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Patched synapses added (#68)
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* Patched synapses added

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patch_with_stride & patch_with_overlap functions + Create_Patches class added

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Faezehabibi authored Aug 1, 2024
1 parent 42167cb commit 8d74157
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Showing 6 changed files with 639 additions and 2 deletions.
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions ngclearn/components/synapses/
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Expand Up @@ -20,3 +20,7 @@
from .convolution.traceSTDPDeconvSynapse import TraceSTDPDeconvSynapse
## modulated synaptic components
from .modulated.MSTDPETSynapse import MSTDPETSynapse
## patched synaptic components
from .patched.patchedSynapse import PatchedSynapse
from .patched.staticPatchedSynapse import StaticPatchedSynapse
from .patched.hebbianPatchedSynapse import HebbianPatchedSynapse
316 changes: 316 additions & 0 deletions ngclearn/components/synapses/patched/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,316 @@
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from jax import random, numpy as jnp, jit
from functools import partial
from ngclearn.utils.optim import get_opt_init_fn, get_opt_step_fn
from ngclearn import resolver, Component, Compartment
from ngclearn.components.synapses import PatchedSynapse
from ngclearn.utils import tensorstats

@partial(jit, static_argnums=[3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9])
def _calc_update(pre, post, W, w_mask, w_bound, is_nonnegative=True, signVal=1., w_decay=0.,
pre_wght=1., post_wght=1.):
Compute a tensor of adjustments to be applied to a synaptic value matrix.
pre: pre-synaptic statistic to drive Hebbian update
post: post-synaptic statistic to drive Hebbian update
W: synaptic weight values (at time t)
w_bound: maximum value to enforce over newly computed efficacies
is_nonnegative: (Unused)
signVal: multiplicative factor to modulate final update by (good for
flipping the signs of a computed synaptic change matrix)
w_decay: synaptic decay factor to apply to this update
pre_wght: pre-synaptic weighting term (Default: 1.)
post_wght: post-synaptic weighting term (Default: 1.)
an update/adjustment matrix, an update adjustment vector (for biases)
_pre = pre * pre_wght
_post = post * post_wght
dW = jnp.matmul(_pre.T, _post)
db = jnp.sum(_post, axis=0, keepdims=True)
if w_bound > 0.:
dW = dW * (w_bound - jnp.abs(W))
if w_decay > 0.:
dW = dW - W * w_decay

if w_mask!=None:
dW = dW * w_mask

return dW * signVal, db * signVal

@partial(jit, static_argnums=[1,2, 3])
def _enforce_constraints(W, w_mask, w_bound, is_nonnegative=True):
Enforces constraints that the (synaptic) efficacies/values within matrix
`W` must adhere to.
W: synaptic weight values (at time t)
w_bound: maximum value to enforce over newly computed efficacies
is_nonnegative: ensure updated value matrix is strictly non-negative
the newly evolved synaptic weight value matrix
_W = W
if w_bound > 0.:
if is_nonnegative == True:
_W = jnp.clip(_W, 0., w_bound)
_W = jnp.clip(_W, -w_bound, w_bound)

