1 | 1 | {% load static %}
2 | 2 | <div class="{% if included_in_issue_page %} {% else %} {% endif %}">
3 |
| - <div class="flex flex-row gap-2 items-start"> |
4 |
| - <img class="w-[80px] h-[80px] p-1 object-cover border-2 border-[#e74c3c] border-solid rounded-md" |
5 |
| - src="{% static 'gif/loader.gif' %}" |
6 |
| - alt="crypto address qr code" |
7 |
| - id="crypto-qr-image" |
8 |
| - width="32px" |
9 |
| - height="32px"> |
10 |
| - <div class="w-full" id="crypto"> |
11 |
| - {% if user.userprofile.btc_address %} |
12 |
| - {% include "./tiny-cards.html" with insideIFCondition=True left="BTC" right=user.userprofile.btc_address lessWidth=True editCrypto=True %} |
13 |
| - {% endif %} |
14 |
| - {% if user.userprofile.bch_address %} |
15 |
| - {% include "./tiny-cards.html" with insideIFCondition=True left="BCH" right=user.userprofile.bch_address lessWidth=True editCrypto=True %} |
16 |
| - {% endif %} |
17 |
| - {% if user.userprofile.eth_address %} |
18 |
| - {% include "./tiny-cards.html" with insideIFCondition=True left="ETH" right=user.userprofile.eth_address lessWidth=True editCrypto=True %} |
19 |
| - {% endif %} |
| 3 | + <div class="flex flex-col gap-3 items-center"> |
| 4 | + <!-- Crypto currency selection buttons --> |
| 5 | + <div class="flex flex-row gap-2 justify-center"> |
| 6 | + <button id="btn-btc" |
| 7 | + class="crypto-btn flex items-center gap-2 px-4 py-2 bg-white border border-gray-300 rounded-lg shadow hover:bg-gray-100 active:bg-gray-200 transition text-sm {% if user.userprofile.btc_address %}border-[#e74c3c]{% else %}opacity-50{% endif %}" |
| 8 | + {% if not user.userprofile.btc_address %}disabled{% endif %}> |
| 9 | + <svg width="16" |
| 10 | + height="16" |
| 11 | + viewBox="0 0 2000 2000" |
| 12 | + xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> |
| 13 | + <path d="M1970,1242c-133.48,535.66-676.18,861.68-1212,728S-103.69,1293.89,30,758.18,706.12-103.7,1241.82,30,2103.69,706.16,1970,1242h0Z" fill="#f7931a" /> |
| 14 | + <path d="M1441,857.53c19.88-133.07-81.44-204.61-220-252.33l45-180.25-109.76-27.34-43.84,175.51c-28.82-7.18-58.44-14-87.88-20.68l44-176.67L958.87,348.43,914,528.61,692.68,473.79,663.48,591s81.42,18.66,79.7,19.82c44.44,11.1,52.5,40.5,51.14,63.82l-123.14,493.8c-5.44,13.5-19.22,33.74-50.28,26,1.1,1.6-79.76-19.46-79.76-19.46l-54.48,125.79,221,55.8-45.42,182.35,109.6,27.34,45-180.39c30,8.12,59,15.62,87.42,22.68l-44.82,179.55,109.74,27.34,45.42-182c187.13,35.4,327.85,21.12,387-148,47.72-136.25-2.34-214.85-100.8-266.13,71.7-16.6,125.7-63.74,140.11-161.17m-250.71,351.52c-34,136.25-263.35,62.62-337.77,44.12l60.26-241.55c74.38,18.56,312.89,55.32,277.55,197.41m34-353.5c-30.94,124-221.91,61-283.89,45.54L994.91,682c62,15.48,261.51,44.3,229.25,173.59" fill="#fff" /> |
| 15 | + </svg> |
| 16 | + BTC |
| 17 | + </button> |
| 18 | + <button id="btn-bch" |
| 19 | + class="crypto-btn flex items-center gap-2 px-4 py-2 bg-white border border-gray-300 rounded-lg shadow hover:bg-gray-100 active:bg-gray-200 transition text-sm {% if user.userprofile.bch_address %}border-[#e74c3c]{% else %}opacity-50{% endif %}" |
| 20 | + {% if not user.userprofile.bch_address %}disabled{% endif %}> |
| 21 | + <svg width="16" |
| 22 | + height="16" |
| 23 | + viewBox="0 0 2000 2000" |
| 24 | + xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> |
| 25 | + <circle cx="1000" cy="1000" r="1000" fill="#8dc351" /> |
| 26 | + <path d="M1408.64,618.17c-42.89-173.21-183-230.58-372.67-190.54L975.85,169.27,854.54,201.8l58.51,253.9c-31.94,8-64.5,15.43-96.89,22.9l-58.89-255.4L636,256.04l60.09,258.33c-26.42,6.13-52.41,12.21-77.67,18.65l-0.02-.09L467.1,567.62l39.76,164.53s91.05-28.06,90.22-25.79c50.28-12.77,74.23,20.46,85.43,38.28l96.12,414.19,15.29,40.58c-5.68,29.11-29.18,35.26-69.06,44.09,3.74,1.87-90.27,27.58-90.27,27.58l-67.48,178.69,141.8-42.76c26.39-7.21,52.59-14.2,78.13-21.36l60.79,261.15,121.11-32.37-60.68-262.2c33.33-8.26,65.81-16.58,97.12-24.72l60.43,260.57,121.29-32.51-60.55-261.77c205.35-70.94,340.77-164.54,304.51-366.51-29.05-162.59-121.88-211.67-246.72-207.17,61.75-80.9,88.95-183.85,52.9-307.61l0,0Zm-52.33,627.51c41.38,177.27-252.47,245.92-346.59,273.06l-116.76-497.21c94.12-22.87,417.68-136.89,463.35,224.15h0Zm-213.82-398.94c37.47,160.44-207.55,223.59-285.35,247.31L747.9,646.45c77.81-18.77,352.11-113.27,394.59,200.28h0Z" fill="#fff" /> |
| 27 | + </svg> |
| 28 | + BCH |
| 29 | + </button> |
| 30 | + <button id="btn-eth" |
| 31 | + class="crypto-btn flex items-center gap-2 px-4 py-2 bg-white border border-gray-300 rounded-lg shadow hover:bg-gray-100 active:bg-gray-200 transition text-sm {% if user.userprofile.eth_address %}border-[#e74c3c]{% else %}opacity-50{% endif %}" |
| 32 | + {% if not user.userprofile.eth_address %}disabled{% endif %}> |
| 33 | + <svg width="16" |
| 34 | + height="16" |
| 35 | + viewBox="0 0 784.37 1277.39" |
| 36 | + xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> |
| 37 | + <path fill="#343434" d="m392.07 0-8.57 29.11v844.63l8.57 8.55 392.06-231.75z" /> |
| 38 | + <path fill="#8C8C8C" d="M392.07 0 0 650.54l392.07 231.75V472.33z" /> |
| 39 | + <path fill="#3C3C3B" d="m392.07 956.52-4.83 5.89v300.87l4.83 14.1 392.3-552.49z" /> |
| 40 | + <path fill="#8C8C8C" d="M392.07 1277.38V956.52L0 724.89z" /> |
| 41 | + <path fill="#141414" d="m392.07 882.29 392.06-231.75-392.06-178.21z" /> |
| 42 | + <path fill="#393939" d="m0 650.54 392.07 231.75V472.33z" /> |
| 43 | + </svg> |
| 44 | + ETH |
| 45 | + </button> |
20 | 46 | </div>
21 |
| - <div class="hidden w-full" id="no-crypto"> |
22 |
| - {% include "./tiny-cards.html" with left="BCH" right="qr5yccf7j4dpjekyz3vpawgaarl352n7yv5d5mtzzc" lessWidth=True editCrypto=True %} |
23 |
| - <i class=" text-[12px]">No Address, will go to BLT Donation</i> |
| 47 | + <!-- QR code container --> |
| 48 | + <div class="relative w-[150px] h-[150px]" id="qr-container"> |
| 49 | + <!-- QR image --> |
| 50 | + <img class="w-full h-full object-cover border-2 border-[#e74c3c] border-solid rounded-md" |
| 51 | + src="{% static 'gif/loader.gif' %}" |
| 52 | + height="150px" |
| 53 | + width="150px" |
| 54 | + alt="crypto address qr code" |
| 55 | + id="crypto-qr-image"> |
| 56 | + </div> |
| 57 | + <!-- Address display --> |
| 58 | + <div class="w-full max-w-md" id="crypto-address-container"> |
| 59 | + <div id="btc-address" class="crypto-address hidden"> |
| 60 | + {% if user.userprofile.btc_address %} |
| 61 | + {% include "./tiny-cards.html" with insideIFCondition=True left="BTC" right=user.userprofile.btc_address lessWidth=True editCrypto=True %} |
| 62 | + {% endif %} |
| 63 | + </div> |
| 64 | + <div id="bch-address" class="crypto-address hidden"> |
| 65 | + {% if user.userprofile.bch_address %} |
| 66 | + {% include "./tiny-cards.html" with insideIFCondition=True left="BCH" right=user.userprofile.bch_address lessWidth=True editCrypto=True %} |
