diff --git a/cfdm/read_write/netcdf/netcdfread.py b/cfdm/read_write/netcdf/netcdfread.py
index fe43e867c..bb1c8524e 100644
--- a/cfdm/read_write/netcdf/netcdfread.py
+++ b/cfdm/read_write/netcdf/netcdfread.py
@@ -1020,26 +1020,41 @@ def read(
         # ------------------------------------------------------------
         # Find the CF version for the file, and the CFA version.
+        # (See '2.6.1 Identification of Conventions' in the CF Conformance
+        # document for valid inputs for the 'Conventions' property.)
         # ------------------------------------------------------------
         Conventions = g["global_attributes"].get("Conventions", "")
         # If the string contains any commas, it is assumed to be a
         # comma-separated list.
-        all_conventions = re.split(",\s*", Conventions)
+        all_conventions = re.split(r",\s*", Conventions)
         if all_conventions[0] == Conventions:
             all_conventions = Conventions.split()
         file_version = None
         for c in all_conventions:
-            if c.startswith("CF-"):
-                file_version = c.replace("CF-", "", 1)
-            elif c.startswith("UGRID-"):
+            # Be particularly strict with the regex to account for ambiguous
+            # values e.g. CF-<badversionformat> or CF-1.X/CF-1.Y. Note that:
+            #   * the '^' and '$' start and end of string tokens ensure that
+            #     only zero or one match can be found per given string c;
+            #   * the regex below ensures a valid input to
+            #     Version(), allowing any level of versioning identifier
+            #     detail e.g. (for future-proofing).
+            #     See https://packaging.python.org/en/latest/specifications/
+            #         version-specifiers/ for more on valid input to Version()
+            v_id = r"^{}-(\d+(\.\d+)*)$"
+            cf_v = re.search(v_id.format("CF"), c)
+            u_v = re.search(v_id.format("UGRID"), c)
+            cfa_v = re.search(v_id.format("CFA"), c)
+            if cf_v:
+                file_version = cf_v.group(1)
+            elif u_v:
                 # Allow UGRID if it has been specified in Conventions,
                 # regardless of the version of CF.
-                g["UGRID_version"] = Version(c.replace("UGRID-", "", 1))
-            elif c.startswith("CFA-"):
+                g["UGRID_version"] = Version(u_v.group(1))
+            elif cfa_v:
                 g["cfa"] = True
-                g["CFA_version"] = Version(c.replace("CFA-", "", 1))
+                g["CFA_version"] = Version(cfa_v.group(1))
             elif c == "CFA":
                 g["cfa"] = True
                 g["CFA_version"] = Version("0.4")
@@ -1054,6 +1069,11 @@ def read(
                 file_version = self.implementation.get_cf_version()
         g["file_version"] = Version(file_version)
+        if is_log_level_debug(logger):
+            logger.debug(
+                "    Versioning:\n        read_vars['file_version'] ="
+                f"{g['file_version']}"
+            )  # pragma: no cover
         # Set minimum/maximum versions
         for vn in ("1.6", "1.7", "1.8", "1.9", "1.10", "1.11"):
diff --git a/cfdm/read_write/read.py b/cfdm/read_write/read.py
index b96345878..2289be5eb 100644
--- a/cfdm/read_write/read.py
+++ b/cfdm/read_write/read.py
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ def read(
+    _scan_only=False,
     """Read field or domain constructs from a dataset.
@@ -335,6 +336,7 @@ def read(
+                _scan_only=_scan_only,
         except MaskError:
             # Some data required for field interpretation is missing,
diff --git a/cfdm/test/test_read_write.py b/cfdm/test/test_read_write.py
index 5e9c0ab8a..dc70e0e2d 100644
--- a/cfdm/test/test_read_write.py
+++ b/cfdm/test/test_read_write.py
@@ -702,6 +702,96 @@ def test_read_write_string(self):
                             self.assertTrue(i.equals(j, verbose=3))
+    def test_read_write_Conventions_version(self):
+        """Test processing of `Conventions` attribute to field property."""
