Update to include more plots.
Update to include more plots.
Hotfix radius issue, introduces one error.
Hotfix radius issue, introduces one error.
Merge remote-tracking branch 'refs/remotes/origin/main' into 0.4
Merge remote-tracking branch 'refs/remotes/origin/main' into 0.4
Update to mention pre-commit.
Update to mention pre-commit.
Pin scipy in all requirements files.
Pin scipy in all requirements files.
Eliminate reduntant testing in CI.
Eliminate reduntant testing in CI.
Allow RDF skipping if radii are provided. Also make internal rdf crea…
Allow RDF skipping if radii are provided. Also make internal rdf crea…
pinned pandas to 2.2 because pandas=2.1 causes a mysterious error in …
pinned pandas to 2.2 because pandas=2.1 causes a mysterious error in …
try building RTD with mambaforge
try building RTD with mambaforge
add python to build tools
add python to build tools