| 67 | + {% endif %} |
| 68 | + </div> |
| 69 | + <div id="eth-address" class="crypto-address hidden"> |
| 70 | + {% if user.userprofile.eth_address %} |
| 71 | + {% include "./tiny-cards.html" with insideIFCondition=True left="ETH" right=user.userprofile.eth_address lessWidth=True editCrypto=True %} |
| 72 | + {% endif %} |
| 73 | + </div> |
| 74 | + <div id="no-crypto" class="hidden"> |
| 75 | + {% include "./tiny-cards.html" with left="BCH" right="qr5yccf7j4dpjekyz3vpawgaarl352n7yv5d5mtzzc" lessWidth=True editCrypto=True %} |
| 76 | + <i class="text-[12px]">No Address, will go to BLT Donation</i> |
| 77 | + </div> |
24 | 78 | </div>
25 | 79 | </div>
26 | 80 | </div>
27 | 81 | <script>
28 |
| - function loadQRCode(){ |
29 |
| - var btc_address = "{{user.userprofile.btc_address}}"; |
30 |
| - var bch_address = "{{user.userprofile.bch_address}}"; |
31 |
| - var eth_address = "{{user.userprofile.eth_address}}"; |
32 |
| - |
33 |
| - if(btc_address != "None" && btc_address != ""){ |
34 |
| - document.getElementById('crypto-qr-image').src = `https://api.qrserver.com/v1/create-qr-code/?data=${btc_address}&size=400x300`; |
35 |
| - }else if(bch_address != "None" && bch_address != ""){ |
36 |
| - document.getElementById('crypto-qr-image').src = `https://api.qrserver.com/v1/create-qr-code/?data=${bch_address}&size=400x300`; |
37 |
| - }else if(eth_address != "None" && eth_address != ""){ |
38 |
| - document.getElementById('crypto-qr-image').src = `https://api.qrserver.com/v1/create-qr-code/?data=${eth_address}&size=400x300`; |
39 |
| - }else{ |
40 |
| - // User has not set their crypto addresses |
41 |
| - // Show BLT QR code |
42 |
| - var showBLT = document.getElementById("no-crypto"); |
43 |
| - showBLT.style.cssText = "display: block !important"; |
44 |
| - var hideUser = document.getElementById("crypto"); |
45 |
| - hideUser.style.cssText = "display: none !important"; |
46 |
| - bch_address = "qr5yccf7j4dpjekyz3vpawgaarl352n7yv5d5mtzzc"; |
47 |
| - document.getElementById('crypto-qr-image').src = `https://api.qrserver.com/v1/create-qr-code/?data=${bch_address}&size=400x300`; |
| 82 | + // Global variables |
| 83 | + let currentCrypto = null; |
| 84 | + const btcAddress = "{{user.userprofile.btc_address}}"; |
| 85 | + const bchAddress = "{{user.userprofile.bch_address}}"; |
| 86 | + const ethAddress = "{{user.userprofile.eth_address}}"; |
| 87 | + const bltAddress = "qr5yccf7j4dpjekyz3vpawgaarl352n7yv5d5mtzzc"; |
| 88 | + |
| 89 | + // DOM elements |
| 90 | + const cryptoQrImage = document.getElementById('crypto-qr-image'); |
| 91 | + const btcBtn = document.getElementById('btn-btc'); |
| 92 | + const bchBtn = document.getElementById('btn-bch'); |
| 93 | + const ethBtn = document.getElementById('btn-eth'); |
| 94 | + const btcAddressDiv = document.getElementById('btc-address'); |
| 95 | + const bchAddressDiv = document.getElementById('bch-address'); |
| 96 | + const ethAddressDiv = document.getElementById('eth-address'); |
| 97 | + const noCryptoDiv = document.getElementById('no-crypto'); |
| 98 | + |
| 99 | + // Helper functions |
| 100 | + function setActiveButton(button) { |
| 101 | + document.querySelectorAll('.crypto-btn').forEach(btn => { |
| 102 | + btn.classList.remove('bg-[#e74c3c]', 'text-white'); |
| 103 | + }); |
| 104 | + |
| 105 | + button.classList.add('bg-[#e74c3c]', 'text-white'); |
