Flattr PayPal donate button

#Modifications JSqlParser is continuously improved. All modifications could be followed at the Release Notes. Additional News can be found here.

Modifications before GitHubs release tagging are listed in the [Older Releases](Older Releases) page.

How it works?

The parser is built using JavaCC. The core JavaCC grammar for SQL has been taken from Guido Draheim's site and has been changed in order to produce a hierarchy of Java classes. The classes called deparsers are used to build again the SQL text of the class hierarchy.

Over the time the grammar was extended and now is a combination of specialities of grammars of various database systems. It is grown by need. So some (not all) Oracle, MySql, SQLServer, PostgreSQL specific aspects can be parsed.


To use JSqlParser in a maven project you have to include the following dependency:


Be sure you added the latest release.


Find some examples of JSqlParsers usage.

  • Parsing here.

  • Building here.

  • Simple expression evaluation here

Feel free to provide more examples.

Original project

This is a fork of the jsqlparser originally developed by ultimoamore.

Original project websites: