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Irregular Sleep Pattern Identification and Analysis from Social Media Dataset using Hybrid Deep Learning based Attention Mechanism


Maintaining a consistent bedtime schedule and getting appropriate sleep at night is crucial for good health. Not following a regular bedtime routine and having different amounts of sleep each night might increase a person’s risk of obesity, cardiovascular problems, high blood pressure, insulin level, and other metabolic problems. To better understand individuals' sleeping patterns, in this research, we examine tweets to identify whether a user is suffering from Irregular Sleeping Patterns (ISP) using psycholinguistic (i.e., LIWC) and contextual (i.e., BERT) features from user tweets.

  • Domain: Data Science, Deep Learning, Natural Language Processing, Psychological and Mental User Behavior, Psycholinguistic Patterns, Tweet Analysis, Social Media.
  • Tools used: Twitter API - Tweepy, LIWC, IBM SPSS Statistical Software.

Data Availability

When collecting data from Twitter for our experiments, we followed Twitter's rules and regulations for data privacy. We collect tweets after getting permission from Twitter. The tweets are collected using the Twitter API, Tweepy for academic research. According to Twitter's policy, the tweets collected are their public property, which cannot be made public without their permission. As a result, a modified version of the data is distributed.

Overall steps for dataset creation.

Data Collection

We used Twitter to collect 924 user tweets from certain nations or continents, such as the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Bangladesh, and some countries in Africa. We looked at the times when their tweets were tweeted. We used random sampling on the user based on their tweeting time and word choices and labeled their file with "Irregular Sleeping Pattern Yes" and "Irregular Sleeping Pattern No" labels. For Irregular Sleeping Pattern Yes, a time interval of 1 am to 5 am. For Regular Sleeping Pattern users, we randomly selected users who did not tweet at night, in the time range from 1 am to 5 am.

Filtering tweets based on time

For time filtering, we first divide the users (Irregular and Regular Sleeping Pattern users) based on their geographical location. Then we convert the UTC to standard geographical UTC based on the user’s location. For example, for the USA, we have to subtract 4 hours from Bangladesh standard UTC to convert it into (UTC-4) standard geographical UTC. For this conversion, we needed to separate the user CSV files into six sections based on areas: USA, Europe, Asia (Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, Korea, Japan), New Zealand, Australia, and South Africa.

Fixing the time range

For Irregular Sleep Users time range is from 1 am - 6 am (excluding). Regular sleep users are outside this time range.

def get_time_date(data):
  # time range: 1 am - 6 am(excluded)

  time_range_list = []
  time_freq = 0

  date_range_list = []

  date_list = []
  tweet_list = []

  import datetime
  def time_in_range(start, end , current):
    return start <= current <= end 

  time_freq =0
  for i, row in data.iterrows():
    date_row = row['date']
    tweet_row = row['tweet']

    temp2 = date_row
    start = datetime.time(1,0,0) # start time
    end = datetime.time(6, 0, 0 ) # end time
    current = temp2.time() # current time
    current_date = # current date
    tweet_time_in_range = time_in_range(start,end,current)
    if tweet_time_in_range != True:
      # == True --> Irregular  
      # != True --> Regular
      time_freq += 1

      # Append to new lists

  # initialize data of lists.
  time_data = {'date': date_list,'tweet': tweet_list}
  # Create DataFrame
  con_df = pd.DataFrame(time_data)

  return con_df

Converting to current Geographical UTC time

def time_conversion(time_df):
  for i, row_value in time_df['date'].iteritems():
    current_utc_time = row_value
    temp_object = datetime.strptime(current_utc_time, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")

    # UTC time conversion --> + or - hours 
    temp_hours_from_now = temp_object + timedelta(hours=10) # Australia
    # temp_hours_from_now = temp_object + timedelta(hours=6) # BD
    # temp_hours_from_now = temp_object + timedelta(hours=8) # BD time ++
    # temp_hours_from_now = temp_object + timedelta(hours=4) # BD time --
    # temp_hours_from_now = temp_object + timedelta(hours=12) # New Zealand
    # temp_hours_from_now = temp_object + timedelta(hours=1) # UK
    # temp_hours_from_now = temp_object + timedelta(hours=2) # South Africa
    # temp_hours_from_now = temp_object - timedelta(hours=4) # USA
    time_df['date'][i] = temp_hours_from_now

  return time_df

Data Preprocessing

For raw data pre-processing, we discarded the username and mentions. We translated tweets that were in other languages to English using langdetect and googletrans. We kept the users' retweets because retweeting shows the various personality traits of the users. We removed hashtags and converted them into text. We also removed URLs and HTTP links. We also converted contractions, e.g., "they're" to "they are." We tokenize the sentences and removed punctuation using the ntlk library. Finally, we removed emojis by using the Python demoji package.

