All notable changes to Field Book app will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
v6.0.6 - 2025-01-24
- Numerous bug fixes and enhancements
v6.0.5 - 2025-01-22
- Search box added to field list (#1125)
- BrAPI export no longer crashes when authentication token is expired (#1134)
- Numerous bug fixes and enhancements (#1135)
v6.0.3 - 2025-01-06
- Swap navigation now changes position of entry/trait navigation instead of only behavior (#1123)
- Improved warnings for missing or corrupted storage directory (#1122)
- Barcodes scanned for data entry are now correctly checked for valid values (#1110)
- Percent traits imported via BrAPI without min and max values default to 0/100 (#1127)
v6.0.2 - 2024-12-16
- Trial name included in BrAPI import and field details page (#1121)
- Image EXIF tag metadata includes the device pitch, roll, and yaw at the time of capture (#1115)
- Setting added to reset preferences to default (#1118)
- Fields with different BrAPI study IDs can now have the same name (#1095)
- Min and max values now correctly saved for BrAPI traits (#1103)
- Label print observations are now assigned to the correct entry when navigating before the print is complete (#1109)
- Improved database export messaging (#1112)
- Go to ID dialog now has cursor focus when opened (#1108)
v6.0.1 - 2024-12-09
- Accession number now included for germplasm imported via BrAPI (#1093)
- Option added at trait creation to keep keyboard closed when navigating to text traits (#1102)
- Proximity check added to disable GeoNav when away from field (#1098)
- Experimental setting to use media keys for entry/trait navigation and picture capture (#1089)
- Fields and traits that have already been imported are now hidden on the BrAPI import screen (#1091)
- Long-pressing delete button on bottom toolbar will remove all observations for that trait (#1099)
- Current time now used as lastSyncedTime when downloading Observations via BrAPI (#1071)
- lastSyncedTime updated after creating/updating Observations (#1071)
- Improved support for BrAPI servers not using https (#1071)
- "observation_time_stamp" and "last_synced_time" now correctly saved in DAO (#1071)
- Synced and updated records now correctly identified (#1071)
v6.0.0 - 2024-12-02
- Fields list updated to include bulk actions and individual field pages
- Data statistics added to each field
- App-wide statistics added to main screen
- Trait progress bar in Collect now shows individual traits
- Camera expanded with embedded preview
- Documentation updated
- App intro and setup process
- Preferences reorganized and better described
- InfoBars updated to support wrapping and prefix replacement
- Numerous bug fixes and enhancements
- GoPro, USB, and Canon camera improvements
v5.6.26 - 2024-11-06
- Updated Field Book documentation (#1072)
- Fix issue with importing traits (#1074)
v5.6 - 2024-10-02
- Trait Builder updated with new workflow approach
- GeoNav logging can support both limited and full logging
- Observation metadata can be viewed by long pressing the current value
- Microsoft OIDC support
- Individual fields pages (alpha)
- Automatic detection of Boox devices
- Updated to API 34
- eInk devices theme improvements
- BrAPI Sync improvements
- Photo trait updated for devices without system camera app
- DataGrid and BrAPI sorting improvements
- Numerous bug fixes and enhancements
- XLSX import updated to include all cells even if empty
v5.5 - 2023-11-30
- GoPro trait
- Setting to return to first trait when navigating entries
- Progress bars added to Collect to indicate current entry and trait
- In-app update mechanism improved
- Search options saved for subsequent searches
- String and settings updates
- Merged move to unique ID settings
- GeoNav improvements
- Require person on by default
- Coordinate order swapped to match ISO
- Bug fixes and performance improvements
v5.4 - 2023-07-20
- Repeated measures (beta)
- Themes option to adjust app appearance
- Summary view can be customized
- BrAPI studies can be imported at multiple observation levels
- Internal update mechanism
- InfoBar prefix selector updated
- Field sorting improvements
