To compare the NICTA t3as NER library with other NER tools we will be doing a CoNLL-2003 evaluation of it. This gives an overview of the CoNLL-2003 task:
By carrying out the same evaluation we can then compare ourselves to the results of the other teams that participated, as given on the web page linked above.
Follow the instructions at the URL until you have a working baseline
, then run:
./conll2003 eng.testb 2> disagreements.list | $CONLL_HOME/bin/conlleval
When the conll2003
tool is run it prints out all the disagreements on stderr
between the ground truth and the NICTA NER classification for tokens in the sentences. In the command line above this is redirected to the file disagreements.list
. This file can then be analysed to try to understand how the NICTA NER library can be improved.
The testa + testb
results are simply the two test files concatenated together after one of the empty lines at the end of eng.testa
has been removed (to make the DOCSTART
break correct). The all data
is the eng.train + eng.testa + eng.testb
files concatenated together (no baseline
can be computed for this dataset).
processed 51578 tokens with 5942 phrases; found: 6065 phrases; correct: 3805.
accuracy: 92.80%; precision: 62.74%; recall: 64.04%; FB1: 63.38
LOC: precision: 71.14%; recall: 68.15%; FB1: 69.61 1760
MISC: precision: 59.11%; recall: 50.33%; FB1: 54.36 785
ORG: precision: 37.88%; recall: 48.62%; FB1: 42.59 1721
PER: precision: 79.88%; recall: 78.01%; FB1: 78.93 1799
processed 46666 tokens with 5648 phrases; found: 5767 phrases; correct: 3521.
accuracy: 91.59%; precision: 61.05%; recall: 62.34%; FB1: 61.69
LOC: precision: 65.73%; recall: 64.39%; FB1: 65.05 1634
MISC: precision: 54.66%; recall: 43.45%; FB1: 48.41 558
ORG: precision: 48.27%; recall: 55.33%; FB1: 51.56 1904
PER: precision: 73.19%; recall: 75.63%; FB1: 74.39 1671
processed 98244 tokens with 11590 phrases; found: 11832 phrases; correct: 7326.
accuracy: 92.23%; precision: 61.92%; recall: 63.21%; FB1: 62.56
LOC: precision: 68.53%; recall: 66.36%; FB1: 67.43 3394
MISC: precision: 57.26%; recall: 47.35%; FB1: 51.84 1343
ORG: precision: 43.34%; recall: 52.33%; FB1: 47.41 3625
PER: precision: 76.66%; recall: 76.90%; FB1: 76.78 3470
processed 302811 tokens with 35089 phrases; found: 35986 phrases; correct: 22110.
accuracy: 92.41%; precision: 61.44%; recall: 63.01%; FB1: 62.22
LOC: precision: 68.98%; recall: 66.71%; FB1: 67.83 10294
MISC: precision: 56.15%; recall: 46.56%; FB1: 50.91 4198
ORG: precision: 43.66%; recall: 52.69%; FB1: 47.75 11251
PER: precision: 75.56%; recall: 76.95%; FB1: 76.25 10243
Older scores can be found here.
The baseline results that anybody that was looking to participate in CoNLL-2003 should beat are:
processed 51578 tokens with 5942 phrases; found: 4948 phrases; correct: 3876.
accuracy: 84.76%; precision: 78.33%; recall: 65.23%; FB1: 71.18
LOC: precision: 78.26%; recall: 82.91%; FB1: 80.52 1946
MISC: precision: 88.38%; recall: 79.18%; FB1: 83.52 826
ORG: precision: 69.70%; recall: 63.46%; FB1: 66.43 1221
PER: precision: 80.84%; recall: 41.91%; FB1: 55.20 955
processed 46666 tokens with 5648 phrases; found: 3998 phrases; correct: 2875.
accuracy: 83.18%; precision: 71.91%; recall: 50.90%; FB1: 59.61
LOC: precision: 74.19%; recall: 78.42%; FB1: 76.25 1763
MISC: precision: 76.09%; recall: 67.09%; FB1: 71.31 619
ORG: precision: 71.43%; recall: 52.08%; FB1: 60.24 1211
PER: precision: 57.04%; recall: 14.29%; FB1: 22.85 405
processed 98244 tokens with 11590 phrases; found: 8946 phrases; correct: 6751.
accuracy: 84.01%; precision: 75.46%; recall: 58.25%; FB1: 65.75
LOC: precision: 76.33%; recall: 80.77%; FB1: 78.49 3709
MISC: precision: 83.11%; recall: 73.95%; FB1: 78.27 1445
ORG: precision: 70.56%; recall: 57.16%; FB1: 63.16 2432
PER: precision: 73.75%; recall: 29.00%; FB1: 41.63 1360
English | precision | recall | F |
| [FIJZ03] | 88.99% | 88.54% | 88.76±0.7 |
| [CN03] | 88.12% | 88.51% | 88.31±0.7 |
| [KSNM03] | 85.93% | 86.21% | 86.07±0.8 |
| [ZJ03] | 86.13% | 84.88% | 85.50±0.9 |
| [CMP03b] | 84.05% | 85.96% | 85.00±0.8 |
| [CC03] | 84.29% | 85.50% | 84.89±0.9 |
| [MMP03] | 84.45% | 84.90% | 84.67±1.0 |
| [CMP03a] | 85.81% | 82.84% | 84.30±0.9 |
| [ML03] | 84.52% | 83.55% | 84.04±0.9 |
| [BON03] | 84.68% | 83.18% | 83.92±1.0 |
| [MLP03] | 80.87% | 84.21% | 82.50±1.0 |
| [WNC03]* | 82.02% | 81.39% | 81.70±0.9 |
| [WP03] | 81.60% | 78.05% | 79.78±1.0 |
| [HV03] | 76.33% | 80.17% | 78.20±1.0 |
| [DD03] | 75.84% | 78.13% | 76.97±1.2 |
| [Ham03] | 69.09% | 53.26% | 60.15±1.3 |
| baseline | 71.91% | 50.90% | 59.61±1.2 |
+------------+--------- -+---------+-----------+