# Function to Preprocess Data

def data_preprocessing(text_sample):
  # Regex Patterns
  smileemoji = r"[8:=;]['`\-]?[)d]+"
  sademoji = r"[8:=;]['`\-]?\(+"
  neutralemoji = r"[8:=;]['`\-]?[\/|l*]"
  lolemoji = r"[8:=;]['`\-]?p+"
  userPattern = '@[^\s]+ '
  urlPattern = r"((http://)[^ ]*|(https://)[^ ]*|(www\.)[^ ]*)"

  # Use demoji
  text_sample = d.replace_with_desc(text_sample, "")

  text_sample = text_sample.lower() # Convert text to lowercase

  text_sample = re.sub(userPattern,'', text_sample) # Remove mentions

  text_sample = re.sub(urlPattern,'',text_sample) # Remove urls

  text_sample = re.sub(r'^rt[\s]+', '', text_sample) # Remove the Retweets Symbol RT

  text_sample = re.sub(r'#', '', text_sample) # Remove Hastags

  text_sample = re.sub(r'[0-9]', '', text_sample) # Remove Digits
  text_sample = re.sub(r'\n', '', text_sample) # Remove \n in text

  # Remove Emojis
  text_sample = re.sub(r'<3', 'heart', text_sample)
  text_sample = re.sub(smileemoji, 'smile', text_sample)
  text_sample = re.sub(sademoji, 'sad', text_sample)
  text_sample = re.sub(neutralemoji, 'neutral', text_sample)
  text_sample = re.sub(lolemoji, 'lol', text_sample) 

  text_sample = re.sub(" ’ ", "'", text_sample)
  text_sample = re.sub("’", "'", text_sample)

  # Replace Contractions

  for word in text_sample.split():
    if word.lower() in contractions:
      text_sample = text_sample.replace(word, contractions[word.lower()])

  # instantiate the tokenizer class
  tokenizer = TweetTokenizer(preserve_case=False, strip_handles=True,reduce_len=True)

  tweet_tokens = tokenizer.tokenize(text_sample)

  # Remove punctuations 
  tweets_clean = []

  for word in tweet_tokens:
    # Go through every word in your tokens list 
    if (word not in string.punctuation):  
      # remove punctuation

  # Join the individual words into one complete string
  text_sample = ' '.join(tweets_clean)

  # Trim the sentence - remove empty spaces 
  text_sample = text_sample.strip()

  # Replace multiple dots with space
  text_sample = re.sub('\.\.+', '', text_sample) 
  # Remove single dots
  text_sample = re.sub('\.', '', text_sample) 

  # Remove large empty spaces in middle
  text_sample = re.sub("\s{2,}"," ",text_sample)
  text_sample = re.sub("\s{3,}"," ",text_sample)
  text_sample = re.sub("\s{4,}"," ",text_sample)

  rx = re.compile(r'_{2,}')
  text_sample = rx.sub('', text_sample)
  # Translate language for non-english speaking countries

  # Translate language
    if langdetect.detect(text_sample) != 'en':
      translator = Translator()
      translated_text = translator.translate(text_sample)
      text_sample = translated_text.text
      text_sample = "can not translate"
  text_sample = re.sub('…','',text_sample) # Remove
  text_sample = re.sub(",", "", text_sample)
  text_sample = re.sub("“", "", text_sample)
  text_sample = text_sample.strip()

  return text_sample

Filtering Tweets using words

After filtering our dataset based on time, we applied another filtering technique to find tweets that are relevant to irregular sleeping and regular sleeping patterns for our final dataset. The filtering technique is based on users’ way of using certain words as we mentioned in the data collection section.

Finding out LIWC correlated categories

Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count (LIWC) is a text analysis program that counts words in psychologically significant categories. LIWC enables users to examine the inner workings of literary works. When a user uploads a text to LIWC, he or she will receive an output with more than 70 columns of data. Here, we have analyzed users’ time-filtered tweets using LIWC, which sorts different features from texts into more than 70 different categories. To uncover the correlated LIWC word categories, we used Fisher’s linear discriminant analysis with IBM Corp’s SPSS statistical program. We got 34 word categories in total with high correlation coefficient scores. Categories with higher scores (mostly greater than 2.0) are better predictors. The scores are in the range from 2.686 to 42.778.

