This repo was forked from Bloc/open-todo as part of an assignment for the Bloc full stack web development program.
Open-Todo is an app for making lists of to-do items. The API allows users, lists, and to-dos to be made from the command line.
Data must be formatted as JSON, don't forget to escape the quotes.
Note: Open-Todo API is not in production, any requests would be done locally.
(Warning: this can be rather tedious.)
To make a user
curl -X POST -H "Content-type:application/json" -d "{\"username\": \"yourusername\",
\"password\": \"yourpass\"}" http://localhost:3000/api/users
If successful, the response will show your user id, username, and access token. You will need this token to be authenticated in other requests, please keep it in a safe place. You will also need your user id should you wish to delete your account.
To delete a user
curl -X DELETE -H 'Authorization:Token token="yourreallylongtokenreceivedonsignup"'
To make a list
curl -X POST -H 'Authorization:Token token="yourreallylongtokenreceivedonsignup"'
-H "Content-type:application/json" -d "{\"name\": \"listname\", \"permissions\":
\"permission\"}" http://localhost:3000/api/lists
Permissions options: "open" - These lists can be viewed and modified by any user. "visible" - These lists can be viewed by any user but only modified by owner. "private" - These lists can only be viewed and modified by owner.
The id will be needed if you choose to update or destroy a list as well as make or delete an item on that list. This can also be found in the list index.
To update a list
curl -X PATCH -H 'Authorization:Token token="yourreallylongtokenreceivedonsignup"'
-H "Content-type:application/json" -d "{\"name\": \"listname\", \"permissions\":
\"permission\"}" http://localhost:3000/api/lists/id
To delete a list
curl -X DELETE -H 'Authorization:Token token="yourreallylongtokenreceivedonsignup"'
To view the list index To view your lists:
curl -H 'Authorization:Token token="yourreallylongtokenreceivedonsignup"'
To view other open and visible lists:
curl http://localhost:3000/api/lists
To view a list
curl -H 'Authorization:Token token="yourreallylongtokenreceivedonsignup"'
To make an item for a list
curl -X POST -H 'Authorization:Token token="yourreallylongtokenreceivedonsignup"'
-H "Content-type:application/json" -d "{\"description\": \"item\"}"
To mark an item as completed
curl -X DELETE -H 'Authorization:Token token="yourreallylongtokenreceivedonsignup"'