- Trait creation workflow modifications
- BrAPI export, sync, and authorization adjustments
- GNSS/GeoNav improvements
- Numerous bug fixes and enhancements
v5.3 - 2022-09-07
- USB camera trait
- Text-to-speech setting for data input
- Anonymous identifier added to profile for debugging
- Locking now has three states: all data, new data, no data
- Scanning barcodes to navigate searches across all fields for matches
- Location collection adjustments when collecting on a per phenotype basis
- GeoNav notification layout improved
- Language selection options modified
- Categorical/multicat trait creator modified
- Location and GNSS trait collection standardized
v5.2 - 2022-05-20
- Support for XLSX files
- New sound for missing barcodes when scanning to navigate
- Option to export ZIP bundle containing both data and media
- Database export exports to single ZIP file
- Added warnings for failed file imports
- Option to average points over time in GNSS trait
- DataGrid now focuses on current entry/trait
- Resuming collection now navigates to the last selected trait
- InfoBars adjust based on prefix size
- Improved import file sanitation
- Expanded options available for next entry with no data setting
- Quick GoTo can now use both primary/secondary ID
- Numerous bug fixes
v5.1 - 2021-11-01
- Field Book GeoNav to identify and navigate to nearest plot
- Settings to adjust polling rate, angle, and GNSS device
- Identify and load nearest field via location icon in fields list
- Internal GPS can be used with GNSS trait
- Increased required minimum Android version to 5.1
- Move to unique identifier setting bug
v5.0 - 2021-09-27
- BrAPI v2 support with page size and server timeout settings
- GNSS trait
- Setting to swap plot/trait arrows
- DataGrid v2
- Custom field designer
- Person confirmation every 24hrs
- Import trait files via cloud
- Calendar picker added to date trait
- Table format export no longer has a maximum number of traits
- Major database overhaul
- Boolean trait layout updates
- Label Print trait improvements
- Printing a label adds an observation record
- Fixed issue with special characters in file headers
- Fixed issue with categorical trait layout
- File management and import fixes
- BrAPI pagination fixes
v4.5 - 2020-09-28
- Setting to choose custom storage directory (Android 5.0+ only)
- Setting for sound when navigating entries
- Setting for sound when cycling traits
- Theme setting to change saved data color
- Community BrAPI servers and scan by barcode option
- Categorical trait layout now has unlimited number of categories
- Export options default to last used configuration
- Profile moved completely to Settings
- Several settings reorganized to different categories
- Disable entry arrows setting adjustments
- Database settings bug
- Profile not saving person or location bug
- Files with uppercase extensions now visible in file manager
- Collect screen no longer accessible without traits
v4.4 - 2020-09-02
- Data can be collected via bottom toolbar in Collect using barcodes
- BrAPI studies can be filtered by program and trial
- BrAPI HTTP error handling improvements
- Zebra Label Print trait bug
- Search bug that resulted in data not being saved
- UTF-8-BOM import file bug
v4.3 - 2020-06-23
- Added search widget to settings
- Added translation link
- Substantial refactoring
- Quick GoTo uses full keyboard
- Tutorial order corrected
- BMS BrAPI bug
- Database import bug
- Multicat layout bug
- Sample file bug
- Quick GoTo/MoveToSearch bug
v4.2 - 2020-03-10
- New tutorial
- Additional import sources
- Default import/export source option
- Icons on Collect can be customized
- Added list of libraries used in app
- Multicat layout improvements
- Changelog updated
- About dialog updated
- Upgraded to Java 8
- Chinese and Italian translations updated
- Return key setting bug
v4.1 - 2020-02-21
- BrAPI integration
- Label printer trait
- Firebase Crashlytics
- Workflow improvements
- Permission management updated
- Settings improvements
- Numerous bug fixes
v4.0 - 2017-10-19
- New field management
- New Collect screen layout
- Numerous bug fixes
v3.3.1 - 2017-03-07
