#Combining Angular and Express
Using the Airplanes API starter that we set up in class, create an Angular CRUD app that does the following.
- Displays all airplanes contained by our API
- Each airplane should have a link to a show page
- Each airplane should also have an image (will involve altering the Airplane schema)
- There should be a search bar that can filter the list of airplanes
- Allows creation of new airplanes
##Getting Started
- Work with 1-2 other people if desired
- Ensure that the API endpoints are working as expected, using a client like Postman
- Think about the design of the app and the components necessary
- Views (via the Angular router)
- Resources (via Angular resource)
- Organization (data, controllers, services)
- Forms (search bar, new airplane)
- Make it look good (CSS)
- Work incrementally and save work frequently (via git)