The source code for this sofware makes heavy use of lambas, and as such will require Java 8 to compile.
Assuming that no changes need to be made to any of the projects on which this software depends, compilation consists only of cloning the repository and running the Ant build file (in Eclipse: right click on the Ant build file, select Run As... > Ant Build
In case such changes are necessary, the projects in question will need to be updated, recompiled, and their respective jars in the libraries folder replaced with the new versions. After that, the build file will need to be ran again to rebuild the visualizer.
All of the dependencies listed here are included for convenience in the libraries folder.
This software relies on the following projects, and requires them to run:
- Basic Hierarchy
- Hierarchy Measures
- HK++
- This project's jar was modified to use the same lib folder as the rest of the program, to prevent library redundancy.
This software also uses the following libraries:
- Prefuse, version beta-20071021
- Apache Commons
- Apache Log4j, version 2.5
- Jackson, version 2.4.1