Each folder contains an example, some of those require external datasets.
Each example provides a valid configuration file that can be used for getting some sort of output, and a description.
We recommend to start with the basic example. It will give you an idea about how, why and when certain things happen.
- debugging: what happens during the execution of the pipeline and certain modules it is sometimes useful to use blender directly
- camera sampling: Sampling of different camera positions inside of a shape with constraints for the rotation.
- light sampling: Sampling of light positions, this is the same behavior needed for the object and camera sampling.
- semantic_segmentation: Introduction to semantic segmentation
- object pose sampling: Shows a more complex use of a 6D pose sampler.
- physics_positioning: Overview of an easy to use module we provide for using physics in your simulations.
- entity manipulation: Changing various parameters of entities via selecting them through config file.
- material_manipulation: material selecting and manipulation.
- material_randomizer: object's material randomization.
- coco annotations: generating COCO annotations.
- optical_flow: obtaining forward/backward flow values between consecutive key frames.
- stereo_matching: compute distance image using stereo matching.
- on_surface_object_sampling: object pose sampling on a surface.
We provide example configs that interface with the BOP datasets.
- bop_challenge: Configs used to create the official synthetic data for the BOP challenge 2020
- bop_object_physics_positioning: Drop BOP objects on planes and randomize materials
- bop_object_on_surface_sampling: Sample upright poses on plane and randomize materials
- bop_scene_replication: Replicates whole scenes (object poses, camera intrinsics and extrinsics) from BOP
- bop_object_pose_sampling: Loads BOP objects and samples object, camera and light poses
We are providing limited dataset support, for example for ShapeNet, SceneNet, 3D-Front, SUNCG, Replica, Rock Essentials and others. These can be found in: