diff --git a/.gitmodules b/.gitmodules
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..56e84f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.gitmodules
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+[submodule "src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/opendrive2lanelets-converter"]
+ path = src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/opendrive2lanelets-converter
+ url = https://github.com/stefan-urban/opendrive2lanelets-converter.git
diff --git a/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/openDrive2csv/openDrive2csv.ipynb b/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/openDrive2csv.ipynb
similarity index 99%
rename from src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/openDrive2csv/openDrive2csv.ipynb
rename to src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/openDrive2csv.ipynb
index 0eb0410..0c4c3b7 100644
--- a/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/openDrive2csv/openDrive2csv.ipynb
+++ b/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/openDrive2csv.ipynb
@@ -32,6 +32,9 @@
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
+ "import sys\n",
+ "sys.path.append('opendrive2lanelets-converter')\n",
+ "\n",
"from lxml import etree\n",
"from opendriveparser import parse_opendrive\n",
"from opendrive2lanelet import Network\n",
@@ -3952,7 +3955,7 @@
"name": "python",
"nbconvert_exporter": "python",
"pygments_lexer": "ipython3",
- "version": "3.6.4"
+ "version": "3.6.3"
"varInspector": {
"cols": {
diff --git a/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/openDrive2csv/opendrive2lanelet/README.md b/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/openDrive2csv/opendrive2lanelet/README.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 6a327d6..0000000
--- a/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/openDrive2csv/opendrive2lanelet/README.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-# OpenDRIVE 2 Lanelets - Converter
-## Requirements
-- Python 3.x
-- numpy
-- opendriveparser
-## Usage
-from lxml import etree
-from opendriveparser import parse_opendrive
-from opendrive2lanelet import Network
-fh = open("input_opendrive.xodr", 'r')
-openDrive = parse_opendrive(etree.parse(fh).getroot())
-roadNetwork = Network()
-scenario = roadNetwork.exportCommonRoadScenario()
-# Write CommonRoad scenario to file
-fh = open("output_commonroad_file.xml", "wb")
-## Author
-Stefan Urban
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/openDrive2csv/opendrive2lanelet/XML_commonRoad_XSD.xsd b/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/openDrive2csv/opendrive2lanelet/XML_commonRoad_XSD.xsd
deleted file mode 100644
index 5d17313..0000000
--- a/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/openDrive2csv/opendrive2lanelet/XML_commonRoad_XSD.xsd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,264 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/openDrive2csv/opendrive2lanelet/__init__.py b/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/openDrive2csv/opendrive2lanelet/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 07d7f52..0000000
--- a/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/openDrive2csv/opendrive2lanelet/__init__.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-from opendrive2lanelet.network import Network
diff --git a/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/openDrive2csv/opendrive2lanelet/commonroad.py b/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/openDrive2csv/opendrive2lanelet/commonroad.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 8cc7c67..0000000
--- a/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/openDrive2csv/opendrive2lanelet/commonroad.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,230 +0,0 @@
-import os
-import time
-import numpy as np
-from lxml import etree, objectify
-from lxml import etree
-from lxml.builder import E
-class Scenario(object):
- def __init__(self, dt, benchmark_id=None):
- self.dt = dt
- self.lanelet_network = LaneletNetwork()
- self.benchmark_id = benchmark_id
- def add_objects(self, o):
- if type(o) == list:
- for oo in o:
- self.add_objects(oo)
- elif type(o) == LaneletNetwork:
- for l in o.lanelets:
- self.lanelet_network.add_lanelet(l)
- elif type(o) == Lanelet:
- self.lanelet_network.add_lanelet(o)
- else:
- raise ScenarioError
- def export_to_string(self):
- rootElement = E("commonRoad", benchmarkID="a", commonRoadVersion="2017a", date=time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"), timeStepSize="0.1")
- # Road network
- for lanelet in self.lanelet_network.lanelets:
- # Bounds
- leftPointsElements = E("leftBound")
- for (x, y) in lanelet.left_vertices:
- leftPointsElements.append(E("point", E("x", str(x)), E("y", str(y))))
- rightPointsElements = E("rightBound")
- for (x, y) in lanelet.right_vertices:
- rightPointsElements.append(E("point", E("x", str(x)), E("y", str(y))))
- laneletElement = E("lanelet", leftPointsElements, rightPointsElements)
- laneletElement.set("id", str(int(lanelet.lanelet_id)))
- for predecessor in lanelet.predecessor:
- laneletElement.append(E("predecessor", ref=str(predecessor)))
- for successor in lanelet.successor:
- laneletElement.append(E("successor", ref=str(successor)))
- if lanelet.adj_left is not None:
- laneletElement.append(E("adjacentLeft", ref=str(lanelet.adj_left), drivingDirection=str("same" if lanelet.adj_left_same_direction else "opposite")))
- if lanelet.adj_right is not None:
- laneletElement.append(E("adjacentRight", ref=str(lanelet.adj_right), drivingDirection=str("same" if lanelet.adj_right_same_direction else "opposite")))
- rootElement.append(laneletElement)
- # Dummy planning problem
- planningProblem = E("planningProblem", id=str(0))
- initialState = E("initialState")
- initialState.append(E('position', E('point', E('x', str(0.0)), E('y', str(0.0)))))
- initialState.append(E('velocity', E('exact', str(0.0))))
- initialState.append(E('orientation', E('exact', str(0.0))))
- initialState.append(E('yawRate', E('exact', str(0.0))))
- initialState.append(E('slipAngle', E('exact', str(0.0))))
- initialState.append(E('time', E('exact', str(0.0))))
- planningProblem.append(initialState)
- goalRegion = E("goalRegion")
- goalState = E("state")
- goalState.append(E('position', E('point', E('x', str(0.0)), E('y', str(0.0)))))
- goalState.append(E('orientation', E('exact', str(0.0))))
- goalState.append(E('time', E('exact', str(0.0))))
- goalState.append(E('velocity', E('exact', str(0.0))))
- goalState.append(E('acceleration', E('exact', str(0.0))))
- goalRegion.append(goalState)
- planningProblem.append(goalRegion)
- rootElement.append(planningProblem)
- return etree.tostring(rootElement, pretty_print=True)
- @staticmethod
- def read_from_string(input_string, dt=0.1):
- # Parse XML using CommonRoad schema
- schema = etree.XMLSchema(file=open(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) + "/XML_commonRoad_XSD.xsd", "rb"))
- parser = objectify.makeparser(schema=schema)
- root = objectify.fromstring(input_string, parser=parser)
- # Create scenario
- scenario = Scenario(
- dt=dt,
- benchmark_id=root.attrib['benchmarkID']
- )
- for lanelet in root.iterchildren('lanelet'):
- left_vertices = []
- right_vertices = []
- for pt in lanelet.leftBound.getchildren():
- left_vertices.append(np.array([float(pt.x), float(pt.y)]))
- for pt in lanelet.rightBound.getchildren():
- right_vertices.append(np.array([float(pt.x), float(pt.y)]))
- center_vertices = [(l + r) / 2 for (l, r) in zip(left_vertices, right_vertices)]
- scenario.lanelet_network.add_lanelet(Lanelet(
- left_vertices=np.array([np.array([x, y]) for x, y in left_vertices]),
- center_vertices=np.array([np.array([x, y]) for x, y in center_vertices]),
- right_vertices=np.array([np.array([x, y]) for x, y in right_vertices]),
- lanelet_id=int(lanelet.attrib['id']),
- predecessor=[int(el.attrib['ref']) for el in lanelet.iterchildren(tag='predecessor')],
- successor=[int(el.attrib['ref']) for el in lanelet.iterchildren(tag='successor')]
- ))
- return scenario
-class ScenarioError(Exception):
- """Base class for exceptions in this module."""
- pass
-class LaneletNetwork(object):
- def __init__(self):
- self.lanelets = []
- def find_lanelet_by_id(self, lanelet_id):
- for l in self.lanelets:
- if l.lanelet_id == lanelet_id:
- return l
- raise ScenarioError
- def add_lanelet(self, lanelet):
- if type(lanelet) == list:
- for l in lanelet:
- self.add_lanelet(l)
- else:
- try:
- self.find_lanelet_by_id(lanelet.lanelet_id)
- except ScenarioError:
- self.lanelets.append(lanelet)
- else:
- raise Exception("Lanelet with id {} already in network.".format(lanelet.lanelet_id))
-class Lanelet(object):
- def __init__(self, left_vertices, center_vertices, right_vertices,
- lanelet_id,
- predecessor=None, successor=None,
- adjacent_left=None, adjacent_left_same_direction=None,
- adjacent_right=None, adjacent_right_same_direction=None,
- speed_limit=None):
- if (len(left_vertices) != len(center_vertices) and
- len(center_vertices) != len(right_vertices)):
- raise ScenarioError
- self.left_vertices = left_vertices
- self.center_vertices = center_vertices
- self.right_vertices = right_vertices
- if predecessor is None:
- self.predecessor = []
- else:
- self.predecessor = predecessor
- if successor is None:
- self.successor = []
- else:
- self.successor = successor
- self.adj_left = adjacent_left
- self.adj_left_same_direction = adjacent_left_same_direction
- self.adj_right = adjacent_right
- self.adj_right_same_direction = adjacent_right_same_direction
- self.lanelet_id = lanelet_id
- self.speed_limit = speed_limit
- self.distance = [0]
- for i in range(1, len(self.center_vertices)):
- self.distance.append(self.distance[i-1] +
- np.linalg.norm(self.center_vertices[i] -
- self.center_vertices[i-1]))
- self.distance = np.array(self.distance)
- self.description = ""
- def calc_width_at_start(self):
- return np.linalg.norm(self.left_vertices[0], self.right_vertices[0])
- def calc_width_at_end(self):
- return np.linalg.norm(np.array(self.left_vertices[-1]) - np.array(self.right_vertices[-1]))
- def concatenate(self, lanelet, lanelet_id=-1):
- float_tolerance = 1e-6
- if (np.linalg.norm(self.center_vertices[-1] - lanelet.center_vertices[0]) > float_tolerance or
- np.linalg.norm(self.left_vertices[-1] - lanelet.left_vertices[0]) > float_tolerance or
- np.linalg.norm(self.right_vertices[-1] - lanelet.right_vertices[0]) > float_tolerance):
- pass
- #return None
- left_vertices = np.vstack((self.left_vertices,
- lanelet.left_vertices[1:]))
- center_vertices = np.vstack((self.center_vertices,
- lanelet.center_vertices[1:]))
- right_vertices = np.vstack((self.right_vertices,
- lanelet.right_vertices[1:]))
- return Lanelet(center_vertices=center_vertices,
- left_vertices=left_vertices,
- right_vertices=right_vertices,
- predecessor=self.predecessor.copy(),
- successor=lanelet.successor.copy(),
- adjacent_left=None,
- adjacent_left_same_direction=None,
- adjacent_right=None,
- adjacent_right_same_direction=None,
- lanelet_id=lanelet_id,
- speed_limit=None)
diff --git a/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/openDrive2csv/opendrive2lanelet/network.py b/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/openDrive2csv/opendrive2lanelet/network.py
deleted file mode 100644
index db95162..0000000
--- a/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/openDrive2csv/opendrive2lanelet/network.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,528 +0,0 @@
-import copy
-import numpy as np
-from opendriveparser.elements.openDrive import OpenDrive
-from opendrive2lanelet.plane_elements.plane import PLane
-from opendrive2lanelet.plane_elements.plane_group import PLaneGroup
-from opendrive2lanelet.plane_elements.border import Border
-from opendrive2lanelet.utils import encode_road_section_lane_width_id, decode_road_section_lane_width_id, allCloseToZero
-from opendrive2lanelet.commonroad import LaneletNetwork, Scenario, ScenarioError
-class Network(object):
- """ Represents a network of parametric lanes """
- def __init__(self):
- self._planes = []
- self._linkIndex = None
- def loadOpenDrive(self, openDrive):
- """ Load all elements of an OpenDRIVE network to a parametric lane representation """
- if not isinstance(openDrive, OpenDrive):
- raise TypeError()
- self._linkIndex = self.createLinkIndex(openDrive)
- # Convert all parts of a road to parametric lanes (planes)
- for road in openDrive.roads:
- # The reference border is the base line for the whole road
- referenceBorder = Network.createReferenceBorder(road.planView, road.lanes.laneOffsets)
- # A lane section is the smallest part that can be converted at once
- for laneSection in road.lanes.laneSections:
- pLanes = Network.laneSectionToPLanes(laneSection, referenceBorder)
- self._planes.extend(pLanes)
- def addPLane(self, pLane):
- if not isinstance(pLane, PLane):
- raise TypeError()
- self._planes.append(pLane)
- def exportLaneletNetwork(self, filterTypes=None):
- """ Export lanelet as lanelet network """
- # Convert groups to lanelets
- laneletNetwork = LaneletNetwork()
- for pLane in self._planes:
- if filterTypes is not None and pLane.type not in filterTypes:
- continue
- lanelet = pLane.convertToLanelet()
- lanelet.predecessor = self._linkIndex.getPredecessors(pLane.id)
- lanelet.successor = self._linkIndex.getSuccessors(pLane.id)
- lanelet.refPLane = pLane
- laneletNetwork.add_lanelet(lanelet)
- # Prune all not existing references
- lanelet_ids = [x.lanelet_id for x in laneletNetwork.lanelets]
- for lanelet in laneletNetwork.lanelets:
- for predecessor in lanelet.predecessor:
- if predecessor not in lanelet_ids:
- lanelet.predecessor.remove(predecessor)
- for successor in lanelet.successor:
- if successor not in lanelet_ids:
- lanelet.successor.remove(successor)
- if lanelet.adj_left not in lanelet_ids:
- lanelet.adj_left = None
- if lanelet.adj_right not in lanelet_ids:
- lanelet.adj_right = None
- # Perform lane merges
- # Condition for lane merge:
- # - Lanelet ends (has no successor or predecessor)
- # - Has an adjacent (left or right) with same type
- for lanelet in laneletNetwork.lanelets:
- if len(lanelet.successor) == 0:
- if lanelet.adj_left is not None:
- adj_left_lanelet = laneletNetwork.find_lanelet_by_id(lanelet.adj_left)
- newLanelet = lanelet.refPLane.convertToLanelet(
- ref="right",
- refDistance=[adj_left_lanelet.calc_width_at_end(), 0.0]
- )
- lanelet.left_vertices = newLanelet.left_vertices
- lanelet.center_vertices = newLanelet.center_vertices
- lanelet.right_vertices = newLanelet.right_vertices
- lanelet.successor.extend(adj_left_lanelet.successor)
- if lanelet.adj_right is not None:
- adj_right_lanelet = laneletNetwork.find_lanelet_by_id(lanelet.adj_right)
- newLanelet = lanelet.refPLane.convertToLanelet(
- ref="left",
- refDistance=[-1 * adj_right_lanelet.calc_width_at_end(), 0.0]
- )
- lanelet.left_vertices = newLanelet.left_vertices
- lanelet.center_vertices = newLanelet.center_vertices
- lanelet.right_vertices = newLanelet.right_vertices
- lanelet.successor.extend(adj_right_lanelet.successor)
- if len(lanelet.predecessor) == 0:
- if lanelet.adj_left is not None:
- adj_left_lanelet = laneletNetwork.find_lanelet_by_id(lanelet.adj_left)
- newLanelet = lanelet.refPLane.convertToLanelet(
- ref="right",
- refDistance=[0.0, -1 * adj_left_lanelet.calc_width_at_end()]
- )
- lanelet.left_vertices = newLanelet.left_vertices
- lanelet.center_vertices = newLanelet.center_vertices
- lanelet.right_vertices = newLanelet.right_vertices
- lanelet.predecessor.extend(adj_left_lanelet.predecessor)
- if lanelet.adj_right is not None:
- adj_right_lanelet = laneletNetwork.find_lanelet_by_id(lanelet.adj_right)
- newLanelet = lanelet.refPLane.convertToLanelet(
- ref="left",
- refDistance=[0.0, adj_right_lanelet.calc_width_at_end()]
- )
- lanelet.left_vertices = newLanelet.left_vertices
- lanelet.center_vertices = newLanelet.center_vertices
- lanelet.right_vertices = newLanelet.right_vertices
- lanelet.predecessor.extend(adj_right_lanelet.predecessor)
- # Assign an integer id to each lanelet
- def convert_to_new_id(old_lanelet_id):
- if old_lanelet_id in convert_to_new_id.id_assign:
- new_lanelet_id = convert_to_new_id.id_assign[old_lanelet_id]
- else:
- new_lanelet_id = convert_to_new_id.lanelet_id
- convert_to_new_id.id_assign[old_lanelet_id] = new_lanelet_id
- convert_to_new_id.lanelet_id += 1
- return new_lanelet_id
- convert_to_new_id.id_assign = {}
- convert_to_new_id.lanelet_id = 100
- for lanelet in laneletNetwork.lanelets:
- lanelet.description = lanelet.lanelet_id
- lanelet.lanelet_id = convert_to_new_id(lanelet.lanelet_id)
- lanelet.predecessor = [convert_to_new_id(x) for x in lanelet.predecessor]
- lanelet.successor = [convert_to_new_id(x) for x in lanelet.successor]
- lanelet.adj_left = None if lanelet.adj_left is None else convert_to_new_id(lanelet.adj_left)
- lanelet.adj_right = None if lanelet.adj_right is None else convert_to_new_id(lanelet.adj_right)
- return laneletNetwork
- def exportCommonRoadScenario(self, dt=0.1, benchmark_id=None, filterTypes=None):
- """ Export a full CommonRoad scenario """
- scenario = Scenario(
- dt=dt,
- benchmark_id=benchmark_id if benchmark_id is not None else "none"
- )
- scenario.add_objects(self.exportLaneletNetwork(
- filterTypes=filterTypes if isinstance(filterTypes, list) else ['driving', 'onRamp', 'offRamp', 'exit', 'entry']
- ))
- return scenario
- ##############################################################################################
- ## Helper functions
- @staticmethod
- def createReferenceBorder(planView, laneOffsets):
- """ Create the first (most inner) border line for a road, includes the lane Offsets """
- firstLaneBorder = Border()
- # Set reference to plan view
- firstLaneBorder.reference = planView
- firstLaneBorder.refOffset = 0.0
- # Lane offfsets will be coeffs
- if any(laneOffsets):
- for laneOffset in laneOffsets:
- firstLaneBorder.coeffsOffsets.append(laneOffset.sPos)
- firstLaneBorder.coeffs.append(laneOffset.coeffs)
- else:
- firstLaneBorder.coeffsOffsets.append(0.0)
- firstLaneBorder.coeffs.append([0.0])
- return firstLaneBorder
- @staticmethod
- def laneSectionToPLanes(laneSection, referenceBorder):
- """ Convert a whole lane section into a list of planes """
- newPLanes = []
- # Length of this lane section
- laneSectionStart = laneSection.sPos
- for side in ["right", "left"]:
- # lanes loaded by opendriveparser are aleady sorted by id
- # coeffsFactor decides if border is left or right of the reference line
- if side == "right":
- lanes = laneSection.rightLanes
- coeffsFactor = -1.0
- else:
- lanes = laneSection.leftLanes
- coeffsFactor = 1.0
- # Most inner border
- laneBorders = [referenceBorder]
- prevInnerNeighbours = []
- for lane in lanes:
- if abs(lane.id) > 1:
- if lane.id > 0:
- innerLaneId = lane.id - 1
- outerLaneId = lane.id + 1
- else:
- innerLaneId = lane.id + 1
- outerLaneId = lane.id - 1
- innerNeighbourId = encode_road_section_lane_width_id(laneSection.parentRoad.id, laneSection.idx, innerLaneId, -1)
- innerNeighbourSameDirection = True
- outerNeighbourId = encode_road_section_lane_width_id(laneSection.parentRoad.id, laneSection.idx, outerLaneId, -1)
- else:
- # Skip lane id 0
- if lane.id == 1:
- innerLaneId = -1
- outerLaneId = 2
- else:
- innerLaneId = 1
- outerLaneId = -2
- innerNeighbourId = encode_road_section_lane_width_id(laneSection.parentRoad.id, laneSection.idx, innerLaneId, -1)
- innerNeighbourSameDirection = False
- outerNeighbourId = encode_road_section_lane_width_id(laneSection.parentRoad.id, laneSection.idx, outerLaneId, -1)
- newPLaneGroup = PLaneGroup(
- id=encode_road_section_lane_width_id(laneSection.parentRoad.id, laneSection.idx, lane.id, -1),
- innerNeighbour=innerNeighbourId,
- innerNeighbourSameDirection=innerNeighbourSameDirection,
- outerNeighbour=outerNeighbourId
- )
- innerNeighbours = []
- # Create outer lane border
- newPLaneBorder = Border()
- newPLaneBorder.reference = laneBorders[-1]
- if len(laneBorders) == 1:
- newPLaneBorder.refOffset = laneSectionStart
- else:
- # Offset from reference border is already included in first created outer lane border
- newPLaneBorder.refOffset = 0.0
- for width in lane.widths:
- newPLaneBorder.coeffsOffsets.append(width.sOffset)
- newPLaneBorder.coeffs.append([x * coeffsFactor for x in width.coeffs])
- laneBorders.append(newPLaneBorder)
- # Create new lane for each width segment
- for width in lane.widths:
- newPLane = PLane(
- id=encode_road_section_lane_width_id(laneSection.parentRoad.id, laneSection.idx, lane.id, width.idx),
- type=lane.type
- )
- if allCloseToZero(width.coeffs):
- newPLane.isNotExistent = True
- newPLane.innerNeighbours = prevInnerNeighbours
- newPLane.length = width.length
- newPLane.innerBorder = laneBorders[-2]
- newPLane.innerBorderOffset = width.sOffset + laneBorders[-1].refOffset
- newPLane.outerBorder = laneBorders[-1]
- newPLane.outerBorderOffset = width.sOffset
- newPLaneGroup.append(newPLane)
- innerNeighbours.append(newPLane)
- newPLanes.append(newPLaneGroup)
- prevInnerNeighbours = innerNeighbours
- return newPLanes
- @staticmethod
- def createLinkIndex(openDrive):
- """ Step through all junctions and each single lane to build up a index """
- def add_to_index(linkIndex, pLaneId, successorId, reverse=False):
- if reverse:
- linkIndex.addLink(successorId, pLaneId)
- else:
- linkIndex.addLink(pLaneId, successorId)
- linkIndex = LinkIndex()
- # Extract link information from road lanes
- for road in openDrive.roads:
- for laneSection in road.lanes.laneSections:
- for lane in laneSection.allLanes:
- pLaneId = encode_road_section_lane_width_id(road.id, laneSection.idx, lane.id, -1)
- # Not the last lane section? > Next lane section in same road
- if laneSection.idx < road.lanes.getLastLaneSectionIdx():
- successorId = encode_road_section_lane_width_id(road.id, laneSection.idx + 1, lane.link.successorId, -1)
- add_to_index(linkIndex, pLaneId, successorId, lane.id >= 0)
- # Last lane section! > Next road in first lane section
- else:
- # Try to get next road
- if road.link.successor is not None and road.link.successor.elementType != "junction":
- nextRoad = openDrive.getRoad(road.link.successor.elementId)
- if nextRoad is not None:
- if road.link.successor.contactPoint == "start":
- successorId = encode_road_section_lane_width_id(nextRoad.id, 0, lane.link.successorId, -1)
- add_to_index(linkIndex, pLaneId, successorId, lane.id >= 0)
- else: # contact point = end
- successorId = encode_road_section_lane_width_id(nextRoad.id, nextRoad.lanes.getLastLaneSectionIdx(), lane.link.successorId, -1)
- add_to_index(linkIndex, pLaneId, successorId, lane.id >= 0)
- # Not first lane section? > Previous lane section in same road
- if laneSection.idx > 0:
- predecessorId = encode_road_section_lane_width_id(road.id, laneSection.idx - 1, lane.link.predecessorId, -1)
- add_to_index(linkIndex, predecessorId, pLaneId, lane.id >= 0)
- # First lane section! > Previous road
- else:
- # Try to get previous road
- if road.link.predecessor is not None and road.link.predecessor.elementType != "junction":
- prevRoad = openDrive.getRoad(road.link.predecessor.elementId)
- if prevRoad is not None:
- if road.link.predecessor.contactPoint == "start":
- predecessorId = encode_road_section_lane_width_id(prevRoad.id, 0, lane.link.predecessorId, -1)
- add_to_index(linkIndex, predecessorId, pLaneId, lane.id >= 0)
- else: # contact point = end
- predecessorId = encode_road_section_lane_width_id(prevRoad.id, prevRoad.lanes.getLastLaneSectionIdx(), lane.link.predecessorId, -1)
- add_to_index(linkIndex, predecessorId, pLaneId, lane.id >= 0)
- # Add junctions
- for road in openDrive.roads:
- # Add junction links to end of road
- if road.link.successor is not None and road.link.successor.elementType == "junction":
- junction = openDrive.getJunction(road.link.successor.elementId)
- if junction is not None:
- for connection in junction.connections:
- roadA = openDrive.getRoad(connection.incomingRoad)
- roadAcp = "end"
- roadB = openDrive.getRoad(connection.connectingRoad)
- roadBcp = connection.contactPoint
- if roadA.id != road.id:
- roadA, roadB = [roadB, roadA]
- for laneLink in connection.laneLinks:
- if roadAcp == "start":
- pLaneId = encode_road_section_lane_width_id(roadA.id, 0, laneLink.fromId, -1)
- else:
- successorId = encode_road_section_lane_width_id(roadA.id, roadA.lanes.getLastLaneSectionIdx(), laneLink.fromId, -1)
- if roadBcp == "start":
- pLaneId = encode_road_section_lane_width_id(roadB.id, 0, laneLink.toId, -1)
- else:
- successorId = encode_road_section_lane_width_id(roadB.id, roadB.lanes.getLastLaneSectionIdx(), laneLink.toId, -1)
- add_to_index(linkIndex, pLaneId, successorId, laneLink.fromId < 0)
- # Add junction links to start of road
- if road.link.predecessor is not None and road.link.predecessor.elementType == "junction":
- junction = openDrive.getJunction(road.link.predecessor.elementId)
- if junction is not None:
- for connection in junction.connections:
- roadA = openDrive.getRoad(connection.incomingRoad)
- roadAcp = "start"
- roadB = openDrive.getRoad(connection.connectingRoad)
- roadBcp = connection.contactPoint
- if roadA.id != road.id:
- roadA, roadB = [roadB, roadA]
- for laneLink in connection.laneLinks:
- if roadAcp == "start":
- pLaneId = encode_road_section_lane_width_id(roadA.id, 0, laneLink.fromId, -1)
- else:
- predecessorId = encode_road_section_lane_width_id(roadA.id, roadA.lanes.getLastLaneSectionIdx(), laneLink.fromId, -1)
- if roadBcp == "start":
- pLaneId = encode_road_section_lane_width_id(roadB.id, 0, laneLink.toId, -1)
- else:
- predecessorId = encode_road_section_lane_width_id(roadB.id, roadB.lanes.getLastLaneSectionIdx(), laneLink.toId, -1)
- add_to_index(linkIndex, predecessorId, pLaneId, laneLink.fromId < 0)
- # for junction in openDrive.junctions:
- # for connection in junction.connections:
- # incomingRoad = openDrive.getRoad(connection.incomingRoad)
- # connectingRoad = openDrive.getRoad(connection.connectingRoad)
- # if incomingRoad is not None and connectingRoad is not None:
- # for laneLink in connection.laneLinks:
- # pLaneId = encode_road_section_lane_width_id(incomingRoad.id, incomingRoad.lanes.getLastLaneSectionIdx(), laneLink.fromId, -1)
- # if connection.contactPoint == "end":
- # successorId = encode_road_section_lane_width_id(connectingRoad.id, 0, laneLink.toId, -1)
- # else:
- # successorId = encode_road_section_lane_width_id(connectingRoad.id, connectingRoad.lanes.getLastLaneSectionIdx(), laneLink.toId, -1)
- # add_to_index(linkIndex, pLaneId, successorId, lane.id >= 0)
- return linkIndex
-class LinkIndex(object):
- """ Overall index of all links in the file, save everything as successors, predecessors can be found via a reverse search """
- def __init__(self):
- self._successors = {}
- def addLink(self, pLaneId, successor):
- if pLaneId not in self._successors:
- self._successors[pLaneId] = []
- if successor not in self._successors[pLaneId]:
- self._successors[pLaneId].append(successor)
- def remove(self, pLaneId):
- # Delete key
- if pLaneId in self._successors:
- del self._successors[pLaneId]
- # Delete all occurances in successor lists
- for successorsId, successors in self._successors.items():
- if pLaneId in successors:
- self._successors[successorsId].remove(pLaneId)
- def getSuccessors(self, pLaneId):
- if pLaneId not in self._successors:
- return []
- return self._successors[pLaneId]
- def getPredecessors(self, pLaneId):
- predecessors = []
- for successorsPLaneId, successors in self._successors.items():
- if pLaneId not in successors:
- continue
- if successorsPLaneId in predecessors:
- continue
- predecessors.append(successorsPLaneId)
- return predecessors
- def __str__(self):
- retstr = "Link Index:\n"
- for pre, succs in self._successors.items():
- retstr += "\t{:15} > {}\n".format(pre, ", ".join(succs))
- return retstr
diff --git a/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/openDrive2csv/opendrive2lanelet/plane_elements/__init__.py b/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/openDrive2csv/opendrive2lanelet/plane_elements/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
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index d92d5c0..0000000
--- a/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/openDrive2csv/opendrive2lanelet/plane_elements/border.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
-from functools import lru_cache
-import numpy as np
-from opendriveparser.elements.roadPlanView import PlanView
-class Border(object):
- """
- A lane border defines a path along a whole lane section
- - a lane always used an inner and outer lane border
- - the reference can be another lane border or a plan view
- """
- def __init__(self):
- self._refOffset = 0.0
- self._coeffsOffsets = []
- self._coeffs = []
- self._reference = None
- def __str__(self):
- return str(self._refOffset)
- @property
- def reference(self):
- return self._reference
- @reference.setter
- def reference(self, value):
- if not isinstance(value, Border) and not isinstance(value, PlanView):
- raise TypeError("Value must be instance of Border or PlanView")
- self._reference = value
- @property
- def refOffset(self):
- """ The reference offset """
- return self._refOffset
- @refOffset.setter
- def refOffset(self, value):
- self._refOffset = float(value)
- @property
- def coeffs(self):
- """ It is assumed the coeffs are added in ascending order! ([0] + [1] * x + [2] * x**2 + ...) """
- return self._coeffs
- @property
- def coeffsOffsets(self):
- """ Offsets for coeffs """
- return self._coeffsOffsets
- @lru_cache(maxsize=200000)
- def calc(self, sPos, addOffset=0.0):
- """ Calculate the border """
- if isinstance(self._reference, PlanView):
- # Last reference has to be a reference geometry
- refPos, refTang = self._reference.calc(self._refOffset + sPos)
- elif isinstance(self._reference, Border):
- # Offset of all inner lanes
- refPos, refTang = self._reference.calc(self._refOffset + sPos)
- else:
- raise Exception("Reference must be plan view or other lane border.")
- if not self._coeffs or not self._coeffsOffsets:
- raise Exception("No entries for width definitions.")
- # Find correct coefficients
- widthIdx = next((self._coeffsOffsets.index(n) for n in self._coeffsOffsets[::-1] if n <= sPos), len(self._coeffsOffsets))
- # Calculate width at sPos
- distance = np.polynomial.polynomial.polyval(sPos - self._coeffsOffsets[widthIdx], self._coeffs[widthIdx]) + addOffset
- # New point is in orthogonal direction
- ortho = refTang + np.pi / 2
- newPos = refPos + np.array([distance * np.cos(ortho), distance * np.sin(ortho)])
- return newPos, refTang
diff --git a/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/openDrive2csv/opendrive2lanelet/plane_elements/plane.py b/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/openDrive2csv/opendrive2lanelet/plane_elements/plane.py
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index c5a1ef9..0000000
--- a/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/openDrive2csv/opendrive2lanelet/plane_elements/plane.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,160 +0,0 @@
-import numpy as np
-from opendrive2lanelet.plane_elements.border import Border
-from opendrive2lanelet.commonroad import Lanelet
-class PLane(object):
- """ A lane defines a part of a road along a reference trajectory (plan view), using lane borders and start/stop positions (parametric) """
- def __init__(self, id, type):
- """ Each lane is defined with a starting point, an offset to the reference trajectory and a lane width """
- self._id = id
- self._type = type
- self._length = None
- self._innerBorder = None
- self._innerBorderOffset = None
- self._outerBorder = None
- self._outerBorderOffset = None
- self._isNotExistent = False
- self._innerNeighbours = []
- self._outerNeighbours = []
- self._successors = []
- self._predecessors = []
- @property
- def id(self):
- return self._id
- @property
- def type(self):
- return self._type
- @property
- def length(self):
- return self._length
- @length.setter
- def length(self, value):
- self._length = float(value)
- @property
- def innerBorder(self):
- return self._innerBorder
- @innerBorder.setter
- def innerBorder(self, value):
- if not isinstance(value, Border):
- raise TypeError("Value must be instance of _LaneBorder.")
- self._innerBorder = value
- def calcInnerBorder(self, sPos, addOffset=0.0):
- return self._innerBorder.calc(self._innerBorderOffset + sPos, addOffset=addOffset)
- @property
- def outerBorder(self):
- return self._outerBorder
- @property
- def innerBorderOffset(self):
- return self._innerBorderOffset
- @innerBorderOffset.setter
- def innerBorderOffset(self, value):
- self._innerBorderOffset = float(value)
- @outerBorder.setter
- def outerBorder(self, value):
- if not isinstance(value, Border):
- raise TypeError("Value must be instance of Border.")
- self._outerBorder = value
- def calcOuterBorder(self, sPos, addOffset=0.0):
- return self._outerBorder.calc(self._outerBorderOffset + sPos, addOffset=addOffset)
- @property
- def outerBorderOffset(self):
- return self._outerBorderOffset
- @outerBorderOffset.setter
- def outerBorderOffset(self, value):
- self._outerBorderOffset = float(value)
- def calcWidth(self, sPos):
- innerCoords = self.calcInnerBorder(sPos)
- outerCoords = self.calcOuterBorder(sPos)
- return np.linalg.norm(innerCoords[0] - outerCoords[0])
- def convertToLanelet(self, precision=0.5, ref=None, refDistance=[0.0, 0.0]):
- # Define calculation points
- # TODO dependent on max error
- numSteps = max(2, np.ceil(self._length / float(precision)))
- poses = np.linspace(0, self._length, numSteps)
- left_vertices = []
- right_vertices = []
- for pos in poses:
- if ref is None:
- left_vertices.append(self.calcInnerBorder(pos)[0])
- right_vertices.append(self.calcOuterBorder(pos)[0])
- else:
- x = pos
- m = (refDistance[1] - refDistance[0]) / self._length
- t = refDistance[0]
- d = m*x + t
- if ref == "left":
- left_vertices.append(self.calcInnerBorder(pos)[0])
- right_vertices.append(self.calcOuterBorder(pos, d)[0])
- elif ref == "right":
- left_vertices.append(self.calcInnerBorder(pos, d)[0])
- right_vertices.append(self.calcOuterBorder(pos)[0])
- center_vertices = [(l + r) / 2 for (l, r) in zip(left_vertices, right_vertices)]
- return Lanelet(
- left_vertices=np.array([np.array([x, y]) for x, y in left_vertices]),
- center_vertices=np.array([np.array([x, y]) for x, y in center_vertices]),
- right_vertices=np.array([np.array([x, y]) for x, y in right_vertices]),
- lanelet_id=self._id
- )
- @property
- def isNotExistent(self):
- return self._isNotExistent
- @isNotExistent.setter
- def isNotExistent(self, value):
- self._isNotExistent = bool(value)
- @property
- def innerNeighbours(self):
- return self._innerNeighbours
- @innerNeighbours.setter
- def innerNeighbours(self, value):
- self._innerNeighbours = value
- @property
- def outerNeighbours(self):
- return self._outerNeighbours
- @outerNeighbours.setter
- def outerNeighbours(self, value):
- self._outerNeighbours = value
- @property
- def successors(self):
- return self._successors
- @property
- def predecessors(self):
- return self._predecessors
diff --git a/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/openDrive2csv/opendrive2lanelet/plane_elements/plane_group.py b/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/openDrive2csv/opendrive2lanelet/plane_elements/plane_group.py
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index 0a5478b..0000000
--- a/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/openDrive2csv/opendrive2lanelet/plane_elements/plane_group.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,97 +0,0 @@
-class PLaneGroup(object):
- """ A group of pLanes can be converted to a lanelet just like a single pLane """
- def __init__(self, id=None, pLanes=None, innerNeighbour=None, innerNeighbourSameDirection=True, outerNeighbour=None):
- self._pLanes = []
- self._id = id
- self._innerNeighbour = innerNeighbour
- self._innerNeighbourSameDirection = innerNeighbourSameDirection
- self._outerNeighbour = outerNeighbour
- if pLanes is not None:
- if isinstance(pLanes, list):
- self._pLanes.extend(pLanes)
- else:
- self._pLanes.append(pLanes)
- def append(self, pLane):
- self._pLanes.append(pLane)
- @property
- def id(self):
- if self._id is not None:
- return self._id
- raise Exception()
- @property
- def type(self):
- return self._pLanes[0]._type
- @property
- def length(self):
- return sum([x.length for x in self._pLanes])
- def convertToLanelet(self, precision=0.5, ref=None, refDistance=[0.0, 0.0]):
- lanelet = None
- y1 = refDistance[0]
- x = 0
- for pLane in self._pLanes:
- x += pLane.length
- y2 = (refDistance[1] - refDistance[0]) / self.length * x + refDistance[0]
- # First lanelet
- if lanelet is None:
- lanelet = pLane.convertToLanelet(precision=precision, ref=ref, refDistance=[y1, y2])
- lanelet.lanelet_id = self.id
- continue
- # Append all following lanelets
- lanelet = lanelet.concatenate(pLane.convertToLanelet(precision=precision, ref=ref, refDistance=[y1, y2]), self.id)
- y1 = y2
- if lanelet is None:
- raise Exception("Lanelet concatenation problem")
- # Adjacent lanes
- if self.innerNeighbour is not None:
- lanelet.adj_left = self.innerNeighbour
- lanelet.adj_left_same_direction = self.innerNeighbourSameDirection
- if self.outerNeighbour is not None:
- lanelet.adj_right = self.outerNeighbour
- lanelet.adj_right_same_direction = True
- return lanelet
- @property
- def innerNeighbour(self):
- return self._innerNeighbour
- @innerNeighbour.setter
- def innerNeighbour(self, value):
- self._innerNeighbour = value
- @property
- def innerNeighbourSameDirection(self):
- return self._innerNeighbourSameDirection
- @innerNeighbourSameDirection.setter
- def innerNeighbourSameDirection(self, value):
- self._innerNeighbourSameDirection = value
- @property
- def outerNeighbour(self):
- """ Outer neighbour has always the same driving direction """
- return self._outerNeighbour
- @outerNeighbour.setter
- def outerNeighbour(self, value):
- self._outerNeighbour = value
diff --git a/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/openDrive2csv/opendrive2lanelet/utils.py b/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/openDrive2csv/opendrive2lanelet/utils.py
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index c7e2082..0000000
--- a/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/openDrive2csv/opendrive2lanelet/utils.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-def encode_road_section_lane_width_id(roadId, sectionId, laneId, widthId):
- return ".".join([str(roadId), str(sectionId), str(laneId), str(widthId)])
-def decode_road_section_lane_width_id(encodedString):
- parts = encodedString.split(".")
- if len(parts) != 4:
- raise Exception()
- return (int(parts[0]), int(parts[1]), int(parts[2]), int(parts[3]))
-def allCloseToZero(a):
- """ Tests if all elements of a are close to zero. """
- import numpy
- return numpy.allclose(a, numpy.zeros(numpy.shape(a)))
diff --git a/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/openDrive2csv/opendriveparser/README.md b/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/openDrive2csv/opendriveparser/README.md
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index 7132e21..0000000
--- a/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/openDrive2csv/opendriveparser/README.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-# OpenDRIVE parser
-## Usage
-from lxml import etree
-from opendriveparser import parse_opendrive
-fh = open("input_opendrive.xodr", 'r')
-openDrive = parse_opendrive(etree.parse(fh).getroot())
-# Now do stuff with the data
-for road in openDrive.roads:
- print("Road ID: {}".format(road.id))
-## Author
-Stefan Urban
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/openDrive2csv/opendriveparser/__init__.py b/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/openDrive2csv/opendriveparser/__init__.py
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index dac222a..0000000
--- a/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/openDrive2csv/opendriveparser/__init__.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-from opendriveparser.parser import parse_opendrive
diff --git a/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/openDrive2csv/opendriveparser/elements/__init__.py b/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/openDrive2csv/opendriveparser/elements/__init__.py
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index e69de29..0000000
diff --git a/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/openDrive2csv/opendriveparser/elements/eulerspiral.py b/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/openDrive2csv/opendriveparser/elements/eulerspiral.py
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index 8bd1cb9..0000000
--- a/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/openDrive2csv/opendriveparser/elements/eulerspiral.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-import numpy as np
-from scipy.special import fresnel
-class EulerSpiral(object):
- def __init__(self, gamma):
- self._gamma = gamma
- @staticmethod
- def createFromLengthAndCurvature(length, curvStart, curvEnd):
- return EulerSpiral(1 * (curvEnd - curvStart) / length)
- def calc(self, s, x0=0, y0=0, kappa0=0, theta0=0):
- # Start
- C0 = x0 + 1j * y0
- if self._gamma == 0 and kappa0 == 0:
- # Straight line
- Cs = C0 + np.exp(1j * theta0 * s)
- elif self._gamma == 0 and kappa0 != 0:
- # Arc
- Cs = C0 + np.exp(1j * theta0) / kappa0 * (np.sin(kappa0 * s) + 1j * (1 - np.cos(kappa0 * s)))
- else:
- # Fresnel integrals
- Sa, Ca = fresnel((kappa0 + self._gamma * s) / np.sqrt(np.pi * np.abs(self._gamma)))
- Sb, Cb = fresnel(kappa0 / np.sqrt(np.pi * np.abs(self._gamma)))
- # Euler Spiral
- Cs1 = np.sqrt(np.pi / np.abs(self._gamma)) * np.exp(1j * (theta0 - kappa0**2 / 2 / self._gamma))
- Cs2 = np.sign(self._gamma) * (Ca - Cb) + 1j * Sa - 1j * Sb
- Cs = C0 + Cs1 * Cs2
- # Tangent at each point
- theta = self._gamma * s**2 / 2 + kappa0 * s + theta0
- return (Cs.real, Cs.imag, theta)
diff --git a/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/openDrive2csv/opendriveparser/elements/junction.py b/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/openDrive2csv/opendriveparser/elements/junction.py
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index 2a334fc..0000000
--- a/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/openDrive2csv/opendriveparser/elements/junction.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,116 +0,0 @@
-class Junction(object):
- # TODO priority
- # TODO controller
- def __init__(self):
- self._id = None
- self._name = None
- self._connections = []
- @property
- def id(self):
- return self._id
- @id.setter
- def id(self, value):
- self._id = int(value)
- @property
- def name(self):
- return self._name
- @name.setter
- def name(self, value):
- self._name = str(value)
- @property
- def connections(self):
- return self._connections
- def addConnection(self, connection):
- if not isinstance(connection, Connection):
- raise TypeError("Has to be of instance Connection")
- self._connections.append(connection)
-class Connection(object):
- def __init__(self):
- self._id = None
- self._incomingRoad = None
- self._connectingRoad = None
- self._contactPoint = None
- self._laneLinks = []
- @property
- def id(self):
- return self._id
- @id.setter
- def id(self, value):
- self._id = int(value)
- @property
- def incomingRoad(self):
- return self._incomingRoad
- @incomingRoad.setter
- def incomingRoad(self, value):
- self._incomingRoad = int(value)
- @property
- def connectingRoad(self):
- return self._connectingRoad
- @connectingRoad.setter
- def connectingRoad(self, value):
- self._connectingRoad = int(value)
- @property
- def contactPoint(self):
- return self._contactPoint
- @contactPoint.setter
- def contactPoint(self, value):
- if value not in ["start", "end"]:
- raise AttributeError("Contact point can only be start or end.")
