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executable file
199 lines (133 loc) · 9.33 KB

File metadata and controls

executable file
199 lines (133 loc) · 9.33 KB


Tool to batch modify headers of RINEX Hatakana compressed files from command line arguments or from a sitelog and optionnaly batch rename them.

2021-02-07 Félix Léger - [email protected]

Project Overview

This project is composed of 4 scripts.

  • takes a list of RINEX Hanakata compressed files (.d.Z or .d.gz or .rnx.gz), loop the rinex files list to modifiy the file's header. It then write them back to Hanakata compressed format in an output folder. It permits also to rename the files changing the four first characters of the file name with another station code. It can write those files with the long name naming convention with the --longname option.

  • will get last version of sitelogs from M3G repository and write them in an observatory dependent subfolder.

  • will extract rinex file's header information and prompt the result. This permits to access quickly the header informations without uncompressing manually the file. It's a teqc-free equivalent of teqc +meta.

Two ways of passing parameters to modifiy headers are possible:

  • --modification_kw : you pass as argument the field(s) that you want to modifiy and its value. Acceptable_keywords are : station, receiver_serial, receiver_type, receiver_fw, antenna_serial, antenna_type, antenna_X_pos, antenna_Y_pos, antenna_Z_pos, antenna_X_delta, antenna_Y_delta, antenna_Z_delta, operator, agency, observables.

  • --sitelog : you pass sitelogs file. The argument must be a sitelog path or the path of a folder containing sitelogs. You then have to pass a list of files and the script will assign sitelogs to correspondig files, based on the file's name. The script will take the start and end time of each proceeded file and use them to extract from the sitelog the station instrumentation of the corresponding period and fill file's header with following infos : Four Character ID X coordinate (m) Y coordinate (m) Z coordinate (m) Receiver Type Serial Number Firmware Version Satellite System (will translate this info to one-letter code, see RinexFile.set_observable_type()) Antenna Type Serial Number Marker->ARP Up Ecc. (m) Marker->ARP East Ecc(m) Marker->ARP North Ecc(m) On-Site Agency Preferred Abbreviation Responsible Agency Preferred Abbreviation

You can not provide both --modification_kw and --sitelog options.

The script will add two comment lines, one indicating the source of the modifiaction (sitelog or arguments) and the other the timestamp of the modification.


RINEXLIST : Rinex list file OUTPUTFOLDER : Folder where to write the modified files. This is a compulsory argument, you can not modify files inplace.


  • -k : --modification_kw : Header fields that you want to modify.
  • -s : --sitelog : Sitelog file in witch rinexmod will find file's period's instrumentation informations, or folder containing sitelogs. The sitelogs must be valid as the script does not check it.
  • -f : --force : Force appliance of sitelog based header arguments when station name within file does not correspond to sitelog.
  • -i : --ignore : Ignore firmware changes between instrumentation periods when getting headers args info from sitelogs.
  • -m : --marker : A four characater station code that will be used to rename input files.
  • -n : --ninecharfile : path a of a list file containing 9-char. site names from the M3G database generated with get_m3g_stations. This will be used for longname file's renaming.
  • -l : --longname Rename file using long name rinex convention. Not mandatory, but nessessary to get the country code to rename files to long name standard. If not provided the country code will be XXX.
  • -a : --alone : Option to provide if you want to run this script on a alone rinex file and not on a list of files.
  • -c : --compression : Set file's compression (acceptables values : 'gz' (recommended to fit IGS standards), 'Z'. Default value will retrieve the actual compression of the input file.
  • -r : --reconstruct : Reconstruct files subdirectory. You have to indicate the part of the path that is common to all files in the list and that will be replaced with output folder.
  • -o : --output_logs : Folder where to write output log. If not provided, logs will be written to OUTPUTFOLDER.
  • -w : --write : Write (rinex version, sample rate, file period, observatory) dependant output lists to log folder.
  • -v : --verbose: Will prompt file's metadata before and after modifications.


./ RINEXLIST OUTPUTFOLDER (-k antenna_type='ANT TYPE' antenna_X_pos=9999 agency=AGN) (-m AGAL) (-r ./ROOTFOLDER/) (-f) (-v) ./ (-a) RINEXFILE OUTPUTFOLDER (-s ./sitelogsfolder/stationsitelog.log) (-i) (-w) (-o ./LOGFOLDER) (-v)

This script will get last version of sitelogs from M3G repository and write them in an observatory dependent subfolder set in 'observatories'. The -d --delete option will delete old version as to get only last version even in a name changing case.


  • OUTPUTFOLDER : Folder where to write the downloaded sitelogs.


  • -d : delete : Delete old sitelogs in storage folder. This permits to have only the last version, as version changing sitelogs changes of name.



Extract metadata from crz file.

With -p option, will plot the file's samples intervals



The tool is in Python 3, you must have it installed on your machine.

You need Python Hatanaka library from Martin Valgur:

pip install hatanaka

You need matplotlib for plotting samples intervals with crzmeta

pip install matplotlib

rinexmod error messages

Rinexmod will prompt errors when arguments are wrong. Appart from this, it will prompt and save to file errors and waring occuring on specific files from the rinex list. Here are the error codes :

01 - The specified file does not exists

That means that the input file containing list of rinex files is wrong and references a file that is not present. It can also mean that the file has been deleteted between the list generation and the script launch, but this case should be quite rare.

02 - Not an observation Rinex file

The file name does not correspond to the classic pattern (it doesn't match the regular expression for new and old convention namming model ). Most of time, it's because it is not a d rinex file (for example, navigation file).

03 - Invalid or empty Zip file

The Zip file is corrupted or empty

04 - Invalid Compressed Rinex file

The CRX Hatanaka file is corrupted.

05 - Less than two epochs in the file, reject

Not enought data in the file to extract a sample rate, and data not relevant because insuficient. Reject the file.

30 - Input and output folders are the same !

The file will not be proceeded as rinexmod does not modify files inplace. Check your outputfolder.

31 - The subfolder can not be reconstructed for file

The script tries to find the 'reconstruct' subfolder in the file's path to replace it with outputfolder, and does not find it.

32 - Station's country not retrevied, will not be properly renamed

When using --name option, that will rename file with rinex long name convention, it needs to retrieve the file's country. It tries to do so using an externa file of list of 9 char ids. the concerned rinex file's station seems to be absent from this station list file.

33 - File's station does not correspond to provided sitelog - use -f option to force

The station name retrieved from the provided sitelog does not correspond to the station's name retrieved from the file's headers. Do not process.

34 - File's station does not correspond to provided sitelog, processing anyway

The station name retrieved from the provided sitelog does not correspond to the station's name retrieved from the file's headers. As the --force option was provided, the file has been processed.

35 - No instrumentation corresponding to the data period on the sitelog

There is no continuous instrumentation period in the sitelog taht corresponds to the rinex file's dates. We can thus not fill the header.

36 - Instrumentation cames from merged periods of sitelog with different firmwares, processing anyway

We provided the --ignore option, so the consecutive periods of instrumentation for witch only the firmave version of the receiver has changed have been merged. We used this period to fill this file's header.