A low-level rigidbody character movement solution that uses slope approximation to move smoothly across stairs and obstacles.
Smooth stair traversal without IK or mesh modification.
✔️ Reliable slope traversal - Snap to angled ground surface while moving
✔️ Smooth stair traversal - Smoothly move up / down stairs and across obstacles
✔️ Supports moving surfaces - Correctly handle velocity on moving platforms
✔️ Intuitive collider adjustment - Configure collider height or step height while keeping collider bottom or top fixed
Developed and tested in Unity 6000.0.32f1
Install unitypackage from Releases
is equivalent to Unity's CharacterContoller
Add an
component to your character gameobject. -
In your own movement controller, implement your control logic.
- Reference the
component to handle actual movement.
- Reference the
using UnityEngine;
using NoiRC.SRMove;
// Example third-person movement controller.
public class MyMovementController : MonoBehaviour
// Example input source that provides a Vector2 movement input every fame.
[SerializeField] private MyInputSource _inputSource;
[SerializeField] private AvatarMover _avatarMover;
[SerializeField] private Transform _cam; // Reference transform used to determine movement direction.
[SerializeField] private float _moveSpeed = 3f;
private void FixedUpdate()
// Calculate the intended movement speed.
float speed = _inputSource.HasInput() ? _moveSpeed : 0f;
// Calculate the intended movement direction.
Vector3 direction = GetMoveDirection(_input.GetMoveInput(), _cam);
// Move.
_avatarMover.Move(speed * direction);
// Convert 2D input vector into 3D worldspace direction relative to the third-person camera.
private Vector3 GetMoveDirection(Vector2 input, Transform cam)
Vector3 direction = (input.x * Vector3.ProjectOnPlane(cam.right, Vector3.up)).normalized;
direction += (input.y * Vector3.ProjectOnPlane(cam.forward, Vector3.up)).normalized;
return direction.normalized;
Move(Vector3 velocity)
Set the intended movement velocity for one physics frame.
When intending to start a jump, call LeaveGround()
to pause ground-related functionalities.
When intending to end a jump, call EndLeaveGround()
to resume ground-related functionalities.
By default, a character with an AvatarMover
component inherits the velocity (but not rotation) of any moving ground collider it's on.
Add a ParentableGround
component to a ground gameobject to enable ground parenting when a character is on it.
- Ground parenting: The character is parented to the ground gameobject it's currently on, inheriting both position and rotation.
bool IsOnGround; // Whether the mover is currently on ground.
bool IsTouchingCeiling; // Whether the top of the mover's collider is touching a collider in the ground layer.
Collider GroundCollider; // The collider of the ground the mover is on.
bool IsParentedToGround; // Whether the mover is currently parented to the ground object.
Vector3 Up; // Up direction of the mover.