- self._contactPoint = value
- @property
- def laneLinks(self):
- return self._laneLinks
- def addLaneLink(self, laneLink):
- if not isinstance(laneLink, LaneLink):
- raise TypeError("Has to be of instance LaneLink")
- self._laneLinks.append(laneLink)
-class LaneLink(object):
- def __init__(self):
- self._from = None
- self._to = None
- def __str__(self):
- return str(self._from) + " > " + str(self._to)
- @property
- def fromId(self):
- return self._from
- @fromId.setter
- def fromId(self, value):
- self._from = int(value)
- @property
- def toId(self):
- return self._to
- @toId.setter
- def toId(self, value):
- self._to = int(value)
diff --git a/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/openDrive2csv/opendriveparser/elements/openDrive.py b/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/openDrive2csv/opendriveparser/elements/openDrive.py
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index 3a1192d..0000000
--- a/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/openDrive2csv/opendriveparser/elements/openDrive.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,142 +0,0 @@
-class OpenDrive(object):
- def __init__(self):
- self._header = Header()
- self._roads = []
- self._controllers = []
- self._junctions = []
- self._junctionGroups = []
- self._stations = []
- @property
- def header(self):
- return self._header
- @property
- def roads(self):
- return self._roads
- def getRoad(self, id):
- for road in self._roads:
- if road.id == id:
- return road
- return None
- @property
- def controllers(self):
- return self._controllers
- @property
- def junctions(self):
- return self._junctions
- def getJunction(self, junctionId):
- for junction in self._junctions:
- if junction.id == junctionId:
- return junction
- return None
- @property
- def junctionGroups(self):
- return self._junctionGroups
- @property
- def stations(self):
- return self._stations
-class Header(object):
- def __init__(self):
- self._revMajor = None
- self._revMinor = None
- self._name = None
- self._version = None
- self._date = None
- self._north = None
- self._south = None
- self._east = None
- self._west = None
- self._vendor = None
- @property
- def revMajor(self):
- return self._revMajor
- @revMajor.setter
- def revMajor(self, value):
- self._revMajor = value
- @property
- def revMinor(self):
- return self._revMinor
- @revMinor.setter
- def revMinor(self, value):
- self._revMinor = value
- @property
- def name(self):
- return self._name
- @name.setter
- def name(self, value):
- self._name = value
- @property
- def version(self):
- return self._version
- @version.setter
- def version(self, value):
- self._version = value
- @property
- def date(self):
- return self._date
- @date.setter
- def date(self, value):
- self._date = value
- @property
- def north(self):
- return self._north
- @north.setter
- def north(self, value):
- self._north = value
- @property
- def south(self):
- return self._south
- @south.setter
- def south(self, value):
- self._south = value
- @property
- def east(self):
- return self._east
- @east.setter
- def east(self, value):
- self._east = value
- @property
- def west(self):
- return self._west
- @west.setter
- def west(self, value):
- self._west = value
- @property
- def vendor(self):
- return self._vendor
- @vendor.setter
- def vendor(self, value):
- self._vendor = value
diff --git a/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/openDrive2csv/opendriveparser/elements/road.py b/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/openDrive2csv/opendriveparser/elements/road.py
deleted file mode 100644
index fc59c5a..0000000
--- a/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/openDrive2csv/opendriveparser/elements/road.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-from opendriveparser.elements.roadPlanView import PlanView
-from opendriveparser.elements.roadLink import Link
-from opendriveparser.elements.roadLanes import Lanes
-from opendriveparser.elements.roadElevationProfile import ElevationProfile
-from opendriveparser.elements.roadLateralProfile import LateralProfile
-from opendriveparser.elements.junction import Junction
-class Road(object):
- def __init__(self):
- self._id = None
- self._name = None
- self._junction = None
- self._length = None
- self._header = None # TODO
- self._link = Link()
- self._types = []
- self._planView = PlanView()
- self._elevationProfile = ElevationProfile()
- self._lateralProfile = LateralProfile()
- self._lanes = Lanes()
- @property
- def id(self):
- return self._id
- @id.setter
- def id(self, value):
- self._id = int(value)
- @property
- def name(self):
- return self._name
- @name.setter
- def name(self, value):
- self._name = str(value)
- @property
- def junction(self):
- return self._junction
- @junction.setter
- def junction(self, value):
- if not isinstance(value, Junction) and value is not None:
- raise TypeError("Property must be a Junction or NoneType")
- if value == -1:
- value = None
- self._junction = value
- @property
- def link(self):
- return self._link
- @property
- def types(self):
- return self._types
- @property
- def planView(self):
- return self._planView
- @property
- def elevationProfile(self):
- return self._elevationProfile
- @property
- def lateralProfile(self):
- return self._lateralProfile
- @property
- def lanes(self):
- return self._lanes
diff --git a/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/openDrive2csv/opendriveparser/elements/roadElevationProfile.py b/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/openDrive2csv/opendriveparser/elements/roadElevationProfile.py
deleted file mode 100644
index b4240e8..0000000
--- a/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/openDrive2csv/opendriveparser/elements/roadElevationProfile.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-class ElevationProfile(object):
- def __init__(self):
- self._elevations = []
- @property
- def elevations(self):
- return self._elevations
-class Elevation(object):
- def __init__(self):
- self._sPos = None
- self._a = None
- self._b = None
- self._c = None
- self._d = None
- @property
- def sPos(self):
- return self._sPos
- @sPos.setter
- def sPos(self, value):
- self._sPos = float(value)
- @property
- def a(self):
- return self._a
- @a.setter
- def a(self, value):
- self._a = float(value)
- @property
- def b(self):
- return self._b
- @b.setter
- def b(self, value):
- self._b = float(value)
- @property
- def c(self):
- return self._c
- @c.setter
- def c(self, value):
- self._c = float(value)
- @property
- def d(self):
- return self._d
- @d.setter
- def d(self, value):
- self._d = float(value)
diff --git a/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/openDrive2csv/opendriveparser/elements/roadLanes.py b/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/openDrive2csv/opendriveparser/elements/roadLanes.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 0829488..0000000
--- a/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/openDrive2csv/opendriveparser/elements/roadLanes.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,355 +0,0 @@
-class Lanes(object):
- def __init__(self):
- self._laneOffsets = []
- self._laneSections = []
- @property
- def laneOffsets(self):
- self._laneOffsets.sort(key=lambda x: x.sPos)
- return self._laneOffsets
- @property
- def laneSections(self):
- self._laneSections.sort(key=lambda x: x.sPos)
- return self._laneSections
- def getLaneSection(self, laneSectionIdx):
- for laneSection in self.laneSections:
- if laneSection.idx == laneSectionIdx:
- return laneSection
- return None
- def getLastLaneSectionIdx(self):
- numLaneSections = len(self.laneSections)
- if numLaneSections > 1:
- return numLaneSections - 1
- return 0
-class LaneOffset(object):
- def __init__(self):
- self._sPos = None
- self._a = None
- self._b = None
- self._c = None
- self._d = None
- @property
- def sPos(self):
- return self._sPos
- @sPos.setter
- def sPos(self, value):
- self._sPos = float(value)
- @property
- def a(self):
- return self._a
- @a.setter
- def a(self, value):
- self._a = float(value)
- @property
- def b(self):
- return self._b
- @b.setter
- def b(self, value):
- self._b = float(value)
- @property
- def c(self):
- return self._c
- @c.setter
- def c(self, value):
- self._c = float(value)
- @property
- def d(self):
- return self._d
- @d.setter
- def d(self, value):
- self._d = float(value)
- @property
- def coeffs(self):
- """ Array of coefficients for usage with numpy.polynomial.polynomial.polyval """
- return [self._a, self._b, self._c, self._d]
-class LaneSection(object):
- def __init__(self, road=None):
- self._idx = None
- self._sPos = None
- self._singleSide = None
- self._leftLanes = LeftLanes()
- self._centerLanes = CenterLanes()
- self._rightLanes = RightLanes()
- self._parentRoad = road
- @property
- def idx(self):
- return self._idx
- @idx.setter
- def idx(self, value):
- self._idx = int(value)
- @property
- def sPos(self):
- return self._sPos
- @sPos.setter
- def sPos(self, value):
- self._sPos = float(value)
- @property
- def length(self):
- return self._length
- @length.setter
- def length(self, value):
- self._length = float(value)
- @property
- def singleSide(self):
- return self._singleSide
- @singleSide.setter
- def singleSide(self, value):
- if value not in ["true", "false"] and value is not None:
- raise AttributeError("Value must be true or false.")
- self._singleSide = (value == "true")
- @property
- def leftLanes(self):
- """ Get list of sorted lanes always starting in the middle (lane id -1) """
- return self._leftLanes.lanes
- @property
- def centerLanes(self):
- return self._centerLanes.lanes
- @property
- def rightLanes(self):
- """ Get list of sorted lanes always starting in the middle (lane id 1) """
- return self._rightLanes.lanes
- @property
- def allLanes(self):
- """ Attention! lanes are not sorted by id """
- return self._leftLanes.lanes + self._centerLanes.lanes + self._rightLanes.lanes
- def getLane(self, laneId):
- for lane in self.allLanes:
- if lane.id == laneId:
- return lane
- return None
- @property
- def parentRoad(self):
- return self._parentRoad
-class LeftLanes(object):
- sort_direction = False
- def __init__(self):
- self._lanes = []
- @property
- def lanes(self):
- self._lanes.sort(key=lambda x: x.id, reverse=self.sort_direction)
- return self._lanes
-class CenterLanes(LeftLanes):
- pass
-class RightLanes(LeftLanes):
- sort_direction = True
-class Lane(object):
- laneTypes = [
- "none", "driving", "stop", "shoulder", "biking", "sidewalk", "border",
- "restricted", "parking", "bidirectional", "median", "special1", "special2",
- "special3", "roadWorks", "tram", "rail", "entry", "exit", "offRamp", "onRamp"
- ]
- def __init__(self, parentRoad):
- self._parent_road = parentRoad
- self._id = None
- self._type = None
- self._level = None
- self._link = LaneLink()
- self._widths = []
- self._borders = []
- @property
- def parentRoad(self):
- return self._parent_road
- @property
- def id(self):
- return self._id
- @id.setter
- def id(self, value):
- self._id = int(value)
- @property
- def type(self):
- return self._type
- @type.setter
- def type(self, value):
- if value not in self.laneTypes:
- raise Exception()
- self._type = str(value)
- @property
- def level(self):
- return self._level
- @level.setter
- def level(self, value):
- if value not in ["true", "false"] and value is not None:
- raise AttributeError("Value must be true or false.")
- self._level = (value == "true")
- @property
- def link(self):
- return self._link
- @property
- def widths(self):
- self._widths.sort(key=lambda x: x.sOffset)
- return self._widths
- def getWidth(self, widthIdx):
- for width in self._widths:
- if width.idx == widthIdx:
- return width
- return None
- def getLastLaneWidthIdx(self):
- """ Returns the index of the last width sector of the lane """
- numWidths = len(self._widths)
- if numWidths > 1:
- return numWidths - 1
- return 0
- @property
- def borders(self):
- return self._borders
-class LaneLink(object):
- def __init__(self):
- self._predecessor = None
- self._successor = None
- @property
- def predecessorId(self):
- return self._predecessor
- @predecessorId.setter
- def predecessorId(self, value):
- self._predecessor = int(value)
- @property
- def successorId(self):
- return self._successor
- @successorId.setter
- def successorId(self, value):
- self._successor = int(value)
-class LaneWidth(object):
- def __init__(self):
- self._idx = None
- self._sOffset = None
- self._a = None
- self._b = None
- self._c = None
- self._d = None
- @property
- def idx(self):
- return self._idx
- @idx.setter
- def idx(self, value):
- self._idx = int(value)
- @property
- def sOffset(self):
- return self._sOffset
- @sOffset.setter
- def sOffset(self, value):
- self._sOffset = float(value)
- @property
- def a(self):
- return self._a
- @a.setter
- def a(self, value):
- self._a = float(value)
- @property
- def b(self):
- return self._b
- @b.setter
- def b(self, value):
- self._b = float(value)
- @property
- def c(self):
- return self._c
- @c.setter
- def c(self, value):
- self._c = float(value)
- @property
- def d(self):
- return self._d
- @d.setter
- def d(self, value):
- self._d = float(value)
- @property
- def coeffs(self):
- """ Array of coefficients for usage with numpy.polynomial.polynomial.polyval """
- return [self._a, self._b, self._c, self._d]
-class LaneBorder(LaneWidth):
- pass
diff --git a/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/openDrive2csv/opendriveparser/elements/roadLateralProfile.py b/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/openDrive2csv/opendriveparser/elements/roadLateralProfile.py
deleted file mode 100644
index cf0dc8b..0000000
--- a/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/openDrive2csv/opendriveparser/elements/roadLateralProfile.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,211 +0,0 @@
-class LateralProfile(object):
- def __init__(self):
- self._superelevations = []
- self._crossfalls = []
- self._shapes = []
- @property
- def superelevations(self):
- return self._superelevations
- @superelevations.setter
- def superelevations(self, value):
- if not isinstance(value, list) or not all(isinstance(x, Superelevation) for x in value):
- raise TypeError("Value must be an instance of Superelevation.")
- self._superelevations = value
- @property
- def crossfalls(self):
- return self._crossfalls
- @crossfalls.setter
- def crossfalls(self, value):
- if not isinstance(value, list) or not all(isinstance(x, Crossfall) for x in value):
- raise TypeError("Value must be an instance of Crossfall.")
- self._crossfalls = value
- @property
- def shapes(self):
- return self._shapes
- @shapes.setter
- def shapes(self, value):
- if not isinstance(value, list) or not all(isinstance(x, Shape) for x in value):
- raise TypeError("Value must be a list of instances of Shape.")
- self._shapes = value
-class Superelevation(object):
- def __init__(self):
- self._sPos = None
- self._a = None
- self._b = None
- self._c = None
- self._d = None
- @property
- def sPos(self):
- return self._sPos
- @sPos.setter
- def sPos(self, value):
- self._sPos = float(value)
- @property
- def a(self):
- return self._a
- @a.setter
- def a(self, value):
- self._a = float(value)
- @property
- def b(self):
- return self._b
- @b.setter
- def b(self, value):
- self._b = float(value)
- @property
- def c(self):
- return self._c
- @c.setter
- def c(self, value):
- self._c = float(value)
- @property
- def d(self):
- return self._d
- @d.setter
- def d(self, value):
- self._d = float(value)
-class Crossfall(object):
- def __init__(self):
- self._side = None
- self._sPos = None
- self._a = None
- self._b = None
- self._c = None
- self._d = None
- @property
- def side(self):
- return self._side
- @side.setter
- def side(self, value):
- if value not in ["left", "right", "both"]:
- raise TypeError("Value must be string with content 'left', 'right' or 'both'.")
- self._side = value
- @property
- def sPos(self):
- return self._sPos
- @sPos.setter
- def sPos(self, value):
- self._sPos = float(value)
- @property
- def a(self):
- return self._a
- @a.setter
- def a(self, value):
- self._a = float(value)
- @property
- def b(self):
- return self._b
- @b.setter
- def b(self, value):
- self._b = float(value)
- @property
- def c(self):
- return self._c
- @c.setter
- def c(self, value):
- self._c = float(value)
- @property
- def d(self):
- return self._d
- @d.setter
- def d(self, value):
- self._d = float(value)
-class Shape(object):
- def __init__(self):
- self._sPos = None
- self._t = None
- self._a = None
- self._b = None
- self._c = None
- self._d = None
- @property
- def sPos(self):
- return self._sPos
- @sPos.setter
- def sPos(self, value):
- self._sPos = float(value)
- @property
- def t(self):
- return self._t
- @t.setter
- def t(self, value):
- self._t = float(value)
- @property
- def a(self):
- return self._a
- @a.setter
- def a(self, value):
- self._a = float(value)
- @property
- def b(self):
- return self._b
- @b.setter
- def b(self, value):
- self._b = float(value)
- @property
- def c(self):
- return self._c
- @c.setter
- def c(self, value):
- self._c = float(value)
- @property
- def d(self):
- return self._d
- @d.setter
- def d(self, value):
- self._d = float(value)
diff --git a/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/openDrive2csv/opendriveparser/elements/roadLink.py b/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/openDrive2csv/opendriveparser/elements/roadLink.py
deleted file mode 100644
index ce89503..0000000
--- a/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/openDrive2csv/opendriveparser/elements/roadLink.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,139 +0,0 @@
-class Link(object):
- def __init__(self):
- self._id = None
- self._predecessor = None
- self._successor = None
- self._neighbors = []
- def __str__(self):
- return " > link id " + str(self._id) + " | successor: " + str(self._successor)
- @property
- def id(self):
- return self._id
- @id.setter
- def id(self, value):
- self._id = int(value)
- @property
- def predecessor(self):
- return self._predecessor
- @predecessor.setter
- def predecessor(self, value):
- if not isinstance(value, Predecessor):
- raise TypeError("Value must be Predecessor")
- self._predecessor = value
- @property
- def successor(self):
- return self._successor
- @successor.setter
- def successor(self, value):
- if not isinstance(value, Successor):
- raise TypeError("Value must be Successor")
- self._successor = value
- @property
- def neighbors(self):
- return self._neighbors
- @neighbors.setter
- def neighbors(self, value):
- if not isinstance(value, list) or not all(isinstance(x, Neighbor) for x in value):
- raise TypeError("Value must be list of instances of Neighbor.")
- self._neighbors = value
- def addNeighbor(self, value):
- if not isinstance(value, Neighbor):
- raise TypeError("Value must be Neighbor")
- self._neighbors.append(value)
-class Predecessor(object):
- def __init__(self):
- self._elementType = None
- self._elementId = None
- self._contactPoint = None
- def __str__(self):
- return str(self._elementType) + " with id " + str(self._elementId) + " contact at " + str(self._contactPoint)
- @property
- def elementType(self):
- return self._elementType
- @elementType.setter
- def elementType(self, value):
- if value not in ["road", "junction"]:
- raise AttributeError("Value must be road or junction")
- self._elementType = value
- @property
- def elementId(self):
- return self._elementId
- @elementId.setter
- def elementId(self, value):
- self._elementId = int(value)
- @property
- def contactPoint(self):
- return self._contactPoint
- @contactPoint.setter
- def contactPoint(self, value):
- if value not in ["start", "end"] and value is not None:
- raise AttributeError("Value must be start or end")
- self._contactPoint = value
-class Successor(Predecessor):
- pass
-class Neighbor(object):
- def __init__(self):
- self._side = None
- self._elementId = None
- self._direction = None
- @property
- def side(self):
- return self._side
- @side.setter
- def side(self, value):
- if value not in ["left", "right"]:
- raise AttributeError("Value must be left or right")
- self._side = value
- @property
- def elementId(self):
- return self._elementId
- @elementId.setter
- def elementId(self, value):
- self._elementId = int(value)
- @property
- def direction(self):
- return self._direction
- @direction.setter
- def direction(self, value):
- if value not in ["same", "opposite"]:
- raise AttributeError("Value must be same or opposite")
- self._direction = value
diff --git a/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/openDrive2csv/opendriveparser/elements/roadPlanView.py b/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/openDrive2csv/opendriveparser/elements/roadPlanView.py
deleted file mode 100644
index d88a59a..0000000
--- a/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/openDrive2csv/opendriveparser/elements/roadPlanView.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,225 +0,0 @@
-import abc
-import numpy as np
-from opendriveparser.elements.eulerspiral import EulerSpiral
-class PlanView(object):
- def __init__(self):
- self._geometries = []
- def addLine(self, startPosition, heading, length):
- self._geometries.append(Line(startPosition, heading, length))
- def addSpiral(self, startPosition, heading, length, curvStart, curvEnd):
- self._geometries.append(Spiral(startPosition, heading, length, curvStart, curvEnd))
- def addArc(self, startPosition, heading, length, curvature):
- self._geometries.append(Arc(startPosition, heading, length, curvature))
- def addParamPoly3(self, startPosition, heading, length, aU, bU, cU, dU, aV, bV, cV, dV, pRange):
- self._geometries.append(ParamPoly3(startPosition, heading, length, aU, bU, cU, dU, aV, bV, cV, dV, pRange))
- def getLength(self):
- """ Get length of whole plan view """
- length = 0
- for geometry in self._geometries:
- length += geometry.getLength()
- return length
- def calc(self, sPos):
- """ Calculate position and tangent at sPos """
- for geometry in self._geometries:
- if geometry.getLength() < sPos and not np.isclose(geometry.getLength(), sPos):
- sPos -= geometry.getLength()
- continue
- return geometry.calcPosition(sPos)
- # TODO
- return self._geometries[-1].calcPosition(self._geometries[-1].getLength())
- # raise Exception("Tried to calculate a position outside of the borders of the reference path at s=" + str(sPos) + " but path has only length of l=" + str(self.getLength()))
-class Geometry(object):
- __metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta
- @abc.abstractmethod
- def getStartPosition(self):
- """ Returns the overall geometry length """
- return
- @abc.abstractmethod
- def getLength(self):
- """ Returns the overall geometry length """
- return
- @abc.abstractmethod
- def calcPosition(self, s):
- """ Calculates the position of the geometry as if the starting point is (0/0) """
- return
-class Line(Geometry):
- def __init__(self, startPosition, heading, length):
- self.startPosition = np.array(startPosition)
- self.heading = heading
- self.length = length
- def getStartPosition(self):
- return self.startPosition
- def getLength(self):
- return self.length
- def calcPosition(self, s):
- pos = self.startPosition + np.array([s * np.cos(self.heading), s * np.sin(self.heading)])
- tangent = self.heading
- return (pos, tangent)
-class Arc(Geometry):
- def __init__(self, startPosition, heading, length, curvature):
- self.startPosition = np.array(startPosition)
- self.heading = heading
- self.length = length
- self.curvature = curvature
- def getStartPosition(self):
- return self.startPosition
- def getLength(self):
- return self.length
- def calcPosition(self, s):
- c = self.curvature
- hdg = self.heading - np.pi / 2
- a = 2 / c * np.sin(s * c / 2)
- alpha = (np.pi - s * c) / 2 - hdg
- dx = -1 * a * np.cos(alpha)
- dy = a * np.sin(alpha)
- pos = self.startPosition + np.array([dx, dy])
- tangent = self.heading + s * self.curvature
- return (pos, tangent)
-class Spiral(Geometry):
- def __init__(self, startPosition, heading, length, curvStart, curvEnd):
- self._startPosition = np.array(startPosition)
- self._heading = heading
- self._length = length
- self._curvStart = curvStart
- self._curvEnd = curvEnd
- self._spiral = EulerSpiral.createFromLengthAndCurvature(self._length, self._curvStart, self._curvEnd)
- def getStartPosition(self):
- return self._startPosition
- def getLength(self):
- return self._length
- def calcPosition(self, s):
- (x, y, t) = self._spiral.calc(s, self._startPosition[0], self._startPosition[1], self._curvStart, self._heading)
- return (np.array([x, y]), t)
-class Poly3(Geometry):
- def __init__(self, startPosition, heading, length, a, b, c, d):
- self._startPosition = np.array(startPosition)
- self._heading = heading
- self._length = length
- self._a = a
- self._b = b
- self._c = c
- self._d = d
- raise NotImplementedError()
- def getStartPosition(self):
- return self._startPosition
- def getLength(self):
- return self._length
- def calcPosition(self, s):
- # TODO untested
- # Calculate new point in s/t coordinate system
- coeffs = [self._a, self._b, self._c, self._d]
- t = np.polynomial.polynomial.polyval(s, coeffs)
- # Rotate and translate
- srot = s * np.cos(self._heading) - t * np.sin(self._heading)
- trot = s * np.sin(self._heading) + t * np.cos(self._heading)
- # Derivate to get heading change
- dCoeffs = coeffs[1:] * np.array(np.arange(1, len(coeffs)))
- tangent = np.polynomial.polynomial.polyval(s, dCoeffs)
- return (self._startPosition + np.array([srot, trot]), self._heading + tangent)
-class ParamPoly3(Geometry):
- def __init__(self, startPosition, heading, length, aU, bU, cU, dU, aV, bV, cV, dV, pRange):
- self._startPosition = np.array(startPosition)
- self._heading = heading
- self._length = length
- self._aU = aU
- self._bU = bU
- self._cU = cU
- self._dU = dU
- self._aV = aV
- self._bV = bV
- self._cV = cV
- self._dV = dV
- if pRange is None:
- self._pRange = 1.0
- else:
- self._pRange = pRange
- def getStartPosition(self):
- return self._startPosition
- def getLength(self):
- return self._length
- def calcPosition(self, s):
- # Position
- pos = (s / self._length) * self._pRange
- coeffsU = [self._aU, self._bU, self._cU, self._dU]
- coeffsV = [self._aV, self._bV, self._cV, self._dV]
- x = np.polynomial.polynomial.polyval(pos, coeffsU)
- y = np.polynomial.polynomial.polyval(pos, coeffsV)
- xrot = x * np.cos(self._heading) - y * np.sin(self._heading)
- yrot = x * np.sin(self._heading) + y * np.cos(self._heading)
- # Tangent is defined by derivation
- dCoeffsU = coeffsU[1:] * np.array(np.arange(1, len(coeffsU)))
- dCoeffsV = coeffsV[1:] * np.array(np.arange(1, len(coeffsV)))
- dx = np.polynomial.polynomial.polyval(pos, dCoeffsU)
- dy = np.polynomial.polynomial.polyval(pos, dCoeffsV)
- tangent = np.arctan2(dy, dx)
- return (self._startPosition + np.array([xrot, yrot]), self._heading + tangent)
diff --git a/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/openDrive2csv/opendriveparser/elements/roadType.py b/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/openDrive2csv/opendriveparser/elements/roadType.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 0c8bf30..0000000
--- a/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/openDrive2csv/opendriveparser/elements/roadType.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-class Type(object):
- allowedTypes = ["unknown", "rural", "motorway", "town", "lowSpeed", "pedestrian", "bicycle"]
- def __init__(self):
- self._sPos = None
- self._type = None
- self._speed = None
- @property
- def sPos(self):
- return self._sPos
- @sPos.setter
- def sPos(self, value):
- self._sPos = float(value)
- @property
- def type(self):
- return self._type
- @type.setter
- def type(self, value):
- if value not in self.allowedTypes:
- raise AttributeError("Type not allowed.")
- self._type = value
- @property
- def speed(self):
- return self._speed
- @speed.setter
- def speed(self, value):
- if not isinstance(value, Speed):
- raise TypeError("Value must be instance of Speed.")