# Correlated LIWC categories

liwc_category = {
    "posemo": ['good','love','happy','hope','heart','smile','laugh','kiss','wink','hug'],
    "sad": ['sad','disapoint', 'cry','tears'],
    "future": ['will', 'going to', 'have to', 'may'],
    "negate":['not', 'no', 'never', 'nothing'],
    "pronoun" : ['you', 'it', 'yourself', 'myself', 'we', 'our', 'us', 'me', 'my'],
    "adverb" : ['so', 'just', 'about', 'there'],
    "conj" : ['and', 'but', 'so', 'as'],
    "quant" : ['all', 'one', 'more', 'some'],
    "number" : ['one', 'two', 'first', 'once'],
    "swear" : ['shit', 'fuckin', 'fuck', 'damn'],
    "family" : ['parent', 'mother', 'father', 'baby'],
    "friend" : ['friend', 'boyfriend', 'girlfriend', 'dude'],
    "insight" : ['think', 'know', 'consider'],
    "cause" : ['because', 'effect', 'hence'],
    "discrep" : ['should', 'would', 'could'],
    "tentat" : ['maybe', 'perhaps', 'guess'],
    "certain" : ['always', 'never'],
    "inhib" : ['block', 'constrain', 'stop'],
    "incl" : ['with', 'include'],
    "excl" : ['But', 'without', 'exclude'],
    "hear" : ['listen', 'hearing'],
    "body" : ['cheek', 'hands', 'spit', 'face', 'arm', 'leg'],
    "health" : ['medic', 'patients', 'physician', 'health'],
    "sexual" : ['sex', 'gay', 'pregnant', 'dick'],
    "ingest" : ['dish', 'eat', 'pizza', 'dinner', 'lunch'],
    "relativ" : ['area', 'exit', 'stop'],
    "achieve" : ['earn', 'hero', 'win'],
    "leisure" : ['cook', 'chat', 'movie', 'apartment', 'kitchen'],
    "money" : ['business', 'pay', 'price', 'market'],
    "death" : ['death', 'dead', 'die', 'kill'],
    "assent" : ['yeah', 'yes', 'okay', 'ok'],
    "filler"  : ['wow', 'you know']

Filtering using WordNet

WordNet provides a list of the alternatives from which different words can be taken. Words and word senses can have a far more comprehensive range of semantic links in WordNet. Nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs are organized into synsets of cognitive synonyms, each expressing a separate notion. In our experiment, from the selected LIWC categories in the subsection, we created a word pool for each type. This wordpool contains example words from the LIWC dictionary. We will find synonyms of the words in the word pool by using WordNet. We then checked if a tweet had a word present in the wordpool. For a particular user, if a word in the wordpool is present in the tweet, we consider that tweet. Otherwise, that tweet was discarded. Finally, the user CSV files were updated with word-filtered tweets.

WordPool Generation

def create_wordpool(word_list):
  wordlist_synonyms = []
  for k in range(len(word_list)):
    for syn in wn.synsets(word_list[k]):
      for l in syn.lemmas():
    #print(f"{word_list[k]} --> {wordlist_synonyms}")
  wordlist_synonyms = list(dict.fromkeys(wordlist_synonyms)) # remove duplicates

  for i in range(len(wordlist_synonyms)):
    if "_" in wordlist_synonyms[i]:
      wordlist_synonyms[i] = re.sub(r'_', ' ', wordlist_synonyms[i])
    if "-" in wordlist_synonyms[i]:
      wordlist_synonyms[i] = re.sub(r'-', ' ', wordlist_synonyms[i])
  return wordlist_synonyms

Create Wordpools

def start_wordpool(liwc_category):
  synonym_list = []
  for key in liwc_category.keys():
    word_list = liwc_category[key]
    # print(word_list)
    synonym_list = create_wordpool(word_list)
    liwc_category[key] = synonym_list
  return liwc_category

Filter tweets based on the words in the wordpool

def word_filtering(data,liwc_category):
  selected_tweets = []
  for key in liwc_category.keys():
    word_list = liwc_category[key] # liwc category - word list array
    for i in range(len(word_list)): # access each word in list array
      word = word_list[i]
      for  j,row in data.iterrows():
          tweet_row = row['processed_tweet']
          test = tweet_row.split()    
          for k in test:
            if k == word:
    tweets_non_redundent = list(dict.fromkeys(selected_tweets))        

  return tweets_non_redundent

Contextualized Word Embeddings using BERT

We used Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers (BERT) to generate contextualized word embeddings. We generated BERT vectors using a pre-trained model named Bert-based-uncased from Hugging Face sentence-transformers library. The tweet sentences were converted into a 768-dimensional vector space. Shape of the data after word embedding is 924x768. BERT word embeddings is our final dataset which contains both psycholinguistic and word embedding–based analyses regarding the users' tweets. These analysis are the independent variables, while the dependent variable is Irregular Sleep Yes and Irregular Sleep No. BERT word embeddings is our final dataset which is used as input to our classification models (deep learning architectures).

