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Yocto build container with external download & build fragment cache. Builds Yocto kernel, device tree, rootfs and the SDK (when -e is submitted to the ./ script)with Mali GPU driver & video codec.


User & credentials

The hardcoded default user and password in the container are:

user: yocto
pass: yocto
sudo is installed and the user has been added to the sudoers

Execute the script ./ to build the OCI container image.

Upon completion of the build script, start the container by execution of the script to invoke the build of images. It can be supplied with arguments:

  • The script can be supplied with an external path to a directory with -c /path/to/dir or --cpath /path/to/dir where the Yocto downloads & build fragments can be cached (it requires about 7.3GB of available space (as of 10/10/2022) so that they do not need to be re-downloaded for every container run (just resubmit the same path). To allow the container to cache the data, the target directory needs to be writeable by uid and gid 1000 (which is the default user id & group id of the first user on a Linux system, confirm with id -u& id -g).
  • When no download path is submitted, the container will build the binaries in offline mode, utilizing the data & files that have been downloaded during the container build.
Arg Description
-c --cpath DIRECTORY Path to the cache directory
-n --no Container will start, setup the environment but not auto issue a build but instead start a dev shell
-s --sdk Container will build the SDK

The script in addition can be started with the argument -s to auto trigger compilation of the SDK after the initial Yocto build has finished.


After the compilation finishes, the shell in the container will remain active. The output is available in

  • images: /home/yocto/rzv2l_bsp_v100/build/tmp/deploy/images/smarc-rzv2l/

  • sdk: /home/yocto/rzv2l_bsp_v100/build/tmp/deploy/sdk/

The files in the abbove images directory include:

Description Filename
Linux kernel Image-smarc-rzv2l.bin
Device tree file r9a07g05l2-smarc.dtb
Root filesystem <image-name>-smarc-rzv2l.tar.bz2
Boot Loader bl2_bp-smarc-rzv2l_pmic.srec & fip-smarc-rzv2l_pmic.srec
FlashWriter Flash_Writer_SCIF_RZV2L_SMARC_PMIC_DDR4_2GB_1PCS.mot

and the resources can simply be copied to the host with docker cp NAME:SRC DST where NAME is the name of the running container thata can be retrieved by running docker ps on the host.

Note to WSL users:

Make sure to work with files on Linux mounts (avoid use of mounted Windows partitions)


Filesthat get downloaded by the Dockerfile on build are stored under: Z:\WebDownload\mh11\rzv2l\VerifiedLinuxPackage_v3.0.0

Run time information

  • ./ Builds the container image from the Dockerfile and downloads the required files, from the above resource
  • ./ Will start the container image, upon start, the script is executed from within the container
    • invokes which sets up the Yocto build environment inside the container
  • after the environment has been setup, will invoke the bitbake commands required to build the binary files