- self._speed = value
-class Speed(object):
- def __init__(self):
- self._max = None
- self._unit = None
- @property
- def max(self):
- return self._max
- @max.setter
- def max(self, value):
- self._max = str(value)
- @property
- def unit(self):
- return self._unit
- @unit.setter
- def unit(self, value):
- # TODO validate input
- self._unit = str(value)
diff --git a/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/openDrive2csv/opendriveparser/parser.py b/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/openDrive2csv/opendriveparser/parser.py
deleted file mode 100644
index aac8bb8..0000000
--- a/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/openDrive2csv/opendriveparser/parser.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,413 +0,0 @@
-import numpy as np
-from lxml import etree
-from opendriveparser.elements.openDrive import OpenDrive
-from opendriveparser.elements.road import Road
-from opendriveparser.elements.roadLink import Predecessor as RoadLinkPredecessor, Successor as RoadLinkSuccessor, Neighbor as RoadLinkNeighbor
-from opendriveparser.elements.roadType import Type as RoadType, Speed as RoadTypeSpeed
-from opendriveparser.elements.roadElevationProfile import Elevation as RoadElevationProfileElevation
-from opendriveparser.elements.roadLateralProfile import Superelevation as RoadLateralProfileSuperelevation, Crossfall as RoadLateralProfileCrossfall, Shape as RoadLateralProfileShape
-from opendriveparser.elements.roadLanes import LaneOffset as RoadLanesLaneOffset, Lane as RoadLaneSectionLane, LaneSection as RoadLanesSection, LaneWidth as RoadLaneSectionLaneWidth, LaneBorder as RoadLaneSectionLaneBorder
-from opendriveparser.elements.junction import Junction, Connection as JunctionConnection, LaneLink as JunctionConnectionLaneLink
-def parse_opendrive(rootNode):
- """ Tries to parse XML tree, returns OpenDRIVE object """
- # Only accept lxml element
- if not etree.iselement(rootNode):
- raise TypeError("Argument rootNode is not a xml element")
- newOpenDrive = OpenDrive()
- # Header
- header = rootNode.find("header")
- if header is not None:
- if header.get('revMajor') is not None:
- newOpenDrive.header.revMajor = str(header.get('revMajor'))
- if header.get('revMinor') is not None:
- newOpenDrive.header.revMinor = str(header.get('revMinor'))
- if header.get('name') is not None:
- newOpenDrive.header.name = str(header.get('name'))
- if header.get('version') is not None:
- newOpenDrive.header.version = str(header.get('version'))
- if header.get('date') is not None:
- newOpenDrive.header.date = str(header.get('date'))
- if header.get('north') is not None:
- newOpenDrive.header.north = str(header.get('north'))
- if header.get('south') is not None:
- newOpenDrive.header.south = str(header.get('south'))
- if header.get('east') is not None:
- newOpenDrive.header.east = str(header.get('east'))
- if header.get('west') is not None:
- newOpenDrive.header.west = str(header.get('west'))
- if header.get('vendor') is not None:
- newOpenDrive.header.vendor = str(header.get('vendor'))
- # Reference
- if header.find("geoReference") is not None:
- pass
- # TODO not implemented
- # Junctions
- for junction in rootNode.findall("junction"):
- newJunction = Junction()
- newJunction.id = int(junction.get("id"))
- newJunction.name = str(junction.get("name"))
- for connection in junction.findall("connection"):
- newConnection = JunctionConnection()
- newConnection.id = connection.get("id")
- newConnection.incomingRoad = connection.get("incomingRoad")
- newConnection.connectingRoad = connection.get("connectingRoad")
- newConnection.contactPoint = connection.get("contactPoint")
- for laneLink in connection.findall("laneLink"):
- newLaneLink = JunctionConnectionLaneLink()
- newLaneLink.fromId = laneLink.get("from")
- newLaneLink.toId = laneLink.get("to")
- newConnection.addLaneLink(newLaneLink)
- newJunction.addConnection(newConnection)
- newOpenDrive.junctions.append(newJunction)
- # Load roads
- for road in rootNode.findall("road"):
- newRoad = Road()
- newRoad.id = int(road.get("id"))
- newRoad.name = road.get("name")
- junctionId = int(road.get("junction")) if road.get("junction") != "-1" else None
- if junctionId:
- newRoad.junction = newOpenDrive.getJunction(junctionId)
- # TODO verify road length
- newRoad.length = float(road.get("length"))
- # Links
- if road.find("link") is not None:
- predecessor = road.find("link").find("predecessor")
- if predecessor is not None:
- newPredecessor = RoadLinkPredecessor()
- newPredecessor.elementType = predecessor.get("elementType")
- newPredecessor.elementId = predecessor.get("elementId")
- newPredecessor.contactPoint = predecessor.get("contactPoint")
- newRoad.link.predecessor = newPredecessor
- successor = road.find("link").find("successor")
- if successor is not None:
- newSuccessor = RoadLinkSuccessor()
- newSuccessor.elementType = successor.get("elementType")
- newSuccessor.elementId = successor.get("elementId")
- newSuccessor.contactPoint = successor.get("contactPoint")
- newRoad.link.successor = newSuccessor
- for neighbor in road.find("link").findall("neighbor"):
- newNeighbor = RoadLinkNeighbor()
- newNeighbor.side = neighbor.get("side")
- newNeighbor.elementId = neighbor.get("elementId")
- newNeighbor.direction = neighbor.get("direction")
- newRoad.link.neighbors.append(newNeighbor)
- # Type
- for roadType in road.findall("type"):
- newType = RoadType()
- newType.sPos = roadType.get("s")
- newType.type = roadType.get("type")
- if roadType.find("speed"):
- newSpeed = RoadTypeSpeed()
- newSpeed.max = roadType.find("speed").get("max")
- newSpeed.unit = roadType.find("speed").get("unit")
- newType.speed = newSpeed
- newRoad.types.append(newType)
- # Plan view
- for geometry in road.find("planView").findall("geometry"):
- startCoord = [float(geometry.get("x")), float(geometry.get("y"))]
- if geometry.find("line") is not None:
- newRoad.planView.addLine(startCoord, float(geometry.get("hdg")), float(geometry.get("length")))
- elif geometry.find("spiral") is not None:
- newRoad.planView.addSpiral(startCoord, float(geometry.get("hdg")), float(geometry.get("length")), float(geometry.find("spiral").get("curvStart")), float(geometry.find("spiral").get("curvEnd")))
- elif geometry.find("arc") is not None:
- newRoad.planView.addArc(startCoord, float(geometry.get("hdg")), float(geometry.get("length")), float(geometry.find("arc").get("curvature")))
- elif geometry.find("poly3") is not None:
- raise NotImplementedError()
- elif geometry.find("paramPoly3") is not None:
- if geometry.find("paramPoly3").get("pRange"):
- if geometry.find("paramPoly3").get("pRange") == "arcLength":
- pMax = float(geometry.get("length"))
- else:
- pMax = None
- else:
- pMax = None
- newRoad.planView.addParamPoly3( \
- startCoord, \
- float(geometry.get("hdg")), \
- float(geometry.get("length")), \
- float(geometry.find("paramPoly3").get("aU")), \
- float(geometry.find("paramPoly3").get("bU")), \
- float(geometry.find("paramPoly3").get("cU")), \
- float(geometry.find("paramPoly3").get("dU")), \
- float(geometry.find("paramPoly3").get("aV")), \
- float(geometry.find("paramPoly3").get("bV")), \
- float(geometry.find("paramPoly3").get("cV")), \
- float(geometry.find("paramPoly3").get("dV")), \
- pMax \
- )
- else:
- raise Exception("invalid xml")
- # Elevation profile
- if road.find("elevationProfile") is not None:
- for elevation in road.find("elevationProfile").findall("elevation"):
- newElevation = RoadElevationProfileElevation()
- newElevation.sPos = elevation.get("s")
- newElevation.a = elevation.get("a")
- newElevation.b = elevation.get("b")
- newElevation.c = elevation.get("c")
- newElevation.d = elevation.get("d")
- newRoad.elevationProfile.elevations.append(newElevation)
- # Lateral profile
- if road.find("lateralProfile") is not None:
- for superelevation in road.find("lateralProfile").findall("superelevation"):
- newSuperelevation = RoadLateralProfileSuperelevation()
- newSuperelevation.sPos = superelevation.get("s")
- newSuperelevation.a = superelevation.get("a")
- newSuperelevation.b = superelevation.get("b")
- newSuperelevation.c = superelevation.get("c")
- newSuperelevation.d = superelevation.get("d")
- newRoad.lateralProfile.superelevations.append(newSuperelevation)
- for crossfall in road.find("lateralProfile").findall("crossfall"):
- newCrossfall = RoadLateralProfileCrossfall()
- newCrossfall.side = crossfall.get("side")
- newCrossfall.sPos = crossfall.get("s")
- newCrossfall.a = crossfall.get("a")
- newCrossfall.b = crossfall.get("b")
- newCrossfall.c = crossfall.get("c")
- newCrossfall.d = crossfall.get("d")
- newRoad.lateralProfile.crossfalls.append(newCrossfall)
- for shape in road.find("lateralProfile").findall("shape"):
- newShape = RoadLateralProfileShape()
- newShape.sPos = shape.get("s")
- newShape.t = shape.get("t")
- newShape.a = shape.get("a")
- newShape.b = shape.get("b")
- newShape.c = shape.get("c")
- newShape.d = shape.get("d")
- newRoad.lateralProfile.shapes.append(newShape)
- # Lanes
- lanes = road.find("lanes")
- if lanes is None:
- raise Exception("Road must have lanes element")
- # Lane offset
- for laneOffset in lanes.findall("laneOffset"):
- newLaneOffset = RoadLanesLaneOffset()
- newLaneOffset.sPos = laneOffset.get("s")
- newLaneOffset.a = laneOffset.get("a")
- newLaneOffset.b = laneOffset.get("b")
- newLaneOffset.c = laneOffset.get("c")
- newLaneOffset.d = laneOffset.get("d")
- newRoad.lanes.laneOffsets.append(newLaneOffset)
- # Lane sections
- for laneSectionIdx, laneSection in enumerate(road.find("lanes").findall("laneSection")):
- newLaneSection = RoadLanesSection(road=newRoad)
- # Manually enumerate lane sections for referencing purposes
- newLaneSection.idx = laneSectionIdx
- newLaneSection.sPos = laneSection.get("s")
- newLaneSection.singleSide = laneSection.get("singleSide")
- sides = dict(
- left=newLaneSection.leftLanes,
- center=newLaneSection.centerLanes,
- right=newLaneSection.rightLanes
- )
- for sideTag, newSideLanes in sides.items():
- side = laneSection.find(sideTag)
- # It is possible one side is not present
- if side is None:
- continue
- for lane in side.findall("lane"):
- newLane = RoadLaneSectionLane(
- parentRoad=newRoad
- )
- newLane.id = lane.get("id")
- newLane.type = lane.get("type")
- # In some sample files the level is not specified according to the OpenDRIVE spec
- newLane.level = "true" if lane.get("level") in [1, '1', 'true'] else "false"
- # Lane Links
- if lane.find("link") is not None:
- if lane.find("link").find("predecessor") is not None:
- newLane.link.predecessorId = lane.find("link").find("predecessor").get("id")
- if lane.find("link").find("successor") is not None:
- newLane.link.successorId = lane.find("link").find("successor").get("id")
- # Width
- for widthIdx, width in enumerate(lane.findall("width")):
- newWidth = RoadLaneSectionLaneWidth()
- newWidth.idx = widthIdx
- newWidth.sOffset = width.get("sOffset")
- newWidth.a = width.get("a")
- newWidth.b = width.get("b")
- newWidth.c = width.get("c")
- newWidth.d = width.get("d")
- newLane.widths.append(newWidth)
- # Border
- for borderIdx, border in enumerate(lane.findall("border")):
- newBorder = RoadLaneSectionLaneBorder()
- newBorder.idx = borderIdx
- newBorder.sPos = border.get("sOffset")
- newBorder.a = border.get("a")
- newBorder.b = border.get("b")
- newBorder.c = border.get("c")
- newBorder.d = border.get("d")
- newLane.borders.append(newBorder)
- # Road Marks
- # TODO implementation
- # Material
- # TODO implementation
- # Visiblility
- # TODO implementation
- # Speed
- # TODO implementation
- # Access
- # TODO implementation
- # Lane Height
- # TODO implementation
- # Rules
- # TODO implementation
- newSideLanes.append(newLane)
- newRoad.lanes.laneSections.append(newLaneSection)
- # OpenDRIVE does not provide lane section lengths by itself, calculate them by ourselves
- for laneSection in newRoad.lanes.laneSections:
- # Last lane section in road
- if laneSection.idx + 1 >= len(newRoad.lanes.laneSections):
- laneSection.length = newRoad.planView.getLength() - laneSection.sPos
- # All but the last lane section end at the succeeding one
- else:
- laneSection.length = newRoad.lanes.laneSections[laneSection.idx + 1].sPos - laneSection.sPos
- # OpenDRIVE does not provide lane width lengths by itself, calculate them by ourselves
- for laneSection in newRoad.lanes.laneSections:
- for lane in laneSection.allLanes:
- widthsPoses = np.array([x.sOffset for x in lane.widths] + [laneSection.length])
- widthsLengths = widthsPoses[1:] - widthsPoses[:-1]
- for widthIdx, width in enumerate(lane.widths):
- width.length = widthsLengths[widthIdx]
- # Objects
- # TODO implementation
- # Signals
- # TODO implementation
- newOpenDrive.roads.append(newRoad)
- return newOpenDrive
diff --git a/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/opendrive2lanelet/openDrive_test.ipynb b/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/openDrive_test.ipynb
similarity index 99%
rename from src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/opendrive2lanelet/openDrive_test.ipynb
rename to src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/openDrive_test.ipynb
index 545b194..ccd432f 100644
--- a/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/opendrive2lanelet/openDrive_test.ipynb
+++ b/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/openDrive_test.ipynb
@@ -11,6 +11,9 @@
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
+ "import sys\n",
+ "sys.path.append('opendrive2lanelets-converter')\n",
+ "\n",
"from lxml import etree\n",
"from opendriveparser import parse_opendrive\n",
"from opendrive2lanelet import Network\n",
@@ -582,7 +585,7 @@
"name": "python",
"nbconvert_exporter": "python",
"pygments_lexer": "ipython3",
- "version": "3.6.6"
+ "version": "3.6.3"
"varInspector": {
"cols": {
diff --git a/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/opendrive2lanelet/.gitignore b/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/opendrive2lanelet/.gitignore
deleted file mode 100644
index 4f65315..0000000
--- a/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/opendrive2lanelet/.gitignore
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
-# Byte-compiled / optimized / DLL files
-# C extensions
-# Distribution / packaging
-# PyInstaller
-# Usually these files are written by a python script from a template
-# before PyInstaller builds the exe, so as to inject date/other infos into it.
-# Installer logs
-# Unit test / coverage reports
-# Translations
-# Django stuff:
-# Flask stuff:
-# Scrapy stuff:
-# Sphinx documentation
-# PyBuilder
-# Jupyter Notebook
-# pyenv
-# celery beat schedule file
-# SageMath parsed files
-# Environments
-# Spyder project settings
-# Rope project settings
-# mkdocs documentation
-# mypy
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/opendrive2lanelet/.travis.yml b/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/opendrive2lanelet/.travis.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index c322c66..0000000
--- a/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/opendrive2lanelet/.travis.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-language: python
-sudo: false
- - "2.7"
- - "3.4"
- - "3.5"
- - "3.6"
- - pip install .
- - pip install -r requirements.txt
- - python -m unittest
diff --git a/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/opendrive2lanelet/README.md b/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/opendrive2lanelet/README.md
deleted file mode 100644
index a555d3c..0000000
--- a/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/opendrive2lanelet/README.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
-# OpenDRIVE 2 Lanelets - Converter
-We provide the code for an OpenDRIVE ([www.opendrive.org](http://www.opendrive.org)) to lanelets ([www.mrt.kit.edu/software/liblanelet](https://www.mrt.kit.edu/software/libLanelet/libLanelet.html)) converter, which has been introduced in our [paper](https://mediatum.ub.tum.de/doc/1449005/1449005.pdf): M. Althoff, S. Urban, and M. Koschi, "Automatic Conversion of Road Networks from OpenDRIVE to Lanelets," in Proc. of the IEEE International Conference on Service Operations and Logistics, and Informatics, 2018.
-## Installation
-The following python packages have to be available:
-- Python 3.x
-- numpy
-- scipy
-- lxml
-- PyQt5 only for GUI
-If needed, the converter libraries can be installed using ```pip```:
-git clone https://gitlab.com/commonroad/commonroad.gitlab.io.git
-cd tools/ opendrive2lanelet && pip install .
-## Example OpenDRIVE Files
-Download example files from: http://opendrive.org/download.html
-## Usage
-### Using our provided GUI
-Additional requirement: PyQt5. Start the GUI with ```python gui.py```
-![GUI screenshot](gui_screenshot.png "Screenshot of converter GUI")
-### Using the library in your own scripts
-from lxml import etree
-from opendriveparser import parse_opendrive
-from opendrive2lanelet import Network
-# Import, parse and convert OpenDRIVE file
-fh = open("input_opendrive.xodr", 'r')
-openDrive = parse_opendrive(etree.parse(fh).getroot())
-roadNetwork = Network()
-scenario = roadNetwork.exportCommonRoadScenario()
-# Write CommonRoad scenario to file
-fh = open("output_commonroad_file.xml", "wb")
-## Known Problems
-- When trying to use the gui.py under Wayland, the following error occurs:
- ```
- This application failed to start because it could not find or load the Qt platform plugin "wayland" in "".
- Available platform plugins are: eglfs, linuxfb, minimal, minimalegl, offscreen, vnc, xcb.
- Reinstalling the application may fix this problem.
- ```
- Set the platform to *xcb* using this command: ```export QT_QPA_PLATFORM="xcb"```
-## ToDo
-- When CommonRoad distinguishes lane types, the OpenDRIVE types have to be mapped accordingly and added to the lanelet output.
-## Author
-Stefan Urban
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/opendrive2lanelet/gui.py b/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/opendrive2lanelet/gui.py
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index e6b494b..0000000
--- a/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/opendrive2lanelet/gui.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,206 +0,0 @@
-import os
-import signal
-import sys
-from lxml import etree
-from PyQt5.QtCore import Qt
-from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QApplication, QWidget, QLineEdit, QFileDialog, QMainWindow
-from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QPushButton, QMessageBox, QLabel
-from opendriveparser import parse_opendrive
-from opendrive2lanelet import Network
-from viewer import MainWindow as ViewerWidget
-class MainWindow(QWidget):
- def __init__(self, argv):
- super().__init__()
- self.loadedRoadNetwork = None
- self._initUserInterface()
- self.show()
- if len(argv) >= 2:
- self.loadOpenDriveFile(argv[1])
- self.viewLaneletNetwork()
- def _initUserInterface(self):
- self.setWindowTitle("OpenDRIVE 2 Lanelets Converter")
- self.setFixedSize(560, 345)
- self.loadButton = QPushButton('Load OpenDRIVE', self)
- self.loadButton.setToolTip('Load a OpenDRIVE scenario within a *.xodr file')
- self.loadButton.move(10, 10)
- self.loadButton.resize(130, 35)
- self.loadButton.clicked.connect(self.openOpenDriveFileDialog)
- self.inputOpenDriveFile = QLineEdit(self)
- self.inputOpenDriveFile.move(150, 10)
- self.inputOpenDriveFile.resize(400, 35)
- self.inputOpenDriveFile.setReadOnly(True)
- self.statsText = QLabel(self)
- self.statsText.move(10, 55)
- self.statsText.resize(540, 235)
- self.statsText.setAlignment(Qt.AlignLeft | Qt.AlignTop)
- self.statsText.setTextFormat(Qt.RichText)
- self.exportCommonRoadButton = QPushButton('Export as CommonRoad', self)
- self.exportCommonRoadButton.move(10, 300)
- self.exportCommonRoadButton.resize(170, 35)
- self.exportCommonRoadButton.setDisabled(True)
- self.exportCommonRoadButton.clicked.connect(self.exportAsCommonRoad)
- self.viewOutputButton = QPushButton('View Road Network', self)
- self.viewOutputButton.move(190, 300)
- self.viewOutputButton.resize(170, 35)
- self.viewOutputButton.setDisabled(True)
- self.viewOutputButton.clicked.connect(self.viewLaneletNetwork)
- def resetOutputElements(self):
- self.exportCommonRoadButton.setDisabled(True)
- self.viewOutputButton.setDisabled(True)
- def openOpenDriveFileDialog(self):
- self.resetOutputElements()
- path, _ = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(
- self,
- "QFileDialog.getOpenFileName()",
- "",
- "OpenDRIVE files *.xodr (*.xodr)",
- options=QFileDialog.Options()
- )
- if not path:
- return
- self.loadOpenDriveFile(path)
- def loadOpenDriveFile(self, path):
- filename = os.path.basename(path)
- self.inputOpenDriveFile.setText(filename)
- # Load road network and print some statistics
- try:
- fh = open(path, 'r')
- openDriveXml = parse_opendrive(etree.parse(fh).getroot())
- fh.close()
- except (etree.XMLSyntaxError) as e:
- errorMsg = 'XML Syntax Error: {}'.format(e)
- QMessageBox.warning(self, 'OpenDRIVE error', 'There was an error during the loading of the selected OpenDRIVE file.\n\n{}'.format(errorMsg), QMessageBox.Ok)
- return
- except (TypeError, AttributeError, ValueError) as e:
- errorMsg = 'Value Error: {}'.format(e)
- QMessageBox.warning(self, 'OpenDRIVE error', 'There was an error during the loading of the selected OpenDRIVE file.\n\n{}'.format(errorMsg), QMessageBox.Ok)
- return
- self.loadedRoadNetwork = Network()
- self.loadedRoadNetwork.loadOpenDrive(openDriveXml)
- self.statsText.setText("Name: {}
Version: {}
Date: {}
OpenDRIVE Version {}.{}
Number of roads: {}
Total length of road network: {:.2f} meters".format(
- openDriveXml.header.name if openDriveXml.header.name else "unset",
- openDriveXml.header.version,
- openDriveXml.header.date,
- openDriveXml.header.revMajor,
- openDriveXml.header.revMinor,
- len(openDriveXml.roads),
- sum([road.length for road in openDriveXml.roads])
- ))
- self.exportCommonRoadButton.setDisabled(False)
- self.viewOutputButton.setDisabled(False)
- def exportAsCommonRoad(self):
- if not self.loadedRoadNetwork:
- return
- path, _ = QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(
- self,
- "QFileDialog.getSaveFileName()",
- "",
- "CommonRoad files *.xml (*.xml)",
- options=QFileDialog.Options()
- )
- if not path:
- return
- try:
- fh = open(path, "wb")
- fh.write(self.loadedRoadNetwork.exportCommonRoadScenario().export_to_string())
- fh.close()
- except (IOError) as e:
- QMessageBox.critical(self, 'CommonRoad file not created!', 'The CommonRoad file was not exported due to an error.\n\n{}'.format(e), QMessageBox.Ok)
- return
- QMessageBox.information(self, 'CommonRoad file created!', 'The CommonRoad file was successfully exported.', QMessageBox.Ok)
- def viewLaneletNetwork(self):
- class ViewerWindow(QMainWindow):
- def __init__(self, parent=None):
- super(ViewerWindow, self).__init__(parent)
- self.viewer = ViewerWidget(self)
- self.setCentralWidget(self.viewer)
- viewer = ViewerWindow(self)
- viewer.viewer.openScenario(self.loadedRoadNetwork.exportCommonRoadScenario())
- viewer.show()
- # def viewLaneletNetwork(self):
- # import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
- # from fvks.visualization.draw_dispatch import draw_object
- # from fvks.scenario.lanelet import Lanelet as FvksLanelet
- # def convert_to_fvks_lanelet(ll):
- # return FvksLanelet(
- # left_vertices=ll.left_vertices,
- # center_vertices=ll.center_vertices,
- # right_vertices=ll.right_vertices,
- # lanelet_id=ll.lanelet_id
- # )
- # scenario = self.loadedRoadNetwork.exportCommonRoadScenario(filterTypes=[
- # 'driving',
- # 'onRamp',
- # 'offRamp',
- # 'stop',
- # 'parking',
- # 'special1',
- # 'special2',
- # 'special3',
- # 'entry',
- # 'exit',
- # ])
- # # Visualization
- # fig = plt.figure()
- # ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
- # for lanelet in scenario.lanelet_network.lanelets:
- # draw_object(convert_to_fvks_lanelet(lanelet), ax=ax)
- # ax.set_aspect('equal', 'datalim')
- # plt.axis('off')
- # plt.show()
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- # Make it possible to exit application with ctrl+c on console
- signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_DFL)
- # Startup application
- app = QApplication(sys.argv)
- ex = MainWindow(sys.argv)
- sys.exit(app.exec_())
diff --git a/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/opendrive2lanelet/gui_screenshot.png b/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/opendrive2lanelet/gui_screenshot.png
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Binary files a/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/opendrive2lanelet/gui_screenshot.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/opendrive2lanelet/opendrive2lanelet/README.md b/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/opendrive2lanelet/opendrive2lanelet/README.md
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--- a/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/opendrive2lanelet/opendrive2lanelet/README.md
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-# OpenDRIVE 2 Lanelets - Converter
-## Requirements
-- Python 3.x
-- numpy
-- opendriveparser
-## Usage
-from lxml import etree
-from opendriveparser import parse_opendrive
-from opendrive2lanelet import Network
-fh = open("input_opendrive.xodr", 'r')
-openDrive = parse_opendrive(etree.parse(fh).getroot())
-roadNetwork = Network()
-scenario = roadNetwork.exportCommonRoadScenario()
-# Write CommonRoad scenario to file
-fh = open("output_commonroad_file.xml", "wb")
-## Author
-Stefan Urban
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/opendrive2lanelet/opendrive2lanelet/XML_commonRoad_XSD.xsd b/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/opendrive2lanelet/opendrive2lanelet/XML_commonRoad_XSD.xsd
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\ No newline at end of file
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--- a/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/opendrive2lanelet/opendrive2lanelet/__init__.py
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-from opendrive2lanelet.network import Network
diff --git a/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/opendrive2lanelet/opendrive2lanelet/commonroad.py b/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/opendrive2lanelet/opendrive2lanelet/commonroad.py
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--- a/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/opendrive2lanelet/opendrive2lanelet/commonroad.py
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-import os
-import time
-import numpy as np
-from lxml import etree, objectify
-from lxml import etree
-from lxml.builder import E
-class Scenario(object):
- def __init__(self, dt, benchmark_id=None):
- self.dt = dt
- self.lanelet_network = LaneletNetwork()
- self.benchmark_id = benchmark_id
- def add_objects(self, o):
- if type(o) == list:
- for oo in o:
- self.add_objects(oo)
- elif type(o) == LaneletNetwork:
- for l in o.lanelets:
- self.lanelet_network.add_lanelet(l)
- elif type(o) == Lanelet:
- self.lanelet_network.add_lanelet(o)
- else:
- raise ScenarioError
- def export_to_string(self):
- rootElement = E("commonRoad", benchmarkID="a", commonRoadVersion="2017a", date=time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"), timeStepSize="0.1")
- # Road network
- for lanelet in self.lanelet_network.lanelets:
- # Bounds
- leftPointsElements = E("leftBound")
- for (x, y) in lanelet.left_vertices:
- leftPointsElements.append(E("point", E("x", str(x)), E("y", str(y))))
- rightPointsElements = E("rightBound")
- for (x, y) in lanelet.right_vertices:
- rightPointsElements.append(E("point", E("x", str(x)), E("y", str(y))))
- laneletElement = E("lanelet", leftPointsElements, rightPointsElements)
- laneletElement.set("id", str(int(lanelet.lanelet_id)))
- for predecessor in lanelet.predecessor:
- laneletElement.append(E("predecessor", ref=str(predecessor)))
- for successor in lanelet.successor:
- laneletElement.append(E("successor", ref=str(successor)))
- if lanelet.adj_left is not None:
- laneletElement.append(E("adjacentLeft", ref=str(lanelet.adj_left), drivingDirection=str("same" if lanelet.adj_left_same_direction else "opposite")))
- if lanelet.adj_right is not None:
- laneletElement.append(E("adjacentRight", ref=str(lanelet.adj_right), drivingDirection=str("same" if lanelet.adj_right_same_direction else "opposite")))
- rootElement.append(laneletElement)
- # Dummy planning problem
- planningProblem = E("planningProblem", id=str(0))
- initialState = E("initialState")
- initialState.append(E('position', E('point', E('x', str(0.0)), E('y', str(0.0)))))
- initialState.append(E('velocity', E('exact', str(0.0))))
- initialState.append(E('orientation', E('exact', str(0.0))))
- initialState.append(E('yawRate', E('exact', str(0.0))))
- initialState.append(E('slipAngle', E('exact', str(0.0))))
- initialState.append(E('time', E('exact', str(0.0))))
- planningProblem.append(initialState)
- goalRegion = E("goalRegion")
- goalState = E("state")
- goalState.append(E('position', E('point', E('x', str(0.0)), E('y', str(0.0)))))
- goalState.append(E('orientation', E('exact', str(0.0))))
- goalState.append(E('time', E('exact', str(0.0))))
- goalState.append(E('velocity', E('exact', str(0.0))))
- goalState.append(E('acceleration', E('exact', str(0.0))))
- goalRegion.append(goalState)
- planningProblem.append(goalRegion)
- rootElement.append(planningProblem)
- return etree.tostring(rootElement, pretty_print=True)
- @staticmethod
- def read_from_string(input_string, dt=0.1):
- # Parse XML using CommonRoad schema
- schema = etree.XMLSchema(file=open(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) + "/XML_commonRoad_XSD.xsd", "rb"))
- parser = objectify.makeparser(schema=schema)
- root = objectify.fromstring(input_string, parser=parser)
- # Create scenario
- scenario = Scenario(
- dt=dt,
- benchmark_id=root.attrib['benchmarkID']
- )
- for lanelet in root.iterchildren('lanelet'):
- left_vertices = []
- right_vertices = []
- for pt in lanelet.leftBound.getchildren():
- left_vertices.append(np.array([float(pt.x), float(pt.y)]))
- for pt in lanelet.rightBound.getchildren():
- right_vertices.append(np.array([float(pt.x), float(pt.y)]))
- center_vertices = [(l + r) / 2 for (l, r) in zip(left_vertices, right_vertices)]
- scenario.lanelet_network.add_lanelet(Lanelet(
- left_vertices=np.array([np.array([x, y]) for x, y in left_vertices]),
- center_vertices=np.array([np.array([x, y]) for x, y in center_vertices]),
- right_vertices=np.array([np.array([x, y]) for x, y in right_vertices]),
- lanelet_id=int(lanelet.attrib['id']),
- predecessor=[int(el.attrib['ref']) for el in lanelet.iterchildren(tag='predecessor')],
- successor=[int(el.attrib['ref']) for el in lanelet.iterchildren(tag='successor')]
- ))
- return scenario
-class ScenarioError(Exception):
- """Base class for exceptions in this module."""