Building Deep Learning Classifiers

Deep neural networks are artificial neural networks with numerous hidden layers between input and output. Since deep learning can train both categories, it has a significant impact on both supervised and unsupervised learning. Deep learning includes many networks such as CNN (Convolutional Neural Networks), RNN (Recurrent Neural Networks), etc. In natural language processing (NLP), neural networks are used for text generation, sentiment analysis, word representation, sentence classification, feature presentation, and many other tasks. We have used LSTM, Bi-LSTM and 1D CNN as our deep learning models. We chose 1D CNN as it is a great neural network for feature extraction. The use of LSTM and Bi-LSTM is to prevent the problem of long term dependency.

Train Validation Split

from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split

X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.1, random_state=0, stratify=y)

X_val = np.copy(X_test)
y_val = np.copy(y_test)


lstm_model1 = Sequential()

# To stack LSTM cells on top of each other --> return_sequences=True which determines whether to return the last output in the output sequence, or the full sequence
lstm_model1.add(LSTM(units = 192, activation='tanh',return_sequences = True, input_shape=(1,X_train_reshaped.shape[2])))

lstm_model1.add(LSTM(units = 192, activation='tanh',return_sequences = True))


# optional dense layer on top of output of LSTM cell


Bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory (BiLSTM)

bi_lstm_model = Sequential()

# To stack LSTM cells on top of each other --> return_sequences=True which determines whether to return the last output in the output sequence, or the full sequence
bi_lstm_model.add(Bidirectional(LSTM(units = 96, activation='tanh',return_sequences = True, input_shape=(1,X_train_reshaped.shape[2]))))

bi_lstm_model.add(Bidirectional(LSTM(units = 96, activation='tanh',return_sequences = True)))



# optional dense layer on top of output of LSTM cell

1D Convolutional Neural Network (CNN)

# intialize the network, cnn object
cnn_model = tf.keras.models.Sequential() 

# Add the 1st Convolutional layer
cnn_model.add(tf.keras.layers.Conv1D(filters=64, kernel_size=3,activation='relu',input_shape=(768, 1)))

# pool_size --> 2 (which means 2x2)

# Add the 2nd Convolutional layer

# Create the Flattening layers (1D layers) by Flattern class from Keras

# create a full connected layer

# Binary classification - 0 or 1, so dimension of neuron is 1 (1 output neuron)
# sigmoid activation function (gives probability)

Building Hybrid Models

Though LSTMs tackle the long-term dependency of RNNs and are highly used in text classification tasks, they are not without problems. LSTM fails to extract context information from the future token in a text and cannot recognize different relationships between the words. To tackle this weakness, 1D CNN has been proposed. During the feature extraction step, CNN can perform more accurately than LSTM. Both CNN and LSTM have some advantages and weaknesses. To mitigate the weakness and take advantage of both models, we built 2 hybrid models BiLSTM + CNN hybrid model, and an attention-based BiLSTM + CNN hybrid model. Our first hybrid model is 1D CNN + LSTM. Here 1D CNN acts as an encoder which extracts important features and passes to the LSTM model which acts as a decoder. Our second hybrid model is the same as before, just an attention layer is added after the LSTM model to increase the accuracy of our hybrid model.

Hybrid Model 1 (CNN + BiLSTM)

inputs = Input(shape = (768,1))
model = Conv1D(filters=64, kernel_size=3,activation='relu')(inputs)
model = MaxPooling1D(pool_size=2)(model)

model = Conv1D(filters=64, kernel_size=3,activation='relu')(model)
model = MaxPooling1D(pool_size=2)(model)

model = Conv1D(filters=64, kernel_size=3,activation='relu')(model)
model = MaxPooling1D(pool_size=2)(model)

model = Flatten()(model)
model = RepeatVector(1)(model)

model = Bidirectional(LSTM(units = 96, activation='tanh',return_sequences = True))(model)
model = Dropout(0.2)(model)

model = Bidirectional(LSTM(units = 96, activation='tanh',return_sequences = True))(model)
model = Dropout(0.2)(model)

model = Flatten()(model)
dense = Dense(48,activation='relu')(model)
dense = Dropout(0.2)(dense)

output = Dense(1,activation='sigmoid')(dense)
model = Model(inputs = inputs, outputs = output) 

