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458 lines (230 loc) · 12.8 KB

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458 lines (230 loc) · 12.8 KB

1.2.1 (2024-01-16)

Bug fixes

Fix a bug where getChild and getChildren would, if the first and second arguments matched the same node, return incorrect results.

1.2.0 (2023-12-28)

New features

The new NodeProp.isolate can be used by parser to signal that a given node should be treated as isolated when it comes to bidirectional text rendering.

1.1.2 (2023-12-07)

Bug fixes

Fix a crash that could happen in mixed-language parsing when mounting a tree to a zero-length node.

1.1.1 (2023-11-10)

Bug fixes

Fix a bug where resolveStack could sometimes yield the same node multiple times.

Allow mixed-parsing trees to be mounted for zero-length nodes.

Fix a bug in mixed-language parsing that could some parts of an inner language to be missed when incrementally reparsing from a stopped parse.

In, when given an extremely deeply nested tree structure, flatten it instead of overflowing the stack.

1.1.0 (2023-09-19)

New features

The new Tree.resolveStack method returns an iterator through the nodes covering a position, including those from overlays not active at that point.

1.0.4 (2023-08-17)

Bug fixes

Make the package usable in TypeScript with node16/nodenext resolution.

1.0.3 (2023-06-02)

Bug fixes

Tree.iterate now properly includes anonymous nodes when IterMode.IncludeAnonymous is enabled.

1.0.2 (2022-11-23)

Bug fixes

Fix a bug in mixed parsing that would sometimes produce invalid trees.

1.0.1 (2022-08-30)

Bug fixes

Fix a bug that could cause incremental parsing to incorrectly reuse nodes inside nested mixed parses.

1.0.0 (2022-06-06)

New features

First stable version.

0.16.1 (2022-06-01)

Bug fixes

Declare matchContext as a property of SytaxNodeRef.

0.16.0 (2022-04-20)

Breaking changes

The mixed parsing interface now passes SyntaxNodeRef values instead of TreeCursor instances around.

Creating a cursor at a given position is now done with Tree.cursorAt, not cursor.

Getting a cursor from a syntax node is now done with a method (cursor) rather than a getter.

Tree.fullCursor was removed and replaced by the IncludeAnonymous iteration mode.

The optional arguments to enter tree traversal methods were replaced with a single mode argument.

Tree.iterate now passes node objects, rather than type/from/to as separate arguments, to its callback functions.

New features

The new SyntaxNodeRef type provides an interface shared by SyntaxNode and TreeCursor.

TreeCursor instances now how have an iterate method that calls a function for each descendant of the current node.

The new matchContext method on SyntaxNode and TreeCursor provides a convenient way to match the names of direct parent nodes.

Cursors can now be passed flags to control their behavior.

0.15.12 (2022-03-18)

Bug fixes

Work around a TypeScript issue that caused it to infer return type any for resolve and resolveInner.

Fix a bug in incremental mixed-language parsing where it could incorrectly add a parse range twice, causing a crash in the inner parser.

0.15.11 (2021-12-16)

Bug fixes

Fix a bug where nested parsing would sometimes corrupt the length of parent nodes around the nesting point.

0.15.10 (2021-11-30)

New features

SyntaxNode now has a resolveInner method (analogous to Tree.resolveInner).

0.15.9 (2021-11-24)

Bug fixes

Full tree cursors no longer automatically enter mounted subtrees.

Fix a bug where a nested parser would not re-parse inner sections when given fragments produced by a parse that finished the outer tree but was stopped before the inner trees were done.

0.15.8 (2021-11-10)

Bug fixes

Fix a bug that could cause incorrectly structured nodes to be created for repeat rules, breaking incremental parsing using the resulting tree.

0.15.7 (2021-10-05)

Bug fixes

Fix an issue in parseMixed where parses nested two or more levels deep would use the wrong document offsets.