- pass
-class LaneletNetwork(object):
- def __init__(self):
- self.lanelets = []
- def find_lanelet_by_id(self, lanelet_id):
- for l in self.lanelets:
- if l.lanelet_id == lanelet_id:
- return l
- raise ScenarioError
- def add_lanelet(self, lanelet):
- if type(lanelet) == list:
- for l in lanelet:
- self.add_lanelet(l)
- else:
- try:
- self.find_lanelet_by_id(lanelet.lanelet_id)
- except ScenarioError:
- self.lanelets.append(lanelet)
- else:
- raise Exception("Lanelet with id {} already in network.".format(lanelet.lanelet_id))
-class Lanelet(object):
- def __init__(self, left_vertices, center_vertices, right_vertices,
- lanelet_id,
- predecessor=None, successor=None,
- adjacent_left=None, adjacent_left_same_direction=None,
- adjacent_right=None, adjacent_right_same_direction=None,
- speed_limit=None):
- if (len(left_vertices) != len(center_vertices) and
- len(center_vertices) != len(right_vertices)):
- raise ScenarioError
- self.left_vertices = left_vertices
- self.center_vertices = center_vertices
- self.right_vertices = right_vertices
- if predecessor is None:
- self.predecessor = []
- else:
- self.predecessor = predecessor
- if successor is None:
- self.successor = []
- else:
- self.successor = successor
- self.adj_left = adjacent_left
- self.adj_left_same_direction = adjacent_left_same_direction
- self.adj_right = adjacent_right
- self.adj_right_same_direction = adjacent_right_same_direction
- self.lanelet_id = lanelet_id
- self.speed_limit = speed_limit
- self.distance = [0]
- for i in range(1, len(self.center_vertices)):
- self.distance.append(self.distance[i-1] +
- np.linalg.norm(self.center_vertices[i] -
- self.center_vertices[i-1]))
- self.distance = np.array(self.distance)
- self.description = ""
- def calc_width_at_start(self):
- return np.linalg.norm(self.left_vertices[0], self.right_vertices[0])
- def calc_width_at_end(self):
- return np.linalg.norm(np.array(self.left_vertices[-1]) - np.array(self.right_vertices[-1]))
- def concatenate(self, lanelet, lanelet_id=-1):
- float_tolerance = 1e-6
- if (np.linalg.norm(self.center_vertices[-1] - lanelet.center_vertices[0]) > float_tolerance or
- np.linalg.norm(self.left_vertices[-1] - lanelet.left_vertices[0]) > float_tolerance or
- np.linalg.norm(self.right_vertices[-1] - lanelet.right_vertices[0]) > float_tolerance):
- pass
- #return None
- left_vertices = np.vstack((self.left_vertices,
- lanelet.left_vertices[1:]))
- center_vertices = np.vstack((self.center_vertices,
- lanelet.center_vertices[1:]))
- right_vertices = np.vstack((self.right_vertices,
- lanelet.right_vertices[1:]))
- return Lanelet(center_vertices=center_vertices,
- left_vertices=left_vertices,
- right_vertices=right_vertices,
- predecessor=self.predecessor.copy(),
- successor=lanelet.successor.copy(),
- adjacent_left=None,
- adjacent_left_same_direction=None,
- adjacent_right=None,
- adjacent_right_same_direction=None,
- lanelet_id=lanelet_id,
- speed_limit=None)
diff --git a/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/opendrive2lanelet/opendrive2lanelet/network.py b/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/opendrive2lanelet/opendrive2lanelet/network.py
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index db95162..0000000
--- a/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/opendrive2lanelet/opendrive2lanelet/network.py
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@@ -1,528 +0,0 @@
-import copy
-import numpy as np
-from opendriveparser.elements.openDrive import OpenDrive
-from opendrive2lanelet.plane_elements.plane import PLane
-from opendrive2lanelet.plane_elements.plane_group import PLaneGroup
-from opendrive2lanelet.plane_elements.border import Border
-from opendrive2lanelet.utils import encode_road_section_lane_width_id, decode_road_section_lane_width_id, allCloseToZero
-from opendrive2lanelet.commonroad import LaneletNetwork, Scenario, ScenarioError
-class Network(object):
- """ Represents a network of parametric lanes """
- def __init__(self):
- self._planes = []
- self._linkIndex = None
- def loadOpenDrive(self, openDrive):
- """ Load all elements of an OpenDRIVE network to a parametric lane representation """
- if not isinstance(openDrive, OpenDrive):
- raise TypeError()
- self._linkIndex = self.createLinkIndex(openDrive)
- # Convert all parts of a road to parametric lanes (planes)
- for road in openDrive.roads:
- # The reference border is the base line for the whole road
- referenceBorder = Network.createReferenceBorder(road.planView, road.lanes.laneOffsets)
- # A lane section is the smallest part that can be converted at once
- for laneSection in road.lanes.laneSections:
- pLanes = Network.laneSectionToPLanes(laneSection, referenceBorder)
- self._planes.extend(pLanes)
- def addPLane(self, pLane):
- if not isinstance(pLane, PLane):
- raise TypeError()
- self._planes.append(pLane)
- def exportLaneletNetwork(self, filterTypes=None):
- """ Export lanelet as lanelet network """
- # Convert groups to lanelets
- laneletNetwork = LaneletNetwork()
- for pLane in self._planes:
- if filterTypes is not None and pLane.type not in filterTypes:
- continue
- lanelet = pLane.convertToLanelet()
- lanelet.predecessor = self._linkIndex.getPredecessors(pLane.id)
- lanelet.successor = self._linkIndex.getSuccessors(pLane.id)
- lanelet.refPLane = pLane
- laneletNetwork.add_lanelet(lanelet)
- # Prune all not existing references
- lanelet_ids = [x.lanelet_id for x in laneletNetwork.lanelets]
- for lanelet in laneletNetwork.lanelets:
- for predecessor in lanelet.predecessor:
- if predecessor not in lanelet_ids:
- lanelet.predecessor.remove(predecessor)
- for successor in lanelet.successor:
- if successor not in lanelet_ids:
- lanelet.successor.remove(successor)
- if lanelet.adj_left not in lanelet_ids:
- lanelet.adj_left = None
- if lanelet.adj_right not in lanelet_ids:
- lanelet.adj_right = None
- # Perform lane merges
- # Condition for lane merge:
- # - Lanelet ends (has no successor or predecessor)
- # - Has an adjacent (left or right) with same type
- for lanelet in laneletNetwork.lanelets:
- if len(lanelet.successor) == 0:
- if lanelet.adj_left is not None:
- adj_left_lanelet = laneletNetwork.find_lanelet_by_id(lanelet.adj_left)
- newLanelet = lanelet.refPLane.convertToLanelet(
- ref="right",
- refDistance=[adj_left_lanelet.calc_width_at_end(), 0.0]
- )
- lanelet.left_vertices = newLanelet.left_vertices
- lanelet.center_vertices = newLanelet.center_vertices
- lanelet.right_vertices = newLanelet.right_vertices
- lanelet.successor.extend(adj_left_lanelet.successor)
- if lanelet.adj_right is not None:
- adj_right_lanelet = laneletNetwork.find_lanelet_by_id(lanelet.adj_right)
- newLanelet = lanelet.refPLane.convertToLanelet(
- ref="left",
- refDistance=[-1 * adj_right_lanelet.calc_width_at_end(), 0.0]
- )
- lanelet.left_vertices = newLanelet.left_vertices
- lanelet.center_vertices = newLanelet.center_vertices
- lanelet.right_vertices = newLanelet.right_vertices
- lanelet.successor.extend(adj_right_lanelet.successor)
- if len(lanelet.predecessor) == 0:
- if lanelet.adj_left is not None:
- adj_left_lanelet = laneletNetwork.find_lanelet_by_id(lanelet.adj_left)
- newLanelet = lanelet.refPLane.convertToLanelet(
- ref="right",
- refDistance=[0.0, -1 * adj_left_lanelet.calc_width_at_end()]
- )
- lanelet.left_vertices = newLanelet.left_vertices
- lanelet.center_vertices = newLanelet.center_vertices
- lanelet.right_vertices = newLanelet.right_vertices
- lanelet.predecessor.extend(adj_left_lanelet.predecessor)
- if lanelet.adj_right is not None:
- adj_right_lanelet = laneletNetwork.find_lanelet_by_id(lanelet.adj_right)
- newLanelet = lanelet.refPLane.convertToLanelet(
- ref="left",
- refDistance=[0.0, adj_right_lanelet.calc_width_at_end()]
- )
- lanelet.left_vertices = newLanelet.left_vertices
- lanelet.center_vertices = newLanelet.center_vertices
- lanelet.right_vertices = newLanelet.right_vertices
- lanelet.predecessor.extend(adj_right_lanelet.predecessor)
- # Assign an integer id to each lanelet
- def convert_to_new_id(old_lanelet_id):
- if old_lanelet_id in convert_to_new_id.id_assign:
- new_lanelet_id = convert_to_new_id.id_assign[old_lanelet_id]
- else:
- new_lanelet_id = convert_to_new_id.lanelet_id
- convert_to_new_id.id_assign[old_lanelet_id] = new_lanelet_id
- convert_to_new_id.lanelet_id += 1
- return new_lanelet_id
- convert_to_new_id.id_assign = {}
- convert_to_new_id.lanelet_id = 100
- for lanelet in laneletNetwork.lanelets:
- lanelet.description = lanelet.lanelet_id
- lanelet.lanelet_id = convert_to_new_id(lanelet.lanelet_id)
- lanelet.predecessor = [convert_to_new_id(x) for x in lanelet.predecessor]
- lanelet.successor = [convert_to_new_id(x) for x in lanelet.successor]
- lanelet.adj_left = None if lanelet.adj_left is None else convert_to_new_id(lanelet.adj_left)
- lanelet.adj_right = None if lanelet.adj_right is None else convert_to_new_id(lanelet.adj_right)
- return laneletNetwork
- def exportCommonRoadScenario(self, dt=0.1, benchmark_id=None, filterTypes=None):
- """ Export a full CommonRoad scenario """
- scenario = Scenario(
- dt=dt,
- benchmark_id=benchmark_id if benchmark_id is not None else "none"
- )
- scenario.add_objects(self.exportLaneletNetwork(
- filterTypes=filterTypes if isinstance(filterTypes, list) else ['driving', 'onRamp', 'offRamp', 'exit', 'entry']
- ))
- return scenario
- ##############################################################################################
- ## Helper functions
- @staticmethod
- def createReferenceBorder(planView, laneOffsets):
- """ Create the first (most inner) border line for a road, includes the lane Offsets """
- firstLaneBorder = Border()
- # Set reference to plan view
- firstLaneBorder.reference = planView
- firstLaneBorder.refOffset = 0.0
- # Lane offfsets will be coeffs
- if any(laneOffsets):
- for laneOffset in laneOffsets:
- firstLaneBorder.coeffsOffsets.append(laneOffset.sPos)
- firstLaneBorder.coeffs.append(laneOffset.coeffs)
- else:
- firstLaneBorder.coeffsOffsets.append(0.0)
- firstLaneBorder.coeffs.append([0.0])
- return firstLaneBorder
- @staticmethod
- def laneSectionToPLanes(laneSection, referenceBorder):
- """ Convert a whole lane section into a list of planes """
- newPLanes = []
- # Length of this lane section
- laneSectionStart = laneSection.sPos
- for side in ["right", "left"]:
- # lanes loaded by opendriveparser are aleady sorted by id
- # coeffsFactor decides if border is left or right of the reference line
- if side == "right":
- lanes = laneSection.rightLanes
- coeffsFactor = -1.0
- else:
- lanes = laneSection.leftLanes
- coeffsFactor = 1.0
- # Most inner border
- laneBorders = [referenceBorder]
- prevInnerNeighbours = []
- for lane in lanes:
- if abs(lane.id) > 1:
- if lane.id > 0:
- innerLaneId = lane.id - 1
- outerLaneId = lane.id + 1
- else:
- innerLaneId = lane.id + 1
- outerLaneId = lane.id - 1
- innerNeighbourId = encode_road_section_lane_width_id(laneSection.parentRoad.id, laneSection.idx, innerLaneId, -1)
- innerNeighbourSameDirection = True
- outerNeighbourId = encode_road_section_lane_width_id(laneSection.parentRoad.id, laneSection.idx, outerLaneId, -1)
- else:
- # Skip lane id 0
- if lane.id == 1:
- innerLaneId = -1
- outerLaneId = 2
- else:
- innerLaneId = 1
- outerLaneId = -2
- innerNeighbourId = encode_road_section_lane_width_id(laneSection.parentRoad.id, laneSection.idx, innerLaneId, -1)
- innerNeighbourSameDirection = False
- outerNeighbourId = encode_road_section_lane_width_id(laneSection.parentRoad.id, laneSection.idx, outerLaneId, -1)
- newPLaneGroup = PLaneGroup(
- id=encode_road_section_lane_width_id(laneSection.parentRoad.id, laneSection.idx, lane.id, -1),
- innerNeighbour=innerNeighbourId,
- innerNeighbourSameDirection=innerNeighbourSameDirection,
- outerNeighbour=outerNeighbourId
- )
- innerNeighbours = []
- # Create outer lane border
- newPLaneBorder = Border()
- newPLaneBorder.reference = laneBorders[-1]
- if len(laneBorders) == 1:
- newPLaneBorder.refOffset = laneSectionStart
- else:
- # Offset from reference border is already included in first created outer lane border
- newPLaneBorder.refOffset = 0.0
- for width in lane.widths:
- newPLaneBorder.coeffsOffsets.append(width.sOffset)
- newPLaneBorder.coeffs.append([x * coeffsFactor for x in width.coeffs])
- laneBorders.append(newPLaneBorder)
- # Create new lane for each width segment
- for width in lane.widths:
- newPLane = PLane(
- id=encode_road_section_lane_width_id(laneSection.parentRoad.id, laneSection.idx, lane.id, width.idx),
- type=lane.type
- )
- if allCloseToZero(width.coeffs):
- newPLane.isNotExistent = True
- newPLane.innerNeighbours = prevInnerNeighbours
- newPLane.length = width.length
- newPLane.innerBorder = laneBorders[-2]
- newPLane.innerBorderOffset = width.sOffset + laneBorders[-1].refOffset
- newPLane.outerBorder = laneBorders[-1]
- newPLane.outerBorderOffset = width.sOffset
- newPLaneGroup.append(newPLane)
- innerNeighbours.append(newPLane)
- newPLanes.append(newPLaneGroup)
- prevInnerNeighbours = innerNeighbours
- return newPLanes
- @staticmethod
- def createLinkIndex(openDrive):
- """ Step through all junctions and each single lane to build up a index """
- def add_to_index(linkIndex, pLaneId, successorId, reverse=False):
- if reverse:
- linkIndex.addLink(successorId, pLaneId)
- else:
- linkIndex.addLink(pLaneId, successorId)
- linkIndex = LinkIndex()
- # Extract link information from road lanes
- for road in openDrive.roads:
- for laneSection in road.lanes.laneSections:
- for lane in laneSection.allLanes:
- pLaneId = encode_road_section_lane_width_id(road.id, laneSection.idx, lane.id, -1)
- # Not the last lane section? > Next lane section in same road
- if laneSection.idx < road.lanes.getLastLaneSectionIdx():
- successorId = encode_road_section_lane_width_id(road.id, laneSection.idx + 1, lane.link.successorId, -1)
- add_to_index(linkIndex, pLaneId, successorId, lane.id >= 0)
- # Last lane section! > Next road in first lane section
- else:
- # Try to get next road
- if road.link.successor is not None and road.link.successor.elementType != "junction":
- nextRoad = openDrive.getRoad(road.link.successor.elementId)
- if nextRoad is not None:
- if road.link.successor.contactPoint == "start":
- successorId = encode_road_section_lane_width_id(nextRoad.id, 0, lane.link.successorId, -1)
- add_to_index(linkIndex, pLaneId, successorId, lane.id >= 0)
- else: # contact point = end
- successorId = encode_road_section_lane_width_id(nextRoad.id, nextRoad.lanes.getLastLaneSectionIdx(), lane.link.successorId, -1)
- add_to_index(linkIndex, pLaneId, successorId, lane.id >= 0)
- # Not first lane section? > Previous lane section in same road
- if laneSection.idx > 0:
- predecessorId = encode_road_section_lane_width_id(road.id, laneSection.idx - 1, lane.link.predecessorId, -1)
- add_to_index(linkIndex, predecessorId, pLaneId, lane.id >= 0)
- # First lane section! > Previous road
- else:
- # Try to get previous road
- if road.link.predecessor is not None and road.link.predecessor.elementType != "junction":
- prevRoad = openDrive.getRoad(road.link.predecessor.elementId)
- if prevRoad is not None:
- if road.link.predecessor.contactPoint == "start":
- predecessorId = encode_road_section_lane_width_id(prevRoad.id, 0, lane.link.predecessorId, -1)
- add_to_index(linkIndex, predecessorId, pLaneId, lane.id >= 0)
- else: # contact point = end
- predecessorId = encode_road_section_lane_width_id(prevRoad.id, prevRoad.lanes.getLastLaneSectionIdx(), lane.link.predecessorId, -1)
- add_to_index(linkIndex, predecessorId, pLaneId, lane.id >= 0)
- # Add junctions
- for road in openDrive.roads:
- # Add junction links to end of road
- if road.link.successor is not None and road.link.successor.elementType == "junction":
- junction = openDrive.getJunction(road.link.successor.elementId)
- if junction is not None:
- for connection in junction.connections:
- roadA = openDrive.getRoad(connection.incomingRoad)
- roadAcp = "end"
- roadB = openDrive.getRoad(connection.connectingRoad)
- roadBcp = connection.contactPoint
- if roadA.id != road.id:
- roadA, roadB = [roadB, roadA]
- for laneLink in connection.laneLinks:
- if roadAcp == "start":
- pLaneId = encode_road_section_lane_width_id(roadA.id, 0, laneLink.fromId, -1)
- else:
- successorId = encode_road_section_lane_width_id(roadA.id, roadA.lanes.getLastLaneSectionIdx(), laneLink.fromId, -1)
- if roadBcp == "start":
- pLaneId = encode_road_section_lane_width_id(roadB.id, 0, laneLink.toId, -1)
- else:
- successorId = encode_road_section_lane_width_id(roadB.id, roadB.lanes.getLastLaneSectionIdx(), laneLink.toId, -1)
- add_to_index(linkIndex, pLaneId, successorId, laneLink.fromId < 0)
- # Add junction links to start of road
- if road.link.predecessor is not None and road.link.predecessor.elementType == "junction":
- junction = openDrive.getJunction(road.link.predecessor.elementId)
- if junction is not None:
- for connection in junction.connections:
- roadA = openDrive.getRoad(connection.incomingRoad)
- roadAcp = "start"
- roadB = openDrive.getRoad(connection.connectingRoad)
- roadBcp = connection.contactPoint
- if roadA.id != road.id:
- roadA, roadB = [roadB, roadA]
- for laneLink in connection.laneLinks:
- if roadAcp == "start":
- pLaneId = encode_road_section_lane_width_id(roadA.id, 0, laneLink.fromId, -1)
- else:
- predecessorId = encode_road_section_lane_width_id(roadA.id, roadA.lanes.getLastLaneSectionIdx(), laneLink.fromId, -1)
- if roadBcp == "start":
- pLaneId = encode_road_section_lane_width_id(roadB.id, 0, laneLink.toId, -1)
- else:
- predecessorId = encode_road_section_lane_width_id(roadB.id, roadB.lanes.getLastLaneSectionIdx(), laneLink.toId, -1)
- add_to_index(linkIndex, predecessorId, pLaneId, laneLink.fromId < 0)
- # for junction in openDrive.junctions:
- # for connection in junction.connections:
- # incomingRoad = openDrive.getRoad(connection.incomingRoad)
- # connectingRoad = openDrive.getRoad(connection.connectingRoad)
- # if incomingRoad is not None and connectingRoad is not None:
- # for laneLink in connection.laneLinks:
- # pLaneId = encode_road_section_lane_width_id(incomingRoad.id, incomingRoad.lanes.getLastLaneSectionIdx(), laneLink.fromId, -1)
- # if connection.contactPoint == "end":
- # successorId = encode_road_section_lane_width_id(connectingRoad.id, 0, laneLink.toId, -1)
- # else:
- # successorId = encode_road_section_lane_width_id(connectingRoad.id, connectingRoad.lanes.getLastLaneSectionIdx(), laneLink.toId, -1)
- # add_to_index(linkIndex, pLaneId, successorId, lane.id >= 0)
- return linkIndex
-class LinkIndex(object):
- """ Overall index of all links in the file, save everything as successors, predecessors can be found via a reverse search """
- def __init__(self):
- self._successors = {}
- def addLink(self, pLaneId, successor):
- if pLaneId not in self._successors:
- self._successors[pLaneId] = []
- if successor not in self._successors[pLaneId]:
- self._successors[pLaneId].append(successor)
- def remove(self, pLaneId):
- # Delete key
- if pLaneId in self._successors:
- del self._successors[pLaneId]
- # Delete all occurances in successor lists
- for successorsId, successors in self._successors.items():
- if pLaneId in successors:
- self._successors[successorsId].remove(pLaneId)
- def getSuccessors(self, pLaneId):
- if pLaneId not in self._successors:
- return []
- return self._successors[pLaneId]
- def getPredecessors(self, pLaneId):
- predecessors = []
- for successorsPLaneId, successors in self._successors.items():
- if pLaneId not in successors:
- continue
- if successorsPLaneId in predecessors:
- continue
- predecessors.append(successorsPLaneId)
- return predecessors
- def __str__(self):
- retstr = "Link Index:\n"
- for pre, succs in self._successors.items():
- retstr += "\t{:15} > {}\n".format(pre, ", ".join(succs))
- return retstr
diff --git a/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/opendrive2lanelet/opendrive2lanelet/plane_elements/__init__.py b/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/opendrive2lanelet/opendrive2lanelet/plane_elements/__init__.py
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--- a/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/opendrive2lanelet/opendrive2lanelet/plane_elements/border.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
-from functools import lru_cache
-import numpy as np
-from opendriveparser.elements.roadPlanView import PlanView
-class Border(object):
- """
- A lane border defines a path along a whole lane section
- - a lane always used an inner and outer lane border
- - the reference can be another lane border or a plan view
- """
- def __init__(self):
- self._refOffset = 0.0
- self._coeffsOffsets = []
- self._coeffs = []
- self._reference = None
- def __str__(self):
- return str(self._refOffset)
- @property
- def reference(self):
- return self._reference
- @reference.setter
- def reference(self, value):
- if not isinstance(value, Border) and not isinstance(value, PlanView):
- raise TypeError("Value must be instance of Border or PlanView")
- self._reference = value
- @property
- def refOffset(self):
- """ The reference offset """
- return self._refOffset
- @refOffset.setter
- def refOffset(self, value):
- self._refOffset = float(value)
- @property
- def coeffs(self):
- """ It is assumed the coeffs are added in ascending order! ([0] + [1] * x + [2] * x**2 + ...) """
- return self._coeffs
- @property
- def coeffsOffsets(self):
- """ Offsets for coeffs """
- return self._coeffsOffsets
- @lru_cache(maxsize=200000)
- def calc(self, sPos, addOffset=0.0):
- """ Calculate the border """
- if isinstance(self._reference, PlanView):
- # Last reference has to be a reference geometry
- refPos, refTang = self._reference.calc(self._refOffset + sPos)
- elif isinstance(self._reference, Border):
- # Offset of all inner lanes
- refPos, refTang = self._reference.calc(self._refOffset + sPos)
- else:
- raise Exception("Reference must be plan view or other lane border.")