+        from packaging.version import Version
+        f = cfdm.read(self.filename)[0]
+        # Construct single valid values for standards
+        valid_version_ends = ["1.11", "1", "2.30.4"]
+        cf_valid_conv = [f"CF-{v}" for v in valid_version_ends]
+        ugrid_valid_conv = [f"UGRID-{v}" for v in valid_version_ends]
+        cfa_valid_conv = [f"CFA-{v}" for v in valid_version_ends]
+        other_valid_conv = [f"somestandard-{v}" for v in valid_version_ends]
+        # Construct some mixed compound valid values for standards. Reverse
+        # one list to make version IDs differ on at least one standard.
+        zip_valid = list(zip(
+            cf_valid_conv, reversed(ugrid_valid_conv), cfa_valid_conv,
+            other_valid_conv
+        ))
+        # Only space and comma delimiters are valid (see Conformance doc.)
+        combinations_comma_delim = [",".join(c) for c in zip_valid]
+        combinations_space_delim = [" ".join(c) for c in zip_valid]
+        all_valid_conv = (
+            cf_valid_conv + ugrid_valid_conv + cfa_valid_conv +
+            other_valid_conv + combinations_comma_delim +
+            combinations_space_delim
+        )
+        # Check that valid Conventions version specifications get set as the
+        # corresponding version on the Conventions property.
+        for set_conv_value in all_valid_conv:
+            cfdm.write(f, tmpfile)
+            # Can't use cfdm to change Conventions property so must use netCDF4
+            # Open with append mode, just want to update the global attribute
+            n = netCDF4.Dataset(tmpfile, "a")
+            n.Conventions = set_conv_value
+            n.close()
+            g = cfdm.read(tmpfile)[0]
+            self.assertEqual(g.get_property("Conventions"), set_conv_value)
+        invalid_version_ends = ["1.1/1.2", "bad", ".11", ""]
+        cf_invalid_conv = [f"CF-{v}" for v in invalid_version_ends]
+        ugrid_invalid_conv = [f"UGRID-{v}" for v in invalid_version_ends]
+        cfa_invalid_conv = [f"CFA-{v}" for v in invalid_version_ends]
+        other_invalid_conv = [f"somestandard-{v}" for v in invalid_version_ends]
+        zip_invalid = zip(
+            cf_invalid_conv, ugrid_invalid_conv, cfa_invalid_conv,
+            other_invalid_conv
+        )
+        bad_combinations_good_delim = [",".join(c) for c in zip_invalid]
+        # Include valid values with bad (unsupported) delimiters
+        good_combinations_bad_delim = ["- ".join(c) for c in zip_valid]
+        all_invalid_conv = (
+            cf_invalid_conv + ugrid_invalid_conv + cfa_invalid_conv +
+            other_invalid_conv + bad_combinations_good_delim +
+            good_combinations_bad_delim
+        )
+        # Include a mixture of valid and invalid version specifiers
+        some_valid_some_invalid_conv = [
+            " ".join(c) for c in zip(
+                cf_invalid_conv, reversed(ugrid_valid_conv), cfa_invalid_conv,
+                other_valid_conv)
+        ]
+        # Check that invalid version specifications get ignored, so that the
+        # file is successfully read in, but is given default-logic version.
+        for set_conv_value in (
+                all_invalid_conv + some_valid_some_invalid_conv):
+            get_conv_value = f.get_property("Conventions")
+            cfdm.write(f, tmpfile)
+            # Can't use cfdm to change Conventions property so must use netCDF4
+            n = netCDF4.Dataset(tmpfile, "a")
+            n.Conventions = set_conv_value
+            n.close()
+            self.assertEqual(
+                cfdm.read(tmpfile, _scan_only=True)["file_version"],
+                Version(get_conv_value.lstrip("CF-"))
+            )
+            g = cfdm.read(tmpfile)[0]
+            # TODO: do we want to re-set the Conventions property as well,
+            # given it is invalid?
+            self.assertEqual(g.get_property("Conventions"), set_conv_value)
     def test_read_write_Conventions(self):
         """Test the `Conventions` keyword argument to `write`."""
         f = cfdm.read(self.filename)[0]