- BMP180 Digital pressure sensor drive (recommend replace with BMP280)
- BMP280 Digital pressure sensor drive
- BME280 humidity and pressure sensor drive
- APDS9930 Digital Proximity and Ambient Light Sensor
- SHT20 Humidity and Temperature Sensor
- SHT3x Humidity and Temperature Sensor
- ST HTS221 humidity and temperature sensor
- ST LPS22 pressure sensor
- ST STTS751 temperature sensor
- ST LIS2MDL magnetic sensor
- ST LIS2DW12 motion sensor
- ST LSM6DSO 3D accelerometer and 3D gyroscope sensor
- ST LSM6DS33 3D accelerometer and 3D gyroscope sensor
- ST LSM303AH ultra-low-power 3D accelerometer and 3D magnetometer
- NTC thermistor
From microbit/micropython Chinese community.