- if not self._coeffs or not self._coeffsOffsets:
- raise Exception("No entries for width definitions.")
- # Find correct coefficients
- widthIdx = next((self._coeffsOffsets.index(n) for n in self._coeffsOffsets[::-1] if n <= sPos), len(self._coeffsOffsets))
- # Calculate width at sPos
- distance = np.polynomial.polynomial.polyval(sPos - self._coeffsOffsets[widthIdx], self._coeffs[widthIdx]) + addOffset
- # New point is in orthogonal direction
- ortho = refTang + np.pi / 2
- newPos = refPos + np.array([distance * np.cos(ortho), distance * np.sin(ortho)])
- return newPos, refTang
diff --git a/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/opendrive2lanelet/opendrive2lanelet/plane_elements/plane.py b/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/opendrive2lanelet/opendrive2lanelet/plane_elements/plane.py
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--- a/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/opendrive2lanelet/opendrive2lanelet/plane_elements/plane.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,160 +0,0 @@
-import numpy as np
-from opendrive2lanelet.plane_elements.border import Border
-from opendrive2lanelet.commonroad import Lanelet
-class PLane(object):
- """ A lane defines a part of a road along a reference trajectory (plan view), using lane borders and start/stop positions (parametric) """
- def __init__(self, id, type):
- """ Each lane is defined with a starting point, an offset to the reference trajectory and a lane width """
- self._id = id
- self._type = type
- self._length = None
- self._innerBorder = None
- self._innerBorderOffset = None
- self._outerBorder = None
- self._outerBorderOffset = None
- self._isNotExistent = False
- self._innerNeighbours = []
- self._outerNeighbours = []
- self._successors = []
- self._predecessors = []
- @property
- def id(self):
- return self._id
- @property
- def type(self):
- return self._type
- @property
- def length(self):
- return self._length
- @length.setter
- def length(self, value):
- self._length = float(value)
- @property
- def innerBorder(self):
- return self._innerBorder
- @innerBorder.setter
- def innerBorder(self, value):
- if not isinstance(value, Border):
- raise TypeError("Value must be instance of _LaneBorder.")
- self._innerBorder = value
- def calcInnerBorder(self, sPos, addOffset=0.0):
- return self._innerBorder.calc(self._innerBorderOffset + sPos, addOffset=addOffset)
- @property
- def outerBorder(self):
- return self._outerBorder
- @property
- def innerBorderOffset(self):
- return self._innerBorderOffset
- @innerBorderOffset.setter
- def innerBorderOffset(self, value):
- self._innerBorderOffset = float(value)
- @outerBorder.setter
- def outerBorder(self, value):
- if not isinstance(value, Border):
- raise TypeError("Value must be instance of Border.")
- self._outerBorder = value
- def calcOuterBorder(self, sPos, addOffset=0.0):
- return self._outerBorder.calc(self._outerBorderOffset + sPos, addOffset=addOffset)
- @property
- def outerBorderOffset(self):
- return self._outerBorderOffset
- @outerBorderOffset.setter
- def outerBorderOffset(self, value):
- self._outerBorderOffset = float(value)
- def calcWidth(self, sPos):
- innerCoords = self.calcInnerBorder(sPos)
- outerCoords = self.calcOuterBorder(sPos)
- return np.linalg.norm(innerCoords[0] - outerCoords[0])
- def convertToLanelet(self, precision=0.5, ref=None, refDistance=[0.0, 0.0]):
- # Define calculation points
- # TODO dependent on max error
- numSteps = max(2, np.ceil(self._length / float(precision)))
- poses = np.linspace(0, self._length, numSteps)
- left_vertices = []
- right_vertices = []
- for pos in poses:
- if ref is None:
- left_vertices.append(self.calcInnerBorder(pos)[0])
- right_vertices.append(self.calcOuterBorder(pos)[0])
- else:
- x = pos
- m = (refDistance[1] - refDistance[0]) / self._length
- t = refDistance[0]
- d = m*x + t
- if ref == "left":
- left_vertices.append(self.calcInnerBorder(pos)[0])
- right_vertices.append(self.calcOuterBorder(pos, d)[0])
- elif ref == "right":
- left_vertices.append(self.calcInnerBorder(pos, d)[0])
- right_vertices.append(self.calcOuterBorder(pos)[0])
- center_vertices = [(l + r) / 2 for (l, r) in zip(left_vertices, right_vertices)]
- return Lanelet(
- left_vertices=np.array([np.array([x, y]) for x, y in left_vertices]),
- center_vertices=np.array([np.array([x, y]) for x, y in center_vertices]),
- right_vertices=np.array([np.array([x, y]) for x, y in right_vertices]),
- lanelet_id=self._id
- )
- @property
- def isNotExistent(self):
- return self._isNotExistent
- @isNotExistent.setter
- def isNotExistent(self, value):
- self._isNotExistent = bool(value)
- @property
- def innerNeighbours(self):
- return self._innerNeighbours
- @innerNeighbours.setter
- def innerNeighbours(self, value):
- self._innerNeighbours = value
- @property
- def outerNeighbours(self):
- return self._outerNeighbours
- @outerNeighbours.setter
- def outerNeighbours(self, value):
- self._outerNeighbours = value
- @property
- def successors(self):
- return self._successors
- @property
- def predecessors(self):
- return self._predecessors
diff --git a/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/opendrive2lanelet/opendrive2lanelet/plane_elements/plane_group.py b/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/opendrive2lanelet/opendrive2lanelet/plane_elements/plane_group.py
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--- a/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/opendrive2lanelet/opendrive2lanelet/plane_elements/plane_group.py
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@@ -1,97 +0,0 @@
-class PLaneGroup(object):
- """ A group of pLanes can be converted to a lanelet just like a single pLane """
- def __init__(self, id=None, pLanes=None, innerNeighbour=None, innerNeighbourSameDirection=True, outerNeighbour=None):
- self._pLanes = []
- self._id = id
- self._innerNeighbour = innerNeighbour
- self._innerNeighbourSameDirection = innerNeighbourSameDirection
- self._outerNeighbour = outerNeighbour
- if pLanes is not None:
- if isinstance(pLanes, list):
- self._pLanes.extend(pLanes)
- else:
- self._pLanes.append(pLanes)
- def append(self, pLane):
- self._pLanes.append(pLane)
- @property
- def id(self):
- if self._id is not None:
- return self._id
- raise Exception()
- @property
- def type(self):
- return self._pLanes[0]._type
- @property
- def length(self):
- return sum([x.length for x in self._pLanes])
- def convertToLanelet(self, precision=0.5, ref=None, refDistance=[0.0, 0.0]):
- lanelet = None
- y1 = refDistance[0]
- x = 0
- for pLane in self._pLanes:
- x += pLane.length
- y2 = (refDistance[1] - refDistance[0]) / self.length * x + refDistance[0]
- # First lanelet
- if lanelet is None:
- lanelet = pLane.convertToLanelet(precision=precision, ref=ref, refDistance=[y1, y2])
- lanelet.lanelet_id = self.id
- continue
- # Append all following lanelets
- lanelet = lanelet.concatenate(pLane.convertToLanelet(precision=precision, ref=ref, refDistance=[y1, y2]), self.id)
- y1 = y2
- if lanelet is None:
- raise Exception("Lanelet concatenation problem")
- # Adjacent lanes
- if self.innerNeighbour is not None:
- lanelet.adj_left = self.innerNeighbour
- lanelet.adj_left_same_direction = self.innerNeighbourSameDirection
- if self.outerNeighbour is not None:
- lanelet.adj_right = self.outerNeighbour
- lanelet.adj_right_same_direction = True
- return lanelet
- @property
- def innerNeighbour(self):
- return self._innerNeighbour
- @innerNeighbour.setter
- def innerNeighbour(self, value):
- self._innerNeighbour = value
- @property
- def innerNeighbourSameDirection(self):
- return self._innerNeighbourSameDirection
- @innerNeighbourSameDirection.setter
- def innerNeighbourSameDirection(self, value):
- self._innerNeighbourSameDirection = value
- @property
- def outerNeighbour(self):
- """ Outer neighbour has always the same driving direction """
- return self._outerNeighbour
- @outerNeighbour.setter
- def outerNeighbour(self, value):
- self._outerNeighbour = value
diff --git a/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/opendrive2lanelet/opendrive2lanelet/utils.py b/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/opendrive2lanelet/opendrive2lanelet/utils.py
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--- a/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/opendrive2lanelet/opendrive2lanelet/utils.py
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-def encode_road_section_lane_width_id(roadId, sectionId, laneId, widthId):
- return ".".join([str(roadId), str(sectionId), str(laneId), str(widthId)])
-def decode_road_section_lane_width_id(encodedString):
- parts = encodedString.split(".")
- if len(parts) != 4:
- raise Exception()
- return (int(parts[0]), int(parts[1]), int(parts[2]), int(parts[3]))
-def allCloseToZero(a):
- """ Tests if all elements of a are close to zero. """
- import numpy
- return numpy.allclose(a, numpy.zeros(numpy.shape(a)))
diff --git a/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/opendrive2lanelet/opendriveparser/README.md b/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/opendrive2lanelet/opendriveparser/README.md
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index 7132e21..0000000
--- a/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/opendrive2lanelet/opendriveparser/README.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-# OpenDRIVE parser
-## Usage
-from lxml import etree
-from opendriveparser import parse_opendrive
-fh = open("input_opendrive.xodr", 'r')
-openDrive = parse_opendrive(etree.parse(fh).getroot())
-# Now do stuff with the data
-for road in openDrive.roads:
- print("Road ID: {}".format(road.id))
-## Author
-Stefan Urban
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/opendrive2lanelet/opendriveparser/__init__.py b/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/opendrive2lanelet/opendriveparser/__init__.py
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index dac222a..0000000
--- a/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/opendrive2lanelet/opendriveparser/__init__.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-from opendriveparser.parser import parse_opendrive
diff --git a/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/opendrive2lanelet/opendriveparser/elements/__init__.py b/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/opendrive2lanelet/opendriveparser/elements/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
diff --git a/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/opendrive2lanelet/opendriveparser/elements/eulerspiral.py b/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/opendrive2lanelet/opendriveparser/elements/eulerspiral.py
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index 8bd1cb9..0000000
--- a/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/opendrive2lanelet/opendriveparser/elements/eulerspiral.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-import numpy as np
-from scipy.special import fresnel
-class EulerSpiral(object):
- def __init__(self, gamma):
- self._gamma = gamma
- @staticmethod
- def createFromLengthAndCurvature(length, curvStart, curvEnd):
- return EulerSpiral(1 * (curvEnd - curvStart) / length)
- def calc(self, s, x0=0, y0=0, kappa0=0, theta0=0):
- # Start
- C0 = x0 + 1j * y0
- if self._gamma == 0 and kappa0 == 0:
- # Straight line
- Cs = C0 + np.exp(1j * theta0 * s)
- elif self._gamma == 0 and kappa0 != 0:
- # Arc
- Cs = C0 + np.exp(1j * theta0) / kappa0 * (np.sin(kappa0 * s) + 1j * (1 - np.cos(kappa0 * s)))
- else:
- # Fresnel integrals
- Sa, Ca = fresnel((kappa0 + self._gamma * s) / np.sqrt(np.pi * np.abs(self._gamma)))
- Sb, Cb = fresnel(kappa0 / np.sqrt(np.pi * np.abs(self._gamma)))
- # Euler Spiral
- Cs1 = np.sqrt(np.pi / np.abs(self._gamma)) * np.exp(1j * (theta0 - kappa0**2 / 2 / self._gamma))
- Cs2 = np.sign(self._gamma) * (Ca - Cb) + 1j * Sa - 1j * Sb
- Cs = C0 + Cs1 * Cs2
- # Tangent at each point
- theta = self._gamma * s**2 / 2 + kappa0 * s + theta0
- return (Cs.real, Cs.imag, theta)
diff --git a/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/opendrive2lanelet/opendriveparser/elements/junction.py b/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/opendrive2lanelet/opendriveparser/elements/junction.py
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index 2a334fc..0000000
--- a/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/opendrive2lanelet/opendriveparser/elements/junction.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,116 +0,0 @@
-class Junction(object):
- # TODO priority
- # TODO controller
- def __init__(self):
- self._id = None
- self._name = None
- self._connections = []
- @property
- def id(self):
- return self._id
- @id.setter
- def id(self, value):
- self._id = int(value)
- @property
- def name(self):
- return self._name
- @name.setter
- def name(self, value):
- self._name = str(value)
- @property
- def connections(self):
- return self._connections
- def addConnection(self, connection):
- if not isinstance(connection, Connection):
- raise TypeError("Has to be of instance Connection")
- self._connections.append(connection)
-class Connection(object):
- def __init__(self):
- self._id = None
- self._incomingRoad = None
- self._connectingRoad = None
- self._contactPoint = None
- self._laneLinks = []
- @property
- def id(self):
- return self._id
- @id.setter
- def id(self, value):
- self._id = int(value)
- @property
- def incomingRoad(self):
- return self._incomingRoad
- @incomingRoad.setter
- def incomingRoad(self, value):
- self._incomingRoad = int(value)
- @property
- def connectingRoad(self):
- return self._connectingRoad
- @connectingRoad.setter
- def connectingRoad(self, value):
- self._connectingRoad = int(value)
- @property
- def contactPoint(self):
- return self._contactPoint
- @contactPoint.setter
- def contactPoint(self, value):
- if value not in ["start", "end"]:
- raise AttributeError("Contact point can only be start or end.")
- self._contactPoint = value
- @property
- def laneLinks(self):
- return self._laneLinks
- def addLaneLink(self, laneLink):
- if not isinstance(laneLink, LaneLink):
- raise TypeError("Has to be of instance LaneLink")
- self._laneLinks.append(laneLink)
-class LaneLink(object):
- def __init__(self):
- self._from = None
- self._to = None
- def __str__(self):
- return str(self._from) + " > " + str(self._to)
- @property
- def fromId(self):
- return self._from
- @fromId.setter
- def fromId(self, value):
- self._from = int(value)
- @property
- def toId(self):
- return self._to
- @toId.setter
- def toId(self, value):
- self._to = int(value)
diff --git a/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/opendrive2lanelet/opendriveparser/elements/openDrive.py b/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/opendrive2lanelet/opendriveparser/elements/openDrive.py
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index 3a1192d..0000000
--- a/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/opendrive2lanelet/opendriveparser/elements/openDrive.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,142 +0,0 @@
-class OpenDrive(object):
- def __init__(self):
- self._header = Header()
- self._roads = []
- self._controllers = []
- self._junctions = []
- self._junctionGroups = []
- self._stations = []
- @property
- def header(self):
- return self._header
- @property
- def roads(self):
- return self._roads
- def getRoad(self, id):
- for road in self._roads:
- if road.id == id:
- return road
- return None
- @property
- def controllers(self):
- return self._controllers
- @property
- def junctions(self):
- return self._junctions
- def getJunction(self, junctionId):
- for junction in self._junctions:
- if junction.id == junctionId:
- return junction
- return None
- @property
- def junctionGroups(self):
- return self._junctionGroups
- @property
- def stations(self):
- return self._stations
-class Header(object):
- def __init__(self):
- self._revMajor = None
- self._revMinor = None
- self._name = None
- self._version = None
- self._date = None
- self._north = None
- self._south = None
- self._east = None
- self._west = None
- self._vendor = None
- @property
- def revMajor(self):
- return self._revMajor
- @revMajor.setter
- def revMajor(self, value):
- self._revMajor = value
- @property
- def revMinor(self):
- return self._revMinor
- @revMinor.setter
- def revMinor(self, value):
- self._revMinor = value
- @property
- def name(self):
- return self._name
- @name.setter
- def name(self, value):
- self._name = value
- @property
- def version(self):
- return self._version
- @version.setter
- def version(self, value):
- self._version = value
- @property
- def date(self):
- return self._date
- @date.setter
- def date(self, value):
- self._date = value
- @property
- def north(self):
- return self._north
- @north.setter
- def north(self, value):
- self._north = value
- @property
- def south(self):
- return self._south
- @south.setter
- def south(self, value):
- self._south = value
- @property
- def east(self):
- return self._east
- @east.setter
- def east(self, value):
- self._east = value
- @property
- def west(self):
- return self._west
- @west.setter
- def west(self, value):
- self._west = value
- @property
- def vendor(self):
- return self._vendor
- @vendor.setter
- def vendor(self, value):
- self._vendor = value
diff --git a/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/opendrive2lanelet/opendriveparser/elements/road.py b/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/opendrive2lanelet/opendriveparser/elements/road.py
deleted file mode 100644
index fc59c5a..0000000
--- a/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/opendrive2lanelet/opendriveparser/elements/road.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-from opendriveparser.elements.roadPlanView import PlanView
-from opendriveparser.elements.roadLink import Link
-from opendriveparser.elements.roadLanes import Lanes
-from opendriveparser.elements.roadElevationProfile import ElevationProfile
-from opendriveparser.elements.roadLateralProfile import LateralProfile
-from opendriveparser.elements.junction import Junction
-class Road(object):
- def __init__(self):
- self._id = None
- self._name = None
- self._junction = None
- self._length = None
- self._header = None # TODO
- self._link = Link()
- self._types = []
- self._planView = PlanView()
- self._elevationProfile = ElevationProfile()
- self._lateralProfile = LateralProfile()
- self._lanes = Lanes()
- @property
- def id(self):
- return self._id
- @id.setter
- def id(self, value):
- self._id = int(value)
- @property
- def name(self):
- return self._name
- @name.setter
- def name(self, value):
- self._name = str(value)
- @property
- def junction(self):
- return self._junction
- @junction.setter
- def junction(self, value):
- if not isinstance(value, Junction) and value is not None:
- raise TypeError("Property must be a Junction or NoneType")
- if value == -1:
- value = None
- self._junction = value
- @property
- def link(self):
- return self._link
- @property
- def types(self):
- return self._types
- @property
- def planView(self):
- return self._planView
- @property
- def elevationProfile(self):
- return self._elevationProfile
- @property
- def lateralProfile(self):
- return self._lateralProfile
- @property
- def lanes(self):
- return self._lanes
diff --git a/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/opendrive2lanelet/opendriveparser/elements/roadElevationProfile.py b/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/opendrive2lanelet/opendriveparser/elements/roadElevationProfile.py
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index b4240e8..0000000
--- a/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/opendrive2lanelet/opendriveparser/elements/roadElevationProfile.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-class ElevationProfile(object):
- def __init__(self):
- self._elevations = []
- @property
- def elevations(self):
- return self._elevations
-class Elevation(object):
- def __init__(self):
- self._sPos = None
- self._a = None
- self._b = None
- self._c = None
- self._d = None
- @property
- def sPos(self):
- return self._sPos
- @sPos.setter
- def sPos(self, value):
- self._sPos = float(value)
- @property
- def a(self):
- return self._a
- @a.setter
- def a(self, value):
- self._a = float(value)
- @property
- def b(self):
- return self._b
- @b.setter
- def b(self, value):
- self._b = float(value)
- @property
- def c(self):
- return self._c
- @c.setter
- def c(self, value):
- self._c = float(value)
- @property
- def d(self):
- return self._d
- @d.setter
- def d(self, value):
- self._d = float(value)
diff --git a/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/opendrive2lanelet/opendriveparser/elements/roadLanes.py b/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/opendrive2lanelet/opendriveparser/elements/roadLanes.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 0829488..0000000
--- a/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/opendrive2lanelet/opendriveparser/elements/roadLanes.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,355 +0,0 @@
-class Lanes(object):
- def __init__(self):
- self._laneOffsets = []
- self._laneSections = []
- @property
- def laneOffsets(self):
- self._laneOffsets.sort(key=lambda x: x.sPos)
- return self._laneOffsets
- @property
- def laneSections(self):
- self._laneSections.sort(key=lambda x: x.sPos)
- return self._laneSections
- def getLaneSection(self, laneSectionIdx):
- for laneSection in self.laneSections:
- if laneSection.idx == laneSectionIdx:
- return laneSection
- return None
- def getLastLaneSectionIdx(self):
- numLaneSections = len(self.laneSections)
- if numLaneSections > 1:
- return numLaneSections - 1
- return 0
-class LaneOffset(object):
- def __init__(self):
- self._sPos = None
- self._a = None
- self._b = None
- self._c = None
- self._d = None
- @property
- def sPos(self):
- return self._sPos
- @sPos.setter
- def sPos(self, value):
- self._sPos = float(value)
- @property
- def a(self):
- return self._a
- @a.setter
- def a(self, value):
- self._a = float(value)
- @property
- def b(self):
- return self._b
- @b.setter
- def b(self, value):
- self._b = float(value)
- @property
- def c(self):
- return self._c
- @c.setter
- def c(self, value):
- self._c = float(value)
- @property
- def d(self):
- return self._d
- @d.setter
- def d(self, value):
- self._d = float(value)
- @property
- def coeffs(self):
- """ Array of coefficients for usage with numpy.polynomial.polynomial.polyval """
- return [self._a, self._b, self._c, self._d]
-class LaneSection(object):
- def __init__(self, road=None):
- self._idx = None
- self._sPos = None
- self._singleSide = None
- self._leftLanes = LeftLanes()
- self._centerLanes = CenterLanes()
- self._rightLanes = RightLanes()
- self._parentRoad = road
- @property
- def idx(self):
- return self._idx
- @idx.setter
- def idx(self, value):
- self._idx = int(value)
- @property
- def sPos(self):
- return self._sPos
- @sPos.setter
- def sPos(self, value):
- self._sPos = float(value)
- @property
- def length(self):
- return self._length
- @length.setter
- def length(self, value):
- self._length = float(value)
- @property
- def singleSide(self):
- return self._singleSide
- @singleSide.setter
- def singleSide(self, value):
- if value not in ["true", "false"] and value is not None:
- raise AttributeError("Value must be true or false.")