0.15.6 (2021-09-30)

Bug fixes

Fix a null-dereference crash in mixed-language parsing.

0.15.5 (2021-09-09)

New features

Syntax node objects now have a method enterUnfinishedNodesBefore to scan down the tree for nodes that were broken off directly in front of a given position (which can provide a more accurate context that just resolving the position).

0.15.4 (2021-08-31)

Bug fixes

parseMixed will now scan children not covered by the ranges of an eagerly computed overlay for further nesting.

0.15.3 (2021-08-12)

Bug fixes

Fix an issue where parseMixed could create overlay mounts with zero ranges, which were useless and confused CodeMirror's highlighter.

0.15.2 (2021-08-12)

Bug fixes

Fix a bug that would cause enter to return incorrect results when called entering children in a buffer with .

0.15.1 (2021-08-12)

Bug fixes

Fix a bug where parseMixed could crash by dereferencing null.

0.15.0 (2021-08-11)

Breaking changes

The module name has changed from lezer-tree to @lezer/common.

TreeBuffers no longer accept a node type.

Tree.balance no longer takes a buffer size as argument.

NodeProp.string, NodeProp.number, and NodeProp.flag have been removed (the thing they provided is trivial to write by hand).

A node's context hash is now stored in the NodeProp.contextHash prop.

Reused nodes passed to must now be Tree instances (not tree buffers).

Parser is now an abstract class that all parser implementations must extend, implementing the createParse method.

The PartialParse interface changed to make multi-pass parsers possible.

Parser.startParse now takes different arguments (input, fragments, ranges) instead of (input, startPos, context).

The Input interface has changed (to become chunk-based and more low-level). A single Input object is now shared between outer and inner parses.

stringInput is no longer exported (Parser methods will automatically wrap strings when appropriate).

Bug fixes

Fix a bug in TreeFragment.applyChanges that prevented some valid reuse of syntax nodes.

Fix a bug where reused nodes could incorrectly be dropped by

New features

Node props can now be per-node, in which case they are stored on Tree instances rather than NodeTypes.

Tree nodes can now be replaced with other trees through NodeProp.mountedTree.

Tree.resolveInner can now be used to resolve into overlay trees.

SyntaxNode objects now have a toTree method to convert them to a stand-alone tree.

Tree.balance now accepts a helper function to create the inner nodes.

Tree cursors' next/prev methods now take an enter argument to control whether they enter the current node.

SyntaxNode and TreeCursor now have an enter method to directly enter the child at the given position (if any).

Tree.iterate callbacks now get an extra argument that allows them to create a SyntaxNode for the current node.

The parsing interface now supports parsing specific, non-contiguous ranges of the input in a single parse.

The module now exports a parseMixed helper function for creating mixed-language parsers.

0.13.2 (2021-02-17)

New features

Add support for context tracking.

0.13.1 (2021-02-11)

Bug fixes

Fix a bug where building a tree from a buffer would go wrong for repeat nodes whose children were all repeat nodes of the same type.

0.13.0 (2020-12-04)

Breaking changes

NodeType.isRepeated is now called isAnonymous, which more accurately describes what it means.

NodeGroup has been renamed to NodeSet to avoid confusion with

The applyChanges method on trees is no longer supported (TreeFragment is now used to track reusable content).

Trees no longer have cut and append methods.

New features

It is now possible to pass a node ID to SyntaxNode.getChild/getChildren and Allow specifying a tree length in now allows you to specify the length of the resulting tree.

Tree.fullCursor() can now be used to get a cursor that includes anonymous nodes, rather than skipping them.

Introduces NodeType.define to define node types.

The new TreeFragment type is used to manage reusable subtrees for incremental parsing. now accepts a start option indicating the start offset of the tree.

The Input type, which used to be InputStream in the lezer package, is now exported from this package.

This package now exports a PartialParse interface, which describes the interface used, for example, as return type from Parser.startParse.

