dust on high mag lens causing issue with contour detection
dust on high mag lens causing issue with contour detection
update pin7 gx position for beginning alignment
update pin7 gx position for beginning alignment
begin packaging together all beamline setup plans
begin packaging together all beamline setup plans
reliable home pins plan, tested with robot mounting
reliable home pins plan, tested with robot mounting
wait for governor transitions in pin align, disable sentinel during a…
wait for governor transitions in pin align, disable sentinel during a…
Define operation cycle earlier in startup, rather than arbitrarily wi…
Define operation cycle earlier in startup, rather than arbitrarily wi…
Automate screen 4 centroid measurement
Automate screen 4 centroid measurement
remove egu kwarg for signals
remove egu kwarg for signals
Update with flux measurement plan
Update with flux measurement plan
use PASS api to determine cycle no. automatically
use PASS api to determine cycle no. automatically
Update set energy starting points
Update set energy starting points
Make rotation alignment plan more resilient to robot displacement
Make rotation alignment plan more resilient to robot displacement
Improved rotation alignment plan
Improved rotation alignment plan
Enhanced KB mirror-based beam alignment plan
Enhanced KB mirror-based beam alignment plan
Enhanced KB mirror-based beam alignment plan
Enhanced KB mirror-based beam alignment plan
use straighter pin_7 as default aligner
use straighter pin_7 as default aligner
update pin_1 starting position for rot axis
update pin_1 starting position for rot axis
Automated rotation pin alignment with robot mounting
Automated rotation pin alignment with robot mounting
Merge branch 'two_click_center'
Merge branch 'two_click_center'
fix startup connection config and RE initialization from dev
fix startup connection config and RE initialization from dev
mono parameters verified
mono parameters verified
explicitly handle problem zebra position direction sig
explicitly handle problem zebra position direction sig
Combine stage_sigs into parent device for hanging zebra pos_dir
Combine stage_sigs into parent device for hanging zebra pos_dir
Continued updates of top alignment plan
Continued updates of top alignment plan
Handle governor transition failures better during top alignment
Handle governor transition failures better during top alignment
Force push
Handle governor transition failures better during top alignment
Handle governor transition failures better during top alignment
Handle tricky sideview based centering
Handle tricky sideview based centering
specify correct ROIs for top cam during alignment
specify correct ROIs for top cam during alignment
update to include face on omega adjustment move
update to include face on omega adjustment move