- self._singleSide = (value == "true")
- @property
- def leftLanes(self):
- """ Get list of sorted lanes always starting in the middle (lane id -1) """
- return self._leftLanes.lanes
- @property
- def centerLanes(self):
- return self._centerLanes.lanes
- @property
- def rightLanes(self):
- """ Get list of sorted lanes always starting in the middle (lane id 1) """
- return self._rightLanes.lanes
- @property
- def allLanes(self):
- """ Attention! lanes are not sorted by id """
- return self._leftLanes.lanes + self._centerLanes.lanes + self._rightLanes.lanes
- def getLane(self, laneId):
- for lane in self.allLanes:
- if lane.id == laneId:
- return lane
- return None
- @property
- def parentRoad(self):
- return self._parentRoad
-class LeftLanes(object):
- sort_direction = False
- def __init__(self):
- self._lanes = []
- @property
- def lanes(self):
- self._lanes.sort(key=lambda x: x.id, reverse=self.sort_direction)
- return self._lanes
-class CenterLanes(LeftLanes):
- pass
-class RightLanes(LeftLanes):
- sort_direction = True
-class Lane(object):
- laneTypes = [
- "none", "driving", "stop", "shoulder", "biking", "sidewalk", "border",
- "restricted", "parking", "bidirectional", "median", "special1", "special2",
- "special3", "roadWorks", "tram", "rail", "entry", "exit", "offRamp", "onRamp"
- ]
- def __init__(self, parentRoad):
- self._parent_road = parentRoad
- self._id = None
- self._type = None
- self._level = None
- self._link = LaneLink()
- self._widths = []
- self._borders = []
- @property
- def parentRoad(self):
- return self._parent_road
- @property
- def id(self):
- return self._id
- @id.setter
- def id(self, value):
- self._id = int(value)
- @property
- def type(self):
- return self._type
- @type.setter
- def type(self, value):
- if value not in self.laneTypes:
- raise Exception()
- self._type = str(value)
- @property
- def level(self):
- return self._level
- @level.setter
- def level(self, value):
- if value not in ["true", "false"] and value is not None:
- raise AttributeError("Value must be true or false.")
- self._level = (value == "true")
- @property
- def link(self):
- return self._link
- @property
- def widths(self):
- self._widths.sort(key=lambda x: x.sOffset)
- return self._widths
- def getWidth(self, widthIdx):
- for width in self._widths:
- if width.idx == widthIdx:
- return width
- return None
- def getLastLaneWidthIdx(self):
- """ Returns the index of the last width sector of the lane """
- numWidths = len(self._widths)
- if numWidths > 1:
- return numWidths - 1
- return 0
- @property
- def borders(self):
- return self._borders
-class LaneLink(object):
- def __init__(self):
- self._predecessor = None
- self._successor = None
- @property
- def predecessorId(self):
- return self._predecessor
- @predecessorId.setter
- def predecessorId(self, value):
- self._predecessor = int(value)
- @property
- def successorId(self):
- return self._successor
- @successorId.setter
- def successorId(self, value):
- self._successor = int(value)
-class LaneWidth(object):
- def __init__(self):
- self._idx = None
- self._sOffset = None
- self._a = None
- self._b = None
- self._c = None
- self._d = None
- @property
- def idx(self):
- return self._idx
- @idx.setter
- def idx(self, value):
- self._idx = int(value)
- @property
- def sOffset(self):
- return self._sOffset
- @sOffset.setter
- def sOffset(self, value):
- self._sOffset = float(value)
- @property
- def a(self):
- return self._a
- @a.setter
- def a(self, value):
- self._a = float(value)
- @property
- def b(self):
- return self._b
- @b.setter
- def b(self, value):
- self._b = float(value)
- @property
- def c(self):
- return self._c
- @c.setter
- def c(self, value):
- self._c = float(value)
- @property
- def d(self):
- return self._d
- @d.setter
- def d(self, value):
- self._d = float(value)
- @property
- def coeffs(self):
- """ Array of coefficients for usage with numpy.polynomial.polynomial.polyval """
- return [self._a, self._b, self._c, self._d]
-class LaneBorder(LaneWidth):
- pass
diff --git a/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/opendrive2lanelet/opendriveparser/elements/roadLateralProfile.py b/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/opendrive2lanelet/opendriveparser/elements/roadLateralProfile.py
deleted file mode 100644
index cf0dc8b..0000000
--- a/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/opendrive2lanelet/opendriveparser/elements/roadLateralProfile.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,211 +0,0 @@
-class LateralProfile(object):
- def __init__(self):
- self._superelevations = []
- self._crossfalls = []
- self._shapes = []
- @property
- def superelevations(self):
- return self._superelevations
- @superelevations.setter
- def superelevations(self, value):
- if not isinstance(value, list) or not all(isinstance(x, Superelevation) for x in value):
- raise TypeError("Value must be an instance of Superelevation.")
- self._superelevations = value
- @property
- def crossfalls(self):
- return self._crossfalls
- @crossfalls.setter
- def crossfalls(self, value):
- if not isinstance(value, list) or not all(isinstance(x, Crossfall) for x in value):
- raise TypeError("Value must be an instance of Crossfall.")
- self._crossfalls = value
- @property
- def shapes(self):
- return self._shapes
- @shapes.setter
- def shapes(self, value):
- if not isinstance(value, list) or not all(isinstance(x, Shape) for x in value):
- raise TypeError("Value must be a list of instances of Shape.")
- self._shapes = value
-class Superelevation(object):
- def __init__(self):
- self._sPos = None
- self._a = None
- self._b = None
- self._c = None
- self._d = None
- @property
- def sPos(self):
- return self._sPos
- @sPos.setter
- def sPos(self, value):
- self._sPos = float(value)
- @property
- def a(self):
- return self._a
- @a.setter
- def a(self, value):
- self._a = float(value)
- @property
- def b(self):
- return self._b
- @b.setter
- def b(self, value):
- self._b = float(value)
- @property
- def c(self):
- return self._c
- @c.setter
- def c(self, value):
- self._c = float(value)
- @property
- def d(self):
- return self._d
- @d.setter
- def d(self, value):
- self._d = float(value)
-class Crossfall(object):
- def __init__(self):
- self._side = None
- self._sPos = None
- self._a = None
- self._b = None
- self._c = None
- self._d = None
- @property
- def side(self):
- return self._side
- @side.setter
- def side(self, value):
- if value not in ["left", "right", "both"]:
- raise TypeError("Value must be string with content 'left', 'right' or 'both'.")
- self._side = value
- @property
- def sPos(self):
- return self._sPos
- @sPos.setter
- def sPos(self, value):
- self._sPos = float(value)
- @property
- def a(self):
- return self._a
- @a.setter
- def a(self, value):
- self._a = float(value)
- @property
- def b(self):
- return self._b
- @b.setter
- def b(self, value):
- self._b = float(value)
- @property
- def c(self):
- return self._c
- @c.setter
- def c(self, value):
- self._c = float(value)
- @property
- def d(self):
- return self._d
- @d.setter
- def d(self, value):
- self._d = float(value)
-class Shape(object):
- def __init__(self):
- self._sPos = None
- self._t = None
- self._a = None
- self._b = None
- self._c = None
- self._d = None
- @property
- def sPos(self):
- return self._sPos
- @sPos.setter
- def sPos(self, value):
- self._sPos = float(value)
- @property
- def t(self):
- return self._t
- @t.setter
- def t(self, value):
- self._t = float(value)
- @property
- def a(self):
- return self._a
- @a.setter
- def a(self, value):
- self._a = float(value)
- @property
- def b(self):
- return self._b
- @b.setter
- def b(self, value):
- self._b = float(value)
- @property
- def c(self):
- return self._c
- @c.setter
- def c(self, value):
- self._c = float(value)
- @property
- def d(self):
- return self._d
- @d.setter
- def d(self, value):
- self._d = float(value)
diff --git a/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/opendrive2lanelet/opendriveparser/elements/roadLink.py b/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/opendrive2lanelet/opendriveparser/elements/roadLink.py
deleted file mode 100644
index ce89503..0000000
--- a/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/opendrive2lanelet/opendriveparser/elements/roadLink.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,139 +0,0 @@
-class Link(object):
- def __init__(self):
- self._id = None
- self._predecessor = None
- self._successor = None
- self._neighbors = []
- def __str__(self):
- return " > link id " + str(self._id) + " | successor: " + str(self._successor)
- @property
- def id(self):
- return self._id
- @id.setter
- def id(self, value):
- self._id = int(value)
- @property
- def predecessor(self):
- return self._predecessor
- @predecessor.setter
- def predecessor(self, value):
- if not isinstance(value, Predecessor):
- raise TypeError("Value must be Predecessor")
- self._predecessor = value
- @property
- def successor(self):
- return self._successor
- @successor.setter
- def successor(self, value):
- if not isinstance(value, Successor):
- raise TypeError("Value must be Successor")
- self._successor = value
- @property
- def neighbors(self):
- return self._neighbors
- @neighbors.setter
- def neighbors(self, value):
- if not isinstance(value, list) or not all(isinstance(x, Neighbor) for x in value):
- raise TypeError("Value must be list of instances of Neighbor.")
- self._neighbors = value
- def addNeighbor(self, value):
- if not isinstance(value, Neighbor):
- raise TypeError("Value must be Neighbor")
- self._neighbors.append(value)
-class Predecessor(object):
- def __init__(self):
- self._elementType = None
- self._elementId = None
- self._contactPoint = None
- def __str__(self):
- return str(self._elementType) + " with id " + str(self._elementId) + " contact at " + str(self._contactPoint)
- @property
- def elementType(self):
- return self._elementType
- @elementType.setter
- def elementType(self, value):
- if value not in ["road", "junction"]:
- raise AttributeError("Value must be road or junction")
- self._elementType = value
- @property
- def elementId(self):
- return self._elementId
- @elementId.setter
- def elementId(self, value):
- self._elementId = int(value)
- @property
- def contactPoint(self):
- return self._contactPoint
- @contactPoint.setter
- def contactPoint(self, value):
- if value not in ["start", "end"] and value is not None:
- raise AttributeError("Value must be start or end")
- self._contactPoint = value
-class Successor(Predecessor):
- pass
-class Neighbor(object):
- def __init__(self):
- self._side = None
- self._elementId = None
- self._direction = None
- @property
- def side(self):
- return self._side
- @side.setter
- def side(self, value):
- if value not in ["left", "right"]:
- raise AttributeError("Value must be left or right")
- self._side = value
- @property
- def elementId(self):
- return self._elementId
- @elementId.setter
- def elementId(self, value):
- self._elementId = int(value)
- @property
- def direction(self):
- return self._direction
- @direction.setter
- def direction(self, value):
- if value not in ["same", "opposite"]:
- raise AttributeError("Value must be same or opposite")
- self._direction = value
diff --git a/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/opendrive2lanelet/opendriveparser/elements/roadPlanView.py b/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/opendrive2lanelet/opendriveparser/elements/roadPlanView.py
deleted file mode 100644
index d88a59a..0000000
--- a/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/opendrive2lanelet/opendriveparser/elements/roadPlanView.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,225 +0,0 @@
-import abc
-import numpy as np
-from opendriveparser.elements.eulerspiral import EulerSpiral
-class PlanView(object):
- def __init__(self):
- self._geometries = []
- def addLine(self, startPosition, heading, length):
- self._geometries.append(Line(startPosition, heading, length))
- def addSpiral(self, startPosition, heading, length, curvStart, curvEnd):
- self._geometries.append(Spiral(startPosition, heading, length, curvStart, curvEnd))
- def addArc(self, startPosition, heading, length, curvature):
- self._geometries.append(Arc(startPosition, heading, length, curvature))
- def addParamPoly3(self, startPosition, heading, length, aU, bU, cU, dU, aV, bV, cV, dV, pRange):
- self._geometries.append(ParamPoly3(startPosition, heading, length, aU, bU, cU, dU, aV, bV, cV, dV, pRange))
- def getLength(self):
- """ Get length of whole plan view """
- length = 0
- for geometry in self._geometries:
- length += geometry.getLength()
- return length
- def calc(self, sPos):
- """ Calculate position and tangent at sPos """
- for geometry in self._geometries:
- if geometry.getLength() < sPos and not np.isclose(geometry.getLength(), sPos):
- sPos -= geometry.getLength()
- continue
- return geometry.calcPosition(sPos)
- # TODO
- return self._geometries[-1].calcPosition(self._geometries[-1].getLength())
- # raise Exception("Tried to calculate a position outside of the borders of the reference path at s=" + str(sPos) + " but path has only length of l=" + str(self.getLength()))
-class Geometry(object):
- __metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta
- @abc.abstractmethod
- def getStartPosition(self):
- """ Returns the overall geometry length """
- return
- @abc.abstractmethod
- def getLength(self):
- """ Returns the overall geometry length """
- return
- @abc.abstractmethod
- def calcPosition(self, s):
- """ Calculates the position of the geometry as if the starting point is (0/0) """
- return
-class Line(Geometry):
- def __init__(self, startPosition, heading, length):
- self.startPosition = np.array(startPosition)
- self.heading = heading
- self.length = length
- def getStartPosition(self):
- return self.startPosition
- def getLength(self):
- return self.length
- def calcPosition(self, s):
- pos = self.startPosition + np.array([s * np.cos(self.heading), s * np.sin(self.heading)])
- tangent = self.heading
- return (pos, tangent)
-class Arc(Geometry):
- def __init__(self, startPosition, heading, length, curvature):
- self.startPosition = np.array(startPosition)
- self.heading = heading
- self.length = length
- self.curvature = curvature
- def getStartPosition(self):
- return self.startPosition
- def getLength(self):
- return self.length
- def calcPosition(self, s):
- c = self.curvature
- hdg = self.heading - np.pi / 2
- a = 2 / c * np.sin(s * c / 2)
- alpha = (np.pi - s * c) / 2 - hdg
- dx = -1 * a * np.cos(alpha)
- dy = a * np.sin(alpha)
- pos = self.startPosition + np.array([dx, dy])
- tangent = self.heading + s * self.curvature
- return (pos, tangent)
-class Spiral(Geometry):
- def __init__(self, startPosition, heading, length, curvStart, curvEnd):
- self._startPosition = np.array(startPosition)
- self._heading = heading
- self._length = length
- self._curvStart = curvStart
- self._curvEnd = curvEnd
- self._spiral = EulerSpiral.createFromLengthAndCurvature(self._length, self._curvStart, self._curvEnd)
- def getStartPosition(self):
- return self._startPosition
- def getLength(self):
- return self._length
- def calcPosition(self, s):
- (x, y, t) = self._spiral.calc(s, self._startPosition[0], self._startPosition[1], self._curvStart, self._heading)
- return (np.array([x, y]), t)
-class Poly3(Geometry):
- def __init__(self, startPosition, heading, length, a, b, c, d):
- self._startPosition = np.array(startPosition)
- self._heading = heading
- self._length = length
- self._a = a
- self._b = b
- self._c = c
- self._d = d
- raise NotImplementedError()
- def getStartPosition(self):
- return self._startPosition
- def getLength(self):
- return self._length
- def calcPosition(self, s):
- # TODO untested
- # Calculate new point in s/t coordinate system
- coeffs = [self._a, self._b, self._c, self._d]
- t = np.polynomial.polynomial.polyval(s, coeffs)
- # Rotate and translate
- srot = s * np.cos(self._heading) - t * np.sin(self._heading)
- trot = s * np.sin(self._heading) + t * np.cos(self._heading)
- # Derivate to get heading change
- dCoeffs = coeffs[1:] * np.array(np.arange(1, len(coeffs)))
- tangent = np.polynomial.polynomial.polyval(s, dCoeffs)
- return (self._startPosition + np.array([srot, trot]), self._heading + tangent)
-class ParamPoly3(Geometry):
- def __init__(self, startPosition, heading, length, aU, bU, cU, dU, aV, bV, cV, dV, pRange):
- self._startPosition = np.array(startPosition)
- self._heading = heading
- self._length = length
- self._aU = aU
- self._bU = bU
- self._cU = cU
- self._dU = dU
- self._aV = aV
- self._bV = bV
- self._cV = cV
- self._dV = dV
- if pRange is None:
- self._pRange = 1.0
- else:
- self._pRange = pRange
- def getStartPosition(self):
- return self._startPosition
- def getLength(self):
- return self._length
- def calcPosition(self, s):
- # Position
- pos = (s / self._length) * self._pRange
- coeffsU = [self._aU, self._bU, self._cU, self._dU]
- coeffsV = [self._aV, self._bV, self._cV, self._dV]
- x = np.polynomial.polynomial.polyval(pos, coeffsU)
- y = np.polynomial.polynomial.polyval(pos, coeffsV)
- xrot = x * np.cos(self._heading) - y * np.sin(self._heading)
- yrot = x * np.sin(self._heading) + y * np.cos(self._heading)
- # Tangent is defined by derivation
- dCoeffsU = coeffsU[1:] * np.array(np.arange(1, len(coeffsU)))
- dCoeffsV = coeffsV[1:] * np.array(np.arange(1, len(coeffsV)))
- dx = np.polynomial.polynomial.polyval(pos, dCoeffsU)
- dy = np.polynomial.polynomial.polyval(pos, dCoeffsV)
- tangent = np.arctan2(dy, dx)
- return (self._startPosition + np.array([xrot, yrot]), self._heading + tangent)
diff --git a/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/opendrive2lanelet/opendriveparser/elements/roadType.py b/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/opendrive2lanelet/opendriveparser/elements/roadType.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 0c8bf30..0000000
--- a/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/opendrive2lanelet/opendriveparser/elements/roadType.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-class Type(object):
- allowedTypes = ["unknown", "rural", "motorway", "town", "lowSpeed", "pedestrian", "bicycle"]
- def __init__(self):
- self._sPos = None
- self._type = None
- self._speed = None
- @property
- def sPos(self):
- return self._sPos
- @sPos.setter
- def sPos(self, value):
- self._sPos = float(value)
- @property
- def type(self):
- return self._type
- @type.setter
- def type(self, value):
- if value not in self.allowedTypes:
- raise AttributeError("Type not allowed.")
- self._type = value
- @property
- def speed(self):
- return self._speed
- @speed.setter
- def speed(self, value):
- if not isinstance(value, Speed):
- raise TypeError("Value must be instance of Speed.")
- self._speed = value
-class Speed(object):
- def __init__(self):
- self._max = None
- self._unit = None
- @property
- def max(self):
- return self._max
- @max.setter
- def max(self, value):
- self._max = str(value)
- @property
- def unit(self):
- return self._unit
- @unit.setter
- def unit(self, value):
- # TODO validate input
- self._unit = str(value)
diff --git a/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/opendrive2lanelet/opendriveparser/parser.py b/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/opendrive2lanelet/opendriveparser/parser.py
deleted file mode 100644
index aac8bb8..0000000
--- a/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/opendrive2lanelet/opendriveparser/parser.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,413 +0,0 @@
-import numpy as np
-from lxml import etree
-from opendriveparser.elements.openDrive import OpenDrive
-from opendriveparser.elements.road import Road
-from opendriveparser.elements.roadLink import Predecessor as RoadLinkPredecessor, Successor as RoadLinkSuccessor, Neighbor as RoadLinkNeighbor
-from opendriveparser.elements.roadType import Type as RoadType, Speed as RoadTypeSpeed
-from opendriveparser.elements.roadElevationProfile import Elevation as RoadElevationProfileElevation
-from opendriveparser.elements.roadLateralProfile import Superelevation as RoadLateralProfileSuperelevation, Crossfall as RoadLateralProfileCrossfall, Shape as RoadLateralProfileShape
-from opendriveparser.elements.roadLanes import LaneOffset as RoadLanesLaneOffset, Lane as RoadLaneSectionLane, LaneSection as RoadLanesSection, LaneWidth as RoadLaneSectionLaneWidth, LaneBorder as RoadLaneSectionLaneBorder
-from opendriveparser.elements.junction import Junction, Connection as JunctionConnection, LaneLink as JunctionConnectionLaneLink
-def parse_opendrive(rootNode):
- """ Tries to parse XML tree, returns OpenDRIVE object """
- # Only accept lxml element
- if not etree.iselement(rootNode):
- raise TypeError("Argument rootNode is not a xml element")
- newOpenDrive = OpenDrive()
- # Header
- header = rootNode.find("header")
- if header is not None:
- if header.get('revMajor') is not None:
- newOpenDrive.header.revMajor = str(header.get('revMajor'))
- if header.get('revMinor') is not None:
- newOpenDrive.header.revMinor = str(header.get('revMinor'))
- if header.get('name') is not None:
- newOpenDrive.header.name = str(header.get('name'))
- if header.get('version') is not None:
- newOpenDrive.header.version = str(header.get('version'))
- if header.get('date') is not None:
- newOpenDrive.header.date = str(header.get('date'))
- if header.get('north') is not None:
- newOpenDrive.header.north = str(header.get('north'))
- if header.get('south') is not None:
- newOpenDrive.header.south = str(header.get('south'))
- if header.get('east') is not None:
- newOpenDrive.header.east = str(header.get('east'))
- if header.get('west') is not None:
- newOpenDrive.header.west = str(header.get('west'))
- if header.get('vendor') is not None:
- newOpenDrive.header.vendor = str(header.get('vendor'))
- # Reference
- if header.find("geoReference") is not None:
- pass
- # TODO not implemented
- # Junctions
- for junction in rootNode.findall("junction"):
- newJunction = Junction()
- newJunction.id = int(junction.get("id"))
- newJunction.name = str(junction.get("name"))
- for connection in junction.findall("connection"):
- newConnection = JunctionConnection()
- newConnection.id = connection.get("id")
- newConnection.incomingRoad = connection.get("incomingRoad")
- newConnection.connectingRoad = connection.get("connectingRoad")
- newConnection.contactPoint = connection.get("contactPoint")
- for laneLink in connection.findall("laneLink"):
- newLaneLink = JunctionConnectionLaneLink()
- newLaneLink.fromId = laneLink.get("from")
- newLaneLink.toId = laneLink.get("to")
- newConnection.addLaneLink(newLaneLink)
- newJunction.addConnection(newConnection)
- newOpenDrive.junctions.append(newJunction)
- # Load roads
- for road in rootNode.findall("road"):
- newRoad = Road()
- newRoad.id = int(road.get("id"))
- newRoad.name = road.get("name")
- junctionId = int(road.get("junction")) if road.get("junction") != "-1" else None
- if junctionId:
- newRoad.junction = newOpenDrive.getJunction(junctionId)
- # TODO verify road length
- newRoad.length = float(road.get("length"))
- # Links
- if road.find("link") is not None:
- predecessor = road.find("link").find("predecessor")
- if predecessor is not None:
- newPredecessor = RoadLinkPredecessor()
- newPredecessor.elementType = predecessor.get("elementType")
- newPredecessor.elementId = predecessor.get("elementId")
- newPredecessor.contactPoint = predecessor.get("contactPoint")
- newRoad.link.predecessor = newPredecessor
- successor = road.find("link").find("successor")
- if successor is not None:
- newSuccessor = RoadLinkSuccessor()
- newSuccessor.elementType = successor.get("elementType")
- newSuccessor.elementId = successor.get("elementId")
- newSuccessor.contactPoint = successor.get("contactPoint")
- newRoad.link.successor = newSuccessor
- for neighbor in road.find("link").findall("neighbor"):
- newNeighbor = RoadLinkNeighbor()
- newNeighbor.side = neighbor.get("side")
- newNeighbor.elementId = neighbor.get("elementId")
- newNeighbor.direction = neighbor.get("direction")
- newRoad.link.neighbors.append(newNeighbor)
- # Type
- for roadType in road.findall("type"):
- newType = RoadType()
- newType.sPos = roadType.get("s")
- newType.type = roadType.get("type")
- if roadType.find("speed"):
- newSpeed = RoadTypeSpeed()
- newSpeed.max = roadType.find("speed").get("max")
- newSpeed.unit = roadType.find("speed").get("unit")
- newType.speed = newSpeed
- newRoad.types.append(newType)
- # Plan view
- for geometry in road.find("planView").findall("geometry"):
- startCoord = [float(geometry.get("x")), float(geometry.get("y"))]
- if geometry.find("line") is not None:
- newRoad.planView.addLine(startCoord, float(geometry.get("hdg")), float(geometry.get("length")))
- elif geometry.find("spiral") is not None:
- newRoad.planView.addSpiral(startCoord, float(geometry.get("hdg")), float(geometry.get("length")), float(geometry.find("spiral").get("curvStart")), float(geometry.find("spiral").get("curvEnd")))
- elif geometry.find("arc") is not None:
- newRoad.planView.addArc(startCoord, float(geometry.get("hdg")), float(geometry.get("length")), float(geometry.find("arc").get("curvature")))
- elif geometry.find("poly3") is not None:
- raise NotImplementedError()
- elif geometry.find("paramPoly3") is not None:
- if geometry.find("paramPoly3").get("pRange"):
- if geometry.find("paramPoly3").get("pRange") == "arcLength":
- pMax = float(geometry.get("length"))
- else:
- pMax = None
- else:
- pMax = None
- newRoad.planView.addParamPoly3( \
- startCoord, \
- float(geometry.get("hdg")), \
- float(geometry.get("length")), \
- float(geometry.find("paramPoly3").get("aU")), \
- float(geometry.find("paramPoly3").get("bU")), \
- float(geometry.find("paramPoly3").get("cU")), \
- float(geometry.find("paramPoly3").get("dU")), \
- float(geometry.find("paramPoly3").get("aV")), \
- float(geometry.find("paramPoly3").get("bV")), \
- float(geometry.find("paramPoly3").get("cV")), \
- float(geometry.find("paramPoly3").get("dV")), \
- pMax \
- )
- else:
- raise Exception("invalid xml")
- # Elevation profile
- if road.find("elevationProfile") is not None:
- for elevation in road.find("elevationProfile").findall("elevation"):
- newElevation = RoadElevationProfileElevation()
- newElevation.sPos = elevation.get("s")
- newElevation.a = elevation.get("a")
- newElevation.b = elevation.get("b")
- newElevation.c = elevation.get("c")
- newElevation.d = elevation.get("d")
- newRoad.elevationProfile.elevations.append(newElevation)
- # Lateral profile
- if road.find("lateralProfile") is not None:
- for superelevation in road.find("lateralProfile").findall("superelevation"):
- newSuperelevation = RoadLateralProfileSuperelevation()
- newSuperelevation.sPos = superelevation.get("s")
- newSuperelevation.a = superelevation.get("a")
- newSuperelevation.b = superelevation.get("b")
- newSuperelevation.c = superelevation.get("c")
- newSuperelevation.d = superelevation.get("d")
- newRoad.lateralProfile.superelevations.append(newSuperelevation)
- for crossfall in road.find("lateralProfile").findall("crossfall"):
- newCrossfall = RoadLateralProfileCrossfall()
- newCrossfall.side = crossfall.get("side")
- newCrossfall.sPos = crossfall.get("s")
- newCrossfall.a = crossfall.get("a")
- newCrossfall.b = crossfall.get("b")
- newCrossfall.c = crossfall.get("c")
- newCrossfall.d = crossfall.get("d")
- newRoad.lateralProfile.crossfalls.append(newCrossfall)
- for shape in road.find("lateralProfile").findall("shape"):
- newShape = RoadLateralProfileShape()
- newShape.sPos = shape.get("s")
- newShape.t = shape.get("t")
- newShape.a = shape.get("a")
- newShape.b = shape.get("b")
- newShape.c = shape.get("c")
- newShape.d = shape.get("d")
- newRoad.lateralProfile.shapes.append(newShape)
- # Lanes
- lanes = road.find("lanes")
- if lanes is None:
- raise Exception("Road must have lanes element")
- # Lane offset
- for laneOffset in lanes.findall("laneOffset"):
- newLaneOffset = RoadLanesLaneOffset()
- newLaneOffset.sPos = laneOffset.get("s")
- newLaneOffset.a = laneOffset.get("a")
- newLaneOffset.b = laneOffset.get("b")
- newLaneOffset.c = laneOffset.get("c")
- newLaneOffset.d = laneOffset.get("d")
- newRoad.lanes.laneOffsets.append(newLaneOffset)
- # Lane sections
- for laneSectionIdx, laneSection in enumerate(road.find("lanes").findall("laneSection")):
- newLaneSection = RoadLanesSection(road=newRoad)
- # Manually enumerate lane sections for referencing purposes
- newLaneSection.idx = laneSectionIdx
- newLaneSection.sPos = laneSection.get("s")
- newLaneSection.singleSide = laneSection.get("singleSide")
- sides = dict(
- left=newLaneSection.leftLanes,
- center=newLaneSection.centerLanes,
- right=newLaneSection.rightLanes
- )
- for sideTag, newSideLanes in sides.items():
- side = laneSection.find(sideTag)
- # It is possible one side is not present
- if side is None:
- continue
- for lane in side.findall("lane"):
- newLane = RoadLaneSectionLane(
- parentRoad=newRoad
- )
- newLane.id = lane.get("id")
- newLane.type = lane.get("type")
- # In some sample files the level is not specified according to the OpenDRIVE spec
- newLane.level = "true" if lane.get("level") in [1, '1', 'true'] else "false"
- # Lane Links
- if lane.find("link") is not None:
- if lane.find("link").find("predecessor") is not None:
- newLane.link.predecessorId = lane.find("link").find("predecessor").get("id")
- if lane.find("link").find("successor") is not None:
- newLane.link.successorId = lane.find("link").find("successor").get("id")
- # Width
- for widthIdx, width in enumerate(lane.findall("width")):
- newWidth = RoadLaneSectionLaneWidth()
- newWidth.idx = widthIdx
- newWidth.sOffset = width.get("sOffset")
- newWidth.a = width.get("a")
- newWidth.b = width.get("b")
- newWidth.c = width.get("c")
- newWidth.d = width.get("d")
- newLane.widths.append(newWidth)
- # Border
- for borderIdx, border in enumerate(lane.findall("border")):
- newBorder = RoadLaneSectionLaneBorder()
- newBorder.idx = borderIdx
- newBorder.sPos = border.get("sOffset")
- newBorder.a = border.get("a")
- newBorder.b = border.get("b")
- newBorder.c = border.get("c")
- newBorder.d = border.get("d")
- newLane.borders.append(newBorder)
- # Road Marks
- # TODO implementation
- # Material
- # TODO implementation
- # Visiblility
- # TODO implementation
- # Speed
- # TODO implementation
- # Access
- # TODO implementation
- # Lane Height
- # TODO implementation
- # Rules
- # TODO implementation
- newSideLanes.append(newLane)
- newRoad.lanes.laneSections.append(newLaneSection)
- # OpenDRIVE does not provide lane section lengths by itself, calculate them by ourselves
- for laneSection in newRoad.lanes.laneSections:
- # Last lane section in road
- if laneSection.idx + 1 >= len(newRoad.lanes.laneSections):
- laneSection.length = newRoad.planView.getLength() - laneSection.sPos
- # All but the last lane section end at the succeeding one
- else:
- laneSection.length = newRoad.lanes.laneSections[laneSection.idx + 1].sPos - laneSection.sPos
- # OpenDRIVE does not provide lane width lengths by itself, calculate them by ourselves
- for laneSection in newRoad.lanes.laneSections:
- for lane in laneSection.allLanes:
- widthsPoses = np.array([x.sOffset for x in lane.widths] + [laneSection.length])
- widthsLengths = widthsPoses[1:] - widthsPoses[:-1]
- for widthIdx, width in enumerate(lane.widths):
- width.length = widthsLengths[widthIdx]
- # Objects
- # TODO implementation
- # Signals
- # TODO implementation
- newOpenDrive.roads.append(newRoad)
- return newOpenDrive
diff --git a/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/opendrive2lanelet/requirements.txt b/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/opendrive2lanelet/requirements.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 67b3830..0000000
--- a/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/opendrive2lanelet/requirements.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/opendrive2lanelet/setup.py b/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/opendrive2lanelet/setup.py
deleted file mode 100644
index c48fbac..0000000
--- a/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/opendrive2lanelet/setup.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-from setuptools import setup, find_packages
- version='1.0',
- description='Parser and converter from OpenDRIVE to lanelets',
- author='Stefan Urban',
- author_email='stefan.urban@tum.de',
- url='https://gitlab.lrz.de/koschi/converter',
- packages=find_packages(),
- install_requires=[
- "numpy",
- "lxml",
- "scipy",
- ]
- )
diff --git a/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/opendrive2lanelet/test/convert.py b/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/opendrive2lanelet/test/convert.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 9939876..0000000
--- a/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/opendrive2lanelet/test/convert.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-from lxml import etree
-from opendriveparser import parse_opendrive
-from opendrive2lanelet import Network
-fh = open("test/opendrive-1.xodr", 'r')
-openDrive = parse_opendrive(etree.parse(fh).getroot())
-roadNetwork = Network()
-scenario = roadNetwork.exportCommonRoadScenario()
-fh = open("test/opendrive-1.xml", "wb")
diff --git a/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/opendrive2lanelet/test/opendrive-1-rn.dump b/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/opendrive2lanelet/test/opendrive-1-rn.dump
deleted file mode 100644
index c1ec0fe..0000000
Binary files a/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/opendrive2lanelet/test/opendrive-1-rn.dump and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/opendrive2lanelet/test/opendrive-1-sc.dump b/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/opendrive2lanelet/test/opendrive-1-sc.dump
deleted file mode 100644
index 9530b4f..0000000
Binary files a/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/opendrive2lanelet/test/opendrive-1-sc.dump and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/opendrive2lanelet/test/opendrive-1.py b/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/opendrive2lanelet/test/opendrive-1.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 94181ce..0000000
--- a/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/opendrive2lanelet/test/opendrive-1.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-import pickle
-import os
-import unittest
-from lxml import etree
-from opendriveparser import parse_opendrive
-from opendrive2lanelet import Network
-class OpenDrive1Test(unittest.TestCase):
- def setUp(self):
- # Write CommonRoad scenario to file
- fh = open(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) + "/opendrive-1.xodr", 'r')
- openDrive = parse_opendrive(etree.parse(fh).getroot())
- fh.close()
- self.roadNetwork = Network()
- self.roadNetwork.loadOpenDrive(openDrive)
- self.scenario = self.roadNetwork.exportCommonRoadScenario()
- #pickle.dump(self.roadNetwork, open(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) + "opendrive-1-rn.dump", "wb"))
- #pickle.dump(self.scenario, open(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) + "opendrive-1-sc.dump", "wb"))
- def test_planes(self):
- with open(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) + "/opendrive-1-rn.dump", "rb") as fh:
- self.assertEqual(self.roadNetwork, pickle.load(fh))
- def test_lanelets(self):
- with open(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) + "/opendrive-1-sc.dump", "rb") as fh:
- self.assertEqual(self.scenario, pickle.load(fh))
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- unittest.main()
diff --git a/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/opendrive2lanelet/viewer.py b/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/opendrive2lanelet/viewer.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 65979ca..0000000
--- a/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/opendrive2lanelet/viewer.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,281 +0,0 @@
-import math
-import signal
-import sys
-import os
-from lxml import etree
-import numpy as np
-import matplotlib
-from matplotlib.backends.backend_qt5agg import FigureCanvasQTAgg as FigureCanvas
-from matplotlib.figure import Figure
-from matplotlib.path import Path
-from matplotlib.patches import PathPatch, Polygon
-from PyQt5.QtCore import Qt, pyqtSlot
-from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QApplication, QWidget, QTableWidget, QPushButton, QLineEdit, QFileDialog, QLabel, QMessageBox
-from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QSizePolicy, QHBoxLayout, QVBoxLayout, QTableWidgetItem, QAbstractItemView
-from opendrive2lanelet.commonroad import Lanelet, LaneletNetwork, Scenario, ScenarioError
-class Canvas(FigureCanvas):
- """Ultimately, this is a QWidget """
- def __init__(self, parent=None, width=5, height=5, dpi=100):
- self.ax = None
- self.fig = Figure(figsize=(width, height), dpi=dpi)
- super(Canvas, self).__init__(self.fig)
- self.setParent(parent)
- self.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Expanding, QSizePolicy.Expanding)
- self.clear_axes()
- def clear_axes(self):
- if self.ax is not None:
- self.ax.clear()
- else:
- self.ax = self.fig.add_subplot(111)
- self.ax.set_aspect('equal', 'datalim')
- self.ax.set_axis_off()
- self.draw()
- def get_axes(self):
- return self.ax
- def update_plot(self):
- self.draw()
-class MainWindow(QWidget):
- def __init__(self, parent=None, path=None):
- super().__init__(parent)
- self.current_scenario = None
- self.selected_lanelet_id = None
- self._initUserInterface()
- self.show()
- if path is not None:
- self.openPath(path)
- def _initUserInterface(self):
- self.setWindowTitle("CommonRoad XML Viewer")
- self.setMinimumSize(1000, 600)
- self.testButton = QPushButton('test', self)
- self.testButton.clicked.connect(self.testCmd)
- self.loadButton = QPushButton('Load CommonRoad', self)
- self.loadButton.setToolTip('Load a CommonRoad scenario within a *.xml file')
- self.loadButton.clicked.connect(self.openCommonRoadFile)
- self.inputCommonRoadFile = QLineEdit(self)
- self.inputCommonRoadFile.setReadOnly(True)
- hbox = QHBoxLayout()
- hbox.addWidget(self.loadButton)
- hbox.addWidget(self.inputCommonRoadFile)
- self.dynamic = Canvas(self, width=5, height=10, dpi=100)
- vbox = QVBoxLayout()
- vbox.addLayout(hbox, 0)
- vbox.addWidget(self.dynamic, 1)
- vbox.setAlignment(Qt.AlignTop)
- self.laneletsList = QTableWidget(self)
- self.laneletsList.setSelectionBehavior(QAbstractItemView.SelectRows)
- self.laneletsList.clicked.connect(self.onClickLanelet)
- hbox2 = QHBoxLayout(self)
- hbox2.addLayout(vbox, 1)
- hbox2.addWidget(self.laneletsList, 0)
- self.setLayout(hbox2)
- def openCommonRoadFile(self):
- path, _ = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(
- self,
- "QFileDialog.getOpenFileName()",
- "",
- "CommonRoad scenario files *.xml (*.xml)",
- options=QFileDialog.Options()
- )
- if not path:
- return
- self.openPath(path)
- def openPath(self, path):
- filename = os.path.basename(path)
- self.inputCommonRoadFile.setText(filename)
- try:
- fh = open(path, 'r')
- data = fh.read()
- fh.close()
- scenario = Scenario.read_from_string(data)
- except etree.XMLSyntaxError as e:
- errorMsg = 'Syntax Error: {}'.format(e)
- QMessageBox.warning(self, 'CommonRoad XML error', 'There was an error during the loading of the selected CommonRoad file.\n\n{}'.format(errorMsg), QMessageBox.Ok)
- return
- except Exception as e:
- errorMsg = 'Unknown Error: {}'.format(e)
- QMessageBox.warning(self, 'CommonRoad XML error', 'There was an error during the loading of the selected CommonRoad file.\n\n{}'.format(errorMsg), QMessageBox.Ok)
- return
- self.openScenario(scenario)
- def openScenario(self, scenario):
- self.current_scenario = scenario
- self.update_plot()
- @pyqtSlot()
- def onClickLanelet(self):
- self.dynamic.clear_axes()
- selectedLanelets = self.laneletsList.selectedItems()
- if not selectedLanelets:
- self.selected_lanelet_id = None
- return
- self.selected_lanelet_id = int(selectedLanelets[0].text())
- self.update_plot()
- def update_plot(self):
- if self.current_scenario is None:
- self.dynamic.clear_axes()
- return
- try:
- selected_lanelet = self.current_scenario.lanelet_network.find_lanelet_by_id(self.selected_lanelet_id)
- except ScenarioError:
- selected_lanelet = None
- ax = self.dynamic.get_axes()
- xlim1 = float('Inf')
- xlim2 = -float('Inf')
- ylim1 = float('Inf')
- ylim2 = -float('Inf')
- for lanelet in self.current_scenario.lanelet_network.lanelets:
- # Selected lanelet
- if selected_lanelet is None:
- color = 'gray'
- alpha = 0.3
- zorder = 0
- label = None
- elif lanelet.lanelet_id == selected_lanelet.lanelet_id:
- color = 'red'
- alpha = 0.7
- zorder = 10
- label = '{} selected'.format(lanelet.lanelet_id)
- elif lanelet.lanelet_id in selected_lanelet.predecessor:
- color = 'blue'
- alpha = 0.5
- zorder = 5
- label = '{} predecessor of {}'.format(lanelet.lanelet_id, selected_lanelet.lanelet_id)
- elif lanelet.lanelet_id in selected_lanelet.successor:
- color = 'green'
- alpha = 0.5
- zorder = 5
- label = '{} successor of {}'.format(lanelet.lanelet_id, selected_lanelet.lanelet_id)
- elif lanelet.lanelet_id == selected_lanelet.adj_left:
- color = 'yellow'
- alpha = 0.5
- zorder = 5
- label = '{} adj left of {} ({})'.format(lanelet.lanelet_id, selected_lanelet.lanelet_id, "same" if selected_lanelet.adj_left_same_direction else "opposite")
- elif lanelet.lanelet_id == selected_lanelet.adj_right:
- color = 'orange'
- alpha = 0.5
- zorder = 5
- label = '{} adj right of {} ({})'.format(lanelet.lanelet_id, selected_lanelet.lanelet_id, "same" if selected_lanelet.adj_right_same_direction else "opposite")
- else:
- color = 'gray'
- alpha = 0.3
- zorder = 0
- label = None
- verts = []
- codes = [Path.MOVETO]
- # TODO efficiency
- for x, y in np.vstack([lanelet.left_vertices, lanelet.right_vertices[::-1]]):
- verts.append([x, y])
- codes.append(Path.LINETO)
- xlim1 = min(xlim1, x)
- xlim2 = max(xlim2, x)
- ylim1 = min(ylim1, y)
- ylim2 = max(ylim2, y)
- verts.append(verts[0])
- codes[-1] = Path.CLOSEPOLY
- path = Path(verts, codes)
- ax.add_patch(PathPatch(path, facecolor=color, edgecolor="black", lw=0.0, alpha=alpha, zorder=zorder, label=label))
- ax.plot([x for x, y in lanelet.left_vertices], [y for x, y in lanelet.left_vertices], color="black", lw=0.1)
- ax.plot([x for x, y in lanelet.right_vertices], [y for x, y in lanelet.right_vertices], color="black", lw=0.1)
- handles, labels = self.dynamic.get_axes().get_legend_handles_labels()
- self.dynamic.get_axes().legend(handles, labels)
- self.dynamic.get_axes().set_xlim([xlim1, xlim2])
- self.dynamic.get_axes().set_ylim([ylim1, ylim2])
- self.dynamic.update_plot()
- self.laneletsList.setRowCount(len(self.current_scenario.lanelet_network.lanelets))
- self.laneletsList.setColumnCount(2)
- for idx, lanelet in enumerate(self.current_scenario.lanelet_network.lanelets):
- self.laneletsList.setItem(idx - 1, 0, QTableWidgetItem("{}".format(lanelet.lanelet_id)))
- self.laneletsList.setItem(idx - 1, 1, QTableWidgetItem("{}".format(lanelet.description)))
- def testCmd(self):
- self.dynamic.fig.savefig("foo.pdf", bbox_inches='tight')
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- # Make it possible to exit application with ctrl+c on console
- signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_DFL)
- # Startup application
- app = QApplication(sys.argv)
- if len(sys.argv) >= 2:
- ex = MainWindow(path=sys.argv[1])
- else:
- ex = MainWindow()
- sys.exit(app.exec_())
diff --git a/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/opendrive2lanelets-converter b/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/opendrive2lanelets-converter
new file mode 160000
index 0000000..8f547c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/opendrive2lanelets-converter
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+Subproject commit 8f547c35cf6d2abf74ecd9818cf52527dede91cc
diff --git a/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/openDrive2csv/testEventMap.png b/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/testEventMap.png
similarity index 100%
rename from src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/openDrive2csv/testEventMap.png
rename to src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/testEventMap.png
diff --git a/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/openDrive2csv/testevent_map_bitmap.png b/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/testevent_map_bitmap.png
similarity index 100%
rename from src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/openDrive2csv/testevent_map_bitmap.png
rename to src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/testevent_map_bitmap.png
diff --git a/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/opendrive2lanelet/trajectoryArray.npz b/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/trajectoryArray.npz
similarity index 100%
rename from src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/opendrive2lanelet/trajectoryArray.npz
rename to src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/trajectoryArray.npz
diff --git a/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/opendrive2lanelet/asdf.png b/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/visualization1.png
similarity index 100%
rename from src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/opendrive2lanelet/asdf.png
rename to src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/visualization1.png
diff --git a/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/openDrive2csv/asdf.png b/src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/visualization2.png
similarity index 100%
rename from src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/openDrive2csv/asdf.png
rename to src/aadcUserPython/opendrive/visualization2.png