0.12.3 (2020-11-02)

New features

Make NodePropSource a function type.

0.12.2 (2020-10-28)

Bug fixes

Fix a bug that made SyntaxNode.prevSibling fail in most cases when the node is part of a buffer.

0.12.1 (2020-10-26)

Bug fixes

Fix issue where using Tree.append with an empty tree as argument would return a tree with a nonsensical length property.

0.12.0 (2020-10-23)

Breaking changes

Tree.iterate no longer allows returning from inside the iteration (use cursors directly for that kind of use cases).

Subtree has been renamed to SyntaxNode and narrowed in scope a little.

The top, skipped, and error node props no longer exist.

New features

The package now offers a TreeCursor abstraction, which can be used for both regular iteration and for custom traversal of a tree.

SyntaxNode instances have nextSibling/prevSibling getters that allow more direct navigation through the tree.

Node types now expose isTop, isSkipped, isError, and isRepeated properties that indicate special status.

Adds to assign group names to node types.

Syntax nodes now have helper functions getChild and getChildren to retrieve direct child nodes by type or group.

NodeType.match (and thus NodeProp.add) now allows types to be targeted by group name.

Node types have a new is method for checking whether their name or one of their groups matches a given string.

0.11.1 (2020-09-26)

Bug fixes

Fix lezer depencency versions

0.11.0 (2020-09-26)

Breaking changes

Adjust to new output format of repeat rules.

0.10.0 (2020-08-07)

Breaking changes

No longer list internal properties in the type definitions.

0.9.0 (2020-06-08)

Breaking changes

Drop NodeProp.delim in favor of NodeProp.openedBy/closedBy.

0.8.4 (2020-04-01)

Bug fixes

Make the package load as an ES module on node

0.8.3 (2020-02-28)

New features

The package now provides an ES6 module.

0.8.2 (2020-02-26)

Bug fixes

Fix a bug that caused applyChanges to include parts of the old tree that weren't safe to reuse.

0.8.1 (2020-02-14)

Bug fixes

Fix bug that would cause tree balancing of deep trees to produce corrupt output.

0.8.0 (2020-02-03)

New features

Bump version along with the rest of the lezer packages.

0.7.1 (2020-01-23)

Bug fixes

In applyChanges, make sure the tree is collapsed all the way to the nearest non-error node next to the change.

0.7.0 (2020-01-20)

Bug fixes

Fix a bug that prevented balancing of repeat nodes when there were skipped nodes present between the repeated elements (which ruined the efficiency of incremental parses).

New features

TreeBuffer objects now have an iterate function.

Buffers can optionally be tagged with an (unnamed) node type to allow reusing them in an incremental parse without wrapping them in a tree.

Breaking changes now takes its arguments wrapped in an object. It also expects the buffer content to conform to from lezer 0.7.0's representation of repeated productions.

The repeated node prop was removed (the parser generator now encodes repetition in the type ids).

0.5.1 (2019-10-22)

New features

NodeProp.add now also allows a selector object to be passed.

0.5.0 (2019-10-22)

New features

Adds, which flags a grammar's outer node type.

Breaking changes

Drops the NodeProp.lang prop (superseded by top).

0.4.0 (2019-09-10)

Bug fixes

Export BufferCursor again, which was accidentally removed from the exports in 0.3.0.

Breaking changes

The iterate method now takes an object instead of separate parameters.

0.3.0 (2019-08-22)

New features

Introduces node props.

Node types are now objects holding a name, id, and set of props.

Breaking changes

Tags are gone again, nodes have plain string names.

0.2.0 (2019-08-02)

Bug fixes

Fix incorrect node length calculation in

New features

Tree nodes are now identified with tags.

New Tag data structure to represent node tags.

Breaking changes

Drop support for grammar ids and node types.

0.1.1 (2019-07-09)

Bug Fixes

Actually include the .d.ts file in the published package.

0.1.0 (2019-07-09)

New Features

First documented release.