Hybrid Model 2 (CNN+BiLSTM+Attention)

Same architecture as the above hyrbid model with an attention layer. The same dense layer is used at the end

# Input from BiLSTM model
weights = tf.keras.layers.AdditiveAttention()([model, model])

model = Flatten()(weights)

dense = Dense(48,activation='relu')(model)
dense = Dropout(0.2)(dense)

output = Dense(1,activation='sigmoid')(dense)
model = Model(inputs = inputs, outputs = output)


Evaluation Metrics

from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score, precision_score, recall_score, f1_score, matthews_corrcoef

def evaluate_preds(y_test,y_pred):
    accuracy = accuracy_score(y_test,y_pred)
    precision = precision_score(y_test,y_pred)
    recall = recall_score(y_test,y_pred) 
    f1 = f1_score(y_test,y_pred)
    mcc = matthews_corrcoef(y_test,y_pred)

    metric_dict = {
        "mcc": round(mcc,2) 
    } # A dictionary that stores the results of the evaluation metrics
    print(f"Acc: {accuracy:.2f}")
    print(f"Precision: {precision:.2f}")
    print(f"Recall: {recall:.2f}")
    print(f"F1 score: {f1:.2f}")
    print(f'MCC Score: {mcc:.2f}')
    return metric_dict

Prediction on Test Dataset

data2 = pd.read_csv("/content/Test Data Bert Embeddings 20 percent.csv")

df2 = data2.sample(frac=1).reset_index(drop=True)

X2 = df2.loc[:, df2.columns != 'Class']
y2 = df2['Class']

X2_train, X2_test, y2_train, y2_test = train_test_split(X2, y2, test_size=0.99, random_state=0, stratify=y2)

le2 = LabelEncoder()
y2_train = le2.fit_transform(y2_train)
y2_test = le2.transform(y2_test)

X2_train = np.array(X2_train)
X2_test = np.array(X2_test)

# The reshapes are for individual LSTM and BiLSTM models
X2_train_reshaped = X2_train[:, np.newaxis,:]
X2_test_reshaped = X2_test[:, np.newaxis,:]

# Make predictions
hybrid_model_pred_probs = model.predict(X2_test)

# Round out predictions and reduce to 1-dimensional array
hybrid_model_preds = tf.squeeze(tf.round(hybrid_model_pred_probs))

hybrid_model_metrics = evaluate_preds(y2_test, hybrid_model_preds)

Learning curves plot

# CREATE A FUNCTION for plotting ROC curve

def plot_learning_curve(accuracy, val_accuracy, loss, val_loss):
    plt.title('Accuracy vs Loss - CNN + BiLSTM + Attention', fontsize=16)

    plt.plot(accuracy, label='train (Accuracy)',c='red')
    plt.plot(val_accuracy, label='validation (Accuracy)',c='blue')
    plt.plot(loss, label='train (Loss)',c='green')
    plt.plot(val_loss, label='validation (Loss)',c='orange')
    plt.xlabel('Epoch', fontsize=16)
    plt.ylabel('Accuracy and Loss', fontsize=16)
    plt.legend(prop={'size': 13})
#### Calculate fpr, tpr and thresholds
p_fpr, p_tpr, thresholds = roc_curve(y2_test, hybrid_model_preds)
n_fpr, n_tpr, thresholds = roc_curve(y2_test, hybrid_model_preds)

plot_roc_curve(p_fpr,p_tpr,metrics.auc(p_fpr, p_tpr))

Roc Curve Area Plot

# CREATE A FUNCTION for plotting ROC curve

def plot_roc_curve(fpr,tpr, roc_auc):
    Plots a ROC curve given the false positive rate(fpr)
    and true positive rate (tpr) of a model
    # Plot roc curve (X - fpr, Y-tpr)
    plt.plot(fpr,tpr,color="orange",label="ROC curve (area = %0.2f)" % roc_auc)
    # Plot line with no predictive power(baseline) - for comparison of our model
    # Customize the plot
    plt.xlabel("False positive rate (fpr)")
    plt.ylabel("True positive rate (tpr)")
    plt.title("Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) Curve")
#### Calculate fpr, tpr and thresholds
p_fpr, p_tpr, thresholds = roc_curve(y2_test, hybrid_model_preds)
n_fpr, n_tpr, thresholds = roc_curve(y2_test, hybrid_model_preds)

plot_roc_curve(p_fpr,p_tpr,metrics.auc(p_fpr, p_tpr))