- Bug fixes and performance enhancements
v3.3.0 - 2017-02-19
- Location trait
- Missing values button
- Citation dialog
- Dropbox import
- Dialog when importing trait lists
- Photo names now include rep and trait name
- Replaced lots of words with icons
- Trait buttons updated
- 'Rust rating' trait changed to 'Disease rating'
- Disease rating buttons changed from R/MS/MR/S to R/M/S
- Numeric clear changed to backspace
- Spaces in column names bug
- Default trait value saving bug
- Trait visibility not saving bug
- Search bug
v3.2.0 - 2016-04-04
- Bengali translation
- Dialog design updated
- Button design updated
- Internal database updated
- Several bugs causing crashes
- Numeric trait bug
- Reordering traits bug
v3.1.1 - 2015-12-12
- Multicat trait bug
- Trait creation bug
v3.1.0 - 2015-12-08
- Multicategorical trait format
- Export dialog includes option to overwrite previously exported files
- Field name included in Collect navigation drawer
- Database automatically backed up to internal storage
- Location exports as null if not set
- Dialogs updated with titles
- Audio and rust traits bug
v3.0.0 - 2015-09-14
- Updated user interface
- Added support for phones
- Traits can be reordered with drag and drop
- Added
no date
button - Updated Field Book manual
- Setup renamed to Profile
- Text trait cursor bug
v2.4.1 - 2015-06-05
- DataGrid (beta)
- Setting to open camera to scan barcodes for navigation
- Setting to disable left, right, or both entry arrows if no data has been collected
- Field Book checks for updates
- Export layout reorganized
- Entry scrolling speed acceleration
- Spaces in imported column names replaced with underscores
- Default name for exported files modified
- Map removed
- Error logs saved to internal storage
- Updated strings for clarity
- Numerous bug fixes
v2.3.5 - 2015-05-28
- Rust Rating trait with customizable severity scale
- Counter trait
- Setting to disable the automatic file sharing
- Setting to disable plot navigation if no data has been collected
- Automatic navigation to last active entry
- Updated tutorial
- Modified default timestamp format
v2.3.4 - 2015-04-22
- InfoBar text can be long pressed to see entire value
- Quick GoTo disabled by default
- Adjusted timing for press and hold entry scrolling
- Only first photo name is included in table export
- Summary dialog updated
- Location code improvements
- Sample files updated
- Fixed issue with MediaContentScanner
- Search layout improvements
v2.3 - 2015-03-01
- New field import layout
- New photo trait
- Internal database can be imported/exported
- Visibility of all traits can be toggled
- Audio trait improved
- InfoBar prefixes can be selected from Collect
- Table export speed improved
v2.2 - 2014-09-11
- New option to make sound when primary order changes
- New option to go to navigate directly to specific unique ID
- New option to go to next plot without data
- New file chooser
- Support for XLS readded
- Traits visibility now changed in the Traits page
- Clear categorical traits by pressing the current choice
- Long press toolbar icons to get labels
- Changelog can be accessed from the About dialog
- Miscellaneous interface improvements
- Traits can now be made in other languages
- Field Book doesn't move to first entry when screen is turned off
v2.1.2 - 2014-09-03
- Renamed "Qualitative" trait format "Categorical"
- Removed support for Android 3.0
- Removed ActionBarSherlock library
- Fixed issue with field folders
- Fixed issue with field file selection
v2.1.0 - 2014-08-19
- New changelog
- Exported files are shared
- Fields dialog subdirectory support
- Translations for Amharic, Arabic, Brazilian Portuguese, Chinese, French, Hindi, Japanese, Oromo, and Russian
- Tutorial setup improved
- Language dialog
- Items disabled if not available
- Replaced toolbar text with icons
- Removed XLS support
- External hardware no longer moves to first entry
- Numeric minimum correctly enforced
- Text trait can now be completely deleted via keyboard
- Text trait cursor appears at end of current value
- Files visible on computer after export
v2.0.1 - 2014-05-19
- Initial GitHub release