if w_mask!=None:
_W = _W * w_mask

return _W

class HebbianPatchedSynapse(PatchedSynapse):
A synaptic cable that adjusts its efficacies via a two-factor Hebbian
adjustment rule.
| --- Synapse Compartments: ---
| inputs - input (takes in external signals)
| outputs - output signals (transformation induced by synapses)
| weights - current value matrix of synaptic efficacies
| biases - current value vector of synaptic bias values
| key - JAX PRNG key
| --- Synaptic Plasticity Compartments: ---
| pre - pre-synaptic signal to drive first term of Hebbian update (takes in external signals)
| post - post-synaptic signal to drive 2nd term of Hebbian update (takes in external signals)
| dWweights - current delta matrix containing changes to be applied to synaptic efficacies
| dBiases - current delta vector containing changes to be applied to bias values
| opt_params - locally-embedded optimizer statisticis (e.g., Adam 1st/2nd moments if adam is used)
name: the string name of this cell
shape: tuple specifying shape of this synaptic cable (usually a 2-tuple
with number of inputs by number of outputs)
eta: global learning rate
weight_init: a kernel to drive initialization of this synaptic cable's values;
typically a tuple with 1st element as a string calling the name of
initialization to use
bias_init: a kernel to drive initialization of biases for this synaptic cable
(Default: None, which turns off/disables biases)
w_bound: maximum weight to softly bound this cable's value matrix to; if
set to 0, then no synaptic value bounding will be applied
is_nonnegative: enforce that synaptic efficacies are always non-negative
after each synaptic update (if False, no constraint will be applied)
w_decay: degree to which (L2) synaptic weight decay is applied to the
computed Hebbian adjustment (Default: 0); note that decay is not
applied to any configured biases
sign_value: multiplicative factor to apply to final synaptic update before
it is applied to synapses; this is useful if gradient descent style
optimization is required (as Hebbian rules typically yield
adjustments for ascent)
optim_type: optimization scheme to physically alter synaptic values
once an update is computed (Default: "sgd"); supported schemes
include "sgd" and "adam"
:Note: technically, if "sgd" or "adam" is used but `signVal = 1`,
then the ascent form of each rule is employed (signVal = -1) or
a negative learning rate will mean a descent form of the
`optim_scheme` is being employed
pre_wght: pre-synaptic weighting factor (Default: 1.)
post_wght: post-synaptic weighting factor (Default: 1.)
resist_scale: a fixed scaling factor to apply to synaptic transform
(Default: 1.), i.e., yields: out = ((W * Rscale) * in) + b
p_conn: probability of a connection existing (default: 1.); setting
this to < 1. will result in a sparser synaptic structure

def __init__(self, name, shape, n_sub_models, stride_shape=(0,0), eta=0., weight_init=None, bias_init=None,
w_mask=None, w_bound=1., is_nonnegative=False, w_decay=0., sign_value=1.,
optim_type="sgd", pre_wght=1., post_wght=1., p_conn=1.,
resist_scale=1., batch_size=1, **kwargs):
super().__init__(name, shape, n_sub_models, stride_shape, w_mask, weight_init, bias_init, resist_scale,
p_conn, batch_size=batch_size, **kwargs)

self.n_sub_models = n_sub_models
self.sub_stride = stride_shape

self.shape = (shape[0] + (2 * stride_shape[0]),
shape[1] + (2 * stride_shape[1]))
self.sub_shape = (shape[0]//n_sub_models + (2 * stride_shape[0]),
shape[1]//n_sub_models + (2* stride_shape[1]))

## synaptic plasticity properties and characteristics
self.Rscale = resist_scale
self.w_bound = w_bound
self.w_decay = w_decay ## synaptic decay
self.pre_wght = pre_wght
self.post_wght = post_wght
self.eta = eta
self.is_nonnegative = is_nonnegative
self.sign_value = sign_value

## optimization / adjustment properties (given learning dynamics above)
self.opt = get_opt_step_fn(optim_type, eta=self.eta)

# compartments (state of the cell, parameters, will be updated through stateless calls)
self.preVals = jnp.zeros((self.batch_size, self.shape[0]))
self.postVals = jnp.zeros((self.batch_size, self.shape[1]))
self.pre = Compartment(self.preVals) = Compartment(self.postVals)
self.w_mask = w_mask
self.dWeights = Compartment(jnp.zeros(self.shape))
self.dBiases = Compartment(jnp.zeros(self.shape[1]))

#key, subkey = random.split(self.key.value)
self.opt_params = Compartment(get_opt_init_fn(optim_type)(
[self.weights.value, self.biases.value]
if bias_init else [self.weights.value]))

def _compute_update(w_mask, w_bound, is_nonnegative, sign_value, w_decay, pre_wght,
post_wght, pre, post, weights):
## calculate synaptic update values
dW, db = _calc_update(
pre, post, weights, w_mask, w_bound, is_nonnegative=is_nonnegative,
signVal=sign_value, w_decay=w_decay, pre_wght=pre_wght,

