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MIE 443 - Contest 3 Deliverable

This is a submission for the design course MIE443: Mechatronics Systems: Design and Integration at the University of Toronto

Date: April 15, 2021 Group: 20


Name Student Number
Stefan Albers 1003476204
Mithun Jothiravi 1002321258
Osvald Nitski 1002456987
David Rolko 1003037420

Running Group 20 Contest 2 Submission

Open seven terminals. Navigate to catkin_ws in each of them. Build the project files and source the appropriate scripts using the following command: catkin_make && source devel/setup.zsh

  1. In terminal #1 go to catkin_ws/src/ and run conda activate mie443 then change to catkin_ws/ and run roslaunch mie443_contest3 turtlebot_world.launch world:=practice

  2. In terminal #2 run roslaunch mie443_contest3 gmapping.launch

  3. In terminal #3 change to the project src directory and run conda activate mie443; python

  4. In terminal #4 change to the project src directory and run conda activate mie443; python --model mdl_best_bc.pth

  5. In terminal #5 run roslaunch turtlebot_rviz_launchers view_navigation.launch

  6. In terminal #6 run roslaunch mie443_contest3 contest3.launch

NOTE: If exploration stops, re-launch contest 3 files by running the command again. Exploration related errors are outside of our problem scope as outlined here.

  1. In terminal #7 run conda deactivate then run rosrun sound_play

The output file containing the results of the emotions of the victims discovered can be found in ~/.ros and is named Output_file.txt

Previous Contest Repository:

MIE443 Contest 3 repository is here.