| 106 | + } |
| 107 | + |
| 108 | + function hideAllAddresses() { |
| 109 | + document.querySelectorAll('.crypto-address').forEach(div => { |
| 110 | + div.classList.add('hidden'); |
| 111 | + }); |
| 112 | + noCryptoDiv.classList.add('hidden'); |
| 113 | + } |
| 114 | + |
| 115 | + function updateQRCode(address) { |
| 116 | + if (address && address !== "None") { |
| 117 | + const qrUrl = `https://api.qrserver.com/v1/create-qr-code/?data=${address}&size=400x300`; |
| 118 | + cryptoQrImage.src = qrUrl; |
| 119 | + return true; |
48 | 120 | }
49 |
| - |
| 121 | + return false; |
50 | 122 | }
51 |
| - loadQRCode(); |
52 |
| - |
53 |
| - // Update to handle all copy buttons |
54 |
| - const copyTextElements = document.getElementsByClassName("copy_text"); |
55 | 123 |
56 |
| - Array.from(copyTextElements).forEach(element => { |
57 |
| - element.addEventListener("click", () => { |
58 |
| - navigator.clipboard.writeText(element.innerText); |
59 |
| - $.notify("Crypto Address Copied to Clipboard!", { |
60 |
| - className: "success", |
61 |
| - position: "top right" |
62 |
| - }); |
| 124 | + function selectCrypto(type, address) { |
| 125 | + currentCrypto = type; |
| 126 | + hideAllAddresses(); |
| 127 | + |
| 128 | + if (updateQRCode(address)) { |
| 129 | + document.getElementById(`${type.toLowerCase()}-address`).classList.remove('hidden'); |
| 130 | + } else { |
| 131 | + // If no address, show BLT donation |
| 132 | + noCryptoDiv.classList.remove('hidden'); |
| 133 | + updateQRCode(bltAddress); |
| 134 | + } |
| 135 | + |
| 136 | + setActiveButton(document.getElementById(`btn-${type.toLowerCase()}`)); |
| 137 | + } |
| 138 | + |
| 139 | + // Button click handlers |
| 140 | + btcBtn.addEventListener('click', () => selectCrypto('BTC', btcAddress)); |
| 141 | + bchBtn.addEventListener('click', () => selectCrypto('BCH', bchAddress)); |
| 142 | + ethBtn.addEventListener('click', () => selectCrypto('ETH', ethAddress)); |
| 143 | + |
| 144 | + // Initialize with preferred crypto |
| 145 | + function initializeDefault() { |
| 146 | + // preference order: BCH > BTC > ETH |
| 147 | + if (bchAddress && bchAddress !== "None") { |
| 148 | + selectCrypto('BCH', bchAddress); |
| 149 | + } else if (btcAddress && btcAddress !== "None") { |
| 150 | + selectCrypto('BTC', btcAddress); |
| 151 | + } else if (ethAddress && ethAddress !== "None") { |
| 152 | + selectCrypto('ETH', ethAddress); |
| 153 | + } else { |
| 154 | + // No addresses, show BLT donation |
| 155 | + noCryptoDiv.classList.remove('hidden'); |
| 156 | + updateQRCode(bltAddress); |
| 157 | + } |
| 158 | + } |
| 159 | + |
| 160 | + document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', initializeDefault); |
| 161 | + |
| 162 | + // Update to handle all copy buttons |
| 163 | + document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => { |
| 164 | + const copyTextElements = document.getElementsByClassName("copy_text"); |
| 165 | + |
| 166 | + Array.from(copyTextElements).forEach(element => { |
| 167 | + element.addEventListener("click", () => { |
| 168 | + navigator.clipboard.writeText(element.innerText); |
| 169 | + $.notify("Crypto Address Copied to Clipboard!", { |
| 170 | + className: "success", |
| 171 | + position: "top right" |
| 172 | + }); |
| 173 | + }); |
63 | 174 | });
64 | 175 | });
65 | 176 | </script>
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