return dW * jnp.where(0 != jnp.abs(weights), 1, 0) , db

def _evolve(w_mask, opt, w_bound, is_nonnegative, sign_value, w_decay, pre_wght,
post_wght, bias_init, pre, post, weights, biases, opt_params):
## calculate synaptic update values
dWeights, dBiases = HebbianPatchedSynapse._compute_update(
w_mask, w_bound, is_nonnegative, sign_value, w_decay,
pre_wght, post_wght, pre, post, weights
## conduct a step of optimization - get newly evolved synaptic weight value matrix
if bias_init != None:
opt_params, [weights, biases] = opt(opt_params, [weights, biases], [dWeights, dBiases])
# ignore db since no biases configured
opt_params, [weights] = opt(opt_params, [weights], [dWeights])
## ensure synaptic efficacies adhere to constraints
weights = _enforce_constraints(weights, w_mask, w_bound, is_nonnegative=is_nonnegative)
return opt_params, weights, biases, dWeights, dBiases

def evolve(self, opt_params, weights, biases, dWeights, dBiases):

def _reset(batch_size, shape):
preVals = jnp.zeros((batch_size, shape[0]))
postVals = jnp.zeros((batch_size, shape[1]))
return (
preVals, # inputs
postVals, # outputs
preVals, # pre
postVals, # post
jnp.zeros(shape), # dW
jnp.zeros(shape[1]), # db

def help(cls): ## component help function
properties = {
"synapse_type": "HebbianSynapse - performs an adaptable synaptic "
"transformation of inputs to produce output signals; "
"synapses are adjusted via two-term/factor Hebbian adjustment"
compartment_props = {
{"inputs": "Takes in external input signal values",
"pre": "Pre-synaptic statistic for Hebb rule (z_j)",
"post": "Post-synaptic statistic for Hebb rule (z_i)"},
{"weights": "Synapse efficacy/strength parameter values",
"biases": "Base-rate/bias parameter values",
"key": "JAX PRNG key"},
{"dWeights": "Synaptic weight value adjustment matrix produced at time t",
"dBiases": "Synaptic bias/base-rate value adjustment vector produced at time t"},
{"outputs": "Output of synaptic transformation"},
hyperparams = {
"shape": "Overall shape of synaptic weight value matrix; number inputs x number outputs",
"n_sub_models": "The number of submodels in each layer",
"stride_shape": "Stride shape of overlapping synaptic weight value matrix",
"batch_size": "Batch size dimension of this component",
"weight_init": "Initialization conditions for synaptic weight (W) values",
"bias_init": "Initialization conditions for bias/base-rate (b) values",
"resist_scale": "Resistance level scaling factor (applied to output of transformation)",
"p_conn": "Probability of a connection existing (otherwise, it is masked to zero)",
"is_nonnegative": "Should synapses be constrained to be non-negative post-updates?",
"sign_value": "Scalar `flipping` constant -- changes direction to Hebbian descent if < 0",
"eta": "Global (fixed) learning rate",
"pre_wght": "Pre-synaptic weighting coefficient (q_pre)",
"post_wght": "Post-synaptic weighting coefficient (q_post)",
"w_bound": "Soft synaptic bound applied to synapses post-update",
"w_decay": "Synaptic decay term",
"optim_type": "Choice of optimizer to adjust synaptic weights"
info = {cls.__name__: properties,
"compartments": compartment_props,
"dynamics": "outputs = [(W * Rscale) * inputs] + b ;"
"dW_{ij}/dt = eta * [(z_j * q_pre) * (z_i * q_post)] - W_{ij} * w_decay",
"hyperparameters": hyperparams}
return info

def reset(self, inputs, outputs, pre, post, dWeights, dBiases):

def __repr__(self):
comps = [varname for varname in dir(self) if Compartment.is_compartment(getattr(self, varname))]
maxlen = max(len(c) for c in comps) + 5
lines = f"[{self.__class__.__name__}] PATH: {}\n"
for c in comps:
stats = tensorstats(getattr(self, c).value)
if stats is not None:
line = [f"{k}: {v}" for k, v in stats.items()]
line = ", ".join(line)
line = "None"
lines += f" {f'({c})'.ljust(maxlen)}{line}\n"
return lines

if __name__ == '__main__':
from ngcsimlib.context import Context
with Context("Bar") as bar:
Wab = HebbianPatchedSynapse("Wab", (9, 30), 3)
plt.imshow(Wab.weights.value, cmap='gray')

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