- fixes correlated k 3d runs
- forces ref pressure to be in user grid for less sensitivity to layers
- reference pressure in docs
- lots of fun 3D functionality (Adams et al 2022)
- phase curves (Robbins-Blanche et al 2022)
- 3D tutorials with xarray
- clearer radiative transfer to be compatible with Toon 89
- Faster chemeq interpolation
- opacity tables pull four nearest neighbors (though option for 1 remains)
- Improvements and additions to plotting functionality
- Minor bug fixes
- Add evolution tracks
- Add ability to use pre mixed c-k tables
- Expand chemistry to include new Visscher tables
- Add ability to pull out contribution from individual species without running full RT
- Young planet table from ZJ Zhang.
- Separate workshop notebooks for Sagan School 2020, 2021 and ERS
- Add explicit "hard surface" term for thermal flux boundary condition for terrestrial calculations
- Minor bug fixes/improvements
- Transit Spectroscopy added
- Transit spectroscopy tutorial
- FAQ notebook
- Minor bug fixes/improvements
- Ability to load targets from exoplanet archive
- Explicit Brown Dwarf tutorials
- Coupling to brand new python cloud code Virga!!
- Ability to specify wave range in opannection and ability to resample (consult your local theorist before doing this)
- Added "Opacity Factor" so that users can easiy query opacity data without going through SQL
- Removed opacity from git-lfs (was a bad system and users were having trouble)
- Fixed critical spherical integration bug and added more robust steps for 1d vs. 3d. Also added full tutorial to explain differences here.
- Added notebook for surface reflectivity
- Thermal emission added
- Changed the way the code output is returned to single dictionary.
- Tutorials to map 3D input onto Gauss/Chebysev Angles
- Reflected light component only
- added git-lfs opacity database from only 0.3-1 micron
- made opacity database sqlite to speed up queries
- tutorials added for initial setup, adding clouds, visualizations, analyzing approximations, and opacity queries